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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 14, 2024 2:00am-3:11am MSK

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so this helped me in my election campaign, in the future, of course, we have a large circle of contacts with people, not only abroad, but with our belarusian fans, because i am open to dialogue and i am happy to help, i am always happy to be in touch, because since childhood i have had this trait of mine to help people, i wanted to be a doctor, but i realized that my goal, my activity is still directed correctly, and i...
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uh, compete in all areas, especially in the modern world, it is not surprising to see a woman and a politician, and a manager in sports, in different spheres, a modern woman knows how to vary, but in positions, statuses and is competitive, which is the most important thing.
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these are not the olympic games, this is a match meeting, one might say, as a mature athlete, i want to motivate , first of all, our youth, our generation, to show by example that we should n’t give up, just go forward, no matter what happened now in the world, clearly go towards your goal of doing your work efficiently, especially since now is the year of quality, so everyone needs to think about working for quality. this gym, it’s just
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incredibly dear to you, yes, but you come, where did you still get this interest in sports? sport will remain with me in any case, and i dream that when i’m already over 60, over 80, i will still go in for sports, keep myself in shape, because today, today’s modern world requires we are not only mentally stressed, but also physically and...
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in connection with what is happening in the world now, of course, i would like to give faith to ours. we have a wonderful country, we have excellent sports facilities, where we can hold world-class competitions, here is an example, let’s say the europe-america match, when american athletes and european athletes came to us, they were very surprised by our organization, our beautiful city,
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minsk, our dynamo stadium, so there is no need to despair, even if faith is present, but you need to look at it objectively.
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and that’s all for today, the tv news agency presents a project of sports footage for belarus 5. see you later. hello
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, i am authorized to announce on the air of the sas program, i am its host nadezhda sas, i welcome you, i remind you that this is a program for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people... former us president donald trump wins a landslide victory in the internal party elections on the so-called super tuesday, one of the most important days in 2024 in the fight for the white house, this is what the primaries are called in 15 states at once in one american territory, although the final count of votes is still not completed, the media gives it away. trump in the states of texas, virginia, north carolina, oklahoma, tennessee, maine, texas, arkansas, alabama, colorado, minnesota, massachusetts and california. trump only lost in vermont. the 2024 election promises to be a rematch for trump after his defeat 4 years ago.
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us deputy secretary of state victoria resigns. nulland served as assistant secretary of state for european affairs in the obama administration. resigned in 2017 after president donald trump took office after winning the election in 2016 and returned as undersecretary of state for political affairs in the biden administration. the state department statement did not provide reasons for nolland's resignation. she will be temporarily replaced as deputy secretary by another career diplomat, john bus, a former ambassador to afghanistan who led the withdrawal of american troops from the country. for us, victoria is most remembered for... the cookie -cutter state department during the maidan in kiev in 2013 , she visited the tent city with the us ambassador to ukraine jeffrey paeth protesters, where she distributed them sandwiches and buns from a package brought by the ambassador. protesting farmers clashed with police
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on wednesday outside the office of the polish prime minister in warsaw. those who gathered near the building first set fire to a coffin with the inscription “farmer”, he lived for 20 years, he was killed by the green deal, then one of the participants in the action tried to throw him over the fence behind which there were police, agricultural protests are taking place in poland and other countries europe has been around for a long time. del: action participants demand either reform or abandonment of the green deal policy of the eu agricultural policy, green deal. the eu envisages achieving climate neutrality by member states by 2050, including through the introduction of sustainable agricultural methods, which are often incompatible with existing intensive agricultural production. polish farmers are also protesting against the supply of agricultural products, which come duty-free from ukraine. in 1960 , french president charles de gaulle told
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justice minister alain peyrefitte. nato is a ploy it is a structure whose purpose is to hide america's dominance over europe. thanks to nato, europe is made dependent on america. the current owner of the elysee palace is not concerned about this dependence. on the contrary, he is very worried that the united states will leave europe and abandon. nato about how the european elites are no longer sick of being served , why the new president of the united states may not appreciate this under aggravation will be discussed in today’s program, and i am glad to welcome you, nikolai evgenievich buzin, doctor, is already present in our studio military sciences, professor, assistant to the chairman of the house of representatives of the national assembly of the republic of belarus. hello, and i am pleased to welcome konstantin pridebayla, a special correspondent for today, to our studio.
