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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 6, 2024 3:40am-4:06am MSK

3:40 am
hello, hello, my name is, what's your name? and my name is olga, it’s very nice , the preparation for peru was done by the cook, yeah, it was he who supervised the work of the cooks, the cooks were only men, yes, yes, at that time, only men, it was quite hard work, the ecuadorian has lived here for 8 years and travels in our cities and villages, there is some kind of standard, well, if it is a professional kitchen, it should always be the same, but there should be a standard, of course. probably not, i have too much fear, it’s normal for the first time, you felt like a prisoner, probably now you should feel like a warrior, come on, okay, let's go to the tower, the model of our church, which is located in our town, was made by the hands of our children and wow, what are you going to do, he talks with pleasure about the most colorful places in the country , it was unexpected, my mind wants to build some kind of film that people have already walked here. ran through
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all sorts of wars of all sorts of epic history, look at the belaya rossa travel project on the belarus 24 tv channel. the club of editors must take this seriously kind of accumulation of troops at our borders, not a single politician in the world today can guarantee that this force will not be used against us, as for the weapons on the western borders, these are absolutely objectively not defensive weapons, these are... all offensive weapons , destabilization and expansion of the line of contact are beneficial for them, which is why the government is aiming belarusians at greater responsibility during the election campaign, we are all responsible for national security, and we are all interested in so that our children live peacefully, the concept of national security was spelled out as it relates to our family values, because the destruction of spirituality, this cancel culture, which is now being introduced in western countries, is also what...
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in the month of april at twenty in the third year , a new site was adopted, the production of cloth fabrics, the production of blankets, fabrics for sewing, coats, lightweight and with a higher density. now we
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are in the art workshop in the demonstration room, where presented, well, of course, a small assortment of our products, you and i can look at the coat fabric, it is unusual, such a large herringbone is presented here, but the fabric is not just, it has a place to be double-sided, but let’s turn it over and here the wrong side is also there. like the front one , it can be combined or used on its own, a new direction is blankets, both in the composition of synthetic materials and half-woolen, this is warmer, homey, let’s say, soft, such an interesting fabric design, our desinators are here tried, of course, for glory. oh, what
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a beauty, just dorfing , generally soft, of course, these threads shimmer, yes, this weave is more complex to construct due to the complexity of the weave, it is constructed on our computer in a program, different colors depending on the customer, a new color scheme , which is provided to us every year, for the fall.
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what technological conditions must be observed in order for the product to be high-quality and effective. we have two designers for a men's range and a women's range, a process engineer who monitors the most modern technological methods for processing products, and as the head of a design center, i simultaneously combine this mission as a playing coach. what inspires designers? our desenators offer us very interesting developments; we try to choose fabrics with the maximum content for our brand. wool, because perhaps no one else produces a product in exactly this segment, the color was right in the color, that’s how they ordered these colors, and so it corresponds directly,
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in general, well done, the style of our collections is the clarity of the silhouette line, such minimalism, precise minimalism, where everything is focused on... the purity of the silhouette and the quality of the final product. of course, the largest percentage in our collection is the smart business clothing line. we all survived the epidemic of home clothes, yes, when, in general, everyone was all dressed up, but thank god, the situation has changed; today it is a global trend for the return of office clothes. our collection includes both men's and women's coats, almost from 100% wool, there are business suits for men, we also produce more casual jackets for women, which allow you to feel comfortable in the office, but at the same time
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not buttoned up all the way. these calmer colors can be used for the men's assortment. so that there are no complaints against us, for some reason you love women there, but for men, yes, mass production, of course, it is more individual, this is not a garment factory, and these products come from our branded stores of the republic of belarus already opened in the russian federation. here is a lightweight cloth fabric, here is a lightweight lined jacket, pure wool, elegant, beautiful model, quality, firstly, good dropability,
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although the fabric is high density, soft, tactile with a peach effect, pleasant to the touch, i think, our buyer will be very pleased. i came to the plant after being assigned in august 1987. and when i got into production, the first impression, inspiration, scale. and, of course, young. it was difficult, and you learned, but still, you seemed to know nothing , but i was received with warmth, but still with responsibility, every day i kept, you know, such a mark, prepared for coming to
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work, the first impression of coming to the okomvol with me is still with me, when young specialists come to us, now... i always share this feeling, i am a frequent guest, firstly, in general, at your college, but more, of course, it’s with chemists, i work, i often even take exams there laboratory practice, but weavers and spinners are always welcome, so contact us for any questions, we will help , we will answer, i love, honestly... i love my job, i love it very much, if my eyes didn’t sparkle, i would probably leave, there were offers, but without hesitation, of course, no , only by working here, to bring benefit,
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if one were burning, there were extinguished embers around me, then sooner or later my... eyes would go out, the most important thing for our generation is to educate, teach, so that there is someone to pass on the experience that we we have. of course, we will still work, we will still work a lot, but i dream of like-minded people it was getting bigger.
