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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 9, 2024 4:40pm-6:06pm MSK

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e days are running, you ask me, and i will answer, this is the heart of my land, i took it so low, this is the heart of my land, thank you, this signal means that the time for questions to the heroine has expired, irina, now you have to choose the best question of this program , mm, i’ll choose the question that valeria asked me, i remember this beautiful girl, please pass the microphone to valeria, where do you study, in what class? and i am in the eleventh grade, secondary school number 86. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest, please come out onto the site.
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i am very pleased that i have a gift with meaning, this is my album, in which there are many songs about belarus and it is even called, how can you not love my land, listen, since your question was about belarus, i am very pleased i’ll give you this disc, and a small photo of myself, i’ll autograph it, irina, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question, okay, what do you want to become, my name is anya, and i would like to become a psychologist, but i also really like it. ..
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using the tongue to convey dry, heavy psychology to people, i would like to become an actress, oh, i would like something simpler, more understandable, how interesting, what are you already studying for this? well, now i’m studying at an acting school and i also had quite a lot of experience on television, you are so good, in general, i wish you all success, good luck and dare. so, honored artist of the republic of belarus irina dorofeeva is visiting the program 100 questions for adults today, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to the site. tell me, which question asked today was the most difficult for you? i was ready for anything, i tried to answer sincerely, so i answered all the questions , coped with... it seemed to me that today you
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managed to answer 49 questions, tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to come, definitely, i’m turning to our audience, do you think that our heroine was as frank as possible with you today, yes, who thinks so, raise your hands, i believe that irina was sincere, because she gave answers to all questions, without avoiding them and even answered to... those that were tricky. irina, we have this rule: the hero always has the last word. summarize the conversation that took place. i want to say a big thank you to everyone. guys, you and your questions excited me and made me think about a lot of things. and now i myself have answered many questions that i should have asked myself long ago. thank you very much for your attention, kindness and... and for this communication,
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just thank you. honored artist of the republic of belarus irina darofeeva was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults, see you in a week. look in the next issue! chairman of the belarusian women's union olga shpilevskaya. why is there a woman in the belarusian union, but not a belarusian union of men? what do you think is the biggest injustice in society? do you consider yourself a career specialist? what do you always carry in your handbag? what do you mean by the concept of women's happiness? is your heart free?
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100 questions for an adult 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 3 times you dance well, well girls, a very good groom is growing up.
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having thought through everything, having firmly decided, we ask
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the central committee of the bolshevik communist party of belarus allows us to organize a combat partisan group. on a skoda in a burlok with a holatka under oak.
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the collective farmer says: give me a secretary machine gun, defend soviet power, my dear, that means you go alone, for now alone, turn up at the water pumping station near shurmen, you’ll stop with him, well, happily. king, remember, let a person spend the night, there are a lot of you wandering around here on earth these days, you should sit at home, now they are the same everywhere, grief and tears are about to happen, remember, come on, fedor!
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sending me here, furish said. wilhelm kube, are you going to hoslands, belarus? remember, there is no belarus, just as there are no belarusians? there is belarus, a living space for us, the population. there are too many of them, 10 million. six will be destroyed, four will be turned into draft
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animals. councilor hirt, i hope you understand the place that orsha occupies in the overall plan of our progress. not to the east, that’s for sure, excellent. orsha is the key, the gateway to moscow. i hope you understand this. i understand, excellent. no, you don't understand, i didn't notice that in your report. to guide everything, to carry out all these tasks. you don’t have to invent anything, in the directives, instructions of the rss bureau, dr. himler, everything is developed
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clearly and clearly, you don’t have to answer, the great german race is under the jurisdiction of god and the fuhrer, remember, fear, fear should paralyze everything.
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yes, if the depot does not work normally, then the gentleman will have to clarify your affiliation with the german nation, but because i have to put on a uniform, i’m listening. whoever is there, let the person spend the night, there are a lot of you wandering around here, you should stay at home, now it’s the same everywhere, grief and tears.
