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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 9, 2024 3:10am-3:41am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians. have... exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia
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arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. customize satellite dish satellite izerspace 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover
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belarus. i was born in our beautiful country , the republic of belarus, in the city of minsk, my dad is a military man, he is from the air defense forces, my mother could have been a design engineer, but fate turned out completely differently, she was a salesman, but nevertheless you know her somehow this inner strength, intelligence, femininity, beauty i took it from her, undoubtedly, few people know that even the future is very... at school, she already had a driving license, even participated in extreme driving competitions, that is, my mother is like that, you know, also with character, but when i was one year old, my dad and my parents were sent to kazakhstan to serve, and it was also an interesting experience when we lived on the shores of lake balkhazh, this is my childhood, my parents worked, my dad served, my mother worked, and i was constantly on
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the street , weather nature gave us... everything opportunities for us to spend outside, it’s cold in winter, we always have an active lifestyle, skates, skis, all this is sleds, and summer is, of course, a beach, a lake, it was like the sea, such very good air, climate , but every holiday i came here to my grandmothers and grandfathers, about whom i especially want to say how much love and attention they invested in me, my grandfather is on my father’s side, and a warrior is an internationalist. yes, at one time he prepared a manual on air defense systems for the military in vietnam and when he was already over for 80 years, i even remember veterans, vietnam veterans invited them to visit , they were received very, very, very cordially, they were received with tears, they remembered that difficult time, quite very, very warm memories of that supportive friendship that lasted for so many
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years. my father’s mother, i had a teacher in higher mathematics, thanks to whom, even though i didn’t like mathematics, but for the sake of respect, i went to study with her and taught mathematics, which in general helped me to enroll in the future, after school, in a higher educational institution, with mom’s side there were completely simple, but very sincere and hospitable people, grandmother, grandfather, who always wrapped me up in care, so that i slept, was dressed, had shoes, so that everything was in this regard of comfort, they never limited me, which gave me opportunity, there was a period of time when my parents remained in kazakhstan, and i lived with my grandparents, my dad’s parents were responsible for the cultural component, they educated me, introduced me to theaters, the bolshoi theater, our opera and ballet, it was always so welcoming the home that we are
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we visited very, very often, and the circus, some children's theatrical performances, it was all thanks to my dad's parents, and my mother's parents were always bigger than me - they gave me the opportunity for my own development, did not limit what i wanted to try. they allowed me everything when i tried to analyze why i was so open, and i had so much, so much love, attention to other people, what my parents, my grandparents, aunts, uncles put into me, i was the first , first daughter, granddaughter and so on further, they, of course, invested maximum love and attention, probably, i later realized this through motherhood with many children, because there is so much love to keep in oneself. impossible for one or only for your loved one, and you want to give it away even more, with the advent, i’ll tell you this secret , with the advent of each child, love becomes even greater, it seems you give a little bit to everyone, but in you, in fact, it’s still
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flourishes more, it’s not for nothing that i used to love the cartoon as a child, sweet daughter, four son, this is the case when this happened to me, my eldest daughter will turn 18 very soon on march 9, her name is sabrina. the name is very interesting, because at that time i was still serving in the internal troops, and the cathedral special unit was not an easy special unit for me, my daughter’s dad then considered it necessary to name our daughter in honor of the congregation, but not sobrin, because there is no such name , and sobrina, more in tune, we made such a wonderful decision, and then i boys, four boys, daniil , everything is on d, why on d, because it all started with danila, when she was pregnant, then the first film by dukhli with danilo kozlovsky came out, you know, all pregnant women are a little
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so emotional, like this one the image was very visual, so i thought danilo, when i was thinking about the name danilo, it already gave me some specific energy in this name, when i found out that there would be a next boy, i wanted to unite, that is, i take education very seriously children to they were in a single, you know, energy , they felt each other, and they felt the need for each other and felt that they were the closest people to each other, i decided to start with the name starting with the letter d to unite, i thought damir, the giver of peace, but when he was born, he was so fair, kind of belarusian, i thought, well, that means there will be more peace, and then we also got domian. well, we have already put such a demid, you know, an unambiguous exclamation point, demid, that is, so powerful, well, the main thing is that everything boys are united, very often they ask such a question, how can a mother of many children manage everything, well, i ’ll answer this question for you, maybe i’ll partially answer, but for some maybe not,
