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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 10, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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well, business seems to have revived, interest in business development in belarus is, of course, growing, of these twenty companies, 12 companies are companies from china, with chinese capital, what needs to be noted here, what trends are emerging. various businesses in the field of logistics, in the field of new materials, so we have one company that will produce products from carbon fiber, this is a very interesting, new material for us, a number of companies in the medical field, one of the chinese companies will produce orthopedic dental products with using additive technologies, well, this is 3d printing.
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hello, what news became bombs, who launched them why, we are talking about this today, but before we get to the facts, andrei petrovich, it doesn’t seem like there’s a smell. a big war in the world, well, look , everywhere today they are saying, the third world war has already begun, the second say, the third world war is on the threshold, the fourth say, you know, a hybrid war is being waged, somewhere a proxy war, that is, so many wars that are around us or whether they are being carried out, or not being carried out, well, it is very, very difficult for the common man to understand, yes, yes, yes, we will look into this, but is there a feeling that right now they are truly preparing for something, for the next step.
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without any doubt, let's say who is preparing, firstly, and what is being prepared against us, in general, if we take it on a planetary scale, all this is being prepared, and the biggest evil today is globalism, when everyone is subject to the same brush, where decisions are made subjectivity of the state, where the national elite is replaced by transnational and so on, if we go down to our state level, then here we can divide three main objects that pose the greatest threat to us, what really poses a danger from a military point of view. well, first , these are the collective countries of the west, i think that today there is no need to convince anyone, just look at any news feeds, what exercises are being carried out along with the violation of all the vienna agreements, everything else, plus the sanctions policy that is being carried out against us, plus there, starting from the closed sky and so on and so on and so on, the second thing is that these are, of course, terrorist organizations, the transformation of terrorist organizations today is not two men who were caught there in the lelichi district, but although this is... an integral part, a small one
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an integral part, well, precisely terrorist organizations today, and they are often precisely prepared as proxy forces by some states that are ill, in order to influence state structures, create quasi-states within, well, it’s not for nothing that the head of state stops at such moments, who are you calling who, it’s just that in this case then you understand that there is also someone behind them, well, let’s call purely terrorist extremist organizations, the same kolinovsky regiment that we were talking about. these are just transnational companies and various different funds, primarily financial ones, which use private military promotion companies there in their interests, or some states that are interested in promoting the interests of these companies, and accordingly here these are the three main elements they represent.
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unfortunately, they came to the conclusion that the bridge, due to its size, is similar to a runway, so it may not require 10 or even 20 missiles. there is an opinion that the taurus will succeed in this, where the bridge opens up if you aim at the supports. they will only be able to make a hole and damage the bridge. and before we make an important statement, we must ourselves. i'm not promoting the bridge idea. i pragmatically want to understand what they want and what we should teach them. therefore, it turns out that when planning these operations to indicate the main points in the images. i
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would like to say one more thing about the destruction of the bridge. they will have goals, but here it should be taken into account that when working on small goals , you need to plan more scrupulously, and not analyze pictures on the computer. in the case of confirmed goals, everything is simpler; planning will take less time.
