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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 13, 2024 12:20am-12:51am MSK

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safety, selection experiments and sown areas for the future loaf, spring work has begun, let's calculate in numbers the readiness for the whole year. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about the most notable events in the economy, svetlana lukinyuk is with you, hello. the brand made in belarus visited 28 exhibitions in 15 countries last year. three national exhibitions were also held, in russia, kazakhstan and china. exhibition operator belterexpo notes its effectiveness.
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last year was marked by positive results of work on the outer contour. the physical volumes of belarusian exports increased by more than a quarter and became the highest in the last 11 years. in 2023, the tools to support exporters were expanded, and expenses for these purposes were increased by 20%. the belarusian trade and industry industry also provides all kinds of assistance to belarusian manufacturers in promoting their products and establishing foreign economic relations.
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held as exhibition events, business visits, receptions of foreign delegations. support and development of national exports is a priority. guidelines for working on this year it is not easy to maintain the achieved level, but to achieve growth of at least 7%. last year, foreign supplies to western markets were confidently replaced; volumes to friendly countries exceeded losses by $1.8 billion. we began active exploration of the african continent. the belcci is now establishing cooperation. with ghana, cameroon, kotdivoire, mozambique and tanzania. the asian region remains the most important area of ​​work. china is also our strategic partner, we carry out, in addition to the visits that are currently our mogilev branch carries out two visits to the people's republic of china for exhibition events and is actively working, we will participate in the food exhibition, which will be held in may in china and are aiming to host it.
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national exposition in november, which is a very large exhibition, there are many participating countries, and we are always interested in participating in this exhibition with our belarusian national exposition. speaking of exhibitions, it has been proven more than once that such events abroad provide good opportunities for product promotion. the geography of events for this year is very wide , planned for about thirty exhibitions in twenty countries, including the cis and other countries. the gulf of sydney, china, and the african continent. we are always convinced , as an exhibition operator, that only assessing the effectiveness of participation in an exhibition by some amount or the cost of concluded contracts or some volumes of supplies is not correct, because from the exhibition you can get an image effect, you can get an effect from promoting your brand, recognition of the country's image, many, many goals can be solved with this exhibition, and marketing research can be carried out. study market conditions,
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study competitors. the belantre company has been organizing exhibitions for 20 years. last year there were almost 30 foreign events in 15 countries. 600 belarusian enterprises acted as exhibitors - these are completely different areas, from technology to glazed cheese curds. the enterprises concluded more than 400 cooperation documents, the amount amounted to 15 billion rubles. alina lopoi and alexey sosnovsky, area of ​​interest. belarusian scientists were invited. take part in the competition for the global energy prize. the development of international scientific cooperation was discussed in minsk. the national academies of sciences spoke about domestic achievements and joint projects. russians are confident that our innovators can compete with global ones. we have developments in electric transport, hydrogen solar energy, and the list goes on. veronika budov will tell you what they talked about in minsk and how they presented themselves. from
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japan to the united states of america, despite geopolitical tensions, belarusian accounting. continue dialogue on the world stage, promising areas of cooperation, mechanisms for its implementation , including on the platform of the international association of the academy of sciences, were discussed in minsk. russian scientists are our most important partners, but belarusians are ready to work with anyone who is ready to work with us. we work with many, with many regions, countries, from japan to the united states of america, we are very actively collaborating with china, now i... and india we are developing cooperation, having close contacts with vietnam, with mongolia , recently we had the president of the mongolian academy of sciences, before cuba, recently the cuban academy of sciences joined the association of the academy of sciences, that is, we are very actively working with everyone, we are working with the european union . at
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nano , the leadership of the global energy association spoke about domestic achievements. the parties agreed to strengthen efforts to implement joint projects. research potential. for the foreseeable future, here in minsk, for example, we would hold such a story under the auspices of the academy of sciences, the national, international association of the academy of sciences, our global energy association. as the head of the association, sergei brilev, noted, our innovators can compete
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with the world’s, and invited belarusian scientists to take part in one of the most prestigious international awards, global energy. i am very grateful to them for their willingness to cooperate with us, this cooperation. with the global energy award, as it seems, pah-pah-pah, can be expressed in the fact that in addition to the belarusian journalists who already have won our media competition energy feast, we will also have belarusian nominees for the global energy scientific prize, so if there are scientists here in the republic of belarus who would like to nominate their colleagues for the global energy prize, they you need to have time to do this before april 20, there seems to be a lot of time, but in fact...
