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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 16, 2024 1:15pm-2:41pm MSK

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kitchen, the face of the family, this is what we look like now, i’ll tell you when it’s possible, that’s it, no, quietly, yet, everything is possible, no, go, stas, please, go, that’s it, go, yet? one step , one more, that’s it, i can’t, that’s it, it’s so unexpectedly beautiful, yes, since childhood, my brother and i, when our parents quarreled, always ran here, and then i continued to come here, alone, and i
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would come back here all the time , even if the parents didn’t quarrel, it’s very beautiful here, yeah, like in a fairy tale, as if now from somewhere there will appear a huge ship with a sailor on the captain’s bridge, that’s where he’ll come out meet asol here, and... wait, do romantics work in banks? well, of course , they work and dream of becoming designers, no, well , it’s somehow unusual for a person who understands securities, futures, bulls, bears, in fact, all kinds of people come, so i’m personally responsible for the cash register, everything here is very simple, how much money they give it, we fill it so much, why fill it, well, in the sense of filling the account. well, it’s a banking term, but in
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any case, don’t worry, any designer should be able to understand finances, but a competent estimate is half the battle, yeah, yes.
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good afternoon, we are broadcasting a unique game for everyone who is interested in new knowledge, unexpected facts and intellectual discoveries, for those who want to get smarter while playing and learn jokingly, and we are ready to introduce you. with
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those who can declare to the whole country, i know, the participants in our game are their teachers, tatyana nikolaevna savila. karina orlova, secondary school number 2 of the city of tolochin named after lugovsky, class leader, teacher of the belarusian language and literature svetlana petrovna korkotskaya.
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arseniy kozil, secondary school number 4 of the city soligorsk deputy director for academic affairs, teacher of russian language and literature olga anatolyevna.
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and science education academy of education. in case of controversial situations, it is she who will decide whose side is right. hello guys, i wish you a great mood today, an interesting game, quick, correct answers and good luck to all participants. good afternoon, guys, we are glad to welcome you here to our playground, well, at the moment, somewhere in the teachers’ room is my colleague, yulia pertsova already getting to know your teachers. julia, you have the floor. so, vasya, our attitude is this: the teachers and i are not worried about the children, they were preparing after all, we are more worried about our tv viewers. therefore, we wish everyone good luck, vasya, start the first round. let's start the first round, let's get acquainted with its
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rules. in the first round, players are asked 12 multiple-choice questions - yes or no, of which only one is correct. the choice must be made in 7 seconds. each correct answer earns the participant one. salt, bread and native nebashil? time! geta is not kahanne, but a simple human occurrence, just like ours with you.
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well, okay, don’t tell me, leave it a secret, i understand, natalya, how did you answer? i also chose the option, yes, because, well, i gave several examples, for example, snails are classified as mollusks and they have a shell, and the shell is made of chitin, or, for example, some other mollusks, i remember these ones that open , oysters, here they are, these are also mollusks, they also have a shell, they are also clever, so... using this analogy, i i chose yes, but what is chitin cover anyway, what is it, why is it needed? a protective cover,
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a protective shell from external influences, from arseny’s gaze i see that he does not agree. arseny, do you have the floor? i answered: no, i was guided by the logic that, uh, let’s say slugs, they don’t have a chitenized cover, as far as i remember, so i answered no, even though biology is not arseny ’s favorite subject, but arseny is a person who teaches everything. that's why they know. the correct answer to this question is: no. babies have a soft body that is not divided into segments and a shell that performs a protective support function. but this same chitinous cover is a protective multi-layered cuticle, which, by the way, we talked about today, a member of the istopods, which performs the function of an exoskeleton. you can pay attention to the screen, there is a small confirmation of my words. third question: is it true that nikolai alekseevich nikrasov? you bought and destroyed the circulation of your first collection of poems, time, the criticism was
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very difficult for this collection and he actually bought it destroyed, veronica, i chose option yes, but to be honest, i barely remember this information, but something told me that this was correct, so oh, so pleased, look. and veronica, let’s say you’re a writer, you wrote something, published it, what could prompt you to take it and buy it yourself, because it’s illogical, you spend money, you know, geniuses, they are such emotional people, they sometimes come up with ideas -strange, brilliant ideas, maybe he changed his mind and considered the idea of ​​​​his works to be some kind of incomprehensible, who else thinks nikhrasov is an eccentric fellow, i also answered this question, right? vladislav, you answered yes, what do you think prompted nikrasov to do this, to act this way?
