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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 14, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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i’m very glad that i had such an opportunity to visit here, we realized that this is such an informal atmosphere, you can ask questions, you can talk, i ’m a participant in the regional olympiad in informatics, a prize-winner, a gold medalist, and well, i also go in for sports, i do bajado myself , and there are medals there too, this is really such a holiday, why, because we can communicate with the guys and see how very important this event is for them, you know, that’s when... you look at their eyes, burning, so touching, at the same time you understand that , of course, this is a very important event for them , a very good tradition, in my opinion, that has developed in our country, and every time we take part in this action with great joy, because they are the younger generation, building the future , their talents, aspirations and achievements, a good basis for the development of our modern and progressive country, here is an example for the thirtieth anniversary of the constitution in the presidential library, young developers...
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citizens, officials, all subjects of constitutional relations, alive, a conscious perception of constitutional values, principles and norms is necessary. understanding the fundamental importance of constitutional provisions for the sustainable, dynamic development of the country, ensuring the security and well-being of our citizens. the commentary will be used to explain the provisions of the basic law in government agencies, labor collectives and educational institutions. svetlana chernova, ekaterina strikha and yulia alferova, tv news agency. the decree on the pardon was signed by the president of belarus.
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this year a chance to work on mistakes 15 people received it, these are those who committed a crime while underage, and women with young children. the document was commented on our channel by the deputy head of the presidential administration, olga chupris , who noted that this is a very large number of appeals, which the head of state paid attention to at the same time. our president, like no one else, is sincerely interested in peace in society. peace of mind so that every person in our country is integrated into society. great interview with olga chupris right now. olga ivanovna, but if we talk about the work of the commission on issues of pardons, and you personally visited the colony, the women's colony in gomel, you were in babruisk, in the children's colony, carrying out a number of instructions from the president, you have already noted who can get a chance to start life with a clean slate. who are these people and how did this work go? the commission is very attentive.
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help, how will they help, where will these guys and girls get their jobs? you know, initially these issues were discussed by the department of... execution of punishments, they have the responsibility such a function: to work on this topic before reporting to the head of state, therefore , material is collected in relation to everyone, in this material there should be guarantees of employment, which come from the directors of the enterprise or organizations, indicating wages, and accordingly, these directors will already be held responsible for the employment of persons, well, the last example, here are 15 people, and for them
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is now being finalized, regarding the instructions of the head of state, the amnesty will differ from previous amnesties, including including the fact that it will be widely applied to minors or those persons who committed a crime as a minor, including, it will concern minors who have committed crimes in the field of drug trafficking, including those with aggravating circumstances. there will also be a wide range of amnesties for women with minor children, and the main order of the president concerned the employment of persons, so a special mechanism has been worked out, in accordance with which persons released from
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places of deprivation of liberty completely, or in respect of whom imprisonment will be replaced by restriction of liberty, will be employed, that is, today... we can say that the instructions of the head of state have been fulfilled, now only final polishing is underway, then the bill will come in the prescribed manner to parliament, and this will already be the area of ​​responsibility, by the way, of the new parliament. nato has not only expanded, but is also actively mobilizing its increased power. new members are already participating in exercises. plans are being drawn up to increase spending on rearmament and development of the military-industrial complex. stories about new threats do not look very convincing in the face of attempts by a number of countries to revive the lost great power. well, in general , militarism is a way to solve one’s economic
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problems. spending on war is crazy money and unlimited demand. read more oleg romanov. not even a week has passed since sweden joined nato. content, here is the commander of the northern flank, a staunch defender of the exercises, puts newbies face tactical challenges. 36 hours ago we launched an offensive operation south of alta with a norwegian brigade consisting of norwegians and germans. we will carry out an offensive in a southern direction, where in the massi area we will link up with units of our finnish and swedish brothers and sisters in arms in the next 24 hours. the swedes began to militarize the economy and politics with their own.
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duda, preparing for a visit to the white house, proposed that all nato member states increase military spending to 3% of gdp. elder his comrades corrected him, but the baltic states and poland itself are already close to achieving this indicator. duda will not return from the states in tussle without gifts. they promised to supply 96 apache helicopters and air-to-air missiles. washington is allocating a $2 billion loan for this. but south korea is also ready to deliver.
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retired generals kozei and krashevsky state it bluntly. a blow to russia must be struck before they enter our territory. poland is developing its army to be able to launch a pre-emptive strike to avoid casualties. amidst peaceful population. the conflict in ukraine also promises to be endless. the united states will transfer a package of military assistance to ukraine amounting to 300 million. it will include missiles and artillery ammunition. this really won’t last long, but the pentagon dug into its accounting records and found reserves for the so-called replacement program. this is when ukraine will receive weapons from its own arsenals, and new ones will be purchased instead. and then several more billions appeared, although without specification yet.
