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tv   100  BELARUSTV  March 8, 2024 8:00am-9:01am MSK

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hello everyone, children, are you ready for today's meeting with our guests, evgenia and yulia, what do you expect from the children you will meet now? well, i personally expect some kind of pepper, i would like something like this , simple, frank, something even like that , maybe. downright scandalous, i also have expectations of some sincere direct questions, in what mood are you going into this conversation? well, i’m terribly interested, well, yes, it’s fun to chat, find out what’s possible, what’s really interesting, we don’t know, this is really interesting, you promise to tell only the truth today, and we never lie, then good luck, dear participants of the program, today we have...
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today you have the right to refuse to answer the question three times and be attentive to the questions, in at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, but now you have exactly one minute to talk about yourself. time has passed. we are authors, performers, we write songs, we have been writing them since 2002, some of the songs have become popular, most of the songs have not become popular, this is the same statistics for everyone authors, we wrote more than 500 songs, of which, well, i frankly consider them hits, well , 10-15 songs, we worked in different countries of the world, in china, in arab countries, in russia, in moldova, in germany, in france, in the usa, we have track. well, this is an interesting feature that neither zhenya nor i finished. in
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tenth grade, our second child is in first grade, we’re almost there, let’s move on to questions from our audience, we have 100 participants in the studio, each has their own question, let’s see how much time you have to answer, let’s go, start with the red sector, hello, my name is yulia and i am your mother-in-law. hello. do you think success is luck or hard work? it's luck. yes, it's luck, at least once in a lifetime. but you need to be prepared for this chance. according to my observations, people are not always given a chance, but you need to be prepared for your chance. luck must be supported by hard work. that's about it. well, there are a lot of examples, very talented people who, unfortunately, without hard work, have remained unknown people. yes, it gives to people. chance, they don’t use it, but
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according to my observations, the chance is practically given everyone, well, probably even everyone, yes everyone, yes , we are moving to the yellow sector, turn right, hello, evgeniy, hello, yulia, what age do you think people listen to your music, well, i know exactly what age, i have statistics of all views on youtube, the main audience is 45+, 35 + 45 is the second largest audience, 25-35 and over 55. for the third audience, i can even tell you by region which areas listen the most, the most the mogilev, gomel regions, the city of minsk are listening to us, and everyone else is listening later are catching up, we are moving to the black sector, you have been on stage for more than 20 years, when did you realize that you had become popular? it’s hard to say, it’s very difficult to say whether you’re popular or not, but if in a store there, for example, people are trying to take pictures of you, you’re probably popular, so this really isn’t that... it started to happen a long time ago, and if a person
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thinks he’s popular yourself after it was shown on tv once, then yes, it happened 20 years ago, everyone has their own criteria, you know, i think it’s popular, well, that’s at least on my own to organize a solo concert , but well, i don’t know the stadium there, well, there are at least 30 thousand people there, well, this can already be considered a criterion, yes, when 30,000 people spared no time and money to come and sing your songs with you, so far we ... what did you dream of becoming as a child, i just dreamed of becoming a drummer first, then a super one. metal guitarist, fate took me
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a little in the same direction, but pushed me a little to the side, that is, i was 16 years old, if i saw myself now, i would say ugh, pop music is all that, i’m like: hair were long, even longer than yours, that is, i played no easier metallic music, that is, but in principle i am very pleased that my childhood dream is coming true, i can’t say that it came true, that is, i kind of have global dreams , it doesn’t matter what - fantasize about small things, it’s better to fantasize about big ones, anyway only part of it comes true, that’s how it is, well, it’s better to have global popularity there, all that stuff , fantasize yourself, slowly go towards it, well, i’m just like that too ...
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what is the difference between modern music and music of your childhood, which one is better, why, we look so old, and to be honest, i ’m up to...
