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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 10, 2024 7:35am-9:00am MSK

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that line of hers, that line, don’t be afraid of the judge, unpractical lips... does a touch give insight.
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hello, on the air belarus 1 and belarus 24, as always on fridays, the club of editors we will discuss the most interesting topics of the past seven days, what is being discussed in the country in the world, and i present our guests today.
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news and the head of the belarusian union of journalists, a deputy of the minsk city council, congratulations to all the deputies whom i have not seen since the elections, we congratulate you on your election, deputy chairman of the minsk city council, i regulied all of yours, i don’t have as many of them, not as many as you have, thank you, and i congratulate belaya russia on the wonderful result, vadim frantsovich, we congratulate you and andrei evgenievich for the first time after the elections in our country today. not with that, i wanted to start international women’s day, a wonderful holiday, olga alexandrovna, to you personally , in your person, to all our tv viewers on this wonderful holiday, health, smiles, happiness, no matter how trite it may sound, it ’s a great pleasure to work together with you, it's a great pleasure to work with, i think, for each of us.
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i watched a lot, but listen, it’s nice to see, beautiful, smiling, in a good mood, here’s the video on the wall confirming my words, a wonderful event, with great pleasure we watched what happened there, what are your impressions, well, of course it’s very difficult here talk about impressions, because there are a lot of them, thank you very much for the congratulations, the women were really looking forward to this meeting, however, this is exactly what we wanted, what we needed touch and what we really wanted.
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of course, women, women can do absolutely anything, therefore, but the most important thing is this feeling of the shoulder of like-minded women, yes, because when you understand that there is an asset nearby that at any moment... that i can’t stand up now i say pathetic words, directly to defend my homeland, and to defend the interests of women, the interests of men, so the president said a key phrase: a woman’s happiness is such an all-encompassing happiness, when we wish a woman happiness, this is all right, this is not it sounds banal, because women’s happiness means children, it means families, it means peace in our home, it’s everything that surrounds us with a positive statement of what surrounds us, so when a woman is happy, the country is happy, i’m not afraid of this word but on the other hand, it may not be necessary. while creating a party, you know, yes, such diversity, diversity of political power, now our people abroad will begin to see what diversity, where are the feminists, where are the lovers of what the grand duchy of lithuania did not get into parliament, we too we love the grand duchy of lithuania, this is our history, but we do not speculate on these topics,
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even if there is a party of women, we will still not say author, editor, our women will still be real women, and not these feminist ones. but in russia , these so-called feminists, they are also signs of one of the extremist ideologies there, in fact, now we can even identify fugitive or vile ones, as the president said, by these words, when they write “bytem, ​​nebyta, supposedly , the author, and this is technology, they thus , with the help of symbols, words, their alien, yes, this is the stratification of society, this is a tool. " are arranged very competently, they need to give them their due by definition, their alien, a certain ideology is instilled, so look, even on the one hand they come out with very strict, always aggressive definitions, as soon as they grab
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some terrorist, they immediately begin to talk about nothing, so listen, you just called , well, me too i can’t help but remember this incident since...
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not a single question was asked, which is surprising, in my opinion, because i, as a person who is always somewhere out there interested in these issues, not about the military-political situation, that is, women we are confident that they have a tomorrow, that they will be protected, today these are not the issues that concern our belarusian women, they are concerned about the further development of the country, what will happen next , there is artificial intelligence, family capital, child benefits, and everything and where the president.
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according to the media it is no longer possible, in lithuania they began an investigation against a belarusian who publicly criticized the country and its inhabitants, the reason was an interview for a youtube channel, what? uh-huh, and at the same time they are already saying such things to belarusians that... they are simply humiliating, which insult our national identity, go criticize, dmitry sanich, of course, it is necessary to react to such cases, absolutely true, but i wanted to say something completely about friend, there were many meanings, serious ones, but i want to say about the spirit, about the spirit of that event, according to at least it was transmitted even through a television screen, this is a broadcast of normal human, live communication.
