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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 13, 2024 10:55pm-11:56pm MSK

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dear bishop, relatives and friends of the deceased employees, we honor the memory of our colleagues, they are always in the same ranks with us, they gave the most precious thing a person has, their lives, even though they know that their relatives and close people are waiting for them at home, but they gave their lives protecting others, then we remember and will remember all our colleagues.
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hospitable, bright and festival, generous, written and monumental, sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring. people who live in
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belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air. watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. everything you wanted to know about the meaning of human existence is god’s providence for everyone; this providence will already be fully revealed in the kingdom of heaven, and it will be even more open during the second coming of christ, when the lord will reward everyone according to their deeds. about religious education of children? as a priest, i very often try to be at school and invite children to our events from school.
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from the point of monitoring the traditional yields, the fields have been drilled recently. hear spiritual instruction about the eternal. an important sign of a person’s meeting with the lord is a sincere consciousness of his sins, which, like dust, covers our soul, and some become a stone wall, separating us from god.
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me during such a sound meditation, when i was in a meditative state, the name came straight away: the house of sound, we are eager to share our history, here we make vases, dispensers, larger pots, smaller pots and a lot of different beauty from concrete and architectural plaster.
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and they’re like: oh, cool, we’re doing it ourselves , let’s go and bring it as a gift, no, that is, i see that friends, relatives there, that they want these products. watch the belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel. a show where they fight not with the help of physical force. scientists have proven that smart athletes are more likely to succeed compared to those who rely only on physical strength. let's pump up the...
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tennis tournament in paris in 2024? orlango grew up in paris. absolutely right. arlangaros. watch the intellectual and sports show "head game" on our tv channel. now there is a huge information flow, which is often , frankly speaking, destructive in nature in relation to our country, in relation to our values. and ours. the task, starting from high school, is to teach critical thinking, to understand what is often behind all this beautiful stories tell a completely different reality, such a large flow of foreign students and master’s students suggests that the training at the belarusian state
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university is generally very high quality, believe me, the chinese would not send their children, in many families this is the only child in the family to study in belarus, if they gave a bad education here, here is our social education.
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sorry, i didn’t realize right away, hana told her that her brother was a doctor, but i got her up for now, but in the meantime, tell her, open the door for her, don’t be silent, please,
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well, tell me everything will be fine, get in the car. the wind wove the birds in the sky with a golden autumn thread, i sent you a postcard, there are two words in it, don’t be sad, but she was angry, like a snail, she swam across the sea like a fish, slowly, not too much of a fish, i myself am already on my way, hello happiness in simple white platinum , hello happiness. i ask only one thing, hello, happiness,
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forgive me, forgive me, hello, happiness, don’t be sad anymore, good morning. what time is it, not for a visit for sure, would you go while the doctor didn’t tell you, nothing. no threat to life, thank you
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thank you very much, i don’t know how to thank you, if you want to thank me, go home to sleep, anyway , no one will let you in there until the evening, well, maybe you still need to, go home, you’ve already saved a life, not me you. get up, i already know that you are not sleeping. sorry, i must have talked loudly, right? i didn't hear anything. yes, you heard everything. well, you see , it turns out he hasn’t gone anywhere, he’s having breakfast at home. well, get enough sleep, don’t rush in front of your husband, he needs to be fed.
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discuss not about love, not about volodya, you will you make peace soon, did i talk to evgeniy sanych? oh!
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why don't you remember that you courted me like that? i’ll tear your hands off, with all due respect, i haven’t sought you out for so long, please, now in front of us, the whole world is open, no, okay, not the whole one. but in sochi we’ll definitely rush off with our daughter and son-in-law, uh-huh, you’re here
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while you’re making your plans, your son-in-law almost rushed off without you, like a pop joint, came yesterday to say goodbye to leda, she was chattering all night, didn’t sleep a wink, well, i haven't left, i haven't left , yet, listen, i know what i'm thinking, maybe to him. give a wedding gift to make it stronger, and this is a good idea. would you like to give him our car? no, i don’t want to, i’ll become a minister, they’ll give me a new one right away, or maybe two, that’s if you become cool, no car, no position, in
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general, you and volodya talk like men, i don’t like these attempts of his to avoid family... happiness 54 051, uh-huh, 54 1 51 , uh-huh, you've already started, yes, relax, they have a fly like natasha, hani's brother is wonderful, saved her, wonderful, he hadn't slept for a day before, and now he's out - for her there’s another 78, yeah, but this one was, do you know about gleb? no, he wasn’t there, he’s probably hiding somewhere. oh, i don’t even want to talk about this insignificant artist. which artist? hello, ivan ivanovich. what's the look like in the workplace?
