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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 12, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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assesses the prospects of the state of india , what, what did churchel look at, carefully , at the one asking the question, said, state, stop it, this is a territory, this is not, that ’s the same thing, he had a state, along with belarus, a co-founder of the un , and he turned it all into territory, it’s scary, because it’s not that people are in an altered psychophysical state, they will come out... after some time, the scary thing is that the prospects of the state have been destroyed, you think that ukraine will cease to exist as a state exist? but no, you see, look what is meant by the concept of the ukrainian state, after all, excuse me, there is a belarusian rada in exile, churvila, she’s beautiful there, she’s 94 years old, she also considers herself, excuse me, a representative of the belarusian government , well, that is, will ukraine be a subject of politics, or will it still be...
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subjective, well, even monaco is politically subjective, another question is that to what extent this state will be a state as such, and not a bandustan, because let’s let’s not forget, we don’t control the circulation of weapons by anyone, it’s all over, these people, they are used to killing, that’s what they will do, they will go to sow grain, we remember how much time it took after the war, yes, for all this to settle down, and this, excuse me, is based on a super-tough position.
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authorities, yeah, he’s not a pacifist at all, excuse me, he’s not from the territory of the same belarus panomarenko, but a tolstoyan, he was by no means the head of the headquarters of the partisan movement, but you understand that now such methods and norms are impossible, because it contradicts in general, the western understanding of democracy, but how else will you do it? this is an important question: do you have all this banditry? it’s already enshrined in law, plus , imagine, a 10-year-old person is told only one thing: you’re lucky, you were born ukrainian, the whole world owes you, and then it turns out that the whole world doesn’t owe you, but you ’re already in this in a state of euphoria, you don’t need to do anything, do you understand what the difference is between belarus and ukraine? alexander
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grigorievich constantly talks about what is necessary it’s better to work, we need to develop, if in principle we can work, if something doesn’t work out for us, let’s borrow, but we have to work, work makes a person, a belarusian is a man of work, how many times does alexander grigorevich say this a week? i think about six times, at least. what does zelensky say? we don’t need to do anything, our partners will give it to us. these are his prospects, political scientists are predicting a different fate for him there, i think that acute heart failure, yeah, that is, you still think that it’s classic, you know, how it was written back in the green van, a living witness to the child of your frivolity, and zelensky knows too much, and he should not, under any circumstances , start telling something like that, now we will take a short break after a short pause with..
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.we simply told what we ourselves see, yeah, what we went through and gave a forecast of how it would develop, every next day showed that everything we said was so. ukraine is a different story, post-maidan ukraine, living in according to the principle “remember the foreigner”, here the ruler is ukrainian; a foreigner can be understood as anyone, even a native of ukraine. with all this, deep down, ah, there is a plan b, if the russians come, we will be brothers again, the russians will help. listen, i sincerely saw the light in 2016, when one well-known ukrainian political scientist went off the air. he said: your great-grandfather is buried in kharkov, so you will come and restore him, nothing has happened yet, yes, that is, there is nothing left to restore, but he already knows that. well what terrible psychology, still consumer , no, uh, you understand, mm, a native of the kherson
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region, if my memory serves me right, lev davidovich trotsky once very accurately noted that all you have to do is... give the little russian peasant to this merchant in the depths of his soul the opportunity to do something in spite of problems and then you won’t get around to it, and that’s exactly what happened, you see, what also amazes me is the psychology of ukrainians, i recently talked with a person who, since 2014 .