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due to the fact that germany does not comply with it. denounce the moscow agreement of 1990. what is interesting about this agreement? this is a 4+2 agreement, when you remember the german democratic republic, these countries that provided it then. what what's interesting about this agreement? what’s interesting about this treaty is, well, the first, most important thing is that only peace should come from the territory of germany, that the armed forces of germany can only be used. by decision of the united nations, and so on and so forth, but the most important thing is that
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it bears the signature of russia, and russia is essentially its main signatory, that is, the soviet union with the rights of the soviet union of russia. where does this lead? the denunciation of this treaty essentially leads to the fact that there is no such state as germany. why? we look under the building and look at helsinki. a priori, there are no such states; there was a separate federal republic of germany or an occupation one. sub-zones, yes, which we know, are divided , or what is connected from helsinki, there were two countries, germany and the gdr, well, it seemed like, well, what’s wrong with that, but don’t care, no one pays attention to this russia today , even at the sports level, at the level. there will be no doubt, and that some prussians who have disappeared are inside this country, which has not yet has sovereignty, and the most important thing is that the denunciation of this treaty will lead to the fact
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that the peace treaty, the treaty with germany has not yet been concluded by the soviet by the soviet. wait, so you’re saying what russia should do, look, this is a purely political game, before this politics was played only on our field, but today we are starting to play there on that field, there is a reason to think, there is, so there is a reason to think not only for these states, which are also tied to the substructure and helsinki, the baltic states are there too, russia is not a signatory there ukraine or... some other states that are, from a military point of view, some kind of response, a logical continuation from russia, from a military point of view, if these objects, on a purely formal issue, are used on russian territory, are used with the use, or rather they are launched, by german military personnel , this is a reason for declaring war, this is unambiguous, this is no secret, but
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so many of these red lines have already been crossed that today it is probably not possible to simply talk about some kind of military component comes, let's remember, what about the northern streams? what answer? there is no answer, with the crimean bridge, which has already been repaired twice, what is the answer? and il 76, which shot down the patriots, i firmly believe that it was ukrainian servicemen who were sitting there, and not some germans or americans, do you understand? well , at the same time, no one continues to impose some kind of sanctions against these states, demand something, but i say that we cannot wash ourselves away from the malaysian boeing or from this invented storm, why? here you go, the information component, their game on our field. of course, there must be a military response, our only head of state said about zhenshov, and that a private military company dreams of moving there, why can’t , for example, two or three iskander missiles accidentally fly there, and then make a political apology, at the same time, test the possibility of these states for something, well, of course, it looks a little bloodthirsty, but nevertheless
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, you understand that today not a single state hides what their military specialists find...
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in the forties of the 20th century, we are talking about nuclear war, dmitry anatolyevich medvedev just gave a very large historical lecture, just the other day, he was talking about this very thing, we must remember exactly at what moment we are in today, therefore , what they are saying in europe today is a step towards escalation, they are trying to escalate the situation as much as possible in order to test russia once again on us. including how capable we are of reaction, how capable we are of unleashing some new conflict, transition to a new level, they are not yet psychologically ready for it, and scholz, i think he has such a problem, probably the doctor will say better, when you put barriers in front of yourself so as not to do something, here are all his speeches , it seems to me that these are exactly the fences that he builds
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in front of himself, and he is pushed towards this, so we hear these absolutely... and germany, he never existed, we cannot find friendship in any century france and germany, so i think that's it. what do you think about this news? the pentagon can secretly remove zelensky from kiev, like the nazis saved the overthrown italian dictator musalini in 1943. let them shout, those unfortunate ukrainians will throw themselves out and give him a personal train so that he can just leave from there, everyone there quietly hates him, look what’s going on in networks, when
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people are just ordinary people who even before did not perceive a special military operation adequately, because well, it’s clear, they were washed with very information, very competent muses, they now they see what’s happening, they’re already tired of it, and well... yesterday’s speech by an american journalist, yes, who simply said, yes, i hate this president and zelensky, listen there, there was such a pitch, there was a speech that was just, well, terrible , yeah, you can just imagine a person in this absolutely tolerant country, where you can’t say anything bad and so on, she said that, well, if it was possible, i would even slap him in the face, because well , it’s impossible to look at this clown who. ..only does what travels, takes pictures with hollywood stars, hugs, smiles, at a time when people are dying in his country, this former pentagon employee, by the way, he
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goes on to say that the reason why zelensky can be taken out of kiev is the offensive of russian troops, growing unrest within the country, refusal to hold elections, imprisonment of people who oppose zelensky, according to him , the united states can transfer zelensky to lvov, and ukraine. why are they spreading this story then, look, they spent a year ago, he himself zelensky should be worried when they write such things about him, when the money was going out, they said that we’ll defeat everyone, we’ll get to kursk, we’ll exchange territories there,
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russia, that means the whole kremlin will fall, there were such victorious reports, that means it’s happening where - until september , the completely reverse process begins, there were articles in the western press, which means that the commander was a bad commander, the money was stolen, the counter-offensive failed, the people there are bad, which means the generals and soldiers are not like that either, so they absolutely dramatically changed this one point of view, then there is something?
