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tv   [untitled]    March 12, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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you know how to do it, i don’t presume to say 100% that i’ve learned everything, but i have the opportunity to learn from my students, and also, believe me, that’s probably what’s good about this teaching profession in my life, because this exchange goes on all the time, i try to be in the ranks, i try to always be fresh and young, this is a good investment in yourself, this is in your... your knowledge, in your skills, so learn this, and the show will find you, and what you had to sacrifice, sacrifice what, you had to sacrifice a lot, but this is a sacrifice in name yourself, dear, beloved, that’s right, i won’t tell anyone the secret that we must first of all love ourselves, yes, in order to please others.
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to be interesting you need to wisely invest money in yourself, that’s what show business is, well, it’s kind of connected primarily with investments, yes, well, it’s money, but it also costs energy, it’s your work that you put in, and of course , sometimes i don’t feel like it, it seems, why should i do this, why should i do this, oh, i’d rather not run, i’d rather not. swim and it turns out that it’s all interconnected, well, you know, water doesn’t flow under a lying stone, so i repeat, irina, and you are happy today, yes, at least i want to seem like that, no, i’m kidding, i’m of course happy, i’m happy, i'm happy, hello irina, my name is ksenia, what is missing in the domestic show business? what is missing in
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show business, you know, there is probably enough of everything, anyone will tell you, give us money, everything will be fine right away, because any television project is an expense, any concert is costs, any ticket to a concert, it costs money, then we ask the question, how much can a ticket cost, yes, let’s say, in general, one thing leads to another, well, first of all , of course, this is a financial resource, the second is goodwill, this is creativity, yes, i want with... ideas, brains, young, talented, creative people who will burst into this world and show us all how to do it. hello, my name is artyom and many stars invent various legends about themselves for the sake of pr. do you always tell the truth in your interviews? oh yeah, i'm trying to talk the truth, to be honest, i’m not inventing anything, they’ve already come up with a lot of things for me. or
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maybe you’re just a good actress, maybe, oh , thank you, such a great compliment, artyom, cool, the next question is in the red sector, hello, my name is daniil, i know that women love with their ears, is this really so or are actions important to you ? oh, daniel, what an adult, serious question you have, of course, we love it. we love to receive compliments so much, we immediately melt, we immediately transform, we become beautiful, as we love with our ears, everyone says, women, you can just take the noodles off, you know, from these ears, in general, the more ears a woman has, the better, and as for actions, of course, in the most beautiful actions, flowers, there and... what - these are
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signs of attention, they are also added to the piggy bank, they are also appreciated, but with the ears more. did boys pull your pigtails at school, did you have love? oh yes, oh yes, listen, i’ll tell you, i often fought with boys as a child, but i understood that this was a manifestation of love, so sometimes, i remember, the boy is alone. me all the time well, he was a nut, so to speak, he annoyed me so much that i asked to be moved to a separate desk, well, that means i was moved, and he walks all gray, almost crying, that is, it turned out that the whole class began to ask the teacher to i was returned to his desk, well, because he was not indifferent to me, and i, no, no, no, then, okay, in general, i agreed only if he didn’t beat me, which means i sat down next to him,
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and he waved his fist at me in joy, and i mean, and he started crying, his lip trembled, scared that he did it unconsciously, well, that was the emotion of pure joy. well, here's the story. irina, are you lucky in love? you managed to meet your prince. oh, of course he’s lucky, of course he’s lucky. i just had no luck for a long time, for some reason. oh, i waited for my prince for a very long time and i waited. this is a romantic story of a meeting. oh yes, like in the best novels. dumas, have you read dumas? no, the three musketeers, you know, such a novel, countess de monsaro, such a novel, when you met your first
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true love and how you realized that he was the one most? so, it began, i met my... love of 40 years, can you imagine how it happens, i immediately realized that he was the one, because i had been waiting for him for a very long time, and do you think love is chemistry, or can a person be taught to love? ? this is chemistry, this is a gift from god, love, this is a feeling that is simply incomparable. that is, this feeling of bliss, this feeling of security, peace, it’s all in one person, probably combined when you can dissolve completely and completely, when you can’t breathe enough, see enough to rejoice enough, i want to wish you guys
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, from the bottom of my heart, to find true love in your life, in general, love does miracles, but i think that for sure, maybe i ’m looking for... i haven’t known everyone, all the beauties in life love, because, probably, the greatest happiness is fatherly love, motherly love, this is also probably a great joy in life, so i wish you, too, to find this happiness of your own, is it possible to be happy without children? i’ve already said: about the fact that this is probably incredible happiness to be a mother, to be, to have my own child, child, i imagine what a wonderful mother i would be, probably just a super mother, but in my life i made, well, maybe such