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ungrateful, but in this case, nato is slowly becoming obsolete, so that we don’t have something between, you know, forecasts, they said something like that, you can’t say that tomorrow it will be gone, that it will completely, so to speak, leave the world arena, however, the weakening of this bloc is a reality from which there is no escape... and the fact that there are many contradictions within this bloc is a reality, the contradictions are obvious, and there are more and more of them every day. konstantin, but please answer our question too. well, in fact, i absolutely agree to make forecasts, to do so-so, but there are a lot of questions among the countries participating in the current nato bloc, because a huge amount of money is spent on maintaining this common army, they are there according to certain rules. they give a special percentage there for weapons and so on, therefore, but their internal problems
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are concentrated, internal problems, and within the nato bloc are very specific, well , you don’t have to go far, for example, the same refugee crisis, because some countries that are essentially part of this nato bloc, they treat differently to refugees from african countries, from the east and so on, there are a lot of political strife there, i was just in belarus, when i spoke here during the elections, to parliament, the outer chamber. asked the italians, met the italians, the country is a member of nato, and i became interested, in general they have so many officials, they have so many leaders over ordinary citizens of italy, and i say, listen, well, you are italians, and they really are italians, hehe, that’s how they do everything in italian, i say, listen , well, these european officials, european politicians, do they represent your interests or what, well, because i’m very interested in how much an ordinary italian who loves pomodoro, to whom you say: latte coffee, and he brings you milk and a cup of coffee, looks at you like at the fool, and he says: no, you understand
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the biggest paradox of this entire global western structure is that the people who govern states and actually nations, they were not chosen by these people, and no one asked the italians now whether they want to be in nato, whether they want to have a government over them there is some gynecologist, this leader in brussels, and so on and so forth, so i think, but before true democracy, before the referendum, they will never... biden, then of course, not only ordinary americans, but also the elites understand that i
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talked to redneck, he’s very american unusual, he is from texas, he has lived in texas all his life, and he says: “well, listen, the thing is that what is happening now in america does not suit me, and at the same time he is an it specialist, that same celestial, it specialist , who were elevated to olympus in russia, elevated to olympus in belarus, and, of course, all over the world, so he says: “listen, well, i don’t like what’s happening.” and tucker carlson, who... returned from russia, he’s giving out interviews now, just the other day he told one of the bloggers in a podcast, he says: i was in moscow, i once also lived in such cities in america, clean, safe, i walked at night, well, they recognized me. and took pictures, but i didn’t feel a sense of fear, i felt safe, so in fact, even the americans, they understand that the people who now rule them, and tucker carlson just said that i hate the current rulers in america, i i hate them, this quote, and it’s all this that’s changing, and it seems to me that this normalization, the fact that normality is not even normalization, but
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the normality of life in russia and belarus is it becomes essentially, as you know, there is such a standard of a kilogram, it... is located in some museum, this is the standard of a normal life, a normal society - this is our union state, you see, so the globalists were convinced that by controlling the key, yes, here are platforms, media platforms, they control minds, but today the internet, its possibilities , the presence of telegram channels, various media platforms, allows you to be heard from a different position, which is why tucker carlson’s interview has become the most popular, discussed, there is statement: donald trump, at one time he made twitter the most rated platform, today he already has his followers, and tucker carlson, this is exclusively from the team, and here is his person who will cast his vote for donald trump, but recent statements trump’s claim that, as president of the united states, he would not protect nato allies, really caused
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panic in europe; more about this in our story. a little over six months remain. before the election of nato secretary general. white the house officially supported the candidacy of prime minister of the netherlands mark rutte, who may succeed stoltenberg. however, whoever the secretary general is, he leads the alliance only formally. in reality , washington is in charge. rüte has been called a teflon politician because of his ability to come out of scandals clean, a crucial skill for a nato leader. especially against the backdrop of rumors about the imminent collapse of the bloc. let 's be serious, a military alliance cannot function dependently. from the jokes of the american president: nato is not a separately ordered dish in a restaurant, it either exists entirely or does not exist at all. barel noted that the era of western global dominance has finally ended. this happened with the beginning of the russian special military operation in ukraine and the conflict in the gas sector. us presidential candidate donald trump is also adding fuel to the fire. at a rally in the american