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when i was on my way to see you, i met buravchik, i asked him if they would hire me, he doubts it, but you should be wary of him, he apparently works for a german. yes, another gamera, the uniform was promoted by the head of the depot, petrovich, who is left from our depot, who can be trusted, the people are different, and who to trust, you know what time it is, sprinkling here, here and timka vekutovich. buckthorn, and i keep
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thinking about it, last year, that means i was in a sanatorium, listened to all sorts of lectures, the devil knows, because there is so much evil spirits against russia it’s a pearl, but russia is still standing, and hitler can’t see moscow, but how can this be, moscow is suddenly not russian, funny, right? well, darling, let's go to sleep. well, tomorrow i’ll come to the germans and say: an engineer has returned to your service, an engineer, probably a nag, an old russian
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intellectual, no, young, young, he’s returned himself, as his last name is, zaslonov, konstantin sergeevich. zaslonov, he’s annoyed, what did he talk to you about, they want to go to work, to work! thank you, danke, kurt, give him 50 marks, thank you, thank you , go, go, konstantin sergeevich zaslonov, year born in 1909, belarus since 1938, head
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of orsha, received monthly bonuses and was awarded a medal for excellent work. what medal? isn’t it written there for labor distinction? during the offensive of the german troops on orsha , he worked days and nights and evacuated everything to the last nut, leaving himself as the last echelon. where have you been all this time? we were cut off.
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mr. commandant, allow me to ask you a question, but if you refused to go ahead, then what would your superiors do with you, so they gave me orders, and i carried them out, in my opinion, this logical. specifically, can you explain the reason for your coming to us? please, i'm 32 years old and i want to live, what kind of job did you expect? before the war, i worked as a
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depot manager, mr. gammer can confirm this. well, now i could be a repair engineer, but you don’t want to be a simple worker at a coal warehouse, this is too much luxury for a coal warehouse, mr. commandant, you forgot where you are, you’ll see! your opinion, i don’t believe a single word of his, my gospel says, kill every russian, we will always have time to shoot him, here is the arrival of a soviet engineer, popular among the population, we should use it, i’m listening,
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what do you think? oh, yes, engineer zaslonov is a valuable person for the depot. editors club. it's no secret that the development of the military-industrial complex is one of the engines for overcoming the crisis. the beneficiaries of the war have no interest in stopping the massacre within a people foreign to them. the stakes are too high, and the income is enormous. the price of one nato 155 mm artillery snorad has increased since the beginning of the war.
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so you think that zaslonov can hire, we need russian engineers, and this one will not only work himself, but will force others to work. yes, a little, you can go, one minute,
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i’m listening, could you put in writing the reasons that made you come to us, please, we will publish them in the newspaper, something like this. no, this means interfering in politics, but i came to you only as an engineer, i am free, for now, free, and he is not stupid, much less dangerous. the editors say, write a note,
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zaslonov’s transition is the best proof that soviet power is over, it’s over forever, that’s why they are changing their positions. come closer, hamer, read the order.
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order number 169. the voluntary transfer of engineer zaslonov to the service of victorious germany is a noble act. i admit. engineer zaslonov worthy to serve in greater germany and i appoint him head of the russian locomotive brigades yapo orsha, advisor to the ministry of communications of greater germany, doctor hist. so, the victorious troops of the furor are moving further and further to the east. the war is coming to an end, i warn you, the one who wants to live. calm down,
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and why are you sprinkling stinking tobacco? this is not tobacco, this is articles, how does mr. barrier stink? from today you will work differently, mr. gammer, give me the defect sheet, i want to know who is repairing what, please, thank you, ponisan! or maybe
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he was forced, and they will force you to sell your own mother, you would have sold it, too, but we have seen such people. mister ortskoment, good morning, i was informed that you were poorly received by the workers, yes, yes, yes, who, who did it, i don’t know, but you must know, i’m listening, i’ll find out everything , i’ll report, report to me tomorrow, i’m listening,
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mr. ortoment. we have very few experienced workers, craftsmen, your workers prefer to die of hunger in concentration camps, instead of working, they can be forced to work, how to take them from concentration camps, where it is not for nothing that they eat bread, increase the depot brigade, in my opinion this is logical, i i’m in charge of the depot, i can’t hire who the hell knows, i already know a little about the german order, i understand where the functions end. chief of the depot begins the power of the port commandant's office, entrust this to me, we will select the craftsmen we need from the camp, they will work for me, i will think about it.
