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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 12, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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the efficiency of import substitution and exports - three growth drivers that will allow belarus to develop further, were named today at a large meeting with the president. in the spotlight. the development of the mineral resource base, in other words, the extraction and use of minerals, one’s own natural wealth is the key to sovereignty and stable economic development. the president sets the task of more intensive and efficient development of deposits. in belarus , natural resources on the surface have been sufficiently studied. increase geological exploration - instructions from the head of state. there is still no unified control over the development of deposits in the country, and therefore there are not isolated cases when each department pursues.
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industrial oil reserves in belarus amount to about 45 million tons; over the past 8 years they have increased by 14 million. 2023 was a record year for the last 40 years. the stage of nominating candidates for the council of the republic began in belarus today; it will continue until march 21. the right to nominate candidates to the upper house of parliament belongs to the presidium local councils of deputies at the basic level and the corresponding executive committee. in the capital. for example, candidates will be nominated by the presidium of the minsk city council and the city executive committee. the decision on nomination is transferred to the central election commission. registered candidates will be elected by local council deputies during meetings. eight people from each region and the city of minsk. elections to the upper house of parliament will be held on april 4. and today in belarus the nomination of candidates for delegates to the all-belarus people's national meetings. the maximum number of delegates to the supreme council is: the legislation determines that
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the top leadership of the country, representatives of the executive and legislative branches, parliamentarians are already delegates of the supreme council, and delegates from local councils and from civil society are subject to election, according to the electoral legislation, 350 people will be elected from local level deputies, 400 delegates from civil society . the sowing campaign has started in belarus, farmers in the southern regions were the first to take to the fields, now it’s time for the marathon...
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almost the previous year, as provided by the government decision, about 102,000 hectares, well, we will also grow potatoes, flax and vegetables almost at the level of the previous year. at the same time, work is underway to fertilize winter grains; here, wheat is the leader in terms of crops (643 hectares). in 2023, the belarusian chamber of commerce and industry established cooperation with partners from 55 countries. over three dozen documents on cooperation have been signed, interaction with african partners ghana, cameroon, kodivoir, mozambique, tanzania. beltp provides assistance to enterprises in the development of foreign economic relations to promote domestic goods, including the organization of business forums, business visits abroad and contact and cooperation exchanges. we also covered 58 regions of the russian federation very closely, carried out as exhibitions...
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two visits to the people's republic of china for exhibition events, we are actively working, we will participate in the food exhibition, which will be held in may in china and are aimed at holding a national exposition in november, exhibitions also provide good opportunities for promoting products, the calendar of events for the current year has already been formed, about thirty exhibition events are expected in twenty countries. the decade of russian books has started in the tolstoy library, the event precedes it in minsk...
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hello, what news became bombs, who launched them why, we are talking about this today, but before moving on to the facts, andrei petrovich, it doesn’t seem that smell of a new big war in the world? well you look, everywhere from every iron today they say: the third world war has already begun, the second say: the third world war is on the threshold, the fourth say, you know, a hybrid war is being waged, somewhere there is a proxy war, that is, there are so many wars that are around us, then whether they are being carried out, or not being carried out
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, well, it is very, very difficult for the common man to understand, yes, yes, yes, we will look into this, but is there a feeling that right now they are truly preparing for something, for the next step of everything, without a doubt, let's say. who is preparing first and what is being prepared against us? in general, if we take it on a planetary scale, all this is being prepared, and the greatest evil today is globalism , when everyone is sized up with the same brush, where the subjectivities of the state are decided, where national elites are changed, replaced by transnational ones, and so on. if you go down to our state level, then you can identify three main objects that pose the greatest threat to us, what really poses a danger from a military point of view, well, first, these are collective countries for.
