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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 14, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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this is a panorama, a live broadcast about the main events of thursday, march 14, i will tell you, sergei lugovsky, hello, the history of orthodoxy in the belarusian lands.
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is inextricably linked with the history of the formation of our statehood , and today world orthodoxy is going through very difficult times, a frank dialogue between the president and the synod took place, we see all the threats from the outside, we continue to strengthen our borders on all fronts: a new modern outpost has appeared on the border with ukraine and a bright solemn ceremony of honoring women of the year. today it became true it’s clear what distinguishes our women. from women of other countries, we will tell you and show you very beautifully, see also in our issue. participation of the president in the meeting of the synod of the belarusian orthodox church, fundamental conversations about christian values, the role of the state in strengthening the authority of the church and interfaith peace. more details in a few minutes in panorama. an anti-record has been expected at the border of entry into the european union since the beginning of the year. look in panorama.
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attempts to suppress tractor fever in europe with violence. did fertilizers help? farmers visiting the garden of barel. details in the periodic table. the event for which book lovers not only from belarus have been waiting for a whole year was the opening of the thirty-first minsk international book exhibition fair. all the details. in a report that smells of books, very soon in the panorama. temperature record for the frosty season. last winter in belarus was one of the warmest in the last 150 years. nice top, on our air. the focus is on hockey, the next games of the first round of the president's cup, as well as on the sports day. let's discuss don’t miss the results of the reporting conference of the belarusian football federation.
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a fundamental conversation took place today under the arches of the minsk diocesan administration. alexander lukashenko took part in a meeting of the synod of the belarusian orthodox church, this is the highest governing body of the boc, headed by the patriarchal exarch of all belarus. the most pressing issues that relate to christian life and its impact on secular life are always brought to such meetings and resolved there. and new.
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on the territory of the minsk diocesan administration there is a small church; the library of the honorary patriarchal exarch of all belarus, the hero of our country, metropolitan filoret, has also been preserved here. alexander lukashenko called the bishop the leader of morality and the conscience of the nation; he headed the belarusian orthodox church for more than 20 years, and it was with the participation of the metropolitan that the revival began in our country. spiritual life,
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new dioceses, parishes, churches and monasteries were opened. over the course of his many years of activity, the bishop achieved constructive dialogue orthodoxy with other traditional faiths. his parishioners loved him very much. and people are very far from the church, you can see in the photograph how he sits here at this table, you know, he really loved collecting books, everyone knew about it and knows, no matter where he lived, he collected books anywhere he wasn’t, well, vladyka is great for preserving all this, we thank him, right away it ’s divine, yes, right after our vladyka passed away, he immediately began to create this library, to perpetuate the memory bishop was the order of our president, a monument was unveiled at the holy spirit cathedral a couple of years ago, alexander lukashenko treated
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the bishop with special warmth, always congratulated him on his birthday, they often met in person and the bouquet of whites grew, so beloved by the bishop was an integral part, and today in his office the atmosphere is the same as always. always sat here, here the chair stood, here, they just placed a portrait of the bishop, which was a reminder of who was present here in his own way, well, well done, that’s all preserved, well, according to god, everything was done humanly, its spiritual continuity, you know, in our time, not everyone observes this tradition, especially in the world, in our church, not in the church. it happens in different ways, but this spirit is felt in every corner. thank you very much for this, for vladyka, thank you. when in other countries shrines are destroyed, there is a choice in favor of certain religions, holy scripture is prohibited, in belarus the most
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important achievement has become interfaith peace, when any person decides for himself which god is in which temple pray. unfortunately, today world orthodoxy is going through difficult times. we are forced to admit this. it is impossible to look at the religious confrontation in our fraternal ukraine without pain. seizure of churches, criminal prosecution of priests, struggle for the main shrine of our orthodoxy, the kiev pechersk lavra. the tragedy is breaking out on the holy land, which has sacred significance for all world religions. unfortunately, we see attempts to drag them in.
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played out by ideologists of color revolutions and riots. in such conditions it is important to maintain equality of rights and dialogue between representatives of all faiths. we see that the world is changing and becoming more and more unpredictable. at the same time, an increasing number of scientists and analysts recognize that the focus of solving problems facing humanity is moving to the spiritual sphere. modern conflicts between countries are accompanied. to their state, society, traditional values. these processes are gaining more and more momentum and, unfortunately, are largely achieving their goals, and we can see this in the example of our closest neighbors. we all feel that
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aimed at changing a person’s attitude , we live in a very difficult, alarming time, and the situation may get worse. realizing this, we will make every effort. on the traditions of good neighborliness and tolerance of belarusians. ethno-confessional relations in our country are characterized by stability and stability. at the same time, our society is experiencing unprecedented pressure at the level of ideas and values. on the one hand, this
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is due to the unprecedented pace of technology development, i mean primarily the introduction of artificial intelligence, modern means of communication. lgbt and others. society does not have time to develop generally accepted norms of behavior. it is more difficult for a person to make the right moral choice. many people search and do not find answers to eternal questions. who am i, why am i, what is my purpose anyway? unfortunately, people are coming to our church less and less often for these answers. the church expects people to come to god on their own.