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to hear and bring them to their logical conclusion, i will share that in the city of minsk, in the minsk city organization , a project is already being implemented, which is called the voter’s order, our colleagues who were candidates for deputies and became such are already beginning work to implement those wishes, demands that our citizens expressed, secondly, in further, further legislative activities, we will also, firstly, rely on... the ideology of the belarusian party belarus, but why is it easy for us? but because the ideology of the party
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largely coincides with the ideology of the state, therefore, through legislative activity we will implement those meanings, those ideas that are important for every belarusian. andrei evgenievich, as a member of the union of journalists, i come up with a proposal to the leader, bsjj was ahead of us alone, and why don’t we hold a congress of the belarusian union of journalists, a real big congress with thousands of guests and invite there, including including the head of state, as he thinks. also there to gather everyone who is there and discuss on a large scale, and propose the problems that exist, invite political scientists, government officials, for the first time in many years, i don’t know, do it in two days, then break up into some sections talk, but at least look into each other's eyes, gather everyone who is there, well, we held a large plenum at the end of last year, by the way, we held it in the national library, a magnificent platform, just such a broad exchange of opinions. passed, i i think that the idea is good, the only thing is that you need to choose the moment, we are gathering the best
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journalists, heads of the largest editorial offices, who are members of the journalists, so as not to deplete the information field, imagine, we will all gather in one place, for example, again in the national library, and here we have both the formation of a republican council and the formation of an all-belarusian people's council, we need to find the moment, i think this would really be a measure.
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no, no, this exhibition was of children’s drawings, and what does this have to do with an art school, children they drew, the competition was held from five to 18 years old, they were presented in several age categories, this is a joint competition of the belarusian women's union of the university of culture, the image of a woman, the image of a belarusian woman, so i was very interested in how our children are, can you imagine, this is growing generation, because it is very important
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how they see a belarusian woman, yes, because we say that a lot is tied to her, when i came in and looked. all the work, this is how our belarusian woman, our children see her, they see her as a mother, this maternity hospital , dad is standing there waiting for his third child, yes, and mom is everywhere positive, mom is everywhere in bright colors, mom is standing near the refrigerator to eat cake at night, mom is harvesting potatoes there together, well, digging potatoes there together with dad, yes, but mother is everywhere next to the children, mother is associated with the sun everywhere, mother is associated with flowers, these are young couples.
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when we somehow already forgot, it was october, the atmosphere was quite tense, i’ll tell you, but the bpf members were so rabid, that means they were circling then, i i remember the sports palace , they tried, i remember the women, i remember well, i was a student , we stood, naturally, in support of the president, who very simply told them that let us just live, so we are for this person, i i remembered the image of these women , the workers who were, then look and... when we were in the twenties, they tried to push women, our enemies, forward, and you know, when so many said, no, we won’t follow them, when remember, they began to take children forward and put them forward, from many i heard then, i heard from many, i think they are watching our program, these women, i am grateful to them for these words, who said,
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this is not this, this is false, we will not follow this, who assembled one of the first forums then. active representatives of our female half, he allows a union of women without any party, answering the question that arose: they don’t need a party, not because there is no competition in belarus, not well, calmly, we got together and decided something.
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programs, they ask, so we have already reached, so to speak, the red line, here, here is the denouement is there or not, because well, last week, even 2 weeks, brought a lot of interesting
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surprises, somehow, for me, the situation is of course heating up, absolutely no one is shy about frank statements, here is american washington or whoever you remember dumped an article from which it turned out that in 10 years, 12 intelligence centers, new york times, 12 intelligence centers were created in the territory.
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to create this kind of pressure, political information and propaganda, this broad campaign began, in fact, society is preparing for this , i assure you, some time will pass , and not just guys, well, they will launch a tactical nuclear strike, well, life will go on, this is the next thing, we must be ready for this, we are waiting, we are waiting for materials in the western press about that , that a nuclear cloud is not very dangerous to health, a very indicative point with this organized one, that is
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probably already organized... of the united states, again it is focused both on the external contour and on the internal american political situation, there is a clear understanding that americans need to be consolidated around the idea that the united states is a superpower.