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so he lives there in different performances, in different covers, if it’s not made for 5 minutes, yes, that is, so that someone out there i liked it quickly, i forgot, when it’s made straight from the heart, it will always be there, that is, you listen to the music a little louder and the music a little faster, yes, but with age it’s like that’s all, you want it a little more calmly, but the music itself, well, its texture doesn’t change , and we move to the yellow sector, please turn left, i have something for you... did your parents often punish you? zhen, have your parents ever punished you? i was a terrible child at school , we had a very, very smart class, an advanced class, a special french-speaking school, and somehow, if we felt
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weakness in the teachers, we somehow started to be very active with them, i really i’m ashamed of it now, of course, because... well, they tried to give us knowledge, but we’re so smart, but i ’ve always had bad behavior, despite the fact that i have good grades, but it’s not bad punishment, it’s just not , well, a couple of times i got hit with punishment, of course, for my antics, that’s normal, well, my grandfather raised me , he was a red army soldier, he went through the war, we didn’t have any issues with punishments, that is, well, it got hit a couple of times like that, well now there are children, here are our children compared to us at your age, but these are just angels, you just understand: our childhood fell on the collapse of the soviet union, and well, the adults had no time for us at all, they were looking for an opportunity to feed us, because well, there was nothing in the stores, it’s hard for you to imagine, here’s the avenue, on where the studio where we are filming is located, yes, there were three or four
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grocery stores there and people on the subway moved from one to another to find where you threw out the sausage or something, that’s how the housewife’s day went , that is , in search of food, naturally there was no time for children. that is, i remember when i was 12 years old, we started having a fashion in the yard with buckets to go to the nearest parking lot to wash cars in order to earn some money, well, naturally , there were a lot more hooligans than now and there were fights more on the street and it was less safe there in ninety-ninety-five, this is the period, well, of course i got caught , well, you punish your children, and the eldest still flew in, you know the most important punishment - it’s like in our house there is a switch that turns off the electricity due to growth up to i reach him. only i, in fact, who, who did the wrong thing , everything in that room turns off the electricity, and the phone is taken away like that , that’s it, some kind of physical, yes, physical methods of punishment, they are absolutely meaningless, well, why, that the person will understand that dad’s hand is heavy and that, well, but if the person
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is because he’s sitting on the phone and doesn’t react to what his mom or dad tells him, then you take it this is a means that prevents him from reacting, with the older one, we also experimented like this... somehow and he got more of it, of course, and the little one, with the little one , we already kind of know with vova, vova sanya, i love you. left turn red sector next in line, at the beginning of the program you were announced that you are a creative and family duo, but is it easy combine family life with work? only this way, well, yes, in our, in our business it is very difficult not to combine, but imagine, we don’t have some period of the day, yes, a day without work, that is, we all, well, that is, what we do is well, this is part of life, and not a part, probably, this is life itself , well, in general, even my closest friends don’t understand what we do, except when
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we perform, yes, that is, it’s actually difficult to explain what the work of a composer is , producer, singer and band, yes, roughly speaking, uh, an artist calls me, let’s say victoria oleshka and says: “zhenya, i need a song, yulia and i are starting to compose this song, as we discuss all day long, listen, huh? let’s talk about this, let’s talk about this, it’s a constant process communication, the constant process of work, that is, it’s hard to break, i don’t know how it would be different, but what you asked is very organic, you often argue about work, well, we often kill each other at work , of course, there may be a conflict of interests, but it is important to remember that you you love this person and don’t get hung up on any such conflicting moments. we are moving to the purple sector.
