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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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yes, that is, it’s still about inner beauty, because no matter how beautiful and well-groomed you are on the outside, if inside you are not calm, not harmonious, it will always be broadcast from the outside, for the third year in a row this wonderful event was held by the beauty of belarus , and i want to tell you, when we publish publications with photos, videos and some reports, everyone is simply surprised, it’s women with many children, that is, it causes such a bit of a shock.
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attention to your husband and children, no doubt, but calmer energy, not running anywhere it is necessary, there is no need to create this fuss, then the children are calmer, then mutual understanding is found faster, undoubtedly there are different situations in my life, i have to communicate with children, educate them somewhere, give them some kind of definite example, but that’s all it’s really possible, it’s great, how much love you get in return, that’s what i wanted to show with this project, what kind of a wonderful woman with many children she really is, what is it? in general, it’s a big family and what beautiful children, we also planned to do this project separately for children, to show how talented the children are in these families, how the competition is in general, what the environment is in competitions, in our competition, we break all these stereotypes, and people who touch our competition, having some degree of mistrust, realizing that, well, another beauty contest, there are all these behind -the-scenes intrigues, we try to avoid this if possible, because... we have
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two stages of casting, i undoubtedly conduct the first casting with each one, because i am also a psychologist by training, and i i feel the true motivation of every woman who this project comes, women, those who , first of all, naturally, are with their men, whom they support at this time with children, or somewhere there help them here to prepare for some stage, which, first of all, children for them - this is their personal responsibility, many believe that large families are consumers, those who are trying to extract some preferences from the state, and believe me, in a normal family, this will just be additional support, but this is not the basis, the financial basis, which can cover all necessary costs to ensure interaction with children, to cover their needs, especially if we want to develop children not only intellectually, but also physically. our project is undoubtedly a big growth for every woman, and we are thinking through it. certain stages, i
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directly interact with each participant in general with them on an ongoing basis, we also have trainings that i personally developed, they are of a psychological nature, in order to provide an opportunity in a short time, because a competition is always more a short time, a week passes for us , then one day, the finale, in general, it would seem that the whole extravaganza is over, but in fact everything is just beginning for us, the next moment the girls, women are preparing themselves for the stage of the creative competition, not everything is they sing us, not everyone dances, but sometimes some begin to wonder what i can do, that is , creative potential in every woman, it must exist, we need it by nature, it does not have to be a professional activity, it can be at the level hobbies, some activities so that a woman can quickly relax, switch somewhere from some of her troubles, we inculcate fashion show skills, photo posing, we build specifically what our final will look like, this is
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also task number one, because this is a definite scheme, for every exit, and coordination works very quickly and well, and for mothers of many children, by the way, it works much faster by nature, because the skill has already been developed with children, with multitasking, which is why i also really love working with mothers with many children , in that year we had the most wonderful stage, this is the preparation of the report, what a year of peace and creation, that’s what each of these women understands? everyone spoke, we spoke then on an excursion, and i came up with an idea, i say: we need to finalize all this with a declaration, a declaration signed by the mother of many children, to the future participants of our competition, that a large family matters to us, that our state, our a country for which we always worry, as we worry about our children, but at the same time we believe that they will have a happy future it is in this country, and we will always pay attention to women and disadvantaged families, children, without
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condemning them, but saying that they have another chance, another opportunity, there is another side of the coin, they can always be in our this is the kind of society, the community that we will completely accept them. but again it’s about growth, about development, to go out beautifully in a dress, to parade, to feel some kind of appreciation for yourself, but first of all the audience’s assessment, it’s such an incredible experience, some moment of such stardom, when every woman comes out on stage, she feels like not just the queen of some state, she feels like a queen for her family, i want to tell you that most of the time, when she runs out on stage, not everyone receives a crown, but we feel and see a response of gratitude , because well... where else in what atmosphere can you see your beautiful mother, learn something new about her after so many years of living together, that it turns out she can still do this, present everything so beautifully to interact with others, because what do we have and an intellectual competition they ask questions, and how does the girl behave, as i say, even if we don’t know the answer, we get excited
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, we always smile beautifully, thank you for the interesting question, and say that it’s an interesting question and i’ll definitely delve into it in the future, yes, that is, expanding yours a little. horizons, well, one of the stages of our competition is the interaction of women, and the fighting master classes, when women share their expertise, each of them, some are accountants, some are psychologists, some are just fitness trainers, and you know some everyday life hacks that will help every woman, for example, save her family budget, or how to quickly put on makeup in a short time, create such lightness, visual lightness. airiness, well , here women get all this in a short time, in a week, they don’t need to go to any additional master classes, they also get all the skills from us here.
