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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 11, 2024 12:15am-12:51am MSK

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dishes with gloves, well, since they are wearing gloves , then maybe you don’t need to do anything with your hands after that, don’t put them in, don’t feed them, or you still need, of course, you need to keep an eye on, let’s say, the appearance, yes, not only externally, but of course , in order for your hand skin to look presentable for the longest possible time and to be precisely a protective barrier for, let’s say, interaction with... yes, daily care must be night, preferably, that is, why is it desirable, because the maximum effect of, let's say, nutrient intake, if talk about creams, look at the composition , as a rule, these are vitamins a, e, f, so , in order, well, let’s say, to absorb the benefits for the skin, well, look in general about the vitamins that we use, then there is something wrong here... creams, and in general
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vitamins and mineral complexes for promoting health are also relevant. as always, informative, a lot of interesting things, thank you. there is definitely no need to worry about the safety of belarusian detergents. my colleagues who have already looked at this are sure of this. one of the specialized productions, i’m ready to tell you right now and show everything in our section how it’s done. “let’s plunge into the physical, intellectual world of sports, where everything is important, everyone worked at the limits, it’s great , even, say, a slight hitch for dasha kudaeva on the stand, but nevertheless, third place is very cool, victories, defeats, to be honest, you can just envy, because today and tomorrow you have such an amazing opportunity to feel the role of a pro athlete,
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try on this role for yourself, look from the outside, look at the other guys, well , understand that yes, this is mine, minutes and seconds, and we still remember this match, and guys, how many of our zhoden football fans came there and how moreover, they supported the team, on our part, i promise that we will do everything to win this super circle, only sports, only belarus 24, together with the akunsya tv channel - the cultural life of our country. menavita here is increasingly diligent izyaslaul, familiar with the legend, apezyaslaul and yago matsi ragnedze. let's remember folk traditions. you are just a peep, such a jumper for me. i am very glad that the zaslavs have opened a museum of the belarusian baby. and we are so familiar with everything that... well
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, this is an inexorable phenomenon, once the destruction of the little one was over, and we did not know these lions. let's go back to the past. sergey davidovich is known as a writer and a writer. there are many sculptures in the city, and there are several sculptures that you can see in the gallery. pass on the skates, ride on the skates, ride on the bicycle of a young chalavek, well, what the hell natural as well as pavement. and how do belarus's uncles and grandmothers borrow from us?
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our liquid detergent section, which produces dishwashing detergents, detergents, bleaches, liquid soap, various cleaning products, plumbing cleaning products, is instantly snapped up by consumers not only for dishwashing detergents, but also for washing gels, and here , too, technologists are constantly experimenting with composition. so that the remedy, on the one
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hand, copes with its main function, it carefully removed dirt, but on the other hand , it was rinsed well, and it was also safe, because clothes come into contact with our skin most of the day. in order for washing to be more effective, various active components are added, these components include anti-resorbents, complexing agents, the anti-resorbent allows dirt not to re-deposit on the fabric, and the complexing agent keeps this dirt in solution, so it is naturally better to wash the product, a thickener is added, which makes means more... thick and, let’s say, this does not make it more effective, but simply improves its consumer properties. technologists deal with the formulation issues of the household chemicals production plant in baranovichi ; they decide how much and what needs to be added, at what temperature to cook, what
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flavorings to use. the company proudly admits, of course, that all recipes are exclusively belarusian. when the technological map is drawn up, the recipe can be sent to work, here in special reactors this happens called mixing detergent, here is the control panel for the mixer reactors, the control panel directly shows all the parameters that we need to enter... from the volume of water in liters to the temperature regime of the jacket for heating the mixer reactor to the very temperature of the product, designed for 5 tons finished product, the material is stainless
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steel, from here, by rolling through a rotary pump, the product is delivered to the container, and... from the container, the detergent enters the packaging line, the last production stop at the plant, the first block of the line is weight control, here they check that the container is strictly 200 ml of liquid, we weigh the container, and then we must pour the product 2.126, we start the machine, the traverse is released, the product is poured and it continues to flow further, i will need to come up to see the weight, if i need to go any further. change the operator’s task - not only to control the weight, but the entire system, which works like this: if a failure occurs somewhere, information about this is sent to the operator’s console hits. after the detergent
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is poured into the container, the lid is put on it, and then she goes to get her clothes, label. here, on each unit, in addition to the company label, a sticker is applied. quality is a kind of tolerance on the shelves of our stores. this sign indicates that the product is safe and can be used in everyday life. quality comes first, this is how the work of the workshop is described in production. it even has its own laboratory that deals with quality control. after all checks, the detergent reaches warehouse, from where they are soon sent to store shelves. belgian writer paul carvel said: “whoever wants to change the world must start by clearing away the dishes, well, we just have to say thank you for the fact that the first action to change the world for modern man
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is so simple and easy, of course, science, which is in this topic, as it turned out, is also nearby. kharchenko, nadezhda yakovlevna, was born in 1921 in the village of korsunovka, poltava region. after the start of the great patriotic war, nadezhda yakovlevna was assigned to accompany transport from
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wounded evacuated from the vtyl hospital. on the prest-minsk road, the car in which the wounded soldiers were traveling was destroyed by fascist planes. during the bombing. having survived the raid, nadezhda yakovlevna kharchenko walked to minsk and then joined a partisan detachment, where she served as a nurse. took part in partisan operations. on december 22, 1942, at the decisive moment of the battle, she replaced the deceased machine gunner and supported the partisan attack with fire, which contributed to the success of the military operation. died she's in the same fight. nadezhda yakovlevna kharchenko was awarded the order of lenin.
