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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 15, 2024 8:00pm-8:50pm MSK

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live panorama, in the studio elena nasacheva, hello, the quality of life of citizens, national dignity and sovereignty, the unfavorability of western european politicians has been chosen by our country and invariably the mark.
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gomel to the northern capital of russia, find out from the panorama about the cost of tickets to st. petersburg, flight frequency and prospects for civil aviation. a historical date in the history of sovereign belarus: the country celebrates constitution day today. 30 years, by the standards of history, this may not be such a long period, but for people who stood at the origins of our national statehood, definitely an important milestone. today, a detailed conversation took place at the palace of independence, this is a kind of assessment of the path we have traveled, and how we see the future of the country. representatives of different generations of spheres, judges of the constitutional court, senators, deputies, managers, public figures, leaders of political parties, scientists, each of them in one way or another, participated in
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the development and improvement of the first and only constitution of the sovereign republic of belarus, contributed to the economic and social development of the country. the whole story in faces and facts in the report by ilona krasudskaya. there are many legendary personalities in the independence palace today. yes, some of them no longer appear in the public space so often, but this does not mean that the department has completely disappeared. the state still turns to their experience and knowledge, so the word pension is very arbitrary.
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also at the republican referendum, i wish him the same big, happy and interesting future as his predecessor. 30 years, what happened during this time in belarus, in one report, of course, you cannot tell everything, but it is absolutely clear that it is always not easy to start: the first president, the first referendum and the constitution are the first steps in building an independent state, regulations and legal framework - control over an independent court, a vertical of control was built from scratch, as ours will say...
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mechanisms for interaction between various structures have not been developed, in such realities, in fact , the country is governed by 360 deputies, including me, responsibility is completely blurred, it’s me i saw it from the inside, few people in the nineties
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were worried about the fact that people in factories did not receive wages for months, who was worried about the empty shelves in small shops? remembering that period, i once again want to thank our people, the people who believed in us, were romantic, supported us in referendums, and ultimately stopped the scenario prepared for us of the permanent destruction of the nation and national statehood. as the head of state rightly notes, the tone of the conversation may not be entirely appropriate for a holiday, but for for 30 years, a new one has grown...
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belarus has one of the lowest levels of poverty among the population, i can’t even imagine what kind of poverty it is? today if you want to earn more, work three jobs. today we are no longer talking about unemployment, today we are talking about labor shortages. well,
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even if we measure our life, poverty, and so on with these indicators, it is the lowest not only among the cis countries. but among the states of the european union, we are rational in financial matters, we do not allow our debts to be accumulated and transferred to the future generation, our national debt does not exceed 32% of gross domestic product. it is no secret that in radio in highly developed countries this figure is many times higher. we have created a modern, highly productive agricultural sector and entered the top five exporters.
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european politicians and the quality of life of belarusians, our national dignity and sovereignty, then the choice is obvious. again, turning to history, after every referendum, and indeed any political campaign, then the young state had enough people who wanted, at a minimum, to criticize the government,
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fight more, chant in the squares. some imposed schemes of chaos without power, others divided according to linguistic and ethnic principles, but belarusians always made a choice in favor of strong power. answered by going to the referendum, voting in elections, answered with an absolute majority
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of votes, observing the law more than democratically. belarus has retained the practice of continuity and mentoring. the authorities have always consulted with people on the most important and pressing issues, including each of the four referendums. on the last the country voted to change the basic law. this is the people's constitution. people from various backgrounds offered their proposals on discussion platforms. spheres, this is our common work, we ourselves created our history, our own laws, we also wrote ourselves, as we knew how then and as we understand now, therefore we live for a third of a century under informational, political and economic pressure. all this time behind the cordon, only the lazy did not call lukashenko a dictator and an authoritarian president. okay, let them call it, what matters is what we end up with we have. unsquandered national wealth , preserved sovereignty, security and peace