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i assure you that these same children will then again they will stand with russian flags, all these partagenos from the same kharkov will tear apart the lining. no, who said that they will finance the restoration of ukraine, but whether they need a restored ukraine is also another question, if it is in the format of anti-russia, anti-belarus,
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yes it is needed, if it is in the format of the prodigal son, but this model of christian repentance , then of course they don’t need it at all. so, well, theoretically, are you even considering the possibility of reunification of russia, belarus, ukraine? yes, i would really like that. you understand, this is my generation, we live with this trauma. we didn't understand what was happening. you know, none of us realized then in december of ninety -one what the lowering of the flag meant. they were not aware of it at all. the fact that we were all already running with us yeltsin and kabetz, trikalor on ladscan, it was all there, but we did not understand what the collapse of the country was, i can tell you when i realized it, at this beginning, the spring of ninety-two , the sportexpress newspaper publishes the table of the football championship, i
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look and don’t see where dynamo minsk is, what ocean-nakhodka, dynamo-minsk, where, where, as it were , dynamo-kiev, where is zhalger, when something personal. began to disappear from yours absolutely and this very moment - when everything that was liberal, which was in each of us, began to disappear, because who, in fact, during the era of perestroika did not fall ill with liberalism, i didn’t know such people, in principle, well , everyone read after not reading solzhenitsyn for a long time, why is it all there, listen , in general, that whole era, it... it was absolutely crazy, when they were in class at school political information says that there is a bloody ghoul, cozy osborne, who drinks the blood of christian babies there, and in general every soviet person should dream of shooting him, and then you go out onto the boulevard and
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see that ose osbronn is coming to moscow, and you think, wait, where are they lying to you, at school, or here, if here, then the uncle policeman should already tear it all down and find out. who committed this criminal act, and you come home, turn on the tv, see an advertisement that is really coming, you are immediately rejected from power because you are young, you are 14 years old. but how can he negotiate with them if he has no faith? without them, why are they needed? moscow and minsk
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may well decide the issue themselves. remember, like ilf and petrov, in this case, excuse me, ipolit matveevich, i have every reason to believe that i can handle your case myself. do you understand what is the foundation of the negotiation process, is it either international law, which does not exist, on the basis of which international law is belarus? truly amazing, that is, since 2008 cia officers are sitting in the sbu building in kiev,
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this was when valentin nalyvaichenko first came to the post of head of the security service of ukraine, everyone puts on such innocence on their faces, like nothing like this has ever happened, it’s strange that no one knows that staff specialists from the alliance they managed all these processes in ukraine. some, this is precisely because there was a calculation for that, i think that all this media noise, delight, these statements seem to me that the leak was generally from scholz, this was done on purpose, of course, firstly, he excused himself, he says, what kind of missiles, don’t you see what?
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you can always agree well with yourself, with whom you can talk
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, you see, this is the problem that there are no politicians, but there are political managers, there is no one, i agree, but will russia continue to look back at europe after this has passed? this is the time, i think that no, you know, in the world now there are no people more daring than us, we have challenged everything, such a collective dartanian, we are in a state like this, we ourselves are myself, i’m fighting because we were brought to this , we didn’t want, we didn’t want this, we offered as much as we could, let’s resolve the issues, we were told all the time, this is actually , you know, again, so that every belarusian understands, this is as alexander grigorievich said, the more you build training bases here.
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like melentin, and since the invasion of the huns, europe has not seen such horror, this is us, but in fact we are kind, good, but still armanov, how many people come, no matter what, despite the fact that it is dangerous , even the same games, but in sochi or the youth festival, which already has the first victim
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already in latvia, members of the hockey teams were kicked out of this, let them drink soda, it helps with heartburn.
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that we love you in russia, in my opinion, is absolutely no secret for you, i hope to come soon. the television news agency is open access, we have no secrets from our people. the milk yield of kalgas farms is grazed at the grodzensky malochny plant. malaco with a high
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percentage of thickness, together with advanced livestock breeders, a glass. the plant is working for that is, the country has a very high quality food product. datermina's new dzyarzhaўny pastauki, talgas has created a small fund for the world. byaskontsy molasses aўtatsysternaў with malak uyazdzhae ў getyya varoty. amal, all creative processes at the plant are increasingly mechanized. the machine is not reminiscent of the pharmacy store, spilling yana gat product. all and all processes. sealed and ready to be sent to the most remote places of our homeland. in the milk bottling line , graphite filters were previously used to purify steam. they often failed and the line stopped. scientists from the minsk research institute of powder metallurgy proposed using filters made from
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explosively compressed light and durable metal powder - titanium. the biggest problem is the economy of cheese. yashche is not so far from being small adgon, as it is stagnant during the creation of essential milk products, there is no reward here. sunny adgon perapracovaetstsa for food for flocks and parachute. this year 15 thousand kancentravanaga spazhyўnaga stern. so we have prepared new reserves creativity. 60 thousand bottles of melaka, lots of sour cream, kefir, plum, tvaraga and other dairy products from the dairy industry in minsk. how can one jump and jump around such a product? all creative processes involve folding mechanisms. the machines cut out paper bottles, spray them with sour cream and seal them. this automatic line has
