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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 12, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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evening prime time and this is a panorama, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let's sum up this day together: pressing questions from the first and a serious conversation about our national... state of
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minerals, where the president saw shortcomings, how to use resources wisely. the next stage of the election marathon in belarus has begun with the nomination of candidates for delegates to the all-belarus people's assembly and the formation of the council of the republic. let's talk about the nuances of the company. the digital environment as the most popular platform for presenting authentic information. the main focus of the task for state media was determined today by the ministry of information. my colleagues. will continue to announce the program, what is hidden in the belarusian depths, how to find it all and, most importantly, extract it effectively without loss. the results of the meeting at the palace of independence on the prospects for geological exploration and production will come in a minute. the nomination of candidates for delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly has begun in belarus. we will tell you in our material who will be included in the highest representative body of the people and how they will elect delegates. plus
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poland is ready to accept another 3,000 nato troops and demands 3% of gdp for the defense industry. almost all the worst that was expected after president macron’s announcement about sending nato troops to ukraine is still slowly but slowly beginning to come true. the issue is openly discussed, and the conditions under which the plan will be implemented are also considered. belarus is already calculating the consequences and preparing the army for new challenges. we will detail it in the disposition project. the head of the ukrainian security service calls for informing on your loved ones, relatives and acquaintances there are now as many as 55,000 political prisoners in ukraine. where it leads? about this in today's program. hockey battles in minsk and cheshovka arenas. today the sports world is in the spotlight. at the end of the panorama we will discuss another victory of the volleyball miner in the russian super league. do not miss. the treasure of the belarusian subsoil,
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a national treasure, they need to be managed competently in a businesslike manner, alexander lukashenko demands this, today at the palace of independence they discussed the problems and prospects of geological exploration and mining minerals, this is not only a significant item of belarusian exports, just remember potassium, but a guarantee of sovereignty and stable development, in terms of the provision of certain types of resources, belarus is in... dozens among european countries, but the president is confident that our potential is far from exhausted, this also applies the pace of exploration work and production capacity to replace imports. approaches to quality need to be reconsidered. we also touched on other topics without which development is impossible. olga anishchenko has all the details. they say that conquering space is even easier than finding out what hidden in the depths. and in this sense, our earth is still teroincognito for the geologists of the planet, whose constant search can...
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i don’t believe in it, this is the introduction to our meeting today, so what’s the matter, the intensity or efficiency is lame, sometimes both. all geological exploration and production are in hand. and the biggest resource is press water, an invaluable resource in recent times, and much more, but what we have must be managed competently,
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the state always puts the issues of intensive development of the field at the forefront, so god gave this or that state to the people. the effectiveness of their rational use, as well as the introduction of the most advanced technologies, mining, processing, and especially in our conditions of searching for new minerals. the tasks, however, are not new; a similar conversation about how to look for and find underground wealth has already happened more than once. much water has passed under the bridge since then, but no problems that prevent us from forming a very optimistic view.
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which are cavernous and porous, today it is possible to extract oil from rocks that are already today they have low capacity-filtration characteristics, in order for these rocks to release oil, it is necessary to hydraulically fract the formation and build horizontal wells, which is what
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belarus oil is doing today? construction of a horizontal well is sometimes twice as expensive as a conventional vertical one, but this is the future. in general, the system is well-functioning, the president will even hint at the state of affairs of the non- involved people, as well as the rutists, some may envy. there are more than 50 types of minerals in the geological register, although accounting for imports. how to use national wealth is described down to the decimal point. state programs, but it’s one thing to write and another to execute. well, we know how to draw programs, and even more so, to execute them. i recently talked about a government program that i was considering. this, of course, is a large, voluminous document, but i made sure that the prime minister did not read it, i think, let him read it, otherwise he would not have built the building and would not have designed those buildings that have already been designed in belarus a thousand times, their necessary.
