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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 15, 2024 3:50am-4:21am MSK

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the correct answer to our question is option c. the author of this creation is leonid daineka. senya? i remember for sure that option b is a sword. prince vyachka, this work was studied at the end of the seventh grade, this is the hour of on, when she fought in the tamton order, yeah, option b: the sword of prince vyachka is owned by a sweet, modest girl , which means her favorite book is pet cemetery , favorite movie, house of wax, thriller, horror detective, once my friend and i decided to try it. well, i liked it,
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and horror films, maybe you’ll join them watched? no, i'm afraid, we are remembering the school program together with the project participants, i know, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, the song of irodi b
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u aychyna pain is balіts, there is a radzima , there is a budze song, there is a song, and a radzime zhyts. the roof of the heart of the mind is the philosophical work of imanuel kant, just like how i feel on my skin, and if anyone is older, it would be a couple of old ones. if there is any thought that is not necessary, then this is a priori merkavanne, if this idea is not taken out of the hands of those who themselves chargu neabkhodnyya, then yano madoina apriyornae palazhenne. pachuўy on your address krytyku, kant is extremely raking snort, and only adnoychy. by the way, no one from the appanent
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understands my opus is so good, like herr salamon maimon, a compliment goes to the lad from the same place "mir", the university does not end, but herewith advazhya studies the thought of the philosopher's sign: the sunny beetle's baroque is an extraordinary weight , and for some reason there was a heavy duty station, but there were no cargoes arriving there from the baltyka. dzins, barks, berlins they brought the most varied goods, including books and gifts. at the house of khayman, the books were in full swing, and everything in europe was idzishi. galava doesn’t have any business at this hour, he cares about business, including sorrow, food, and money. and all iago ўnuk helma looked at the karenchyki. the cotton boy was allowed to read only the talmud. let's helmet together at the beginning of the war. and books for
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the elderly, books on books. this is a self -evident idea, which is not the point in mathematics, but a self-sufficient solution in astronomy. yago father would be to the rabbis, chalaveks adukavan. my son falls asleep with tortured tattoos. “well, good, god of the created world, who is the created god? you, who are all the most high , have no doubts. saf, bagaslov, doctor 12th century, mashe ben maimon. i am the father of the daven of the ruined, so grabbed the helmet that they gave the lad a minion. maimon. salamon maimon, two vyalik_yuray sages with hellish names. when i was ninety years old, i well , not only good things are understood talmudze, ale i i like to waste time. yaўreі shanavalі is unbelievable.
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the merchants treated them as the best partner for their dachas, and they understood that such sons- in-law would not multiply. there, already 11 years ago , i became a grown-up groom. the matchmaking was not done empty-handed, and father’s pennies were saved. right here is the drain, and he doesn’t know anything wrong, which is why the adrazu is on two sides. nobody wants to compromise with competitors. what's wrong here?
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latvian alphabet, mix with hebrew, learn german language, read everything that catches your eye, you can get prices travel hundreds of miles to get a good book, learn bondage, jewish mystical teachings, send them to your side and practice
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their side, as a trace of nasal tseshchy, shynkarka pastayanna for yago welds lasya, the question from the mentor is closed, as they give... ureshtse salamon understands, yago vabyats not myastechki, vyalikiya garadas. not developed here, but destroyed near vyalika. light in the background of the issue and without the shelēgu in the city, the traps in könixberg, according to the ruler of imanuel kant, we did not know, the unshakable right of the gavars in germany with such accents that the germans simply didn’t understand. farther from berlin
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to the light. for now, i haven’t had a soft cough and slept on breast lard, which i served as spoons of dozens of other gills. at... at such look ў berlin is not empty, nothing was left behind, as tulatsa, pouring out mylascine, so that the raptam in the knowledge pit will receive lucky quotes, the gill of our knowledge of the carnivorous equal, kali paslya good yachery fell upon me and myakkaga spoon, i i don’t believe in my people. maimon settles things for the governors at the rich house. i would give up, alive and rejoice, you... don’t let gadaved sleep. adnoy maimon pabachy, like a master, is consuming his goods from an old philosophical book. ask for what hell has left behind, wash it, write vodka. based on the knowledge of him, the most famous jewish philosopher of this hour, moses
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mendelssohn, requested an autar for yesterday in his berlin office and started to help. mendelssohn would have been not only intelligent, but also rich. svaymu pratezhe yon paraіў atrymats adukatsyyu, earn a career. salamon is eager to point out the karchma, where are the activities. the bastards are right, mendelssohn got fed up with it. he told me on my side that the nobles were not pleased with me. all the bugs are found to be infertile, because i have no life plan, but there are many bad looks, free breeders and large-scale plots. salamon pakryўdziўsya: if you do this, i’ll take you to hell. the badians were praising. hamburg, amsterdam, the hague. it’s no secret that i don’t give in to my character in any practical way, and from now on i’ll be a well-known thinker. ureshtse, adzin dabradzey
