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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 15, 2024 9:00am-9:11am MSK

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good mornings belarus. live news on belarus 1, in the studio olga kalairova, good morning, look in this issue, the legal foundation of the state, the guarantee of rights and freedoms for each of us. belarus celebrates
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constitution day, the country's basic law is 30 years old. in response to the unfriendly action, belarus introduced a ban on the import of certain goods from lithuania, including food, construction products and household appliances. to avoid another blunder at a pre-election rally. biden's aides did not allow him to talk to reporters and took him away from the press out of harm's way. contribution to the development of science, education and industry, the country's leading university in the field of computer science and radio electronics is 60 years old. belarus is a multi-religious country, but we have always managed to preempt conflicts. non -religious peace on our land is the main achievement. alexander lukashenko stated this. the president held a meeting with the synod of the belarusian orthodox church. the basis of our policy is religious tolerance. without agreement
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between people of different faiths, in this the goals of the country’s leadership and the church are the same, maintaining equality of rights and dialogue is especially important in the current conditions, when the geopolitical situation in the world is tense to the limit, and world orthodoxy is going through difficult times, the religious confrontation in ukraine, the tragedy of the holy land are painful, attempts are being made to drag other countries into the conflict, but all this is not modern fashion is reflected in the religious tolerance of our nation.
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the country cannot repeat the sad experience of 2020, when individual priests played politics. the church is not a socio-political platform. her the most important mission is to set moral christian guidelines. today belarus celebrates one of the main public holidays - constitution day, the main law of the country is 30 years old. the president congratulated belarusians on constitution day. according to the head of state, adopted 30 years ago , improved by... thanks to the constitution, key institutions of state power have been created, the rights and freedoms of citizens are guaranteed, the voice of the people given for the continuity of the best traditions of the past era has become the key to preserving peace and harmony in society. the unprecedented trust of belarusian citizens in the political system made it possible to build a stable and independent state, enshrined in the basic law. fundamental values,
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such as social justice, traditional family and historical truth, are the right guidelines for us to overcome modern challenges and look confidently into the future. as the first one noted, it is symbolic that this year for the first time in constitutional status the all-belarusian people's assembly will begin its work, speaking in new role, the highest representative body of the people's power will become another powerful pillar of our statehood. yulia alferova will tell you how the document developed over the years of sovereignty. this is the current constitution with amendments that we and the belarusians adopted in a referendum in 2022, and if you look at the history of the development of the basic law, perhaps this is the most large-scale constitutional reform in terms of the number of innovations that have undergone in the articles of the constitution, this is what remains unchanged, innovation is dictated by life, and the decision accepts the people, and belarus is unique in this approach over the years of sovereignty, amendments to
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the constitution were made three times, solely as a result of referendums, the document that was collected in ninety-four became a kind of anti-crisis, but at the same time not yet capable of ensuring the effective work of the young.
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having committed military aggression against other states, they assigned the role of stabilizer to the all-belarusian people's assembly, and this is another step to strengthen the institution of democracy. it is not for nothing that the constitution is called the law of laws; it has the highest legal strength on the territory of belarus, here is our
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course, from which we did not stray, even when our journey in 30 years from the abyss in which belarus almost found itself after the collapse of the soviet union, to the quality for which we are famous, was very stormy. for this significant date, the national library of belarus has prepared a thematic exhibition; about 50 documents are on display, including rare copies from the national archive. copies of original documents that will show the history of the development of our constitution, its very first sketches, because for the first time this year. we are exhibiting projects, the first draft is from the year ninety-three and the second draft is from march 10, 1994, we presented all the editions of the constitution, starting with the one that was in 1919, as soon as our
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republic was created, a copy of the book is also presented, which tells children about the constitution, it has become a good tradition on constitution day to present a passport to a citizen of the republic of belarus. schoolchildren, today in minsk the solemn ceremony will be held in the capital’s shopping center, also a dialogue platform and a concert will take place here. response to lithuania’s unfriendly actions to close two border checkpoints. resolutions of the savmin on march 14 established a ban on the import of certain goods from lithuania, including food, construction products and household appliances. in addition, a separate government decision also prohibits the transport of a number of goods for sale on the territory of belarus. regardless of their country of origin, the list includes used clothing, spare parts, as well as tires, alcoholic beverages and other goods. it is noted that these prohibitions do not affect goods imported for personal use. the ministry of foreign affairs stated that a similar inclusion would leave unanswered the steps
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of the latvian government in connection with the introduction of an import embargo in 2024 on a number of belarusian food products. the department pointed out that it was counterproductive and futile. former sanctions measures directed against belarus and emphasized that such actions only strengthen the self-isolation of our baltic neighbors and undermine their already weakening economic potential. minsk. once again he calls on vilnius and riga to bring more independence, balance and focus on the true interests of their own people into their policies. however, the priorities of official vilnius are aimed primarily at supporting the american military-industrial complex. lithuania received a batch of 35 multi-purpose armored vehicles, which it purchased from the united states for its armed forces. the country's ministry of defense reported this. in total, vilnius signed two contracts for the purchase of these machines. according to the first, lithuania... 200 units of this equipment, the second will supply another 300.


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