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everything is ready, chair, proceed.
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maitsak, turner, turner, goryuchka, machinist, stepanov, turner, alekseev. machinist, makeichik, slyasar, ivanov, kuznets, adamovich, machinist, semenikhin, semenikhin,
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judas. write, yes, semenikhin, turner, turner, krylovich, mechanic, mechanic. galina, panashchik, mechanic, mechanic, karast, mechanic, mechanic, belkov, docker, turner, savchuk, machinist, machinist, is it really me. gone, anya, better tell us what ’s going on around us, they say the germans are already near moscow,
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yesterday the announcement was posted, in 5 days tickets will be sold to moscow to leningrad. “everything was as clear as on a sunny day, suddenly darkness, no, this can’t be, the germans will never be in moscow, shut up, do you hear, shut up, we saw death there in the ladir every day, every hour, and we told ourselves live, live, live, and believed . do you understand me? i understand. but save your tears. on victory day we will cry with joy. at the junction in
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the depot, between the drivers, we need to organize separate combat groups, small, about five or six people. contact the sprinkler, dokutovich, krushina, but you can pick the rest yourself. will do. coal mines. the german command wants the depot to work well. well, steam locomotives will leave the depot, but on the way a coal mine gets into the furnace, again repairs. and trains stand on the tracks, the schedule breaks down. like this. everything is quiet, calm , and there are no traces, remember, now , you will keep in touch only with me, you will receive tasks only from me, but for everyone
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else, i am a traitor, judas, and now i will explain to you how a coal mine is made, taken tol, but who will guess that this is mino, coal? coal, as there is coal , is tricky, i wish i could find out who came up with it, and andrey is only one person, but what’s most important is that you throw this thing however you want, throw it, hit it, break it, nothing, if it gets into the firebox it explodes, that’s why it’s high
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temperature is needed, no, you tell me what zaslonov is, it’s scary to think, he lived among us, we respected him, loved him, but he betrayed him, why should we think about him, kick him just once, there’s no need for zaslonov to live in the world, get him out of the way, calm, calm, we have a commander from... he didn’t let him remove the barrier, clearly, discipline, discipline, and an iron one at that, here they are, mother-in-law’s
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gifts, right? adjosce na darogu.
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the furnace exploded again, mr. advisor, the twenty-first case is still the same. your opinion, engineer, why the same type of accident? the locomotive leaves the depot in order , an accident occurs on the way, and it is difficult for me to establish the cause, it is illogical, this is not a technical accident, there is a clear effect of explosives, and the reason must be sought here, but how does the explosive get into the truck, boss, answer! i don’t know, maybe together with
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coal when loading, these russians are capable of that’s it, we’ll check this now, amer , i’m listening, allocate workers, unload all the coal and break each piece, it will be done, unload the coal, igratovich, novikov, sebedikin,
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this is how explosives get into the furnace of a steam locomotive, russian homemade, isn’t it? yes, it ’s homemade, and well made, but
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it’s okay, i’ll finish it off now, that’s right , it was invented, there is a sabotage group operating in the depot on the road, and it is led by an experienced person, yes, that’s logical, mr. commandant. anton petrovich come in! okay,
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let's come to me, i have three crosses and my own house in frankfurt, i don’t want to lose all this, just because steam locomotives break down on this damned road, i am only responsible for ensuring that, mr. orz, commandant, the trains leave the station in order, they leave, and what happens to them in way, this does not concern me, this is your concern, we are both responsible, and for such conversations you are more likely to deprive yourself of crosses and a house in frankfurt than for watchful locomotives, you should know who is in charge of them, i should, but i don’t know. well , we’ve come, that’s what, anton petrovich: no more coal mines for the time being, it’s not clear,
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who are you talking to, is it clear to you, anton petrovich? kroplya, anton petrovich, you were already told once that the commander did not give orders to kill zaslonov. for two months the vaskrushins made coal mines according to my instructions. yes, yes, anton petrovich, and now i give it. new task, shut off grease nipples, air distributors, in short, freeze locomotives, okay? yes, slowly, slowly , anton petrovich, you understand, you understand , i can’t convey this to the drivers, i can’t, but you can, you can, yes,
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you can, konstantin sergeevich, well, here you are if you do, anton petrovich, i would be quiet. konstantin, i don’t know, i haven’t seen timka, where is he, he’s already gone!