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a mistake, or maybe not, uh, i have to do everything on time, i was just at the wrong time, maybe i met my love, then it so happened that, although, suddenly there will be miracles , a miracle will happen, who knows, in general, i have not yet lost hope of becoming a mother, well it's probably no secret to you that i don't have children, but i have a lot of children, these are my students, this my graduates, i love children very much , it’s such a happiness, probably, to see your chat when it looks like you, yes, these facial features, these are only familiar to you, in general... that’s it, well, it’s happiness to be a mother, so don’t repeat my mistake, and i’ll still try to improve, you believe in friendship between
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a man and a woman, i believe, i believe, i have friends with whom i have been for many, many years. a wonderful musician, performer, singer, and we often perform together, even sing a duet somewhere, many of my students also became my friends, here are graduates, for example, andrei kolosov, we share the stage with them. these are already my colleagues in the creative field, and i can say that these guys are excellent, i also have wonderful musicians, by the way, with whom i have been working for many years, i have many friends, they are all creative, gifted, extraordinary, in
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general there are a lot of these people. irina, yes, what is a friend to you? oh, i immediately remember vysotsky’s song, by the way, do you know who? what a vysotsky, guys, oh, thank god, there ’s this song: if you suddenly happen to be, if a friend suddenly it turned out to be neither a friend nor an enemy, but so, such a song, friendship is tested in... time, of course, and it often happens, perhaps, that even some childhood friends of your youth, and there school friends, so you have separated, you do not maintain a relationship , that is, somewhere in your soul you remember about these people, and you know that this friendship, it was, it seems to be in your heart, that is, well , this seems to me to be a good quality when friend, he will always come to your aid, but he will not impose himself on you. he won't climb into your life simply, you know, with food so that you yourself have little space in
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your life, so i advise you to find such friends who, well, they are always invisibly nearby, but when you need, you always find time to communicate, if you could sing a duet with any world star, who would it be? oh, well, i don’t even know, it could be... not only a singer, that’s right, even some actor, oh, i could sing with banderos, antonio banderas is like that, but what composition, you know, it’s not so important , this is the song, well, in belarusian i would like it i taught you how to sing, of course, it would be funny, and you could advise me who to sing with, come on, pesnyary, pesnyary, excellent choice, i already sang with pesnyary, i also sang with sebr,
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a little girl and like that, well, i like it this is the state, i can afford
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it. hello, irina, my name is ksenia, i’m choosing from among the celebrities who would you invite to dinner? listen, the question is complicated, but probably who i would like to invite to dinner, i would invite kaelio. you know something like that, no, it would be so interesting for me, huh i also like this writer verber, i think i would ask him when he will write the next part of one or another of his books, it’s so interesting to read and i want a continuation, such interesting personalities, i would be interested in just talking, although probably so great writers and philosophers are probably not very interested. answer such, you know, banal questions, it seems, there
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are such great minds there, and you know how to cook, what signature dish would you treat your guest? i'm probably not that good at it cook like my mother, she knew how to cook pies, you know, the same complex dishes, like cabbage rolls, some kind of sorcerers, i don’t know how to cook such dishes, but in principle... these are the lecture classes, i i literally teach one subject, which is called
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musical production, and this is such an interesting subject, i have something to talk about, because i myself play in musical performances, there is such a wonderful performance, jane eyre, come to our musical academic theater and see me in the role of mrs. fairfax, in general i have individual lesson, i'm doing it. vocals in individual lessons, not in lectures, come to us, and you will find out how i do it, how the generation of the 20th and 21st centuries differs, oh, an excellent generation. i admire our guys, because - to be honest, for the first year this year we recruited excellent guys, only i have two freshman students who i can already be proud of, i haven’t taught them anything yet, but i already have them like that famous, one of them is nikita belko, if you know such a young artist, he is a laureate of numerous
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international competitions, he has an excellent command of the instrument, he is an excellent musician and , by the way... he also studied with my director vasily georgievich senkov, but nikita, he just grew up before my eyes and was in my studio studying some songs wrote it down, well, that is, this is what they say about the continuity of generations, maybe someone saw, someone heard, but look, take an interest, because guys, it’s very important to be interested in life, you know, you also need to have this flexible mind, not lazy such brains, when you want to be interested, when you speak.
