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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 15, 2024 10:20pm-10:50pm MSK

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belosi cardiologists are testing the first domestic bioprosthesis for the heart and partnership for the future . the thirty-first international book exhibition fair is taking place in minsk. the events program is on air, in the studio of alina loppo. hello. the belarusian industry expects this year to maintain the high production rates set over the past few years. let’s ask our columnist olesya vysotskaya what horizons they plan to achieve. it is necessary to add at least 5% starting year . is already showing positive dynamics, the task is not just to increase exports, but to find new markets. in addition to russian, the priority markets are africa, latin america, and southeast asia. among other important areas of import substitution. belarus is implementing many of these projects jointly with russia. for this purpose, moscow is ready to allocate additional funds. minsk and moscow are actively growing union projects. it is proposed to replace imports with everything that can guarantee technological sovereignty. on
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the one hand, on the other - to use your own know-how, bring innovative components to create our union product. and this applies to a variety of areas, from space biology to microelectronics. belarus and russia have already agreed on 27 union projects, with five more at the final stage. there are already results in the implementation of union projects, this is noticeable in the example of investments directed to industry, and the main investments will be made this next year. what’s important is that they affect not only the big ones. but also small towns, those decisions that were previously made within the framework of the union state, they begin work, you remember how difficult the document in the field of microelectronics was, but it was signed in the russian federation, then the belarusian program for the development of microelectronics was approved, and today we see how rapidly, i emphasize again , our integral is developing, the salary for the last year 3,300 rub. according to the ministry of industry, the salary is 2.171, can you imagine, what did all this give? gave work, this gave an increase
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in production volume over 2 years of the integral by 2.2 times, that is, this is not just wages paid, this is wages earned workers, there was a problem with personnel at the integral, they could not find these personnel, but this is the process that began, today it allowed us to completely close the problem with personnel, then young specialists came who receive decent wages, well, they enjoy the work they do .
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africa and asia and there are very good prospects for this. today we worked very well in uzbekistan, the president’s visit to this country showed that a contract worth more than $140 million was signed. and today i hope that this year will be the determining one, the one that will show that we can work in other markets, we set ourselves a goal of 25%.
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it is very important that we have built a system for protecting the strengthening of national positions in the international arena, developing interaction with proven and new partners, expanding export opportunities with an emphasis on diversification. it is significant that we trade with more than two hundred countries and territories, and exports are carried out to 160 countries around the world, and this despite the global deterioration. foreign trade conditions in the mid also noted that belarus is going through a difficult stage of complete transformation of international relations, while the state is progressively developing in the era of breaking the old and establishing a new reality in the world. regions remain the driver for the development of belarusian industry, so an industrial park will begin to be built in pinsk. the city needs a modern site for new production. what will the object be like? it is planned that the first areas of the future park will be commissioned by the end of the year. pensk participates in the program. simply for rent
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no, they will produce battery housings , they will produce mineral fertilizers , they will produce roofing in different directions, firstly, they will have to prove their innovativeness, which will still be there, there are examples of high-tech industries opened under the program one district, one project, the conditions are proposed state, beneficial for the owners of the enterprise, a new workshop means new equipment and new goods instead of imports, at the beginning of next... in pinsk they plan to build a new plant that will produce plastic components for batteries with a production volume of up to 3 million per year. imcadur pinsk is working in the new realities, 20 designers are also mastering the components in their work, and every year they manage to send two or three
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new cars to the assembly line. some time ago, when the geopolitical situation in the world was calm, there were also many advisers who said that we don’t need it, we can buy it all. this line greatly helps today to work actively in the markets of our partner countries. money from the state treasury, as well as investments in pinsk, are invested not only in production, but also the social sphere. a new infectious diseases building of the central
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hospital was opened in the city. here, assistance will be provided to residents of neighboring areas. new innovative production plans to create a horizon on the territory of the holding by 2025. what is this project? uses empty ones. areas that were rented out. last year , the company increased production volume by more than 75%. innovation will help you master a new direction. over 90% of products today are exported. it is necessary to carry out repairs to all areas of publications that are on the horizon site, to involve them in economic activities, not to slow down in the volume of production of their own products, to also increase export sales, and of course. work out aspects of modernizing further production , that is, purchasing equipment, the total number of areas is 59,000 m2, 23 of them are already involved in economic activities, a medical center is successfully functioning on the basis of the horizon , scientific potential is concentrated,
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including it specialists and developers, is also steadily increasing localization of produced television equipment, almost 5,000 televisions have already left the assembly line. 2 months of this year. belarusian agricultural enterprises expect to receive over 8 million tons of milk this year, which is half a million more than in 2023. what are they betting on? one of the emphasis is on deep processing of products and the construction of new livestock complexes. this was announced at the third international forum belarus agricultural dairy farm, which brought together dozens of representatives of specialized companies in minsk, experts. among the know-how is an orthopedic service for animals, it was presented by a company from gers. we have a task for gross milk production in the twenty-fourth year to milk more than 8,600 tons of milk, in the twenty-fifth year 9,200, this is a very high production rate, the government set the right task, that deep processing
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of both meat and dairy products with high added cost, we can conquer other markets, including the russian market, with a large range of finished products.