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excuse me, so what about zakharova? there was an operation, but everything is fine. nina vasilyevna, replace me at the planning meeting, at four, i have an important meeting at the ministry. okay, ivan ivanovich. hello, comrade, recovering women. hello, doctor, i found a younger one. clearly, you are all like that. do you remember how you ended up in the hospital? very much to you sisters, the glasses are coming, so remember , don’t worry, everything will be fine with you, with the child, with what child, with mine, did i lose him, you didn’t lose anyone, you didn’t
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have any child, like me, i already a month. 2 months no, the delay could be for other reasons, walking, working , on your feet all day, you are still undernourished, you need peace, rest, i will come see you soon, yes, one more thing, if this ever happens will happen again, i really hope not, protect your stomach, tighten your knees, because that this time your serenium almost burst. belarus is also strengthening its partnerships with african countries; the continent is interesting to us in many areas. we are ready to supply
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belarusian mechanical engineering products to south sudan. the minsk tractor plant, for example, can fully provide. archaeologists found a bellows with holes for pipes during excavations in vetebsk, and the earliest images of the instrument from the 15th century were seen in the mogilev region. today , only two rare pipes have survived: the oldest is kept in the lepelsky regional museum. news, analytics,
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expert comments and interesting facts. see the events program. on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel. let's go on a trip to belarus. the memorial complex near the beaver river was created on the site of the bloody events of 1944, where the battle for the crossing took place. it consists of a defensive line, a trench and dugouts. the crossing was held and within a few hours the main forces of the tank corps moved along it. together with us you will receive a charge... it is possible for stars from my eyes to appear in the frame, because this is mad. delicious, visit the bright sights of our country. dear friends, we are in a city that has long been considered the cultural center of belarus.
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it is famous primarily for its luxurious castle, which for a long time was the seat of redivils. tourists can easily immerse themselves in the era when this place was ruled by a famous magnate family. who knows, maybe someday in... see in the program the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel . treaty of friendship, cooperation and mutual
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assistance dated may 14, 1955. questions about the lecture there is? ideal students, you can be free. i have a question. tell me, is it true that it’s soviet? if she and america broke up on bad terms, then someone needs to be there, just in case, goodbye, if america doesn’t like it, then it’s not up to her to decide with whom it’s good, with
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whom it’s not, everyone chooses for themselves with whom they want be, especially cuba, young man, i will pretend that these anti-soviet questions never happened. one second, general, at the apparatus, yes, good afternoon, vasily, yes, i’ve been on my feet since the morning,
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today, unfortunately, i won’t be able to, i’m going to conservatory, tomorrow, i don’t know yet, call closer to six, if, of course, you have time for this, there was. yes, to hear you at the conservatory, why am i crazy, that i forgot there, learn, it’s good to keep a man on a diet after a feast, so that he appreciates him, so before answering the call that you’re waiting for, count at least to five, nothing i i’m not waiting, i just thought that one person would call, oh, what’s taking nina vasilievna so long, now kotokova is coming, what are we going to do alone? of little importance, katukova is yours, just a regimental horse, it came out into the terraces a long time ago,
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hello, ekaterina sergeevna, and ho-ho. so what are you doing here? vera let me in, i like it. i’m going to the theater to tempt children for the day, but what is he tempting? no... not really
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, volodya, well, you’re not little, well, we’ve had too much champagne, everything happens, i love you very much, what, where, where, where on your chest, you’re hot, i’m not talking about temperament, come on -i’ll take you home, good afternoon, good day.
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how are you feeling? already better. i'll be back on track soon. the only child and never was. yes, why are you looking like that? i decided to first talk to the doctor, find out what i should prepare for, will it be possible to save the child? fool, maybe it's for the better, for the better,
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internal bleeding is for the better. what beatings? tell me one positive thing about this misery? it's my business. i 'll figure it out myself. and gleb has nothing to do with it. gleb, that means he is after all. get well soon, natasha. health, you don’t have to rush to work, when discussing visitors, stand facing the door, my advice to you, you will forgive her, she didn’t want to offend you, yes, even if she wanted to, it wouldn’t have worked, i’m in a war with
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an orchestra, every front line... green, oh, no, not green, it reminds me of a regimental uniform, but the sea wave, here of course, everything also depends on the form, here you are, no, how are you the young generation on a molasses rag, but i think it’s all a screen for deception.
