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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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sale under the guise of second-hand items, so -called stock items, second-hand items, completely new, unused items of clothing, accessories and shoes. in addition, during the verification activities, facts were also established that these business entities were conducting so-called rough accounting, that is, when the facts of selling data to the population... items of clothing, accessories, shoes for cash were not reflected in the accounting records of the enterprise . in addition to the economic component, an important safety, buy belarusian here not for pathos or krasny slovets. for example, svetanok is the only enterprise in the country certified to produce clothes for children. in addition to their own wide line of clothing, the fabric is also sold to many famous brands. in collaboration with the ministry of sports, svetanka began to produce ispet.
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it says 100% bang, very often it doesn’t correspond to what is stated, so it means that i would like some kind of relief for manufacturers, and for such unscrupulous sellers some tougher measures. it must be said that gray schemes bring with them another problem, namely unfair competition, so according to government resolution 713 , trade markups on goods are established for belarusian companies from...
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the requirements for our manufacturers from the regulatory authorities are very strict and we would like such requirements, they were on the market for everyone equally. it is clear that the buyer always chooses in rubles, and here the work of state control is not to close second-hand stores for those who work in the legal field in our country is always green, but those who are trying to make dishonest money at the expense of customers or the state will receive an adequate response, according to the law. on the main broadcast are alexander kamovich, anna buikevich, grigory kristofovich.
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those who incite war in ukraine by any means are also acting in secret from their people. eu authorities continually find themselves in scandals when it becomes clear what lengths they are willing to go to just to justify their short-sighted policies, given what is at stake and how much has already been lost. return, this includes the abolition of russian energy resources and the bankruptcy of enterprises, participation in the war; according to many experts, the countries of the european union are increasingly drawn into the conflict in ukraine. the main dilemma is how to kill russians and save the face of an innocent democrat. details of the trawling fuss of german officers revealed how the western military works to avoid becoming a party to the conflict by supplying long-range missiles rather than using the services of intermediaries. yes, the leak of the conversation caused an international scandal. the germans managed to set up their partners for a dangerous business. in the cunning weaves of events.
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andrey sych looked into it in the screenshot section. luftwaf officers are discussing which targets on russian territory are more effective to launch missile strikes on. no, this issue is not devoted to historical topics, we are talking about our days, although there are parallels with the past. can be clearly traced, a thirty-eight-minute conversation between high-ranking german military personnel has become public knowledge, and no one denies the authenticity of the conversation; an employee of the air operations center reports to colleagues that analyzed the targets and decided on the likely targets for attack; one of the targets of the luftwaf was the crimean bridge. und einmal mundepots, wo wir reinkommen, so und die brücke im osten ist halt schwer zu. reichen
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und die pfeiler sind relativ klein und das kann halt der taurus darstellen und die immunepos, da kommen wir halt durch.utrom, the germans unexpectedly learned that they were once again at war with russia. all statements by the bundestag that germany is not a party to the conflict turned out to be an ordinary lie. difficult to convince people in the opposite, when the officers of your army are directly involved in the confrontation, and the only thing that worries them, judging by the conversation, is how not to be framed in this activity and who can be used as intermediaries to further shift responsibility. why are our officers engaged in terrorist attacks abroad. in this matter i must. to clearly object to our minister of defense pistorius: the task is to defend the country, the people, and not to organize terrorist attacks, big disgusting, all this is fair. horrifies: first you think it’s artificial intelligence or a deep fake, and then it turns out that it’s all for real. judging by the results of a survey
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of those wishing to go to the eastern front as part of army group center, not that many, the leaking of the conversation caused serious concern in german society. government representatives hastened to put out the fire and insisted that the time had not yet come to shake off the dust from their grandfather’s uniforms. it is quite obvious that such statements that this speech will prove that germany is preparing a war against russia are absurd, vile russian propaganda, and anyone who listens to the conversation will hear that this does not follow from the conversation of the officers with each other. it is noteworthy that the casual conversation of the officers. the luftwafoe revealed information that had previously been denied by the entire western propaganda machine. the fact is that they discussed not only the supply of long-range missiles made in germany, but also managed to blurt out how exactly france and britain were sending their long-range missiles to ukraine. what is the most interesting thing in their conversation?