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well, maybe he really was so crazy, that is, well, first he published it, then he thought that oh, i wrote the wrong thing there, i wanted to write something else, or it somehow turned out crumpled, well, anything can happen, like it’s great that now messengers have the opportunity to edit a written message, you don’t have to do anything with it, who answered no to this question? anastasia, well, i answered no, because i i just recently re-read the information about nikrasov, i didn’t see this at all in his biography, but perhaps i don’t have this information yet. anastasia, where in what source, on what resource did you re-read the biography? literature textbooks and preparation for the olympiad in general, that’s why i re-read them. so, the correct answer. yes, that's right, nikrasov's first collection - dreams and sounds. contained a poem of romantic content, but after a sharp assessment of critics, in particular belinsky, the poet bought
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the rest, destroyed the collections on sale, and this information is contained in the textbook on russian literature, eighth grade. fourth question: is it true that simple sentences containing homogeneous sentence members are called complex. time! if a sentence is complicated by homogeneous members, then it stands out clogged in writing and is considered complicated. egor, what do you think? yes, they are called complicated. what motivated you? i remember exactly that they are called complicated. can you give some, well, i don’t know, here’s a simple example such a complicated sentence, as you understand it. well, let’s say the presenters, students and... an expert have gathered in the studio - we will have homogeneous members - the presenter and
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students and the expert - and accordingly the application will be more complicated, yeah, if snow suddenly falls and slowly falls on the ground, so will well, it’s complicated, well, here it will turn out to be homogeneous - predicates, falls and lies down, yes, but there is someone who answered this question, no, unanimously, you ’re great, the correct answer to this. question: yes, indeed, these are complicated offers. fifth question: is it true that convection is possible in solids? time. margarita, i answered no, because , in my opinion, only in gases in liquids, so good, let’s figure it out, i don’t remember what convection is in general, but you abruptly canceled it, in solids, i mean,
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according to - in my opinion, in solids, no, the correct answer is no, in a solid body, matter cannot move throughout the volume, there can be no talk of any convection. sixth question: is it true that the cylindrical or polyhedral part of the building, which serves as the base for the dome, called a drum. time! vladislav, let ’s talk to you, maybe let’s fantasize, imagine what a drum is and does it even exist? well, it's a drum, but it can be. well, vlad is sure, this makes me happy, i’m also happy for him , where it is located, well, let’s imagine , i don’t know, some simple church, where let’s say, well, there’s a church tower with a golden dome on it, why not, well, quite it can be called that, so the drum is where it is, well, like a tower, that is, the tower itself is
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cylindrical in shape, so there is a drum, yes, it has a corresponding dome on it, so good, i understand your version, natalia? how do you think? is the drum cylindrical in shape, maybe multi-faceted? i answered: yes, but i answered out of intuition and because drums are cylinders. natalya, are there square drums? i didn't see it, maybe. it's good that you have doubts. margarita, how did you answer? i answered yes, because i definitely didn’t see square drums and used my intuition. it’s not for nothing that i’m talking about cylindrical or... multifaceted, but in general i’ll confuse you it didn’t work out, the correct answer is: yes, maybe the drum in architecture is that part of the building that supports the dome, is its base, this is what vladislav and i talked about. seventh question: is it true that the veolanchel sounds higher than the other
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musical instrument alt. time! arseny, how is your music? bellenchell sounds lower than the viola, lower than the viola, yes, and for arseny , music is his hobby, music, dancing, so he is sure of this, but there is something that sounds lower than the velanchell, double bass, i suspect, double bass, your answer is no if i understood correctly, so who answered, yes, anastasia, don’t be shy, please, we ’re trying here. well, i answered yes, i don’t understand music at all and i don’t know exactly which instruments sound like, so i decided that the velilentel sounds higher than the alt. nastya, what is higher and lower anyway? how do you understand this for yourself? well, there are notes, so there are high notes, low notes, so i’m trying to find out, these are what high notes are, mm,
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this is a low note, low, low, and high, high, very good, this will happen in life enough, enough, yes, the correct answer to our question, no, the eighth question, is it true that buddhism is one of the world religions of course, karina. let's talk to you about religion. i answered yes, but i'm not sure of my answer. of course, smart girl, that's right. i believe that buddhism is one of the world religions. look, what an interesting thing, i said about world religions, accordingly, there are several of them, right, if you included buddhism in this series, what else, what other religion could there be? islam, yes, christianity, yes, judaism,
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perhaps let's stop there for now. is there anyone who answered, no? someone who didn’t believe anastasia, well, i, i don’t remember all the relics, there seem to be three of them, if i’m not mistaken, it’s definitely christianity, islam, and i don’t remember the third, but in my opinion it’s not buddhism, oh, eh, and what didn’t you like about buddhism? i don’t know, i just decided that intuitively it turns out, so, attention, three world religions, christianity, islam and buddhism, the correct answer to... question: yes, the ninth question: the hero and heroine of a medieval work by mistake brought a witch's love potion. by drinking this drink, they doomed themselves to a strong mutual... passion for the rest of their lives, is it true that their names were romeo and juliet? time!