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a high level of productivity. here you pay 6 thousand bottles of malak for a drink. and this machine... packs 2 tons of curd mass for the change. shyroka vykaristovayuchy new the technology, the plant's calculations were increased and the anniversary of the republic was increased by 6 million rubles . issued to citizen tatyana, you, how did i end up here? i live at my place of registration, how did you end up here? yes, i brought a suit to the customer for some nephew, and so you are he or he is me, or i am not
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me, the only thing that is certain is that you are you or not, you are nagorny or not, i am artemyev, but i am a nephew nagorny, cousin, but we love you, come on in, chevarobil, this is your first time seeing a great man, is that the best you can do? nephew of the great man, this is not a fact , by the way, it explains a lot, for example, why you weren’t at the fountain yesterday, in fact, i was there all the time, though, of course, i waited until the park closed, until they drove me out of there with a broom, now this is a raven, because i was there at half past seven and you weren’t there, and why was it at half past eight, if we agreed on the strength, by the way, where do you live? textile dormitory, why do you need it? to restore world justice. now i also know where you live. 1:1, wait, eh
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try it on? i have disproportionately long legs for such a muscular, beautiful figure, so i have an eternal problem with trousers. you know what, comrade artemmiev, i’ve had enough of big jokes. i ’ll send you the money for the shoes, and you can hone your astuteness on others. tan, just wait. i really wasn’t at the fountain yesterday, but i really need to try on the trousers. petya wove the birds in the sky with a golden autumn thread, i sent you a postcard, it contains two words, don’t be sad, but the evil one, like a snail, swam
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across the sea like a fish, slowly, not too much of a fish, i’m already on my way, hello happiness in a simple white dress, hello happiness, i ask only one thing, hello happiness , forgive me, forgive me, hello, happiness don’t be sad anymore, no, no, for you, of course, we will find it and let’s put it aside, yes, you are nazarov, i will put it then, yes, yes, of course, of course, of course, of course, yes, i’m not for you, wait , ah, forgive me, please, and now here i am... for you, excuse me, i i’ll call you back, it’s who, i don’t know, i made a mistake, it’s someone from nazarov, i
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didn’t have time to catch up, where are you going, it can’t be someone else’s read, incomparable tatyana, and nazarova, your room, why did you get such a big mirror. and that is, in your opinion, i get up in the morning and the first thing i do is begin to engage in narcissism, where are you going? but i want to find dunno, there they also accused the hero of looking in the mirror all the time, and he deftly refuted this, that is, in disputes you are used to referring to children’s books, yes, because they are the kindest and most honest. “you know, when a person starts to grow up, when he starts to lie, and i was thinking when
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to start sewing a new suit for myself, or maybe i don’t want all this, no new trousers, no big mirror, maybe i want to be a weather-beaten sailor, dive for pearls and give them to beautiful tuzels, aren’t there enough allied girls for you?” “oh, you didn’t understand me at all, no one me doesn’t understand , but that’s it, i understand, maybe you can’t imagine either, you know, that in paris a girl in a red dress comes out on stage, and this dress, it flows around her, envelops her, like water, you know, emphasizing every curve on her ... only such fabrics have not yet been invented, not invented,
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is that the girl you are? yes, well, why, model, just pay for my work, let's go to paris with you, pack your bags tomorrow, let's go, settle somewhere in a lighthouse, i'll dive for pearls, decorate your dress with them, isn't there a sea in paris, well? it doesn’t matter, if i stay, i’ll live the biography of some other person with someone else’s wife, someone else’s trousers, someone else’s work, let’s go and believe me, oh, i’m the biggest liar in the world, yes, because you’re lying to yourself.
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hello, hello, you said you couldn’t do it today, you asked to leave work early, i decided to make a surprise, and this is for you, wow, thank you, well, you...
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yes, yes, i, i remember, an open relationship. i, i'm not offended, drink to my health. be there. we introduce you to the architectural memories of belarus from different eras and centuries. byzantine architecture, which had passed its time with a bang, began to float on the ancient style, as the ancient russian style is called. and that’s all that we know from the people of the 19th century, this is the main palitichny project, russian style, it is being worked on and the recovery
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of such treasures. mentau of that old one architecture, but otherwise it would have been different. let's look at their history and basic facts. the theatre, the mass theater, was built up from outstanding red elements, and all this madness, i had a white color scheme that worked in contrast and madness, emphasized the emphasis on these elements. jars for the 20th century were already planned. there was a great amount of historical memorabilia with quarters for the supraconnika, a look at the project, the architecture of belarus on our tv channel, we will show you one day in the life of specialists, what is happiness? over the years you realize that first of all, it is fate that you are given
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a chance to do something in your life. very very useful, something that will remain after you for many years, and maybe even for 100 years, all the mechanisms are working properly, which means he did his job correctly, reliably and efficiently, professions in which the best human qualities are revealed , people, who proudly do more than just work, each employee is either an employee of my workshop, or an employee of some auxiliary workshop, or this is the person who sits at the control panel on the brush, this is, in principle, a small particle from which a link is put together, i would say, a ball that says goodbye around the clock 24x7, here we are creating a new biotechnological industry in our country, watch the project one day on our tv channel.