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political upheavals, a series of color revolutions that were played out in various countries by the so-called collective west, they showed the urgent need to adjust our basic law, the constitution of the republic. belarus , although it should be noted that our president alexander grigorievich set a similar task back in 2016, said that it was necessary to make certain adjustments to our basic law, but the events in belarus in 2020 also, unfortunately, spurred this process , we saw firsthand how easy it is to lose the peace and tranquility that exists in our country, and then how difficult it is to restore something, the clearest example is ukraine, what we see today, what events are unfolding and taking place there, so of course, this is the requirement of the time.
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to ensure a way out of these crises, well , the first
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changes were made as a result of the constitutional referendum of 1996, which strengthened presidential power, which means belarus had already become a presidential republic, the necessary vertical was built, and thanks to this managed to get out of the crisis, then you can remember 2004, when the people showed high confidence in our president, which means they allowed him to be elected for new regular terms, and to the post of head of state, and so on. a constitutional referendum was celebrated in 2022, it was also overdue, it was the need of the time, and here too there are such drastic changes, well, in what sense, a redistribution of power has already begun , such a new institution has been introduced at the constitutional level, enshrined as the all-belarusian people's assembly, although if with from a historical point of view, this is in our traditions, in our mentality, it is enough to remember the ancient slavic veche, which was present in our polo principality, in our other lands, so we can remember:
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this is a constitutionally formalized body, the highest representative body in our country, 1200 participants, which unites, on the one hand, parliamentarians and representatives of the executive branch, which means representatives of local councils, public organizations, that is, this is such a vast, extensive institute, which should perform the function of insuring our society and state from some kind of radical radical shocks, because our president aleksandrovich lukashenko correctly said that we had a strong presidential constitution before these constitutional changes, which concentrated powerful power in the hands
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of the president, glory god, that we have such a president, belarus is lucky with this, suddenly some completely different person will come and want to turn the country 180° in a completely different direction, that is, actually destroy the fact that there is some new course to take, but these radical changes, shocks, well, for us they are unacceptable due to the fact that we have history, we live with you on a geopolitical level.
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doctrine, that means, and so on, to determine the course of socio-economic development, which is traditional, yes for this institution, but in addition to this, the composition of the central election commission, and constitutional, supreme courts, that is, quite broad such powers, redistribution of power has occurred in our country in the country, and that's well is also an important key element that
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distinguishes that original constitution from the fact that we now have our updated constitution based on the results of the referendum of the constitutional... 2022, another important fundamental difference, i would emphasize, is that we were not afraid and prescribed in our constitution is that the republic of belarus is developing in accordance with the ideology of the belarusian state, as a historian i note that no society and state without ideology can develop, at one time, when the soviet union collapsed, they threw us the idea of ​​ideologization, that there is no need for any ideology, just live as you live, yes, but a holy place is never empty, instead of that communist ideology. which was in the soviet union, the ideology of western liberalism came, which promoted western values, but in fact it corresponded to the interests of this collective west, which was not interested in our country being strong, successful, this is a certain platform of influence for them, which means a source of some benefits in their favor, and that was all they wanted necessary, but how will the people, the population, live here
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, which means they were not very worried, it was important to ensure their interests, this was not spelled out in the previous constitution, as i said regarding the ideologists... we spelled it out, another important key point is that that we have written down our traditional spiritual and moral values ​​in the updated constitution, which was not the case before, this is also a requirement of the time, we unfortunately see what is happening in the world, using the example of the same western europe, degradation is actually underway degradation under the slogans of liberalism, this unrestrained, in fact, degradation of society, which means as a social institution, everything means these unacceptable for us, let’s say, in plain text, perversions that exist there in the west and are propagated.