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you won’t be able to get a burnt tree if you don’t decorate it for christmas, so do your work in silence , well, it’s much better this way, green matches your eye color, are you kidding me if i’m dying, why are you talking nonsense, everyone was sick and nothing? or maybe you’re not a frivolous person at all, we want to go to kiryukha’s birthday, you’ll dress like a valka, you’ll go out into the world , you’ll get divorced, you’re making fun of him again, yes, that’s because i told you about anton yesterday, i apologized, they forgot everything, no, it’s also awkward in front of you, alarmed you, said that you were leaving, he didn’t leave, let’s do this, you ’ll get better, we’ll talk about everything, okay?
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it's coming. so come in, let's please stand here, just a minute, what kind of invasion is this, comrade, we have a disaster, look at them, look what's wrong with their hair, they that half a mile of them, or maybe in the crime of the century, they stole all our combs, and you, you can slouch even more, come on, you know how visually slouched people like it, so that the fabric gets wrinkled here, great, well done, oh-oh -oh, no, comrade golkov, we don’t urgently need zakharova, otherwise the joint with kuznetsky will fall through, it’s simply impossible without her, you, yes, you, turn around,
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stop, lift your skirt, here’s zakharova, one on one, questions, natalya is no longer registered with us, and therefore cannot participate in the show , so go and work without her, who can’t or doesn’t want to, complain after zakharova, free, everyone follows me. please , come on, come on, what a fellow,
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our fellow, no one, he’s not ours, he’s mine from time to time, don’t talk nonsense, look, he brought it with green paint, smeared it, they’re caring. did you go where? out for a drink, kiri, alone , why are you sighing, i let him go myself, where am i going to go looking like this, he’s not caring at all, he’s just an ordinary narcissistic brat , i’m lying, what is this, you’re talking about your future husband, the truth, the truth, so dad will have to become a minister in some other way, what is this, and what? volodya immediately told me why you brought us together, our marriage will help dad become a minister, this is a lie, your volodya is a liar, yes, it’s strange that i said this a minute ago, katukova came, tanka has been with her for
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half an hour, i’m not okay, but i'm afraid to go in, put on a robe. nazarova, what have you done here , fighting girl, you’re right on top of things , you should become an artist, come on, i can’t do that, well, yes, but he, look, paris, milan, san francisco, is good. i thought that this old horse didn’t have a saddle anymore i’ll like it, but you’re huddling, nazarova , come to the fore, are you thinking of scolding her,
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stop it, i’ll take everything she gave me here, of course, you’ll scold her for her good work, a bonus, but for the fact that things i didn’t take one of the ones i had prepared... a reprimand, is this a general’s car? ordered me to pick him up to the conservatory, and then straight to the dacha , yeah, that's it, tell your general that today i'm not with him, with tchaikovsky, let's go, tatyana, that means breaking his heart, yes, i
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can, i can't it’s a pity, you’re so bad for him, but know ours, wait a minute. bungler keys at work i left it, let’s go back, but what did you need to do, you still didn’t have to check in at security, i forgot, i ’ll come back, and you’ll be late for the tram. see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow, we changed our minds, let's go, yeah. to
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become part of a foreign country, you don’t have to be born there, it’s enough to behave at a party, like the host of a show, like at home, twist, spin, and say, stop, where are you looking, yes, we’ll go there, what, wait, i’m dizzy that's it, two foreign students will discover belarusian customs and look, there is courage there. oh, that's right, i didn't even notice, that's daring, and that's this is the first time i have seen this, they will introduce belarusians to the cultural characteristics of their countries, very tasty, come here, thank you, we are cleaning you up, oh, hello, good afternoon, this is a surprise, you are so handsome in uniform, simply handsome.