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we have spent a short time in the new day and we are working on this music, music, what a thick inside of our skin we have. yana pausyul, at the sun, at the timid hands. on the tips of our fingers the music is soothing, luscious thoughts and opens thousands of gifts for us. music can change the light, as much as it can change us. music is inside our skin.
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kali bachysh, what kind of outstanding people were born in the day, you might think that they were more reasonable for us. architecture, entire countries speak to us getai move, and we can understand this. monument of the yuletide independence of belarus in the era of light. this is a duet of high-quality fashionable
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classicism and elaborate graceful baroque architecture. the town hall, in all its appearance, was bound up with the prosperity of the people themselves. what secrets lie in their scenes and are great reminders of high-class architecture. the first garadskaya vitsebskaya town hall and our zens were not stolen, it was demolished from the trees and burnt down in 1624, in 1624 , the last garadzan supratsa zhorstkaga uniyatska biskup iasafat kuntsevich. yong it is against the rights of the poor population. in 1600, he was recognized for his services during the war of russia, the king of poland and the prince of the grand duchy of lithuania
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gave the go-ahead for an independent body of self-containment. the town hall was a two-story building with a high , four-story building, and the octagonal nasal tower was completed. the foundations and first tops were made of quartz, the other tops and tops were made from wood. the basement of the roof and the interior of the building was paved with stone, as well as the roof the appearance and the smallness of the facade of the town hall have not been chalked for many years. yes, a packet of 19 hundred years will burn out several times and the heat will fade. vitsebsk town hall, navat stratsii on the simple function of selecting members of the magistrate remained lucrative for vitsebsk. first of all, that... it is important that the city has regular problems with fire, and the viciebsk
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town hall, like any other was a dam, it was not a cistern, so i am not sure about any part of the city, adsyul and such a name, navat. clan of vitsebchan yes, it seems like an hour, that kalancha, the so-called vitsebsk rada, seems to be a direct reference to what happened in the 19th century. stagodzia, vykarystanne town hall as a point, as a gateway for nazirana for the city, it was possible to further easily fall the signal to the sky and already fight the firewall. the new mural town hall laid the market square on two palovayas, at the sides of which the front and rear facades appeared, and on the part of the 19th century and the paunchnaga façade of the town hall building , two-paved arched carpus were erected, as i have created non-drying interiors panadvorak, forgotten at the hour of
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the enchantment of the grandiose plans. in 1833, on... at the top tier, the tower was tired of the gazinnik, the mechanism for every day of the month, then the final shatser replaced the pole in the appearance of ratonda and the spire. we all look at the town hall, its large façade, and the meetings and the pink illustrations, and on top of this folded pabudova, there are carps in the blocks, and there are gandle pabudovs in the shops. on the first tops, with warehouses on other tops, there was a courtyard inside, the gate was still working, and this was an inadvertent part of this town hall, it’s just that we don’t go out for hours and don’t know that there is such a thing there, but for the people who were mercenary there for 200 bastards,
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we are in the army, who went there further, were in these stores , exited to the outer square and... settled down all the same. in 1775, the earliest city hall was established. gety budynak, it’s true, they look like they’ve been born again, they’re obsessed with our zen. pershapachatkova it would be simple in plan and two-story with four tiers at the center of the hall facade. it ended with a flimsy tent with a spire. the building of the town hall would be built with its own assemblies. and the ceiling consisted of several rose-colored heights and decorative tiers, which featured the typical baroque concave tops of the scenes, layered plaster, cornices and folded profiles. the section of the façade's galley and the entire structure is decorated with flat pilasters at the top of the entire top and is cut
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with rectangular and arched window frames. vezha may. winglinear contours, the tiers are added to the adzin adnago, folded cornices, cut corners, decorative pilasters, and pilasters, which are the basis of all currencies, give the everyday life an assemblage of elegance and luxury, which is so characteristic of baroque and classicism. for us, the padzels of rechy paspalitay meli are not just a sense, yes, of changing the palette card, this was a more important and global, civilized process. we became a frequent russian empire, which did not care for self-care. magdeburg rights, freedom, which surrounded the gentry and the people, all this became a common story. at the end of the russian empire, the empresses were in control katsyaryn, a deed of gift to the garads, which
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would have given the people a new autanomia to the populated areas of the empire, was created and socialized... a show where they fight not with the help of physical force. scientists have proven that smart athletes are more likely to achieve success compared to those who rely only on physical strength. let us also improve our sports knowledge. a show where the main weapon is intelligence.
