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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 8, 2024 5:50pm-8:01pm MSK

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are no longer alive, but that story, their story , must be conveyed to our younger generation, so that they feel what it is like to live in a favorable country, when everything is calm, when relatives are nearby, and no one is in danger of life, health, or absolutely nothing. , what is my relationship directly to the troops, to the defense of our fatherland, i myself am an officer in the reserve, graduated from the military academy of the republic of belarus, faculty for... the first set of girls, i was inspired by that image of officers, that worthy image, stately, responsible a man who is duty-bound to protect his homeland, his family, his beloved woman, his children. i really want to inform our children that our children should be shown more such memorable places, not children’s entertainment centers, not some kind of gadgets, and let them touch them without being stereotypical. not to the ears of those people
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who, perhaps unconsciously, do not reject some thoughts, that once something was restless, and it was so long ago and far away, that this is a lull in vigilance, it actually harms, and it is necessary every day do not miss the concept of patriotism, educating young people in a patriotic mood, because what we miss very quickly, we will have to catch up over the years. the museum lives, breathes, a lot of people come here, i see that the contingent is very pleased with the age price, absolutely everyone is different, both small and teenagers, and young people, young couples come, and adults also bring their children, this suggests that involvement is everything - there is a connection to our history that an important history, in fact, is what... what
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our current knowledge should be based on, looking forward into the future, this whole atmosphere is very close to me, because i graduated from the military academy of the republic of belarus, the faculty of internal troops, field trips, shooting ranges, training grounds, i felt all this and you still know, here i am 42 years old, i am 20 years ago it’s been 21 years since i graduated from the military academy, the faculty of military training, but the smell of the forest at any time of the year, winter, summer, doesn’t matter.
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very guides, they will be able to inspire difficulties, hardships, hardships, but here they are good and tell you a little, give you a piece of information that will stir up your consciousness and you you will be able to feel how it was in those days, that it... hurts, that, that we don’t need this anymore, and we will defend our homeland, that the homeland is like a family, we are all a huge family, every person in the country in which he lives, he is a member of this huge, big family, the skills and abilities that a young man acquires, even after completing military service, are a little underestimated by the guys, because this is for life, and worthy qualities that are instilled help. organize in any field
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activity, this is self-organization , self-discipline, this is the core, the ability to overcome obstacles, including overcoming oneself, this is the basis, probably, for all men, as i believe, taking into account that i raise boys, including, i always guide them that a man must first of all overcome himself in life, and not fight with someone, then learn to become a good father, a good husband, these are probably the qualities that also need to be instilled. to our generation today, the male generation, for the entire time of service, that i served in special forces, internal troops, i was personally at the selection of personnel and who i can proudly say are now in the best units of our country, then unconsciously i simply felt, felt the person, the energy, his motivation with which he went to serve , and it doesn’t matter who you are, a woman, a man, i really want to summarize by march 8th i... i want to live
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according to my conscience, with an open heart, with an open soul, because there are no other people’s children, we are all one family, it doesn’t matter, let us belarus, russia. other countries, still us some kind of unified state, a brotherhood that has been side by side since time immemorial, walked in one step, but for some reason they began to look in different directions, so i sincerely want this unity, spiritual unity, with an open heart.
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i remind you that the mine lead is at least 7 m. 82,
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would you like some tea? i won’t refuse, this is the kazan mother of god, if i’m not mistaken, even before the wedding, i understand, but anna vasilyevna also gave it to me as a souvenir, look, yes, yes, allow me, i’m listening, san vasilyevich, gentlemen, i ask you to urgently go to my school.
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a german, gentlemen, a german, he has a 210 caliber against our forty-five, this is friedrich karl, here is a border guard with a hunter, thank god, they are silent, they blinked. crew ready for battle, fire on deck, crew ready for battle! full speed ahead, yes, full speed ahead!