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belarusian scientists are working on hundreds of projects in different fields, the main task is to create breakthrough technologies and master them in production. veronica buta, ivan mazgo and vitaliy soplitsa, area of ​​interest. this is an area of ​​interest. now there is a short advertisement, further in the program what are the results of trading on
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the belarusian currency and stock exchange and food security, selection experiments and agricultural areas for the future loaf. spring work has begun. a show where they don't fight with physical force. scientists have proven that smart athletes are more likely to achieve success compared to those who rely only on physical strength. come on, let's upgrade our sports knowledge. a show where the main weapon is intelligence. which of them had the higher transfer value at the time of transfer to a new club, according to the authoritative resource transfermarkt. messi. messi. however, activity will also play a role. who are these guys rocking? this is carla anceloch. this is the wrong answer, it's zinedine
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zedan. 2020, real madrid became champions for the thirty-fourth time. which complex will host the olympic tennis tournament in paris in 2024? in paris at the rlango ros venues, absolutely right, rlango growing up, watch the intellectual sports show, head games on our tv channel. let me remind you that the ukrainian clown’s presidential term expires on march 31, but he is in no hurry to leave his seat, despite the failure to fulfill his election promises, but this is different. less than an hour after the polling stations closed in belarus, the state debt ran to declare the effectiveness of parliamentary and local elections, the absence of observers from the osce and forced elections in fear and repression. the state department does not say what. they don’t have observers in the usa mandatory, that ballot boxes are opaque, and there is also uncontrolled
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early voting by mail. the single voting day passed without incident, the turnout was more than 70%, and the atmosphere of fear and repression looked something like this. everything went at the highest level, at the level of the world standard, an example for the democratic world. the united states sent such a signal to... keep the world in suspense, if someone now denies that there is no democracy in the republic of belarus , come, look, evaluate, and do not argue, ksenia’s opinion lebedeva on the policy of double standards in the project is different, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is an area of ​​interest, and we continue, now the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange: our ruble
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has strengthened against the russian ruble, and the dollar and yuan have risen in price. so, the following rates have been established: dollar 3 rubles 21 kopecks. for 10 yuan at auction they gave 4 rubles 46 kopecks. 3.53 costs 100 russian rubles. and the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3 rubles 50 kopecks. passivnaya 2024 has started. the southerners were the first to go out into the fields on the last day of the calendar winter, but even there the cold still took its toll and temporarily slowed down the progress of agricultural work. now , after the big weekend , absolutely all regions of the country have joined the marathon. is the technology ready, is there enough fertilizer, and is there room for experimentation in this year’s sowing season? anton malyuta asked nikolai leshik, head of the relevant department of the ministry of agriculture and food. nikolai vladimirovich,
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hello, sowing season 2024, can we say that it has already begun, hello, yes, the weather this year was peculiar, spring, as if it had already taken over, the temperature of the arterial column rose quite well at the beginning of the first day of march, and brest. the region was one of the first, as has traditionally been the case , to begin testing sowing units in the field, that is , it began sowing; at the same time, work is underway to feed winter grain plants that were sown in the autumn for the current year’s harvest, which also means they have begun to fertilize azim rape , is there any picture by region when everyone should get involved, even let’s say in vitebsk region, and as monitoring showed already in the first days of march, winter grain plants in almost all regions resumed their growing season, they began
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to actively breathe and develop, so it was decided to start fertilizing these plants with nitrogen fertilizers, as for sowing spring crops, then the more limiting factor here is the inability to work in the field, since the soil... still sticks to the cultivation tools, some areas are still flooded, which again prevents the entry of equipment, and so on. night frosts still give an average temperature lower than what is recommended for harvesting of spring plants, so we had to wait a little, but with the onset of positive temperatures, work will resume and i think we will reach the optimal pace of work in the next 5-6 days regarding the sowing of spring
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grain crops, well, keep your finger on the pulse every day, and what else is important, besides the weather, maybe the readiness of the equipment, what else to start sowing? well, first of all it's a good attitude, it's optimistic attitude, we are provided with seeds, fertilizer, accumulation of fertilizers takes into account the availability of funds at factories, producers of mineral fertilizers, one can even say that... we accumulate fertilizers almost at the level of the previous period, which will allow us to judge a decent harvest, which we we can formulate for cleaning, what will we do? here in what areas are there any changes at all compared to last year, there have been no relatively large changes compared to 2023, wedge of grain crops plants amount to 1.5 million hectares, and winter grass is sown on an area of ​​424. this is almost an annual level, in the instructions of both
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the government and the head of state it is everywhere said that it is necessary to increase production. not by increasing space, but by increasing productivity. it is planned to carry out spring sowing on an area of ​​almost 2.5 million hectares. and the main structure of spring sowing is corn, which will occupy a total of 1,200,300 hectares, sugar beets, as a raw material base for our sugar factories, it again remains at the level of almost the previous year, as it is...
