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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 13, 2024 1:20am-1:41am MSK

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born there, it’s enough to behave at a party , like the host of the show, like at home, cool, cool, and says stop, where are you looking, we’ll go there, stop, wait, i’m spinning, two foreign students will discover belarusian customs, look , there’s a dare there, oh, that’s right, i didn’t even notice, it’s a dare, this is the first time i’ve seen something like this, they’ll introduce belarusians to the cultural characteristics of their countries, it’s very tasty, come here, thank you, we ’re cleaning you up, oh, hello, kind day, it's a surprise, you are so beautiful in shape, handsome, a simply amazing day today meets
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his aspirations, thoughts, feelings, then we turn into simple capitalists, and capitalists under no circumstances can be patriots. the markov project is nothing personal. watch on belarus tv channel. 24!
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this flair, probably creative, could be conveyed here in this beautiful hall, cozy, homely, in its own way, the beauty of belarus, i am the inspirer, the creative inspirer, the ideological inspirer of this project, and indeed this is also my brainchild, a huge project is always the interaction of many people, not only in terms of organizational, but on a larger scale to organize, to have the right to organize this project, it is always going on, we are already focused on
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some key organizations, public organizations, and government organizations that naturally assist us , i am a mother of many children, i have five children, and i, like no one, know why a woman usually faces problems when she deals with some household, everyday issues day after day, when this happens because year after year and somewhere it echoes, somewhere the woman’s weather, then undoubtedly it is more difficult for her. although today's woman does not recognize that this is her true nature, to be in happiness, in harmony, in family happiness with children, that is, to realize herself as a mother first of all, when a modern woman runs away from this understanding, not even a concept, but understanding, because the concept of a woman is completely different for everyone today, a woman is happy exactly then, despite the fact that she is always looking for happiness from the outside, our woman of today, happiness is on its own... within her, it
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is revealed even more when she is realized primarily in the family, like a mother, it is no coincidence that i am the organizer of this project, because i am for a woman, i... yes, the nature of a woman , when a girl goes into adulthood, she still does not understand what awaits her, sometimes some stereotypes of her environment, including the wrong perception, beauty contests and mrs. categories are those projects that could inspire our young generation to the fact that there is a wonderful life outside of adult life, it is very tasty and you can realize yourself as a woman, a beautiful woman, as a mother, as... a professional in my field, here are the beauty contests that i took part in, i won myself here in belarus, she represented our country at the mrs. universe competition, mrs. universe in the nineteenth year, mrs. universe took fourteenth place out of 90 countries, to be honest, i was not very prepared, because this is
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still such a global, large-scale competition and it requires special preparation, i had the opportunity to communicate with wonderful women, i saw very interesting, developed women, and there were mothers with many children. a mother of many children from an indo-chinese country won, of course, there are all sorts of stereotypes about beauty contests, but there are organizers, everything depends on them, as for the universe, what i saw, they certainly appreciated naturalness, sincerity, sincerity, they observed how not just a girl came out on stage, walked beautifully, showed off how she behaved when communicating with other women, when she hasn’t even gotten enough sleep, how does she feel, is there any nervousness? her stability was assessed, this really hooked me, i thought that it was necessary to create - such, you know, a platform, yes, such an environment for women, so that they could stimulate themselves in this way, as for the external component, but first line for inner beauty, yes, that is
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, it’s still about inner beauty, because no matter how beautiful and well-groomed you are on the outside, if you’re not calm inside, you’re not harmoniously, it will always be broadcast from the outside, for the third year in a row... the beauty of belarus held this wonderful event and i want to tell you, when we publish publications with photos, videos and some reports, everyone is simply surprised, these are women with many children, that is this content causes such a bit of a shock, because in their picture of the world, in other people, as a rule, a woman with many children is something unkempt, because she didn’t have time, not because she doesn’t know how to do it, she just doesn’t have time ,
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educate them, give them some kind of specific example, but all this is real, it’s possible , i have to communicate with children, somewhere it’s great, how much love you get in return, this is what i wanted to show with this project, what a wonderful woman she really is with many children woman, what is a big family in general and how beautiful children are, we also planned to do a separate project for children to show how talented the children are in these families, how is the competition in general, what is the environment like in competitions? is in our competition, we break all these stereotypes, and people who touch our competition, having some degree of mistrust , understanding that it’s just another beauty contest, there are all these behind-the-scenes intrigues, we try to avoid this if possible, because we have two stages of casting, the first
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i definitely conduct casting with everyone, because i am also a psychologist by training and i feel the true motivation of every woman who comes to this woman’s project. those who, first of all, naturally, are with their men, who are supported at this time, are with the children, or are helping somewhere they are here to prepare for some stage , which, first of all, children for them are their personal responsibility, many believe that large families are consumers, those who are trying to extract some kind of preferences from the state, believe me, in a normal family, this will just be additional support, but this is not the basis, the financial basis, which... can cover all the necessary costs of ensuring interaction with children, covering their some needs, especially if we want to develop children not only intellectually, but also physically. our project is undoubtedly a great growth for every woman, and we think through certain