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this year marks the 80th anniversary of the liberation of belarus and it is no coincidence that we are visiting the belarusian state museum of the history of the great patriotic war, which this year this year also marks the 80th anniversary. the phrase is probably known to many people, the feat of the people to live for centuries. i really want this phrase to be as familiar to today’s young generation as it was to me, my parents, my grandparents, who, unfortunately, are no longer alive. but that story, their story, must be conveyed to our younger generation, so that they feel what it is like to live in a favorable country, when everything is calm, when relatives are nearby and no one is in danger of life or health, nothing, absolutely, what is my attitude
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directly to the troops, to the defense of our fatherland, i myself am an officer in the reserve, graduated from the military academy of the republic of belarus, faculty of the troops, the first... girls of a worthy image, stately, responsible was inspired by the image of the officers, the man who stands on the duty of protection your homeland, your family, your beloved woman, your children. i really want to convey that our children are shown more such memorable places, not children’s entertainment centers, not some kind of gadgets, let them touch not on stereotyping, not hearing.
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the museum lives and breathes, a lot of people come here, i see that the contingent of age and price is very pleasing, everyone is absolutely different: small children, teenagers, young people, young couples come, and adults also bring their children, this suggests that everyone is involved there is still something to our history that is an important story, in fact, this is what we should do. our current knowledge, looking forward to the future, this whole atmosphere is very close to me, because i graduated from the military academy of the republic belarus, the faculty of internal troops , field trips, shooting ranges, firing ranges, i felt it all and you still know, i’m 42 years old, i’m 20 years old, it’s already 21 years
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since i graduated from the military academy, the faculty of internal troops, but the smell forests at any time of the year, winter, summer, it doesn’t matter. i still remember it, and as soon as i enter the forest, it’s wet, the house smells, the birds are blowing in the wind among the trees, this is all for me an associative connection with mine. here's the training at the faculty, when we went to the shooting range, this is it unity, some kind of brotherhood with the guys who, too, there weren’t enough girls for us, we were the first intake, in the entire history of the faculty of internal search there were only six girls who graduated, received an education on an equal basis with men, and of course, here we are it’s impossible to convey this, perhaps even in this atmosphere, this smell is associated with some specific stressful situation that we all live together, some of which we overcome. difficulties, hardships, hardships, but the guides here are very good,
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they will be able to inspire you and tell you a little bit, to give you a piece of information that will awaken your consciousness and you will be able to feel how it was in those days , that it hurts, that we don’t need this anymore, and we will defend our homeland, that the homeland is like a family, we there is a huge family, every person living in the country is a member of this huge, big family, the skills and abilities that a young man acquires, even when he arrives for military service, are a little underestimated by the guys, because they are for life, but worthy qualities that are instilled they help organize everything in any field of activity, this is self-organization, self-discipline, this is the core, the ability to overcome obstacles, including overcoming oneself, this is the basis, probably for all men, as i believe, taking into account that i am raising a boy. including, i always orient them to the fact that a man must first of all overcome himself in life,
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and not fight with someone, then learn to become a good father, a good husband, these are probably the qualities that also we need to instill in our generation today, to the male generation, during the entire period of service that i served in special forces, internal troops, i was personally at the selection of personnel and who, with pride... i can say, is now in the best units of our country, then unconsciously i simply felt, felt a person, that energy, his motivation, which he went to serve, and no matter who you are, a woman, a man, i really want to sum up on march 8, i wish everyone to live according to their conscience, with an open heart, with an open soul, because there are no other people’s children it happens, we are all one family, it doesn’t matter even if we are belarus, russia, other countries, we are still some kind of united state, a brotherhood that has been side by side since time immemorial,
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walking in one step, but for some reason, for some reason, we began to look in different directions, i sincerely want this unity, spiritual unity with an open heart. now there is a huge information flow, which is often, frankly , destructive in nature,
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24. guys whose erudition