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transnational companies and various various funds, primarily financial ones, which use
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private military promotion companies there in their interests, or some states that are interested in promoting the interests of these companies, and accordingly, these three main elements they represent for us, in my opinion the greatest view... let's look at it in more detail, then the president signed a decree on the transfer of government bodies of other organizations to work in wartime conditions. not everyone understood why this document and speech were needed today is about the transfer procedure, and not about the fact that this will happen right now, i think if we are dealing with the west, then it is best to take a proactive position, i absolutely agree that today the idea of ​​a possible war is being consolidated, it is in the most different options,
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the question is that we have adopted a decree on the work of organizational bodies in wartime, what if something suddenly happens? well, look, in the twenty-first year another decree was adopted, say, on maintaining the state of emergency order in the republic of belarus, a certain subordination was built there, there there is a republican united institutional headquarters there, and there are other institutions. headquarters are territorial commands , that is, this is a case of, let’s say, unrest, which means that today the supreme national assembly can declare both
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a state of emergency and martial law, this is a new body that is built into this system of, let’s say, management, and in military terms, too, there are some supreme national council must receive authority, that is , what we are discussing today is such a closed decree, it is not on the internet, but you need to understand what we will say if they don’t fight with us, maybe they will show some kind of combined activity against it, it’s russia that is fighting ukraine very kindly, all the leadership there is alive and well, if they fight against us, they will immediately hit... he said that of course, a lot depends on the completion of a special military operation, from
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number one, then who could it be? well, i would like to see how russia completes it, it will either be a freeze, or the peace negotiations will still be normal, yes, then the risk will immediately decrease, if it remains at the level of intensity, as it is now, then everything can happen, whatever, here are three factors, terrorist activity, which means a provocation on the north-western border, plus another sabotage group can enter gomelcha from the bryansk region, for example, plus our elections, which will take place against this background as presidential ones, here are four factors, and economic, and any, any other, including somewhere there may be an indirect military
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challenge, because we see how troops are being gathered, how they are being reformatted, what exercises they are having, nato troops are already landing there, including, so they're real they are preparing, they are really preparing, this is understandable, for now it is just part of an exercise, yes, but we understand that these are the caterpillars that are rattling around... belarus and the russian federation, and of course, we are a bone in their throat, so , if we pretend that nothing is happening, if we take the position that we are kind, peace-loving, and do not want harm to anyone, then according to the tradition of christianity we will definitely be slapped.
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and before we make an important statement, we must ourselves: i am not promoting the idea of ​​​​a bridge, i
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pragmatically want to understand what they want, and what we should teach them, so it turns out that when planning these operations we will need to indicate the main points in the images. i would also like to say about the destruction of the bridge, they will have goals, but here it should be taken into account that when working on small goals, you need to plan more scrupulously, and not analyze pictures on the computer.
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russians. andrey, what was that? well, look, the germans are planning the attack, there are still two factors to blame: internal and external, that is, from the outside, in principle, everything is clear, so for about 3 months they discussed the delivery of taurus, and in order to disrupt it, apparently they waited until the last minute, then they threw out this entry, that is, it was made a little earlier , apparently now there will be no delivery, because against such a backdrop of a scandal, they have already delivered it as if they couldn't. painless for germany itself, that is, it will be some kind of internal, say, conflict, the second factor, probably even more important, is internal, that is, today in germany there is a rather weak ruling coalition of the sdp, there is chancellor scholz, but they say that scholz's successor, if they castling, may be pistorius. and pistorius received such a good torpedo on board, with this wiretapping, that is, after this, his political career would no longer work out, but if it had worked out,
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he would have been a much more dangerous person than scholes, that is, even without holding elections in germany there early yes or the next. they could change the chancellor, because scholz is unpopular there against the backdrop of these farmers, strikes, protests, we would have a new one the person is most likely defense minister pistorius, who would be responsible for german foreign policy, and so this person was dunked a little, that is, today the sdp no longer has any prospect of somehow retaining power, most likely they will leave, but the cdu, csu have risen , this is a party that worked much better with putin there, that is, in principle, there may be some problems with them. well, quick confirmation of your words is that in germany itself they are not so much discussing how...
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the agreement of 1990 in connection that germany does not comply with it. what's interesting about this agreement? this is a 4+2 agreement, when you remember the german democratic republic, these countries that provided it then. what's interesting about this agreement? what’s interesting about this treaty is, well, first, the most important thing is that only peace should come from the territory of germany,
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that the armed forces of germany can be used only by decision of the united organization. nations and so on and so forth, but the most important thing is that russia’s signature is there, and russia is, in fact, its main signatory, well, that is the soviet union on the rights of the soviet union of russia, why is this happening, the denunciation of this treaty essentially leads to the fact that such a state as germany does not exist, why are we looking at subsdam, looking at helsinki, a priori there are no such states, there was a separate federal republic of germany, or occupation zones under the substructure, yes, which we...