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systems, the released taurus will transmit ukraine. this idea has already been supported by the head of the german meath; i am not at all interested in the chancellor’s opinion on this matter. german and , more broadly, european belligerence cannot but surprise whether the old world has really missed a world war for 75 years. but there is a simple explanation for this: war is seen as a quality
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centuries to fill their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money, but they must understand that the vampires’ point ends. capitalism is facing another crisis of overproduction. offer of any goods significantly exceeds demand. military spending is the ideal solution to the problem. demand is endless, the wealth created can be immediately sprayed at the fronts or deadened in arsenals. the recipe is in everyone. in a sense, it’s ideal, but it’s not applicable without a lot of bloodshed, but the most influential governments on the planet seem
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to be ready for this. oleg romanov, tv news agency. the situation in ukraine could escalate into a direct clash between individual nato countries and russia. macron's statement on the prospects for the use of regular troops france's involvement in the conflict caused mixed reactions among the allies. opinions are seriously divided, but a coalition is gradually forming. who is ready to go to obank. i appreciate the recent french initiative because there are good intentions behind it, namely for the russian president to ask himself how... what will be our next step, so that he is not sure that we will not do anything creative, so he cannot freely plan our scenarios, this ability of asymmetric escalation must be on our side. for what france is pumping weapons into the transcaucasus, where another hot conflict will break out in the middle east, why does nato intend to take
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control of the ukrainian-belarusian border? watch the trends project today after. rails are costly for the economies of european union countries. while politicians are deciding where to suck the money from, for conventional tanks, ordinary workers, as usual, are reaping the benefits. hundreds of flights were canceled today in frankfurt. flight attendants of the luft-hansa company are demanding an increase in wages and one-time payments due to high inflation. similar promotion scheduled for munich.
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drivers of passenger trains of the main national carrier daughter are also on strike.
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several dozen cars a day were allowed through here, the previous regime remains the same at the last two open crossings, no more than forty trucks cross the border per day, and from march 20, participants in polish protests promise to block the lithuanian border. in this way, they are seeking support from vilnius in european structures and restrictions on ukrainian exports. official kiev reports that losses from the blockade amounted to half a billion dollars, give up. the ukrainian side does not intend and is preparing to redirect export flows to romania. at the same time, eu countries are blocking logistics. the queues at the border are getting longer. as of 10:00 am , more than 2,100 trucks were waiting to enter the european union in the lithuanian direction. the busiest medyaninkai (stone log)
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only 66 trucks out of 500 possible were registered here per day, that is, three. cars out of twenty per hour, and through the latian border crossing of paterniki grigorovshchina only half of the trucks passed the norm. the queue has accumulated from 600 heavy trucks, almost the same situation on the polish border. our border guards again note that they are ready to process the maximum number of trucks if the neighboring side will work taking into account their capabilities. however, as we see, the situation is only getting worse. the ring behind the cordon is irresistibly closing around our fugitives. the lithuanian migration department plans to check more than 18,000 belarusian citizens who have settled in the country until 2022. they will be offered a questionnaire with questions about their attitude to the ukrainian theater of military operations and connections with security forces of minsk. in case of
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the slightest suspicion, the migration department will consult with the state security department. if the latter indicate that a person poses a threat to lithuanian security, he will be deprived of his residence permit. why dark days have come for fugitives from belarus, a new release of the author’s program platform. maxim osipov welcomes you. hello, november twenty-two. lithuania has introduced a special mandatory questionnaire for citizens of russia and belarus since then, the balt news agency notes, that is, a little more than per year , 1644 were recognized as a threat to national security in lithuania
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. the fugitives only repeated the chronic mistake of their historical and ideological ancestors, policemen and other collaborators during the great patriotic war, the creators of the bpr on german bayonets in 1918, both of them, and others, and others, seriously believed that the fact of their groveling before western countries will open up new opportunities for them, only one opportunity has opened up: to be completely thrown out as unnecessary, by the way, for the opportunity to leave... the country in time, they should also say thank you to lithuania, or rather, achu, the lithuanians could well have adopted the polish experience, catching even a tuft of wool from a black runaway sheep. the other day in
