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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 6, 2024 3:00pm-3:10pm MSK

3:00 pm
the news is live in the studio yulia pertsova, good afternoon and briefly about the main topics of the issue. important traditions before the space launch, we are ready for the flight, we will do everything 100%, even more. the crews spent time in the star city.
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a fair world order and the protection of national interests at the mit board in belarus once again outlined the key positions of our country on the world stage. no patience for polish farmers with harnesses and eu flags in the center of warsaw in front of tusk’s office. all attention to the most charming and attractive the country's women are already accepting congratulations, flowers and mother orders. we will complete everything 100% and even more; today in the star city the main backup crew and the twenty-first expedition to visit the iss to baikanur were solemnly carried out. at first, according to tradition, breakfast is attended only by colleagues and relatives. the press waits patiently outside. this is done to ensure that crew members avoid unnecessary contact with a large number of people. but journalists were not left without information.
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the team told what parting words in good spirits they were leaving for baikanur, the management wished us a full-time job, it was very pleasant that a lot of people came to the gala breakfast before leaving, and therefore we said a huge thank you to everyone for the preparation they had carried out for such a heartfelt farewell, and i join in, the management wished us good luck , good luck, so that the main crew departs as planned and we are ready for...
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and we will, of course, eagerly wait for her here, i’m still nervous, but i’m trying to support her with all my soul, my heart, this is all family, we love her, we are proud that we had such an honor to participate in space in flight, after the farewell, the crew members went to chkalovsky airport, where they will be taken by special flight to kazakhstan to baikanur, where the final stage of preparation for the flight awaits them, the team will perform a test fitting ship, launch 21. the expedition is scheduled for march 21. our compatriot will go into space for the first time in the history of sovereign belarus. belarus lives and develops progressively in an era of breaking the old and establishing a new reality in the world. about it foreign minister sergei oleinik said at the foreign ministry meeting. the multipolar world order that is now emerging is categorically unacceptable for the collective west. he is trying to maintain his political, financial and economic dominance.
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this is also our strength. the westerners, on the other hand, reach the point of illegitimate transport and financial we are not ashamed of this and tell the truth, during the blockade of our country, they arbitrarily apply even their own sanctions legislation, nightmare their business, misinform their population, rudely.
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they trample on international trade law, while understanding that all this is to the detriment of their own interests. belarus today has built a system for protecting national... position in the international arena to develop interaction with proven and new partners, we trade with more than 200 countries, export goods to 160. what does it cost us to build a house? the national theme, construction and the housing market, is today in the focus of attention of experts from the talk show "economic environment". this year they plan to put into operation 4.4 million km of housing. the main thing is that these meters are accessible.
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economy, along with trade and industry, we made a positive contribution, more than 5%, our share of gdp. currently, we have quite a lot of landmark projects, so summing up the year 23, i would like to respond by noting the master plans of mogilev, vitebsk and gomel, which we have completed, now in the twenty-fourth year we are awaiting the process of their coordination and approval.
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these are imported materials, today they could be some kind of video intercom television systems, yes engineering support may concern water supply, booster pumping stations have some kind of imported pumps , but in principle we see today that russian performers can somewhere have chinese performance, they compete at a level in price and quality, well, with some world-class or european brands, so in principle we don’t have any. problems in the construction or shutdown of production on these issues were significantly influenced by the economic environment in simple language, we continue to talk about complex economic processes that are taking place in the country outside its borders, do not miss today immediately after the panorama. protesters in warsaw
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drove a tank to the protest rally, although so far only from soloma. the farmers' protest is in full swing, they were joined by miners, hunters and foresters. in total , about 150 thousand people registered to participate in the event. in the thick of things, the office of the prime minister of poland, in front of the building, protesters are burning tires, eec flags and even a coffin, symbolizing the state of affairs in the country. firefighters rushed to put out the fire, but the participants the shares started a fight with them. the police are doing their best to contain the flow of protesters. all routes to warsaw are blocked; in response, farmers threw bales of hay on the roads. previously, the authorities had banned tractors from entering the city, but farmers found a way out of
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the situation by loading the equipment onto tow trucks. to defuse differences with poland, ukraine has agreed to accept the european union's restrictions on the import of its agricultural products, he said. minister of economy of the country, talking about limiting the supply of eggs, poultry, sugar and allowing individual countries to close their markets for ukrainian grain. the politician was immediately subjected to a barrage of criticism; in fact, he tightened the screws on himself. in an attempt to get out of the situation for the minister , he added belarus and russia to his proposal. it is necessary to effectively use all areas of the motorcycle plant territory, she stated this. the speaker of the upper house of parliament was presented with the developed master plan for the reconstruction of the territory and the network schedule for
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design and construction work. this year the minsk motor plant will launch the assembly of engines for belarusian motorcycles and those will most completely meet the needs of the motorcycle plant. we are planning a phased localization of motorcycle engine production in the republic of belarus. at the first stage, this will be post-production assembly, and at subsequent stages of localization of individual components for deeper localization. on today's day.


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