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because everyone’s concept of everything is completely different, let’s say, i don’t always succeed you know, i don’t always have time for a regular procedural manicure, because force majeure circumstances always don’t distract me from this. event, then i set my priorities differently, yes, i cope with some things on my own, but in general i think in this way, that we came into this life in order, first of all, to develop, to be happy and to develop, and development should happen every year, day after day, to study, to study, these are two higher educations in the field of activity that i tried, gave me some additional development, a lot of information, which i continue to greedily simply absorb, it is capable of me. variety, that life is huge, big , an example, so that they can see this , and for children, i think this is the best
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, although it seems short for some, but it so interesting, if you can saturate her with these interesting events, ideas, perhaps for this you need to have opportunities, some kind of resource, so... that’s why i will always move forward, develop in step with my children, i will never be on maternity leave vacations were not limited, i took the child’s car seat, ran to learn something new and visit this city with people with whom i enjoy communicating, sharing some experience, including they inspire me somewhere, this is probably the best, probably the best. live exactly like this, in another life i i just can’t imagine it for myself. “we will preserve civilization and increase
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our wealth. results of the supreme state council of the union state. in general, the situation is developing very energetically. trade turnover is constantly growing. russia is the largest investor, our investors have invested $4 billion in the economy of belarus. the whole process begins with preparing our own.” from latvia about 126 residents and more than 42 poles, neither the closure of checkpoints, nor attempts to... neighbors to intimidate their own citizens with far-fetched problems during
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staying on belarusian territory had no effect, we come home and get some other procedures, you just come to relax. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . to become a part of a foreign country, you don’t have to be born there; it’s enough to behave like a home host when visiting. peculiarities of their countries, very tasty, come
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here, thank you, we are cleaning asgrad, oh , hello, good afternoon, this is a surprise, you are so handsome in shape, handsome, just, wow, it was an amazing day today, yes, our adventures get better and better every time, watch... the project at home on our tv channel. today we are in the small hall of the palace of culture, the minsk city palace
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of culture, we used this beautiful hall in our project the beauty of belarus in order to see the creative component of our contestants, they could have had on the small stage, but nevertheless close in tactility to us , very closely, directly sincerely conveying all their capabilities, this is this flair, probably creative, but they could have conveyed it here
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it is in this beautiful... what a woman usually faces when she deals with some household issues day after day, when this happens from year to year and echoes somewhere, somewhere the same as a woman’s weather, then undoubtedly she more difficult, although today's woman does not recognize that this is the truth of her nature. to be in happiness, in harmony, in family happiness with children, that is, to realize oneself as a mother first of all, when a modern woman runs away from this understanding, not even a concept, understanding, because the concept of a woman now today's time is completely different for everyone, a woman is happy exactly then, despite the fact that she is always looking for happiness from the outside, our woman today, happiness is actually inside her, it is revealed even more when she is realized. participation in the family as a mother, it is no coincidence
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that i am the organizer of this project, because i am for a woman, i am for the nature of a woman, when a girl goes into adulthood, she does not yet understand what awaits her, sometimes some stereotypes of her environment are imposed misperception, here are the competitions the beauty of the mrs. category are those projects that could inspire our younger generation to what is beyond in adulthood. and there is a wonderful life, it is very tasty and you can realize yourself as a woman, a beautiful woman, as a mother and as a professional in your field, these are the beauty contests that i have won myself. here in belarus she represented our country at the mrs. universe competition, mrs. universe in the nineteenth year, mrs. universe took fourteenth place out of 90 countries, i’ll be honest, i wasn’t very ready, because it after all, it’s such a global, large-scale competition and it requires special preparation, i had the opportunity to communicate with wonderful
