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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 16, 2024 3:10am-3:41am MSK

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the funds can be spent on purchasing household goods made in belarus. bguir, the leading university in belarus in the field of computer science and radio electronics, celebrates 60 years since its founding. the president congratulated the university staff on the holiday. created during the years of rapid development of science and technology, the minsk radio engineering institute has achieved brilliant results in the field of electronics and today is the pride of the country. a center with a modern laboratory base trains highly qualified specialists, there is a department artificial intelligence, faculty of information security; this year the university will offer specialties in cyber-physical systems, digital marketing and electronic engineering. the belarus24 tv channel broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch.
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removed. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is she like? belarus? business and developing. hospitable, bright and festival, generous, picturesque and monumental.
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sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer.
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when you make an instrument, you can't think about money, the person who makes musical instruments, like... in my opinion, it
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should be a person who really loves music, it’s impossible without it, it should be a person, well, as people say golden hands, it should be, yes, a person ready to devote his life to something, for whom it is important, say, there is not some promising job with a high salary, but for whom he sets or perhaps this goal or idea comes to him...
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i am a native penchan, i was born in this city, my mother is russian from the city of kazma, father is a native penchan, a poleshuk, how is it there was, a little background, when the war began, my mother was 9 years old, somewhere there under vyazma they came under occupation, they were loaded into carriages and... osha and minsk, at some substation, the partisans captured this train, liberated everyone, well, they didn’t just free them, they took them away, they took them with them, well, it so
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happened that together with the partisans, my grandmother and my mother ended up in minsk, my grandmother is my work. an orphanage, well, of course, her mother was with her, so they ended up in this destroyed minsk, their whole life, in fact, was rebuilt began in belarus, and my father, a native , penchan, polish, yes, and after that he did not directly take part in military actions, the territory was under occupation, and... yes, they liberated my father in forty-four , he turned 17 years old, well, he was drafted into the army as a reserve , well, of course, in order to be sent they had to be somehow prepared, in other words, when they were brought there, the war , fortunately, had already ended, but since those
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who fought were sent home for the most part, those who had just came - continued service, and after the end of the service, my father... returned, graduated from a medical school in pinsk, then went to enroll in minsk, a medical institute, in fact, that ’s where they met my future mother, both doctors studied together, and then they came to pinsk here, so sometimes people ask me, do you feel like you’re some kind of russian, right, belarusian? yes, well, when they told me in my passport, well, that’s when they gave me the soviet one, what nationality to write down, well , having been born in pinsk with the last name okarevich, i would write that i was russian, well, belarusian as it is, by the way, it didn’t really matter then,
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to be honest, i don’t see much of a difference now, over all these long, long years, well , maybe it was the difficult times that caused it. imprint, well, my parents were very , then, apparently, everyone had this attitude, only after the war it was very difficult to live, they were very responsible about their work, well, as my father said, it’s not just a job, it’s when you save a life, that’s the most important indicator after yours, after applying your knowledge, whether a person is alive or not, he...
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is awarded a special medal, which it is the surgeons who are awarded the pirogov medal, he even has in his collection, i just don’t remember, there is even a golden alpel, well, for these services he was awarded the honorary title of citizen of the city of insk, and after his death, one of the new streets in the city of finsk was named after him . we are embarking on an expedition in the depths of our country. pradchuvanna, bridle, nathnenne, menavita with such patchutstsya we
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are increasingly opening up the fascination of the fire. we’re off to a new folklore-historical expedition. let's follow the history and meat abrady. they seem to be old people. god of the people, if they forgot to give them dishes, and there is no way they can jump on their own. oh, yes, yes, tsvetemak, we will show you one day in the life of specialists. what is happiness? over the years
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, you understand that, first of all, it is fate that you are given the chance to do something very, very useful in your life. what will remain after you for many years, and maybe even 100 years, all the mechanisms work properly. this means that he did his job correctly and reliably. quality, professions, in which reveal the best human qualities, people who proudly do more than just work, each employee is either an employee of my workshop, or an employee of some auxiliary workshop, or is the person who sits at the control panel on the brush, this is in principle a small particle that makes up a link, i would say a ball that rotates around the clock 24x7. here we are creating a new biotechnological industry
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in our country. watch the project for one day on our tv channel. born in pinsk in 1963, my eldest i had a brother, he was 5 years older than me, we lived near the railway station, well, in such an ordinary house, without amenities, i mean, well , since my brother was... the older parents, as people, well, let’s say, cultured, decided