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there is no story, sadder in the world. pavel, let's talk to you, how did you answer this question? i answered this question, no, you are more happy than pavel, that’s great, irina answer, well done! to be honest, i don’t remember the work very well, but i definitely remember that there was no such thing there. which work exactly, which work do you not remember very well? romeo julet, romeo julet? yes, who wrote romeo julet? i won’t tell you now, well, there’s no need, then, when the shooting is over, you’ll tell me, in a nutshell, at least about what happened there, romeo, juliet, romeo is a guy, juliet is a girl, right? yes, that is right. so, there was some kind of passion between them, and how did it end? well, death is over. heroes from old age naturally or not, no, not from old age, from something else, probably from stormy youth, yes, precisely from it, okay, thank you very much,
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egor, what do you think, but i think not, this a work of love between representatives of, let’s say, two warring families, well, in general , everything, which families, maybe you remember, no , i don’t remember, very good, great, they died there, how would it have happened, but they loved each other? yes, anastasia, how did you answer? i answered, no, for some reason i ’m sure of this, yeah, yes, that is, there was no love drink, well, yes, but in general there was some kind of drink, i didn’t read the work, that’s it, then i’ll come to you a little later, when you read, anna, the drink really was, it seemed like they gave it to juliet, and he put her to sleep for a while, well, then... she woke up, but then she woke up, but at the same time romeo was already dead, and why did he, he seemed to drink something, not there was poison left on his lips, so juliet kissed him
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and also died, who gave them these drinks, i can’t say for sure, but this is a criminal investigation, they’ll figure it out, we absolutely don’t have to answer this question, artyom, how you answered, and i chose no, well , saying no, it means that all this happened in some other work, right, perhaps, let's not go around too much, the heroes' names were... tristan and isolde. knight tristan was supposed to deliver isolde, well, to her future husband, as it were, but there on the ship they were given, well, some kind of magic drink, and passion flared up between them. but romeo and juliet, it really all ended very tragically, it was poison and really poison that got on the lips, then a kiss, death, in general, such a work, well, from the point of view of a positive ending, of course, the correct answer to our question , no. tenth question: is it true that the square root sign is also called a radical? time: square
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root, called the icon of the root itself - it is a radical. stefania, how did you answer this question? i answered yes, because the math teacher told us about this very often, she is present in the studio today, i , as a math teacher, insisted. so that they learn this, she told us about this many times so that we would remember it directly, so i chose the option yes, it was not in vain that i insisted, not in vain, and this is the absolutely correct answer, the correct answer, yes from latin radix root, eleventh question, gola concerto, is the word written correctly, time. what do you say? i answered yes , it seemed so to me, now, judging by the smile, i see you doubt it, well, perhaps, now i’ll find out, now you’ll find out, okay, i
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like your attitude, and artyom, what do you think? but i think that yes, it is written correctly, natalya, i think that no, because if i remember correctly, then here between the gala and the concert a hyphen should be written, natazh, you are a great smart girl, alla petrovna, she will be happy in this context. that's how you are you see, and this is on the screen, the word is written incorrectly: gola, hyphen, concert , this is the correct spelling, the correct answer to our question, no, the twelfth, final question of the first round: is it true that the first car with an internal combustion engine was created by engineer juan mercedes , time. arseny , how do you like cars, are you interested in this world or is this not at all about you, to be honest, i’m not particularly keen on cars, but it seems to me that juan mercedes is... this is not the person
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who created the first car with an engine internal combustion , arseny is a great guy, he is also interested in technology, that’s why his last name didn’t confuse him in any way, it seems to me that it was one of the english, okay , let’s do this, someone will remember what this car brand is called in full, mercedes-benz, so the internal combustion engine was created by karl benz, the correct answer to our question, how to sum up the results of the first round, i would like to collect your opinion and impressions. pavel, how did you play, how do you evaluate your game in the first round, the game was extremely interesting, my the game let me down a little, but i think that there are some chances, the questions were extremely interesting, but practically did not touch on topics that i know well. margarita, what question did you find most difficult for you? well, i have a gala concert, because...