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stages, i directly interact with each participant in general with them on an ongoing basis, we have trainings that i personally developed, they are of a psychological nature, in order to yes.. .opportunity in a short time, because the competition is always a shorter time, we have a week, then one day the final, in general, it would seem that the whole extravaganza is over, but in fact, everything is just beginning for us. we are building specifically what our final will look like, this is also task number one,
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because this is a scheme defined for each exit, and coordination works very quickly and well, and for mothers with many children, by the way, it works much faster by nature, because it’s already a skill that has been developed with children , with multitasking, that’s why i also really love working with mothers of many children, this year we had the most wonderful stage, it was preparing a report, that’s right... that’s peace and creation, that’s what everyone understands of these women, each spoke, we spoke then on an excursion and i came up with an idea, i say, we need to finalize all this with declarations, declarations signed by mothers of many children, to the future participants of our competition, that a large family matters to us, that our state matters to us, our country, for which we always worry, as we worry about our children, but at the same time we believe that they have a happy future in this country, and we will always... pay attention to women and disadvantaged families character, with many children, without judging them, but
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saying that they have another chance, another opportunity, there is another side of the coin, they can always be in our society like this, a community in which we will accept them with pleasure, but this again about growth, about development, to go out beautifully in a dress , to parade - to feel some kind of assessment on yourself, but first of all the audience's assessment, it is such an incredible experience, some moment of such... stardom, when a woman, every time she goes out on stage , she feels like more than just some kind of queen state, she herself is a queen for her family, i want to tell you that most of the time , when she runs out on stage, not everyone gets a crown, but we feel and see a response of gratitude, because where else in what atmosphere can you see your a wonderful mother, learn something new about her after so many years of living together, that it turns out she still knows how to present everything so beautifully , interact with others, because we have an intellectual competition where they ask questions and how to behave as a girl, as i say, even we don’t know the answer, we’re excited, we always
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smile beautifully, thank you for the interesting question and say that it’s an interesting question and i’ll definitely delve into it in the future, yes, that is, expanding our horizons a little, well, one of the stages of our competition is interaction women, mutual master classes, when women share their expertise, each of them , some are accountants, some are psychologists, some are just fitness trainers, and some, you know, everyday life hacks that will help everyone women, let's say, save their budget family, or how to quickly put on makeup in a short time, create such lightness , visual lightness, airiness, well , women get all this from us in a short time of a week, they don’t have to go to any additional master classes, they also get all the skills we have here.
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an amazing adventure of a foreigner in belarus. hello. hello. and my name is olga. very nice. the cook was preparing for peru. it was he who supervised the work of the cooks; the cooks were only men. yes.
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taught that the word democracy is the most wonderful word in the world regarding politics, words like dictatorship or authoritarianism are supposedly very bad words, ancient greek philosophers then said that if...
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compliance with those instructions that are given, including by the president, they are not just an invention the president himself, but you and i are working on many issues together and making decisions. this, in my understanding, is reasonable, sensible and righteous authoritarianism, this is very important for understanding the structure of power in belarus: author’s project by igor turay propaganda, watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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this year marks the 80th anniversary of the liberation of belarus and it is no coincidence that we are visiting belarusian. state museum of the history of the great patriotic war, which also turns 80 this year. the phrase is probably known to many people, the feat of the people to live for centuries. i really want this phrase to be as familiar to today’s young generation as it is to me, my parents, my grandparents, who, unfortunately, are no longer alive, but that story, their story must be conveyed to ours. to the younger generation, so that they feel what it is to live. a pleasant country , when everything is calm, when family and friends are nearby, and no one is in danger of life, health, absolutely nothing, what is my attitude directly to the troops, to the defense of our fatherland, i myself am a reserve officer, graduated from the military academy of the republic of belarus, faculty tail, the first set of girls, was inspired by the image of the officers of that
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worthy image, a stately, responsible man who... stands on the duty of protecting his homeland, his family, his beloved women, their children. i really want to convey that our children are shown more such memorable places, not children’s entertainment centers, not some kind of gadgets, to let them touch it, not on stereotypes, not on the ears of those people who, perhaps, unconsciously do not reject some thoughts that someday... then something was restless, and it was so long ago. and it’s far from clear that this is a lull in vigilance, it actually harms, and we need every day not to miss the concept of patriotism, educating young people in a patriotic mood, because miss very quickly, we will catch up over the years, the museum lives
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, the trees are all for me an associative connection with my training at the faculty, when we went to the shooting range, this is unity, some kind of brotherhood with the guys who, because there are few of us there were girls, we were the first intake, in the entire history of the faculty of internal troops there were only six girls who graduated, received education on an equal basis with men, and of course, it’s impossible to convey this even in this atmosphere a smell associated with something definitely stressful.


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