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tv   [untitled]    March 11, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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sown on an area of ​​424,000 hectares, this is almost an annual level, in the instructions of both the government and the head of state it is everywhere said that it is necessary to increase production not by increasing the area, but by increasing productivity. spring sowing is expected to be carried out on an area of ​​almost 2.5 million hectares, and the main structure of spring sowing is corn, which will occupy a total of 1,200,300. hectares, sugar beets, as a raw material base for our sugar plants, it again remains at the level of almost the previous year, as provided by the government decision, about 12 thousand hectares, well , we will also grow potatoes, flax and vegetables almost at the level of the previous year. will there be an experiment in this area? will be continued. experiments of belarusian varieties in
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the regions of demonstration fields, so that local farmers can see the potential of belarusian varieties, so that they can compare them with foreign analogues, and naturally make the right choice, taking into account the support of our selection process, at the same time do no harm, get a decent harvest, decent volume, planned volume of both bread and feed. raw materials for the processing industry, excellent, successful work , thank you for the interview, further facts of western values ​​and morality, brutal attitude towards people of a different culture, ignoring international treaties in the field of migration policy and hushing up the scale of the tragedy, exemplary genocide on the border was carried out by western neighbors, next video not for the faint of heart, the impressionable please step away. from screens. three victims
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of the eu migration purge at once. two foreigners died. belarusian investigators are looking into the circumstances of the incident. our border guards recorded two cases of inhumane treatment of refugees the day before at different sections of the border with latvia in the verhnedvinsk region. the first to be found was a thirty-two-year-old syrian. he was in shock . according to the man, the latvian security forces brutally beat him and forced him to belarus. the refugee was taken to the district hospital for assistance. kill me. here and here, look, many times, if a leg breaks, here, arms break, many times once, because i was just near the fence , i almost died, then they will send me to the forest and send me without food, without water, without anything at all, my phone will break, my sim card will also break, that’s it, half an hour later they found another refugee , but with... it was no longer
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possible to save him. the man's body lay near the gate in the latvian fence. doctors who arrived at the scene confirmed the death of the foreigner. a day earlier, our border guards found a dead foreigner in the kamenets region near the border with poland. during an examination of his personal belongings revealed a passport in the name of a twenty-six-year-old iraqi citizen. the deceased was completely undressed. hematomas from the abrasions are clearly visible on the body. he was near the animal gate. all incidents are being investigated. forensic medical examinations have been ordered to establish the cause of death and the severity of injuries received. the state border committee of belarus added that since the beginning of the year, the eu migration policy on the border with belarus has killed four refugees. luckily it ended well the story of the disappearance of children who were searched for all last night in the pukhovichi district. although they are now in the hospital, their lives are not in danger. how did it happen that children of two and 4 years old ended up...
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reports of lost children were received in 2020-2022. as part of the search and rescue operation , a headquarters was created that organized the work of all interested services and accordingly managed all activities within the framework of this operation. little kids used to walk this road with adults, as their father later said. girls, for the first time they were sent alone. grandmother forgot to call her parents that the children had left. the father and mother were calm that
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the babies were with the grandmother, who, in turn , believed that the granddaughters were already at home, when they realized it, it was already dark, they were looking for the children almost all night, they were involved in their search. about 600 people and 50 pieces of equipment, they also searched with the help of quadrocopters and thermal imagers, even dogs helped. from the grandmother's house to the parents' house across the field about 350 meters, nothing should have foreshadowed trouble, but the girls, like then they told us themselves and decided to go along the road to the forest to pick up some pine cones. information about the missing children quickly appeared in local chats, and everyone who cared gathered to search for them. around three ... 15 at night , one of the search groups, it happened almost simultaneously, an unmanned aerial vehicle with a thermal imager and a ground search group were working, they recorded a warm object from the air and led the search group , the search group was just moving towards this
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place, they illuminated a lantern and under a tree we saw two girls hugging, warmed themselves up, slept against each other, i used a flashlight to light a candle like that. i see two girls under the tree , well, the red jacket is so pink , well, that’s it, and sergei and i come up, we see that the girl, well , was obviously scared, maybe it’s light, they were either sleeping, the two of them were hugging each other near the tree, that is, well, the girl started blowing everything up, we quickly ran to them , let’s shout to everyone, you weren’t scared in the forest, you weren’t scared, you didn’t see any hares there, you didn’t see them, you weren’t scared, no, everything is fine, i saw them, the children were quickly handed over doctors... they soon received a chocolate bar, and although it seemed that in the video the little ones were completely calm and not cold, the girls spent about 10 hours outside, so they had to be hospitalized, they received a slight cooling, so they had doctors