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queen, he emphasized that he would not defend allies in the event of military aggression. republican. i’m not ready to go, in particular against russia. remember, you are against the military machines of russia, they defeated hitler, they defeated napoleon, this is a war machine, a huge country. the statement spread across the foreign media in a couple of hours, and on the pages of the publication there was outrage, panic and misunderstanding. the washington post noted that what trump said scared all of europe. politico talks about the collapse of the alliance as a fait accompli. the only question that will be decided by the american elections is when it comes. the collapse of nato, the publication writes. yes , the current head of the organization himself understands the seriousness of what is happening. stoltenberg more than once spoke about the collapse of the bloc if its basic principles were lost. any suggestion that allies will not protect each other exposes american and european soldiers to increased threats. internal scandals have been made public more than once, but they have not
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been commented on so actively for a long time. the german chancellor urged not to trade the security of europe, as in the market. the polish prime minister called trump's words a cold shower. tusk has not been in his post for so long, he may not be aware of it, but mutual understanding has previously been rare for the bloc’s participants. support ukraine and nato expansion have become issues whose discussion often ends in controversy. now, the seed of doubt sown by a number of politicians has begun to sprout in the unity of the alliance representatives. it has become more difficult to support kiev due to a lack of production capacity, the failure of the ukrainian armed forces at the front, and against the background inside.
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real destruction of the potential of this block. i would like to draw your attention to the fact that this year will be 75 years since nato was founded. and already somewhere. 10 years ago the need for this structure to exist was a big question , analysts talked about it, politicians talked about it, i would
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once again draw attention to the words of charles, with which we started, he is a visionary politician who, many, many years ago, clearly formulated the main goal of the existence of this alliance. unfortunately, over these years, over many years of the organization’s existence. there are practically no such politicians of the same level as charles, even, let’s say , like merkel, they are never russophiles, let’s call it that, definitely, we can’t say that they love the soviet union very much, they don’t love russia, they love their own, loved their countries, today even such politicians no longer exist, there is this vacuum, let’s call it that, of power.
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as far as i know, his position is now very unpopular among the majority of the french, who feel that they are being dragged into a nuclear war. yes, believe me, there are a large number of people around the world, especially in france, who are very shocked by what the president said. we asked people from across the political spectrum, from left to right. and on monday evening you asked the question that the same thing happens with the president.
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perhaps without negotiations with russia, but in recent months he has changed his position, and this frightens many people in france. and , unfortunately, already together with the corrupt zerensky, we are participating in this conflict, we finance ukraine, provide them with weapons, we train the ukrainian army, we are already a kind of accomplices here, but sending troops there is, of course, a new level being drawn into war, and here we are talking. about a war with a nuclear power, and people are wondering what’s going on in the president’s head, who at the conference declares, well, we are going to go even deeper into this
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war. and olaf scholz, the german chancellor said that this is not on the agenda now. even greece said that no, under no circumstances will we send anyone now. and we see that there is clearly a split in the nato camp. on monday evening, we heard. a statement that
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the whole world is against the russian invasion, but in fact this whole world in the russian palace was represented by only twenty countries instead of the 200 that are in the world, these were countries nato, and even they did not have a specific agreement, they could not agree among themselves. macron said that they would send troops, but at the same time his nato colleagues say the opposite, and this is scary because...