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takes maimon’s hand, and let’s go to the gymnasium. the girl was already over 30. she was walking around in class. salamon is back in berlin, having rented an attic from a certain granny, and from the past. in kant's mind , idealism, epistemalogy, metaphysics, and speeches are transcendental. maimon not only understands kant, he also showed his zeal , he had a whole book ready, let me tell you, the berlin doctor markus hertz, who would have been a student of kant and, well, i am an asabist. hertz hіba pacіsnuў plyachym. "spadar
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maimon is the hell of the earth, as i understand you." edging on sheets the amal does not agree, but this time it will not be covered, and it will not be covered. kant's praise immediately made salamon popular. vyadoma. "my pavaga and maimon are not may between, on the first philosophy of kant i know on galava, i don’t doubt that this adzin is from the most important thoughts of our time. maimon is self-interested in his interests. no, this is not his career. these. myslyar akhvotna selling gutarka to high topics, for a fun campaign and a good drink. what did you do for your health? navat dziuna, as i grabbed the hour, let's talk about it. you are not less, the collection of
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maimon’s creation is 10 stam. adzin s ikh - autography. dzyakuyuchy ey, kant, mindelssohn, fichte, goethe, were given by neman, zhuka's baroque, the world, this belarusian meat, for several reasons the young people were conceived, being elected philosophers. an amazing adventure for foreigners in belarus, hello, hello, welcome me , what’s your name? and my name is olga, very nice. i was busy preparing for peru.
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once upon a time, events took place in these places that the world still remembers. here now the railway passes through brest moscow, so many of you have been here, of course, you have already guessed that everything... i am building my route to the city of borisov, the homeland of historical monuments and hospitable people. getting to borisov and the capital is quite simple, by any transport the journey will not take
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more than an hour and a half without any changes, but if you want to save time, then you should... still choose a minibus, it will take you faster, although tickets will be more expensive, from 7 rub. well, you can buy a ticket for the train even for 3 rubles, if you are in the mood admiring the views from the window while listening to the sound of wheels. named after the polotsk prince borisov , it has existed for more than nine centuries , it experienced a lot during this time, saw a lot, was a famous trade and craft center in its time, received the magdeburg law, and endured internecine struggles between the princes. and terrible destructive wars. the coat of arms of borisov has depicted the apostle peter between two towers since the 18th century. he holds the keys to the city in his hands, symbolizing the strength and inaccessibility of the city, as well as an open path for good neighborliness and trade. and to this day borisov remains exactly that way. the memory of the life
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of the city was carefully collected by researchers of the local history museum. the borisov museum opened its doors to... in 1946, and now i ’m going there to get to know the history of the city better. borisov was founded in 1102 by the polotsk prince boris sislavich, who...
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therefore, modern borisov began to grow from the fortress of the late 14th century; a smaller copy of the ancient castle can be seen in the very first exhibition of the museum. today, if you come to this place, then this gogol street, all of it was dedicated to this castle, but of course, there is practically nothing left of this castle, it is impossible to approach it. a separate hall of the museum will tell about the appearance of religious writing here. the bible and torah, paintings depicting borisov architecture, in general, are the cultural heritage of the city. the history of borisov has many upheavals, but one of the most significant is the war with napoleon. the berezina river, which flows through the city, is known as one of the key points of victory over
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the french army. in europe today they say so: in napoleonic warriors there are three important... material evidence of those events is placed behind exhibition glass, some exhibits were found at battle sites, and some were donated to the museum. and the cascarosier of napoleon's army, an authentic exhibit, the uniform of napoleon's army, specifically prussia, after all, there are 11 european states... but what is interesting is not only their appearance, but also how carefully the design was thought out so that all the details had their own meaning and purpose. you know what is interesting about this shako, such a deep landing,
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and if a soldier put it on his head, it would seem to cover his face, but what about him? to fight, accordingly, in the middle of this cover there was a leather jumper, when a person put it on his head, he secured it on his head, it turns out that it sat like this, the face was open, but this distance from the jumper to the top, the soldier used instead of pockets, uniform of that time, it seemed to not have pockets, in such an improvised pocket the soldiers filled documents with important things for themselves, if there were no things, they put branches and straw. at critical moments, such a headgear could even save one from being hit with a cold weapon. the most impressive exhibit is hard to miss. but the original,
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unfortunately, has not survived. this copy was made from the munich copy, and the munich copy burned down during the great patriotic war, that is, after the red army entered europe, but it is from a photograph. sent to us, it represents today, in museums and cities of poland there are only six fragments, in general it was created by order velhelm ii. prussian king, at the end of the 19th century. the artists worked for 16 months, the original canvas was 120 m long, 15 landings and was exhibited in berlin, warsaw, krakow, kiev. in moscow, then krakow returned again, but the artists could not decide which of them was more blatant? osak painted photographic scenes, and falat painted landscapes, and you know, they valued