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must restore order, well, a super idea, in general a super idea of ​​the western world, it has existed for several centuries, this is to defeat russia, to defeat russia, we can remember a lot of wars, and everywhere, this ideology, it already seems that in western european countries and in general in the aglo-san world it is passed on through mother's milk, unfortunately, this super idea is now very... very big, let’s say, reality, in order for the peoples to warm up the european peoples to this, because for the first time in history they have a tool, it’s called anti-russia, there is no longer a country, ukraine is a country that has put the destruction of a neighboring country at the head of its ideology, from now on, this russia is an instrument.
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there is talk in the press that what happens is that scholz found himself in isolation, that is, his pro-american elements in the bundestag were pushed to the wall, and he says that no, i won’t supply taurs, even though you kill, but i don’t want to, well, they say they’ll put him in anyway, but now he’s taken
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a position, there’s pressure on him, she didn’t have any arguments to resist, this leak is the same german generals, as if, well , some people think that like if only russia had given him such a trump card, but again, i think this is an attempt to discredit scholz, his leg. what does this all mean? i call it a dog’s wedding in european politics, because everything is so mixed up there, on the one hand, the americans are giving a clear message: you will fight, the responsibility is on you, we have elections here, we won’t give money, so you give money, they say: well, money agrees, let’s give weapons, we’ll give weapons, but there aren’t many of them, so what if you send soldiers, not everyone agrees to that, so it goes very well there are many, there are different centers of power , these are different centers of influence, parties, elections that are going on, all this is mixed into one ball, the americans are not... europe, we are analyzing all this, in principle, to
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put it more simply, this is positive for russia, but tactically there are also various moments, well, let’s say now they will supply several thousand shells, they found it, after all, they will pay for it, they will supply it, i have almost no doubt that the taurus are under that.
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part of the black sea fleet, so what other recognitions, what is this already affecting? i agree with vladim frantsich that this is most likely scholz’s trump card, although here i also have big doubts, i want to support what the colonial policy is. france is a unique combination of a republic, and a colonial republic at that, which colonized vietnam and northern africa, now, in my opinion, in the european union there is such a shoving going on in europe. in general, shoving, who will be in charge there, in this gangster terminology, who will be the watcher, who will be the boss. it is obvious that scholz, with all his weakness, unpopularity and terrible unpopularity, especially in germany, cannot cope with this mission role.
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nobody in continental europe wants to give britain sole leadership over the management of the ukrainian conflict to the misty islands. therefore, yes, there is france, macron, who is leaving, who no longer has. ahead of the political presidential future, his one side was pressed in africa, they said, get out of niger, goodbye, so he interferes in ukraine more actively, declares that we will send french soldiers there, foreign legions and so on, he got into georgia, and he is now actively interfering with armenia , these are french interests in georgia and armenia in order to squeeze russia from the other side in ukraine, so it seems to me that this is what this is about, by the way.
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russia at one time in early 2000, in the late nineties, proposed a very good model that would replace their ideology as to take possession of russian resources, she herself began to supply these resources, primarily to germany, an example for the arab emirates later, what did they do first when the conflict began? they blew up the northern flows,
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that is, they cut this thread and showed that the overseas corporations are overseas, the american money state, it will not allow the development of this model of cooperation, economic cooperation, in fact it was beneficial to russia and was beneficial to europe, this was destroyed, at the same time, naturally, a hot conflict began...
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didn’t mean that, or maybe he meant something else , the president of the czech republic supports him, the president of the czech republic does not support him, these are the kind of stories that come out in the media, in my opinion, they distract attention from the main thing, from the fact that the military-industrial complex of the west is now also starting to work very actively, and a lot of money is being invested in it, i personally have a feeling, as it once was with ukraine, when angela merkel said that it was necessary to simply stall for time until the entry into big war, that's it now there is a feeling that with all these things we are just...
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germany, and this is a completely different problem. what are we doing in ukraine? let's establish peace there, let's return russian gas to europe so that we can re-industrialize germany, re-industrialize europe. let's keep our gas at home and use it to produce and re-industrialize america. let's rebuild our industrial base at home. this is the best way to do it with cheap gas. you know, it's a choice.