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who is trying, at least does not deny the possibility of a peaceful resolution of the conflict, there were even meetings with vladimir putin , communication, today it is possible that there is a struggle for leadership within the european union itself, because yes, of course, absolutely true, macron then complained that putin did not answer the phone, giving rise to a bunch memes, when putin is there with phones , everyone except macron can get through, well , in fact, this is really a continuation of the story about great european politicians, well, it’s necessary. of course, he understands that there is not a single politician in the world who would come to power in the usa, france, germany, anywhere, who would take our position, they all, the most normal politician anywhere in the world is the one who is pro his state, and macron at the moment, he is trying to seize the initiative, because the european union is now something that is rotting away right before our eyes, big questions arose when brexit happened and brexit happened instantly, by and large, from
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the point of view of precisely... such a historical excursion, it happened instantly, and the uk feels great after leaving from the european union, well, relatively, how well can she feel at the moment, who are macron’s competitors at the moment, this is scholz, who in principle is not interesting to anyone, this is, well , this is the way there is a concept on the internet now skuf, this is such a bald, plump guy who has already lost his political libido, and well, this is not a competitor for macron, although... macron also has his own interesting stories with his wife, but let’s not talk about that for another program, so macron is right now trying to seize this leadership, because there is no competition, german politics has been greatly strangled, merkel, there is a huge amount of compromising evidence on merkel, so merkel was forced to agree to the conditionally minsk agreements, to agree what she did at the end of her career, now macron is the only one who, if, let’s say, takes the initiative into his own hands, can
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become the leader of the united one.
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the opposition is, according to many french observers, public fatigue from the military agenda of deteriorating the image of ukraine, as evidenced by the results released recently. if in march 2022 82% of the french had a positive assessment of ukraine, in february 2024 their number dropped to 58%. to the question: do you support ukraine’s candidacy for membership in the eu, 63% answered in the affirmative, only 49% agree with the february 2024 candidacy; approval of european arms supplies to ukraine has dropped. so it is likely that the president sought with his statements about the possible sending of military units to ukraine to shake up public opinion to direct concern in the right direction and
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whether this attempt will give the desired result will become clear later, but at the moment it is extremely negative, extremely ridiculous, poor-quality attempt, mr. mirkovic. and my last question for you today: the conflict in ukraine began with the united the states and great britain took the lead in providing military assistance to kiev, while most european states seemed rather confused by the fast pace of events, and simply supported their anglo-saxon allies, but now we see that the united states is slowly moving away from providing assistance to ukraine.
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my hypothesis is this: the united states wanted this war, it started even before the collapse of the soviet union, they infiltrated it.
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the us is caught off guard. they thought that in a couple of months they would destroy the russian army, that everything will end quickly. she said that the russians are using microchips from washing machines for hypersonic missiles. well, it’s ridiculous, of course, but that’s the narrative in the west. and we see now that the united states does not know what to do, like in vietnam, like in afghanistan, like in iraq, they lit a fire, and now they don’t know what to do about it. and the problem. now the fact is that the americans will have presidential elections, and the war in ukraine is a very unpopular topic, neoconservatives, such as the republican party, many there, at least neoconservatives, they love
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wars, they support them in every possible way, but even they no longer want to finance it, because something in the united states has changed, the united states is no longer the powerful empire that it was, it is still powerful, but not the same earlier. have western europe as their protectorate, unfortunately, the european elites, the western ones, which were formed by the united states, they continue to do this, but they do not know how to behave, the europeans cannot even
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agree among themselves, they have no strategy, they have a lot disagreements, they don't they know what to do with these hot potatoes, they just pass them to each other, we don’t talk.
