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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 14, 2024 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK

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as part of the czech initiative to purchase shells outside of europe, they should be delivered to ukraine in early june. the project involves 800,000 shells and the participation of 18 countries. earlier, the president of the czech republic announced that 500,000 artillery ammunition of standard nato caliber and another 300,000 soviet caliber could be purchased outside the eu. the financial times wrote that purchasing such a quantity would cost approximately $15 billion. but in the usa it’s serious. thinking about transferring long-range missiles to kiev. the wall street journal reports that atacoms may well go to the ukrainian front. if previously such a possibility was not even considered, then with the acquisition by the pentagon of a new generation system, kiev has every chance of acquiring missiles with a flight range of up to 290 km. but the german chancellor again ruled out the possibility of the presence of the german military in ukraine, and also repeated that they would not allow the supply of long-range guns to kievud, which would be needed. but
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not everyone wants to stop the escalation of the ukrainian conflict; those who have nothing to lose go into battle; the president supported the sending of western troops to ukraine lithuania nausėda, he called on the west not to draw a red line, and despite enormous criticism from partners, vilnius welcomes the idea of ​​sending nato troops into the square, however, the president made a reservation, saying it would be better if the members of the alliance unanimously agreed with this need, it is clear, because...e estonia, but nevertheless, the country's prime minister kaja kalas refused to guarantee that the defense forces would not be sent to ukraine. latvia is not far behind them. the country's prime minister announced the creation of an iron curtain between baltic states and belarus with russia. true, the politician was forced to note that riga is economically dependent on this region and this is unlikely to be resolved soon.
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macron brought down his own ratings by making a rash statement, because the french themselves do not want war. an attempt to raise the stakes in the ukrainian conflict by attracting regular troops from individual nato countries caused a negative reaction in society. french political scientist roman besane spoke about this in the trends program. all the social surveys that were conducted after these performances will clearly show what is common. at the same time, the opinion of ordinary europeans has long been no longer a decisive factor in decision-making. a coalition of hawks is gradually forming around makroun's initiative. which is ready
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to seriously consider sending western troops to ukraine. factory employees were detained for bribery, as the police reported, spolichny managed to arrest the corrupt officials. this is the deputy director of one of the enterprises in the minsk region, an intermediary who facilitated an illegal transaction. the main energy plant has the same fate. how the ministry of internal affairs explained that we are talking about lobbying interests at tenders. a deputy director and chief power engineer of the plant have been installed. received over 15 thousand rubles as a bribe, they were assisted in this by an intermediary, a chief engineer serving enterprises in the energy sector. the money was handed over by a forty-two-year-old representative of one of the local commercial organizations for recognizing his company as the winner in the procurement procedure for the supply of equipment for the needs of the plant. investigators have opened a criminal case against the main defendants for receiving a bribe by a group of persons by prior conspiracy on a large scale.
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against a forty-year-old intermediary for complicity in committing a crime. agricultural organizations of the minsk region continue spring field work. spring sef, which is more than 100,000 hectares, is held back by frosty nights and lack of sun. however, farmers are active in other activities. thus, at the agra health farm in the berezensky district, a special machine applies nitrogen fertilizers to a field with perennial grasses. ratio: ton of liquid per 10 hectares.
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and wheat, spring crops in our country are the weight and grains of legume crops. dairy complex for 1200 cows. this is the implementation of the investment project of the sludsky cheese-making plant. after the winter break, yellow scooters are again on the streets of the capital, preparing to fill transport routes. to achieve this, specialists are carrying out large-scale maintenance for the new electric season, with an emphasis on safe movement. therefore, first of all , technicians pay attention to replacing elements of the brake system and electronics. final stage the scooters are painted and polished. change decorative elements. season of the twenty-fourth year, we are preparing to bring to minsk more than 500 scooters, or more precisely 5.7 scooters, which have completely undergone winter maintenance, where all repairs, adjustments, troubleshooting have been carried out, new spare parts have been replaced, new
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tires, new handles, all this will allow residents of minsk to travel comfortably on electric scooters. we are planning to organize several live driving schools, we call them driving schools, they will be on special open areas , different situations in the city will be simulated, thanks to equipment, stands of all kinds, let’s say, architectural forms, in order to teach anyone how to safely move around on an electric scooter for themselves and others. sharing companies plan to expand their service coverage areas, and they also plan to introduce new models of electric transport. in the electric mobility trend, city infrastructure is also developing, curbs are being lowered and increased. the second racket of the world aryna sabalenka the day before completed her performance at the prestigious tournament in
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india in wales in a tense belarusian match in the fourth round, she lost to emmy novara twenty track planets 36 63 26. let me remind you that last year sabalenka played here in the final. washington capitals. lost to edmonton with a score of 2:7 in the enhl regular season match, but the capital did without the services of belarusian striker alexei protas, who missed the match due to injury. no time frame for recovery has been announced. washington is in tenth place eastern conference. the next match will be tomorrow against seattle. the last quarter-finalists of the champions league on the eve were atletico madrid and borussia dortmund. the spaniards had a particularly difficult time. the score 2:1 sent the meeting with inter into extra time and a penalty shootout. and there is simion's team.