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my graduates, i can just talk about them for hours, because they are all really cool guys, cool artists, performers, they play leading roles in musicals, they sing in different styles, directions, i learn from my students. we will introduce you to belarusians who deliberately exchanged the city for the village. vladimir aleksandrovich, i know that you have a lot of crops growing here, that’s right,
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but the three most important ones are potatoes. this the enterprise produces from 4 to 6 potatoes per year, and you are the same family who once in their life bought one piece of land, restored a house there, could no longer stop, yes, yes, they believed in themselves, their strength and achieved results in their favorite business, our bathhouse is located right on the bank of the old bed of the isla river, now it is frozen, 50 meters from here you run through a forest, there we have our own beach directly with the isla river itself. if, for example, as early potatoes begin to be harvested from the field, those that are not cleans up, like this one, i take it home , opened it, took off the skin, that’s it, took off the skin, everything that’s smaller, it’s many times more useful, because the amount of endospect, what’s most useful, it’s under the skin, the project i’m from the village , watch on the belarus 24 tv channel,
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more and more foreigners. visit our country , why is it so attractive for me to study, i met a wonderful woman, a girl who i really like, when i came here, especially to belarus, i see that the belarusian woman is the most beautiful, sociable, from the heart, the soul is open, this is the city such, there is such a thing in the city, it was during one lesson that we were told that there was a lot, a lot of belarusian culture, for the first time i knew what a towel was, what an embroidered shirt was, a belarusian bison, vosniks, but also tact. watch the project glance at belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. all girls love to dress beautifully, and what can’t you imagine your wardrobe without? you know, without sneakers, maybe it will sound strange, but i really love sports shoes, i feel very good in them, and i want to run, that’s just i really want to run, i used to be an athlete, in the distant past i ran a lot and that was 2 km a day. ok, well , somehow it helped me stay in shape, now i like to swim, what do you usually carry in your bags? i always carry a notebook, a notebook, and a pen. well , this is probably the main thing that should be in my purse. the question is in the purple sector, it's on your right. very often artists resort to
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the services of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons, but how do you maintain your youth, slender beauty? well, i already said sport, good mood, love, these are probably the three main factors that influence the appearance, well, not only of girls, girls, men, of a person in general. let's turn 180°, yellow sector , in 2016 you decided to run for parliament, why, what was this desire connected with, to change the world for the better, i think that the main goal is for people who... see that they can bring help to people, answer some questions, pressing, topical ones, of course, i wanted to help and solve
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some issues, maybe not all it happened the way we wanted, because, nevertheless, changes were made to the law on copyright related rights, and i ’m very happy about it, i would like it, you know, it’s always very important. for the law to work, yes, when you understand that in reality it doesn’t work out that way , then something needs to be changed, something needs to be introduced into this law, some amendments, changes, it must be an initiative, that’s why in in my case, i think it was not in vain that i spent 3 years in the house of representatives, and it was very interesting for me, this work is difficult, i let’s say i wasn’t ready for some questions.