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egor, veronica, artyom. two players are highlighted in orange, which means you have the same number of points. now our esteemed computer will calculate which of these two players gave their correct answers faster than their competitor. attention. congratulations to anastasia, unfortunately, yes, it’s unlucky for pavel, because he’s running out of time. here it is, a full-fledged
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eight players that we will meet in. in the second round of the intellectual show, i know, at the bottom of the list there are four players with whom alas, but for today i will have to say goodbye, thank you for the game, go ahead, the result, although not high, but i am not disappointed in it, the questions were difficult, often there wasn't enough time, but others did surprisingly well, i wasn't at all upset that you were, because i originally came here to play, try...
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very quickly, but as it is, valuable experience has been gained, we move on, only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, we are in a small town in the grodno region, called bridges, welcome, having eaten quite a bit for a long time we couldn’t eat either baked fish or fish soup, we just sat and...
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colors began to appear, this is, of course, a miracle of god, watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel, amazing people of our country, every instrument, presented here, it is primarily for harmonization, sansul.
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it touches very delicate strings of the soul, especially when i start singing to it. they are ready.
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we are starting the second round, let's get acquainted with its rules. in the second round, players are asked 10 questions with three possible answers, of which only one is correct. the choice must be made in 10 seconds. each correct answer earns the participant two points; the four players with the most points advance to the third round. first question of the second.
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has no relation. correct answer - option b. you've gone, nikola won't come back, olesya. be there, dark-skinned, khanaya, be there. second question: in medicine , physiological solution is widely used, in which the mass fraction of sodium chloride is: a - 0.9%, b - 0.9%, c - 9%. time. sodium chloride, you can still feel the saltiness in it a little, no, i think, anna, as you answered, and i answered
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option b, 0.9%, well done, smart girl, just go for the record, we have it right now in biology course we go over blood, and i remember exactly that... sodium chlorine makes up 0.9.9%. why this saline solution at all? well, what is he doing? it is similar to our body, that is, blood. and let’s say, if there is not enough blood, somewhere a person is losing blood, and there is not enough blood and saline solution saves the doctors while they bring the required blood type. that is, wait, a person who has high blood loss, let’s say he lost a liter of blood, they inject him with saline solution. yes, so that, uh, well, it kind of contains the same components and these can be, red blood cells, everything, yeah, okay, natalya, what do you think? well, i i also chose option b, but it seems to me that the saline solution does not
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contain the formed elements of blood. natalya, what is saline solution? can you explain why it is needed ? in my opinion, it is used for blood loss, if there is no way to transfuse it, because the body has hypostasis... that is, the body’s ability to maintain a constant internal environment, well, that is, the amount of blood in the body is relatively constant, and during a blood transfusion you need to... fill in saline solution, saline solution can help us maintain fluid in the body, but let's let’s put all the dots and once and for all remove this either myth or misunderstanding that saline solution is similar to blood, saline solution does not contain red blood cells or platelets, it has nothing in common with blood, the correct answer to our question is option b 0.9% . third question: what
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were the poets and singers called in medieval germany who belonged predominantly to the knightly class and sang love for a beautiful lady: a ministerels, b - minisingers, c - trumpeters. time. well, each state had its own names. what do you think they were called? i chose answer option b, because it is most similar to a german word, and trubara is, in my opinion, in poland, and ministereli does not sound german. what german word does minizinger sound like? well, it sounds german, but does it sound
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german? yes, okay, vladislav, what do you think, how did you answer? well, i answered ministerelle, because i know that, and these are just german singers of love, well , let’s call them that, well, yes, okay, natalya, i answered option a, because i know for sure that they aged me, these are singers who they sing of love, i immediately dismissed the trumpet, because the pipe, and the ministers, i’m really not sure it was in germany. or not , but it’s not at all clear what minisinger is, so i chose ministerel, because it ’s the closest thing to the question that i know, arseny, i don’t study german, but in principle i’m trying to study it, so i know that singer - this is a singer in german, so i confidently pressed b. arseny is absolutely the correct answer, and he really studies german on his own, so you see, it helped, it helped, pay attention, zingers have a part of singer, meaning singer, well
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this word is fully translated as singer of love, in france they did the same thing, sang love, they were only called ministers or trumpeters. the correct answer to our question is option b. fourth question: the graph of the inverse proportionality function is: a) a parabola, b - a hyperbola, c - an exponential. time! margarita, if i’m not confusing anything, this is your strong point, so you answered this question with your eyes blindfolded? well, i don’t know, even i don’t really remember concepts in mathematics, i solve problems more, love tasks, okay, nevertheless, how did you answer this question?