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the program "song of the year", popular in the soviet union. she was always eagerly awaited by her favorite artists and hits. this was the first time in the soviet union. to believe that just a few
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decades ago, the collective farm was not listed just lagging behind, but lying, as they say, on the shoulder blades, it was difficult. in 1955 , the central committee of the communist party of belarus issued an appeal to farmers to lead lagging collective farms. the public managed to raise the farm from the ruins, but in general the situation remained difficult: lack of equipment, farms, many of which were in decline, low milk yields, low yields , there were many who wanted to go to work in the lagging farm, for many an example was the dawn collective farm in myshkovichi. which we managed to turn into a strong farm in a few years, among volunteers and
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twenty-year-old vladimir leontievich bedulya, later twice a hero of socialist labor. at that time he took over the farm in a deplorable state, no equipment, no cattle, no milking herd. when he arrived from his post as second. for the obrez city committee of the komsomol, then one of the leaders told him, we don’t have chairmen , we need chairmen, but bedulya is not a chairman, so he had to spend the entire time of the chairman’s work, proving his worth as a chairman, and bidulya proved this with his extraordinary actions, courageous decisions that often ran counter to what... from above.
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at the beginning of 1960 , another commission of inspectors worked at the collective farm of soviet belarus. this time from the central committee, from moscow, they carefully examined the cows, interviewed the milkmaids, made some notes, then everything was repeated again, the questions were tricky, well , where do the cows come from, why are they like this?
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until recently, in the reports the collective farm was listed as lagging behind, and there was no need to talk about milk yield at all, but in front of them there were indeed well-fed cows that did not make an impression exhausted. cattle, when the inspectors again began to question the obvious , the chairman of the collective farm, vladimir bedolin, intervened; to the next question of the inspectors, where did the cows come from, what kind of breed was this, with his characteristic humor, he clearly answered: belarusian humpback, well fed, the inspectors had nothing left do, how to confirm what you saw, a milking herd.
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the solution was then found in expanding the crops; there was no corn, as was demanded of leaders at all levels at that time, but potatoes. despite criticism, it was accepted the decision was for each village to plant 10 hectares of potatoes, which they themselves harvested and sent to the farm, they did not copy anything, it was apparently zhelevich’s decision, potatoes provided money, meat, milk, as
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they say, the decision was made to expand the crops of others . despite the plans that were communicated to each farm that had to be carried out, the collective farm proposed their own path, and the result was not long in coming, the first chairmen finished 700-800 kg per cow,
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now from a few letuli they start one and a half, then 2 later. that means you already give 4.5 500 per cow, over 30 years the production and sale of milk was increased 30 times, and this was against the backdrop of the general situation in agriculture in the country, and it was not changing for the better, especially after the meeting in leningrad in 1957 year. on it , khrushchev put forward his famous thesis: to catch up and surpass america in meat and milk production per capita. the period of the notorious corn was coming, the crops of which had to be increased everywhere. corn is a wonderful product, it is really very good, but growing
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corn, say, krasnodar and somewhere in vladivostok, these are completely different conditions. what did they do in belarus? whoever did not resist, by and large everyone understood that this could be done and it was possible to increase the area sown to corn, but they simply did it wisely, increased the acreage for clover, sugar beets, potatoes, for what grew well and was profitable, among the initiators of such approaches is the soviet belarus collective farm.