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have sovereignty, and most importantly, the denunciation of this treaty will lead to the fact that a peace treaty, an agreement with germany has not yet been concluded by the soviet union, by the soviet union, and not a single one at all the country is not concluded from the four that signed, it’s also an interesting fact we also , wait, so you’re saying what russia should do, look, this is a purely political game, before this politics was played only on our field, but today we are starting to play there on that field, there is reason to think. so there is reason to think not only for these states, which are also tied to the substructure of helsinki, the baltic states are there too, the signatory is russia, not ukraine or some other states, which? is from a military point of view some kind of answer would be a logical continuation from russia, from a military point of view, if these objects, on a purely formal issue,
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are used on russian territory, are used with the use of, or rather they are launched by german military personnel, this is a reason to declare war, this is unambiguous, this is no secret to anyone, but so many of these red lines have already been crossed that today it’s probably not possible to simply talk about some kind of military component, let’s remember, what about the northern streams, what is the answer, the answer? it's not with the crimean bridge, which has already been closed twice, what is the answer, and the il-76 that shot down the patriots, i firmly believe that it was ukrainian servicemen who were sitting there, and not some germans or americans, you know, well, no one continues to impose some kind of sanctions against these states, to demand something, but i say that we cannot wash ourselves away from the malaysian boeing or from this invented trouble, why? here you go, the information component, their game on our field, of course, is military. there must be light, our only head state said about women, and that a private military company dreams of moving there, why can’t
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two or three iskander missiles accidentally fly there, and then make a political apology, yeah, and at the same time test the possibility of these states doing something? then, well, of course it looks a little bloodthirsty, but nevertheless you understand that today not a single state hides the fact that their military specialists are on the territory.
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about the fact that there is no consensus between the allies, what kind of allies they are, about what in general, an alliance can be discussed today between france and germany, it has never happened, we cannot find friendship between france and germany in any century, so i think that this is what you think about this news: the pentagon can secretly withdraw zelensky from kiev , like the nazis who saved the overthrown italian dictator musalini in 1943, the former stated this...
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what’s bad to say and so on, she expressed that well, if it was possible, i would even slap him in the face, because it’s impossible to look at this clown who
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he just does what... travels , takes pictures with hollywood stars, hugs, smiles at a time when people are dying in his country, this former pentagon employee, by the way, he continues to name the reasons why zelensky can be taken out from kiev, the advance of russian troops, growing unrest within the country, the refusal to hold elections, the imprisonment of people who oppose zelensky, according to him, the united states can transfer zelensky to lvov, and ukraine, like italy during the second...
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i think there is no need to discount the crisis of the genre, because journalists also experience a certain hunger and turn to historical stories, which, yes, which we have been discussing for 5 minutes, therefore, but in parallel there is another topic of what ukraine has there’s something up my sleeve that will surprise russia literally next month, so we’ll cover this topic too.
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that some piece came in on our fugitives . you see, the money went towards a counter-offensive, and then, from this money, it also went, as it were, to support ukrainian interests, definite sabotage activities , they carried out some kind of espionage here, some underground groups, but it was all in favor of ukraine, not even in favor of nato or anyone else, that is, ukraine was the operator that gave them this money, as soon as the americans said that you know, we have problems in congress.
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and we continue, so, who in europe needs a war, i would like to believe that macron simply suffered from incontinence of words, or was it a freudian slip when he almost commanded to put forward... there are disagreements somewhere, france is probably the most sovereign country in europe, a nuclear power, yes, a nuclear power that produces everything, from space to party girls in order to visit, figuratively speaking, and is preparing, they have everything, this a self-sufficient country, the most important
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thing they have is a very strong military lobby, a lobby of generals, so the president makes decisions there, yes, he is the only one, yes, he is the commander-in-chief, and the supreme of everything, but the generals’ lobby there is very, very strong, it’s gone since back in the day. for degol, this the first thing is that we are talking about whether macron uttered these words or not, let’s look at how events developed, who spoke about what, for example, the conference that was held in munich every year, with all the attempts to create, to betray she had such a global view, everything was going somewhere, to ukraine and how to inflict a strategic defeat on russia. next, the paris conference, where they just discussed the creation of a new coalition, long-range, including on use.