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we had to have everyone's support, because we we know that the western establishment, their western information service, including the belskaya runaway, are absolute liars, this is the last confirmation, i want you too... to see this, firstly, about nato, they began to let slips recently, yes, such statements that reveal the map, sometimes it seems to me, for example , they don’t think about elon musk, remember, he wrote quite recently that nato is the reason for everything, why was it necessary to dissolve nato after the collapse of the soviet union, he couldn’t come up with anything better , as president of latvia, renkiewicz
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made a statement, dear elon musk, the reason why nato was founded, exists and will exist is russia and other enemies of the free world. what has nato done in the last decade? they lied that they were rebuilding missiles against iran and the northern one was approaching, nato officially declares that they are against russia and they have been approaching the borders of the russian federation for decades, what should have been putin’s reaction to this , they are self-exposing themselves, because this is sekorsky who spoke over there by the way amazing speech, a collection of memes, stereotypes and lies.
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intelligence begins to operate in the pskov and leningrad regions, it would seem that the following, look, there were recently publications in the polish press, they recalled how poland joined nato, how leg wales convinced the west to let poland in, absolutely anti-russian rhetoric, again this there was yeltsin’s russia at that time, then let’s remember what andrei evgenevich was talking about and now he was talking about the attempt to deploy anti-missile defense missiles, this was even before the war in south ossetia. they are in the zero years began to do this when bush said that he looked into putin’s eyes and saw his soul there, that is, this is a consistent anti-russian policy, and it was the eastern europeans, poles, balts who acted as the driving force, yes, maybe some of them are afraid of russia , but most importantly, they
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sold russophobia and are selling it as their only national idea and the only product that is ahead of anything they are talking about... so to speak, not to fight with russia, but because of russia and has been approaching the borders for decades and putin couldn't help but
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to react to this, they then all shouted, remember, when the nwo began, that nato has nothing to do with it at all, putin is just an invader, he wants.
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russia wanted to maintain influence over ukraine and if the west had not challenged this, it was clear that war could have been avoided, he wanted us to promise never to expand nato, but we refused. liars, tell me a few words, i was already here on our program a few months ago, when we were discussing one of the problems, i remembered george orulo with his dystopia, this is peace - this is war, war - this is the world, the ministry of truth, my word of honor immediately comes to mind, when everything is turned upside down, white is called black, regarding nato, let me remind our viewers of the history of its emergence, the bloc appeared in the forty-ninth year. nato, there is still no socialist camp , no warsaw pact organization, the soviet union has been bled dry in the war, of course, there are no
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aggressive plans, however, who creates a plan for the unthinkable nuclear attack on all major cities, industrial centers of the soviet union, in order to destroy it, nuclear weapons, only our scientists, as a result of the most powerful soviet nuclear project, and the military, who created nuclear weapons, prevented the burning of our ... country in a thermonuclear war, then the actual completion of the soviet union, the mediocre collapse of these gorbachev reforms, they promised not a centimeter to the east , there will be no expansion of nato, they lied, and indeed, just like russia and belarus should have reacted at those airfields where soviet fighter bombers were stationed, i’m talking about the baltic republics, about the countries warsaw pact organizations are located there.
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yes, let's confirm, here we are in the twentieth year, and there was a rebellion that happened, well, how much time has passed, many of them are spilling the beans about what happened, at first they said that people came out against violence, then they began to call it a revolution , remember, we also drew attention to this in 3 days , the rebellion did not succeed, yes, then we ourselves began to call it a rebellion, a peaceful rebellion, this week, who are we financial times, i still continue correspondence with western means.
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that he threw a noose on the monument to a policeman, remember, he is giving an interview to some garbage dump, that’s what he says, and people learned to walk in chains, including thanks to the training videos that anarchists made, people there stirred cocktails with a hammer, thanks to the videos that they made anarchists and the actions that anarchists did, only my comrades and comrades there.
