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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 15, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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belarus from different eras and styles. byzantine architecture, which had passed its time with a bang, began to float on the ancient russian style. and that’s all that we really know from the 19th century, this is the main palitichny project. russian style. he is working on and digging out such significant elements of that old architecture, otherwise things would have already become different. let's look at their history and basic facts. the theatre, the mass theater would have been dismantled from the issued red tsegly, and all this hell, yana there was a white color scheme that worked in contrast, and was crazy, emphasizing these elements. banks of the 20th century were already planned for the past year, there was a great amount of data reminders with quarters for...
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these are children with cerebral palsy, 80% are children with musculoskeletal disorders and this is the group of cerebral palsy. recently, we have begun to take children with concomitant pathologies for rehabilitation from time to time, that is, children with autism, these are children with systemic diseases, these are children with psychophysical characteristics, these are children all with the status of disabled children, over the years of operation of the center, they have undergone rehabilitation of about. 26 thousand children, this year we can
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please our society, because this year we have a record, 1,303 children underwent rehabilitation during the year, eight children went on their own and 10 children had their disability lifted, every year we 10-11-12 we put children on their feet, this is an achievement, yes, this is an achievement, this is the work of the whole team - this is the work of the team that gives children happiness. not only in gifts, but in physical condition. state support for children in our country, including disabled children, is colossal. and one of the ways to help this category of children is the help and support of our rehabilitation center, because it is no secret that our children who undergo rehabilitation enjoy the right to stay, all rehabilitation in the country, in principle. in our center it is completely
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free, finding a mother to care for the child, issuing a certificate of incapacity for work, including our mothers who are raising disabled children, the state has given the opportunity work up to 0.5 rate while maintaining benefits , this is travel, this is assistance and support in equipping assistance, issuing technical means, and therefore in our country this has state support and state protection, so i think that the stage of the rehabilitation system itself in our country it is special because there is this phasing system, and we go to the patient, we go to the child, so early rehabilitation, which is recognized in our country to help children like this, is all state support. benefits,
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pensions in our center, they made the so-called vicious circle, rehabilitation, from 3 years to 18 children undergo rehabilitation and...
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a public association that helps children with special needs and children , mainly orphans and children who are left without parental care, because on the initiative of the children's fund such a program was created in the country , how to raise children, family-type homes, methods of assistance and rehabilitation are being improved today, probably all over the world, do you accept on the one hand?
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significant, and i know that our foreign guests are coming, who are quietly they envy our country because we have preserved those traditions and those approaches that they have, unfortunately, been destroyed, as for the children's fund, these are family-type homes, as
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for the complexity of rehabilitation in our country, this is what, thanks to state support, we have preserved , we are developing this, and we strive, strive to... on what basis do certain american corporations, ngos, sarasyats, media-like structures dictate to us the rules of life in our state. we still cherish the thought of how, in one way or another, namely provocative, because there is no other way. it will be possible to unleash a military conflict, at the moment there are no prerequisites for defeating us, now we are on the verge of holding electoral campaigns, the terrorist activity of our opponents is beginning to intensify significantly, here is the clear interaction of various law enforcement
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agencies and components, here are the armed forces , and the state security committee, the ministry of internal affairs, the border service authorities, it’s our joint activity that doesn’t allow people to come... belarus has forever been listed in red in letters in the history of diplomacy, a fundamental principle. the natural state for man is peace. the project is objective. don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. only for our viewers, we choose the best routes. we are located in a small town in the grodno region, called bridges. welcome. having eaten too much for a long time, they could not eat either baked fish or fish soup, they just sat and said 100 lin. from then on the name of the city stolin came. and we set off on an exciting journey. at the end of the 15th century there was a large settlement in this place, and
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it appeared at the intersection of major trade routes, nemansky and bresko-vilnius. the almans are a real tourist highlight, the only ones that have been preserved. all in a natural state in belarus and the largest in europe, these are the twenties, thirty- nine years, i can safely say that this is the best time for urban architecture, sidewalks appeared. highway trees were planted and beautiful new buildings were built to show how strangely wonderful our country was when he moved from one place to another, the horses were unharnessed and transported by the believers themselves, the jews, from one place to another, now as we see, the image is clearly visible, colors began to appear, this is of course a miracle of god, look.