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okay, thank you, goodbye, goodbye,
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stand, a thunderstorm of clientele, the date is so modest, you won’t say what? heartbreaker, heartbreaker, wait, did he already call here, better yet, he sent a driver with flowers, ina, however, took them to her place, but she wanted to talk to you very seriously, wait, well, he he came to me himself, you know that he is married, she dressed her herself, wait, who, he doesn’t understand, the stepun’s wife, the general’s wife. what does he have to do with it? so wait, who are you talking about? who pestered you there? nobody? i’m telling you, the clientele is a thunderstorm, before we know it, she
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’ll ruin all the men for us, put aside the gossip. nazarova, come to me. come on, when they took you to the section, they warned you that we have special clients here and that the attitude towards them should also be special, but you apparently understood this information?
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don't give false hope to men, nina vasilyevna, i came here to work , not to wag my tail, remember this phrase , repeat it to yourself often to all your suitors, thank you, there will be happiness in your life, but you don’t need to look for it here, mom doesn’t like kiev, dad doesn’t like prague, with everyone wants it to be chocolate, the crust, so that it isn’t chocolate, because they look like rye bread, and it’s not festive, in short, it’s a disaster, i
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have one idea, give me your hand, what do i need, what is it stupidity, quietly, he’ll be back now, he’ll think that we’re not here, he’ll rush to finish our cakes, the first one he attacks is the most delicious. “tell me, i came up with a good idea , kindergarten, let me in, excuse me, close your eyes, if you want to smack me in the face with a cake, then it’s better not the kiev one, stupid, open your mouth, well , well, mom will definitely like it, but there are two, two options mix in layers, somehow, one minute, uh-huh, try it yourself first"? yes, i ’m not the main person at this wedding, for me the main thing, the main thing for me is that the elders are happy, and i want this to end as soon as possible, though, of course, to quickly deal with these arrivals of guests, meetings of relatives, toasts and ceremonies,
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leaving, well, where are we going, no, of course, i mean settling down, living normally, finally, without this constant control. i want to give birth, preferably two and up to twenty-five, because i don’t want to be an old-timer , a great idea, really, of course, i... about two cakes in one, over my life plan, i would also think about it, it’s beautiful, but what is it? curious tatyana's nose was torn off in the proverb? well, it’s true that
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you can guess it yourself, i’ll say, well, why say it if i guess it myself, the ministry civil aviation decided to update the uniform for flight attendants, tomorrow the review of sketches is closed, he didn’t even allow me to take a sip, why doesn’t he want to give freedom to his serfs, who will patch their caftans then, listen, can i do this, you better go and boil the kettle. oh, it's all useless anyway. and why is your skirt so specially designed for dinner,
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so that you can only walk along the catwalk with a goose step, who said anything about tea? you said so, but i’m going to boil, i have to go, i’ll get some more, what do you think? question, but everything is already done to inspect the stewardes’ costumes cooked? almost, now i’ll take the sketches , that’s it, oh, how good, i had time , please take another one, it probably fell out, thank you, great britain, the whiskey there must be excellent, but what about us? thought you were going there because of the tea? america, one word,
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jeans, diplomats don’t wear jeans, so what else would i think about if i were you, of course france, they have croissants and baguettes for snacks, aren’t you afraid of gaining weight? okay, then italy, the climate there is simply amazing, and you, volodya, where will you work? in soviet union. relax, you're not at a komsomol meeting? i don't bother. you can’t find a sea like in murmansk anywhere, a year-round ice-free port, what else does a person need for happiness , at least everything else, you are mercantile people, you would make excellent bourgeois, and therefore you are a builder of a bright future, i’ll take it as a compliment, okay, i’ll go to the department, don’t be bored, diplomats, hello, boy! are you really not going to