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confirm the presence of american, british and french military personnel in ukraine, who , let’s say, service western equipment, although recently they have not particularly hidden this. and macron calls for decisive action from a united europe. we are entering a moment in european history when we will be required not to be russian. we never want to see tragedies to come. we never want to see what's at stake. i think that both our countries are aware of what is happening in europe, the fact that in our territory is at war, that forces that have become unstoppable are posing a greater threat every day by attacking us. we will rise to this historic challenge and show the courage it requires. european revanchism, which we previously observed only in the form of the fight against monuments to soviet soldiers, is today reflected in open aggression. here the governor of latvia has put an end to
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the age-old dispute about the reasons for nato expansion to the east. these are russia and other enemies of the free world. about torn masks andrey sych in the section screenshot. and this is another boiling point: the middle east, which the united states also cannot leave alone. a few months ago they got involved in another hopeless conflict in the red sea. this time with the houthis, the yemeni rebel movement ansar allah. last thing. also not lymshits, they are raising the stakes , american warships are successfully attacking bulk carriers, moreover , they seem to have managed to partially leave europe, asia and africa without communications, so the western media claim that they are the ones who are critical four underwater telecommunications cables have already been damaged, and the houthis
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claim that they have nothing to do with the incident, that the usa and israel are behind the sabotage, but even if so, the very possibility of causing some yemeni rebels is possible. a painful blow to global infrastructure is simply a colossal failure, and if iran is directly drawn into the conflict, and this is one of the houthis’ key allies, everything could become much worse for the west, and american experts claim that the islamic republic one step away from obtaining nuclear weapons, in the near future tehran will have 25 kg of highly enriched weapons-grade uranium, and by the end of the year iran will have a good nuclear arsenal, read soon in the nuclear club... replenishment is expected. experts warn that if the americans do not lag behind yemen, american bases in the middle east will burst into flames. and targeted strikes can boomerang and be on their own territory. and here we do not forget about iran with its future nuclear arsenal. and yet it is still one
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of the most expensive inventions of the western world today it is a ram against the east. a capricious and very dangerous toy is ukraine and its radicals. for europe, this idea has already backfired. who are trying to convey to their government that cheap ukrainian grain... looks like she’s going there to europe herself ; we’re not really talking about refugees, although we’re talking about them,
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about terror. tens of millions of ukrainians will pour into europe after its defeat, the french foreign minister expressed general fears, and there is still doubt that the eu is able to continue to support ukraine, solidarity it’s wasting away, there’s no money for shells. ukraine, like an experienced kept woman, switched to open blackmail of her sugar daddy. here the militant karchinsky said, they say... kiev should attack hungary or poland in order to force the united states to continue funding ukraine. maybe it would have been bad for us, i don’t know. maybe we should have been allies of iran, allies of north korea, attacked some nato country, then nato would have done everything for our security, put pressure on our enemies, on some hungarians, polish farmers, who anything so that they do not prevent us from developing and attacking whoever we want. millions of ukrainian refugees in addition. to those already existing and those who are staying illegally in ukraine business eurotour, escape from the tokop for
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10,000 euros demolition. these 34 tried to escape, but the rescue voyage to europe was thwarted, but from the first days of the northern military district , radicals mixed with the refugees. bandera's followers fled headlong to poland and germany. in other words, the european burghers have problems, now the ukrainians openly declare, either, or, the former action movie aidara, although do they exist? if we already lose this war, a quite good plan would be to occupy hungary and bring 20 million ukrainian refugees there, and i would like to see what orban’s thirty thousand army, which has never fought a day in its life, will do in this situation, article five the atlantic charter will not work, because they themselves have done everything ...
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they oppose unfair competition and block the delivery of ukrainian grain. one of the farmers, let me remind you, he revealed a violation a carload of moldy corn showed where transshipment terminals are hidden, where grain, rapeseed, and corn are imported by cement trucks and then reloaded onto polish trucks. now he is in the ukrainian execution base, a peacemaker, this is the site of the enemies of ukraine. the pole is forced to go on the run, fearing ukrainian terror. ukrainian. ukrainian services threaten a polish farmer, the leader of the protest of polish
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farmers, mr. hubert aidan, who protested at the border against unfair competition from ukrainian agricultural production, introduced into list of enemies of ukraine maintained by the peacemaker portal. many of those included in this list subsequently disappeared without a trace or were killed, and now there are poles on this list. this is an image of polish-ukrainian friendship and gratitude for the support that poland provides to ukraine.
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think about what our refugees will do , that is, he, in fact, is taking the west hostage, threaten these with these refugees, and this has happened more than once, when the west raised a strategic battering ram for its enemy, and received a monster for itself, hitler and third reich, benladen and al-qaeda and gil are neo-nazis from square. ekaterina tikhomirova, vitaly
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soplitsa, on the main broadcast. if the bank had its way, they would have added all the poles, while in the meantime the peasants are being bullied by their own authorities. a pre- agreed peaceful meeting of thousands of people was brutally dispersed in warsaw. the crowd was sprayed with democratic pepper gas and dealt with democratic cuffs with batons. they didn’t forget about traditional european flash-noise grenades.