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to teach his music, well, to give some kind of opportunity, they bought a piano, and my brother , he studied the piano there, over time it began to work out very well, but my brother was 5 years older than me, when it was already my turn to go to school there , well, first there is first class, there is second class, that’s nothing. then they asked me, do you want to play apenin, my brother was already practicing then, he played quite well, in principle it was quite interesting for me, i said yes, i want to, well , i probably don’t understand it myself yet, well, in this way they enrolled me in a music school, where i had to pass an exam, sing some song, sing, in short, they accepted me, i also began to go to music school, since it was. the choice was as if obvious, there is playing there, during
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the time when he already began to go there music school there is not the first, second, but already somewhere in the third, fourth grade, it turned out that there was also an additional subject, well, as a rule, it was either an ensemble of folk instruments, or there was a choir, or an orchestra of russian folk instruments, i ended up i went to the orchestra of russian folk... instruments and, as they say, then ostap got carried away, for the first time i felt that you can study music and do it, as it were, not just force yourself to do it there, but simply what you so want to do here it turns out that you have fun about it, well maybe not everything works out right away, so you were sitting in the orchestra next to you, your comrades, that is, in principle, for each part there were... several musicians, that is, if there was one, if the part was a second, then there were two or
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three musicians , but it wasn’t either, that is , well, in the end, if one suddenly makes a mistake, then there is a high probability that the rest will play correctly, that is, on the one hand, so, but on the other hand, you had to listen to this whole orchestra, well and the conductor somehow joins in, well, it’s also like there were some difficulties, because when you play by yourself, you can... and play rhythmically, especially when you learn this and that, little by little i realized that first you need to look at the conductor, when he waves, he starts, and then you can, in principle, listen to the bass. if you are sure that the bass is playing correctly, you can do it there, in principle, there, well, when you know your part, you don’t really need to look at it, our parts weren’t that difficult, in fact it turned out to be not so difficult, but the music turned out quite, quite beautiful, well when i came to my institute, the institute of meganization of agriculture, well, we
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wrote there upon admission, who studied where at what music school, that is, they had all this... data, the student club called us, it turned out that they they also have an orchestra of russian folk instruments, at one time one of the leaders of our orchestra was a girl, a student at the conservatory, she studied there in allaika’s class, so she was the leader of our student orchestra, well, then we met, she became my wife, so
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in fact, that’s how i came, and such, that is, that anyone, any instrument or object that is in the work, necessary, we had to go to moscow, there on the crossroads in the moscow region to get to exactly this master who made this balalaika, i i asked, listen , what are you saying, doesn’t anyone do this here, here, really, in minsk, doesn’t anyone do this, no one, no one with bololikes, not making repairs. in general, it’s nothing , there were other tools, no one, and now i ’m faced with this problem, which i was surprised to discover that no one deals with these russian folk instruments, there are a lot of them, everyone plays them for any repairs and maintenance, i had to go there, i was an engineer by training, well
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, a lover of homemade products, i did a lot with my own hands and what did i -well... well, how would an addor take such a thing, why can’t i do it there, well, something like that, maybe something small and i can do it, we went a couple of times , we looked there and ended up in the master’s workshop there, looked, it seemed to me very mysterious, well, it’s like footage from astradevari films, that is, something like this atmosphere i will feel, that is, something so mysterious, some kind of fabulousness, some kind of reality. became interested in this topic, so i started looking, well, what kind of books and magazines were i able to find, i read everything there, revised it, then i found something like that , i found an article by hupfer in the journal science and life, there was such a cluster of the word obololaike, i read this
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article and understood i need to meet this man, he himself was an aircraft designer, was engaged in... helicopter business, these helicopters, like a black shark , these are the ones he received, as a matter of fact, a bonus, probably there was a bonus for the team or something, i don’t know, but he had something to do with it, that is, he was highly educated a person, and somehow he also had such a hobby, and step by step he also came to this, but he approached it as a researcher, it’s just that his friends and acquaintances knew that he... loves music, sometimes he repairs as a hobby musical instruments, someone once brought him an ancient musical instrument, one of the first e masters, let's say, one of the first legendary allaika masters, he disassembled this instrument like a professional designer, sketched everything, made sketches, studied what thicknesses, and
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thus about 15- 20 instruments from different masters , he gave each one such a description, he also worked with the musicians at the same time, asked their feedback, what was good about this instrument, what was bad about it, that in order to finish everything here, he had this feedback, so he created such a collective image, called him like, muscovite, he was very highly appreciated and somehow thanks to all this, this article appeared in the magazine science and life, the word oblalaiki, i decided to meet him, i recognized him there... telephone , phoned, went there to moscow, we sat there for a couple of days, he told me how, that, as a souvenir, he finally gave me his drawings, with his autograph.