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why did they slow down the hot car, why did they slow down? the engine room, why be silent, is huge, your honor is a projectile, there is a pipeline in the engine room in front, how long does it take to repair, at least an hour, 15 minutes, yes, alexander vasilyevich. in 15 minutes we will be turned into a siege, yes, we are a perfect target,
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why did they stop, where, where should they take me?
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alexander vasilyevich, the german’s running arm is damaged, replace the first, second gun crews, there are bakhtins, the third gun crew, which is the main caliber, is for the second gun. and not that it’s his fault , it’s good that the mines were dropped, otherwise we would be finished, your honor, the pipeline has been repaired, the chorus room often cannot be repaired, now, that means we have to leave while there is time, mines,
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mines, jelly, complete forward, telegraph to full, course of drinking. here is our mine bank. sergei nikolaevich, collect the officers' uniform composition on the starboard forecastle. eat. attention. gentlemen officers. behind is the german squadron, ahead is friedrich karl. the path to the base is closed, so i see no other way out but to lure the germans to the mines. we are heading for pilao, our mine bank. questions, there is a question , please allow, everyone, there is no water, we won’t be able to walk within meters of the mines, with our own mines, gentlemen, we dug our own grave, stop the hysteria michva, it’s done, let’s go to the mines,
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get ready. to prayer, hats, off! lord, god of hosts, god of our salvation, look upon the humble servants in mercy and bounty yours, and philanthropically hear and have mercy on us, all our bavrazis, before you destroy us!
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well, everything is assembled, reverse.
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captain, let's go home, gentlemen, bring champagne, yes, adgursky, come back to us, have you already worked off your forfeit? i have already ordered champagne for you.
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so you know, like a neighbor, but if i don’t have time, she’s the queen, my wife, so what, what’s the matter,
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gentlemen, the thing is that alexander vasilyevich just got a phantom, to kiss the first one who enters this door, that is your wife, sorry, not mine, yes, step in on yours, come in, alexander vasilyevich, please. oui.
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what are you talking about? your neighbor is too good. i'm in love with sasha, but it's always short-lived. tomorrow there will be a ball under the highlanders, will you
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come? excuse me, but why do you have to unravel the knots, but how did kings
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choose brides before? i also have turks in my family, yes , well, then for turak, with pleasure, mom, now dad is an admiral, yes, a rear admiral, it would be better if he became a captain, i like the captain better, but you can’t even pronounce a rear admiral.
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"it would be best for you to sleep, come on, good, you won’t go swimming with dad anymore, and what happened, and it turned out that they were turkish, with their miserable upbringing, they just didn’t want to lift a finger, for example, a traveler comes and asks for a glass of water, so what does the owner answer? " " "here ivan will come, he will give you a traveler, slander , slander, slander, in any case, i would never refuse you, i’m afraid vasilievna, you would be exhausted, the fact is that i really like to drink, i definitely understand you, it seems to me that water and war are for you, the only beloved women for life
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, “it seems to me that you know very well that this is not so, well, things have long since turned to night, we went on a spree, it’s time to leave, who knows, anna vasilievna, will it ever be like this again ?” "? okay, like today. thank you, dear alexander vasilyevich. go, go, this is the signal of the starting ship, anna vasilievna. good night.
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i already thought that this happened, sasha, yes.
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we're fine, not really, you're in love, if it's serious for you, tell me, but are you sure it's serious, are you sure, i don't know, "i don't i’m going to disturb you, my weak mother and i are going to st. petersburg, sonya, i don’t have to go anywhere, everything will be fine, i promise.”