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resident radically changed someone's life. yes, not all clergy who are churched with holy ideals will talk about the spiritual pandemic of society, in moments where the family is not is being finalized, and how the younger generation chooses other anti-examples to follow. there seem to be enough specialized projects, sunday schools, and other spiritual centers, but without people with unquestioning authority and the work of an entire team, it’s just a building. the spiritual and educational center, which we are now raising again. he will consider all these questions, and people do not know who god is, the word, what we
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live for, our task in education, of course, on every word, so that we can clearly, clearly answer so that you and i can not only answer in words, but by showing our life, our activities. vladyka, i wanted to raise the question that... the building that is adjacent to the cathedral, which historically belonged to the church, so that it could be transferred to the vitebsk diocese, just for such purposes, so that part of the building could be used for the vitebsk seminary, because it is located in an adapted building, the second part should be used as a spiritual and educational center, i understood vladyka, he is like that, but i understood,
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well, they often say: here is a temple, we need a temple, but before some events on christmas or easter, i constantly visit churches, and before that we monitor the situation, but there are many churches that are simply closed, even in cities, there there is no pilgrimage as there was before, and i ’m thinking about how we can make sure that both people and we go to churches, that’s the question, there’s a problem.
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therefore, i am grateful to you for this meeting, for this conversation, i do not see any insurmountable problems here, i think, vladyka, we will cope with them, we will see how best to do this, but i just.
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history and, of course, make a feasible contribution to the development of belarus. this was emphasized by the chairman of the lower house of parliament vladimir andreichenko during the presentation of passports by a young participant in the all-belarus action we are citizens of belarus, which takes place on the canon of constitution day. this patriotic initiative has gained wide popularity among young people for many years and is rightfully
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considered one of the most important traditions, which marks the transition to... the fact that i was given this passport took a long time to prepare. ceremonial event, dedicated to constitution day took place at the ministry of internal affairs, and here special attention, honor and respect are given to young citizens. at the beginning of the ceremony , state awards were presented by a law enforcement officer, and then from the hands of the head of the department, students of the ministry of internal affairs, students of military-patriotic clubs, and
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children of employees received their first passports. the heroes of the day were the young ones. some strange machinations around the house, well, i’m a teacher, so i work with other people’s children and with my own so that they are vigilant, so that they are patriots of their country, i am sure that today is the year of quality, like our president says, if we all do what we should, we ensure safety on the streets, the guys study well
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and develop, move forward, no matter who they become in the future as employees of the internal affairs bodies, the most important thing is that we see already... today patriotism and they proudly say: i am a citizen of the republic of belarus, this is worth a lot, i am sure that with this approach we will succeed, our country will develop. and today, on the basis of the state forensic expertise committee, a large dialogue platform was held with the participation of management ministry of justice, constitutional court of students of law departments, belarusian universities. as the speakers noted, tomorrow belarusians have a double holiday.
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30 students each from thirty schools in the city, and the guys also unfurled a large state flag. in general, constitution day greatly unites the nation, it is a very important holiday for the entire belarusian people, of course , my class is also very united, we sing gin together, go to events together, in fact, in the ninth grade we go through the very topic of the constitution, this the most basic the law is a set of rules that cannot be broken under any circumstances, it unites our class, unites our school, we all sing the anthem, we participate in this celebration, this is the most important thing, i am very glad that today we are performing the anthem of our beloved country. meetings and dialogue platforms dedicated to constitution day were also held in grodno. having gone through a difficult path of formation, today. the fundamental law of belarus is the guarantor of peace and security, the preservation of the democratic principles of the planned development of society and the state, such a constitution was created
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belarusian people, you and i, we have walked step by step towards a strong and prosperous country , we have repeatedly joined forces to strengthen the state foundation, as it was, see today in the tv news agency’s project the right to independence. a total shortage of goods, empty shelves and huge queues in stores, how to take the country away from the abyss, so that they are professionally trained people, so that it is not cooks who run the country, but professionally trained people, sovereign and independent, at the center of which remains man, such a state. the belarusian people chose for themselves, the people perceived the presidential elections of 1994 with very great enthusiasm with the understanding that the fate of the country depended on us,
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having built a clear system of power, taking into account the system of checks and balances, insuring the country from rash decisions of random people in politics, that would have happened to us if we had not amended our constitution in time, independence, dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the constitution of belarus. watch on thursday march 14, immediately after the panorama. 20 countries, 114
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offices for books, publishers, writers, publicists and admirers of the printed word. the thirty-first international book exhibition fair has started in minsk. sent greetings to the participants. our president. the forum will last until sunday inclusive. every day, visitors will find exclusive events with many locations and programs. you can just come and have a look, or you can take part in discussions, master classes, and communicate with popular authors. what they read and what they think people from different countries, report with the smell of books from nina mozhaika.