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control. for example, road workers need sand, the president is not bowed down, here they need only one , only it is extracted from the quarry. the builder is interested in crushed stone, energy in peat, and if the next layer under it lies some kind of mineral, basalt. who assesses the situation, decides to extract or not, whether to assess, where is the supervising role of the ministry of nature. i know that you were given this task more than a year ago. what has changed during this time? there are still many violations in the operation of quarries, but state control records defects,
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sometimes local authorities are indifferent to the exploration and extraction of minerals in the territories assigned to them, the governors are in the hall just so that everyone can hear. plus bureaucracy and expertise, where necessary and where not. no one has canceled the human factor, but that’s not even a shame: sometimes the country’s raw materials in abundance and capacity allow us to organize full-fledged production, but in separate positions. glass and molding sands 39%, refractory clays 47%, chalk, marl, clay and tripoli for cement 53%, dolamite 38%, facing stone 44%. for almost every position
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it should be 100%, if we have created the capacity , we are working at half capacity, everything is fine, and despite the presence of a sufficient resource base in the country, over the past year we imported, imported pebbles, crushed stone, gravel, almost 300,000 tons of what we have. more than 18 million dollars were spent, 50,000 tons of natural sand were purchased for almost 5 million dollars, huge numbers. import is generally a sore point, especially if geological exploration assures that there are sands and clays under our feet, why overpay for minerals? which are both expensive and becoming more expensive. the minister will assure success on this front in the fight against imports. nevertheless, there is an import of minerals into the country that decreases every year, this
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suggests that new technologies for the enrichment of our mineral resources are coming and improving, which means that the responsibility of subsoil users is increasing, which means that i mentioned such figures that if back in the seventeenth in 2019, we imported about 6.9 million tons of minerals into the country, then already in 2023. this is only 1,150,000 tons, this is a significant reduction, of course, to replace imported materials are a common task for nature conservation, for geologists, and for builders; the minister in charge of the industry will note: yes, without imports today it is difficult, sometimes impossible, but its share in the total volume of building materials is no longer high, only 15% . for the government, this is, of course, not the final point; new investments can improve these statistics. the first is... the creation of artificial gypsum stone based on chemical production waste, the second
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direction is the production of soda ash, we have for this our own resources, this is waste from the rut production, this is our lime - this is expansion gas, that is, we are 70, more than 70% provided with the raw materials that are necessary for the production of these products, which , by the way, are primarily used for the production of glass, for glass industry. it would be nice to export with a growth trend; our export of certain building materials last year seems to be a fiasco. lukashenko didn’t allow sanctions to be imposed on alexander before, and he won’t now, because who says? he who searches finds minerals, resources, and new markets. here are the latest figures for some export items. last year, enterprises of the ministry of construction of architecture reduced the export of crushed stone by a quarter. the ministry of energy supplied almost half as much tarf products abroad. of course, we also lost revenue. everyone says:
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sanctions, no sanctions, no sanctions for you. look for others.
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we had a huge gap between exploration and use; work on exploration of mineral resources and involvement in economic turnover was carried out exclusively on oil, which means potassium, everything, everything else was, well, unclaimed, so let’s call it, strictly speaking, so at the end of the twenty-second year, well, we looked closely at this problem and actually, well , in such a semi-forceful way, we hanged it, well, to
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put it simply, at the ministry of natural resources, new duties, which means now it must , strictly speaking, perform a state function. do not stop either in scientific research or in the development of deposits, do not forget about efficiency and rational use, produce the product according to making the most of its raw materials. this is how the president sees the development of the industry; no one belittles its importance; on the contrary, in the riches of the belarusian subsoil, it is easy to see a particle of independence. there are three whales, three. the growth driver that will allow us to develop further is efficiency, import substitution and exports. let's agree that in the year of quality all approaches to the quality of work should be reconsidered. if there are systemic problems that require my intervention, say that decisions will be made immediately, although they have already been made. in
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there are no and cannot be secondary topics in economics, because there is no sustainability from it. the next stage of the election marathon has started in belarus. let me remind you that on a single