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look, you're a bastard, hold it, that's the key. the bosoms need to be put to waste, thank you, old man, and don’t forget to tell the drivers, i’ll be quiet. the main thing that africa needs now is precisely the ideas or ideology of justice. the african continent
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has suffered greatly over the 450-year history of capitalism, and our president, when visiting african countries, comes with his own. fair ideology, the supply of our agricultural machinery has led to a sharp increase agricultural productivity, this is a solution to a key issue, everyone must be fed, 11 state programs exist to support motherhood and childhood, we have given women the opportunity to receive free education, our women have been given three years of maternity leave, this is the longest period of time in general,
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let's remember folk traditions. you are just a peep, such a jumper for me. i am very glad that the zaslavs have opened a museum of the belarusian baby. and we are so familiar with everything that it is an indestructible phenomenon, as long as the right little ones were being washed away, we didn’t know these lions. sergey davidovich , known as a writer and a living writer, he has been the owner of many sculptures, several sculptures that can be seen in the gallery, skateboarding,
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skateboarding and skateboarding get on the bike of a young chalavek, well, just because it’s natural, so pavinna, and in belarus our uncles and grandmothers do this, so then both youth and god require borrowing. cultural padarozha. if you and i were in any country, but not in russia, some kind of person would come to us a decent engineer, just not a soviet one, i might have believed him, you still suspect someone behind the scenes, yes, facts , no facts, intuition is not enough, i’m afraid that someday you... will regret defending this russian engineer, i’m defending you, ourselves, all of us, as soon as we take moscow, i
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shot him for the first time, now we need him, this is the last schedule, yes. the facts will be, mr. advisor, i’m listening, listen, excellent, that’s right, i understand, it will be done, tenth, barrier engineer. we need to repair 23 locomotives within 5 days, i obey, 23
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steam locomotive, why? eminich, come here and finish cleaning. slowly start the repairs, i need a train schedule , entrust this to a shurman, carry it out, it will be done, allow me to congratulate you, konstantin sergeevich, on the increase, salaries, yes... and this is a bonus for good services,
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little green one, konstantin sergeevich, yes, they would be just right to be red, because there is a lot of russian blood on them, yes, that’s right, there is a lot of blood on them, konstantin sergeevich, hide it, it will come in handy, what is this, a movement schedule. with the last one to hand over his, i ’ll call mr. neuhaus right now, what, are you mistaken, mr. buravchik, oh that’s it, then listen, i am authorized by a group of people to tell you, a group, yes, people who do not spare their lives to fight the germans, they fight until the last drop of blood, so we are warning you, are you warning us? i’m warning you, if you don’t stop serving the german, we’ll get you out of the way, get you out of the way.
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apparently, it was heavy
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, mostly with tanks, when it came to smolensk. thirty-seventh today and not to smolensk, old man, to moscow. now, if only the knot could be tied. so that traffic would stop throughout our entire area , create a traffic jam, clog the tracks with echelons, so that neither here nor there, in that war, i remember, we had the same akkasia, the water froze,
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the wells were not heated ahead of time, and they froze. as there is a traffic jam, wait, what if we do this now? yes, freeze the entire system at once, where can they get water, in red, glorious, here is the iskovuzel, do you understand, father, what is this? and i will do it.