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in our native land, the growth of the well-being of our citizens, peace, quiet and silence for ordinary people, now improving the basic law in the twenty-first and twenty-second years, we also responded to the challenges of the time, it is clear that it is not enough to include guarantees in legal regulations. responsibility, powers and so on, we need to make them real practice, we are doing everything that was promised 30 years ago, and what we promised, by and large, we fulfilled, because that there is someone to ask and someone to answer. the results of the referendum in the twenty-second year, the all-belarusian people's assembly received constitutional status, the highest body of democracy will make a fateful decision for the country. some of the president's powers have been redistributed. historical memory,
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the development of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, patriotism, and then for several years there was a lot of work to bring the legislation into line; about a hundred laws had to be adjusted, including the adoption of the most important vns. ans is serious popular constitutional control over all processes in the country, and the president, no matter what the president may be. the mind of 1200 people, it can never be wrong , it will choose the optimal option for our
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development, one person, no matter what it is, with such a tough power as we have now, who knows, he can cope, he can’t cope, therefore, without interfering with the president, like i set the task for the constitutional commission, he is the head of state, he will be responsible for a lot, without interfering with him, carefully find the vns its place in our public... at the same time it is obvious that belarusians liked the practice of participation in making fateful decisions for the country, the letter of the law, as an absolute. our activities are dedicated to ensuring that those constitutional innovations, which, among other things , expand citizens’ access to constitutional justice, are effective and that the desired result is achieved. during the development of amendments to the constitution, so we, of course, today actively participated in
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the preparation of amendments to this law, and are currently actively working towards the development of the institution constitutional complaint, we have already received 50 constitutional complaints from citizens, and we are carefully studying them, explaining to citizens the procedure for appealing to the constitutional court so that this legal institution really plays its role. exercising control over the constitutionality of regulatory legal acts of the state. currently, the activities of the constitutional court are aimed at qualitatively solving the problems defined in the updated
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constitution. firstly, ensuring the supremacy of the constitution and its direct actions. on the territory of the republic of belarus, fulfilling the role of the custodian of the constitution, the constitutional court contributes its way to ensuring the supremacy of the constitution, protecting constitutional values, and strengthening constitutional legality. a team of authors of the updated constitution from among lawyers, including judges of the constitutional court, prepared a scientific and practical commentary. this copy explains many provisions of the constitution. thank you, if only we all always carried out instructions this way in all directions president, we were twice as rich, well, the trouble has begun, we will consider that our scientists, practitioners, judges of the constitutional court are an example for all of us,
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civil servants, will speak about the importance of the constitution in the development of the country and... clearly and boldly set out the ways development of our young sovereign state, based on the norms of the fundamental law, which will be consistently implemented throughout the years. i think that this is the main principle - stability. life, unconstructive internal and external political forces require acceptance
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additional measures, including those of a constitutional nature. exactly thanks. amendments to the constitution, initiated by the president in the fall of 1996, managed to preserve civil peace in the country. today, proposals for a certain belarusian national idea are already timidly heard, given all the events and challenges, ideological work is much more important. believe me, our citizens are concerned not only with issues of housing and communal services and prices in stores, although this is also important. people want to know the answer to the question, what kind of society are we building? development goals states, the question is often asked: what is our national idea? and on a constitutional basis, i propose to develop, summarize and submit for public discussion the main provisions of the ideology of the belarusian state, and then adopt them at the all-belarusian people's assembly. i think that this document is no less
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important than the concept of national security. perhaps, as a result of the adoption of these provisions, the corresponding regulatory law will be needed... perhaps some specific plans, or maybe this theory is completely state-owned ideology, if it works , it is a state ideology, it must capture the entire people, and there will no longer be an elite of peasants and workers, it must capture the entire people, but are we ready to say that we have ideas for this
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ideology, i don’t know, well, first of all , you have to convince me of this... if i’m convinced, i’m ready to go ahead and organize the process. alexander radkov, also one of the authors of the updated constitution, ex-minister of education of belarus, first deputy head of the presidential administration, was still in charge then public association belarus, worked a lot next to the head of state, he definitely has something to tell. i had the honor to directly participate in the work of the scientific school under the leadership of our president, and more than once, in particular as part of the working school.