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wroclaw, the polish police decided to improve crime detection statistics and forced a mentally ill homeless ukrainian to confess to twenty-six crimes in exchange for a hot dog. however, for litvin in lithuania , it’s a pity for hot dog, and their appetites are beyond impressive. andrey starikov continues. the new generation of zmagoros brought with them their own political narrative, in which the fugitives consider themselves noble lithuanians, the territory of present-day lithuania as their cradle, they speak of vilna as their historical city, albeit in fantasy, but they outline political claims to it. the lithuanians were wary, sensed that something was wrong with the fugitives, listened to them, were offended, tried to find lukashenko among the fugitive hands, did not find them, were even more offended, then got scared and rethought the fugitives... threats. in neighboring latvia, by the way, things have also become difficult. deputies of the local sejm from the national conservative national association proposed amendments to the law on road traffic. they stipulate that
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cars with belarusian license plates should not be located in this baltic republic. otherwise, they say, cars with hated russian license plates can be re-registered in belarus and they will again travel around latria. as soon as the amendments are adopted, for using a car with belarusian license plates in... something else, the lithuanians and poles have experience, let them throw you at the border to us like runaways, and we will take you, by the way, for three
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decades of our presidency head the belarusian state has never made a mistake , and lukashenko’s hand, which is so frightening to vilnius , is exclusively a helping hand, so in any case you will have to pack your bags, the only question is the direction, but here you are, at least. are waiting, see the live panorama later in the episode. thousands of kilometers of roads of republican and local importance in belarus have begun repairing asphalt and concrete pavement. nuances of the spring update. today in panorama.
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avan the scene of the news agenda for writers tomorrow the minsk international opens book exhibition-fair, where there are painful gaps in the literature and... is it easy to get lost in the chamomile book labyrinth, the television news agency wrote its prologue to the exhibition. the main task is to increase product sales in the domestic and foreign markets, unload warehouses, and then resolve issues related to production. from ideas to a prototype should take no more than a few months. deputy prime minister pyotr parkhomchik spoke about this today in atlanta. introducing the new ceo dmitry kharitonchik. company - this is significant, there are no questions about the quality of the products, but recently competition from
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the enterprise has increased significantly.
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and local significance will have to be repaired by road workers this season. thanks to favorable weather conditions , pothole repairs of the road network began in all regions. asphalt and concrete plants have reached full capacity. construction equipment works both on large highways and in courtyard areas. the goal is to complete the bulk of the pothole repair work by may 9. about the nuances of spring
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road this is our crushed stone of belarusian production from the mikashevich plant, it is made here in belarus, this is the most basic component of the asphalt-concrete mixture, and also stone chips, sand, bitumen and chemical additives, the director of the asphalt concrete plant vitaly moskevich literally selected the proportions of his road surface up to a kilogram, the mixture is reliable and, most importantly, resistant to temperature changes, repairable... the season has just started, and the plant is already 100% loaded. asphalt-concrete section, we have it produces on average about 300 tons per shift, we always work full daylight hours, the materials are crushed stone, sand and screenings, we have enough income for the entire working season. large-scale repair work is taking place throughout the regional center; the day before , a survey of the entire road network of the city was completed, and the scope of work for
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the current season was determined. pothole repairs are carried out on the main highways, then we will move on to secondary ones, and work is also carried out in courtyard areas. this year it is planned to carry out renovations no less than last year's volume, which is about 200,000 m2. as soon as the weather allowed, we began preparing the highways for pothole repairs. this year they plan to renovate it in the grodno region. 500 km of local roads, bridges and streets in rural settlements, this is twice as much as last season, all thanks to a significant increase in funding from the republican budget and road funds. pothole repairs are carried out on a regular basis in all regions of the region, absolutely in all , currently almost all factories have been launched, uh, the first thousand tons of asphalt concrete mixture have already been produced, so everything is in progress,
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road workers are paying special attention to bridges; large-scale major repairs are now underway at the crossing of the neman near berezovka, the project is quite complex; specialists are working without blocking traffic for road transport. construction is being carried out in two stages: first we build one lane, then we open it to traffic and move on to repairing the second one. half. they removed absolutely all the old covering, installed new sidewalk consoles, and strengthened the main beams of the metal span. centers, lida and novogrudok. delivery after completion of the repairs , the bridge's capacity will increase significantly, which will allow for uninterrupted traffic between two large regional industrial crossings. the crossing is planned to be put into operation this fall. yuri kornilovich, victor baka, television news agency. all roads must be restored by may 9, the president set task, the deputy prime minister will answer what? when
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will it be done, how much will it cost the state, who will guarantee the quality of road work, see the draft question number one on saturday evening in belarus 1. almost 400 people, 125 of whom were children , died at the hands of the punisher vladimir kotryuk during the great patriotic war in belarus. the figures were announced by deputy prosecutor general alexey stuk during the debate on the case against the executioner of khatyn. the supreme court today began the final stage of the trial. state association.