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such an active interest, well, i think our people saw perfectly well the events of 2020, to which, as a result, they could lead our society to understand that the preservation of this world of tranquility in our country depends on us, on every citizen of the republic of belarus country, from our responsible approach to the fulfillment of their civic duties, and participation in the electoral
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process means voting rights, participation in referendums is one of the main responsibilities of any citizen. i think, therefore, it’s quite natural that this turnout was high and the fact that 83% of those who came, voted, supported the proposed changes also speaks of a high degree of consolidation of our society around our traditional, important for our mentality, for our society and state of values, well, as you already noted that provisions for historical truth, the memory of the great patriotic war, including patriotic education, have been introduced into the country's basic law. the future, wants to develop further, this is a priori, if this state wants to have a foundation that should be laid in the family, that means in the education system, well, in society in general, if people are not patriots of their country
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, this is death for this society and for this state , therefore, it is natural that we... have a great emphasis, now we are doing this work after the events of 2020 intensified in the education system, and in general in our country, i think there has come a great awareness that without this you can’t get anywhere, before we were told that this seems to be the soviet past, which means some kind of remnants, that in general they tried to convince us that the education system - this is the provision of only educational services, education is not your concern, it is someone out there who will educate something at random, let the family do it, but unfortunately experience shows that not every family. engages in the right degree, let’s just say, everything is different approach this issue of education, the education system has a huge role here, it exists, so we need to work with young people, we need to work in the education system, we need to work outside the system.
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this means the minsk shift project, where every young resident of our minsk can offer some interesting ideas, justify this project and, therefore, try to implement it with the support of the minsk
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city executive committee, that is , this is the kind of creative things they should be present in life youth to this energy, it found its way out in a positive direction and so that young people actively participate in the development of society, not in destruction, in development. thank you please. vyacheslav danilovich, rector of the academy of management under the president of belarus, answered the program’s questions. next on the program is an event about an important direction of the state’s social policy, new possibilities for treating heart pathology and the thirty-first international book fair in minsk. we'll be back at the studio in a few minutes. they know everything about their little homeland and generously share this knowledge with the viewer.
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the first mention of the village of makhro dates back to 1515. and far from the village there is the dneprobukhsky canal, that is, an advantageous economic and geographical location. the novel, people in the swamp - this is also about the zhakhovichi, zhakh, zhakh - this is horror in belarusian, that is. a happy childhood and youth, a calm and measured life, they have what many strive for. when we were young, we rode motorcycles with the neighborhood kids to explore local attractions and forest paths. it's getting hot, they started working in magata, let's come we shopped here, this is a place where you can recharge.
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we are the only enterprise in the country that operates on a full cycle. we need to start this with thread, so that there is quality of thread. this is a collection of classicism, baroque and various of these trends. from generation to generation, these people passed on their professionalism, their...
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this is the event program for belarus 24 and we continue. labor safety is one of the most important areas of state social policy.
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the number of jobs in belarus is decreasing. with harmful conditions labor. our columnist elena puntus knows what measures are being taken for this. there is a concept of reduction with a positive effect. so, over the past 3 years , jobs with hazardous working conditions have decreased by almost 8%. about 60 thousand of the harmful ones have already moved to a healthy level. as noted by the ministry of labor and social protection, one of the main directions in the department’s work is improving working conditions and increasing wages. according to the results of the twenty-third, the rate of just real earnings in the country was 111.
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the model was created at the minsk plant elektronmash. it is a tricuspid frameless artificial heart valve. the product supports the functioning of the organ and ensures normal blood circulation. the special design protects against mechanical wear and also avoids deformation of the endoprosthesis when tightening the sutures. the test program and methodology were approved by menzdrav. our cardiac surgeons rate the quality of this valve very highly. and if all the tests are
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approved. by the ministry of health ends successfully, we will receive domestic biological valve in the aortic position, which will effectively solve the problem of many patients with aortic defects, in addition, it has remarkable wear resistance properties, this is a very important characteristic for this valve, thus our patients will have a chance to...
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iran, for the first time to egypt has joined the forum, this opens up new opportunities for cooperation. the people's republic of china also has a considerable library. among the regular participants of the publishing house cis countries, one of the largest pavilions in russia, in the center of the large book city of belarus, victory square. this is the concept of the national stand. the main theme of the exhibition is the thirtieth anniversary of the adoption of the constitution, the year of quality in belarus and the eightieth anniversary of the country's liberation from the nazi invaders.
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which has been at such a public forefront for several years now, this is the genocide of the belarusian people, this is the theme of those crimes that cannot be forgotten, the fascists and their minions on our land, this is, of course, the theme of heroism, the theme of liberation, visitors to the minsk fair will be able to see all this at the white book stand. the premieres will be presented by the publishing house mastatskaya literature and belarus.


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