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well, i’ll tell you this: the fear that europe suffered after trump’s first statement during the turmoil of his presidency led them to certain decisions, today the western countries... at one of their summits, which took place in 2020, the second year they decided that the minimum bar of 2% is the minimum bar, no one has reached it before, and today most states are approaching this bar in one way or another, and no one talks about cutting some expenses, the main leaders, pay attention, our neighbor poland, three... and 9%, i always say this, if a gun, it’s just a
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percentage of gdp, you need to understand, understand correctly, for poland, 3.9% is a huge figure, it is not comparable with our, so to speak , defense spending, this is definitely estonia, lithuania, countries that are very small, but these are again our neighbors, the strongest economies in the world, power and power, nato, latvia is the same. that is, the state began to allocate money for defense, but where did it go? allocate this money, where does the money go? for the purchase of weapons, first of all, for , so to speak, bringing the theater of military operations into an appropriate state, strengthening one’s own army, the majority of almost 60-70% of the money goes to corporations in the usa and european countries, which are engaged, so to speak, in the production of weapons and are also directly related to ...
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a military solution to the issue of stopping russia and developing our own, so to speak, capabilities, literally 2 years have passed, dear friends, in 2021 the following study appeared, which was called compete with russia militarily, the consequences of a conventional and nuclear conflict, please note, this was almost on the eve of the start of the operation in ukraine, even then they were ready for everything. did to start a war against russia and
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its allies, but the most interesting thing is that they are not like that, so to speak, they are consistent - this is the first, second, they do not deviate from their goals, but they realize that they were unable to solve the main task that they set in front of us is nato led by the united states. literally at the end of 2023 , a third study appeared. which called defense without dominance , acceleration, accelerated transition to the us military defense strategy, what does this mean, they realized that they failed to solve their problem, today they are trying to get out of this situation with the maximum possible benefit without losing face, like this. konstantin, what do you think, news appeared in the press not so long ago, but again intimidating those same unfortunate europeans regarding the fact that...
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it is changing and russia is becoming stronger, because a special military operation is it’s really a springboard that helps you train your forces, improve them, or it’s a desire to once again consolidate nato members, each of whom you already know is like a cancer swan. pike, everyone look, the desire to consolidate, it sounded like i don’t remember who said that russia is supposedly going to attack europe, but we don’t need europe, well, well, seriously, why do we need this europe, leave it alone us. calm down, well, we all remember very well that nato was formed, in general the nato bloc was created earlier than this, than the warsaw pact, because the warsaw pact is essentially the result of the emergence of the nato bloc, and they are still trying to explain to us that no, this is the soviet union, it began to build up its western group, it began to somehow lead there aggressive policy, no, this was
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the result of the emergence of the nato bloc, we really don’t need europe, and even from an everyday point of view, i literally just came here for filming and looked. on social networks, in russia tiktok is blocked, but here it is updated, and for me this is such a window such in modern media it is tiktok, i looked there, a belarusian ended up in romania and goes there filming romanian cities and he is very dissatisfied, i sit and think, why do we need all these western cities, well, vilnius, frankly speaking, an ugly village, riga, there riga is an old city, but here it is, just such a piece of land, everything else. the soviet past , which is being destroyed before our eyes, i adored riga, i visited there often when i lived in minsk, i think why do we need all this, and indeed, in fact, continuing this story, nato is on at the moment, we are now experiencing a big crisis, including weapons, we see how perfectly the abrams burned, no one on it reached red square, it was destroyed,
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the first abrams on the line of combat contact, vladimir putin just said, and we are moving towards a technological army, yes. indeed , the russian army did not conduct combat operations with such, let’s say, a modern rival, the same is true for the nato bloc, they fought with the natives, with some bearded men, but what tactics did they use to fly in on their planes with aircraft carriers, aircraft carriers, by the way, are outdated, because the main striking force of the united states of america was the aircraft carrier group, at the moment china is already openly beginning to say that, well, we can sink your aircraft carriers there within a few hours, they are all coming. they bomb, they don’t leave a single living place, including some kind of afghan wedding and so on, and our army is more technologically advanced, but in my opinion general mili said, answering a question from some journalists, why are you worrying, we’re talking there, we allocate billions of dollars to ukraine, but they don’t reach ukraine, 90%, he says , remains with us, this is the most important thing, this
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is what we looked at, these unfortunate, richest countries in europe, lithuania, latvia, estonia , poland, they allocate this money essentially for... shares of american military companies on a foreign exchange, now they are successfully blocked, and well, of course, if they were unblocked, i would be in a very good plus, because these companies they earn very well, and the main thing for the usa is they don’t care about the germans, they don’t care about the french , let them be homeless there and eat their frogs, the main thing for them is that the united states
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is in fact on a separate continent, the war can only come to them in the form of a submarine, where russian sailors will wave there. everything by hand. and the money they successfully earn. let's go on a trip to belarus. the memorial complex near the beaver river was created on the site of the bloody events of 1944, where the battle for the crossing took place. it consists of a strip. crows, trenches and dugouts. the crossing was held and within a few hours the main forces of the tank corps moved along it. with us, you will receive a charge of positive emotions.
