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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 12, 2024 7:05am-7:11am MSK

7:05 am
they will be occupied in the near future, including the meetings of congresses of public organizations and associations, all the subtleties from yulia alferova. if we talk about the process of forming the all-belarus people's assembly, it is worth emphasizing that this process did not begin today, it was already known that it would include both senior officials and deputies, the house of representatives, who were elected on a single voting day, well and today is the time for those who take an active civil position... are ready to declare it and do concrete steps for development and prosperity: becoming a delegate to the seventh all-belarusian people's assembly, especially honorable; amendments to the constitution added a lot of powers, including entrusting the delegates with the role of a stabilizer, who, if something happens, will be able to take the situation into their own hands. along with powers, responsibility has also been added, this is well understood by those who today declare their intention to be part of, to nominate candidates from civil society to large public organizations, to belarusian society, because... today’s meeting
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the plenum will be announced in which regions at the regional conferences so that the regional centers will hold meetings ; the candidates proposed by the primary level will be confirmed and through the regional conferences the candidate’s data will be nominated to participate in the congress, the voice of the city society. is especially important in making strategic decisions for the country, it is assumed that this category of delegates will be able to objectively convey the real problems of people and make proposals for solving them, therefore the approach to the election is especially thorough, first of all, these must be professionals and people with extensive life experience; not only delegates from civil society are subject to election, but also from local councils of deputies (350 people), these are representatives of each region and the city of minsk. let me remind you that the all-belarusian people's assembly will include 1200...
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warsaw's ambitions will remain unsatisfied, the us president stated that there is no need for additional american troops on the polish border, reports bloomberg. it is noted that so biden commented on the words of his polish colleague, answering questions from journalists. earlier , the media reported that the polish dictator duda called on the united states to increase the contingent in the country supplying equipment to ukraine, as well as to increase defense spending for nato countries to 3% of gdp. however, some politicians believe that peace.
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the north atlantic alliance is no longer needed, the new security architecture on the planet should be without military blocs like nato or the warsaw pact. this opinion is shared by the leader of the french patriots party. florian philippou noted that nato is a relic of the old world. the candidate for the european parliament elections does not support the creation of new military alliances, but admits the existence of an agreement on security or military cooperation. an act of vandalism and... another outrageous incident in europe, in the german city of prenzlau, an unknown person desecrated a memorial to soviet soldiers who died in the second world war. this was reported by the police of the federal state of brandenburg. local media note that the attackers left graffiti on the memorial. an investigation into what happened is underway. in belarus the sowing campaign has started. the southerners were the first to go out into the fields, on the last day of the calendar winter, but even there the cold still took its toll and slowed down agricultural production for a while. now
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, after the big weekend , absolutely all regions of the country have joined the marathon. by the end of the week, farmers plan to reach optimal rates of sowing spring crops. as for the distribution of crops by area, there are no significant changes compared to last year. the main structure of spring sowing is corn, which will occupy a total of 1,200.3 million hectares. sugar beets as a raw material base for ours. sugar factories of the plant, it again remains at the level of almost the previous year, as provided for by the government decision of about 102,000 hectares, well, we will also grow potatoes, flax and vegetables almost at the level of the previous year. in parallel , work is underway to fertilize winter grains, most of all wheat 643 hectares. the “we are citizens
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of belarus” campaign started in the country for the twentieth time. in the constitutional court , 25 young men and women from all over the world received their first important document. countries over 14 years of age. just like that. they are successful in studies, sports, scientific, cultural and social activities. i want to say that for me, and probably like for every person, receiving a passport is some important and significant event in his life. i am very proud to accept the honorary title of citizen of the republic of belarus today, on the eve of constitution day. now i will. to be a full citizen of your country and bear enormous responsibility to yourself, and before society. the action we are citizens of belarus, initiated by the belarusian republican youth union, will last until march 15. this year the project is dedicated to the anniversary.


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