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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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the news is live now, pavel lazovik is with you, good afternoon, the working week at the palace of independence began with personnel decisions, rotation took place in the local power vertical, the president approved vasily for the vacant position of first deputy chairman of the minsk regional executive committee.
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advance to designated areas and conduct a series of training exercises, including live- fire exercises. during the inspection , the movement of military equipment is planned; temporary restrictions on the movement of civilian transport on public roads are possible. area of ​​the area. a belarusian citizen was released from captivity in myanmar. the evacuation operation lasted several months, the woman was kept in a closed area under the guard of armed people. thanks to the efforts of our diplomats, she returned safely to her homeland. the ambassador of belarus to vietnam shared the details with journalists. a set of measures for her release was carried out by the ministries of foreign interior and defense of myanmar. a successful resolution of the situation would have been impossible without the active actions of our honorary consulates in bangkok and angon.
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ukraine is on the verge of default. standard and purс has lowered the country's credit rating to level 2. the international agency indicates that the restructuring of ukraine's debts will almost inevitably result in creditors not receiving their money. moreover, only for treasury obligations.
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fueling confrontation in europe, as well as promises from europe and the united states. it is impossible to refuse; we can only hope for financial help to extinguish the fire of already blazing conflicts, the residents of germany demand. in the very center of berlin at the memorial to soviet soldiers in the park tiergarton, peace rally. activists from all over the country gathered for the action. however, the german government is hardly ready to hear them. it listens with great attention.
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2°, only in some places the air will warm up to +8. the weather will be dry, with rain and wet snow possible only in the southwest; in the middle of the week it will become a little more comfortable. on friday, weather conditions will mainly be determined by the area of ​​​​high atmospheric pressure, so significant precipitation is not expected. at night and in the morning in some areas there is light fog and icy conditions on the roads. air temperature at night from -6 in the east to +3 in the west during the day +6 -13°. next weekend without significant precipitation, at night the thermometer will show about one frost, daytime maximums from 0 to 5°c. my colleagues will have more information at 15:00 on
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our broadcast. all the best. elena nikolaevna, good evening, good evening, everywhere you hear about the primary bsj, bsj events, bsj youth groups. and now women and entrepreneurs have united under the auspices of this organization, right? and it turns out
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everything that women undertake grows by leaps and bounds, so this isn’t a sexist remark, is it? well, let men feel envy. what has been developing since 2020, when business representatives tried to stir up people and bring them to the streets, then an entrepreneur from vitebsk, elena prokhorova, united them and created the primary organization of the vitebsk region, i’m not confusing anything, right? well, you’re probably
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not confused, but there are several amendments, which ones? in the twentieth year, yes , the primary was indeed formed, or rather, it was formed far before the twentieth year.
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i don’t agree with you that only belarusian business was pumping this up, but we are now already receiving confirmation of this, the amount of resources that our political strategists spent on... but it ’s difficult to estimate the fact that such actions would be carried out on the streets on the eve of the election campaign , well, the figures were mentioned at 6 billion dollars, they generally invested in this revolution an attempt, as a person, yes, as a person who organizes certain events, including being one of the technical partners of our slavic bazaar, our, well, i understood the slavic bazaar events, including the investment forum taking place in vitebsk.
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then, well, i tried to convince, take a sober view of things and calculate, then we formed a cell that simply began to comprehend what was happening, why you, why you needed it, in principle, more than anyone else, probably, because there was always something around me there are a lot of active people, and i was very afraid for them, i, probably, as a person who empathizes with other people’s problems, some other people’s...
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well, okay, look, another woman’s achievement, in 2020, then a women's forum happened, where, unexpectedly for... everyone , the president came, he himself once said that he was the most female president, right? how do you
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understand these words for yourself? and looking at all the state programs that we have to support motherhood and childhood, to support young families, one cannot even assume that we do not have a strong leader who is dedicated to the social sphere. look at what is happening in the russian federation in kazakhstan, that is, the amount of parental leave has been reduced to one and a half years, our women were given 3 years, probably this is the longest. absolutely true, 11 state programs exist to support motherhood and childhood, we have given
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women the opportunity to receive free ico, this is not available in any country in the world today, and therefore it is natural how not to perceive the president differently when we understand that he supports women like no one else, but this was before the twentieth year, and there were programs, and maternity leave was so pro...