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the restaurant with stepan? no, i won't go. oh, what? no, it’s just somehow not working out well, a respected person will wait. im at that age in general, it is dangerous to worry. what kind of restaurant can at least call there? i don’t remember, i threw the note away. what do you think is going wrong? not really, apologize , at least, it’s small anyway, your offer is tempting, but dishonest, let’s remain friends ourselves, listen, well, if i go to him, then it will be, as it were, an encouragement to action, he’ll pester you again he’ll start, but you refuse, you have to learn this, but i’ll teach you, although when, he’s already sitting and waiting for you, tatyana. yes, somehow i didn’t think at all,
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listen, maybe send someone to apologize, saying you can’t, but who, where? listen, maybe you’ll go, and i, well, it’s somehow not at all... okay, what can i say? well, you say, so and so, tatyana couldn’t, but you are always welcome guests in our department store, at least he won’t pester you. why won’t this happen, maybe it will happen again, but i won’t allow it, i ran to save you, but wait, where, we forgot the address, i looked, i remember. natasha, natasha, natasha,
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look what a handsome man came to us. how owe this honor? are you still angry? can't you guess it yourself? are you funny, natasha, with your prejudices? okay, i admit, it didn’t turn out well, but this is good. are you making noise? and to you, hello, uh -huh, what is this, and who allowed this, it’s a disgrace, not a disgrace, but a picture, now i’ll call the police, and we’ll explain, uh-huh, absolutely , i’ll come down now, what a beauty, you want it
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too shall i draw something? i want it on canvas, you have enough of my paintings, so i thought, let it be on the wall. forgive me,
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please, after all, for the sake of decency, maybe tell tatyana something, otherwise it’s downright inconvenient, but you... tell her that she has a very sensitive, caring friend, and also a very, very handsome wonderful companion, i had a wonderful evening, it’s a pity that it will end so quickly, yes , what can we do, maybe we’ll continue the evening with me, vasily petrovich , well, you agreed, i’m just vasily for you and... i’ll treat you to wonderful cider, when our regiment was stationed in pomiran, one frenchman told me his secret recipe. vasily, where are the french from in pomirane, is it germany, or me? i’m confusing something, well, let’s get down to geography, we ’ll hold, as the french say, a tasting,
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and it’s true, but i didn’t recognize you without your wife. i think it’s impossible for our eagle to get so far from the nest, damn work, paperwork, even here they found it, well, my dear, i gave you the documents, you can be free, you didn’t give me anything, you gave me a receipt , the folder itself was said to be in the car. and i can’t go to vasily petrovich without her, they’ll tear my head off at the ministry, so please excuse me. i’m forced to pick him up, let’s go, work, goodbye, well, katya, you should
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command the front, i’m even confused, i know how to command, but why? the kings dreamed, you didn’t book with your friends, due to widespread success, it means you didn’t see, you achieved your goal, but you decided to pass the fool. i thought i wouldn’t notice that you were watching, i’m telling you, good afternoon, hello, ivanich, i’m sorry, but what’s actually going on,
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just ask him, he decided to perform a trick for me, i can also arrange a miraculous transformation of a noglyatian into an unemployed person, i don’t really understand your punishments, come with me, otherwise i will personally make sure that they don’t take you anywhere except factories, come on. everything you wanted to know about the meaning of human existence, for everyone there is god’s providence, this providence will already be fully revealed in the kingdom of heaven, and it will be even more open during the second coming of christ, when the lord will reward everyone according to his deeds, about the religious education of children , as a priest, i very often try to be in... the field and invite children to our events from school, including excursions and various spiritual and moral events that
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, exhibitions and others that take place on the territory of our temple, thus our temple, it is filled with children's voices, it is filled with new life, get comments from art historians, kali chalavek with high fees and any adnositsa and that. ..