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fully confirms that what was done by the nazi invaders against the civilian population is real genocide, that is, the brutal extermination of the civilian population, which in no way could offer any resistance. the verdict in the punisher kotryuk department will be announced on march 18, and as alexey stuk noted, the khatyn executioner’s case is the first, but not the last. the issue of bringing other executioners of the belarusian people to justice is being studied. eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders our country will celebrate this year. supporting veterans has been and will be a priority. and by victory day on may 9, veterans will be paid financial
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assistance. the amount of payments was determined by the government, the amounts almost doubled, so 4,000 rubles each. disabled participants of the great patriotic war, as well as those who participated in battles against the japanese army, will receive it. those awarded orders and medals of the ussr for selfless tinder and impeccable military service in the rear and other citizens for merits in wartime are provided with 2.0 rubles. members families of military personnel, partisans and underground fighters, dead and missing, as well as former prisoners of fascist concentration camps, prisons and other victims of the consequences of the war will receive... rubles. payments will be made from april 25 to may 4. today at the palace of independence there is a special excursion
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for special children, graduates of graduates and the venice boarding school, for disabled children, as well as other children with difficulties in physical development. each of them is an example of spiritual strength. they achieve athletic heights, participate in theatrical productions, write songs, draw, and will give everyone a head start in their love of life. the emotions of this meeting are in the story of olga medved. perhaps the most compact excursion took us on a journey through the galleries of the palace of independence, with only 25 people. 16 of them are the special youth of our country, they are creative, sports , active bloggers, despite the difficulties of physical development, visiting the symbol of sovereignty was their dream, and the president
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made it come true, yes, precisely on the instructions of the first, they are today the main owners of these walls they are allowed literally everything, they can dance where just yesterday the most important issues of our political life were being decided. in the hall where the best of the best receive awards from the hands of the head of state in a particularly solemn atmosphere. it would be nice to be here to present some kind of medal , since i am an athlete, but this will not await me soon, although, yes, athletes are the majority of the group, among the sports are tennis, wheelchair fencing, volleyball, biathlon and skiing race. by the way, in the last discipline, vadim lepinsky represented our country at the twelfth winter paralympic games in phyunchang. now vadim focuses on tennis and sports. attracts more warm countries, we are preparing
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for a tournament in turkey, well, unfortunately we don’t get to paris, i often watch tv and i basically see all these halls, but i didn’t think it was so cold here, such a temperature, well i liked everything very, very much, two young bloggers were the first to rush into the ceremony hall, appreciate the citrus harvest, take photos before the others arrived, after all... this is material for new releases. matvey burenkov, an aspiring author on the matvey tv channel with almost 90 subscribers, grows vegetables in a greenhouse, then sells them with a friend, and invests the money he earns in new equipment. yan sachkovsky is the youngest participant of the excursion; he has been running a youtube channel for more than a year; more than 200 people follow his releases. by the way, on the eve of the new year, one of ian’s dreams has already come true. don't give up under any circumstances, watch.
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which maybe the first one will use tomorrow, literally every room was impressed protocol route, the chandelier weighs 2 tons, this is generally
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in the president’s working offices, which they observed only in the media, some of them were even afraid to imagine that they could sit at the head of the head of state’s desk , check the clocks with the government ones, touch office items, cool i can’t imagine how they hung her there , miracle people, this is the first time i’m here, so... of course it’s very interesting, you should listen to everything with great interest and consider everything like that, because the next time you come here you will get there, it is unknown, we are here at home, it is very comfortable and cozy here. each person on this special excursion imagined themselves participating, for example, in a new year’s ball or receiving an important award from the head of state or asking questions at a press conference, but dreams tend to come true. olga medved, andrey novgorodtsev, agent. it’s time
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to update the library , writers are coming to the fore, tomorrow the minsk international book fair will open for the thirty-first time. for publishing houses, participation in this event is an exam question of image and status. under the arches of what is popularly known as daisies, also known as belspo or the administrative center on pobediteley avenue, they united during this time. the center will be the islamic republic of iran, the book boxes of china and russia will not lag behind in weight, but we will certainly be the leader in titles. almost 8,000 books of brochures were published in belarus last year, with a total circulation of about 20 million copies. that is, if these books are distributed to all belarusians, without exception.