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the leadership of the republic has chosen the right path, how to move and develop the republic, while maintaining subsidiary farming and some small farmsteads, at the same time developed large economic complexes, which as a result brought small farms under them and thereby created a common basis for the development of all agriculture of the republic, which, by the way, did not exist in general in other, probably, regions of the country. the main guidelines of the leadership of the bssr are attention to the peasant, support for personal farming. a peasant should not live worse than in the city. they clearly went against the general guidelines of the party, and this irritated the center and khrushchev. there was also
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such an indicative case in minsk, there was a meeting, orlovsky just arrived and spoke. well, khrushchev was annoyed, he saw that he couldn’t do anything about it, and it was no coincidence that he talked about his father, this partisan, and he put in all his stuff. the republic followed its own path, despite constant checks and criticism from the center. on the farms of the republic, the
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soviet belarus collective farm, they tried to introduce everything new and advanced. at some meeting we learned about transplantation, the guy gets it through transplantation. this was new for the first time in the entire republic. from our collective farm it went around the region, they transferred embryos , they received embryos, they chose bulls, they came to our farm very often, often a delegation from other collective farms came from other collective farms, they came from other areas, especially when they installed novalsky equipment. successes were also due to caring for the common worker, he liked to repeat, the collective farm is
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the people, the people are the collective farm, and necessarily a new urban-type settlement, and if the song of the year, then why not broadcast from a collective farm, where the people are kind and the place is so beautiful that you can’t take your eyes off it. well, at song 87 there were a lot of artists, there were cars lined up all around, besides the fact that they were performing in the forest, then here in the club, pakhmutova came and ulyanov came, how we applauded him, how we met him, he told us, it’s not you, it’s us who should applaud you, it’s us who live thanks to you. well-deserved awards. in 1971
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, the collective farm was awarded the order of the red banner of labor. bidula awarded the title of hero socialist labor with the presentation of the order of lenin. second gold star and order of lenin in 1987. the collective farm itself was repeatedly awarded orders and medals, diplomas from prestigious exhibitions, the order of honor, friendship of peoples, and the red banner of labor.
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in the progress collective farm, the vertelishki of the grodno region in december 1971 were waiting for an important message. on this occasion, they were waiting for the start of the evening broadcast. program time. those who were not busy with evening work gathered in the port committee, but the construction team was almost in full force. finally, announcer kirilov, began to read the resolutions of the central committee of the cpsu and the council of ministers of the ussr on the awarding of state prizes. they listened to him with bated breath. when the announcer said “improvement of the village of vertelishki, grodno region”, bssr. no one could contain their emotions anymore. i even
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remember that in the seventy-first year, in the “time” program, igor kirillov and i read information that a state prize was awarded to a millionaire collective farm, vertelishka, belarus. ussr, you understand, grodno region. in general , the situation in belarus is paradoxical. khrushchev's reforms the late fifties, early sixties, they hit hard, first of all, in the villages; in the republic they are thinking about how to pave the entrances to fields and farms, how to build a modern school, kindergarten, store. as for our economy, then... it was revived when at one time there was a resolution of the council of ministers of the central communist party of the soviet union about what needs to be created in each region, which means it is
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experimental and demonstrative. economy, how agriculture should develop. this means, in order to convince people with examples, the innovative ideas belonged to fedor petrovich senko. at the age of 23, during the most difficult time of organizing collective farms in western belarus in the fifties, he headed one of them. 110 hutars, 11 villages in 1957.
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the general feeding system, maintenance , and so on, well, naturally, something, well, gave its results, they began to raise the economy with feed, they didn’t thoughtlessly sow everything with corn, there were, of course, such installations from above, but they seem to be considered purely like that, well, common sense meaning, at least they didn’t throw
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their heads in the air, we have to look, some...
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it was this particular milking machine that everyone came to us to experience. bold experiments were carried out on the farm. for the first time in the republic , production sites were introduced. shop culture of production management - dispatch service. savings in everything, rational use of fuel and feed. this made it possible to purchase equipment and seeds. replenish the milking herd, the result was not short-term, it became the style of operation of the farm for years, but we had a theory for so long ago that it means that if a specialist had a day off, then he would to gain a foothold in the countryside, we have long forgotten this, we have forgotten about this for 20 years, what is it like for all the specialists to work.


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