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times with projects for the first time on tv channel belarus 244. nazarova, come on over, hello, how beautiful, thank you, what’s wrong with our sedge, well, everything worked out, it’s done, well , what are you, you’re going to move out, i’m watching , all your deadlines have passed, our conversation in the dorm is short. the one with the police yes, what are you, what kind of police,
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i stole, maybe i broke windows, give me another week, and i’ll be quiet, quiet, you won’t even notice me, i ’m paid a salary just for noticing, but for so as not to notice a penny while no one, no, i don’t feel sorry for my father, you know, live, at least a week, at least a year, and i’ll tell you what you need from me, a favor for... i need to take you to the hospital and raya wanted to come,
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well, or rather, i wanted raya to come in, okay, come in, thank you, i’ll give you time, until the evening, what are you doing? he gets tired that he doesn’t even have time for stupidity, let alone talking about it, i told her, i told her, heaven, well, i’m actually selling it, you forgive me, if you want
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, let’s move back in with me, with us, i ’m not some neighbor there, well, i won’t hurt you, if i look at you, i know how you look after. you can’t take your eyes off, and then the whole hostel knows where i was with whom, oh, yes, you might think you ’re hiding, by the way, everything is happening in front of everyone, and who are you, raisa, a subcommittee or something, to condemn my behavior, i actually came to apologize, i apologized, girls, don’t quarrel, natasha, thank you very much for you helped me then, you know that if you need help, i’m always there, and heaven too, yes. “almost, thank you, you don’t need anything, you can take the groceries too, you can’t do anything , absolutely, absolutely nothing, leave it for the master,
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natasha, i wanted to ask, but you promised zina a fiver, well, for me to live, i need to know how much? a fiver, just in a week. tanya , please don't bring this one here again , there's no need to reconcile us with her, okay, call gleb, better yet, ask him to come, we need to talk. glemo, are you crazy? yes he, i ask you as a friend, well as a comrade. will you call? natasha, you are beautiful, smart, kind, but he is not worth you, and any man is not worth you. tanya, this is my business. will you call? dictate the number. citizen, i'm going to zaha, citizen,
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where are you going? young man, they told you i can. look at him. where , wait, you told you that it’s impossible, but i have to kill her, how healthy, listen to how bad she is, or is she still alive, yeah, and some bastard beat her up, hit her in the stomach, almost with his feet , you know what it is, i tell you now i’ll show you who it is, like this, like
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this, like this, let’s go, come on, come on, it’s a pity they gave away the jam, i’d like to smash it on his head now. there will be a jazz orchestra, of course you listened to live jazz, but it’s not comparable to a record at all, there’s such a sound, you’ll fly away, hello, that’s not lida, you’re very observant,
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this is my friend tatyana, please love and favor me, please love to favor, nazarova. which one of you is kiryukha, and you already said hello to me, i’m kirya, please forgive me, happy birthday, thank you, happy birthday, oh company, thank you, sit down, who is she, oh , i don’t know, you’re not listening to her, i’m not normal myself , let’s go have a smoke, and i’ll behave decently for a minute, of course, of course, and you too izimgemo, i haven’t seen you before, no, i'm working. a seamstress and a salesperson, very unusual , maybe you’re not from moscow yet, it
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matters, no, no, in our time it doesn’t matter at all, try tartlets with vizig, and you’d better take a spoon, if you’re human, maybe they have ... taken everything from a salad fork, kiril, what are you really doing, did you go out for a smoke or something, i wanted to speak, speak, but you can’t hide anything. well, come on already, otherwise i ’ll also start out of boredom, you’ll ruin my baritone, you
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’ll ruin yourself, who did you come with? your fiancee is sick at home, and you? do you think he should have waited until he died? chickenpox doesn’t seem to guarantee, come on, my friend, you won’t embarrass yourself, it’s not enough that i knock you down in the boxing. you think i don’t know that you have a crush on lida, you tried to kiss her, but you want to beat me for it, but i’m not going to beat you, i want to talk like a man, well, like a woman with us no matter how much you want, it won’t work out, give it to me, well, is it all there for me to give it to you? well, i’ll give it to you, but you can’t take it, she said herself. i don’t know what came over me , some kind of morgue, you’re lying, pick me up, well
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, it’s a decent place, and here he is, he left the girl to be torn to pieces, oh, who, we, okay, i’ll go, i guess, thank you, it was very pleasant , interesting, here you have, wait, adjaz, volodya, and this is a touching girl. do you know that your wedding is coming up? you 've probably already told her about paris, about how you'll suffocate in the company of snobs if she won’t go, what do you say to that, tan? i’ll say that today you taught me a great lesson, for tartlets, happy birthday again. why are you disgracing yourself with this hillbilly? get up! i’m sitting quietly, that is, in my
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office, sipping some tea, suddenly she bursts in, bursts in and says, what kind of drunkenness is there in the workplace? i say, what a booze, i say, i’m drinking tea, tea, you know? what are you doing, do you know each other, where are you?