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during a period of fairly active political turbulence, when someone is gathering troops around us, and military
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operations are taking place further south, we traditionally have a book holiday.
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and more interesting is the paper one, by the way, the most impressive pavilion in russia, our permanent partner, a reliable ally, the leading double-headed publishing houses are represented, they collected the cream of the huge literary market and brought it here to minsk. i have computers on my desk, and laptops are the most advanced, no, only a natural book conveys the spirit of the one who wrote the text there. alexey , please tell us, you work in the urban fantasy genre, what kind of genre is this
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, in general tell us a little, this is the kind of world that rests on people who do their little work every day, here is my global message to show that it depends on us all humanity, from each of us, the countries of the middle east stand in solidarity, the central exhibitor of this year is iran, meenakari is being demonstrated at forsi, so that it is clear, the local is inseparable from the global, you know it’s coming...
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the belarusian side quickly processed you, they processed it, it took 3 seconds to process it yesterday, oh my, i just stopped by, well, 15 minutes, that’s the whole headache, it’s all starting, the headache in the sense, but here it’s starting, the headache , we they got into the rut when it was still open - the pit and the rest stops, then there were fewer queues, when they closed it, it became twice as long here, many drivers. they stand in this queue for two weeks, as our customs officers say, it is possible to clear these trucks in two days, but this is normal for their work lithuanian colleagues. if a week ago the queue of trucks at this crossing was about 700 trucks, now it has
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almost doubled. as of this morning , there were already 1,300 trucks, and there were also more cars, up to 200 of them, and drivers have to wait for up to two days. this is what i have. all the cars are properly registered, each one takes up to 15 minutes, the catch on the other side, as you can see, on the lithuanian side all the traffic lines are practically empty, that is, everything that the lithuanian side gives us, we rhythmically we pick them up and carry out the registration, well , all this is standing there, waiting for entry into lithuanian territory from the outside.
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over the past 24 hours, the neighboring side has registered only 70 cars, instead of a possible 500, the same number at the second checkpoint venekone. only 14% of those cars that were waiting to leave for the lithuanian side passed through the meice customs checkpoint located at kamenny log. the belarusian side is ready to process the entire available number of vehicles and customs shifts as much as possible doubled, and the arsenal of technical equipment has also been strengthened. customs control, we hope that the lithuanian side will still meet halfway and will also strengthen its capabilities so that fewer people wait in queues and vehicles cross the border as quickly as possible. let us remind you that from
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march 1, on the initiative of lithuania, checkpoints were closed , and the landing area was closed on a certain side. stone log is now the busiest crossing, if we take into account that lithuanians accept 70 cars per day, then by simple calculation we can assume that this queue of 1300 trucks lasts approximately 18 days. alena lishkeevich, vitaly selyavka, television news agency. well, as it became known, as a response to lithuania’s decision to stop the movement of goods, transport and people through two border checkpoints, the government of belarus has added to the list of goods prohibited for import and sale on the territory of belarus, specifically in the specified area. the list includes certain goods originating from the republic of lithuania. yes, all the tasks that the anglo-saxons placed them in front of the puppets from the baltic countries. in latvia, which is becoming poorer by leaps and bounds, a wave of renamings
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swept through the streets and reached the shops. in riga, the owners of a shopping center called minsk forced the sign to be dismantled. this is supposedly due to us. this is another provocation of the authorities, whose values ​​are fascism and lgbt. let me remind you. in 2021 , several local officials personally removed the national flag of belarus from the site where the symbols of the participants in the world hockey championship were placed. against these non-citizens, the prosecutor general's office of belarus opened a criminal case. they are accused of committing deliberate acts aimed at inciting hatred based on nationality. hide all internal problems behind geopolitics. the dovniks will not succeed, ordinary europeans are already tired
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of the lies and hypocrisy of local pro-american officials, here an event happened like a bolt from the sky in washington and kiev, the european parliament rejected the proposal of the european commission to extend the duty-free import of agricultural products from ukraine to the eu. deputies, nevertheless, they probably heard the striking farmers and decided to add more measures for protection. their farmers, however, for how long, and is this the only reason, especially the acute protest situation in poland, where farmers blocked the ukrainian border to stop the import of products. the protest mood of farmers in the west was picked up by doctors, electricians, drivers, civil servants, and naturally, following the guidelines of civilized europe, they tried to brutally suppress the eyes of the people. on the costs of european democracy, auto column periodic table.
