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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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prince and princess lovich became very ill, they wandered for a long time along the roads of the kingdom of poland and eventually ended up in vysoko-lithuania. the tired travelers were welcomed into the palace with open arms. from the large terrace of the palace there was a magnificent view of the pulva river valley. it may be hard to believe today, but at that time it was navigable and wine was delivered along it from sokolitovsk. the last private owner of the high was. one of the richest people in poland is jakub potocki, to whom his mother maria potocka transferred the estate along with the city itself. the counts were so ensured that in the summer they had the opportunity to organize sleigh rides for guests. for this fun, the road from vysokoye to the village of volchin was specially sprinkled with a thick layer of salt. maria pototskaya grew grain seeds and grass root crops, annually up to 35,000 pounds. she supplied them to the russian...
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empire abroad, in 1896 the countess received the highest award, she was allowed to depict the state emblem on her products. but let’s return to the construction itself: jakub potocki died before the arrival of soviet power and did not see how his luxurious library, how the palace itself has changed over time. first, the headquarters of the 62nd fortified district was located here, then a border detachment. in the post-war years, there was... a boarding school, later it moved to a neighboring building, and the palace stood for a long time. jakub potocki had no children, and therefore the wealthy gentleman bequeathed the property to a foundation for the treatment of tuberculosis. as far as i know, it still exists in poland and bears the name of the count. by order of the pototskys, after the construction of the estate, a park was built here. english
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style is perhaps one of its most picturesque parts - this long castan alley. in belarus it is the second longest after nesvizh. at the beginning of the alley there was a greenhouse with a winter garden. the pototskys had fruit on their table all year round. guests were treated to lemons, pomegranates, and grapefruits. a real paradise for... lovers of the exotic of that time. just imagine, at the beginning of the 19th century , laurel, fig tree, yew, and canadian pine grew in the park. and all this in a temperate climate. the sixty-year-old pyramidal oak tree, 19 m high, is also unique. it is listed in the red book of belarus. you will be in high be sure to find it. in the meantime, we are heading to another abandoned object.
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the main thing that africa needs now is precisely the ideas or ideology of justice. the african continent has suffered greatly over the 450-year history of capitalism, and our president, when visiting african countries, comes with his own. fair ideology, the supply of our agricultural machinery has led to a sharp increase in agricultural productivity, this is a solution to the key issue, everyone must be fed, 11 state programs exist for support for motherhood and childhood, we gave women the opportunity to receive free education , our women were given 3 years of maternity leave, this is the longest period of time in general,
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a completely different ideology is coming, the chinese called it humanomics, our president has said more than once that the basis of everything is our belarusian, if we do not address his aspirations, thoughts, feelings, then we turn into simple capitalists, and capitalists under no circumstances can be patriots, markov’s project is nothing personal, look at tv channel belarus 24. an amazing adventure of foreigners in belarus, hello, hello, my name is, what’s your name, and my name is olga, it was very nice that the cook was preparing for the feast , it was he who supervised the work of the cooks, the cooks were only men, yes, yes, in at that time , only men, it was quite hard work, an ecuadorian has lived here for eight years and travels through our cities and villages, there is some kind of standard, well, if...
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a professional kitchen should always be the same, yes, there should be a standard, of course, mine probably doesn’t, mine is too big, scary, for the first time it’s normal, you felt like a prisoner, probably now you should feel like, come on, okay.
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there is information that an underground passage began from here, which led to the sapega castle in potok. before us, built by order of alexander sapieha in 1785, is the monastery of the order of banifrators, the author of the project is jan samuel becker. the room was inhabited by monastic doctors, or, as they were also called, good brothers bonifrators. a little historical background. this order of the roman catholic church was founded in 1537 in spain. his main task is to care for the sick. many to choose. fordina had a higher medical education, and the hospitals were especially famous for their unique methods of herbal treatment. on the territory of modern belarus, the bonefrators had five conventions; they were located in novogrudok, rakov, minsk, grodno and vysokoye.