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what the rose is associated with, of course , with the beauty of each of the women, and , probably, the most important thing is that the garden has grown, and i am the main gardener in it, because my last name is sadovskaya, it turned out like this:
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in life and even in sleep, many will smile at the moment, but you even need to sleep in such a way that
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your posture remains beautiful, for many years, when they stand in certain directions, teachers, act, look at the point you need, stretch they already see those points where they need to go up or down, back or forward, they understand that their body is being transformed, and of course...
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secrets of beauty, many people ask me about this, but in principle there are no secrets. my very first morning ritual is drinking tea. every day this tea can be different, like puer, aleshan, white, japanese, pink, there are a lot of varieties of teas. i drink any tea on an empty stomach, and i follow the 8:16 system, that is, i have such a diet, 8 hours between doses. and then 16 hours, i think it's it also helps me a lot to keep myself in shape, and
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nothing extra, i don’t eat salty food, overly salty, although i love cheeses, but before eating i allow myself to drink, as they say in asia, tea, that is, it’s considered food, not as a drink, sweets very occasionally , and then only certain ones, not every one, well, i have a very strong attitude towards chocolate... it is very important for all people and women, girls, including, especially, i would say, to keep themselves in physical, good shape, this doesn't mean she has to be very skinny or have muscle mass, that's just something that gives a pleasant feeling in the body. it is very important for me to always be
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physically fit, and of course, this form is supported by certain exercises , they keep you in good physical shape, give you energy, charge for the whole day, i’m not talking about the fact that you really need to play sports, professional sports, this it doesn’t have to be a gym or it doesn’t have to be a ski track or skydiving, it’s just something that suits you specifically and something that brings you pleasure, because if we do anything we do it even for our own body without pleasure, it doesn’t... produce the desired results.
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let me remind you that the ukrainian clown’s presidential term expires on march 31, but... he is in no hurry to leave his seat, despite the failure to fulfill his election promises, but that’s different. less than an hour after the polling stations closed in belarus, the state debt ran to declare the effectiveness of parliamentary and local elections, the absence of observers from the osce and forced elections in fear and repression. the state debt does not say that they do not have observers in the usa it is mandatory that the ballot boxes are opaque. for voting, and there is also uncontrolled early voting by mail. the single voting day passed without incident. the turnout was over 70%, and the atmosphere of fear and repression looked something like this. everything was done at the highest level, at the level of the world standard. an example for the democratic world. the united states
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sent such a signal to keep the world on edge. if anyone now denies that in the republic of belarus. there is no democracy, come, look, evaluate, and don’t argue. ksenia's author's view lebedeva’s response to the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . hello, girls, how are you? stand like nails, you are ready for classes, well done, well done, let's stand now, please , in two lines, you have already warmed up without me, modeling is a field of activity with
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the opportunity to sell certain brands, collections, design solutions using the example of a living person , that is, models. stereotypes come from the eighties, from the nineties. everyone's hearing: 90, 60-90. actually in fact, even in those years it was more of a sexy figure than a model, because a model’s appearance did not imply having a big bust and... or big hips, a model’s appearance always meant to be a thin, tall, young girl, if we are talking about girls, well, the same thing about men up to 85 m tall, that’s for a man, and from 75 for a girl. today, on the contrary, fashion includes a range of different ages,
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a range of different sizes, in belarus this is also gaining momentum, and plus models. they are quite in demand in belarus already, but more, i would say , they are in demand not for catwalk shows, but for photo shoots for sales of certain clothing brands, because here, even if you go out on the street, you can see different women, now the focus is still more on women who they want to buy clothes, and of course it’s more pleasant for them to look at people like themselves in advertising. the age range is very wide.
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the neck stretches, the person actually changes on the physical, physiological level. the work is not only about teaching, otherwise it wouldn’t be interesting our listeners and our participants and participants, but participation in projects is interesting, events are interesting, screenings and filming are interesting. forgiveness in beautiful circles, this fuels us from the point of view of energy, people come to us not only to
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learn certain skills, they also come to us in order to further prove themselves at such events and shows. i was born in the city of mogilev, in a family of teachers, my parents, my father, a mathematician, with two higher educations, he also taught drawing and painting, and my mother i taught music at a music school in the bayan class, of course, from childhood i was taken to all the clubs that were possible, including a music school, a dance studio, and a theater studio, you know, i’m a daddy’s daughter, until i was 15 years old or even 16 , my dad and i...