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i'm belarusian, i'm on this cossack land, here between the forests and the pushchaya dzikikh for centuries, i'm belarusian, i 'm on this cossack land...
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we are too small in the new age and work of the world fuck the music, the music, what a joke.
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the light changes, as much as it changes us, the music inside our skin is with us. the focus on import substitution and innovation in belarus has determined the directions for the development
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of the industrial complex for 2024. a new innovative production is planned to be created on the territory of horizon holding to use every square meter. made in belarus, cardiologists are testing the first domestic bioprosthesis for the heart. and partnership for the future , the thirty-first international book fair is taking place in minsk. the events program is on air, in the studio of alina lapo. hello. belarusian industry expects this year to maintain the high production rates set over the past few years. what horizons are they planning? let's ask our columnist oles vysotskaya. we need to add at least 5%; the start of the year is already showing positive dynamics. the task is not just to increase exports, but to find new markets. in addition to the russian market, the priority markets are africa, latin america, and southeast asia. among other important areas of import substitution. many of these projects are being implemented in belarus jointly
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with russia. for this purpose, moscow is ready to allocate additional funds. minsk and moscow are actively growing as allies. belarus and russia have already agreed on 27 union projects, five more are at the final stage, there are already results in the implementation of union projects, this is noticeable in the example of investments directed to industry. russian federation, then the belarusian program for the development of microelectronics was approved, and today we see how
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rapidly, i emphasize again, our integral is developing, last year’s salary was 3,300 rubles. according to the ministry of industry, the salary is 2171, can you imagine, that’s all it gave, what is it gave work, this gave an increase in the volume of production over 2 years of the integral by 2.2 times, that is, this is not just wages paid, this is the salary that the workers earned, there was a problem with personnel at the integral, these personnel were not found, but this the process that began has made it possible today to completely close the personnel problem, then young... specialists came who receive decent wages, well , they enjoy the work they do. salary is only one of the indicators of stable operation of industry, in general from ten have achieved six, but key indicators, production growth, exports are among them. the government recognizes that the number one russian market is obviously saturated, and therefore it is necessary to more actively
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diversify foreign sales. we have done a lot of work on the south american markets.
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one unfriendly step or an aggressive one and we take only retaliatory measures, declaring our readiness for an equal dialogue. it is very important that we have built a system for protecting the strengthening of national positions in the international arena, developing interaction with proven and new partners, expanding export opportunities with an emphasis on diversification. it is significant that we trade with more than two hundred countries and territories, and we export. in 160 countries of the world, and this despite the global deterioration in the terms of foreign trade. the foreign ministry also noted that belarus is going through a difficult stage of complete transformation of international relations, while the state is progressively developing in an era of breaking the old and establishing a new reality in the world. driver for the development of belarusian industry regions remain, so they will begin to build
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an industrial park in pinsk. the city needs a modern site for new production. what will the object be like? it is planned that the first areas of the future park will be commissioned by the end of the year. pensk is participating in an accelerated development program; its residents are not just more than 80 thousand, as the program requires, all 125. therefore, updating the lines of existing enterprises and opening new ones is an important task: there is simply no free production space for rent. there will be cases, batteries will be produced, there will be produce mineral fertilizers, the roof will be released in different directions. an enterprise, a new workshop means new equipment and new goods instead of imports. at the beginning of next year, they plan to build a new plant in pinsk, which will produce plastic components
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for batteries with a production volume of up to 3 million per year. mkadur-pinsk operates in new realities. the components of 20 designers at work are also mastered. every year we manage to send two or three new cars to the assembly line. some time ago, back when the situation was geopolitical world. she was calm , there were also a lot of advisers, that we don’t need it, we can buy it all, why do we need to get involved with these pieces of hardware, invent something, it means we have a free world and so on, well, there wouldn’t have been such decisions then, now if we would reap the benefits, and here in these squares we would probably see equipment, but with non-belarusian letters, but on board, so there is a demand for it not only in our country, of course, the yaas market is the key one.