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women, i saw very interesting, developed ones, and there were mothers of many children ; beauty contests, but there are organizers, everything depends on them , as for the universe, what i saw, they , of course, appreciated naturalness, sincerity, sincerity, watched how not just a girl came out on stage, walked beautifully, demonstrated how she behaves when communicating with other women, when she hasn’t even gotten enough sleep, how she feels, if her nervousness and stress resistance were assessed, this really hooked me, i thought that... i need to create one, you know, a platform, yes, such an environment for women, so that they can stimulate themselves in this way, both for the external component, but first of all for internal beauty, yes, that is, it’s still about internal beauty, because no matter how external you are was not beautiful, well-groomed, if inside you not calm, inharmonious, it will always
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be broadcast from the outside, for the third year in a row this wonderful event was held by the beauty of belarus and i want to tell you: it is their needs to interact directly with them, but in fact, when a woman goes out into the literate, into some kind of family processes , into competent family processes, then first of all she gives attention to her husband, the children, undoubtedly, but the energy is calmer, there is no need to run anywhere, there is no need to create this fuss, then the children are calmer, then there is mutual understanding
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it’s faster, of course, there are different situations in my life, i have to communicate with children, educate them somewhere, give them some kind of example. definite, but this is all really possible, it’s great, how much love you get in return, this is what i wanted to show with this project, what a wonderful woman she really is with many children, what a big family is in general and what beautiful children, we also planned a project for this do it separately for children, show how talented the children are in these families, how the competition is in general, what kind of environment in competitions, in our competition , we break all these stereotypes, and people who touch our... competition, having some degree of mistrust, understanding that it’s just another beauty contest, there are all these behind-the-scenes intrigues, we don’t have that we try not to have any opportunities, because we have two stages of casting, i undoubtedly conduct the first casting with each one, because i am also a psychologist by training, and i feel
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the true motivation of every woman who comes to this project, women, those which are primarily naturally their men who are supported in... some kind of preferences from the state, these are consumers, those who are trying to extract believe me, in a normal family this will just be additional support, but this is not the basis, the basis financially, which can cover all the necessary costs of providing . children, covering their needs, especially if we want to develop children not only intellectually, but also physically . our project is undoubtedly a big growth for every woman, and we think through certain stages, i directly i interact with each participant in general with them on an ongoing basis, we have trainings that i personally developed, they are
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of a psychological nature, in order to provide an opportunity in a short time, because a competition is always a shorter time, it takes us a week. then one day the final, in general, it would seem that the whole extravaganza is over, but in fact everything is just beginning for us, the next moment the girls, women are preparing themselves for the stage of the creative competition, not everyone sings, not everyone dances, but sometimes some start to think about what i can do, that is , creative potential in every woman, it must exist, we need it by nature, it does not have to be a professional activity, it can be at the level of hobbies, some kind of activity for... to a woman could quickly relax, switch somewhere from some of her troubles, we are instilling fashion show skills, photo posing, we are building exactly what our final will look like, that too. task number one, because this is a definite scheme for each output, and coordination works very quickly and well, and
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for mothers of many children, by the way, it works much faster by nature, because it is already a skill that has been developed with children, with multitasking, which is why i also really love working with mothers with many children, this year i have it was the most wonderful stage for us, this was the preparation of the report, what a year of peace and creation, this is what each of these women understood, each spoke. we then went on an excursion and i came up with an idea, i said, we need to finalize all this with a declaration, a declaration that was signed by mothers of many children, future participants of our competition, that a large family matters to us, that our state, our country, for which we always worry, is important to us, just as we worry about our children, but at the same time we believe that they will have a happy future in this country, and we will always pay attention to women and disadvantaged families with many children, without condemning them, but saying that they have another chance, another opportunity, there is another side of the coin, they can always be in
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ours like this society, community, which we will accept them, but this is again about growth, about development, to go out beautifully in a dress, to parade, to feel some kind of assessment on yourself, but first of all the audience’s assessment - this is such an incredible experience, some moment of such stardom, when a woman goes out on stage every time, she feels like not just a queen... she feels like a queen for her family. i want to tell you that most of the time, when they run out on stage, not everyone gets a crown, but we feel and see a response of gratitude, because where else, in what atmosphere can you see your beautiful mother, learn about something new after so many years of living together, that it turns out she still knows how to present everything so beautifully , interact with others, because we have an intellectual competition where they ask questions and how is a girl, as i say, even if we