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however, i am very glad that the zaslavs have opened the doors of the belarusian little malyavanka museum, and we are so familiar with it, that it is not a soft phenomenon, as long as the destruction of the right malyavanka was going on, and we didn’t know and these lvov. let's return to the historical past. syargei davidovich, known as a writer and a writer, is the owner of many carcinas, and has created several sculptures, which can be seen in the gallery. ride on the skates , ride on the skates, ride on the bicycle of the young chalavek, well, this is all natural, so is it, and when we have belarus, our uncles and
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grandmothers do this, and so on youth and god will require a loan, look at prajektse culturale padarozha. just try to disgrace me, this is our young talent, only for funerals, to conduct it beautifully, you know, you also need to be able to do it. that is, i i wanted to say, in flight - these are of course unnecessary associations, we want two models,
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one terracotta and one of yours, right? yes, it’s progressive, and the color is bright, even if you get off the bus again, it’s just the narrowness, you can walk in such a skirt, yes, thanks to the additional slot you can easily move around the cabin, we’re ready to provide a prototype, don’t hesitate, these are frontline fighters fashion avant-garde, come on , sew, another day of downtime, maybe we’ll just take tarakotovy, mikhail alekseevich insisted that there was a choice, there were options, there’s no way you can travel alone, after lunch we’re ready to give you options, that’s right, but for now, let’s discuss the details, have a seat. groom, smile,
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take photos for the wedding album! for a passport , volodya, make your face simpler, smile, i just save smiles for family life , you also fit your shoes for family life, i asked you at least not to come to the cage today, i didn’t come in sweat either, but now with our cheeks, let’s stretch, friend to a friend, cheeks, that’s good, how beautiful, so volodya, we need this tree, call a wedding, well, smart guys, let's go, let's go. so kids , let's get out of here, get out of here, everything here is heavenly for you , come on, come on, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, it's impossible to somehow be calmer with the children, no, what else, i don't want it on ours in the photographs there were some green faces, uh-huh, well, at least someone in our photograph would be sincere, i don’t understand now, and that means you are insincere,
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maybe you don’t want to marry me, so what, i’m dreaming? smile, that means, artemyev, you’ve finished the game, hello, smile, with that's enough for me, let's hold hands , smile, hold hands with him, explain
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yourself, and you make a rough sketch, well, i can help, with patterns, what to do, with this, by the way, what is it, this is a narrow peplum, well how flame from a rocket, like flame from a rocket, no, did you hear the flame from a rocket, yes, just sew a sample, yes, come on, i’ll help, you already helped, okay, let’s cut out your rocket skirt and let’s really hope, that she... won’t break up in the most awkward places,
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it’s not bad for you, no, it’s bad. rude, clumsy, this inelegantly, it’s clear that everything is in a hurry, but after that there must be some kind of but, but the model is ahead of its time, but the sips will talk them down, they won’t notice anything, but sometimes you have to admit defeat, understand that i won’t be a fashion designer of the stewardess uniform, yes me too, well... i had no doubts about you, you know what, konstantin? hello, what is your question? and i, as a matter of fact, come to you, they say, you are the best in this matter, so the situation is like this, i met a girl, i fell in love
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with her, but she does not pay attention to me, because it works. actually, this won’t surprise her, i was thinking, maybe i should change my look , well, sit down, our girls will help you, oh, okay, all i need is this and this, young man, thank you, the fitting room is there , and tanya, you know him, i’m seeing him for the first time, well... “you won’t leave us, under no circumstances, okay, we’ll have to in front of witnesses, tatyana, i ’m really ashamed of my childish antics yesterday, i would like to make eternal peace , in honor of which i bring you this little souvenir, this is where such souvenirs are sold, on
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kirovo in the yard"? left from the first of may, i thought that home is still far away, you already have enough work, hello, good afternoon, what are you doing... this one is going well here, here you are sitting down, it’s pressing, well, i say, if it doesn’t stretch anywhere , that means the seam is fine, that means the complaints are not against us, we won’t sew again, yes, really, please stand up, why are you creating a booth here, comrade, can i have your hand, today there are four fountains, definitely, thank you, but i won’t leave it like that. the people’s commissariat of textiles is not enough for you, tanya, again, what are you, nina vasilievna, you barely saw him off, who is he anyway,
11:58 pm
nagorny’s nephew, be careful with him, nonsense, i’ll tell you more. i see, they would have told me if there was a circus act on the program, okay, but we’ll sit here and won’t go anywhere, okay, sit down,
11:59 pm
listen, well, if they’re there for so long, maybe i ’ll have time to leave for 40 minutes, but no? tanya, i need you more than ever, to hold your hand, you know, i’m a man, that’s also news to me, no, well, maybe this isn’t news for you, but for the commission it’s always news. news, a reason to push me, they believe
12:00 am
that living is a woman’s profession, yes, and corden, if i looked at your corden in soviet scenery, he would have to put on a skirt to be taken seriously. tanya, help me, you’re such a sociable, cheerful girl here, that’s it, fashion designers, your way out, let’s go, icy, it seems to me that you’ve already had enough. “firstly, i’m not an ice cream to you, only volodya can call me that, and then after the wedding i’ll tell him that i don’t like it, and secondly, it seems to me that champagne diluted because..."


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