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like a phrase, there’s almost no temperature, uh-huh, i should expect you by lunchtime, no, i ’m winning in the meeting, uh-huh , alexander vasilyevich, ringing , brilliant career,
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no, i understand very well that you cannot force someone to love or hate against their will, but we performed the wedding ceremony, and that you swore before god to love me, to remain faithful, to remain faithful - it's like, don't go to bed with someone else, you're great you see, if you mean this, i’m not cheating on you, well, my god, what a little child you are, i don’t understand that you’re spinning under your feet? forgive me, please, oh
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, nikolai sanovich, inform the headquarters, the mining task has been completed, there are no losses, we are returning to the base, there is, thank you for your service, gentlemen, well, gentlemen, in the evening before the company, alexander vasilyevich, my report to the command , what kind of work, please transfer me to another ship, why didn’t we please you, sergei nikolovich. mr. rear admiral, yes, a radiogram from the shore from prince melikov, to everyone at sea. solitary
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here, little girl. communications, stop the car, stop the car, the cars are stopped, come on, your advance, i’m listening, a radiogram has been received, arrived with glory, kolchak, he’s connected, accepted! alexander vasilyevich, there is a connection with the shore, the starboard side of the gun is ready for battle, there is a starboard side of the gun for battle!
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more fun, more fun, don't hang around! the commander of the cruiser is at the apparatus, glory to rear admiral kolchak! the situation is critical, come on! the germans are testing us on the right flank! i will coordinate your shooting myself, square 13, coordinates 3.500, 2.200, 3.500, 2.200 charge, livelier, sight 18, solid 43, damn, the germans are deploying their weapons, do you hear, the germans
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are deploying their weapons, hello, hello? “hello , i can’t hear you, mr. rear admiral, the german battery is firing on us, and that we are now in the mix alexander vasilivich. we must go to sea, as then you order to adjust the shooting , we will remain in place, check something with communications, there is, yes!
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wait, wait, here. this is a letter from bakre morse, i tried at home and the sechebnik, thank you, but today we see each other for the last time, what do we need we can’t meet again, what happened? we did something wrong, well, yes, but we
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didn’t even dance, why? because i love you, alexander vasilievich.
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anmarka, dear, you're all wet, look , don't get sick, well, okay, okay, my dear, let's go, i'm very... well, yes, annushka, i, the sovereign, will receive you here in the park, i wish you health, hello, alexander vasilyevich, i’ve heard a lot about your courage, and then?
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from long-suffering job will strengthen you. thank you. good luck. let yours go. god bless you, admiral.
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i need to know that you are there, cab driver, to the station, quickly, faster, please, run, two suitcases to the second platform, wait.
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in the evening i was walking near the mikhailovsky castle, i heard children arguing: give me back, suddenly it became so light and clear, like glass was wiped, everything will be,
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everything is already there, disappeared, mine and yours. every morning i open my eyes, i smile, i live , i wait, further, this is a reward, not a punishment, because against all the laws of physics you give, but it remains with you and does not end, imagine, i feel in the palms of my hands a large, impossibly round, luminous ball, this is grace, a gift. happiness, it happens , don’t laugh, i know, i’m standing on the threshold of an unknown vast world, we see the future guessingly, as the apostle said, through a dark glass, but faith,
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hope, love remain with us, and love is the greatest of them. alexander vasilyevich, i heard that you will be in petrograd, how soon, march, april, for some reason it seems that soon, if you please, your excellency, an urgent radiogram has been received. march 2, emperor nicholas ii abdicated the throne, power passed to the provisional government. monarchy. provisional government, what does this mean, what do you think, i think, nothing good for russia, i also think so, to our misfortune
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anna vasilievna, the revolution has obscured the future from us, it is approaching. transstatsi, lord, listen to my command , come to your senses, the war is on, what are you doing , deal with the admiral, pray to god, stop, gentlemen, save yourself e dobrikaz , do you hear me, gentlemen
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, they also killed him, he died in my arms, because you didn’t
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you have rights, yeah, what's the matter, first order the petrograd soviet demands that all officers , without exception, surrender their weapons in order to prevent a conspiracy, give us weapons, gentleman, why are we leaving? reveal the general structure on the deck, wait , seryoga, how, how can i
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go, all the letters come to me at this address, i’m waiting for the letter, can you at least help me close the suitcase, of course, what is this, anya, please , i beg you, anya, porom leaves in half an hour, if we don’t make it now, anya, we’re finished.