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, that’s all, the girls are fine, cheerful, joking, running, walking, they didn’t even understand what happened, i am very grateful to everyone who took part in this, low bows, there are only six children in the family, girls. who lost the younger ones, before that the family was registered in there was no security guard, now it is possible that guardianship officers will come here. alena lishkevich, vladimir korolev, ivan mazgo, television news agency. the first document in my life. today 25 boys and girls from all regions of minsk received. these are winners of olympiads, laureates of competitions and festivals. active participants in educational, scientific sports life, also as a gift to the children, traditionally the national flag and constitution, the presentation of passports launched the all-belarus action we are citizens of belarus, dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the adoption fundamental law and the establishment of the presidency. a passport for me is a very
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important document for any citizen of the republic of belarus, also today for me. during this time, a new young generation of citizens has grown up in the country, so in modern conditions it is especially important to carry out systematic and targeted work to direct the creative energy of youth to solving the problems facing society and the state. to do this, it is necessary to carry out systematic, purposeful work on the formation of legal consciousness, patriotism, sense of civic duty and responsibility. the idea of ​​such a solemn presentation of passports
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belongs to the belarusian youth union. this year it is being held for the twentieth time and has brought together about 400 young belarusians. we, citizens of belarus , will hold a patriotic action until the 15th. in all regions of the country, it’s cool to be a mother, the belarusian women’s union today launched the action throughout the country, the initiators are the primary organizations of the ministry of health and the ministry of education, they talk to students about how important it is to be a mother, how to to this first step, children are an even greater responsibility, how to combine the role of wife, mother and businesswoman, this was discussed today in the capital. daria will tell you the details. i’m surprised how my mother manages to clean and cook. never stops developing, whether it’s dancing or learning a new language, i think this is a very important quality in life. when you are building a career, taking care of children and self-realization, elena barmotina has five, the eldest is already 21, the younger is nine, however, at the time of these
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shootings, many were at work or in clubs it’s difficult to have a family, but the women’s team tries to go out every weekend, many say: they’re interfering with their career, they’re interfering with their personal life. no, children are the opposite, with children you become more collected , you manage to do everything, i have five children who graduated from graduate school, being a mother is really cool, the mothers themselves will answer this question, and... you really understand with the birth of a child, but this is still colossal work , to put all the best into it, this is exactly what everyone strives for, while still being a mentor, second mothers, our teachers are raised within the walls of a pedagogical university, this is where we shared our experience today. a symbolic start of the action, the organizers will visit all universities in the country, no, this is not a call to give birth here now, this is about conscious motherhood, planning a pregnancy, understanding opportunities and, in some cases, risks. they will notice that the age of birth of the first child has shifted to 28, and before 35 it is advisable
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to perform the reproductive function, however, the deputy director of the republican scientific and practical center mother and child will emphasize that with our technologies everything is possible, especially for those who want to become a parent, but for objective reasons cannot do this , there is eco, and the first try in the country for free. reproductive age is up to 49 years, from 18 to 49 years, but it is worth remembering that with an increase in average age. the mother's risk for somatic diseases increases due to genetic diseases in the fetus. now the demographic situation is the main issue that faces not only our country, but also many countries in the world, especially when it comes to european countries. the task is to do everything possible so that, firstly, motherhood is conscious, and secondly, so that girls understand what they take risks when childbirth is delayed or when they are inattentive to their health. and how to learn not from... the example of women speakers who have managed to realize themselves in various industries, sometimes it even
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seems that in male professions , representatives of the fair sex retain their femininity, as the answers in the project school of the modern lady succeed, the second season started at the medical university today. taking into account the fact that we are a medical school doctor, this is a profession that requires in-depth knowledge not only of medicine, but also a broad outlook, and the topic of developing some kind of leadership qualities and knowledge was very relevant in the whole world, i was lucky enough to meet with professionals in their field who taught us public speaking skills, etiquette, how to behave in stressful situations, women today are in politics, in business, and even flying into space, real workers who make a significant contribution not only to the country’s economy, there are no heights that belarus has not reached, the president has emphasized this more than once,
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victory square is being built in the center of the largest book city in belarus. this is the concept of the national thirty-first minsk international book fair , opening this thursday. 20 countries of the world, belarus, among them will traditionally be united by... iran will be the main guest, half a thousand publications have been sent from the islamic republic, the people's republic of china will also present a considerable library, classics and modern reading will be imported. belara to talk to readers about the eightieth anniversary of liberation from the nazis invaders. premieres in bindings from publishing houses mastatskaya literature and belarus. we don't have enough space, i don't know. we will probably look for some other site, or wait for the construction of a new
