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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 9, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands , germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland. lithuania, latvia, estonia! set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. zenedi
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petrovna, i won’t ask if you love theater, i will ask why you love it, because it is a theater, because it is the yanka kupalovo theater, for this i love it very much. my heroine is of royal blood with a regal posture, a low voice and correct speech. she is an actress with a capital a, people like her are said to serve theater and art because she cannot do otherwise. today my guest is people's artist of belarus, actress of the kupala theater, zenaida zubkova. zenoida petrovna, hello, hello.
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you have been serving at the kupala theater for 63 years now. years, i calculated everything correctly, i was not mistaken , correctly, what is the secret of such devotion to the kupala theater, well, this, this all begins in childhood, i plunged into my fantasy, i really liked the theater, i saw it for the first time in dvinsk, there was a theater there, this is latvia, latvia, yes, latvia, after the war.
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we had a big, luxurious banquet, and directors came up to me, both from moscow, and i won’t name those from st. petersburg, they invited me, they said, baby, if your fate doesn’t work out, we are waiting for you, petrovna, war is for you - this is not a story from books, not a film, this is really a part of your life, what do you most often remember from that war time?
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moreover, your father was also a military man, yes, he served in kronshtat, on a submarine, at the beginning of the war it was as if everything had already frozen, frozen, they had such landings on skis, they went out and defended leningrad, in one of these ... he was the commander of this detachment, in one of these throws a german machine gun was firing, he saw that the guys were starting to fall and he closed the image, and what do you remember from that time military? you know, the first thing i remembered was that they were germans, amazingly, i was already four and now... these motorcycles, which i
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saw for the first time with a sidecar, were sitting on two germans, young with beautiful teeth, they laughed a lot, and we... i can’t hear german speech, the german language, i can’t, tears immediately come to me, and i, well, you were also repatriated to latvia, yes, it was to latvia, then we were still
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sitting in stalag 340 abrano, so , you were born in the leningrad region, they recorded me, my mother is also in leningrad, and where are you gave birth? and after the war, my mother could not go because of these two sorrows. it was unspoken. and that’s why my mother, when i went to belarus,
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she said: well, let’s try, maybe in belarus. how did a girl who went through such horrors of war suddenly have a desire to become an actress? i was a big dreamer, i looked, for example, at the reeds, there were a lot of such swampy places around dvinsk, these reeds and i immediately imagined, i’m a fish, or i’m a fox between them, then i started posing with the same kids , as i, fairy tales, and then i went to the house of pioneers , they were putting on cinderella, and they called me, as we are talking to you now, to the radio studio, and i told my first monologue there, it was all clear, but how did post-war minsk greet you, what what did he
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represent? oh, first of all, i was amazed by the opera house. i didn’t see an opera , i didn’t hear, i didn’t see a ballet, all this at once, there was a selection committee, there was an institute, we lived there, in one of the rooms that arrived, and again, it was a fairy tale, it was a secret, and after every tour, i my nerves were probably so open that...
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the editors club, it’s no secret that the development of the military-industrial complex is one of the locomotives of the way out of the crisis, the beneficiaries of the war have no interest in stopping the massacre within
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a people alien to them, the stakes are too high , and the income is basic, the price of one nato 15mm artillery... this money is actually spent here in the united states, it benefits american production, it benefits american technological development. any country where the united the states will try to bring freedom and democracy, at best it will be robbed, at worst its population will be destroyed. well, we see this, but what about there are a lot of examples; history does not know any example that refutes everything. don't miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates, events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment. exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. online travel and healthy. lifestyle, all this and not only in the weekly project broadcast 24x7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening, were you accepted into the kupala theater immediately after graduation? yes, we... lilya and i already went on tour right away, because we
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got the roles right away, so how did the best theater in the country take it? very good, we were loved, not that these young people immediately accepted us, they immediately took us under the wing of lidya ivanovna rzhetskaya, lena vasilievna rankovich, stefania mikhalovna. and this one continuity, like the patronage of experienced actors over youth, has it always been in the theater? yes, where do these traditions come from? i don’t know where, i continue this tradition, i continue because i want to, i see mistakes, but this is simply due to my age. and i want not to offend, that’s how they sometimes do to me, so as not
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to offend, say the exact word, one small one , and here’s how to support, well, rather , even hint that yes, and instantly everything becomes special, this creative family must exist, you must never understand and it’s like... putting it into your brain that you are better, no, you have separate qualities, just like your counterpart, he has them too, and you are in the same role, so that there won’t be any kind of war, you have your merits, i have my virtues, you understand, and we enrich it, this was in the theater, tell me, is it true that you go to the kupala theater every evening? almost. why
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is this so necessary for you? i remember stefana mikhailovna, when she was already in her declining years, she was very bored, she was lonely , although she had a grandson, but like me, i i live alone, and sometimes i feel very sad, and stefa mikhailovna. came to the theater, she had a cake, a bottle of crown, and said, oh, girls, let’s sit for a while, i walked past, i think, well, this is how she brightened up the time when she almost didn’t work anymore, i can’t help but to ask you about the special kupala spirit, what exactly does it consist of? i talk about this all the time, guys, we need
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the founders of this theater to hang it where we have a fireplace room, now it’s empty, i say, this is it the spirit that is in this theater, it lives in those who created this theater, we try to find the old people somehow, they look like... in five years they will already be leading actors, i don’t know how, how many of us god willing , but they will be leading actors, and the guys came from moscow, but they learned the language, they speak even more clearly than some belarusians, in addition to classical roles, in your creative
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biography there were roles that not all viewers perceived unambiguously. and i'm talking about the play the wedding based on the play by anton pavlovich chekhov. tell me, did you immediately agree to this role or were you thinking about it? you know what, of course, i ’ll tell you, pankov invited us to his office after the performance, and he said to me: i want to offer you the central role. well , i have a central role, of course, what mine played, that’s the same.