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build a team, team, build, you who obey, brothers, have you shit your pants, or is the team in formation, at attention, gentlemen officers, raise your weapons, it’s your fault. painfully, in order to avoid bloodshed, i order the officers to surrender their weapons. mister admiral, your weapon, sir.
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i’m tired, in 3 days i’ll be in petrograd, the only thing i dream about is to see you, hear your voice, kirensky is calling, i can’t help but go, but in st. petersburg they say it’s unsafe, the sailors are rioting, the workers, admiral nepenin was bayoneted , i can at least accompany you to the station, rostislav
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is waiting for you, go to him. will you come back? well, of course, what a stupid idea? war for a victorious end.
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“i was the first to take the oath, i will be the first to leave the fleet, so i will openly declare that the current situation is disastrous for russia, i accept your resignation, i have the honor, war.
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until victory, the law of revolutionary sentiment, you should have been arrested, but considering your previous merits, i suggest you go to america, i give you a chance to continue the war against germany, expel me from russia, the americans need a specialist capable prepare a landing party to capture constantinople, my family remained in sevastopol, oh yes... yes, i will take care of her, i will ask the allies to evacuate her to you abroad, thank you, my dear, my beloved! anna vasilievna,
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my happiness to you. how can i live without you? what, oh well, are you done, worth it! “i ’m leaving russia, why, why, we are, what tired eyes you have, i love you, i will love
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you endlessly, forgive me!” goodbye, alexander vasilyevich, i know that you exist.
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well, it's ready, yeah, let's pray give. pray, if you want, hear, bring the rope,
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let's go, while he leaves the sailors. hurry up, we can’t wait for him here, but who am i telling, mrs. kolchak, open up, mrs. kolchak, document check, come on! osta, ostno vyzhibay,
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poedorna, english steamer, leaving in an hour. well, let's drink to our wish, which may not even come true, but doesn't that make us
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less desirable? i haven’t seen you for a year, what fate has happened, sergei nikolaevich, he’s been sent to the far east to disarm the pacific ocean fleet, sergei nikolaevich, that means he’s now in power, red commissar, i have no right to condemn him, the time is like this, the time is the same for everyone
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, seryozha, uh-huh, yes, yes, and what, ah, kolchak lomsky is gathering an army, well, if this is a reproach, then you know that i agreed to cooperate with the authorities . because they allowed me to go away from my brother’s murder without meaning in japan in china, it’s all for you, aechka, i don’t blame you for anything, i suppose, but i love alexander vasilyevich, now i have to be next to him, yeah, i i understand that these are cruel words, but i never stopped him... and you, so, well, wait, wait,
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wait, wait, maybe, yes, give, give, give, i ’ll help, thank you, well, here it is, the time of the war of the revolution, now everything is possible.
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i promise and swear before almighty god, his holy gospel and life-giving christ to be faithful and unfailingly faithful. to the russian state, as to my fatherland, i promise to serve it, according to the duty of the supreme ruler of russia, not sparing my life, not being carried away by kinship, friendship, or self-interest,
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and i kiss the words of the cross of my savior, amen!
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hello barshania, sister, young lady, you are you looking for someone? sister. come on, my dear , come on, i guess, how can i help you, i would like to help you with something, yeah, dear, dear, alexander vasilyevich, i realized that i just can’t wait any longer. remember how i dreamed of being on the deck of your ship, just to see
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you with just one eye, to stand next to you unnoticed, without disturbing you. and now i have this happiness, to be very close. from you, to rejoice in your victories, when our troops have already reached the volga, and god willing, we will all soon see moscow, and to realize that this will be a small a piece of my efforts. congratulations to you, general, on a successfully completed operation, thank you, your highest regards. but this is not only my merit, but the merit of the entire army. retreat improves morale, soldier. i heard from the allies that their powers are just about ready to recognize you and your government as the only legitimate one in russia. no matter what laws you and i write, we will still be shot if we lose this war, and
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my heart is filled with pride for you, for everyone who is fighting with you, for refusing to consolidate success and continue the offensive in all directions.