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the hyperbola has two branches: the branches of the hyperbola are symmetrical about the origin, and if the coefficient is greater than zero, then the graph of inverse proportionality is located in the first and third quarters. the correct answer is option b: hyperbole. fifth question: which scientist is considered the founder of the doctrine of electric and magnetic fields? a. alexandra volta. b. emilius lens, c- michael faraday. time.
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i know, but, for example, lens, i don’t remember in what context i heard it, but alexandra volta, exactly, i'm sure it's not him, that's good, but what? faraday still wanted to do it, well, that’s what you can call his most important work, his passion, that’s what he wanted to achieve, well, in his dreams, or what? i ’m not sure, i can’t say for sure, okay, arseny, i chose option b emily lens, because, as far as i remember, the law of joule lens, kurovna y2 rt is associated with electricity, and it seems to me that
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lens figured somehow in the topic with magnetic fields, could faraday be standing somewhere on the sidelines? i don't remember him, no remember, he was standing. faraday explored the connection between electrical and magnetic phenomena, and in general, speaking about anastasius’ dreams, what i was trying to tell you was that he wanted to turn magnetism into electricity, well, that was his idea. the correct answer to our question is c: michael faraday. sixth question: what was the name of the goddess of health in ancient greek mythology? a - hestia, b - harmony, c - hygieia. time! relatively speaking, if i had studied all of ancient greek mythology at school, it seems to me that answering this question would be extremely difficult.
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just. karina, how did you answer, what do you think about this? i answered option a gesti, but now i began to doubt. aside, well, it seems to me that the correct option would be hygiene, of course, karinochka , it’s okay, we’ll improve, health is hygiene and maybe hygiene is hygiene, the word hygiene comes from her name, as we have already established with you, the main requirement hygiene was cleanliness, an attribute of hygiene - a bowl with a snake became a medical symbol in the 15th century, thanks to the famous physician and scientist paracelsus. seventh question: which of the given words is a numeral? a five-volume, b - fifth, c: five. time! the question is simple, but it can
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get confusing. numerals are also not difficult, it seems to me, stefania, what do you think? a numeral is an independent part of speech that denotes abstract numbers or the number of objects, answers the question of how many, for example, or order. with the score being the same, option b is just right here. the five-volume one answers the question of what adjective it is, clearly, five answers the question, what is a noun, the correct answer to our question, b. fifth. eighth question, the point with what coordinates belongs to the graph of the function y = modulus x?
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option a, b, or c. time. zabolotsky, c - maikovsky, time, what
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exactly is this very ladder, anna, how do you understand this? unfortunately, i don’t remember this concept, but... the answer was from mayakovsky, well, right, good, correct, right, smart girl, vermontava izobolodsky, i don’t remember that, don’t remember such writers in general, no, writers i remember, but for lermontov or zabolatsky’s calling card to be a ladder, no , pay attention to the screen, here it is, that famous ladder, you can see how the lines go, and also... at that time, as far as i know, they paid for the number of lines , and not for the number of words or characters, as, for example, they pay now, so mayakovsky really liked to use one in each line. a maximum of two words, so he got more lines, and accordingly his fee was higher than that of other poets, other writers, for which by the way, he was disliked. the correct answer
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to our question is mayakovsky. the tenth final question of the second round is a housekeeper - this is the position of a worker in a hotel or sanatorium. what are her responsibilities? a- issuing keys, b- issuing lunches, c- issuing linen. time. well, it’s easy here, i need laundry, of course, yes, yes, this is the answer to the issue of laundry. stefania, kostelansha, who is she, what does she do, in a hotel or in a sanatorium? to be honest, i don’t know for sure, but i chose the option of handing out laundry. what exactly were you so pushed towards option c? i don't know, intuition.