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who in your family earns more and how do you divide the fees? unfortunately, we do not have an answer to your question. we have all the same income. we have one account, we have one company. julia is its general director. here. and, well, we don’t have a division, like in a classic family, like you earned it, you didn’t earn it. well, we have all the same income. in general, well, that is, we have, well... it’s like there is such a thing, well a piggy bank, yes, supposedly, yes, this is an account, here is our family account, from which everyone takes as much as they need, there for some implementation of creative projects, there for preparing children for school, here or there for some other moments, so it’s impossible here, we don’t share this, we continue, turn 180°, you know, you are such a beautiful, harmonious couple, tell me, what was your first meeting like? listen, well, we can end the program here, because the story is very long, very long, well, there were several
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just these meetings, they were kind of random, yes, we diverged, diverged, we just met when zhenya was studying in economics, and i was in medicine, well, i graduated and we were in ninety-nine, yes, uh, yulya, yulya my friend advised me, i had a friend lena bykova, so she introduced us, she played kvn with me in narkhoz, and yulia played kvn in copper. and how we needed a phonogram, i remembered, yes, and i asked, i said, len, well , they say there’s a guy there, he’s writing something, she says, yes, i’ll get you started, she me she took me away and climbed onto my sofa with her feet up, as i remember now, he played the guitar for me, this solo, this gorgeous one, he made such an impression on me, and they wrote a phonogram and gave it to me and went their separate ways. then at the end of 2000 at the beginning of 2001 yulia calls me
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and says: hello zhenya, this is yulia, do you remember me? i say: well, yes, i remember, she says: listen, i’m here with the girls - i’m going to a contract in bahrain, and it seems to me that she ’s telling me that our manager, uh, head , of the team, that he’s kind of not very decent, slippery, dishonest, i say, listen, i’m just putting together a team, they’re all girls, they came to me, we went to a contract, worked great, yes, well, we’ve already arrived there, looked at each other and realized that the couples have already returned, as it were, there, further on , we have already met, we have already lived together , that’s how we met, a wonderful, beautiful love story, applause, let’s move on to the red sector, turn left , please tell us, how did you get married? by chance, also by chance, yes, we’ve been here for 4 years already we lived together, that is, after bahrain
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in 2001, we had no doubt that this was our everything, and the work was common, and the interests were common, but we began to write songs, that is, we kind of just performed, well, a cover, a cover, a cover and a cover, but i wanted to do something of my own, that is, the music of the words and everything there , we’ve already worked it out, we’re already rushing, so my wife and i began to write our own songs, and wait a minute... this is after slo no, it was we who started writing to other artists, so we’ve already lived together for 4 years, and somehow our parents they weren’t in a hurry, like oh, when will you get married there, when will you get married there , well, we were going somehow - we had our passports with us, we went to the zak, submitted an application, and it also turned out so interesting, we submitted the application somewhere in april, we they said, well, there’s a date for september , we’re young, we want to go out , we want a holiday in the summer, so we can gather friends, so we say, listen, let’s do it early, she says: oh, listen, there’s a free window on july 8 , we will sign you up, then
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many years later all these people started buzzing, that july 8th is peter and fevroni’s day, family day, it’s our day. it happened by chance that we were on this very day, we didn’t know about this holiday, but is the stamp in your passport the most important thing for you, or does it not change anything, but there must be some moments when you need rely on in life , that is, you already understand that this is your responsibility, this is not just love, this is already a family, this is already a small society, the family has rights, everyone in the family has responsibilities, well then this is a little different. let's turn around to the left, let's return to the black sector, my name is ksenia, and i would like to ask, what was the last time you gave each other for no reason? i don’t know if it’s just us or all the artists, we generally have holidays that don’t coincide with human holidays,
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yes, that is, i had one incident with our neighbor, with valera, they were probably even offended, we there was work. december 30th , next work january 2nd, on new year’s day we were sleeping stupidly, that is, they came knocking on our house with a cake, a christmas tree, toys, a cheerful company, and we opened the door like, what? they such as what, new year, guys, we sleep , in fact, our holidays are when there is no work, on the main holidays, there is valentine's day, may 1, new year, february 8, february 23, we constantly have concerts, we are the day... we celebrate there a week after the birthday or in general this year my birthday on may 11 was celebrated after the slavic bazaar in july because it was not possible to find a couple of days to relax and, accordingly, gifts then
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gifts they have no reason at all, that is, they always for no reason, that is , well, you just think about it, well, hypothetically , maybe there’s something nice there for a birthday, yes, but in reality it happens there at any time, that’s what they gave, usually something like this... then romantic trips, some , you know, some emotional moments with emotions, yes, that is, not things, you know, there is such a cool saying, the coolest things in life are not things, but that’s exactly what this, don’t touch it, the next question is the purple sector, turn left, i have a question for you, have you ever competed? each other, well - it’s hard to be jealous - in a family in which both are on stage, that is, imagine, yulia and i have known each other since ninety-nine, it turns out we’ve known each other for 24 years, uh, what would have happened to our - psyches, if we were jealous of each other, that is, well, it would be difficult, we have
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many friends in those families in which someone is very jealous, the second partner. i am for such relationships, for trusting ones, complete trust, wonderful answer, applause.