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high demand for manure, a surge in aggression and attempts to suppress popular anger with violence. did the farmers' fertilizer benefit barel's garden? let's consider all the political elements. and let’s put it in place , this is the periodic table, hello, the smell of spring is in europe and the scents are by no means floral, the protests are expanding geography, the powers that be still do not plan to hear the pleas for help from ordinary europeans. but bonfires in the streets, marches and garbage look , frankly speaking, unpresentable for those who are used to teaching others about life. and therefore local authorities finally decided to address this issue. pacify the indignant with violence, batons, clashes,
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tear gases and other costs of democracy. these are shots from bordeaux, local perfumers, they are also farmers, arrived on tractors to the doors of the regional council, and not empty-handed, with improvised bomb launchers. the security forces did not appreciate the generosity and began to disperse the crowd with tear gas. it was not possible to calm the protest mood with violence; as expected, it provoked a surge of aggression. farmers started setting fires and scattered fertilizers. footage from the kotdor department appeared online. according to local media reports, activists blocked the house of a senator from the macron party and decorated his gate with dead boars. the current action took place in warsaw, where protesters burned a coffin
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symbolizing the death of a farmer, but unlike the french law enforcement officers, in dispersing the dissatisfied, the polish ones have a secret weapon, they wield paving stones; a video has appeared online of a policeman throwing a cobblestone at people in spain attempts to block highways are now stopped using rubber bullets. but farmers continue to demand changes, the british have planned the largest protest in london for the evening of march 25, and the poles are preparing for the day of barricades on march 20. from 7 am to 7 pm poland will wake up, children will not go to school, people will not go to work, someone will suffer losses from the influx of cheap ukrainian products.
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after unsuccessful negotiations with the authorities , a warning strike took place, the flight attendants of the lufthansa company are also indignant, and the drivers of passenger trains of the main national. in finland, a protest by industrial workers, civil servants, drivers and electricians. workers are on strike against the government's planned large-scale labor market reforms and cuts to social security. in brussels, thousands of activists held a protest in front of the headquarters of the european commission. they are unhappy with the financial reforms that
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the eu is embarking on. they are convinced that they are going to save money on them. i'm here today because i'm against politics. austerity because they think we live on an extremely rich european continent and that the problem is poor distribution of wealth, meaning we live in a society in which a handful of people are extremely wealthy and the rest live modestly, if at all. europe is on fire, manure only contributes to the sight of the garden. today we take out the checkbook: our farmers have no money. there is no money for hospitals, where every day people die in intensive care units, and we will send billions to kiev every month. absolutely terrible arithmetic was published by the british edition of the financial times. there they calculated
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how many citizens of ukraine separate kiev from extermination of his own people. so, after 10 years of travel. from maidan to european integration , just over 11 million ukrainians are still alive. 1,200 thousand were forcibly sent into the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces, almost 1.5 million fled, the fate of 900,000 men is unknown. however, for the owners of the kiev regime, this is just the beginning. a bill on the release of prisoners in exchange for service in the armed forces of ukraine was introduced to the verkhovna rada. they were also targeted. a person with a disability, according to the new chief of the general staff of ukrainian terrorists, can become meat in the ukrainian army with any disability group, quote: if a person can tie a grenade to himself and jump into a dugout, then he is fit.
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border security continues to be strengthened by our border guards. a new modern complex with the borovaya outpost was opened in lelchetsky. area. the outpost guards a section of the state border more than 45 km long. its feature is swampy terrain. border guards have to serve in difficult conditions. in the context of the militarization of our closest neighbors, in the conditions of constant provocations on the state border, we, of course, it is necessary to respond appropriately to the current situation. the president of the country set the task for the security bloc to preserve.
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before the construction of the new outpost, border guards served in this direction since may 2014 , based in the building of the village council. and as noted, during the opening of the outpost, all opportunities have now been created for comfort and effective completion of assigned tasks. while strengthening its borders, belarus has never closed its doors to its neighbors. someone is erecting fences, building iron curtains, removes signs. well, we, we are different, offer without visas, extend a helping hand to those who need it. our country has hosted the children of donbass more than once, this time to relax and improve their health; for the first time, children from the kherson region came. a few hours ago to the capital's station.


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