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your personal journalistic experience as a correspondent for the belarusian radio company, remember, we had such a dialogue, constructive, constructive on our part, including with nato, such an emissary came, janusz bugajski, a political scientist, very close to the service, information and analytical structures of nato, so i wrote an interview with him at the belarusian foreign ministry, what the belarusian side said then and what was the difference,
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we always spoke honestly and principledly and the president said this. including to numerous emissaries from the united states, that you will not replace russia for us, russia is our strategic ally, and we will sacredly fulfill our obligations, but in cooperation with you we are ready to resolve several significant fundamental issues for us: stopping human trafficking, combating drug trafficking and arms trafficking, including weapons, elements of weapons of mass destruction, including another issue that...
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the role of president lukashenko in supporting donbass, i don’t know, what are they talking about, but thus, having considered your comment, the council came to the conclusion that they do not question the decision on the need to apply restrictions, restrictive measures against the white television and radio companies, accordingly the senate, the council decided to preserve your company lists of individuals and legal entities subject to restrictive measures, although he did not approve them, did not ask to be excluded from these lists, on the same day in nii kapolim
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the local council accepted.
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bbc report: crowds are coming out, which means that azov people have left azov, by the way, about what they say, that, well, what successes has russia achieved, what kind? russia cannot provide a single piece of evidence, so then this is a story in the canadian parliament, but what are you talking about, no matter what we do, no matter how we prove it, they don't consider this evidence. once again you need to understand, these are enemies, this is an adversary, this is an enemy who does not want to see anything, they are sponsoring this nazi regime, they understand perfectly well who they are dealing with. i’ll give you a historical analogy
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, i’ve already referred to it more than once, but i really like it, because it’s revealing, it’s just extreme cynicism, these documents were deciphered by the americans to the cia, when it was a long time ago, the second world war was ending, they were dealing with fugitives belarusian nationalists, kushelem,
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who participated in the holocaust, he personally received an award from izra hitler, for which we congratulate the council of europe, wrote, you know, the council of europe and all other organizations, they will protect and medially
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support the instrument with which they fight with russia, they are destroying russia, for them ukraine with its ideology, i repeat once again, what i said at the beginning of the program, this is an anti-russian tool, they, excuse me, will be...
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that is, a different situation, but if the president did not accept it decision when and where to attack the enemy, this is how the enemy attacks there , it would have been much more difficult than it went like this, well, to confirm the words of denis vladimirovich, just facts, figures, a law was adopted, we remember 21 april zelensky that at least 5 % of gdp , there must be a military budget, let me remind you, trump in nato is fighting for 2%, they accepted at least five, this...
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the civilized world brought to power a bloody dictator in chile, you can treat him differently, but he bloody dictator, pinochet, with only one goal: to prevent victory in chile of leftist pro-soviet forces. they endured all 40 even more years after the war of the apartheid regime in south africa that they could not do to him.
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the soviet army was in afghanistan, it was, but what was the soviet union doing there ? jumped in afghanistan, not even at times, this is about
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the question of who is, here i am as with my strength at meetings with people, i convey the following: it was we, yes , not everything was smooth in our history, but we did not create, we were not non-humans, we did not create, well then you philosophers, scientists must formulate what we should call them , well, you know , you can call it even now, this word has already been heard, remember, they are an evil empire, but now we call them an empire of lies, but we must understand for ourselves that our civilization, our history is, to a large extent, the history of creation , while what we called the civilized world is a history of genocide and destruction, it turns out that the western world is introducing the following thesis into ideology: yes, that
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living at the expense of other people, while killing them, is normal, this is a golden billion, the first second class.” the white man and the white man's burden to bring the light of enlightenment to the gloomy wild tribes, who are the gloomy wild tribes? this is india with thousands of years of history, culture, and philosophy. this is china with an equally long and great history, yes we can talk about african countries, how they may be less developed, but modern cultural studies show that these are very strong interesting cultures, here is the theory of negritude, which shows that
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this is a special way of perceiving the world, aesthetic, sensual, through dance, through an artistic image, not rationalistically western, another way, no, backward. what i read there, but it’s simple, of course , and time after time, in fact, creating a wonderful image of the future, us through this media influence, through information
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influence, through ridiculous caricatured images, from this from our own picture of the future, they take me by the hand and say that it was fake, wrong, we did everything. it’s not like that in afghanistan and africa, when we helped these peoples throw off colonial dependence, in general, nowhere, when we helped china, were we wrong, so i absolutely support the president’s theses, one of my favorite phrases, his, which i ivan mikhailovich said, including to you , that the media, today weapons are stronger than nuclear weapons, this is the image in the head of the majority of humanity, who will create it and what will it be?