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proposer de commander le corps des cheques prisonniers pour surveiller une voie ferrée? c'est un objet stratégique impactant des commandant, merci amir, merci, félicitation, general jaman, not enough. that you exist in the world, that nothing bad will happen to you, sometimes to see you from a distance, if only you knew how i struggle with temptation, to approach you, to speak, i love you even more than
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before, i’ve been writing to you for days now this is a letter that never... your excellency, i congratulate you on arrival in our city, let me give you bread and salt, geese, you saved rome, you saved our city, your high achievement, accept, okay, not a cow, gentlemen, thank you, i didn’t expect this, okay, thank you, accept, formalize as a gift. officers, soldiers of the russian army, ladies and gentlemen, taken first. ekaterinburg, elabuga.
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recently general katpel with the battle for nelufa. yes, only a hundred miles separates us from denikin’s army. the reds broke through the front. having united with us, the second army will move towards moscow. hooray. and as the apostle paul said, let us now see the future, as if through a dark glass, guesswork, but faith, hope, love, and love from them remain with us. more
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, may god help us, you are on the mend, god of mercy, there are rumors, there will be an evacuation, where will we take them, vasilno was kicked out, we talked to him up there, well, about the carriages, are the reds so close that they didn’t hear the guns, they heard, but the carriages are still there? it’s not enough, kolchuk has no time to think about them, but you should remind him about us, they say it’s even worse, faith, this is impossible, let’s go to peace, then we didn’t know each other that well, i don’t know, well, not with him, well then who will listen to me, i didn’t have a childhood, that you are still a lady, he will listen to you and he’ll kiss my hand again, i don’t know, i don’t know how to behave in the role, my dear, what’s it worth to you? young ladies , young ladies, they brought wounded officers there, from their own,
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let's go, let's go, these are hotbeds of uprising even in the deep rear, at the front it's even worse, i 'm not even talking about the constant shortage of ammunition and provisions, the reds crossed the tobol, yes, hello, this is the reception headquarters of the supreme ruler, the loss of omsk is the loss of everything, the defense of omsk is tantamount to the loss of the army, there can only be one solution: to hold omsk with the last effort of strength, yes, that’s right, of course, i swear to our gentlemen, i’m with you, the army is still holding back bolsheviks, but abandoning the front for the sake of defense would start a catastrophe, but why are you scaring us, surrendering pomsk, that’s a catastrophe, absolutely. i just got back from the front, so i didn’t have time to get myself in proper
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shape. allow me, alexander, vasilyevich, please. unimportant news, gentlemen, betrayal. the second ukrainian regiment went over to the enemy’s side, exposing the central part of the front. the reds are approaching omsk. another week two, they will be here. like these ones. matters, gentlemen, it’s up to you, mr. supreme ruler, i appoint irkutsk as the place of central power, i order the evacuation from omsk to begin, we make this sacrifice in the name of saving the army, for the further fight against the bolsheviks, where should the bolsheviks go?
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the office of the latter will be located here, intended for delegates negotiations it's here, alexander vasil, can i see you, what? i think i just saw vasilna’s resyan.
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with you, i don’t want to repeat this again, you will travel with me in the same carriage, i don’t know if from now on you will agree to always be there, in the morning, in the evening, because i, because otherwise, i can’t live without you, well okay, dear anna vasilyevna,
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an amazing adventure for foreigners in belarus, hello, hello, what’s your name? very nice,
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i also found myself preparing for pi when i loved my job, belarus is now already my second home, i have each hero has his own unique story and his own view of belarus. i noticed that belarusian students always have a lot of new ideas, they organize different events themselves , and i always believe in people, especially these people who live here, between them i didn’t feel like a foreigner or not, on the contrary , i felt at home, truth? watch on tv channel belarus-24.