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any adult would envy. which russian writer held the position of vice-governor for some time? mikhail soltukov-shchidrin. a because he came from a native saltukovin family, as far as i know, and it is quite possible that he could have been a vice-governor. the correct answer to our question is option c. the author of what work is leonid daineko? i remember exactly that option b is the sword of prince vyachka, this creation was studied at the end of the seventh grade, this is the hour of on, when she fought in the army. yep, option b. sword of prince vyachka. a sweet, modest girl. so your favorite book is pet sematary. favorite movie: house of wax. thriller horror detective. once my friend and i decided to try it, and we liked it. and
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maybe you watched horror movies with them? no, i'm afraid. let's remember the school curriculum. together with the project participants, i know, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. music, dj, hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything, but first, according to tradition, our questions to the hero. irina, what feelings are you experiencing
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now? i am very worried and worried. it's like...stage anxiety? yes, just like the first time. irina, do you agree with by the statement that children should never be told lies. i do not agree. i'm kidding. i will try to answer honestly, or not answer at all. well then, good luck to you. dear program participants. today our guest is the honored artist of the republic of belarus, irina tarofeeva. irina, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, if for some reason you cannot or do not want to answer, you have the right to refuse the question three times and be attentive to the questions. at the end of the program you
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you have to choose the best one, now you have one minute to briefly talk about yourself. irina arkadyevna drafeeva, was born in the city of mogilev, in a family of teachers, educators, mother ’s name is dina, father’s name is arkady, i love my country very much, i am very glad that i can make my dreams come true, graduated from the belarusian state university of culture, now i work as a teacher in including the head of the department of pop music, my whole life is connected with music, i dreamed of becoming a singer as a child, and my dream came true, you met the deadline one minute, and now questions from our audience, we have 100 people in the studio,
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everyone has their own question, let’s see how much time you have to answer, are you ready, i’m ready, then let’s start. so, the first question is from the red sector. hello, at what age did you decide that you wanted to become a star? oh, i'm afraid to lie. probably since i was 4 years old. that's probably it. did your parents accept your choice? well, at 4, probably no one took this seriously yet. and already at 11, when everyone began to notice that i had there is a beautiful voice. everyone started talking about it, neighbors, friends, well, as it happens, you know, praising a small child, and i was sent to the raduga vocal studio, and i was already studying professionally. my parents have always supported my choice, please move to the left, but what
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did your parents teach you, and what did you learn yourself? i can say that, probably, the main thing that my parents taught me is to love, to love life, to be optimistic, and to be kind and sympathetic, it seems to me that... that the atmosphere in the family that has reigned in me since childhood is, well, great happiness, that is , whenever i want to be happy, i plunge into this state of childhood, this joy, this spiritual harmony, irina, and what have you learned yourself, what i myself have learned, i’ve probably learned to understand that the more you know, the more you can do, the less you know and... today you can, hello, my name is sofia, i have a question: what are your warmest memories of childhood? i had such a turbulent childhood
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it was during my school years, the school had its own atmosphere, i was always worried that i had some homework left unfinished, that i would be called to the blackboard, and i like to always be ready, and why wasn’t... because that until 11 pm i was studying at the rainbow vocal studio, in fact, after school i immediately flew home, played the piano, then flew to the rainbow, i was ready to live there, spend the day, spend the night, i loved singing, looking for the atmosphere in the team in this creative, she captivated me so much, and i also really i remember our trip with my parents around belarus, we went with a tent, i learned to fish, so i’m an avid... fisherman, by the way, does anyone like to fish, wow, cool, i respect you guys, well done, and does anyone like to sing , wow, great, these are still the same
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people, great, i want to say that such hobbies have been instilled since childhood, of course, in the family, in the creative team, at school, hello, my name is rostislav, how did you go to school, oh , i did well, i studied at school, i would like to think so, of course, there were not very favorite subjects, as a result it turned out that they were most useful to me in my life ; they turned out to be my favorites, my love for school was exactly proportional to my love for teachers, well, it so happened that i fell in love with mathematics and physics, although all my life i was inclined towards the humanities, well, honestly. but because she loved teachers so much, she went to physics and mathematics and even managed to graduate from school with a silver medal. by the way,