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here comes a secret helicopter, some kind of missile, this is a completely different sound, a sacred sacrifice right away, well , a sacrifice, i think in the west this is one of the foundations, as they say, of their foreign policy, that is, something must happen somewhere in order to then necessarily blame someone, and then raise someone against this background, but he’s the last one; with navalny, we all see how everyone is fussing around, but in the end, until ukraine itself said, the trumpet came off, that is after that it was a natural death, that is, well naturally, this has not been proven to anyone. unnatural, but came off, of course, in this case we trust the representative officially, they buried him in the globe, well, thank god, i think there is no need to discount the crisis of the genre, because journalists also
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experience a certain hunger and turn to historical subjects, yes, which yes, we ’ve already been discussing for 5 minutes, so in parallel there is another topic going on: ukraine has something up its sleeve that will surprise russia literally next month, that’s why. what in nato itself in relation to its own in this whole situation, when we see how it behaves to its partners, within ourselves, our fugitives continue to say that we would like to be in nato, belarus would be in nato, and if we had won in due time, or when we win , we will first of all deal with this problem, andrey, this is what this is, this is also probably some element of the disease, well, of course, that is, ukraine has already been taken into nato, which means that all that remains is to take these , that is, well, idiots, well, they kind of fit into such the locomotive of this ukrainian military propaganda , somewhere it works, you know, the money
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went to the counter-nast and... what came on our fugitives was some piece of this money, it also went, as it were, to support ukrainian interests, a certain sabotage activity there was some kind of espionage, they were setting up some kind of underground groups, but it was all in favor of ukraine, not even in favor of nato or anyone else, that is, ukraine was the operator that gave them this money, like only americans they said that you know, we have problems in congress, you steal a lot, there will be no money , their activity has dropped sharply, the elections went well, we have an elected deputy here, that is, what did we see, we saw nothing, that is without money they can’t do anything, much less something else.
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i ordered the advance of senate troops to ukraine, but no. the political publication reports that a few weeks before macron, the proposal to nato colleagues to send military personnel to ukraine was sent by the chief of staff of the french army, thiry burghart was refused, that is , macron already knew that nato was against his idea for some reason. andrey petrovich, what kind of game is this? well, look, i wouldn’t take macron’s words lightly at all. even though we say, there are no sovereignties there . countries, there are presidents and military somewhere there are disagreements, france is probably the most sovereign country in europe, a nuclear power, yes, a nuclear power that produces everything from space to party rooms in order to visit, figuratively speaking, and prepare their soldiers, they have everything , this is a self-sufficient country, the most important thing they have is a very strong military lobby, the lobby of generals, so the president makes decisions there, yes, he is the sole one, yes, he is the commander in chief, yes, the supreme commander in chief all sorts of things, but
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the generals’ lobby there is very, very
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... some of us here don’t understand why the president is adopting a decree to bring the enterprises of the organization if suddenly the war happens on a war footing, but few of the same liberals wanted to notice , what in germany, the minister of health said that it is necessary to prepare our healthcare system for action in war conditions, exactly the same thing irob bauar, who is the chairman of the nato military committee, they all talk about the same thing, that is, it was not by chance that he let it slip, but he illustrates further, the most important. 31% support macron, and this is too much, you agree, look, i’ll continue, but we have forgotten all about documents such as the treaty. about
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the representations and security guarantees prescribed by great britain, germany, france, we all believe that this is what it is , we have read everything in open form, what is it, some kind of declaration of some intentions, yes, about eternal friendship, but it must be said that any document adopted in the military sphere necessarily contains still closed protocols, and what in these closed protocols we can only guess, well, not obviously not a declaration of love and eternal friendship only there...
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this week we are once again discussing the fact that there was a chance to everything went a different way. the wall street journal published terms of the peace agreement between ukraine and russia, the same one that was almost agreed upon, but never signed in april
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of twenty-two, let’s recall the main provisions of this document that were published. ukraine could become a member of the eu, but could not join military alliances such as nato from all the new territories under unconditional russian control. what does this story teach us? i think that this document was published because it was in the logic of the proposals that the russian the federation advanced to the west in the twenty-first year.