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falat more, but gosok believed that his contribution was greater, and he took scissors in 197 and cut this panorama. that is why, unfortunately, only six fragments remain at the moment, and she is the most truthful moment showing the crossing of napoleon's army through. in 1812, 30,000 soldiers arrived, as well as the civilian population, but no one counted the civilian population, they called them a column of death, and only 9,000 left the berezina alive. over time, recovering from the war, borisov turned into an industrial city, the impetus for this was the appearance of the railway here in 1871; borisov’s connection with other cities marked rapid development and population growth. population, we have an industrial enterprise operating more than 100 years, a school impregnation plant, then a crystal plant, unfortunately,
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it does not produce such a product, but it has a belmed glass production, a sinter factory, a paper and wrapping production, this is all that has already passed the hundred-year mark, the development of the city in its industry and culture was disrupted by the great patriotic war, it irrevocably changed the course of life of borisov and its inhabitants. the new german order is the prisoner of war camps on the right bank, the jewish ghetto on the left bank, destroyed in 2 days, october 20 and 21 in 1941. the strictest the rules were established by the germans for the local population; in order to survive, civilians had to watch their every step. you couldn’t take water from the well you wanted, what they took there. the germans, for fear of poisoning a sentry, were not allowed to have radios, all this had to be handed over, it was impossible to violate order, regime,
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etc. during the great patriotic war , 18 underground groups and partisan detachments of the brigade operated in borisov. the heroism and courage of the people who liberated the city remain captured in busts and photographs. the operation was successful, which liberated the city of borisov, the territory of course. in belarus, it was intended for the baltic countries, the tank crew that distinguished themselves during the liberation of the city of borisov, commanded by pavel nikolaevich rak, they , after the blown-up bridge, when they found themselves on the right bank at about 18 o’clock, alone continued the fight. the tank crew of pavel rak, the only one in the entire history of the second world war , was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. on july 1, the city was liberated exactly. years of occupation. on july 1st there is a street in the city boriseva, which reminds us that the city has become free. a separate exhibition
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of the museum is devoted to the topic of genocide of civilians and prisoners of war. since 2011, research has been carried out in the area. in the surrounding areas, 76 soldier medallions have already been found, 28 of which have been read. the fate of the soldiers previously considered dead has been determined.
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on what basis do certain american corporations, ngos, soros, media-like structures dictate to us the rules of life in our state, the thought still lingers as if in one way or another, precisely provocative, because otherwise it will not be possible to unleash a military conflict; at the moment there are no prerequisites for defeating us. now we are on the verge of holding electoral campaigns, the terrorist activity of our opponents , it is beginning to intensify significantly, here is the clear interaction of various law enforcement agencies and components, here are the armed forces, and the state security committee , the ministry of internal affairs, the border service agencies, this is precisely our joint activity, she doesn't give terrorists will come directly to our soil. belarus is forever inscribed in red
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letters in the history of diplomacy. a happy childhood and youth, a calm and measured life, they have what many strive for. when we were young , we rode motorcycles with the neighborhood kids and explored local attractions and forest
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paths, tiredly. it’s hot, we’re not tired of working in magata, we come here, we shop, this is a place where you can recharge, a project about how modern poleshuks live, that’s what else i like about the paleshuks, they live community, that is, if someone is digging potatoes, there is no need to come and invite them, that oh, let’s go, aunt olya is there or someone help, no, they see that the horseman has gone there, they are for cats, for these k... let's go. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . many monuments and obelisks were erected in honor of heroic defenders. one of these
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memorials. the alley of heroes attracts special attention; the battle path of the 6th guards rifle division is reflected here; the battles where the division showed itself did not take place near borisov, but after the war were relocated here. the alley appeared in 1972, and the main credit for this belongs to major general alexei simirenko, division commander and major alexander baryshev.
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we can see the remnants of memory from even more ancient times with our own eyes. the borisov prison castle, although not in its original form, has been preserved, having avoided complete destruction. the exact date of construction of the castle is not preserved in the documents. historians believe that it was built between the late 19th and mid-14th centuries. the ancient castle was besieged and destroyed and rebuilt more than once. the ruins that remain of it today date back to a prison castle from the late 19th century. these walls, now practically destroyed to the very foundations, told the story.


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