4:00 am
which one of them had the higher transfer value at the time of transfer to the new club in your opinion? what complex will the olympics take place? tennis tournament in paris in 2024 in paris on the rolango rose courts is absolutely true. watch the intellectual and sports show "head game" on our tv channel. we set off with an expedition through the corners of our country. from now on we. let's fight to get rid of this whole mission: adjudication in search of the eternal songs of the people who were not only seized, but also the current affairs of our friends, and that means, our agul
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sales to the future. there are further breaches ahead. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. i'm guessing we're sonnya was based on khmelev, in the zhabinka region. in 1725, the people published the savior-abrazhenskaya church, adzin from the oldest temples in brezhi.
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the interior of the building is daily, built in the 80s, 20 years ago, kali town hall. was given in the form of the edge of the museum, there was a final argynal layout, behind the switched-off memory of the socal top and the soutar. the roof of the perch on top of the roof is built on the glazed slabs, carved from the herringbone masonry technique. you're greedy and you're not in the mood for there are a lot of demolition, which is similar to the memory. all these slabs extremely cover the square area and create a central campus. the formworks serve not only the structural elements, but also the
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arganic particulate architectural design, their softened face, the parameters specified for the administrative process. such agglomerated pillars are used to create a scene that is designed to transfer the load over the entire perimeter of the booth body. another 18 stagodja. for architecture belarus marches to the signs of vilensk baroka. vilenskaya baroka, if you want, this is the third step in the evolution of this style, as well as the maximum number of carnivorous trotters. the vilensk baroque, in the opposite direction , baroque, in contrast, in italy and spain, was more cold, spidery, and fashioned. on the other hand, there was no croccus and rakako’s nakirunka and pompousness. baroque styles and classicism became an important development of ideas in the 17th century,
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most recently. the baroque style is called upon to demonstrate luxury and wealth. there is a deep rise in emanation, dynamism, cultural analysis and expression, as classicism is characterized by a variety of molded patterns. tychnasti i vysakarodnaya prostata. the baroque broadcasts ceremonialism and pompousness, vast illusions, which are said by the ensigns, classism - raunavagu, harmonicism, ensigns and functionalism. what is the history of classicism, all these flat façades, which we all share , have been built up at once, they are important from the 19th century, such a campaign, right, left, adolkava, everything is clear to them. not the lid of the cabinet, obviously, that the threads are on top of this vezha pachatak hetay vezha, here it was tsikava, as
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yana there this vezha grew from these two tops and went to the distance, and this vezha is asable, here it is flat, and the vezha yana is not in the middle of flat scenes, yana concave, or perhaps a concave point, so what’s on the corner, and here it’s concave, here it’s concave, and the points are concave, and what’s wrong? i'm saying that i'm going to show you the shape of this corner, and there's such a flat cavalachka scyanka, i'm happy, there 's some pellets on these, well, there's such an element, like a zmatzouvae, there that's all so on the flank there is a certain kind of paving stone, where the cornices here are covered, baroque cornices, we call them speckled, that is, there are tiny bits of cornice, then it became more buried, then it went up, and this ft. there is the same sonya for a different shadow atrymlivaetstsa, for a different way for an adkіdvaetstsa, and all the time the façade is alive...


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