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and abandon the uncontrolled import of agricultural products, especially ukrainian, because such a policy of the authorities undermines prices on the domestic market, however, rather than hearing about problems, it is cheaper to support them with words, as prime minister donald tusk did, in fact to punish, dozens of people have been detained, moreover, the authorities are now actively looking for some hooligans who allegedly provoked riots, in general they should have looked into the ranks of their own police, it turned out that exactly... she infiltrated agents into the ranks of the protesters. in the characteristic tactical bers of the polish special forces, artificial provocateurs uprooted cobblestones from the pavement and threw them at the peace officers. some of the crowd were also identified using facial recognition software. this is clearly an operation of the ministry of internal affairs under a false flag. the authorities really needed a trigger; they got it in order to give free rein to the watchdogs of the polish regime and receive
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a mandate to brutally suppress the farmers’ uprising with batons and tear gas. and the beaten europeans now understand that they were simply taken advantage of and thrown away by the states; any war or conflict is a gold mine for the white house. the pentagon is forcing, for example, the european union to buy american weapons worth billions, how the noose is tightening around the neck of the european military-industrial complex, who, why, buried projects alternative to the united states, the ruin of european vassals under the cover of ukraine. clear policy in numbers about the beneficiaries of the war. watch it on monday after the panorama.
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it is a real tragedy that the hand of the crazy leaders of the west today even reaches where politics in principle should not exist.
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once again, not only the main principles of sport have been trampled, standard legal norms. in world sports reached a new level after the court of arbitration for sport upheld the decision of the international tennis federation to suspend the belarusian national teams. the absurdity of the situation is that both of the above-mentioned structures did not find a single argument for their politically biased decision, and those that were proposed turned out to be an ordinary lie. on march 5, the head of the belarusian tennis federation, sergei rutenko, held a press conference, where he legally brought itf officials to light and said, that... the court of arbitration for sport in lausanne has essentially withdrawn itself from the situation, which itself is a clear example of double standards. our sports columnist andrei kozlov looked at the problem of the crisis in the world... in tennis with his own opinion, tennis, in my opinion, is one of the most intellectual sports, well, like chess, only there is a cord, a net of opponents against each other, and also
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tennis - this is a physical fight at the limit, well , if there are protracted matches, it is a fight of attrition, but always especially it’s nice to see how belarusians in the 20th century are in full view here: the davis cup with the participation of mirny and volchky in 2004, almost what brought me into the profession, those incredible victories, especially when it’s lame’s character. this is how vladimir volchkov won, they had a fantastic effect on me as a teenager. next came the time of women's tennis, and you probably know that both azarrenka and sabalenka were on the first line. but today, unfortunately, we have to talk about lawlessness on the part of two organizations, which are hidden under the following abbreviations. tsas, the court of arbitration for sports in lausanne, switzerland, there quite any decision of the world sports structures is not in our favor, they support it with both hands and feet, and tenni has not yet become an exception. a striking example here could be this rusopov sebastian koa, the head of the international athletics federation, but today we are talking about something else about itf, this is also an abbreviation
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that stands for international tennis federation, which is more responsible for tournaments for national teams commands and so she, with the support of such an organization as the court of arbitration for sport, continues to create chaos in the person of, first of all, this man. david hagerty, the head of the international tennis federation, who without... equally fell in the first days of pressure, as the parade of suspensions of our athletes began at the beginning of 2022. any suspension of that time today looks like a real kindergarten, but, as we know, only accomplished personality. so, to the history of the issue: may 6, 2022 we are suspended by the itf. our federation did not sit idly by, gathered professional lawyers and on may 26 of the same 2022, filed an appeal to the cas. well, tennis at the top, in general, was not worth waiting for. good, besides , the start of the hearings was delayed until april 2023, and at the end of the twenty-first year, david hagerte personally told the head of our tennis , sergei rutenko, that he would not give us tournaments
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under the auspices of the itf, they say that it is allegedly unsafe here, this is the first lie, since who had to collide in a long chain. all that is most interesting, when i asked them to introduce me to these representatives, as it turned out later, it was an article on google that in belarus maybe these are these. the sources they cited. i live in minsk, i’ve been to many places on the planet, in my impression this is the safest place on earth. but now i would like to dwell on the person of sergei rutenko. he is exactly one of those belarusian athletes whom i admired as a child and wanted to emulate. it was generally incomprehensible to me how a boy from the village of privolny, not far from minsk, could become the most expensive handball player on the planet. and in our country this is a very underrated sport. after finishing his career, rutenko returned to his native belarus, then led our tennis in... i want our population to know that people don’t have rose-colored glasses in terms of the fact that there in the west everything is good and fair and beautiful, but somehow
