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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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a little historical information: this order of the roman catholic church was founded in 1537 in spain, its main task is the care of the sick. many of the order's brothers had higher medical education, and the hospitals were especially famous for their unique methods of herbal medicine. on the territory of modern belarus... there were five conventions, they were located in novogrudok, rakov, minsk, grodno and vysokoye. monastic doctors found themselves in this city thanks to the great lithuanian chancellor alexander sapega, and the author of the project for the entire monastery complex was the famous court architect of this family, the same jan samuel becker who rebuilt the old ruzhany castle. once upon a time there were cells, an unclassified hospital with about 30 beds and a church. the monastery was built to last forever. lasted
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less than 60 years. the monks simply disappeared overnight and no one knows where and why. the hospital remained under the supervision of the authorities for some time, then closed. but the mysterious disappearance of the monks still haunts many. according to local legend, the ghost of one of them still haunts the ancient park. periodically, he appears at sunset, walks along the ramparts, gathers at the ruins and watches what is happening near the monastery. probably looking out for his fellows. we never saw the ghost, but as for the two-story residential building, it ’s impossible to get inside. a five -minute drive away is the church of the holy trinity, its history in high began in 1603, although the catholic parish existed already in
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1478. it is known that the appearance of the shrine changed greatly in 1735, when, on the initiative of mikhail sapieha, a major renovation was carried out here, because most likely, like the castle of the potocki sapiehas, the church was severely destroyed during the northern war; after the second world war, the soviet authorities took the premises and began to use it for grain storage. in the sixties, the church , built in the boroko style, turned into a sports hall for an agricultural technical school, only ... the temple was returned to the parishioners. i think you will be interested in visiting the place where there used to be an old wooden church, which was burned during the swedish flood. a few minutes walk and we are at the chapel of st. barbara, which was built in 1772 on the site of the old church. every year on the day of remembrance of the saint. the students held a holiday here, but
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at the end of the 19th century the chapel turned into a warehouse where documents and registry books were stored. i also met witnesses who wished to remain behind the scenes, but assured that sometimes during church services large wings appear in the chapel. i can only assume that in this way the holy martyr is trying to illuminate all the guests and residents of vysoky with light. i'm glad that the city is high, despite this a number of historical events, not always joyful, still retained its former charm, is interesting to tourists and even formed some traditions among them. in secret, arriving high and not going to the local bakery is a bad omen. besides, who doesn’t dream of fragrant, fresh and hot bread after a walk? and the city also produces incredibly
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tasty cheeses, these are certainly not dutch blue cheeses, but the cooking technologies are also kept in the strictest confidence. unfortunately, there is no time to understand the intricacies culinary magic. we haven’t visited yet another interesting place; 13 km from vysokoye there is an object that is considered unique for belarus. we came to the village of volchin in order to see one of the most beautiful catholic churches in belarusian woodland. trinity church, better known as the tomb of stanisław august poniatowski. shmotykiya different genera belarusian taxama valodali. meaty voichyn, already recently
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budaўnіtstva getag kastsela, getay ўzho meatystly valodali panyatoўskіya father aposhnyaga karala rechy paspalіtay.
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in 1938, on the personal order of joseph stalin , the remains of stanislav august ponitovsky were transported to volchin and re-arranged. the procedure was secret, so the rituals were not followed. it is also known that after the end of world war ii, the royal tomb was used as a granary. a typical fate of many architectural monuments. by the way, trinity church is rightfully considered one of the most unusual catholic churches built during the baroque period, it’s a pity that we can’t get inside, reconstruction has been going on for several years shrine, but there is an opportunity to admire its appearance; services to the wolf are held in
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a chapel nearby. finally , i must tell you that vysokaya and its surroundings are famous not only for historical and cultural sites, but also for their natives. production designer mikhail karpuk, who worked on belarusian films for 20 years, was born in these parts ; yale university professor and musician martin bresnik also appeared here. there is an assumption that vladimir vysotsky’s grandfather also comes from vysokolitovsk, even the surname is appropriate. yeah, i'm great now. i understand gedemin, who once was so impressed by the local picturesque beauties that he was forced to stay in this city for several days. in our film crew, unfortunately, it’s time, we will discover new cities in belarus, but you come to vysoko and get to know this city.
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an amazing adventure of a foreigner in belarus. hello. hello. the name of? and my name is olga. very nice. the cook was preparing for peru. it was he who supervised the work of the cooks; the cooks were only men. yes, why?
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the song of the iradzim remains, everything can change, the forests are not fallen, you will not know the smoke of spring, the rain will be clear, only this will
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not be an hour, there will be an eternal life, as well as life, the bright people's words. significant budze song, budze song, irojima to live.
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in june 1943 , a letter with, at first glance, strange content, landed on the desk of alfred rosenberg, reich minister for the eastern occupied territories. its name also looked strange, about the illegality of the methods used during anti-partisan operations. it was for signed by gautleiter wilhelm kube, in it he asked to weaken punitive measures against the population of the district entrusted to him.