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people, and i understand that there is still so much unspent energy, strength and desire, and i cannot express in words what i feel at concerts, you see, when i perform, and i see that people are smiling, they experience these with me all the emotions, feelings, it’s so great, i’m also a leader, i lead, i lead the whole department, imagine, that’s why it turns out like this, i combine business with pleasure, and i found it. such a golden mean, but if more, then i simply won’t be enough for my artistic activity then, let’s return to
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the purple sector 180° back, hello, my name is valeria, your repertoire includes quite a few songs about belarus, what motivates you in your choice? everything i do, i do at the call of my heart and... probably, my already rich experience, let’s say, from the height of my years, i can say that every artist should have in stock a song about their homeland, a song about the most important , probably in a person’s life, and i am happy that i have many such songs, and i never get tired of singing them. and i just i’m surprised by our belarusian and not only belarusian authors, by the way, i have a song about belarus, famous russian authors
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such as alexandra pakhmutova and nikolai dobronravov, like kim aleksandrovich breidburg, russian poets, korenko valeryan, sergey sashin, leonora melnikov, well then there is, i can just list these magnificent talented people for a long time, our belarusian authors, everything is so different. even as a child, i sang where the homeland begins , a beautiful song, and i never cease to be amazed at how relevant these words are today and i want sing these songs and i want you to love them, so that you listen to them, so that they penetrate into your very heart, so that they educate you, love, pride, this real, healthy, sincere patriotism, because for you are the future, and you are our
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hope, i say this... sincerely from the bottom of my heart, i really believe in you guys, i want you to become real professionals to serve your country, because service is not only in the army, yes, we relate to this, each in his place, each at his post, there are so many magnificent interesting professions, titles , you see, and i am proud of everyone, who carries out their profession with honor, who works for the country, for the people for... the people, and how to love your homeland correctly, in your opinion, you need to love your homeland in such a way that you don’t betray, honestly love, hello, my name is sasha, do you like active or passive recreation? oh, i love any vacation, to be honest, i would love to plunge into the atmosphere.
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some water park, i really love swimming, and i can admit that when i get into the pool, i relax, i relax and soul and body, at the same time i do sports, there is a physical load, but i get some kind of adrenaline, this is a buzz, that is, i feel that i am working on myself, and my body is celebrating this joy, you know, when i'm on the move, so this is probably some kind of ideal option, but i can't afford to go to a water park. walk, because i have a complex that they will recognize me and look at me for a long time, that is, there is such a moment, well, i like to be active and have some kind of recreation, i would love to go fishing, i haven’t fished for so long, so i honestly admit to you, but not winter fishing, i don’t like the cold, hello, my name is nastya, if you were offered to star in a film, what kind of film would it be, it
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was my big dream from... childhood, which did not come true , i still dream of acting in a movie, i’ve probably already reached the point where i’m ready to play myself, how do you feel about envy, maybe you wear amulets against the evil eye? to be honest, i don’t relate to envy at all. i think that this is a very harmful feature, it is advisable not to to be sick, it’s like a disease, probably, and this feeling must simply be eradicated from oneself, but if someone feels that it appears, and at least some, this is something that is destructive, it seems to me, affects our health and our state of soul and thoughts , yes, that is, i always try to surround myself with only pure thoughts, to wish everyone...
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so much good and to think about people the same way, that is , it seems to me that well, a person cannot think badly, it’s just, well, here i am in this case, i remain an idealist, and you may be a superstitious person, no, i’m not a superstitious person, i have , let’s say, this beautiful one, but i can’t say that it’s a talisman, it’s just a thing dear to me, which, you know, there are some things that we wear, yes , i do not like. some additional decorations, but here’s a scene, let’s say, it suggests that i’m wearing something i love for myself, as if happiness, yes, that’s happiness, happiness, that’s what i tell myself, many people say that in this life you need try everything, there are things you haven't tried yet, yes, there are such things, but i think that thank god
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that i don’t... i will never try drugs, i think that it’s completely unnecessary to even try, because everything that clouds your mind and generally harms your health, everything that seems to have a detrimental effect not only on you, but also on those around you, that is , you bring harm not only to yourself, but to everyone, well , it’s clear that there are just a number of other bad things that are not needed. do, i just need to distinguish what is good and what is bad, everything that is good must be done and always do the first thing with joy , say, yes, there is, i fell, i did push-ups, i want, i can, i love, i will, the best, always ready, yes, these are the best slogans that everyone should know, well, only forward, one in a word, everything that brings harm to you, god forbid those around you, never.


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