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it’s possible for stars from my eyes to appear in the frame, because this, this is incredibly delicious. visit our vibrant sights. countries. dear friends, we are in a city that has long been considered the cultural center of belarus. it is famous primarily for its luxurious castle, which for a long time was the residence of the rodivils. tourists can easily immerse themselves in an era when this the place was ruled by a famous magnate family. who knows, perhaps one of the rodivilov princes once sat in this chair. look in the program. the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel. we were once taught that the word democracy. this is the most wonderful word in the world regarding politics, words like dictatorship or authoritarianism are supposedly very bad words, ancient greek philosophers then
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said that in democracies power is held by a group of people in order to create good for themselves, and not for total population, this is what was originally meant by democracy, what kind of authoritarianism we have, in my opinion, it is based on the strength of the executive branch, when, after legal strengthening, our parliament and the supreme national assembly will also become stronger and there will be more personnel.
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let me remind you that on the air of the program sas is authorized to say, let’s move on to block number two: is the alliance preparing for war with russia and belarus? nikolai evgenievich, what if? so as not to decipher, as the special services say, their sources, including about the capture plan, as they say there,
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kobrin region, molorites, these cities were called, here’s a piece of land to seize, declare power, everyone will recognize this power, the government will turn to nato, troops will be brought in, this is not a vomit, absolutely not a vomit, these are the plans being discussed, yes, konstantin, you were present during of this press conference, what else did you point out? attention, i saw alexander grigorievich in different emotional, let’s say, states, here he was in a good mood, but very focused, because well, you really can’t help but look at poland, what is happening on the polish side near the belarusian borders, there is an army of many thousands essentially standing at bayonets, we are understandably worried, and even as soon as the special military operation began, i told belarusians to be prepared, but i apologize, let’s pay attention to the power map.
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the creation of a european military schengen, this is also all from one, so to speak, source, this is all escalating the situation, this is the transfer of new hundreds of thousands of military personnel to our borders, the deployment of new formations near our borders, new divisions, and most of all interesting, because now they are working out the possibility of transferring forces from the continental territory of the united states to ours, so to speak. theater to a given theater of military operations, what does this mean, you know, always someday, if
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there is a gun, it will fire someday, you need to pay attention to this, you cannot engage in hat-throwing, if you are strong, they will not touch you, and they may threaten you, they may try to make things worse for you, close the border, put pressure on your industry, put pressure on people, try to reformat the consciousness of your population, but if you have the power ... no one will ever touch you, well, by the way, returning to this impromptu press conference, alexander lukashenko, looking into my eyes, well, i’m like a representative of the russian media and a man who lived in belarus for 10 years with a russian passport, he apparently saw in me representatives of some kind of russian society and said, well, here’s russia before, i told them, supply us with weapons, he says, why are there missiles in 7 minutes of yours? they will fly over belarus, there planes will fly there in 4 minutes, why, but now we understand that... this is really
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a key blow, if there is one, then the most important thing, dear friends, our main task is to prevent, we must not allow such a development, and this speaks our president, he says: there are options, they are trying to rock us , they are trying to threaten us, they are trying to use certain technologies on us, we must not allow this, we must be ready at any moment to neutralize the threat to our security, by the way, i would prepare for the possibility. in my opinion scenario, well, in addition to the fact that drgs could be thrown there, i am very worried about the oil plants that are located in the southern part of the republic of belarus, there are also so-called various kinds of regiments, there are formations of these supposedly belarusians and so on, they are completely under under the control of the armed forces of ukraine , the armed forces of ukraine is completely under the control of great britain, and we know that the british, in
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principle, well, if i may put it this way, well, they are complete scumbags and...