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that in germany the minister of health said that we need to prepare our healthcare system for action in war conditions , that’s right, the same thing irob bauar, who is the chairman of the nato military committee, they all say he’s out of his mind, that is, it was not by chance that he let it slip, but illustrate further, let’s go further, just like that to fix this topic. against direct conflict, the french themselves, it would seem, and ordinary citizens conducted a survey for the lagaro newspaper, 68% of the french population do not approve of the position of their belligerent president, well, sort of that’s it, there is common sense, but we continue to read
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the same polls, we see that 31% support macron, and this is too much, you agree, look, i will continue, but we have forgotten all about documents such as an agreement, representations and a guarantee. security , which was prescribed by great britain, germany , france, we all believe that this is it, we have read everything in open form, well, some kind of declaration of some intentions, yes, about eternal friendship, but it must be said that any document adopted in the military sphere necessarily contains still closed protocols, and what in these closed protocols we can only guess, well, not obviously not a declaration of love and eternal friendship only, there are probably open there... military-technical issues, and financial-economic issues, issues related to military education and training, and most likely, since they are already talking about this, it is possible that it is written about special forces, and what specialists and what advisers should go there, and most likely the deployment
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of some forces there is prescribed under any pretext , peacekeeping, let’s say humanitarian, for example, let's do it, we will not participate in the conflict, we will only block the borders, we will block the border. with belarus, and let ukraine and russia fight each other in this corridor that we have defined. therefore, i say that this aspect, which must be treated very, very carefully , and this document has been adopted, and what is written in it, i say, these protocols are the same thing, so macron is just, he didn’t let it slip, this appeared, he appeared as the most significant figure compared to all the other gogols talking about this, therefore, the fact that many there quickly ... dissociated themselves from this, well, most likely the time has simply not come yet, but the trial balloon has been thrown, if we talk about these processes and tie them to our security, then of course ukraine, this week we will once again since we are discussing the fact that there was a chance for
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everything to go a different way, the wall street journal published the terms of the peace agreement between ukraine and russia, the same one that was almost agreed upon, but was never signed in april of twenty-two, let’s remind basic. ukraine could become a member eu, but could not join military alliances such as nato. of all the new territories , only crimea would remain under unconditional russian control. the ukrainian army was to be reduced to 85 thousand people, the russian language was to be used on an equal basis with ukrainian in the official sphere. the price of a document is hundreds of thousands of human lives, but it’s difficult to look at it differently, what does this story teach us? i think that this document was published because it was in the logic of the proposals that the russian federation put forward in 21 year, it goes right over everything.
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before publication on the part of the americans, they are connected with third countries, because for them today, no matter what macron says, no matter what scholz says, they cannot act on their own, and the agreements you are talking about, they will be forced to do all this record for the international community, for those middle -sized countries of the large coalition that they dream of, but it is not being formed today, as in 2001 after september 11, these injections from the outside...
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will help ukraine, as now, then days
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ukraine is soschen. volodya zelensky must understand this, like our father. the military understood this, i know for sure, the ukrainian military understood this. those who fight and die also understand this. so they told why we canceled the peace negotiations. because there was a riot, the russians are carrying out genocide, they came to kill everyone, look, here’s the proof, 2 years pass, it turns out that the russians came to return the status of the russian language, so they are ready to liberate the territory, where the troops entered , etc., etc., this is no way doesn't fight with that that they had been talking for 2 years, and that someone there blushed, maybe apologized for all the propaganda that they poured out, and we should say thank you, yes, which means you understood us correctly now, you showed the agreement about which we 2 years ago we seemed to have reached an agreement with you, thank you very much, but i think not, besides... that means ukraine, well, they said, this is a tactic, we
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can pretend that we are signing anything, that is, the status there does not matter and so on, so on, so on, they pulled there before the start april, then apparently some tasks on earth had already been completed, they decided that that’s it, we ’re winding down these negotiations, that is, if they needed two more weeks, they would have talked for another 2 weeks, they would have even bargained on the crimea for everything to other objects , well, i think that russia may not have fully believed them either, because the president had previously voiced there in the crimea that, for example, they offered to lease it to ukraine, but who would lease it, i think that. ..