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and after the holiday, when we all gathered at the table to read by role and now they get to the bride, i am silent, because i didn’t have an order, and he said, petrovna, read, then all of us have such voices that it’s impossible may be? this is where it all started, but he’s smart, you do as your inner self tells you, all the action from performances, you have a lot of experience, and i will set you up, i will support you, but when we
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were invited to france for the second time with this performance, we passed. a month and then another half a month, then we have spain, then we have tbilisi, baku, in moscow twice in st. petersburg and china, and what seemed to attract you to this role is that all this was from the beginning, we are sitting in front of the curtain , almost 20 minutes while it is getting ready.
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yes, and then i didn’t feel it, i absolutely this, i could play her now with my 85 years old, you understand that this is not the essence of the matter, but her perception, these are these memories, that’s why there are double ones, there’s a double mother, there’s a triple mother, it’s hers, because
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she saw , as we sometimes do in our fantasies, that’s how it was the bride. this is where hanna is, she helps everyone, despite her pain, the fact that she doesn’t have two children, one in prison, the other unknown. disappeared, where and how, but she has such an immense heart, let’s all of us, all three of us
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, sit under one roof and live, that’s her heart, because an actress cannot take from the outside, you have to look for it yourself, if you find a response in yourself, then yes, yeah, so i had it again about love with natasha. what roles do you still regret not playing, what would you like to play, it’s already gone, so let’s not remember, well, there’s a lot that i would like to play, of course, but well, it ’s like on stage, that’s what it’s about in life would you dream? but, unfortunately, it didn’t happen, it didn’t happen, i would have dreamed that my husband would bring his family together, so that he would live to
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this day, we loved each other very much, very much, this is what i miss, because what i miss is lilya mikhailovna davidovich, this is my friend. institute, we got married together, we had children together, and i miss her very much, she was the closest person to me, whom i could trust with everything, you are one of those rare actresses who succeeded not only in the profession, but in life , it was difficult to combine family life with profession, you know, we each did our own thing, i had a husband,
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what else do you do, what inspires you , yes, i really like to cook, i have it turns out, i’m already thinking, if only, like, i would be a good cook, simply, but my husband taught me that, i didn’t take care of the house at all, he was all about the house. i’m just at the stove, and what did you come up with especially, which was like pies, pies, yes, cakes, good god,
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delicious meat, i was like dashing, yes, dashing, somehow, and then i started knitting, this is it my skill, personally, i knitted everything for my daughter of rebirth, from a hat to trousers, a coat and everything else. now, if you have some free minutes of rest, as you prefer rest? read or go to the forest, just walk around, gain energy, think , listen to the birds, there is noise, trees, somehow all this, except that you are a wonderful actress, you are a grandmother, you have grandchildren, uh, how often you succeed with see them? i have three of them, wonderful, three, we usually meet either on new year or easter, and always
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in august. do they live abroad? yes. well, are any of your grandchildren going to continue the acting dynasty? don't think. although, the youngest, she plays the piano well. zeneta petrovna, absolutely you recently turned 85 years old. yes, these are very serious numbers, many congratulations indeed. what do these numbers mean to you?
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well, it's time. wait, it’s time to come to your senses a little and somehow slow down, slow down the horses, because there are 15 years left until i turn 100, no, guys, of course, seriously speaking, this is a very big date, i am grateful to god that i am alive. how much he gave , how much he gave, and how it will go further, it’s all in his hands, but still we must thank both dad and mom, who tried so that i was born, so that i came into the profession, so that i i enjoyed the profession and
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here we are... thank you for your talent, for the fact that you generously share it with the audience, for the fact that you selflessly serve the theater, art, and of course, i wish you new kings and some pleasant, memorable moments of life, thank you, oh, what a beautiful bouquet, mother to me, this was the meaning of zinaida zubkova’s life.
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on what basis do certain american corporations, ngos, soros, media-like structures dictate to us the rules of life in our state, i still cherish the thought... as if in one way or another, precisely provocative, because otherwise it will not be possible to unleash a military conflict, at the moment there are no prerequisites for defeating us, now we are standing at the turn of holding electoral campaigns, the terrorist activity of our opponents is beginning to significantly to strengthen, here is a clear interaction between various law enforcement agencies and components, here are the armed forces, the state security committee,
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the ministry of internal affairs, the border guards...
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saturday, march 9, about the main thing by the morning hour i'll tell you, vladislav. hello, look at the issue. a flight that turned the world upside down and a new milestone for belarus on the anniversary of the birth of the first cosmonaut. the usa does not need pseudo-democracy.


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