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my first instrument, my first goal was simply to make it according to these drawings, well , of course, there were many difficulties along the way, i made my first balalaika, and specifically the balalaika i will accept, in 1990, the second one, so it is written on the tag inside it, since then somewhere around two hundred have passed through my hands, maybe for someone in... 30 s more than a few years, and not much, but for me this is quite a large number,
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we recognize you from the architectural memories of belarus, different eras and styles, byzantine architecture, which... has passed its hour since the dawn of time, the truth has floated to the old people, so called the old russian style, and all that is rightly remembered by the russians 19 stagodzia, this is the main palette project, russian style, it has been studied and extracted from such iconic elements of that old architecture, which have already been materialized, let’s look at their history and general facts. , mass theater.
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channel. an amazing adventure for foreigners in belarus. hello. hello. and my name is olga. very nice. the cook was preparing for the feast. it was he who supervised the work of the cooks. and only men were the cooks. at that time only men. it was quite hard work. ecuadorian lives here for 8 years and travels around our cities.
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when i made my first like and after the master appreciated it, he said that it was excellent for the first time, i realized that i had to do something. raise my level, and i began to search, go to other masters, try different forms, each time i remade the form there, changed the shape of the body, changed the number of rivets, and this lasted for about 9-10 years, until i came out again - after all, for that first drawing that i took from this moscow aster, now i have, let’s say, making one prim balaka takes ... a month, well, about a month, as we tried and tried to speed it up anyway, it doesn’t work, especially thin finishing, you need to give it
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time for... good drying, a lot of thin layers, and so on, a thick layer cannot immediately crack, so high-quality finishing takes a lot of time , there is practically no way to speed it up, since the designs, let’s say the same hololike, are somewhat different, there are seven rivets, there are six, there are nine with veins without veins, that is, well i’ll say roughly that... in my instruments there are about a hundred parts, to get a high-quality instrument, i use either canadian red cedar or high-quality resonant spruce; lately i’ve been able to buy caucasian spruce as a spruce, according to some reports this is considered one of the best, which can be, the body can be made from different
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materials then... we tried it, different timbre, different sound, the easiest and most technologically advanced way to work is with maple, that is, where the body is made of maple, it is well processed , a very technologically advanced material, quite beautiful, quite quite sonorous, uh, exotic woods, polysander, poduk, zebran, they can give a brighter, stronger sound, but working with them is much more difficult, well, for a number of technological reasons. any artist or creator there should be free, free, these circumstances should not put pressure on him, that is, he should, well, he needs some kind of space, flight, when you move on and think, what can you do to he had such a sound that there were a lot of highs and a lot of lows a lot, there was a small note that it is very difficult to achieve such a sound balance so that
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the low frequencies sound strong and... and the high frequencies, this is very, very difficult to do, in a guitar it is somewhat simpler, the body is larger, very often a lot was done by eye, there was no nothing else, sometimes on the instruments of that pair, let’s say, until 2000, there were acoustic failures, that is, when you start pressing the string, on all of them it sounds quite long, on one... the ladya sounds short, that is, the sound is fast goes out, this was, as it were, unacceptable in the grand scheme of things, it was a defect, that is, with some modification it was possible to correct it somewhat, but when they began to use higher quality wood, to more accurately measure these thicknesses of all the tools, they actually went away. from a good tree it may not
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turn out to be not only outstanding or excellent, but a good one may turn out to be a good instrument, but in extreme cases, a normal one looked somewhere on the internet , yes, there is an alolaika museum in russia, well, i checked that, thought... why can’t we do it? we have everything, we can make all these museum exhibits , the first tools made from pumpkins, put there what we have, what’s in repair, what ’s made new, that is, in principle, it’s all there, and show all this technology, how it is done, what kind of wood, that is, in principle , it turns out to be quite interesting, someday , well, when perhaps we have such an area, we will try to do it, it would be nice if this museum was combined with a workshop so that it’s not just people who come to the museum, but also come and see how it’s done, and even better, if someone really wants to, try it themselves, but let it be something
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simple. we are in a workshop for the manufacture and repair of russian folk instruments, as the sign near the door says, on the other side is the workshop. krevischa, although my workshop , of course, i have assistants and associates who help me, everything necessary for our equipment processes is collected here, this is a band saw, a grinding machine, lathes, several milling cutters, air purifiers, and a little something else, that is, everything that is needed for the process of manufacturing
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high-quality folk... my colleague is a radio engineer by training, initially he was known as a master of electric guitars, that is, for most of his life an example... 40-45 he devoted years specifically to electric guitars, i once studied at the institute, graduated from it, then went to graduate school and we were taught that in any research work we must first engage.


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