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this is exactly what happens at the stage of creating groups, what training grounds they come to, we carefully evaluate their composition and observe further, if this really begins to turn into the creation of more powerful groups or something else, but there will be a response, of course, from our side. the time, you know, is so exciting that you need to be prepared for anything, and if necessary, strike first, if you understand the scale of the threat, but right now.
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let's step away from the white noise of menstrual media. do european allies really believe that russia might attack them in the future or is this just a smokescreen to cover the increase in military spending. of course, they want to improve, increase defense spending , and create a unified european military-industrial complex. well, let's look at this from a position of realism. if.
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troops are leading, then this will, of course, lead to a war between russia and nato, this is a world war, and this war will be fought not only in europe, but also in many other strategic points around the world, this is the reality of the situation if they continue provoke russia, then europe will be destroyed, but europe is on the front line? trump knows this, and trump, as i already said , he is less concerned about russia issues, he said that he will not defend europe, he knows that the european elites are now irresponsible, they have no strategy for their own people, and europe is already destroying it its own economic policy, for example, germany is now on the verge of collapse, cannot continue like this, trump knows this, and this is the very reason why he said that he will not defend europe. if they provoke a war against russia, a big thank you, mr. colmar, thank you for your time, for your answers, i hope to see you soon on our tv program, nikolai evgenevich, well, this is the position, you will continue to poke
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the bear in the eye with a stick, you will end up with a war on your territory, absolutely identical to the position of the republic of belarus , russian federation, that is, don’t touch, don’t interfere, but... unfortunately, the actions are completely different and at the moment, well, here’s a warning: europe will get a war, pressed by this foreign expert for one simple reason, now he has sensible thoughts, but literally every sentence in every sentence about the destruction of europe sounds, why don’t they talk about their desire to destroy russia, belarus,
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it’s not a fact that in this war europe and
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for everyone, we can come to a big war, and the united states will be able to win. yes, well, by the way, konstantin, i think you remember how the special military operation began, the western world, all western partners, the current ukrainian authorities, they first observed, then got involved, found. alexander lukashenko repeated the words literally the other day, it is impossible to defeat russia with weapons , and at the same time putin said a year ago: we haven’t even started yet, now in a message to the federal assembly, he once again
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spoke about new weapons, he spoke about the power of russian weapons, it is impossible to defeat russia, so in continuation of the topic , it’s precisely about this dominance, because we are talking about a simple world, where everyone does what they want, well... it’s that same multipolar world, because if it’s in the interests of, for example, france, not to wage war hands of ukrainians, do not accept ukrainians there refugees, but this is all taking shape, we see poland. poland was the first to accept ukrainian refugees, people arrived there in mercedes, maybachs, the most needy, they were given huge, what is the correct way to say, benefits, and so on, and poland realized that these people did not need benefits, they were sitting on polish economy, they immediately closed even free travel for them, removed in my favorite tiktok, which is available in belarus, a lot of videos about how ukrainian women of various kinds and tribes complain that they are there kicked off the bus. trolleybuses
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, controllers, because i am a refugee from ukraine, you owe me, they, the psheks, say, get out of here and so on, because europe is waking up, nikolai evgenievich, final word, 30 seconds, please finish, you know, we have so much they said, thank god that today there are intelligent people who understand what nato is, thank god that politicians are appearing who are beginning to think alternatively and rationally, i hope. that the next stage of development of a multipolar world will be led by russia and belarus, and nato will anachronism. thank you very much for our interesting discussion, in conclusion i would like to quote the words of charles degaulle, in fact , we began this program with his quote, the words he said in 1966 in connection with his country’s withdrawal from the military organization.