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is it more difficult than the first? i think yes, in my opinion, the questions were more difficult, but it seems to me that i answered the majority correctly, but this still does not mean that i will make it to the third round. okay, karina, what question did you find most difficult in the second round? - the last one, about the castilian? yes, i haven't heard that word. well now you know. vladislav, which question seemed the easiest to you? i’m thinking about mayakovsky, but here i simply answered without hesitation. what do you see as your chances of getting into the third round? minimal. will you be disappointed if you don't make it to the third round?
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well, somehow it doesn’t matter. well, then let’s look at the results of our second round like this, indifferently. wow, oops, natalya is our leader, look, i understand, vladislav is still below, unfortunately, yes, he didn’t make it, margarita didn’t make it either. based on this, it will form the final list, pay attention, but bad luck, here are the four players, we will meet in the third round and at the bottom of the list there are four players, with whom, alas , we will say goodbye here now, thank you for game, pass, i'm glad that i even made
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it to the second round, because i didn't expect that i would get there, i can rate my game as a seven, because it wasn't that bad, but not that perfect, i gave it my goal is to get into... the second round , which i did, i was most lucky on questions about mathematics, because i am really very strong in mathematics, i am quite happy with my game, but excitement played a big role, i could have done better, in general i i wasn't particularly worried about the outcome of this game, i understood that perhaps i would not answer some castilian woman there and would not go further, well, such is life, we have a musical break on stage on purpose. foundation of the president of the republic of belarus for the support of talented youth vocal ensemble virosnevitsa of the mogilev children's
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art school number 7. rejoices in the fields, shasika here and there, scatters kindness, in an underwater leather hut,
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this! gold is not enough, bread in half, the soul is wide and good, where the first karagot, hosts, dodge, guillemot days, half the house, songs at the table, rolls through the fields. and in pieces here and there, goodness is scattered, leather hatse under the window, wandering around the fields, shatika here and there, scattering over the obr, in the leather hatse under the window,
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goodness is given in the leather hatse under the window , wandering through the fields, shashika here and there, scattering good, in a leather hut under a cotton wool, rolling through the fields, shaktika here and there, scattered with goodness, in a leather hut under a cotton wool, in a leather hut under a cotton wool, called good,
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hey! an amazing adventure for foreigners in belarus. hello. hello. and my name is olga. very nice. preparation for the cook was in charge of the feast. it was he who led the work. and only men were the cooks. an ecuadorian has lived here for 8 years and travels through our cities and villages, there is some kind of standard, well, if it’s a professional kitchen, it should always be the same, yes there should be a standard, of course, mine probably doesn’t, mine is too big, terrible, for the first time it’s normal , you felt like a prisoner, probably now the soldiers should feel, come on, okay, let’s go to the tower, the model of our church, which is located in our town, was made by hand
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our children and wow, the children were made. with pleasure talks about the most colorful places in the country, it was unexpected, he wants to make some kind of film, that people have already walked here, run through all sorts of massacres, all sorts of epic stories, watch the travel project white dew on the belarus 24 tv channel . i congratulate you on your entry into the third round and i propose to put aside for a while questions for which there can be only one correct answer , to get to know each other better. natalya, let's start with you. in your questionnaire, you said that you have a least favorite subject. first of all, thanks for honesty, you are the only one who said
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honestly that there is an unloved subject, and this is the unloved one. no, this is physical education, why is that? natalia? because i have poor physical health, when i run 100 m, i feel that soon, i don’t know, some limb will fall off, when the ball flies at me, i don’t want to push it away or catch it, but to dodge it, that’s why i don’t play volleyball very well either, that’s why i don’t have much success in physical education, well, what is my soul more focused on, what subjects? we have of course, he is more inclined towards the humanities, well, now he is interested in chemistry and biology and the english language olympiads. the most memorable incident from your school life is a meeting with an english teacher in the second grade, and what was so memorable, why is this meeting so important to you? because the meeting did not take place in my english class, i did not go to
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physical education, because, it seems, i had an exemption due to illness. on the back desk in my office we are with our teacher we were reviewing some assignments for the russian language olympiad, in our office there was a lesson with the english teacher with whom i study... now i really liked the way she spoke, i really liked the way her speech sounded, i didn’t understand anything , but then i approached my mother and said: “i want to babble like this aunt, because - her speech was like, well , like water flowing, because she spoke very quickly, very freely, my mother, who also works at the school, approached the teacher , agreed with her, she became mine i became an english tutor, then i became an english olympiad participant and literally passed.
