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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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all rehabilitation in the country, in principle, in our center, it is completely free, finding a mother to care for the child, issuing a certificate of incapacity for work, including our mothers who are raising disabled children, the state has given the opportunity to work up to 0.5 times the salary while maintaining benefits , this is travel, this is... and support in equipping assistance, issuing technical means, so in our country this has state support and state protection, so i think that the stage of the rehabilitation system itself in our country it is special, because this system of stages, and we go to the patient, we go to the child, so early rehabilitation, which...
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in the eighth year, for all 35 years, we have been walking around the country with kindness, with grace, with mercy, and very it is important that the belarusian children's fund, throughout its entire activity, is, let's say, a public association that helps children with special needs, and children, mostly orphans, and children who are left... without parental care, because on the initiative of the children's fund such a program was created in the country as raising children in family-type homes, methods of assistance and rehabilitation are being improved today, probably all over the world, do you, on the one hand, accept the experience of foreign colleagues, on the other hand, perhaps some of our developments will also be of interest abroad , our approach, precisely our rehabilitation, it is special, because... for
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rehabilitation, which has no equal, in any country in the world, because our rehabilitation in ours, even in our center, is accessibility first of all, yes, this the use of biofeedback equipment , these are the principles of early rehabilitation, something that is not available in other countries, these are rehabilitation courses that... are approved by the ministry of health, these are the principles of rehabilitation, continuity, phasing and complexity, so it seems to me that in our country the experience is precisely rehabilitation, it is quite significant, and i know that our foreign guests come and quietly envy our country, because we have preserved those traditions and... those approaches
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that have, unfortunately, been destroyed, that this also applies to the children's fund, these are family -type homes, as for the complexity of rehabilitation in our country, this is something that, thanks to government support, we have preserved, we are developing it, and we are striving, striving for improvement.
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let's plunge into the physical, intellectual world of sports, where everything is important, everyone worked on the boundaries, it's great, even, say, a slight
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hitch for dasha kudaeva on the stand, but nevertheless third place, this is very cool, victories , defeats, to be honest, you can only envy because you... today, tomorrow there is such an amazing opportunity to feel yourself, to take on the role of a professional athlete, to try on this role of yourself, to look from the outside, to look at other guys, well, to understand that yes, this is mine, minutes and seconds, and we still remember this match and guys, how many of our zhoden football fans came there and how wrong they were to support the team, on our part i promise that we will do everything so that in...
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now we will make a flowerpot from architectural plaster in a very interesting technique with stones like this, we have a pot like this here, in my opinion it looks very cool. look at the project of the right of us, of belarus on the tv channel belarus 24. we are working on expeditions in the corners of our country, right after adjuvanna, uzdym, natkhennaya, menavit, with such sufferings, we are exceedingly opening up the enchantment. we’re off to a new folklore-historical expedition. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. they seem to be old people, not like people created by god, but they forgot to give them dishes. no way you can eat on your own and jump around.
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in many cities of belarus there are streets named after the glorious patriot, vera
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kharuzhy. a terrible day for the soviet people , june 22, 1941, found faith in the city of pintsk. without hesitation, she and her husband joined the partisan detachment. the brave underground woman lost her husband in the first days of the war. he died heroically in battle with the nazis. in august 1942, at the head of a group of underground workers, she went to work in vitebsk, which by that time was overrun by fascist troops. thanks to according to the underground fighters of the army group, soviet aviation carried out precise strikes on ammunition depots and barracks of the nazis, causing them great damage in manpower and equipment. anticipating their imminent defeat, the german fascists intensify the fight against the people's
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avengers and strive to decapitate the partisan movement. following the denunciation of a traitor, vera falls into the hands of the gestapo, where even under torture she did not betray her comrades, for which she was executed. there is evidence that hitler’s executioners hanged her publicly in the square in vitebsk. vera zakharovna weapons awarded the order of lenin and the gold star medal, the order of the red banner, and was also awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously.
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from ensuring law and order on the streets to eliminating illegal gangs.