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where's your ring? i took it off a long time ago. and you didn’t notice, anna vasilyevna, i have to tell you, today i wrote a letter to sofya fedorovna, asking for a divorce, i don’t know how long god has given me time, but i want to stay in front of her until the end of the hour, tell me: stand up, my wives,
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alexander vasilyevich, we are finally together, reconnaissance. not enough, anna vasilievna, i asked you a specific question, why are you silent, we didn’t get out of christmas, what?
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major, stopping the supreme's train is treason. the admiral has just raised his gun to
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the convoy. general's order. general shanen obeys the orders of the kilchak, the supreme ruler of russia. mister prime minister. in irkutsk in the uprising. that you have nowhere to go, permission, the droplet army is moving behind us, and we are able to suppress any resistance, yes, permission, a telegram from the station, permission, is coming straight, urgently connect with the general, your army must at any cost. to irkutsk in the city of the uprising, i’m moving there, do your duty honestly, thank you, horse,
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what came, the shells, the shells are gone. get started, listen, there is no connection behind the headquarters, it looks like the line is broken, volunteer, distinguish yourself, the headquarters is already here,
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vladimirich, how are you here, everything is under control there shelling, communications were damaged, why they stopped the offensive, what kind of offensive, not a single cartridge. sergey nikolaevich, telephone message received. regiment in the irkutsk uprising, we must liberate the city, we will unite with the admiral there, no one can save the city except us, we must advance, the main forces will arrive, they are already on the way, but until they arrive, they will kill us here, then we will be in battle, there is no other way out we simply don’t have it, time is precious, sergei nikolaevich, announce the general structure. gentlemen, officers, soldiers,
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come on, we have no place to wait for cartridges, and to hell with them, god with us, with god and with prayer we have always beaten our friend, and we will beat him, whatever god’s will, since we are destined to die, we will die happily, either our chests in crosses, or our heads in bushes, i assure you. for the blessing forward, switches, switches, switches, you are the commanders of the army behind you, all the musicians, the music is live, the music cannot be denied, forward, forward!
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bonjour mon excellence, mon général, écrivez, je vous salue. j'ai bien compris, vous ne pouvez pas écraser l'insulition à général jana, la situation est complexe, vous devez assurer l'avance de musland à herkoutsk, les tchéques ont annoncé qu'il rem toutes les obligations des alliés.
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workers are rioting at the stations, demanding to see you. this is how you would go and go, right? you know,
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i never liked trains. indeed , the reds are already at the stations, we are walking as if through a minefield, as sergei nikolaevich told me then, i ask, thank you, we should move them now, there are cases that the czechs disarmed our garrison in okutsk, what did the admiral hope for? the drop has 200 kilometers behind him, forty-degree frost, you you know, he is an amazingly bright person in irkutsk, i will definitely introduce him to you, it
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was a pleasure to meet him, alexander vasilyevich.
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and this is the order, follow it, i just received a message, our garrison in irkutsk has fallen, drops are moving towards the city, and i must meet him there, and you, anna vasilievna, and i will be with you, wherever you are, don’t argue with me, my dear anna, what kind of bad story have you gotten yourself into? and why are you so disfavored? i was with you, and these are the best days of my life, but i regret one thing. about what,
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you and i never got to dance. i promise that at the first jabalu we will dance with you until you drop. yes, allow me. hello hello!
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what, what happened to you? you, you were scared, right? why are you leaving him? don’t you understand that this is a betrayal? anna vasilievna, mr. admiral, he himself... sent down the convoy,
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do you want me to stay, no, i don’t want to, and what do you order me to do? live, misha, live, it is always better, go, go, find, sonya, rostislava, hug them, tell them.
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say something. goodbye. bídáš tady už dlouho?