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they should also talk about it openly, there is no need to hide anything, this is the main principle, they say the internet, the internet and so on, yes, it is a very strong influence, an impact on the people,
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artificial intelligence is a really dangerous thing if you use it incorrectly, but the living word is like never today we need it so that we can resist this attack related to the internet, the artificial intelligence tiktok. it may be necessary to fight something on the internet, with these and so on, you can do it on tiktok or in the internet, but we as a whole cannot fight it, we cannot, so we need to develop a mechanism for living in this society in this situation. of course, these people are proud that they took part in the development of the most important documents, including the fundamental constitution; after all, this is an important thing, a feeling of belonging to something epoch-making. what does the head himself think? states about the past?
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god helped us in 2020, if we hadn’t survived then, there would have been a war here, they would have brought nato troops here, imagine russia’s reaction near smolensk, nato troops, there was already a nuclear war, but they survived, god helped, not a president running around with a machine gun there, with the child, no one, god, here, here, he simply protected us, today the situation is even more dangerous. dangerous because we don’t see it, half don’t see it, and i, including myself, have more information, so we must be careful, let’s go
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along... don’t expect either betrayal or change some kind of left-right course, together with you we will decide on all issues, i promise you this. this is just the beginning of a big conversation; it will be continued at the all-belarusian people's assembly. the president, of course, today will thank the aksakals, a whole group of people who built a sovereign country, and despite their age, their experience is still valuable. the state has not forgotten anyone. ilona krasutskaya, veronika buta, alexander oleshka and
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ilya puchko, tv news agency. over its thirty-year history, this day has become overgrown with traditions and the ceremonial presentation of passports on constitution day, one of them. as part of the campaign, we, citizens of belarus , received our first document, more than fifty young men and women. these are the winners of subject sports olympiads, laureates of competitions and festivals, etc. museum of the history of the great patriotic war, the guys received their main document from the hands of the head of the presidential administration, igor sergienko. each person is symbolic of the state flag and a copy of the constitution. on the one hand , i feel responsible for the fact that from now on i am a citizen republic of belarus and i bear responsibility for myself as a part of it, but on the other hand i am incredibly happy, because such an event
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does not happen often. i will comply with the laws of my country, i will try to be a diligent student, i will try to be patriotic , excitement, of course, first of all, and pride, because now i am officially a citizen of the republic of belarus, and i am pleased to be here to realize that i i live in the republic of belarus, in a solemn atmosphere to receive passports, passports of citizens of the republic belarus.
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sports for the children in the state control committee, 11 boys and girls from the minsk region. the all-belarus campaign, we are citizens of belarus, is being held for the twentieth time. the initiator is the belarusian youth union, but traditionally the ministry and departments are involved. and today, on constitution day , the activists of minsk were solemnly honored, among the awarded representatives of various spheres of education, industry, culture, and economics. 300 people were awarded with gratitude from the minsk city council and the minsk city executive committee. these are the people who contribute to development capital cities.
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lives in our native belarus. the final bright accent of the holiday on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the constitution was a concert in the palace of the republic. and now my colleague yulia alferova, the author of a film dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the constitution, joins us. julia, hello.
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soviet times were molded for centuries with glue , right here on cardboard, it’s interesting to take a look again, yes, yes, in fact, no one really bothered, you see, from the chronology, here are the photographs where i’m 3.5 years old, here next we've been turning things around for five years now, well how it turned out, yes, that’s how it was created , well, actually, at this age i caught a little symbolism, when they finally offered me to work with this topic, and i immediately thought that we were practically the same age as the constitution, in ninety -four she was accepted when i was 5 years old. and i thought that it would probably be interesting to talk about that time, how children lived, how ordinary belarusian families lived, in fact, in general, how society perceived all the political events that we faced after the collapse of the soviet union, in fact, without this atmosphere,
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the picture would not be so complete, in my opinion, and not so clear why we actually needed to adopt a constitution at that time, why we needed these amendments that followed in further, but actually...