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special purpose police officers perform a wide range of tasks. last year alone, riot police of the grodno region police department carried out more than 300 successful special operations, during which 374 offenders were detained. let's see how employees train and work in real conditions. right now, yuri alexandrovich, how long does it take to prepare directly for a special operation? depending on what kind of special operation will be carried out, what kind of operation is planned, depending on the information that we have.
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second class protection, how much does it weigh? up to 5 kg, great, push it here, well, it’s not easy, not at all easy, uh-huh, how to hold it correctly, hold the shield correctly with your left hand , stick your hand here, through the stove, with this hand you hold the stick. during these classes
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, squad members practice and instill they are practicing the skills of those very necessary actions that, if necessary, will be used in suppressing group violations of public order and suppressing mass riots, such as we actually had in 2020 . what they need to do, they consist of different groups, it is worth understanding that... in a certain group there is a certain number of people, a certain number of people are tailored to a certain task, each has their own sector of responsibility, whether it is a group fire extinguishing, be it a medical support group, a group for the use of special means, weapons, and so on, but as they say, the most massive group is the dispersal group, it plays the most basic role, it is concentrated in the foreground
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and, accordingly, is in close contact with the offender. emotions only interfere with an employee’s work; triggering an employee’s emotions can provoke him to carry out incorrect actions that he previously trained and can jeopardize the entire special operation, as well as his life and his life. trained always ready. it is up to the discretion of his common sense to carry out what he wants the employee to do; when he sees that some action of a protester or criminal threatens the life and health of the employee and his colleague, he has the right to use
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special means. if you get emotional, you could jeopardize the entire special operation. and the health of their colleagues, comrades and brothers, of course, the guys have tremendous preparation to handle it all, to move with it, to train, the guys said 2 hours a day - it’s not easy. the main task of this group is to directly prevent a breakthrough in the formation, to displace the offenders in a certain direction, where necessary, according to the plan or instructions of the head of the special operation. and the most important task is to hold on to your brother. look at what is nearby, who is nearby, assess the situation. the seizure team is designed solely to seize those hardcore offenders who it is necessary to take them at certain moments of the ongoing event, so to speak , they understand, they are led, so to speak, by a senior commander who will determine who directly needs to be detained,
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paramount. all groups are controlled by an immediate leader, the leader is located behind the line. with certain means, one might say, technical intelligence, the system is controlled in exactly the same way. in addition to all this, it is worth understanding that the leader knows perfectly well what order needs to be moved at a certain moment. we just like other police officers, we analyze the events taking place, analyze the events taking place not only here in the republic of belarus, but also beyond its borders. eh, thus the case directly arose, this is 2017, 2014 on... the territory of ukraine, exactly the same year 2020, which means that the offender used cocktails with, as they say, a flammable substance in relation to police officers against police officers, certain certain measures, a special group has been allocated for such tasks, which, if necessary, will be able to extinguish any employee. they have a certain form of clothing; it itself
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has a lot of weight, which helps, relatively speaking, to withstand high temperatures. therefore, it is only worn by the fire extinguishing group, on an ordinary fighter of the seizure group or another group, the necessary standard equipment for his task, if several fires arise, the employee can put out the fire himself, he is trained to do this, i could not stand it for 2 hours of such training.