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byzantium, byzantium is our mother civilization, and what is included is either a figure of silence, so let’s go out into the street and ask who knows about byzantium, no one, or deliberately, i just want to give an example, the story of the guides from the stale, yes, when
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i arrived there american excursion, but on town hall square she says, here is the town hall, here were the shopping arcades, now there is something there, also similar, she says, well, here... the bazaar was already so active, there are 400- 450 years ago, here people were already gathering, that’s all, and the girl turns to her mother and says: mom, look, our country is only 200 years old, here people were already trading 400 years ago, you understand, we don’t take this seriously, because in our country this is, in a country, excuse me, gathered from all over humanity and the people who were not of the best qualities then traveled, we need this story.
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the west and the evil indians, apaches, camanches, sioux, shaens, only somewhere in the eighties, these are dances with wolves, so they begin to change their attitude towards everything, and before that it was like that.
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i wanted to say about this, and we are doing , it seems to me, right, we are now beginning to make our first steps among young people, of course, you know better, you are teachers, and there are probably problems there, textbooks are an eternal history, ideology, and anthems, and history and so on, which was purged from education, well, to some extent, of course, i can’t give an assessment, i don’t want to offend anyone, i know for sure that the west is killing our fugitives most of all, because it...
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act even more decisively and effective, it’s true, well, in absolutely all directions, draw, write, create, whatever you want, rewrite textbooks if it’s needed the way it’s needed, make feature films, absolutely everything needs to be done, yes, we’ll complete our program , but education is extremely important and what i told you, you are completely serious. this means that all efforts must be devoted to this, to the younger generation, to young students. well, we’re finishing our program, fun news, there’s nothing to discuss here, i ’ll watch the video now, propagandists from voices of america compiled a rating , published countries on the freedom index , ukraine scored 49 points, well, this doesn’t mean anything, but it was ahead of belarus in the freedom index, which scored only eight
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points, china scored nine points, and russia - 13, as it turned out in ukraine. from which it is impossible to leave, in which people are beaten, punched, behind the walls, even the british can no longer withstand the guard, innocent people are languishing, it turned out above , there is nothing to discuss here, everything is clear, we have, not citizens, listen, citizens latian, we have there is a short video that we will end with a ukrainian song, we say goodbye to you, we will see you in exactly a week, this is ukraine by the way, so to speak , i won’t say how it’s imposed,
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everything you wanted to know about the meaning of human existence, for everyone there is the providence of god, this providence will already be fully revealed in the kingdom of heaven, and it will be even more open during the second coming of christ, when the lord will reward everyone according to their deeds. on the religious education of children. i, as a priest, very often try to be at school, and we invite children to our events from school, including excursions. and various spiritual and moral events, which, exhibitions and others, which take place on the territory of our temple and thus , our temple, it is filled with children's voices, it is filled with new life, receive comments from art critics and historians. kali chalavek with loose crowns and any adnositsa
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and everything that is in their temple, then such images are captured, not looking at what is at the point of polishing.
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there was a large settlement in the place, and it appeared at the intersection of major trade routes, nemansky and bresko-vilnius. almansky is a real tourist highlight. the only ones preserved in their natural state in belarus and the largest in europe. these are the twenties, thirty-nine years. i can safely say that this is the best time for urban architecture. sidewalks and highways went up, trees were planted , and beautiful new buildings were built to show how extraordinarily wonderful our country is. when he moved from one place to another, this the horses were unharnessed and transported. the believing jews themselves, from one place to another, now , as we see, the image is clearly visible, colors have begun to appear, this is, of course, a miracle of god,
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watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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