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this helped me to enter the university of culture without entrance exams, well, not counting the creative exam. then he the name of the institute of culture had just opened the department of art and variety, it was such an experimental course, so it’s no coincidence that everything was so fateful. it was wonderful, it was important for you to get exceptionally good grades , of course it’s important, i was always very worried, but if i wasn’t ready, i could even go up to the teacher and say, can you not call me today, so as not to embarrass yourself, the next question to your right, irina, this is the yellow sector, hello, my name is polina. you are a very beautiful singer, and i would like to clarify, there are many girls in belarus who are beautiful and have a good voice, but they are
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unknown, how did you achieve fame? well, of course, this is probably fate in the first place, i can’t say that there are just such secrets as how to quickly become popular, i’ve probably been very lucky in life. and i was always surrounded by good people, they always noticed me somehow, they pushed me, and this is probably a very good quality to be able to communicate, yes, to win over people, this is probably even difficult to learn, the most difficult art is i like it, honestly, i didn’t even think about this topic, you see, thanks to you, we’re starting to figure it out, so there’s no such definite advice... but i think that you need to look for talents in yourself, to reveal them if possible, so that these talents you have opened up, you have to work a lot, work on yourself, but
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it is very important that you... absolutely love the work you are doing, and probably this is the key to success, that is, you don’t get very tired, because you are doing something very beautiful, something pleasant, well, something that gives you maximum pleasure, so find something that brings you true joy, that allows you to open up in life and it is important to do it so beautifully that everyone admires you, well, if possible. or although it doesn’t happen like that, probably someone will still not like you and maybe someone will envy you in a good way, let it be white envy, in general, i wish you all success, definitely success, success, success.
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they say that moscow has the best chance unwind, have you ever wanted to go abroad? no, never, well, naturally, i had some thoughts, well, like everyone else, in my youth, i thought, i will learn all the languages ​​of the world, they will understand me. i will sing, i will have worldwide popularity, who if not me, the world is waiting for me, this was such youthful maximalism, and then, when i traveled a little, saw the world, especially having visited russia, let’s be honest, i made such an attempt to break into russian show business when i
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visited moscow. i realized that this is probably not my mentality, this is not my city, i i want to go back, i want to go home, i want to live in minsk, i want to go home, and i’m so much more at home, and in general i love belarus so much, i just love it, i know that there is no better country on earth, and this is mine this is just a fundamental conviction, i feel that belarus is my country, this is my homeland, and i don’t... irina, what is homeland for you? for me, the homeland is a feeling of home, it ’s a feeling of happiness, the homeland is my family, it’s all the most precious thing that is in my soul, so we say small homeland, yes, we immediately remember home, we remember our parents, we remember
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our childhood. and the homeland is the dearest thing that can be in the life of every person, it is where they always love and wait, where you will always be a little girl, where you will be forgiven and understood, you know, from my new song, which it’s called my shore, so i sing about belarus, i sing about my homeland, and i feel happy, it’s doubly nice, you know, not only to talk about it and feel, but also to have the opportunity... hello, irina, my name is tatyana, i’m following your creativity and i’m wondering if working in show business gives you more or takes away more, and what did it take from you? i want to say that show business gave me nothing, no business, by and large, no show.
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you are your own director, it is important to get a profession that will bring you, how can i say, dividends, it is important to get a profession, you need to become established as a person, you need to graduate from university, it takes a long time to reach your goal to learn how to earn money with your own work, this is very wonderful, when you get paid for being good at something to do, i don’t presume to say... that i ’ve learned everything, but i have the opportunity to learn from my students, and also, believe me, that’s probably what’s good about this teaching profession in my life, because that’s all time goes on this exchange, i try to be in line, i try to always be fresh and young, this is a good investment in yourself, in your own, in your knowledge, in your
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skills, so learn it. and the show will find you on its own, and what did you have to sacrifice, sacrifice, what, you had to sacrifice a lot, but this is a sacrifice in name... yourself dear, beloved, that’s right, i won’t tell anyone the secret that we must first of all love ourselves, yes, in order to please others.


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