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which one exactly? the most prepared and intelligent person is selected, because the shield - this is the most important thing, that the senior is behind, this is understandable, but the whole situation that is happening in front already in the apartment, you see the switchboard, and the switchboard decides how to act further, where to move, who should block his friend’s back where, the senior decides how there to plan this operation on... we have special kits for hiding the premises of doors, so we always take them with us and work. you are a person involved in our
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arrest today, introduce yourself to everyone, further information will be given to you by an operational officer, he will address everything, how many people are in the room where he is sitting and his signs at the moment, he may not be the only person involved, do you feel some kind of excitement, no, no, there are always some preparations already made in advance or each? special operations it is in a new way, and no matter what the preparations are, everything is always different, there is no one thing the same, this is not, well, this is life, here is the entrance, here is the table, there is an administrator, to the right of the administrator there is a passage, here behind him door, entrance, here is the entrance and here is the entrance, there is another room, you can hear people walking here, at least three people and the administrator, our object will be located in these marks. that is, you didn’t see, you didn’t see the object , there was only an administrator and another employee, i heard that there were two craftsmen working there , some other people, this is the entrance, the corridor goes here to the left and goes away, along the corridor there is a room, but there is
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a passage here, there is no room on this side , only for this, yes, it seems like there is, but most likely it will be small, yeah, we’re here, uh, okay, there will be at least four people, the first, i’m the second, small, third, sloka, fourth, goal fifth. let's not pass, but not reach, but there is a deduction, let's pass, we stop, dismount, let's hurry here in order, maybe we won't get there, but we won't get through, so let's go to work. we pass, we pass, we pass,
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the police, we all don’t move, we are all in our places. everything went as we thought, the person was detained, there were some, let’s say, emergency situations or that’s it? no, everything
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, everything, as we thought, everything happened, the man was at his workplace and was detained there, he offered some resistance, he did not offer resistance, at the moment the citizen was detained by amon employees, who is involved in extremist activities , is an active participant in chats, but distributed extremist materials on social networks, as well as in extremist telegram chats, wrote negative comments about government officials and law enforcement officers, including threatening to use violence against police officers. currently, the citizen will be detained and placed in the air force for distributing extremist materials. subsequently, the material is checked in relation to the gifted citizen will be sent to the investigative committee to give a legal assessment. in this case, there will be criminal liability under several articles of the criminal code. such as 368 and 367 and 369 of the criminal code of the republic of belarus. what are these articles? insulting the president of the republic of belarus, insulting officials,
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as well as slander against the president of the republic of belarus. taking into account the fact that we are located on the border, our region borders on two neighboring states. we have close cooperation with authorities borderline. services, which allows us to carry out tasks at the highest professional level, as our practical component showed in the twentieth year, when we held an event to organize and conduct law enforcement at the border, when we had a flow of migrants, the location is a wooded and swampy area - this is an immediate attraction for various types of crimes, poachers, smuggling.
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guys, it was professional, impressive, do you think i can do it? teach us, we can try what we need for this, well, first we need to put on the equipment, the unloading belt, the load-bearing belt, now, so what next, what do we have here? tell me that this is an unloading train, there are pouches, a pouch for dumping magazines, a holster and a first aid kit, also a flashlight and a pouch for the station, there is also a turnstile on the belt for assistance, but where is the turnstile? here is the fourth class of protection, oops,
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you can already feel it. weight, how much it weighs up to 10 kg depending on the body kit you are wearing, a protective walkway, where there are also pouches, a turnstile, yeah, a bag for all sorts of small things, not much, no, okay, that’s it, i’m completely ready, yes. walking has become much more difficult, well, i’m ready, we can take positions, let’s go, yes , let’s now walk in the direction of the target, at the same time you’ll shoot in a group, now i ’ll put on the pp2000, what’s his name, over your head, yeah, here’s the fuse, uh-huh, you put it down, uh-huh, i understand. after
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you have finished shooting, raise it up, clearly, to the white dot, then to the red one, when we shoot, lower it down, everything is clear , here the bolt is located, move it to the rearmost position, release it, that’s it, the cartridge is in the chamber, well, it seems that everything is clear from the outside, everything is clear, yes it aims, here is the collimator, there is a red dot, yeah, it... you point it towards the target and aim, just insert the weapon into this shoulder, let's now learn how to move in a group, there is a certain tactical step, as they say, from heel to toe, roll , a distance of about a foot, you step on heel on toe, roll, carry leg and the whole body onto this leg and back leg to heel, to the other, to the other, and you
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are constantly moving forward to... to the level of the foot, almost now the right leg should have been forward to the level of the foot, just like that, roll onto your toes then back on the heel, on the toe, on the heel, on the toe, on the heel, on the toe, this is what a tactical step looks like, legs slightly bent, body leaned forward, look at the collimator in the sight, remove the weapon from the safety, fire the cartridge into the chamber, that's it, the weapon is loaded, you can start shooting, you press the trigger, don’t be afraid, there is no strong recoil, now try to move in motion, yes.
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we completed the task, now we can go up to the target, see where you hit, where i ended up hitting, on this target you can see that your cartridges hit the lower part of the target, but it’s very tasty for the first time, this is a very good result, seriously , yes, a very good result, as if you had collected a lot, there is potential.


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