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the monastic doctors ended up in this city thanks to the great lithuanian chancellor alexander sapieha; the author of the project for the entire monastery complex was the famous courtier an architect of this kind, the same one. samuel becker, who rebuilt the old ruzhany castle. once upon a time there were cells, an unclassified hospital with about 30 beds and a church. the monastery was built to last for centuries, and ultimately lasted less than 60 years. the monks simply disappeared overnight and no one knows where and why. the hospital remained under the supervision of the authorities for some time, then closed. but the mysterious disappearance of the monks still haunts many. according to local legend. the ghost of one of them still wanders through the ancient park, from time to time he appears at sunset , walks along the ramparts, gathers at the ruins , watches what is happening near the monastery, probably looks out for his brothers, the ghosts were never seen, but as for the two-story residential building, it
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is impossible to get inside. a five -minute drive away is the church of the holy trinity, its history in high began in 1603, although the catholic parish existed already in 1478. it is known that the appearance of the shrine changed greatly in 1735, when, on the initiative of mikhail sapieha, a major renovation was carried out here, because most likely, like the sapieha castle in potocki, the church was severely destroyed during the northern war. after world war ii, the soviet authorities. they took the premises and began using them for grain storage. in the sixties, the church , built in the boroko style, turned into the sports hall of an agricultural technical school, only in 1992 the temple was returned to the parishioners. i think you will be interested in visiting the place where there used
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to be an old wooden church, which was burned during the swedish flood. a few minutes walk and we are at the chapel of st. barbara, which was built in 1772 on the site of the old church. every year, on the day of remembrance of the holy martyr, a holiday was held here, but at the end of the 19th century , the chapel turned into a warehouse where documents and metric books were stored. i also met witnesses who wished to remain behind the scenes, but assured that sometimes during church services large wings appear in the chapel. i can only assume that in this way the holy martyr is trying to illuminate all the guests and residents of vysoky with light. i am glad that the city of vysokaya, despite this
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a number of historical events, not always joyful, still retained its former charm, is interesting to tourists and even formed some traditions among them. in secret, coming to a high place and not going to the local bakery is a bad omen. besides, who doesn’t dream of fragrant, fresh and hot buns after a walk? the city also produces incredibly delicious cheeses. this, of course, is not dutch with mold, but the cooking technology is also kept in the strictest confidence. unfortunately, there is no time to understand the intricacies of culinary magic. we are not we visited another interesting place: 13 km from vysokoye there is an object that is considered unique for belarus. we came
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to the village of volchin in order to see one of the most beautiful catholic churches in belarusian woodland. trinity church, better known as the tomb of stanislav august paniatowski. clothes of different kinds of belarusian dachshunds were sold by getai. myastsovastsyu voўchyn, already budaўnіtstva getaga kastsela getay already myastsovastsyu valodali panyatoўski father aposhnyaga karala rechy paspalіtay stanislava augusta panyatoўskaga taxama stanislav panyatovski, and all of them would be such philanthropists, i would say to the administrators who publish these kascels, moreover kastsela would be the palace, who have an agonistic sam. yon and there ulasna ablagarodzhvali
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geta this meat, there were water canals , by statak taksama hadzіў, well і shmat was tsіkavaga ў this family, well kastsel, of course, yany dachshund meetings ў villages passed and shrines, pa little saint of ours, eucharistic, bo people felt they loved themselves. religious. the last king of poland and grand duke of lithuania was baptized in the volchinsky church. however, after his death he was buried in the church of st. catherine in st. petersburg. in 1938 , on the personal order of joseph stalin, the remains of stanislav august ponitovsky were transported to volchin and reburied. the procedure was secret, so the rituals were not followed. it is also known that after the end of world war ii, the royal tomb was used as
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a granary. a typical fate of many architectural monuments. by the way, trinity church is rightfully considered one of the most unusual catholic churches built in baroque period. it's a pity we can't get inside . the reconstruction of the shrine has been going on for several years. but there is an opportunity to admire its appearance. and the services.
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yes, now i understand gedemin perfectly well, who once was so impressed by the local scenic beauty that he was forced to stay in this city for several days. unfortunately, it’s time for our film crew to discover new cities in belarus, but you come to vysoko and get to know this city.
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in a fashionable photo studio on sovetskaya street in minsk, at the beginning of 1939, photographer elya bergman was putting himself in order in front of the mirror; he had to fulfill an important
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order to take a group photo of the delegates for a very important event upcoming... from there the sounds of march's favorite song poured out, let's go, cheerful friends.