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i know, sergeyech, what you are thinking. i 'll tell you what, now in front of every soviet a person asked the question, what did you do to protect your homeland, so my devil came, when it is necessary to freeze, today, good. go upstairs, i got it, i got it, come on, dammit, come out, what is this? so, thank you,
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thank you for the schedule, it will help us a lot, thank you, that means it’s you, that means it’s me, nothing, tick, nothing, we’ll win, we’ll all get together. let's remember, let's remember both the good and the bad, let's face it boldly , we lived our lives correctly, people, you are wonderful my friends, your bridge, okay, that means,
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you're waiting for me at 6 in the morning, where we agreed, ok. please, comrades, come closer. today we have one question. konstantin sergeevich, come on. i don't have much time, comrade, so i
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'll try to keep it as short as possible. in orsha the water will be frozen at the junction. this is a big blow to the knot. but this blow needs to be strengthened. therefore, from tomorrow, every train that has passed through orsha must go under. the slope needs to be forged not only at the junction, but at the approaches, all the roads to smolensk need to be brought under control, here is the traffic schedule, yeah, i have everything, so this plan, comrades, was discussed at the bureau, accepted, now let's talk about the details. please take out your cards when you say, will the water be frozen? already frozen.
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admire, with one blow the entire unit is disabled, this is a disaster, please sit down. sit down, what a nuisance, the water has disappeared at the junction,
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frost, severe frost, i haven’t remembered such a winter for a long time, and how long have you been working at the water pump? well, we thought about this ahead of time, in the summer we repaired it, checked it, warmed it up, we took the grinder in july,
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why wasn’t the water pump ready for the ground, what time was it, ours were leaving, they didn’t give an order, you came, also an order there wasn’t, but water supply is a responsible matter. only the head of the unit changes , which means it turns out that i am to blame for all this, it turns out that this is so, because as i understand it, you decided to end the war before winter, according to your newspapers, apparently it was 6 weeks and the end, well, they were delayed a little, like this, what are we, we have an order, a law, who ordered you to freeze the water? “why are you playing the fool, this would start to bastard, where was the barrier in the last
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days, where did he go, who did he meet, on the tenth he worked in the depot, and on the eleventh he was at mr. advisor, the twelfth in the depot, the thirteenth no one
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, obviously your memory has been lost, old man , remember why zaslonov came to you, he demanded that i fix the water, who ordered you to freeze the water, who am i, kurt, continue. come, did you come to shurmin’s water pumping station on the 14th? yes, i came, why? please note that the water supply is intermittent, and shurmin says that you ordered him to freeze the water, this cannot be, this is illogical, i don’t like logic, i like facts. you came
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to shurmin? yes, he came. kurt, bring in shurmin. old man kaput, weak heart. fool. ask. come here, what is it? who was arrested? konstantin sergeevich was also arrested. damn, that means i need to be in orsha, says moscow. at the last hour, the german
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plan to encircle the capture of moscow failed. defeat of german troops on the outskirts of moscow. on november 16 , 1941, german troops, having deployed 13 tank, 33 infantry and five motorized infantry divisions against the western front, launched a second general offensive against moscow. the hopes of the germans, apparently, were not justified. here the germans made a serious and dangerous miscalculation, but the miscalculation in the german plans cannot in any way be explained by the winter conditions of the company. it is not the winter that is to blame, but an organic defect in the work of the german command in the field of war planning. sovinformburo. spabeda's secret!
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well, my friends, congratulations on your great beginning!
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“listen, for days, for sure, when i let you know additionally, they will bomb the hub, our planes, so we need to prepare for the meeting, help with the alarm system, of course, yes, you, old people, should continue to operate at the depot, delay repairs, cripple locomotives, in short, you need to make sure that everyone..." would stay here, burn the gas depots in vorsha to the ground, i ask you to instruct me to do this, well? guy you're smart, so you've been entrusted with another task for the komsomol. gyatrus, come on, let's spread this everywhere, in the city, in the village, the people will read it and sigh, the party and
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the soviet government are alive, alive and invincible. so, we'll begin in the forest, and you... come on here!