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taught femininity that, of course, only a woman can give. at school i did well in all subjects, including mathematics, and since my father taught drawing, i naturally adopted these skills, and i loved drawing, and i wanted to enroll somewhere engineering, my mother never insisted, but very smartly and wisely talked about the fact that if i enter such an educational institution, that... what awaits me in the future, this office space, this constant sitting, she brought me to the conclusion that i still went into
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a creative profession, and of course, after graduating from music school, i supposedly decided for myself that it was probably better for me to enter a music and choreography university in the accordion class and the choreography department, where i studied various styles of dancing. but the main specialty was folk and classical dances. dance for me is life, it is the embodiment of movements in which you can even trace a person’s character and his mood. it all depends on the teachers, on the teachers, on the people who also surround you in the field in which you are. after all, you can discourage love for something, or you can, on the contrary, not only instill, but also develop. this is a merit not only of my parents, but also a huge gratitude to my teachers in the runi ensemble, in which i was a member for more than 30 years, these are popova, victor
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alekseevich and tatyana fedorovna, of course they were my second parents, in principle, our entire team, unfortunately, has no longer continued since 2014, but we all love each other, this is a huge family, you even see, i no tears.
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just about you leave the stage from behind the scenes , for example, everything immediately takes on different colors, and the adrenaline, you know, how some people like to climb everest or jump with a parachute, then for me this adrenaline is what i get on stage, on working with the public, and i believe that this is not even easy part of my life, and this is my whole life, i
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live by it. i’ll tell you that men are even more complex than women, they sometimes can’t get over themselves because they think that oh, i’ll come, but they won’t take me, they’ll say no, you’re not the right height, you’re not the right weight , you don’t have the same appearance and so on, in fact, they are deeply mistaken, because in every person you can find zest and individuality, which... can be revealed with the help of professionals, when i worked at the national beauty school, there was targeted training it was male models, although they only accepted people up to 25 years old, and i really
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enjoyed it. we must reach out to the youth, you understand that i wanted to find here, probably, a great team first of all, i know that all the guys will be great here, this is the first, second, a chic fashion show coach, i have long wanted to try it, i sent this a request to the universe that someday i will do this, it’s not difficult for the guys, we just need to understand why and so that we have the drive, then we go and do it, it’s not difficult for us, we have to it’s interesting, and you know, we were
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touched to the depths of our souls that men of different professions, different heights, different builds responded to this casting, but how enthusiastically, with inspiration they took up this work, and we did it in just a few master classes two wonderful shows and the audience was delighted. of course, it is much easier to work with men. this is how a person who went through the army knows clearly what, where, when, specifically, thinks logically, he doesn’t need extra words, he doesn’t need extra information, he told him, he did, with women you need to be different, a little,
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with them you need to be both affectionate and... gentle, sometimes they hear what they are told, but at the same time, it seems, they are strict, sometimes they are like birds they chirp , they don’t do great work, but after a while they can forget, after all, these are women, we are from a completely different planet, our thought process works completely differently, women are considered more creative, of course i don’t deny doing great work, well because i’m like that myself, but with men... it’s easier, after all, probably everyone knows that it is very difficult to keep a female team in a good, healthy atmosphere, that is, interpersonal relationships are of great importance to me in my work, so i unite women in this way, perhaps this is even a secret way for us to have this happen communication is like communication in a huge family, each of them...
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we are going with you to the coolest and most iconic points of our country. we came to the six-hundred-year-old village of makashi to see the local landmark in person. here's a mini-museum opened to vladimir adamovich zhilka, this is our belarusian poet, who. i was born here in this village, i don’t need anything, i don’t need anything, the blue sky is so joyful, it’s so nice to enjoy the hair at the colossus, it’s beautiful , where you will plunge into an unforgettable experience,
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we are all accustomed to potato pancakes, our belarusian potatoes, and we decided combine the mediterranean snail with our potatoes, this is the belarusian potato snail, this is what i understand. "emotions, feelings, uniqueness that will remain in your memory for a long time, this is how you can grace, and you can collect this way and pastukats on the side, i velmi spadabalasya , i want sabe, travel together, belarus 24". we were once taught that the word democracy is the most wonderful word in the world with regards to politics, but words like dictatorship or authoritarianism are supposedly very bad words, ancient greek philosophers then said that in democracies, power
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is held by a group of people in order to create good for themselves, and not for the entire population, this is what was originally meant by democracy, what kind of authoritarianism we have, in my opinion , we rely on strength executive power. together we make a decision, this, in my understanding, is reasonable, sensible and righteous authoritarianism, this is very important for understanding the structure of power in belarus. igor turai's author's project propaganda, watch on the belarus24 tv channel.
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suddenly i receive an offer for a work contract in japan. always being in a new country is a certain challenge. it’s one thing to come for a week or two, to stay as a tourist, to see, and another thing to live, feeling the culture of the country from the inside, their traditions, after about six months you just understand where you are, you understand.
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the most difficult part, probably, of all the work that took place there. in japan, the career ended, at that time models and by the age of 30 were already considered old models, unclaimed, and it was already quite difficult to find modeling work, but at the same time i don’t know what awaits me next after thirty, what would i want, suddenly tucks up. and the moment when i was invited to a casting for a cruise company, there was no profession connected with what i already had in my arsenal, i missed it like crazy...


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