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on the territory of the holding horizon by 2025. what is this project? uses empty space that was rented out. last year, the company increased production volume by more than 75%. innovation will help you master a new direction. over 90% of products today are exported. it is necessary to carry out repairs to all areas and buildings that are located on the horizon site, to involve them in economic activities, and not to slow down the pace of production. own products, increasing export sales, and of course, working out aspects of modernization further production, that is, for the purchase
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of equipment, the total number of areas is 59 m2, 23 of them are already involved in economic activities, a medical center is successfully functioning on the basis of the horizon, scientific potential is concentrated, including it specialists and developers, it is also gradually increasing. ..what is he betting on? one of the emphasis is on deep processing of products and the construction of new livestock complexes, this was announced at the third international forum belarus agricultural dairy farm, which gathered in minsk dozens of representatives. expert companies, among the know-how of orthopedic services for animals, it was presented by a company from yaroslavl. our goal is
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to produce more than 8,600,000 tons of milk in terms of gross milk production in the twenty-fourth year, and 9,200 in the twenty-fifth year, this is a very high production rate. the government has set the correct task of deep processing of both meat and dairy products with high added value. we can conquer other markets, the same russian market, with a large assortment finished products, work is also being done to improve the quality of feed, there is no limit to perfection and management on the farm, a separate block is digitalization, innovation of the military-industrial complex, all this is especially relevant in the year of quality. thank you, the review was prepared by olesya vysotskaya. more news from the economic sphere and not only on the website of our tv channel march 15 is the day of the constitution of belarus. this year the basic law of the country turns 30 years old. how have the documents changed ? to what extent does the updated constitution
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meet the requirements of the time? let’s ask vyacheslav danilovich, rector of the academy of management under the president of belarus. vyacheslav viktorovich, hello, hello. an updated constitution has been in force in belarus for 2 years now, but why were amendments made to the basic law of the country? these are the demands of the time, we all see perfectly well what is happening in the modern world when. also, unfortunately, they spurred this process, we saw firsthand how easy it is to lose the peace and tranquility that exists in our country, and how difficult it is to restore something later,
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the clearest example is ukraine, the fact that we...
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as a historian, i will note that this is traditionally the case, in any crisis situations power must always be concentrated in order to ensure a way out of these crises, well , the first ones were introduced as a result of the 1996 constitutional referendum changes that strengthened presidential power , which means belarus has already become a presidential republic, the necessary vertical was built, and thanks to this we managed to get out of the crisis, then we can remember 2004, when the people showed high confidence in our the president, yes he allowed it. to be elected for new regular terms, yes, to the post of head of state, and as already noted in 2022, a constitutional referendum is also overdue, it was the need of the time, and here too there are such drastic changes, well, in what terms, here it has already started redistribution of power, such a new institution was introduced at the constitutional level, enshrined as the all-belarusian people's assembly, although if you look from a historical point of view, this is in our traditions, in
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our mentality, just remember. the ancient slavic veche, which was also present here in the principality of polotsk, in our other lands, yes, this means that we can recall the people ’s assembly of western belarus as an example of similar and assemblies, and moreover, in recent history we have held six all-belarusian people’s assemblies, which actually took place every 5 years, they determined the socio-economic directions of development, this is also an institution that has shown its effectiveness, because the same ninety-sixth year, remember, when the first russian the people's assembly, the people spoke out, through this assembly in support. of the course of the head of our state to overcome the crisis , this is also an important element, well, now it is already a constitutionally formalized body, the highest representative body in our country, 1200 participants, which unites, on the one hand, parliamentarians and representatives of the executive branch, which means representatives of local councils, public organizations, that is, this is such a vast, extensive institution that should perform the function of insuring our society and state from some
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and executive power, legislative and public organizations, as i already noted, local authorities, and develop this strategic course that our society and state should move without shocks, therefore this is a very important element of our model of democracy , which was created in the republic of belarus, and as i emphasize once again, this is not some element brought in from the outside, but it corresponds to our mentality, our historical experience of development, and we can now... say that the all-belarusian people's assembly has been endowed with quite a lot of powers , the president of our country will also speak there , which means messages to the belarusian people , the prime minister will also give reports accordingly, the concept of national security and military doctrine will be adopted, which means other things will be determined course of socio-economic development, which is traditionally yes for this institute, but in addition to this it will be approved


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