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words today wrote the prologue of the book exhibition of the fair directly at belexpo. this place is chosen for the first time, now they will not wander, they will not be distracted directly from production. but indeed here today we saw the full-fledged construction of a book city, there are its own quarters, an international educational center, and of course the epicenter, where the national stand and the main stage will be located, this year it is victory square, as you can see, there is no eternal flame here, but there will be flowers that
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will symbolically bloom at the closing of the exhibition, well, there won’t be an eternal flame just because living voices will be heard here,
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partnership, but definitely not with wikipedia or other artificial intelligences that distort history in a second, and this is where writers come into battle. the symposium is an opportunity to understand how to win. it takes several months to write a book very quickly, artificial intelligence does it like this, and to distinguish, if earlier these were slightly crooked works, now it is almost impossible to distinguish them, if you correct them a little, and how can we live in these conditions with such challenges,
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preserve the classic literature, instill good taste to the younger generation and convey our values
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, without extra charges individually, always at fairs, we formed our own branch and belkniga, the largest fair delivered 10.00740 titles of books, they say that intellectual and children's literature will be in favor and discounts on children's literature, now we are just forming this exposition, so that our youngest readers can purchase a book, well, maybe at a cheaper price, the books are very high quality, very interesting, a regiment of intellectual books, this is our project, which we started in the past. iran. international quarter of the islamic republic status of the central exhibitor in we have 500 titles of books, this is
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very difficult for us, because our state language is persian, finding russian-language books is very difficult. in year. translates a lot of books into russian, because in russia our books are read a lot, in belarus our cynics are read, we tried. the red ribbon of the thirty-first exhibition of the fair will be cut tomorrow, it will be its own victory, despite the logistical prohibitions of the fugitive bandwagons, to create an international library, where under the bindings there are full-fledged strategies for peace. today belarus, the government of the republic. lukashenko is paid to the development of a new level of the book fair in minsk, such attention is a special sign. we have the right to talk about a single history, in respect for the victory of the great patriotic war.
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with a taste of color revolutions. lydia zablotskaya, ilya pushchko, tv news agency.
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rag, yes, tell me the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. thank you very much, thank you, i don’t know how to thank you, do you want me to thank you, go home to sleep, well, you see, it turns out he hasn’t gone anywhere , he’s having breakfast at home, don’t worry, everything will be fine with you, with the child, what child , kotukova came, tanka has been with her for half an hour, i ’m okay, but i’m afraid to go in, you’ll play too hard or she’ll return it to you, understand? does this touching girl know that your wedding is coming up? what do you say to this? tan? i
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don’t understand at all why we all have to sit here; whoever broke it, let him think what to do. while you're making your plans here, your son-in-law almost left without you, he came say goodbye yesterday, take it, i’ll wait for the call, i’m not only the metro, i can do anything, fix any mechanism, my name is anatoly, i’m tatyana, and you also know about tanya, what kind of tanya? from that hour our army marched down the legendary path. the belarusian military akruga designates
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its own. centenary anniversary. rocketman, lieutenant colonel gutzik. vladimir fedosovich, you are a representative of a formidable and romantic profession. what can you say about the modern army? as a young partisan of the logoisk bolshevik partisan detachment in 1944, i saw a different army victoriously marching west. we are always representatives of the main striking force. of the red banner belarusian military district we stand guard over our beloved homeland, troops conducted exercises under the code name berezina in order to work out issues of interaction between different branches of the military. again to the years of the great patriotic war,
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familiar news reports were heard. arshanskoe, minskoe. prominent soviet military leaders and guests from the countries of the socialist community observed the actions of the troops. yes, everything was like in war. the exercises showed high the quality of military equipment, the readiness of troops to defend the homeland.
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always faithful to their kingdom. sports day is on air, anna eismond is with you. good evening. let's start with handball, a super series between the belarusian and russian national teams today. continued in kazan, before that, let me remind you, the teams met three times in the cities of belarus in november last year, all the matches remained with our team. today the russians managed to take revenge, 18:12, the hosts entered after the first half, but in the end the guests almost made a comeback, yet russia wins 31:28. i would like to note that for these games the belarusian team’s roster is missing eight players from the main squad. on march 15, the teams
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will fight in moscow, and the super series will end on sunday in chekhov. behind. experts, we will analyze in detail the final meeting with dynamo moscow in the gagarin cup and listen to the comments of the coaches of the zubr players, once again we will say to dynamo, thank you for the season. the sixth match of the series got off to a great start. the final of the gagarin cup between dynamo minsk and moscow for fans of the belarusian squad. jordan wil was sent off for playing with a high stick, and the minsk team converted the deducted advantage through the efforts of enes. and 20 seconds before the final siren of the starting period it happened.


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