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you know how to shoot professionally, now you have several business areas, this is how it all fits together for you, well, these are, you know, okay, i won’t say that these are masculine things, but still, why do they combine in you, well, i have a lot of feminine things, no , i don’t argue, starting from my appearance, yes, and
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i become a woman as soon as i enter the house, my men at home don’t feel this at all, that there is a... something masculine in me, some kind of core that could, well, naturally, when acute situations arise in the family, they are also present, i become tough, but this is probably due to the background that is generally present in my life, and business, business became a part of me when i had to make a decision about where to move next, and i made the decision that i should do what i like. and my hobby grew into my business, and this is probably the most correct decision for any businessman, i have a feeling that if you stereotypically think that you have a man’s business, or am i mistaken, no, you’re not mistaken, but now it’s getting bigger more, well a little tell us about it, yes, so that there is a general understanding of what you do, i love processes when we have a closed cycle, well
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, let’s give elementary examples, like those present in our republic, but now i ’m a little bit... there is a subsidiary farm , there is a cow that gives milk, there is a farmstead and so on, when a person scales up, he comes to the conclusion that he needs to produce a product with high added value, then he understands that he needs to somehow service the means of production and so on, so we grow to a dairy processing plant, then a meat processing plant, and so on and so forth, about the same. happened to me, uh, i initially started with a hunting business, that is, it was just a retail store, and the sale of weapons is so good, not bad, weapons, ammunition, and my hobby grew, i say into a business that i liked, well, not to that i had to
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come somehow, 20 years in hunting, 20 years, well , probably not quite the correct wording not in hunting.
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subjective opinion is that control over the sale of weapons should definitely be strict, and the storage of weapons should take place
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under very strict conditions, because access to weapons by unauthorized persons is a very unsafe situation. let's go on a trip to belarus. the memorial complex near the beaver river was created on the site of the bloody events of 1944, where the battle for the crossing took place. it consists of a defensive line, a trench and dugouts. the crossing was held and within a few hours the main forces of the tank corps moved along it. together with us, you will receive a charge positive emotions. “it’s possible for stars from my eyes to appear in the frame, because this, this is incredibly delicious, visit the bright
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sights of our country, dear friends, we are in a city that has long been considered the cultural center of belarus, it is famous primarily for its luxurious castle, which for a long time was the ordination of the rodivils, a tourist"? they can easily immerse themselves in the era when this place was ruled by the famous magnate company. who knows, perhaps one of the rodivilov princes once sat in this chair. look in the program the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel . who and how helps to make our lives better, what are scientists working on today? in this matter, it certainly plays on... what happens if you combine the labor of farmers and innovation? now they are actively in development, starting with both ground-based unmanned
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vehicles and aerial ones, agricultural drones and other equipment. complex things, in simple terms. most recently, scientists released the fourth volume of the publication flora of belarus. it included 34 species of plants that world science did not know about before the research of our scientists. for what is this necessary? yes, so that we can predict the future behavior of the species. and also the most interesting facts: the french writer george sant once said: plants are created to grow in one place, people are created to move and communicate with each other, so move on, communicate with each other, and of course, open up to yourself something new, watch the project:
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objectively, do not miss new releases in red letters in the history of diplomacy, fundamental principle: the natural
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state for man is peace, project tv channel belarus24. but tell me, for your hobby, your father went through afghanistan, your brother went through chechnya. but if you want, i’ll reveal my position a little, recently i was asked the question why did you support the idea of ​​​​creating a women’s
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hunting club?
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to get that entrepreneurs have a certain confidence , the forum gave women the opportunity to create a bridge between the business community and government bodies and the possibility of their interaction, this bridge really exists and it... the most important thing is that the belarusian women's union is now providing confidence that we can act as a guarantor of providing this bridge, and there are already examples of the functioning of our community, in general, the belarusian union of women with government bodies, state power, broadcasting the position of business, often not just in the form of some kind of indignation,
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some kind of then...
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your business is successful, business wing, you don’t need to have any criteria other than the desire to either build legally or have the idea of ​​building a business, i am proud that in order to get into and when admitted to the business wing we we don't evaluate wallet size, we evaluate the scale. ideas , the scale of involvement in the process of building some socially significant projects for the benefit of belarus, some important ones, well, support , first of all, for the ideology of the belarusian women's union, the inner desire to be useful , to be a patriot, and this is not populism, this is not some kind of... .


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