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exhibition center in our country, in order not only to provide the opportunity to accommodate all the exhibitors, but also to provide the opportunity for numerous amateurs and fans of book art to comfortably move around the exhibition, so that this will be possible for them comfortable so that you can place additional infrastructure, coffee shops, other locations for... conducting autograph sessions a year or two ago we thought that the main achievement was that we did not stop the cyclical nature of our exhibition during the covid period, but now we understand that the success of our book exhibition fair lies in the fact that the population of belarus is people who read, on the gastronomic calendar of belarusians the most delicious week is, maslenitsa is the main landmark that spring is officially in full swing, and the highlight of the diet for the next... 7 days of hot pancakes, the culmination of the celebration of spring, burning stuffed animals of winter, separated from the denouement of the plot by 7
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days of tasting filled with slavic traditions. let's learn how to navigate not only the forms of a delicious holiday, but the content. wheat, buckwheat, rye in milk, water or kefir. each housewife is free to choose a classic recipe or an experiment in the heat of the day until march 17, inclusive. let's wait, i say, maslenitsa. and that maslenitsa, i say, will come, then and where will it come? well, belarus is a record holder in the maslenitsa kitchen. our gastronomic record in numbers is a two-meter mouth-watering giant. the story goes that it took four dozen eggs, 13 kg of flour and liters of milk to prepare the mega pancake. it is not recommended to repeat the edible maneuver yourself. in the
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pancake week schedule, we focus on etymology. today is pancake monday or meeting. and dear guests to test the first pancake, tuesday, flirting, symbolically bridesmaid, wednesday, gourmet or going to your mother-in-law for pancakes, where the pancakes are, there we are, oh, pancakes, eat, drink, don’t spare the master’s pancakes, and the first spoonful of your son-in-law, otherwise he doesn’t come to visit, he keeps them for himself won’t stop by, thursday is out and about, this is already the equator of a tasteful holiday, friday is mother-in-law. parties, saturday, places for get-togethers, for dessert , forgiveness sunday, as they say, not everything is maslenitsa, then on march 18th , representatives of the orthodox denomination begin lent, and sunday will be forgiven, forgiven, in what sense, well, ask for forgiveness for everything, this is an old russian tradition, oh, an old russian tradition, yes, that
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’s right, and the day after tomorrow lent begins, great lent, great lent, right? the church name for maslenitsa week is cheese week, during this period, the diet of orthodox believers no longer contains meat; they switch to dairy products, fish and vegetables. people celebrate the national holiday not only well-fed, but also to the accompaniment of city festivities. the fragrant one promises to be in every district of the belarusian capital. the epicenter of the celebrations in minsk, the sports palace. our historical estates celebrate the triumph of taste. complexes, the reconstruction of folk rituals on march 16 is also promised by the museum of folk architecture and life, but why not an oil painting. a region with a touch of radevilovsky flavor and unique taste dairy products. local farmers are the indispensable leaders of the country's harvest; the city itself
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sets the tone in culture, sports, education and industry. today there is a reason to learn more about kleck, the city. in the south of the minsk region he is getting prettier and preparing to celebrate his nine hundredth anniversary, but for now let’s walk through the streets of this regional center with alexander mysla, he has been working in the housing and communal services system for many years, so he knows the whole city better than anyone. let's get to know kletsk better. exactly half a century ago, my parents from grodno, being students, moved to my small
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second homeland, that is, i was born in grodno, but i have lived in the city of kletsk all my adult life. over the last 20 years, the city of kletsk has been transformed, it is becoming prettier, improving, it is a city in which it is comfortable to live, raise children, now we are near one of the most beautiful buildings in the city of kletsk, this building, the administration building, i worked in this building for more than a year. years, it was built as a hospital building, which later, in soviet times, housed a regional education, partly a museum, after which the military registration and enlistment office after which it came under the control of the housing and communal services of the cell. near the city.
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in the city of minsk , the church of st. simon and olena was built at his expense. the enterprise
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processes more than 500 tons of raw materials per day, these products include low-fat milk powder, butter, cottage cheese, and of course, our famous curd cheese in chocolate. a sports, cultural, youth, industrial city, where life is in full swing, not in vain for every cry, it
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is the center of the earth, i love my city. dynamo minsk continues to explode information field in the vastness of the continental hockey league, playing with dignity in the first round series of the gagarin cup against the winner of the regular season , dynamo moscow. the day before, on the guest ice, the belarusians were able to win a completely difficult and energy-consuming match 2:1. so far the club from the russian capital is ahead in the series 3:2, but psychologically minsk residents feel more confident, plus the atmosphere at home is almost better this season. throughout the league. andrey kozlov about the events surrounding the exciting series. here
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this is what dynamo minsk's winning goal looked like from the sideline angle. now let's look at the masterpiece from the broadcast. after the throw of munich resident nick merkley, the series with dynamo moscow remains relevant on our agenda. this is cool. the team is in such a mood. the day before i flew home, the match between dynamo minsk and dynamo moscow, which started at number five in the bracket, was a vital event for us, but the winners of the regular season, that is, the holders of the continental cup, had the right to make mistakes. in the series up to four wins, our opponent was 3:1 ahead, in the regular time of the fifth match there was a 1:1 draw, followed by a long overtime, then at the start of the second additional twenty minutes, i hit that same shot: 2:1 in the game, 3:2 in the series. the hero of the episode after was extremely laconic, leaving all his strength on the ice. did everything turn out great for you today?