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only for our viewers we choose best routes. we are located in a small town in the grodno region called bridges. welcome. having eaten too much, they could not eat baked fish or fish soup for a long time, they just sat and said 100 lin. almansky is a real tourist highlight, the only ones preserved in their natural state in belarus and
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the largest in europe. these are the twenties, thirty- nine years. i can safely say that this is the best time for urban architecture. sidewalks and highways appeared, trees were planted and new beautiful buildings were built, to show how unusually wonderful it is. our country, when he moved from one place to another, the horses were unharnessed and transported - the believers themselves, the jews, from one place to another, now, as we see, the image is clearly visible, colors began to appear, this is, of course, a miracle of god, watch the program, cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel, we will bring the viewer closer to science, how... science, and specifically biotechnology, helps turn grain into gold. the product from which amino acids are made is our glucose syrup, which bacteria eat and produce
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amino acids, to put it very simply, it is very simple and most importantly, it is understandable. let's tell you how talented scientists changed our lives. we, like scientists , are cautious in forecasts, but let me get to the bottom of it, we do not rule out that in the near future many people will start talking about agronomics. our project is about...
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red sector, please, how are household responsibilities distributed among you in your family? well , they are distributed, somehow it happened over time that i am more involved in business with clients, and yulia is more involved with the children home, that is, we, for example, wrote a song, recorded it in the studio, yes, it’s us together. they did, but then there is, for example, work on promoting the musical material, on relations with clients, on communication, and so on, this is what zhenya does more of, so i am at this time
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, of course, if i have it free, then of course this is home, these are children, a family, of course, i also have a plot of land, that is, i will plant flowers there, take care of them there, that is, this is what concerns the distribution of responsibilities, plus or minus approximately this is very conditional, that is, the lawn can be mowed in july. were engaged, oh, i’ll start from the end, probably , that if i had them, i can’t imagine at all, well, honestly, it
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’s impossible for me now, well, i would... probably, well, would pursue a career, well, sort of i was pursuing a career, i wouldn’t have met zhenya then, but honestly i can’t imagine this situation, because i always wanted children, a family and children, and i wanted two, well, really, i still maybe want a girl, but already, well i probably won’t be able to, because we have so much work, that’s exactly what in this regard, of course, it will be very difficult, i’ll tell you this, but in fact, yulia is speaking now after the fact, i remember how it was initially, initially there was no talk about any children, i had my first child at 32, the second at 40 , and honestly, i wouldn’t, well , i can’t imagine at my 18-19 years old, what i would do, well, like how i had such a completely different life that didn’t involve, well, taking care of children, well, honestly , i needed to get really pissed off, just let off all the steam, and then calmly, seriously begin to...
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do you have any bad habit that directly interferes with your life? julia, what is your bad habit? no, come on first , i remember what a bad habit i have that interferes with my life, because all my bad habits somehow, on the contrary, decorate my life, the fact is that this is what is usually found, yes, it is considered bad habits, smoking, we don’t smoke, then, alcoholism, the maximum that we allow ourselves, yes, then... wine in some normal, well, dosages allowed by medicine, that is, not it’s not that we are just holy people there, we don’t eat , we don’t drink, and there in general, well, smoking and alcoholism are definitely not about us, probably sweets are about me, maybe sweets are about me, but a little bit, i would like so that he eats a little less, these are fast carbohydrates, but for me, what’s so harmful about me, god, she’s all completely harmful, that’s why i’m all harmful, that’s why i
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’m in the way. how wonderfully sweet everything is, applause! let's go to the black sector, turn left. you have a lot of songs about belarus, so i interested to know what your homeland means to you? well , we have a lot of songs about belarus, because we had many circumstances in which these songs were born, we often emphasize this, because many people think that we somehow write to order or something.