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we have the institution of the presidency, this tradition of consulting with the people has already appeared, but, of course, it gained greater strength in the year ninety-six, when we already had a strong presidential power, this division into a bicameral parliament, in fact, in ninety-six, two draft constitutions were proposed to people, after all, people supported the presidential ones with a majority, 70% of citizens then supported these amendments, and if we look, in general, we trace over the years those referendums that concerned specifically the changes into the basic law. then, after all, the majority supported this, from seventy to 70% of people, and let’s say some individual issues were supported by up to 85% of citizens, this also speaks of concern about our common future. yul, while working on the constitution, you probably
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did you manage to find out some exclusive facts about our basic law? well, in fact, our basic law is unique, and primarily because it was always written exclusively by the belarusian people, no one else, well, in fact , the amendments themselves were always dictated. life , but of course, i saved a few features that may be of interest to our viewer, for example, the fact that the first fundamental law took 4 whole years to collect; in fact, the sticking point then was the supreme council, but it was in no hurry to share with the authorities. another point, of course, we have a constitution, it preserves the continuity of tradition, but of course, we looked at world experience, we wanted to refresh and, above all , strengthen democratic principles, we looked around our neighbors, where we can find some approaches that are interesting to us we were in lithuania and latvia. poland, well, of course, we didn’t find any democratic principles there then, but russia’s approaches were closer in spirit to us, then russia adopted its fundamental law in 1993, well, actually, we there, of course, have a lot of things for ourselves we looked at it, and another interesting fact: the constitution of 1994,
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we have it in the national archive, well , they created special conditions for it, they keep 18° there, they say that it’s so comfortable for her, thank you, yulia, and the ways of our constitutional construction. watch the film tv news agency the right to independence, it is available on the youtube channel. what is written between the lines of our basic law, why does the constitution in belarus really work and what happens if this document is not valid in the state? experts and club guests editors with facts and examples sum up the thirty years of sovereignty of our country and draw parallels. equally terrible starting conditions at the time of the collapse of the ussr, almost a third of a century of distance, who and how managed and disposed of their independence.
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and in an unconstitutional way , i’ll say this, that everything that is happening there now, all these hundreds of thousands of deaths, the first murders, the ground was laid when the crowd raised its hand against the guards of order, law enforcement officers, they began to be killed for these murders, until have not yet been carried out investigations, no court decisions and so on, as well as freedom of speech in the american way, why they want to ban tiktok in the usa and what the future of the union media holding is, look. a new release of clubbators today immediately after the factorby 60+ project. a forced step. our
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country took retaliatory measures to the unfriendly actions of vilnius by introducing a ban on food supplies from lithuania. they were transported for $6 million annually, but the restrictions do not apply to products for personal use. also prohibited is the import of industrial quantities of goods through belarusian-lithuanian border, as the prime minister noted, last year 60,000 tons worth $150 million were transported along this route, but this does not mean that these cargoes will not reach us this year, they will simply go in a different direction, through latvia and poland. the decision on bans was made to reduce pressure on the remaining checkpoints. roman golovchenko emphasized: the reality of vilnius’ perception of events has been lost. the lithuanian authorities are taking sanctions against belarus to harm. to their own people, leaving them to work only two checkpoints out of six,
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tourists also lose time due to huge queues. on the one hand, this will definitely ease the pressure on these checkpoints, because significant shipments of goods will simply leave there, and it will be easier to cross the border with those goods that we really need. and secondly, that of course , lithuanian business will also suffer indirectly, because it’s no secret that many... lithuanian logistics distribution centers, they specialized in, so to speak, the accumulation of large consignments of goods, logistics centers, distribution centers, these are not lithuanian goods, these are goods that come from different countries, but taking into account the logistical proximity to us , it was convenient to accumulate all this there, well , classical logistics, as they say, so yes, they will lose these flows, they will take other routes, but i repeat once again, this is an absolutely forced measure with which we were...