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at that time, few people thought about the fact that such dramatic changes took only 20 years, or how difficult the path to solving the women's issue in the country was? comrade women, yes! olga grinkevich came up to the podium, the foreman of the village council's wives department, the secretary of the district committee had no choice but to give her his place. so the women's councils call us all to study, to work in desk cells, and we
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go. zapraўdy syalyanka pavіnna byts raўnapravna gramadzyanka. let me put it another way: you are not a havarian. but women have long hair and short minds, what does this mean? this shows how we, the peasants, live in the same minds,
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and such stories could be heard, 1929. he began his work on february 5th. the women's issue was to be discussed for the first time at such high level. about the work of women, their promotion to responsible work. and this was a fact that was unique in itself. in democratic europe of that period, there was a lot of talk about women's rights. rallies demonstrations appeals. at the initiative of the german socialist clara zetkin , many countries began to celebrate march 8 as
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an international day, when once again it was possible to declare the equal rights of women in society. in the bssr, delegates from all regions of the republic were preparing to present their bold plans from a high rostrum. i have an order, at the circle committee i put on nothing but talk, there are not enough workers' correspondents in the mozor, village correspondents, in the voluntary fire department there is only one woman. there is special attention to the participation of women in the construction of a new society, many still live with prejudices, and the main thing for a woman is still household chores. young ladies, young ladies, young ladies, and you were chosen as a delegate from the minsk factory, from the komsomol. to rid it of the patriarchal foundations that were created in belarus, as they are doing throughout the country, and
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i also want to become a musician, famous in all over the world, and i will definitely tell the congress about this.
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young ladies, young ladies, you are all so interesting and why do you need all this, and even in this komsomol. “she’s almost still a child and she also wants to build a new life, and what this new life will be like, because so much has happened, oh, young ladies, but there really are a lot of changes. at the congress, the first secretary of the communist party of belarus, jan gomarnik, stood tall tribunes noted successes in solving the women's issue. the first census
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of 1926, conducted in the ussr, showed that there were already half a million literate women in the republic against 1 million literate men. this was the result that the republic achieved in less than 10 years of soviet power, but also such indicators. obviously not satisfied. the main question on the agenda is how to involve the largest proportion of women workers in management bodies and party organizations, so task number one is to completely eliminate illiteracy within five years. but special attention would seem to be paid to completely secondary issues, everyday ones: how to expand the network of kindergartens, public kitchens, laundries, in order to free women from household chores. discussions serious about this. i propose to improve the cultural life of workers at the enterprise. comrades, we must completely
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reconsider the living conditions of female workers, no matter what we spend money on, we must spend it more efficiently, kindergartens, nurseries, they work 8 hours, but what should a female worker do if she needs to attend clubs, improve her level, and there are plenty of households, everything needs to be adapted to the life and work of a woman, that’s right, the kitchen was downstairs, it was shared, she shouldn’t build houses so that the public one would take up space in the apartment, then in minsk behind the red church, a bold experiment was brought to life; the first kitchen factory was built in the capital, where lunches could be
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bought. there was a lot of debate about what a soviet woman should look like. in moscow, in 1934 , the first soviet fashion house with the original name “trest mozbelyo” opened in sretinka. he proposed a new direction in clothing, the style of constructivism dominated. minimalism in everything, nothing in the land of soviets should distract attention from the woman herself. the first decade of soviet power was a time of search, cardinal changes in a woman’s life, she changed. in march 1939, the book “women of the land of socialism” was published in the soviet union in a million copies. she talked about famous women who have achieved success
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in various fields. anna shchetinina, the world's only female sea captain . valentina grizodubova, brave pilot, hero of the soviet union. nadezhda grekova, chairman of the supreme council of the bssr, is the first and only woman in the ussr and europe to occupy such a high position. and more than 20 names of outstanding representatives the fair sex of the country of the soviets, who... could a woman once dream of such a thing, was it possible to believe that she herself would determine her own path in life, and the transformations in the country would be so rapid, then in the ussr, this became the norm . elya berman, in the privacy
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of his darkroom after a busy day , sorted through photographs of activists and komsomol village women. he peered into the faces of women, as they were now called, of the new formation. having opened a brand new album, elya began to arrange the photographs in a certain sequence. his name was so unusual for him, a woman from the country of the soviets.
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the women of the new country of the soviets changed its appearance so much that many belarusians were talked about not only in the ussr, with their achievements they proved to the world that in the soviet union, for the first time in history , conditions were created for the self-realization of women in politics, creativity, in production in science, and many really changed this world. watch in the next episode about larisa alexandrovskaya, an outstanding opera singer, the first belarusian artist to be awarded the title of people's artist of the soviet union.


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