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don’t know the answer. everyday ones that will help every woman, for example, save her family budget, or how to quickly put on makeup in a short time, give such lightness, visual lightness, airiness, well, women get all this from us in a short time of a week, there is no need to go to any additional master classes, they also receive all the skills
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from us here. this year marks the 80th anniversary of the liberation of belarus and it is no coincidence that we are visiting the belarusian state museum of the history of the great patriotic war, which also turns 80 this year. the phrase is probably known to many people. live for centuries, i really want this phrase to be as familiar to today’s young generation as it is to me, my parents, my grandfathers, grandmothers, who , unfortunately, are no longer alive, but that story, their story must be conveyed to our younger generation, so that they feel what it is like to live in a favorable country, when everything is calm, when relatives are nearby and no one threatens neither life, nor health, absolutely nothing, what is my... attitude directly to the troops, to the defense of our fatherland, i myself am an officer in the reserve, graduated from the military academy of the republic of belarus,
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faculty tailor, the first intake of girls, was inspired by the image of the officers, that worthy image, a stately, responsible man who stands on the duty of protecting his homeland, his family, his beloved woman, his children, i really want to convey that
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to our children... the museum lives, breathes, it’s very a lot of people come, i see that the contingent is very pleased with the age price, absolutely everyone is different , both teenagers and young people, young couples come, adults also bring their children, this suggests that there is still involvement in our history, which is an important history, in fact, is what
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today should be based on. to this day, and as soon as i enter the forest, it’s wet, it smells like fox, the birds walk in the wind among the trees, this is all for me an associative connection with my training at the faculty, when we went to the shooting range, this is unity, some kind of brotherhood with the guys who helped us, because there were few of us girls, we were the first intake, in the entire history of the faculty of internal troops there were only six girls who graduated, received an education on an equal basis with men and of course... it’s impossible to convey this, perhaps even in this atmosphere, this smell associated with some specific stressful situation that we all live together, overcome some difficulties, hardships, deprivations , but here the guides are very good, they will be able to inspire you and tell you a little, give you some information that will shake your mind and you will be able to feel how it was in those
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days, that it hurts, that... that we don’t need this anymore, and we will defend ours homeland, that the homeland is like a family, we are all a huge family, every person in the country who lives is a member of this huge big family, those skills, abilities that a young man acquires, even arriving in military service, are a little bit guys underestimate it, because it lasts a lifetime, and worthy qualities that are instilled help them organize themselves in any field of activity. self-organization, self-discipline, this is the core, the ability to overcome obstacles, including overcoming oneself - this is probably the basis for all men, as i believe, i take into account that i raise boys, including, i always guide them to the fact that a man must first of all overcome himself in life, and not fight with someone, then learn to become good a father, a good husband, these are
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probably the qualities that also need to be instilled in our generation today. sixth generation, during the entire period of service that i served in special forces, internal troops, i personally attended personnel selections and which i can proudly say, now are in the best units of our country, then i unconsciously simply felt, felt the person’s energy, his motivation, which he went to serve, and it doesn’t matter who you are, a woman, a man, i really want to summarize by march 8, i wish everyone to live according to their conscience. with an open heart , with an open soul, because there are no other people’s children, we are all one family, it doesn’t matter if we are belarus, russia, other countries, we are still some kind of single state, a brotherhood that has been close for centuries, walked in one leg, but for some reason for some reason they began to look in different directions, but i sincerely want this unity,
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spiritual unity with an open heart. the world has really come to the point when the entire legacy of the second world war, or rather the post-war yalta-podzdam system , has already been destroyed to zero, there are no restraining factors left, no treaties, no red lines, we have actually come to a situation where whoever is stronger is the


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