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i already said due to the congestion of checkpoints, so i emphasize that we are always ready for dialogue, and it was not we who took the first steps that were aimed at worsening good neighborly relations between countries. the most important thing for us is to normalize traffic flows. the prime minister emphasized: if lithuania decides to resume the work of checkpoints and discuss the issue constructively, belarus is ready for dialogue, because examples of negative consequences from the decisions of the lithuanian authorities are visible to all. at the end of the twenty-first. year , a neighbor introduced sanctions against the transit of our rutted fertilizers, despite the fact that more than 65%
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of all railway transit was belarusian cargo. as a result, all transit was gone to russian ports, now they, and not the lithuanians, earn money from transshipment. but, as you can see, our baltic neighbors seem to enjoy conflict; even economic losses and the decline in the standard of living of their own citizens do not stop them. lithuania once again decided to shoot itself in the foot following the closure of the checkpoint and took up belarusian... economic products; seven countries adopted a resolution appealing to the european commission to ban the import of russian and belarusian grain into the european union. the document requests cooperation and coordination between countries to effectively and uniformly implement the ban throughout the union. however, a bad example is contagious. earlier, poland, suffering from an influx of cheap grain from ukraine, made a similar call regarding our countries. and as it just became known,
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people’s artist of russia, president of the satire theater, alexander shirvint, passed away. he died in hospital at the age of ninety, taz said. work effectively with people on the ground, help resolve voter issues, and the main thing is to improve the quality of life, this is how the country's largest bank, belarusbank, sees the role of the elected deputy corps. today , a republican seminar of ideological activists was held here; it was noted that following the results of a single voting day, 38 representatives of the bank from different regions of the country were elected as local deputies. councils, this indicates high trust, to represent the interests of voters at different levels. belarusbank expressed confidence that everything possible will be done to ensure that the decisions of the deputies are of a social nature, contributed to solving people's problems. high trust was shown both to our employees, my colleagues, and to the organization, that is, to belarusbank, where they
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work. and you know, as a member of the council of the republic myself, i often visit the regions and localities. and very much... to understand the voter, help him solve the problem, they come to us with different problems, and how we solve these problems, how we convey them to the relevant services, will depend on our development of our country, our mogilyov region. today the management of belarusbank
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honored colleagues of deputies. it is symbolic that the celebrations take place on constitution day. the bank staff took an active part in the discussion of the amendments to the main law. regular flights will connect gomel with the northern capital of russia. the first flight to st. petersburg (mbrayer 175) will take place on march 22. the one-way flight will take an hour and 25 minutes. the bela avia plane will land at pulkovo airport. flight frequency is three times a week. since the end of last year , air transportation of passengers from gomel to moscow and back has resumed. there are flight plans from gomel to sochi and batome. its own special and unique history for world sports today. emphasized in raobichi, where a solemn event dedicated to the half-century anniversary of the complex took place. and for the evening, in honor of the big anniversary, honored guests were invited, and not only from the world of sports, because raobichi has always been a unifying place for many. one way or another, belarusians follow sports, root for our athletes, and it is in the sports complex near minsk that more than
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one generation of olympic and world champions grew up. besides biathlon, the republican olympic training center raubichi is famous for its freestyle and cross-country skiing competitions.
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mek and belarusian biathlon, i can’t even imagine how biathlon can exist without equally, you talk there with any foreigners who more or less understand in sports what biathlon is for, i know, i know, this is how they represent biathlon and raobichi in principle inextricably linked. let us remind you that the official history of raobicci as a sports complex began in february 1974, when races were held here the first biathlon championship in the ussr, and the spectator record has not been broken to this day. the soviet relay race with the participation of inchanin yuri kolmakov then became the best on the planet. and right now. for belarus there is one final of the factorby 60+ show, eight candidates for victory , only four tickets to the super final. have a great
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mood, pleasant emotions and a good weekend.
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the television news agency presents it in
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the public domain. we have no secrets from our people. let's take a look at the all-union science and research institute on the creation of grub products from bulba, this is bulba grits. for a few large grams , the meeting will take place during the month and the hand, and it will be lighter at eight times. boulevards. at the velma hutka you can make delicious puree. potatoes are rich in starch, proteins, salts and vitamin c. you can prepare hundreds of different nutritious dishes from it. this is preparing crispy potatoes, a new, still unfamiliar dish to many. and everything and crackers. sparing and delicious food. crackers robyazza sa zvychainay. the mixture is boiled and loosened, then starch and salt are added. before serving, they
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are lubricated with salted oil. yana digests immediately into carbohydrates, carcasses and egg whites. kalaryna 100 grams of cracker equals 250 grams of meat. this is a great breakfast snack, a healthy and nutritious treat for children, and is irreplaceable.


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