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we are confident in you, so we want you to be confident in yourself. vasya, let's meet stefania. there is one trait that, as you wrote, really hinders you from achieving success, and here i really want
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to preserve your specific formulation. it's laziness, which i've been successfully fighting for 15 years. stefania, don’t you think that if you ’ve been struggling with something for 15 years, it’s not very successful, well, no, it’s successful, but it’s still going nowhere doesn't disappear, that's the problem? how do you fight, what do you do from this line to make it go away? well, first of all, i force myself to do something, set goals for myself and tell myself that i need to achieve them, since i dream about it, and laziness seems to go away, but it is still present, and sometimes it gives up , just the same, i can’t say that it happens that she gives up, no, she doesn’t give up, but a little - probably her strength of this desire weakens, you just need a little help, spur, support, then with everything with new strength. studying because you want to become a successful person, yes, you want to achieve success, but what does success mean to you? well, for me , success is to enroll in the university of my dreams, in the specialty of my dreams, to build a career in
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this specialty, a successful one, exactly the career that i want for myself. what do you want to do? i want to connect my life with the field of medicine, yeah, be a doctor. yes, but what kind of doctor, perhaps, were you already thinking about? most likely a dentist. what attracts you so much about this particular one? profession, well, i don’t know, it seems to me that it’s worthy for me, i should go there quite high scores for admission, and i’m interested in setting myself a bar to try to achieve it, or suddenly you found out about the income of dentists, and this too, we have such a comeback, it turns out, because stefania already participated in i know in the fifth grade what results she achieved then we made it to the super final, wow, she was telling us why she was coming to us again. came and why did she have such a desire? well, probably, first of all, prove to yourself that it can be even better, but either again get the same impressions and emotions? impressions and emotions
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she definitely doesn’t say revenge, but i think i mean, judging by her face, it means she came for revenge. well, we wish stefania good luck, let it be better in fifth grade. thank you. now let's get acquainted with... arseny. arseny, the subject that is most difficult for you is biology. why do you think this is so? this has nothing to do with the teacher or the fact that the subject is bad, it’s just that it’s quite difficult for me. perhaps this is due to the fact that the flow of information is quite large, i cannot cope with it. for me they are more priority my favorite subjects are history, physics and mathematics. in the future, do you plan to somehow connect your life - with them or not? yes, i kind of have two choices, it’s either. bguir or bggu, if it is bgu, then this is international relations, if bguir, then this is programming, computer technology. why do you need more? i think that after all,
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computer technology is mine, that is, physics and mathematics in the future. according to our assessments, there is no difference between favorite subjects and unloved ones, we just need to show a little more perseverance here, determination, then it comes easier: physics, mathematics, history. i need to learn biology, that is, there is no such thing as i don’t like biology, it’s bad, and even if it’s a two, a seven, a six, no, our average score is above nine, so definitely. you motivate yourself to study by the fact that after you work a little, there will definitely be rest, but unfortunately, you didn’t indicate in our questionnaire how you relax, what rest means to you, what do you do? i prefer active types of recreation, ranging from playing basketball or football, i also do intellectual games, so they also make up a huge part of my leisure time, he has a lot of different interests, he tries, he is with us. likes to play chess,
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music, theater, what kind of theater? we have our own theater at school, so he participates as an actor, wow, what roles, dramatic or, well, the last thing i remember was the prince, no, it was the prince, prince, arseny - it’s about goals, and he loves to achieve them, maybe remember what the most, most cherished goal for him at the moment, well, at the moment for us, for arseny, was the goal to achieve here, he is 4
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years old... this is your lowest answer, so far yes, this year it is, this is even possible, perhaps, this is possible, for nastya this is reality, she has nines, tens, she is an excellent student, but in the class in which she studies, there are also girls who also do excellent grades at 9-10, there is such good healthy competition between these girls, you like to read books, you like to listen to music, what’s the last interesting thing you read, what could you recommend the latest books? without giving up halfway, he brings it to the end, the idea to the end, it doesn’t leave, doesn’t go away , most of our guys indicated in the questionnaire that they don’t have time to read, or there is time, but this is just one book, there are two , otherwise everything else... their energy goes to school
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literature, where do you find time to read about thirty books, for example, about percy jackson? i somehow got used to distributing my time so that everything would have some time for the olympiad, to prepare for lessons, and at the same time to read. project i know, she wanted to get here or someone persuaded? we’re in a circle, what we do where and when, and we often watched this program, and i say: nastya, let’s try, and here we are, she immediately agreed, like that. and we are here in the third round - it’s not only about the knowledge in the textbooks that are given to us, but also about erudition, that’s what you think, will it be more difficult for anastasia or just easier, well, i think she ’s okay with erudition, there are concerns regarding the speed, but after all, the guys gathered are very capable, strong guys, yes , they are all tough nuts, but they are all worthy of each other friend, let's see who can handle it now.