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it was not in vain, because belarus, the name of the country, yes, europeans began to pronounce it, at least at the competition itself, correctly, and this is very pleasant, and it means they no longer lived in vain, then the song is so very iconic, kutochek belarus, this is generally hard to believe, but you really believe me, yulia went to the garden to weed and 40 minutes later she called me, said: listen, that’s it, write it down, she’s humming a song right now, the whole thing is ready. that is, the country somehow energized her, then yes, then the blue-eyed song sung by anatol ivanovich, ermonenka and vika alyoshka, yes, i worked in china, yulia stayed here because she was pregnant, she gave birth and i received a text message , hello, i gave birth, i have tears, joys, a lot of emotions, and we wrote the song blue-eyed at a distance of 10.00 km, like this here’s a lyrical song, every time
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in its own way, here’s a song you don’t give away that you love, we wrote it. in the twentieth year, because it was very difficult there, well, i wanted to speak out, in the end we had our own, it remains always this position was civil, and somehow no one from the people of art spoke out, in fact it ... well, i i want to tell you, at that time it was quite risky, that is, we received so many direct threats , right there, directly, where it was listed what would happen to us, that’s why songs about the homeland, they appear like all other songs in certain circumstances, when a person is in love with a girl, he writes about love for a girl, when something important happens to your country, you write about love for the country or about some... .events that take place in the country, and what is the homeland for me , well, the homeland is, well, where there, where we are, that is, well, that is, the people, the land, the homeland is where our own people are like that, yes, our own , well, it’s really our own, because well, everyone has their own way,
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but here it is, let’s move on to yellow sector, please tell me how many minutes you can compose a song? in fact, there are several songs when you need just enough time to just write it down, or type what you have at hand, there are words on the recorder, sing the music, well, 10-15 minutes there, there are such things, right now you can compose a song about our program 100 questions for adults, let's experiment, please bring out your guitar and pen and paper.
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answer, adults answer, children ask, everyone is so different, but today they answer together adults, who are the children, it seems to me that a simple anthem for our program was born, thank you, applause, it was great. how do you feel about internet addiction in children? well, i’m calm, for example , because you know, i saw those times
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when it was considered harmful to read a lot, my mother loved to read and read at night with a flashlight under the blanket, for which her grandmother, my mother...
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social networks, so i think this is wrong, because this is part of life, you need to get used to this from childhood, from the point of view from the doctor’s point of view, yes, then of course addiction is any addiction, it’s bad, because dependence on anyone, on anything, on coffee in the morning, for example, is independence, but no, well, what can i do with it ? drink it, i may not drink it, but in any case, that is, but it’s not, what i’m saying is that when a person is really very dependent on something. no, regardless of coffee, well , sweets are a problem, let’s applaud this lovely family, 180°, the red
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sector is already greeting you with a raised hand, were did you have complexes as a teenager, if so, how did you deal with them? well, i wouldn’t call it that? somehow a complex, but i never considered myself a beauty in general as a teenager, i didn’t have any kind of mega-popularity in this regard at school, well, i just felt about it somehow. well, right now, no, that is, i can calmly come somewhere without makeup and well, we feel fine, we feel fine, that is , now you love yourself, okay, yes, the only thing that is of course, like any woman, i want to remain young and beautiful for as long as possible, well, i visit a cosmetologist there as much as i can, because sometimes i need to do some kind of caring procedures, peeling or something else for my hair, that ’s normal if you have time means. then it seems to me, well, well, the only thing that you don’t need to get hung up on is, well, again to the question of
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addiction, but i don’t like it, any addiction is bad, that is, if you, for example, can give up coffee at any time, any moment, that’s impossible, that’s where i was pregnant, i haven’t drank coffee for 9 months , i gave it up, if you remember, i didn’t drink it, this is independence, this is a clear decision, and now i see that a cup of coffee in the morning won’t hurt me, it will only help, because i have low pressure, 100 over 70, yes, everything, everything, everything, i understand, it’s normal. i know what i liked about your question is that you didn’t ask me about complexes, i’m not impressed, no complex, let’s move on to the purple sector, turn to the left, do you consider yourself progressive people, if so, then let's check how close you are to us , to the youth, i'll tell you a couple of slang words, can i ask you a question, why are you...