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if the west helps ukraine as much as it does now, then ukraine’s days are gone. volodya zelensky must understand this, like our father. the military understood this, i know for sure, the ukrainian military understood this, those who fight and die
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also understand this. that's what they said. why did we cancel the peace talks? because there was a riot, the russians are committing genocide , they came to kill everyone, look, here is the proof, two years pass, it turns out that the russians have come to return the status of the russian language, so they are ready territory. liberate, where the troops went, and so on, so on, this doesn’t in any way conflict with what they’ve been telling for 2 years, and that someone there blushed, maybe apologized for all the propaganda they poured out, and we should say, like, thank you, yes what do you mean you understood us correctly now, you showed the agreement that we kind of agreed with you 2 years ago, thank you very much, well, i think not, besides, it means ukraine, well, they said this is a tactic, we can pretend that we sign anything, that is, it doesn’t matter the status and so on other things, they waited there until the beginning of april, then... some tasks on the ground had already been completed, they decided that that was it, we
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were winding down these negotiations, that is, if they needed another 2 weeks, they would have we talked for 2 weeks, if only they had been bargaining in crimea on other objects for everyone, well, i think that russia, perhaps, didn’t quite believe them either, because the president had previously voiced there on crimea that, for example, they were offering to lease it to ukraine, well who would rent it out, i think i can let it slip, but this is also all tactics, these are negotiations, which, probably, both sides did not fully perceive as, well , we are talking about the fact that the ukrainians still have a chance, but on the other hand, what if... the will and resource to take advantage of this chance today, today they have a very large gap between the moods there in the capital, in the western regions and between the front, but before there was no such gap, just a year ago, there was such hysterical inspiration that we will defeat everyone, today they are already broken, that’s how long it will last, it’s like, well, the military has a different situation there, but for civilians it’s clear that there is a certain kind of dismorality, so they are mobilized there, they are forced to fight, hand over money for all this, it’s difficult there today, so if this situation even persists, it may still be possible six months.
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in terms of security and here you understand that god forbid zelensky has such a friend today as the united states of america, because, apparently, he has not been sitting at the table for a long time, if he once sat at him, he was originally on the menu of this large and festive table, he immediately looked like a christmas pig or turkey on the table, only initially he was ruddy and beautiful, now all that’s left of him is, they don’t invite russia there, so they see us all as a menu, yeah.
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it costs the united states of america, europe, sanctions to everything else, you think they love us for this, they want to completely erase, i don’t know in what way, but destroy, level, put.
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march 8th, yesterday there was a big women’s forum, the president was invited there, at some point we realized everything that, well, march 8th really not only about beauty, about grace, about, as it is fashionable to say now, about other higher energies, but also about a lot of serious work, which
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is impossible without women today, i offer a small fragment and after that we will summarize the results of the program, in this this year the family capital program completes its implementation. it has shown its effectiveness and demand from large families. alexander grigorievich: is the issue of its continuation being considered? when we introduced this practice of family capital, we had 63, in my opinion, thousands of large families somewhere, now there are 123. judge for yourself, we are solving the most important issue. there is no more important issue than the increase, the growth of our population, we have problems with this, i often say, 15, or even 20 million, our belarus with our able-bodied people, resources could feed,
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given our geopolitical position, so we there is an urgent need to reverse this trend towards birth rates, well, i... support for families with many children, and the military, but family capital, i think i’ll have to, i’m with i will be happy to make a decision to extend this family capital, to support our families, the only thing is that this money goes to whoever needs it, but we will preserve the family capital, and i would like these...
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that is, we see the world exclusively in positive colors, taking into account the whole situation, we are moving forward, at a time when ukraine does not think about its children, we think about our children. you and i discussed what a belarusian citizen should be focused on today, in the broad sense of the word, and you then said that if you take, collect
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all the challenges that exist today, we must choose this understanding as an assemblage point: time has chosen us, your words, i absolutely support them, and what time requires of us today in this case is balance, first of all, because we see that they want to drag us into other people’s games, we won’t allow this anymore, i think that june 22 , 1941 will never happen again for us, this is our task for today, and we are fulfilling it, the second is the image of the future, and the image of the future for its citizens, first of all, it needs to be made more concentrated, clearer, understandable, contoured for everyone, so that we understand where we should move next, and this in itself will become a model for everyone else, we must... our mission, i think, that the republic of belarus today has a mission to put a barrier to the destruction of
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what we have in the region and in the world. we are the only country, and i think that our president is exactly the person who has the potential to put this barrier to formulate an agenda that will be responsible for small medium-sized countries, i have already spoken about this, today is the time for small medium-sized countries. we need to think about something completely different, about what happened , what was said, even the congress of women, about children , about the world, about the future, about simple education, about simple, ordinary life, if god gave us this life, well, we will take from this, then we must live it like this, we have the right to live it like ordinary people, and no one will stop us from doing this. andrey, how would you answer this question, yes, good a recipe, but it’s just difficult to follow ; i can’t imagine how it will all be done. the fact that these are other people’s games, well, these games are already creeping over the border to us, but right now, i don’t know, there is only one double step left, to say that we must isolate ourselves from everyone here and
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not cooperate with anyone, not work, we have a main ally - the russian federation, and if there had not been a joint defense policy, we would have already fought, because this was the twentieth year, when we were being prepared as some kind of strong point either for ukraine or for something else, so well, as if everything can only be considered as a whole, small countries, you know, ukrainians too, i think, not some completely washed-out nazis, fascists, people there too. i think they want to live, and they want families, everything else, but they are not asked, there is a top that controls the main financial flows, there are weapons that come there from large countries and large rich blocs, that is, if we do not have these weapons it will be from another block, well , you know, you can love everything there and children the rest, but this doesn’t help the general security much, and of course the funds , what is the president talking about, how much money can we give today for these demographic issues with the condition that we need to spend even more, maybe for defense purposes, that’s it this is the main task that our state is solving today, there is currency according to... it must be distributed correctly, and our, as it were, effectiveness of the general policy will depend on how the president distributes it. dmitry evgenievich,
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the president didn’t just find time congratulate women on march 8th as the upcoming one, and took part in the forum, shows how much he still thinks about us, about belarusians, because we see his recent speech, an extended meeting in...