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only in honest work, caring for those around, in constant attempts to overcome oneself, does a person grow. to our generation it fell to us not only to save what our fathers and
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older brothers paid for with blood, but to rebuild a new, better one. the world , well, well, it’s too solemn for me, yes, but everyone praises mine, well, take it home, read it in its entirety, maybe you’ll like it, oh, i completely forgot, our war heroes here had their telephone number put directly into our communal apartment, also today, no, why did they take it, well, it’s an amazing day, yes, the article is enough for this, and you. take it, i'll wait for the call, well, if i suddenly need to dig a metro line to my house, oh, my stop, oh, now, hold on, yes , i’m not only the metro, i can do anything, fix any mechanism, my name is anatoly, my name is tatyana, goodbye happily,
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“at home, no, he said, it will be late , and maybe even by the morning, as soon as a person has enough strength, at his age, well, what is there, considering a homewrecker a government house, and all superstition, solitaire is mathematics? stretch out the bear in his old age, mom, i’m getting married in front of the house, my dear volodya, well, you understand that this is not to refuse a walk, i understand, and you
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you understand that such a decision... will have consequences, i understand, but for me the worst consequence is to dance to someone else’s tune, you know, and i started doing this before the wedding, and i want freedom to go smoothly, and not live all my life life according to a schedule, you think that free people do not live according to a schedule. an amazing adventure of a foreigner in belarus. hello. hello. the name of? and my name is olga. very nice. the cook was preparing for peru. it was he who supervised the work of the cooks; the only cooks were
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men. an ecuadorian has lived here for 8 years and travels through our cities and villages, i have some kind of standard, well, if it’s a professional kitchen, it should always be the same, yes there should be a standard, of course, mine probably isn’t, mine is too big scary , i’m fine for the first time, you felt like a prisoner, probably now the soldiers should feel, come on, okay, let’s go to the tower, the model of our church, which is located in our town, was made by the hands of our children and... he talks with pleasure about the most picturesque places of the country, it was unexpectedly, he wants to build some kind of film that people have already walked here, run around in all sorts of battles, all sorts of epic stories, watch the travel project white dew on the belarus 24 tv channel, the secrets of good morning and good
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mood, the good difference of belarus on the air of the satellite tv channel belarus. good ranitsa belarus, my name is svetlana borovskaya. girls, never say how old you are, your girlfriends will always do it for you. ivanovna, your on the spot, said everything, worked and went home. you're so cute, i'm okay too also, yes, you should have seen me at 16 years old. meeting amazing people. hello, yes, hello, my name is svetlana. vladimir, it’s very nice, you are a pop group, medovitsa. folk folk vocal ensemble medovitsa, and there is also a lot of useful and interesting information, and how many cars are there, tell me, there are two models of lada, 2103, not one is blue, the second was beige, so let’s do a little mini-lesson, this is how we spread our
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weight aside, look at the good mornings of belarus and svetlana. borovskaya on tv channel belarus 24. let me give it to you, my boy, at 23 it’s too late to be such a naive boy, i’ll explain something, those same free people stand in line for sausage, a coupon that is given to them according to a schedule. and you ’re not free, you can get this sausage whenever you want, well, i’m talking about the sea to you, and you ’re talking about sausage to me, i’m the freest people, they even go to the bathroom on a schedule, but not on
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a schedule, they have uncle styopa’s brawls, because he he doesn’t earn money according to schedule and doesn’t drink according to schedule, as the free man says man, the worst thing is that, not according to the schedule, they can collect your freedom at any second. well, here's to a new interest, here's a long journey, good evening, hello everyone! why are you having such a stressful, hard day? yes there is a bit. well then, maybe we can all drink tea together.
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great offer? yes, volodya. an amazing offer, but without me. in general, don’t worry, psychosomatics, sorry for the nerves and no chickenpox, when i say: don’t worry, i’m talking in every sense, well... we’ve now been so reassured, doctor, maybe you want some tea, or you know what, let's have something stronger, i would be happy to, but i have two more calls to attend, calm, and i mean calm in every
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sense of the night, come on, i'll take you, where are you going, maybe i’ll have time for my birthday. there, behind the door , this repin of yours is hanging out, he doesn’t want to go into the house, he asks you to come out, she’s like a dog running up the stairs, let the hallways talk, so that she’ll come back in 5 minutes, have you already left? i wanted to come to you, but why not? i’ve arrived, brilliant green suits what you need, by the way, my dad
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didn’t remember your last name, today you’re repin, so you’ll come, repin, until the wedding, well, if after the wedding he behaves like this at the party, he’ll constantly interfere for a long time, what did he do this time? kiri came without you, well, this is not a secret of the madrid court, i actually know, and about tanya, you also know what tanya is like, a saleswoman.


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