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camaradde. yes, rather, you, come on, maybe it will work out, but the doctor, it won’t, you have frostbite on your lower extremity, a rising gangreme has begun, unfortunately, it won’t work out, what? get started, gentlemen. put it down, it's my fault.
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lord, help your son endure inhuman torment, close the door, well, god bless you.
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here, uh-huh, please, mr. kolchak, what's the matter, pack your things, hello, uh-huh, we're handing you over to the local. authorities, what authorities, the irkutsk political council,
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yes, mr. kolchak. pack your things, mrs. temireva, sorry, nothing.
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mister admiral! mister admiral, please
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forgive me for a moment. we have weapons, yes, please, thank you. on the way back, mrs. temireva , there is no warrant for your arrest, on what grounds
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, on the grounds that my wife died, i ask you, don’t do this, let me disobey you at least once, alexander vasilyevich, your right.
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mister admiral, go into the cell, mister prime minister, please, is it somehow bad?
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we take irkutsk, knock out the reds, free the admiral, yeah, take command and hand over to the troops. that i was devoted to them, i loved my homeland, i loved them, and my death among them proved this, do it, my friend, i’m listening, how did i get caught? your price, irkutsk is ahead, add a ball,
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add a ball, increase, increase, heard, they say drops are coming, yes, yes, heard. look at the admiral, but how he sits, wait, young lady, i’m not told to let you near him anymore, just in a moment, anna vasilievna, you won’t let me down, hello, anna vasilievna. vaska kapele near irkutsk, we will soon be freed, beloved, my dear, we will get out of here, they put forward
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an ultimatum, how do you know, the next cell knocked, demanding that you be released, now these will be in a hurry, no, no. kapel will definitely make it in time, it can’t be otherwise, well, anna vasilievna, well, it’s time, go! wait, well, not great, but i’m already there.
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irkutsk mr. kolchak, on behalf of the irkutsk revolutionary committee, we came to announce
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to you a resolution concerning you, i understand, maybe... i don’t bother continuing, do you have any requests, statements, allow me to say goodbye to my wife, anna vasilyevna timereva, this is impossible, anything else?
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yes, yes, here, thank you, blindfold you, no, thank you, no need, i’m so, lord, just. if you want to say something, please tell my wife in paris that i bless my son, how long do you have a wife, okay, i’ll tell you. and what already,
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come on, goodbye, goodbye, aim, shoot!
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more, then it is unknown, rehabilitated, you need it, excuse me, i need faces, where can i get such a face, where, got ready for
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the rehearsal, got ready for the rehearsal, comrades, comrades, the break is over, i ask all participants in the filming to go to the pavilion, to their places, the carriages have been brought there, take a look. yes, okay, well, don’t take this, okay, rehearsal, comrades, hurry up, let’s go into the pavilion, filming participants, hurry up, quickly, quickly, let’s go.
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i can’t accept it for half a century, nothing can help, you keep leaving again. so the turkish night, and i am... destined to go until the deadline is changed, and
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the paths are confused, similar roads, but if i am still alive, to a break in fate. and this is just like your love, your memory of you.
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we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. in order for
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cooking to evoke only the most positive emotions, it must be prepared from high-quality products. take a close look at the product itself. liquid in the package is the first sign of loss of freshness. if small pieces of the fat layer are colored red, this means that the meat has been partially frozen. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. i hope that you didn’t have breakfast today, because i will surprise you with breakfast today. champions, oh, today we will cook green pea ola, chicken pastrami with pepper sauce, it sounds very tasty, let’s get started, don’t forget about invigorating exercises, lift the heel of your foot off the floor a little, stay in the center, open your arms and do something like this calm circular movements with the right and left hands, see the breakfast of the champion project. on the tv channel belarus 24.
8:00 pm
geta panarama. live broadcast, i will tell you about the main events of friday, march 8, sergey lugovsky, hello, female soul, wonderful world of love, only next to you we truly feel confident in our abilities, happy holiday, our dear, warm


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