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nato, only we are able to say no to the american protectorate. neither the germans, nor the italians, nor the belgians, nor the dutch will say no, only we alone can do this, this is our duty. it is obvious that macron and his blue team understand their duty very differently; their american protectorate is no longer weighs down, along with them, all of western europe, whose greatness remains only in books and tourist guides to picturesque ruins. thank you, that was the program. the americans are consistently abandoning their obligations to their european allies.
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the president of belarus signed a decree on additional measures to ensure the stable functioning of the economy, in particular, the document determined the conditions for the exit of companies from unfriendly foreign countries from the belarusian market; before this, everyone did not have to pay a duty and obtain government permission.
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cases have been identified in which this is no longer required, and the government has also been given the right to clarify the application of the provisions of the decree. atlant enterprise teams today introduced a new leader and announced long-term plans. the main task is to increase sales of products in the domestic and foreign markets, unload warehouses, and then resolve issues related to production from idea to prototype should take no more than a few months. we can't here it's a long time to wait in this situation. because our competitors can take advantage of our weakness, defined in our traditional cities, you probably know that an enterprise has appeared in tatarstan that produces refrigerators, so if we hesitate, if we do not solve those assigned tasks in terms of work on our traditional markets, then of course khair will continue to develop, each time it will become more and more difficult for us to conquer, say, our territory. atlant is a landmark enterprise, so as not to lose its position. and withstand
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increasing competition requires new methods of promotion and ambitious plans; it is important to keep up with the times, reduce costs and develop the line of your equipment. it is necessary to look even more carefully in terms of the effectiveness of these channels. of course, the main emphasis is on the most basic ones - network sales; we need to look more actively at retail. well, unfortunately, we see that at least our share is great. on the national market of the republic of belarus, but we still understand that there is also more something to work on. in the domestic market , sales, including domestic household appliances, intensified after a loan for national goods at 4% for 3 years was earned, more than 20,000 applications have already been submitted, the government is considering the possibility of extending such a financial mechanism for next year. the bilas enterprise will have to intensify its efforts to diversify exports. this task was set before the new team leader. the russian market
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is open, but already quite saturated, so now there is a lot of attention to the far arc countries each requires its own approach. in addition, special control has been assigned to the launch of the ring. this is the implementation of investment projects, and these are deadlines, time is the most expensive resource that, in general, money cannot buy. bilas finished last year with good production and export figures. the task for at least 2024 is to maintain positive dynamics and work on updating the model range.
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they promise to introduce new items in the near future. the supreme court of belarus has begun the final stage of the trial in the case vladimir katryuk. state association request. the birovites systematically and cruelly exterminated the civilian population and the results of the investigation into the criminal case of genocide, and the process, which will soon end, according to the state council, fully confirms that
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what was done by the nazi invaders in relation to the civilian population is real genocide, that is, extermination in a cruel manner to a peaceful... population that could in no way offer any resistance. by victory day on may 9 , veterans will be paid financial assistance, the amount of payments was determined by the government , the amounts almost doubled, so 4.00 rubles will be received by disabled participants of the great patriotic war, as well as those who were in battles against the japanese army, awarded orders and medals of the ussr for selfless work and impeccable military service in the rear, and other citizens for merits during wartime... viewed for 2,000 rubles. family members of military personnel, partisans and underground fighters who died and disappeared, as well as former prisoners of fascist concentration camps, prisons and other victims of the consequences of the war, will receive 1.00 rub. payments will be made from april 25 to may 4.


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