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shame right under the nose, under your nose nigaus, the devil knows that tonight the barrier will be shot, in an hour the barrier will be liberated, exactly. in 12 zaslonov will be shot, i found this leaflet on my table, why did i also make a zaslonov, he has been sitting with you for 7 days, and sabotage not only does not stop, on the contrary, it is growing , the russians near moscow have gone on the offensive, we are being dragged by the front, you understand how
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the unit should work now, here is the telegram, the last warning from berlin, yes, yes, here, by the way, it concerns you, with the saboteurs on...
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they were born in different parts of the world. hello everyone, my name is xing kaijen, i'm from china, i'm currently studying for a master's degree in journalism, and i'm living in belarus. and everyone found something for themselves here. belarus for me.
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we tell you how to choose high-quality products for healthy dishes, so that cooking evokes only the most positive emotions, you need to cook it from high-quality products, carefully examine the product itself, the liquid in the package is the first sign of loss of freshness, if small... fat layers are colored red color, this means that the meat was partially frozen, a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood, i hope you didn’t have breakfast today. because today i will surprise you with the breakfast of champions. oh, today we will cook green
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pea fritters, chicken postroma with pepper sauce. sounds delicious, let's get started. don't forget about invigorating exercises. we slightly lift the heel of the foot off the floor, stay in the center, open our arms and make these calm circular movements with the right and left hand. watch the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel . come see me. semenikhin, come to me.
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hello, sergey, great, hello, friends, well, what news, the germans defeated near moscow, defeated, yes, finally!
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but today at 9 o’clock in exactly one hour our junction will be bombed at 9 you say so, well, as we are prepared to signal, we will signal at the train depot the turntable with an overpass and you need to leave orsha to me and... no, i gave my word to put the orsha junction out of action , but i haven’t done this yet, this is an underground decision committee, sergeevich, yes, okay, today after the bombing, we will all leave together, and now to our places.
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the tenth, says hirt, in exactly 10 minutes, will come to me, in exactly 10 minutes i will be with you. what else are you up to, mr. advisor, drink, it strengthens your strength, french bardo, drink sometime, no, excuse me, i don’t drink, it’s in vain. “i freed you because i’m tired of the saboteurs, i want to put an end to them, and you will help me, i
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’m listening to you, you will tell the workers that after everything that you had to go through in gestapa, you hated me, all of us , say that you would like to atone for your guilt before the soviet regime, organize a sabotage group, i am afraid that real saboteurs will not believe me, but it depends on you, the conditions are as follows: 5000 marks, occupation , no, this time, marks, or... one bullet in the forehead, free of charge, allow
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me. 3 minutes, well, think about it, well, 3 minutes have passed. raid, will you allow these depots? you will come with me, shelter bomb, zaport!
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who gave the task, you're wasting your time, commandant, you know, i won't say, the one who ordered you to signal, he won’t come. from here he won’t say, arrest me, this young man is not guilty, no, he won’t come, because he, as you say in russian, is a selfish man, and you don’t know him well, who, a soviet man,
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i will count to five. one, two, three, four, bastard, who, i won’t say, i’m asking you for the last time, who is hitler? it was he who sent you here. he forced it.
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central committee of the bolshevik communist party of belarus. hereby the combat partisan group carried out the task of blocking the bombardment of soviet aviation, and
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the actions of the partisans, the death of the brave, the master of water supply shurmin, the driver alekseev, komsomolets dakutovich. zaslonov took command of all detachments of the orsha zone. hand over to comrades koren zaslonov, the central committee and the partisans. headquarters wishes them further success, this is our area of ​​operation
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ignat petrovich, a soviet island, and it will grow, i order all detachment commanders, comrade kroplya and comrade grenevich, to eat. you liquidate enemy garrisons, start with asinovsky, here they are firmly entrenched, and what will we smoke, comrade krushin, in bagushevsk the germans collected about 5,000 pounds of grain, this bread must be recaptured, we will make it and distribute it to the collective farmers, it won’t work, burn it, of course, the enemy must be beaten. beat at every step, beat day and night, so that the earth burns under his feet, and no mercy, let them know, let everyone know,
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our people are infinitely peace-loving, but they are also terrible in anger, when they are forced to take up weapons, belarusian.


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