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so, yeah, yeah, you're our progressive , what happened, this is called cringe, this is called, wait , yes, that’s what a cringe is, yes, that’s what’s wrong with you, it’s a fiasco, bro, who are the zoomers, zoomers, this, listen, zhenya, by the way, i don’t have a clear understanding of who the zoomers are, that’s it you have it, that is, the word, as if by hearing, i roughly imagine something, well , to be honest, well, in our... during our in life there were such concepts as generation z
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, generation x, generation y, that’s all, to be honest, i’m confused, and i don’t really hear that much anymore, so who are the zoomers, in simple terms, zoomers are us, as they call ours the new generation, you see, i, i said about this, yes, what does agritsa mean, probably, like to be angry there, and england, english. how well do you know the modern generation,
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you are the very progressive people we just talked about, thank you, their life in polesian villages and agricultural towns, contrary to all stereotypes, is bright saturated. at the present time, in my opinion, the great paspyakhova is developing, at a significant stage the getam is sprouting what we have. gospodarka isnuye, landscape
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design and ornamental plants - this is my hobby, i really like making compositions, and i also learned how to propagate ornamental shrubs, hard work, resourcefulness, passion, the main quality of these people. grandfather was a jack of all trades, as a child i remember when we came, almost every tree had nesting boxes, and he hollowed them out of the whole... at the first chargu, at the mine there is such a desire to write a book about the history of osavits. paleshuk, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel, please. i’m the
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same as tyomka, you know? yes, matvey ivanovich, laura, laura is with me, yeah, yes. with me, leave me alone, get out of here, he didn’t take his hands away, what if someone is waiting for you there, i have no one but you, this prince is crazy, let him build a new stable now, it’s him, and back there, bad idea, this is your snake, you need to fight for it, look what these millionaires are doing, is there a wedding today, why are you all crazy here? look, this is knyazhevich, well, the same one who lit up the club, watch the series love without memory on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. well done, well done. and to applause we move to the red sector, and i think that you know what hate is and give advice on how to deal with haters? oh, well, i’ll tell you this, of course i know, when i was your age and older, because i’ve been trying to make music all my life, and you always end up on a stage somewhere, you always become a field for hate, for hatred, years in ... 15, when i just started playing the guitar there, of course there were offensive people there, someone there and yes you don’t know how, yes it’s not yours, but it’s what you are, where are you getting into, here’s me back at 7 years old, when i entered to a music school, they said your boy, to his mother, will never study music, that is, this is it, you know, it probably accompanies you in any profession,
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but with age you begin, firstly, to listen less to the people around you, to listen to yourself more, and about this particular hatred on the internet, when people...
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12 times, 12 times, well, no, a little about eurovision, you know, here we had a different position, the school has such a platform with such an audience, then we need to copy our belarusian one, that is, this likening there, well , it’s a bad copy, it’s so popular, it won’t become popular, that’s what it was such a period, well, really, well, i’ll say this, i still have these goals, that is, worldwide popularity for any artist is somewhere there , that is, there is no need to be modest, but what’s what, everyone wants it, that’s who the stage came out, you didn’t come there just like that, of course we would like and we are working on it, that is , not exactly what we wanted, but so gradually, it may work out, it may not work out for any creative person, it’s stupid if they don’t exist, well, it’s strange, yes, let’s go back to the red
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sector, what do you think, can people live in peace and what needs to be done for this? well, i think that no, history shows that this is impossible, unfortunately, yes, history, world history is the history of wars, it just so happens that for a very long time, almost the entire history of mankind, some people are very lived comfortably at the expense of other people, using all these colonial opportunities there, africa, india, china, oceania, listen, well, it’s hard to refuse to have resources. in life, we have such a businessman, alexander vasilyevich shakutin, and in 2005
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, together with a number of creative people, we created the government center spomash, and i was 23-24 years old, and he was already a seasoned businessman, in some at the moment i was very lost in assessing creativity, that is, it is difficult to write songs and understand whether you are doing the right thing or wrong, so he told me something that is probably difficult to understand right away, that... the only evaluation criterion is the result, but it helped me a lot then, i realized that if more and more songs are ordered from me every year , if there are more and more concerts and if popularity in the form of views is growing, then it means i’m on the right road, that is, this advice probably saved me from a lot of torment in my head, well, i actually have a lot of advice that i really came in handy, well, zhen, here you are...
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but if the result shows that you are good, then let them talk. we are moving to the red sector. hello, my name is alisa, i don’t have a question, but a request, can you please sing us a song that is right in your heart. please bring your guitar to the studio.