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it’s not like that with us, no, here you go, you’ve seen the true face of all those who talk about democracy, about rights, about some kind of humane attitude, about children's rights and so on, look how they behave with us, believe me, it was always simple there. now it has come out more. now we are approaching the climax and, unfortunately, don’t expect a resolution to this plot. sergei rutenko this week on march 5 held a special press conference, at which he brought officials from the itf and tsas to light. i think you remember the decoding of these abbreviations. when we said that we would publish the results of the case, there was a very big outcry from the itf, they threatened us, they tried to ban it. as a result, in february of this year the court of arbitration for sport upheld the suspension, which. was initiated by the international tennis federation, but there is not a single position that a sane person could understand, here is another lie from the itf. mr. hagerty also
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argued that the majority of representatives of the world community demanded in writing that our country be removed from membership; in fact, he was able to provide only a few letters with vague content regarding our federation. also mr. hagerty refers to conversations and calls of representatives of other tennis federations with detailed... with similar demands, he did not provide documentary evidence of such conversations, of course, in particular, he claimed that he had a conversation with the president of the kazakhstan tennis federation, mr. bulatov, regarding immediate removal of our federation from membership in it, which was also, in principle , a deception, we have close ties with the kazakhstan tennis federation and personally with the head of the federation, apparently mr. hagerty is not talking about this knew. well, how can this be understood when the matter is about a serious trial, where each word must be looked at several times, but this is not enough, especially since the khagerts give another example from
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football, supposedly... we perform there, and with flag and anthem. for example , at a meeting of the board of directors on march 1 , 2022, hagerty referred to the decision of fifa and uefa, he said that this is like the number one sport, so when making a decision they referred to this organization, in which supposedly the belarusian football federation along with the russian one, they were suspended from participation in official competitions, which, in principle , as you all know, is...
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in this matter, of course, they simply said that it all falls entirely on the shoulders of the international organization and we will not do anything here for anyone decide, when i listened to sergei rutenko during the meeting on march 5, i could not imagine that such decisions were made by adults, sensible people, with life experience, and even from sports, although in this regard i of course have questions, because the same hagerte not only tramples the fundamental principles of sport, but he is simply blatantly lying, especially since sergei rutenko has repeatedly emphasized that
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during the hearings... such democrats turned off the microphone several times, pure cynicism. i raised the question of why the countries members of nato and the united states were not held accountable when they carried out military operations in yugoslavia, syria and other countries without un sanctions. after that i was told that your microphone will be turned off. unfortunately, the decision also states that our federation allegedly agreed or not disputed, did not ask for additional time. i don’t understand how this can be done when you are there at the computer and they simply turn off your microphone, you sit, wave, well, strange, of course they had arguments. hagerte also said that only the belarusian tennis federation suffers from these sanctions, but in no case the athletes, but this is also not true, especially since the participation of belarusian-russians in tournaments not for national teams was supported by the women's association of tennis players and the men's association of
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professional tennis players, the famous under the abbreviations. wta and atp, how this association reacted, you could all see in the example of wambledon , when our athletes were not allowed in, for which rating points were deducted from this tournament, this was the first time in history, and a fine of a million euros or pounds was imposed, i i could be wrong here, what currency it was in, the warning is that if there is another attempt to prevent our athletes from entering, then england will be deprived of the right to host all ranking tournaments.
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well, in conclusion, i want to say, especially after listening to these words of hagerte, it’s a special pity called by those who welcomed the exclusion of belarusian athletes from international competitions, although the same people once sincerely supported belarus, it turns out, supposedly sincerely, those who supported our exclusion are negligible, but unfortunately they exist, although getting into this world sports pool - this is constant overcoming oneself, internal education and everyday hard work, plus what resources does the state invest in the construction of new courts? and supports the athletes, remember our brilliant final fed cup 2017 belarus usa, but those who live in the internet agenda, and not in the real world, seem to never understand this, and mr. hagerty, it seems to me, is one of them. on the main broadcast, andrey kozlov, ivan mozgo. yes, without looking back at any prohibitions, belarus continues to develop in sports; for hockey fans, the hottest time is the beginning of spring.


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