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this conflict drags on, the fewer ukrainians remain there, this is a terrible situation, but once again i say, ukraine can agree to this, well, what will happen, we must understand, if a peace treaty is signed by zelensky, who will help him further, no one, not a single european country, nato, the united states, no one else, not a penny will not give it to him, they will demand that he return the money that was given to him for the war, where will he have to turn. at best, to the red cross, i don’t think that russia will help him, it’s just international, look, it’s not for nothing that i’m being ironic now and when i say when the red cross, i understand that you are opposing within one large organization, i think, i was sure, i am sure now, that when you joined the red cross,
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you started, you thought that this was such a complacent highest value in the best sense of the word, when a person fights for another person , well we'll see. you understand that god forbid zelensky has such a friend today as the united states of america, because, apparently, he has not been sitting at the table for a long time, if he once sat at him, he was originally on the menu of this large and festive table , he was immediately like a christmas pig or turkey on the table, only originally it was ruddy and beautiful, now all that’s left of it is,
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they don’t invite russia there, so they see us all as a menu, yeah, originally a resource. america, europe, sanctions, everything else. do you think they love us for this? they want to completely erase, i don’t know in what way, but to destroy, level, put in the same cutlet puppets as they put in ukraine, as in poland they sit in lithuania, yes, just absolutely controlled, to show
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everyone else, you’ll be yourself so to speak, with you will experience the same thing, this is what they are showing now, this will be what is in ukraine, this is the same here.
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yes, there was a big women’s forum , the president was invited there, at some point we realized that march 8 was really not
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only about beauty, about grace, about m, as it is fashionable to say now, about other higher energies, but also about a lot of serious work, which is impossible without women today, i offer a small fragment, and after that we will summarize the program. the program will be completed this year family capital, she showed her... a more important issue than the increase, the growth of our population, we
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have problems with this, i often say, 15, or even 20 million, our belarus with our able-bodied people, resources could feed, considering our geopolitical situation, therefore, we urgently need to reverse this trend of theft, well, i’m asking... three children, i’m already saying, the third is mine for sure, support for large families, and of the military, but uh, family capital, i think that i'll have to, i'll be happy to make a decision about extending this family capital, about supporting our families, the only thing is that this money goes to whoever needs it, but we will preserve the family capital, and i would like this money to be spent on... education, so that this child has a perspective in this life, another indicative moment, but
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you and i spent the whole program discussing what it would seem that every citizen lives today, well, if not the planet earth, then at least our region, and we see that instead of discussing now some then military threats, how we will arm ourselves, president talks about the future, about the need to have children, to ensure the institution of family, not just in words, in deeds, is this a foundation for the future? we always have such a reserve for the future, there were a lot of ironic statements about the belarusians, what is not happening, they are sowing potatoes, well, this happened before, but now what is not happening, and we are thinking about the future, the only country in the region that changes concepts, military security, national security, signs documents that are aimed exclusively at the future, that is we see the world. exclusively in positive colors, taking into account the whole situation, we are moving forward, at a time when ukraine does not think
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about its children, we think about ours, a couple of programs ago we discussed what a belarusian citizen should be focused on today in the broad sense of this words, and you then said that if we take all the challenges that exist today, we must choose this understanding as an assembly point: time has chosen us, your words, i absolutely support them, yeah. and what requires time from us today in this case? balance, first of all, because we see that they want to drag us into other people's games, we will no longer allow this, i think that june 22, 1941 will never happen again for us, this is our task for today, and we are fulfilling it, the second is the image of the future, and the image of the future for our citizens, first of all, it needs to be made more concentrated,
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they are already climbing over the border to us, but right now, i don’t know, there is something double , one step left, say what we have to do here isolate ourselves from everyone and not cooperate with anyone, not work, we have a main ally - this is the russian federation, and if there had not been a joint defense policy, we would have already fought, because it was the twentieth year, when we were prepared as a kind of a reference point, either for ukraine or for something else, so well, as if everything can only be considered as a whole, small countries, you know, ukrainians too, i think, not some completely washed-out nazis, fascists, there people too, i think, want to live and families want it. everything else, but they are not asked, there is a top that controls the main financial flows, there are weapons that come there from the big countries of the big rich blocs, that is, if we don’t have these weapons from another bloc, well, you know, we can go there too children love everything else, but it doesn’t help the general security much, and of course the funds , what is the president talking about, how much money can we give today for these demographic issues with the condition that we need to spend even more, maybe on defense goals, this is the main task
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that our state is solving today, there is currency, so we need to distribute it correctly, and our, as it were, effectiveness of the general policy will depend on how the president distributes it. dmitry evgenievich, the fact that the president not only found the time to congratulate women on march 8 as the upcoming one, but also took part in the forum, shows how much he still thinks about us, about belarusians, because we see his recent speech, extended meeting in the house of officers from the generals.