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voting day we elected members of the lower house of parliament. the nomination of candidates for the upper house began today, will end on march 21, and the elections to the council of the republic will take place on april 4. they are indirect. registered candidates will be elected by local council deputies during meetings of eight people from each region and minsk, another eight will be appointed by the head of state, the nomination of candidates for delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly started today, let me remind you that the delegates of the supreme council are the president, representatives of the legislative, executive and judicial authorities, representatives of local councils, deputies and civil society. in total, the maximum number of delegates of the supreme council is 1200 people. nomination of a candidate. will end on march 31, elections will be held from april 1 to april 10, their results will be known no later than april 18, and april 25 is considered
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the deadline for convening the first meeting all-belarusian people's assembly. we talked with member of the house of representatives irina davgala about the specifics of nominating candidates for delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly. this year the snc will be held in a new status, the delegate adds. we are already taking big, simply gigantic steps, both politically and economically in our development. today the nomination of candidates for delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly began,
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who will join the highest representative body of the people's power, and how the nomination takes place candidates for delegates to the supreme council? we are working for the first time under a completely new law, completely by the belarusian people’s assembly. yes, when the referendum was held and these... these changes were made, when new powers and new statuses were given to the belarusian people's assembly, of course, they were determined, well, i would say, framework, yes, certain issues that relate to both numbers and this is 1200 people, and accordingly those categories that will be delegates, today, one way or another, by default the entire composition of the parliament is, this says that the entire deputy corps of the new convocation will be delegates, for the first time we have such a
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belarusian republican youth union, a veteran organization, of course, we understand that this is a powerful force, and for each of the subjects of civil society there is a quota of 80 human. what are the requirements for a candidate for spc delegates? first of all, this must be not just a citizen of his country, with a high degree of responsibility and active citizenship, a person who must believe that his country, probably better. it is with his participation as a delegate of the all-belarus assembly that the country should become better, because it is to him, as a citizen of his country
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, that the right will be delegated by those citizens who nominated him, to represent their interests, questions, proposals to make, to defend this or that point of view, in a word, necessarily go forward, clarify the powers of the new all-belarusian meeting and what issues are on the agenda of the first? meetings, today the powers are not just expanded, we first of all approve programmatic, strategic issues, this is the approval of internal foreign policy, that is , conceptual issues, we literally the whole country discussed the draft changes and additions to the concept of national security and today such an important document as the military doctrine has almost been completed, and that’s all... included in the approval in the all-belarusian people's assembly, i think that these issues will definitely be on the agenda, we will need to elect the chairman of the all-belarusian people's assembly, this should be the leader, i... such
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a person passionately, well, let it be said pathetically, who loves his country, who believes that the delegate will realize this right that they have been given in full. the all-belarusian people's assembly has a constitutional status as the highest representative body of democracy in our country. it determines the strategy for the life of the state and society, which is why it is so important. so that the candidates are people who take an active civic position and are ready to make a concrete contribution to the development of our country. this is the opinion of journalists today was announced by the head of the central election commission igor karpinko. he also spoke about the features of the nomination. we held a single voting day. our deputies who are elected to the house of representatives are automatically delegates to the all-belarus people's assembly. elections of local councils and deputies were held.
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executive committees, regional executive committees, those who locally resolve pressing issues of our citizens, they are also given a certain status, we also need to elect members of the council of the republic, who will also be a delegate.
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date of the thirtieth anniversary of the signing of the constitution of the independent republic of belarus, the fate of our country depends on each of us, our potential must be applied in order for the efficiency of our country to be maximum. and the day before , a renovated
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archival building was opened in gomel after reconstruction. on an area of ​​more than 2 thousand square meters, it is now possible to place more than a million archival files. having gone through a difficult path of formation. today , the fundamental law of belarus is a guarantor of peace and security, the preservation of democratic principles of planned development of society and the state. the belarusian people created such a constitution. we walked step by step towards a strong and prosperous country, and repeatedly joined forces to strengthen the state foundation. how it was? look into this one.