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every tuesday, wednesday and thursday, i hope you have good luck in all your endeavors.
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kuntsevich nikolai nikolaevich, participant in the battles against the nazi invaders. since the beginning of the great patriotic war, nikolai nikolaevich commissar. of the second battalion of the gomel people's militia regiment, carried out extensive political educational work among fighters and commanders. the militia, together with units of the red army, courageously defended the city of gomel. august 18, 1941 the battalion led by nikolai kuntsevich repulsed
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two enemy attacks, during one of which the commissar took the lead. with an exclamation for his homeland, for our victory, he carried away the fighters with him into a counterattack, and in the same battle he died. in 1944 , nikolai kuntsevich was awarded the order of the patriotic war, first degree. posthumously. once upon a time, events took place in these places that the world still remembers. now
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the brest-moscow railway passes here, so many of you have been here, of course already... you guessed that today i am building my route to the city of borisov, the homeland of historical monuments and hospitable people. getting to borisov and the capital is quite simple; using any transport the journey will not take more than an hour and a half without any transfers, but if you want to save money. time, then you should still choose a minibus, it will take you faster, although the tickets will be more expensive, from 7 rubles. well, you can buy a ticket for the train even for 3 rubles, if you are in the mood to admire
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the views out the window while listening to the sound of the wheels. named after the polotsk prince boris, it has existed for more than nine centuries; it has experienced a lot during this time, i saw a lot, was a famous trade and craft center at one time, received the magdeburg law, suffered between. he holds the keys to the city in his hands, symbolizing the resilience and inaccessibility of the city, as well as an open path for good neighborliness and trade, and to this day borisov remains exactly that. the memory of the life of the city was carefully collected by researchers of the local history museum. the borisov museum opened its own. for the first visitors in 1946, now i am going there to get to know the history of the city better.
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borisov was founded in 1102 by prince boris of polotsk. who was engaged in annexing lands to his principality, the territory was increasing and in order to protect its southwestern border, boris erected a fortress there, calling it after himself, more fatefully, the city turned out to be the shortest road to moscow, they went to fight with moscow, we got it at the same time, and the city was burned, destroyed so many times over 200 years that people moved from the original place to... therefore, modern borisov began to grow from the fortress of the late 14th century, to a small copy of the ancient castle can be seen in the very first exhibition of the museum.
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today, if you come to this place, then this is gogol street, all of it was occupied by this castle, but of course, practically nothing remains of this castle, it is impossible to approach it. a separate hall of the museum will tell about the appearance of writing here. religious life of the old city, in the possession of the museum are ancient manuscripts, the bible and the torah, paintings depicting borisov architecture, in general, the cultural heritage of the city. the history of borisov contains many shocks, but one of the most significant is the war with napoleon. the berezina river, which flows through the city, is known as one of the key points of victory over the french army. in europe today they say this: in the napoleonic wars. important geographical names: borodino, berezina and waterloo. that is, the city of borisov is located in such a golden mean.