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child families, at the moment there are more than 120, during this period twice, that’s the whole policy, that you can force people to give birth , you can force people to work, you can force people not to work, to fight, to do whatever you want, to dig or not to dig, but it is impossible to force people to give birth, because a normal woman, if she feels uncertainty in the future, she will not give birth to a large number of children, she may not give birth at all, because it is necessary not only to give birth to... the number
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of large families, here, here, here it is, the most important indicator of our country. andrey petrovich, so that our beautiful day never goes out, among thousands of thousands, time chose us, yes, these are the wonderful four of mikhail matusovsky, yes, evidence that today the time has come that chose us, we do not choose it time, at we have to live in these conditions today , yes, this is connected with issues of demographic security, of course, these are, first of all , women, these are beautiful on... march, well, today is march 6, yes, 78 years ago the fulton speech of churchel, winston churchel, was made, at which, this is the most famous speech, which is everywhere in classical textbooks, it is quoted everywhere, and so on, what
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was said there, well, the first one was about how to conduct it correctly.
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where it is located, only for some reason it is getting closer and closer to us, and we they are forced to return it to us in order to protect themselves, and as for the elections , look, they came up with this election system, they imposed it on us, they have this kind of gold standard, which they store somewhere, but they don’t tell anyone about it, and today they already allow us to admit or not recognize all this, but what should we do in these conditions, keeping the gunpowder dry is clear,
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there should be no trust in the anglo-saxons , of course. maybe see what the experience was there is in china, what kind of experience there is, for example , it was in the soviet union, the same with the presidential elections, with everything else, to get away from these gold standards that are being imposed on us by this west today, and the most important thing is what the head of state said in his speech in front of women, he is... just in light of the politics of what chagiwara said, yes, that demography is the main weapon against our enemies, a perfect note to end this program, that's all for today, thank you for participating in the program , happy, thank you.
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belarus 24. we will show you one day in the life of specialists. what is happiness? over the years, you understand that, first of all, it is fate that you are given a chance to do something very, very useful in your life. what will remain after you for many years, and maybe even for 100 years, all the mechanisms are working properly, which means he did his job, he did it. correctly, reliably and with high quality, professions in which the best human qualities are revealed, people who proudly do more than just work, every
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employee is either an employee of my technician, or this is an employee of some auxiliary workshop, or this is the person who sits at the control panel of the account, this is, in principle , a small particle that makes up a link, i would say a ball that rotates. around the clock 24x7, here we are creating a new biotechnological industry in our country, watch the project one day on our tv channel, we were once taught that the word democracy is the most wonderful word in the world regarding politics, here are words like dictatorship or authoritarianism - these are supposedly very bad words, greek philosophers then they said that in democracies power is held by a group of people in order to create good for themselves, and not for the entire population, this is what was originally meant by democracy, what kind of authoritarianism we have,
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in my opinion, it is based on us on the strength of the executive branch, when, after legal strengthening, our parliament and the supreme national assembly also become stronger in terms of personnel, we will rely more on them. considering our authoritarianism, well, someone calls it a dictatorship, it will be a mess... watch on the belarus 244 tv channel.
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