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in the center of which the person remains, the belarusian people chose such a state for themselves. the people accepted the presidential elections of 1994. with very great enthusiasm, with the understanding that the fate of the country depends on us, having built a clear system of power, taking into account systems of checks and counterbalances, insuring the country from rash decisions of random people in politics. what would have happened to us if we had not amended our constitution in time, had not built our country, and the state did not exist here. we stayed true to the basics.
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tritium on thursday, march 14, immediately after the panorama. the decisions that were approved at the january meeting of the supreme state council of the union state became a guideline for further work in the format of the integration duo. logistics, harmonization of customs duties, joint projects, electronic digital signature and recognition of entry visas for citizens from third countries. these issues were discussed today in minsk at a meeting of a high-level group of the union council of ministers. state led by industrial cooperation, as our ambassador to russia dmitry krutoy noted, belarusian manufacturers will have access to financial support instruments in russia. we have an agreement on mutual recognition of technological operations,
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and the formation of a legal framework for a unified industrial policy is already being completed. in fact we will call the status of our products with russian ones is the opposite. approaches to cooperation in critical sectors of microelectronics have been agreed upon. buildings, separate intergovernmental agreements and road maps apply here. an important block that we listened to today is , of course, the industrial block, all our cooperation and integration projects in the field of import substitution, this is machine tool building, microelectronics, aircraft manufacturing, the presidents in this regard are constantly pushing us to deal with specific content, to involve more enterprises in this looking for a job constantly cooperative...
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sincerity of taking into account each other's interests is supported without exception by all ministries and departments. once again, this does not mean that there are no practical disputes or reductions in positions. this does not mean. that each of the parties does not have the right to offer its opinion or its position so that we reach a single result, but this confirms that we have a huge resource of trust, readiness to jointly resolve complex issues to strengthen the competitiveness of the national economies of belarus and russia in implementation of joint plans that are determined by the heads of state and the head of government, an important direction, logistics last year we almost doubled... we increased the transportation of goods through the transport corridors of russia, this is not the limit, in the first 2 months the growth was almost a quarter to a very high base the last two years. the resolution of the supreme state council on the active
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participation of belarusians in the modernization of the railway infrastructure to the ports of st. petersburg and murmansk, the active use of opportunities of the eastern railway range , the northern sea route and significant intensification of work. along the north-south corridor. new details of the tragedy in the sky over the ivanovo region of russia. special services continue to investigate the il-76 crash site. at the moment , search and rescue operations have been completed. according to the ministry of defense , there were 15 people on board, all of them died. the cause of the accident was a preliminary fire in one of the engines. the plane did not reach the airfield a couple of kilometers, the crew
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heroically prevented the side from falling onto residential buildings, steering the ship towards the forest belt. another scandal in warsaw: the central anti-corruption bureau detained seven people associated with... the university collegium humanum. we are talking about trading mba diplomas. for just 10,000 zlotys, anyone could get a manager's title and occupy the highest government positions. the university has long been considered a personnel hotbed for the justice and justice party. the educational institution was founded in 2018, the brother of the deputy became its rector member of the european parliament from the pis party. some employees were charged with participating in an organized crime group operating on university property. their goal was to commit crimes related to the sale of diplomas. hundreds of names were included in the lists of graduates. whom even the uncle of the polish dictator, antoni duda. until
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2019, he was a deputy from pisa, and in the summer of next year he became a member of the supervisory board of the state-owned company pkp-cargo. or, for example, slawomir batkom, occupies a prominent position in in the city of opole, for a year he was president of one of the divisions of the arlen state concern. but not only managers became famous for their fake diplomas, leading officers of the polish army also for... soldiers and admitted that the us contingent