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it was a long match, of course, everything was decided in the last minute, i was very tired, honestly, it’s hard to say, but it’s great that we won today. guys, the handsome guys won, i think minsk and belarus deserved it. our game the right and correct words were said by the head coach of dynamo minsk dmitry kvartalnov locker rooms, because minsk is really waiting for its team, the atmosphere at the two matches of the 1.8 final series was fantastic, the sold-out crowd supported the ambience of something common and significant, in the victorious moments the soundtrack became the season for minsky dynamo is special. dynamo reached the playoffs for the fourth time this year, there is a desire to take a significant step forward, i really want
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the immortal hit of the group weasel uma to be heard here again 24 hours later, it will be only mean one thing: victory for dynamo minsk, if you can’t get in, turn on belarus 5, your colleagues will show you beautifully. andrey kozlov, ilya puchko, tv news agency. and this is the information picture of monday, march 11th. sports news and weather forecasts are ahead; right now our broadcast will continue with the “understood” project. politics, i say goodbye with this , all the best, happy, this is understandable politics, hello, how to sell weapons for more than 200 billion dollars in one year, a master class from the white house in our program in just 20 minutes, the deadly toys of the white it’s an expensive thing at home, but the lobby of the american military-industrial complex is stronger than any. in contracts. reliable europe, obediently obeying, replenishes the defense accounts of the giants. all they had to do was force them to help the kiev regime at any cost, in return, to promise their american
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types of weapons.
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they call poland a walking advertisement for european rearmament. according to various media reports, this year it will spend 4% of its gdp on defense. more than half of this money will be spent on military equipment and weapons, which is much more than the nato figure of 20%. poland purchased apache helicopters worth $12 billion, haimers missile systems worth $10 billion, m1 a1 tanks. abrams for 3.75 billion, as well as air and missile defense control systems for 4 billion. not bad, isn’t it, germany is there, only the germans bought helicopters from the americans for 8.5 billion dollars, and this against the backdrop of enormous pressure in washington on brussels with the demand to give more and more weapons to kiev, making room for very expensive american equipment. the russian
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defense industry once wanted to spread its wings. in 2017, it became known that germany and france were developing a major ground combat system. it was called europanzer and was planned as a response to the russian armata tank. according to the concept, this system was to become the basis of a european battle tank, which promised to replace the french olekler and the german leopard. the device was supposed to be equipped with drones and robotic ones. escort vehicles. there is still a dispute over how the contracts will be distributed. it was not possible to reach an agreement on what the subsystems of the future main battle tank will be developed by germany and which by france. not everything is going well with financing, and behind the scenes there is a struggle over which side will become the leader of this project. and while the french and germans were arguing over whose piece of the pie would be bigger. rhine metal company joined the project. leading.
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in germany, from a legal point of view, everything is somewhat different. the special connection between ryan metal and the usa is evidenced by the fact that the largest number of foreign enterprises and branches concern, exactly 10 corporate structures are located in the usa. the defense concern not only places part of its production in the united states, but also develops, on the basis of its american subsidiaries, the most advanced military technologies. for example new. a generation of infantry fighting vehicles equipped with an artificial intelligence system is being developed jointly with american defense companies such as techron, raytheon and alison. the german defense concern is also entrusted with the creation of the central section of the f-35 fighter, produced by a large manufacturer of military equipment, locket. and what do we have in the end? there is no ground combat system. a project developed by germany jointly with
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france. the tank, due to hit the market in 2035, is on the verge of failure, the handlesblad newspaper reported, citing government and industry sources. but the company’s operating profit is growing, because rhein metal has bombarded the european market with those same leopards with german filling. in 2023 , the corporation's revenue amounted to about 8 billion euros, most of which floated overseas to the usa. based on last year's spending results. european countries spent $345 billion on armaments, which is a third higher than 10 years ago. this growth is due only to active spending to fuel the ukrainian conflict. the united states, which already shovels half of the europeans’ military budgets into the pocket of its military-industrial complex, wants spending on the purchase of american weapons to only increase, and no matter how much european politicians puff about strategic autonomy from the united states, even they


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