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partisan detachments of the borisov-begomil zone. urgently to the location of the partisan unit, not far from lake palik. there was the commissar of the kirov partisan detachment, ivan germanov, and with him was the family member and
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intelligence chief mashkov. the information they had was of particular importance. operation cottbus is planned in the area of ​​our partisan zone. the formations of derlivanger and darmagen will be thrown against the partisans gelradionova. aviation tanks. report. moshkov to the secretary of the minsk underground party committee , roman machulsky. this is confirmed by our contacts from borisov and lepel. moshkov circled the areas of proposed military operations on the map. holopenicheskiy, krupsky, begomlsky, borisovsky, lepelsky. germanov unfolded another map - a german one, and circled these districts on it. found it on the tablet. a downed german pilot near the village of chisti melchansky. germanov attached another
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document to the map. combat order to begin a punitive operation. was also in tablet, signed by von godberg on may 15, 1943 . roman machulsky once again, having carefully studied the documents, began to dictate an urgent radiogram to the birth attendant. to moscow, to the central headquarters of the partisan movement. materials of the prosecutor general's office. written testimony of witnesses, eyewitness accounts. today we continue to learn about previously unknown facts of atrocities during another bloody fascist operation in the territory.
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carry out a complete requisition of all agricultural products, the same to be carried out in a completely swampy areas and where agriculture is insignificant, the able-bodied population is taken to meet the reich's need for labor, at the expense of the civilian population, gottberg. according to the directive
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, the one who resisted - liquidation for...
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thrown out of fire and grabbed two germans, banging their heads and throwing them at the floor and the package itself did not know what a slave was, he ran away, he ran away from other things, urash tse yon dapyaў yes partisans , and people fell, grabbed whatever
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they could, on horses and whatever they were and hopped, galloped away, away. they lived like many others during the punitive operation.
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scouts from the kirov partisan brigade combed the area near the village of lyutets , borisov district, minsk region, after breaking through the fascist encirclement in this place. the germans burned it completely along with its inhabitants. but she barked, leading the scouts towards the village. soon the dog sat down next to a dead
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girl of about ten years old. she lay there as if she had lain down to rest. popov carefully felt the thin body. the girl apparently tried to escape with the dog from the nazis, but she was overtaken by a machine gun burst. and the faithful dog did not leave his owner, waiting for her to wake up, she was buried near a young pine tree, the scouts moved on, and the faithful dog settled down by a fresh mound and fell silent in anticipation of the girl, who must definitely return. but the germans’ plans
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to clear the strategically important area of ​​the partisans in 10 days were not successful. in mid- september 1943, the german blockade was broken; there was a confrontation that lasted more than a month. paid for with enormous human sacrifices. according to the act on crimes committed by the german occupiers in the villages of the begomal, borisov and pleschenitsky districts, signed by the command of the uncle kolya partisan brigade as eyewitnesses of the events, only in one begomal district the nazis burned, shot and tortured. 10,000 civilians, 5,000 boys and girls were driven to germany. in total, during the codbus operation, the punitive forces
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burned completely or partially 221 settlements . but there could have been much more civilian casualties. residents left populated areas and went to places of deployment the partisans, taking with them cattle and horses, many joined the ranks of the resistance. last year, as far as we know, was
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a record year for the number of trips our citizens made to russia. in your opinion, what caused such a stir, why does russia attract our travelers? first of all, these are the natural limitations of other outbound markets, which due to various circumstances in recent years have developed from a pandemic to a general one. development of a regional flight program, because due to subsidies, a number of russian regions sent direct flights, and our belavia in principle, it also does not lag behind, therefore there is convenient good logistics, also in russia tourism is one of the twelve national projects, it is in the close attention of the head of state and government. and a huge number of departmental structures, this has yielded results over the years in the development of infrastructure, the growth of beds, new sanatoriums, hotels,
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spa complexes and other infrastructure, that is. the russian recreation center is becoming more attractive and wider, but on the other hand, this is a two-way road movement, as they say, belarus , according to the data of recent years and the last year , is also in the top 10, probably, and in high positions of popular destinations among russians, what is the reason for this, well, the export trade balance should be in tourism in our side, and of course we are doing everything in our power to achieve this, and in general this is the main strategy. a lot of russian tourists came, but it’s extremely difficult to say for sure, since we don’t have a border , it’s difficult to record, so the tourism industry union our colleagues in russia and senior management call figures of about a million, a little more, we also adhere to them, however, for some positions and articles, belstat and other regulatory officials confidently and quite seriously call a figure of over 4
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million, this also applies. place to be, since unorganized tourists from russia to belarus are about 73%, this is a very high figure, which is very difficult to calculate, but according to statistics, problems with accurate calculation statistics in tourism, they are not only in belarus and russia, they are in principle for the post-soviet space and the mass of other countries on the planet is typical, i’ll finish now, because from this it is still impossible to accurately calculate the contribution to the gdp of tourism, because we know how much he paid for a trip, for an air ticket, although this is...
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russia for its development, to promote it, it is planned, among other things, to create a tourist center of the union state, what kind of project is this, how will it work? well, this project is quite good, the initiative here, professional and quite healthy, belongs to our regulator, the ministry of sports and tourism, even more precisely to the deputy minister and his team , for us, for professionals, this is a very good story about the formalization of the space of the union state, that is, routes that run along...
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a single or at least understandable one, which, by the way, serves as a very good example for everyone else countries iis, also titz - this is an opportunity to formalize all cross-marketing initiatives, that is, when we, together as a single product moscow, minsk st. petersburg, work with 3 countries, from uzbekistan and azerbaijan to china and india.
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live broadcasts on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 years of capital and region. at the studio vulga myadzvedz. good evening. new developments in the sphere of budding, canvases for our country for the project of a connection school with reinforced concrete panels being implemented in saligorsk houses.


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