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could soon reach 100,000. the polish dictator started talking about overseas troops. on the eve of his visit to america, duda said that the country wants to station more american troops on its territory and emphasized that 2% of gdp is not enough for the defense spending of nato countries. they need to be increased to 3%. but according to bloomberg, joe biden is confident that additional ones are needed. there are currently no american troops on the polish border; unlike poland, sweden does not want to support foreign soldiers, although the country has just become a member of nato. there , the head of the ministry said that stockholm was not enthusiastic about the idea of ​​​​locating permanent alliance bases and nuclear weapons on its soil. it’s strange, because at one time the swedish prime minister expressed the country’s readiness to take full responsibility within the military bloc. residents of greece also express ambitions. in athens
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, about 1,000 communist party activists took to the streets demanding an end to the country's involvement in military missions abroad, the liquidation of us and nato military bases in the country and a refusal to send weapons to the kiev regime. but there are also those who are trying to actively speculate on the topic of war. one of them is the president of france, macron is ready to send soldiers to help ukraine, but everyone understands that only a suicide would risk going all the way with kiev. macron is not supported. germany, great britain, poland, italy, spain, czech republic, slovakia, sweden and finland. they do not want troops to enter ukrainian territory, because this is a direct threat of escalation with russia. in the trends program , french political scientist roman bessane spoke about macron’s behavior. according to the expert, the french president is using the ukrainian issue to increase the chances of his supporters in the upcoming elections. in the european parliament, the rhetoric
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is connected, firstly, with the early elections in the european parliament, which will be held in june this year, now social surveys give us a lot for the national unification of mrs. lp, so the president’s party wants to find a common ground for the national unification. why does nato intend to take control
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of the ukrainian-belarusian border, the hot middle east, where another conflict will break out? why is france pumping weapons into the transcaucasus? see the project trends tomorrow after the panorama. macron’s statement about the possible dispatch of nato troops to ukraine cannot be perceived as anything other than a new stage of escalation. western politicians are making bold plans to confront russia is also encroaching on sovereign belarus. new techniques, ways to neutralize even hypothetical threats in the sights
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of the belarusian army, focus on the experience of the northern military district in ukraine. for a new round of tension, see the disposition project. disposition is on the air, this is gagarin, let's go. as expected, after macron's unexpected imperial announcement about sending nato troops to ukraine, the stage of denying this possibility quickly ended. we saw in the west that society was seething, but did not explode, and moved on to the next stage. now the leaders the european union is discussing under what conditions they will use their armies. in square, however, as they say in poland, this has already happened. nato soldiers are already in ukraine, they took this risk. radoslaw sekorski, minister of foreign affairs of poland. experts predict what the next militant steps will be. there are different variations,
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but primarily those that concern belarus are of interest. let’s immediately discard the tales about sappers and humanitarian demining. according to a number of analysts, nato will certainly not rush into battle immediately, but it may to place contingents just near the border with belarus, thereby giving kiev the opportunity to transfer troops from here south to the donbass. this model will allow the alliance not to be the first to enter into open fire contact with russia. in the event of almost inevitable moscow strikes, the kremlin can be blamed for escalating the conflict. for some reason, it is believed that such a nato operation does not necessarily have to be called suicide. and in general , russia will never risk using nuclear weapons near its borders near the border with enioka. it's hard to disagree with the latter approval. another thing is that rockets, if necessary, will simply fly much further. there is another risk with this design. if the ukrainians themselves understand that
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they don’t really need a second front, then when the troops of the north atlantic bloc are stationed at our side, it will be nato who will entirely decide whether to drag belarus into hiding. from armored vehicles, about 160 artillery systems and mortars, 235 airplanes and helicopters. recently, radical changes in the training system in nato armies have also attracted attention. eg, the american publication politico notes that
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the intensity of training in the training fields of france has sharply increased, and , apparently, paris plans to fight not in its usual africa. the sound is made, the heat and light of artillery fire is produced, decoy mines are scattered everywhere, and radio communications can be interrupted without warning. during training, soldiers sleep on average 4 hours a day, usually in uncomfortable military vehicles, the transport must move every 5 minutes. of course, only the feeling of the inevitable can spoil the offensive appetite of alliance activists. an extremely tough response, in order for... moments to be looked at with caution, the belarusian army trains not just a lot, but a lot only in those areas that have proven effective on the battlefield, training instructors first take place in russia, then during the training camp the acquired skills are integrated into training program for belarusian troops, this algorithm has been put on the conveyor belt.


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