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more than 120, during this period , twice as much, the whole policy is that you can force people to give birth, you can force people to work, you can force people not to work, to fight, to do whatever you want, to dig or not to dig, but it is impossible to force people to give birth, because normal a woman, if she feels uncertainty about the future, she will not give birth to a large number of children, she may not give birth at all, because
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she needs to understand that there is support. not even in maternal capital, just state support, a calm, normal country, of course, we will have prosperity, because we have an increasing number of large families, here, here, here it is, the most important indicator of our country. andrei petrovich, so that our beautiful day never goes out, among thousands of thousands, time has chosen us, yes, this beautiful quatrain of mikhail matusovsky, yes, testifies that today that time has come. which chose us, we do not choose this time, we have to live in these conditions today, yes, this is related to demographic issues safety, of course, these are, first of all, women, these are our wonderful mothers, our wives, these are our sisters, daughters, without a doubt, this, of course, falls on their shoulders, this is very important, but i also want to point out one very important thing, today is practically march 5, well, today is march 6, yes, 78 years ago
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churchel’s fulton speech was made at inston. churchel, in which this is the most famous speech, which is written about everywhere in classical textbooks, quoted everywhere, and so on. what was said there, well, the first one was about how to properly carry out democratic elections. that it was anglo-saxon democracy that should follow all this, well, he forgot to just mention that not even 17 years had passed since they only allowed women to vote, only 18 years after his speech would racial segregation be abolished, and even blacks , well, or the black race will be allowed to take part in voting in elections, then it comes about nuclear weapons, a very interesting report, what a blessing that the united states has nuclear weapons today, it didn’t get it communist because otherwise there was a threat, double standards again, what are we talking about? not even a year has passed since they just destroyed this cheroshima nagasaki, and this was the only time when these nuclear weapons were used.
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then everything is constantly talked about, it’s known what, it’s an iron rein with muscle flexing, and well, the most important thing everywhere, what it all boiled down to was that it was precisely racial superiority, that all this should be done by the anglo-saxons, united friend s... what has changed today? iron get busy, please, who is closing it? checkpoints, air traffic, and so on at our borders. as for flexing muscles, well , look at what is happening today along our state borders, yes, more than 90 thousand, today already over a hundred thousand, they openly say this, these various troops will be concentrated here. the same applies to the issue related to atomic, nuclear weapons, look, yes, what luck, where they are located. for some reason it is getting closer and closer to us, and we are forced to return it to us in order to to protect ourselves, and as for elections , look, they came up with this election system, they imposed it on us, they have this kind of gold standard, which
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they store somewhere, but they don’t tell anyone about it, and even today they already allow us to recognize or not recognize all this, but what should we do in these conditions, the fact that keeping the gunpowder dry is clear, there should be no trust in the anglo-saxons, and of course we need to be very serious. this is the first step towards our democracy, maybe look what experience was there in china, what experience is there , for example, was in the soviet union, the same with the presidential elections, with everything else, to get away from these gold standards that this west is imposing on us today, and the most important thing is what he said the head of state, speaking to women, he is just in the light of politics, what chegiwara said , yes, that demography is the main weapon against our enemies, a great note to end this program, that’s all for today, thank you for participating in the program , happy, thank you.
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evening prime time and this is a panorama, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let 's sum up this day together: pressing questions from the first and a serious conversation about our national...


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