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material evidence of those events is placed behind exhibition glass; some exhibits were found at battle sites, and some were donated to the museum. and cascarosira, napoleon's army, authentic exhibit, the uniform of napoleon's army, specifically prussia, because there are 11 european states. this is the lepbardi pavlovsk russian regiment, a genuine mandir. the military headdresses of that time really attract attention. but not only their appearance is interesting, but also how carefully the design was thought out so that all the details had their own meaning and purpose. you know why this shako is interesting, such a deep fit, and if a soldier put it on his head, it would seem to cover his face, huh. how should he fight, accordingly, to the middle of this cover there was a leather jumper, when a person put it on his head, he secured it on his head
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, it turns out that it sat like this, the face was open, but this distance from the jumper to the top, the soldier used instead of pockets, the uniform of that time, it seemed to not have pockets , in such an improvised pocket, the soldiers carried documents and things that were important to them; if there were no things, they put ... branches and straw; at critical moments, such a headgear device could even save them from a blow with a cold weapon. the most impressive exhibit is hard to miss glass of the exhibition due to its size, a copy of the panorama depicting the crossing of the french across the berezina river is the pride of the museum. the panorama was presented to borisov in the seventies, but the original, unfortunately, has not survived. this. the copy was made from the munich copy, and the munich copy burned down during the great patriotic war, that is , after the red army entered europe. but she
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was photographed before the war, fortunately these films were preserved, already this copy was sent to us, it represents today, in there are only six fragments in museums and cities in poland; in general, it was created by order of king welhelm ii of prussia, at the end of the 19th century, the artists worked for 16 months, the original canvas was 120 m long and 15 high and was exhibited in berlin, warsaw, krakow. kiev, moscow, then krakow returned again, but the artists could not divide which of them was more important. posak painted potal prices, and fallat painted landscapes. and you know, fallat was valued more, and goseok believed that his contribution was greater. and he took scissors in 1907 and cut this panorama. that's why, unfortunately, only six fragments currently remain. and she is at the most truthful moment of showing
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the army crossing. napoleon through berdina in 1812, 30,000 soldiers arrived, as well as the civilian population, but no one counted the civilian population, they called them a column of death, and only 9,000 sberezins left alive. over time, having recovered from the war, borisov turned into an industrial city, the impetus for this was the appearance of the railway here in 1871. borisov's connections with other cities marked rapid development. and growth population, we have an industrial enterprise that has been operating for more than 100 years, a sleeper impregnation plant, then a crystal plant, unfortunately, it does not produce such a product, but it has a belmed glass production, a stove factory , a paper and wrapping production, that’s all that has gone through already the century mark, the development of the city in its industry and culture has violated
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the great national. it was impossible to violate order, regime, etc. during the great patriotic war , 18 underground groups operated in borisov, partisan detachments of the brigade. the heroism and courage of the people who liberated the city remain captured in busts and photographs. the operation was won by him, who
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liberated the city of borisov. the territory , of course, of belarus, it was designed for the baltic countries, a distinguished tank crew, during the liberation of the city of borisov, commanded by pavel nikolaevich rak, they , after the blown-up bridge, when they found themselves on the right bank at about 5 p.m., alone continued the fight. the tank crew of pavel rak, the only one in the entire history of the second world war, members were awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. on july 1, the city was liberated. exactly 3 years of occupation. on july 1st there is a street in the city of borisov that reminds us that the city has become free. a separate exhibition of the museum is devoted to the topic of genocide of civilians and prisoners of war. since 2011, research has been carried out in the area. in the surrounding areas, 76 soldier medals have already been found, 28 of which have been read. the fate of the wounded soldiers has been established.
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considered missing, and you know, the fate of many was restored, because this is the forty-first year, a mass tribe, and people meant entire military units that they were missing, when you could read that someone from this military unit was mentioned and that they were found here in borisov, which means the fate of the rest can be assumed , which also passed through the city of borisov. 100 brave guys have gathered in our studio, hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer all your questions, are you ready to meet our guest? and each of them has a question for...


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