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in the future i say, aponi of paradise, bury me, my dear, whole minds, only those known to us, the magpie that floats beyond the horizon, you are my mother, i am yours, you don’t know, i understand what you want , let me paint
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the sky, zatryma. this signal means that there is time for questions to glass for heroes. evgeniy, yulia, now you have to choose the best question of this program. well, what, what brought up the most emotions for discussion? in my opinion, everyone laughed the most at the prosumers. let's talk about progressive humanity, who is the author of that wonderful test that the guys successfully passed. tell us about yourself, where you study. in what class? i study at the first school in the city of fannepol, in ninth grade a. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best
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question receives a special gift. evgeniya, now you have it. opportunity ask the children one question, i personally find it very interesting, do you generally understand that there is no boundary between children and adults, everyone says, children, children, children, you are people just like us, you understand what you will become the same as us, without noticing it, as you already said, the fact that a huge responsibility appears when you have children, because... you can’t just go, for example, to the same party, uh, or just go somewhere with friends, you need to take care of
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this child, and you take on a huge responsibility when having children. i disagree with you a little, the same little child who is 8 years old, that adult who can already tell you everything, he has the very experience that you need to gain in life, and you won’t get it even in words, and so that there is still a division, i believe that children should certainly understand that adults are adults, that is, children should respect their parents, not perceive them completely as a friend or girlfriend, but at the same time...
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here i am i ask you to stay as you are do you think you have managed to reach this audience? oh, the audience is cool, i just remembered this age at home, it also seemed to me that we were so smart, it seems to me that they are even much better than us. what was the most difficult question for you today? there was a very difficult question about peace, the second question, it was difficult for me to remember the advice, exactly the one that determined? some kind of strategy in my life, because there were a lot of these tips. today you managed to answer 28 questions, i hope you will come to us again. i i’m asking our audience, do you think that the heroes of today’s program were as frank as possible with you? whoever thinks so, raise your hand. i really think that the heroes were frank with us, because
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it was visible from their, let’s say, twinkle in their eyes. to me. conversation, oh, it was cool , thank you very much, i wanted to listen , well, see and find out how our children live, and i had great pleasure, thank you guys for this project, belarus is one, they just made today a holiday for us, and guys, i remember everyone the questioner, all your eyes, thank you
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very much. the aura group is visiting the program 100 questions for adults today. see you in a week. let's preserve civilization and increase wealth. results of the supreme state council of the union state. in general, our situation is developing very vigorously, trade turnover is constantly growing, russia is the largest investor, our investors have invested $4 billion in the economy of belarus. the whole process begins with the procurement of our own raw materials; trees are cut down on rented plots, which allocated by the state. some 20 years ago, they cut them and sold them as raw materials, but they stopped in time and restarted. in
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a country that is one of the most forested in the world , it was obvious that woodworking had firmly taken root, but the plant today is 43 countries of the world where we supply our products, the president of our country gives the products of our plant as souvenirs. last year , almost 247.00 citizens came to us visa-free from lithuania, about 126 thousand residents and more than 42,500 poles from latvia, without closing points passes, nor the attempts of our neighbors to intimidate their own citizens with far-fetched pro...
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in just 20 minutes, there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, online travel and a healthy lifestyle... all this and more in the weekly project broadcast 24x7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening. creative potential is in every woman, it must exist, we need it by nature. a titled beauty, a fighter by character, an activist by vocation and a patriot by birth. at 16 years old she became a student of the faculty. internal troops of the military academy, i will always move forward, develop in step with my children , i have never had maternity leave limited, i took the child’s car seat and ran, this is probably
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the best thing, living just like this, in another life this is simply not possible i present, the winner and organizer of beauty contests, captain in reserve, psychologist and mother of many children, alexandra nikiforova will talk about the behind the scenes of beauty contests. go out beautifully in a dress, parade, to feel some kind of appreciation for yourself, but first of all the audience's assessment - this is such an incredible experience, some moment of such stardom, when a woman, every time she appears on stage, she feels that she is not just the queen of some state, but the queen for her family. and what is true love and women's happiness? i’ll tell you this secret: with the birth of each child, love becomes even greater, it seems you can give it to everyone. little by little, in you, in fact, she flourishes even more, a woman is happy exactly then, despite the fact that she always seeks happiness from the outside, our woman of today, and part of it is actually in her, inside, watch today only on our
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tv channel.
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happy spring holiday to our lovely beauties , live broadcast about the main events in the country and the world in the lazovik studio, good morning. and in this issue. it is to them that today all the most beautiful words for lovely ladies, mothers, grandmothers, a festive broadcast for women's day with the best.


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