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we wish all the guys good luck, vasya, let's start the third round. it's time to get back into the game, the third round is ahead. let's get acquainted with its rules. in the third round, the presenter asks 10 questions, and the participant with the fastest reaction gets the right to answer. a correct answer earns him three points. in case of an error, the right to answer passes to other participants. the two players with the most points advance to the fourth round. the first question of the third round is in honor of what flower? got its name this type of window in gothic buildings. stefania, rose. rose, absolutely correct answer. yes. wow, stefania delivers. second question of the third round. but read them in pieces. today is one thing, tomorrow is another. and one of them, perhaps, will plant something in his soul. who wrote about what? anastasia.
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turgenev about his prose poems, smart girl, are you surprised? surprised, seriously surprised. turgenev about his prose poems is the correct answer. yes. attention, the third question of the third round. so small and flat suitcase for business purposes is called either briefcase or also as one prestigious profession. how exactly? stefania, diplomat. well, it would be strange if stefania didn’t say. diplomat, you think maybe that's the right answer, yes, diplomat. fourth question: calculate the value of the expression you see. on the screen: arseny, and the answer is seven, it’s so fast, it’s really so fast, it ’s very fast, can i ask you, as you thought, to decipher a little 16 at the root 4, y at the root 3, 4 + 3 = 7 , the absolutely
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correct answer is yes, seven, the fifth question and this question from the chest, we have a type of stocking in our chest, these items of clothing are part of the uniform of professional football players, under them... special protective shields are attached, used to protect against blows to the legs during the game. what's in our chest? arseny, is the getri right here in the chest? yes. let's get a look. let's. oh yes, those are leg warmers. yellow, unworn. six question. which sea connects to the atlantic ocean? strait of gibraltar arseny mediterranean sea, arseny, wow, you didn’t even give should i finish voicing the question, what if there was some kind of curl at the end, well, maybe, but no, the mediterranean is the absolutely correct answer,
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yes, you can verify this by looking at the screen, here it is, the strait of gibraaltar, here it is the mediterranean sea , the seventh question, before you... a year, alas, this is the wrong answer. natalia. 1960. and this is the correct answer. the year 1960 is actually depicted on the emblem using roman numerals. video question. dear game participants, you probably know that
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there are different types of fires. i'll ask you answer. what is this type of fire called? pionersky. great answer. arseny: pioneer. you also see, it ’s like telepathy. nice try, but no. stephanie. perhaps a hut. hut? yes. what other types of casters do you know? i don't know, unfortunately. and it's good that you only know the hut, because that's the correct answer. yes, a hut. the ninth question is an audio question. the traditional belarusian musical instrument you hear is called the same as a talkative person is sometimes called. and just like... arseny, i pressed in vain, probably, but let there be brushes, no, these are not brushes, rattles, this is the correct
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answer, arseny was a little hasty, the final question is, in what stable expression is this bird usually used in relation to older people? arseny , let there be a gray gelding, gray gelding , where are the hooves, maybe they didn’t come into focus, in fact the photographer was not shooting a bird, this is the wrong answer, natalya, perhaps it ’s a cuckoo, there is an expression cuckoo, cuckoo, how much do i left to live, no, well done, she tried, you also really think that exactly... stefania, i’ll try the option of a white crow, a white crow, yes, she’s just wearing makeup, to whom the expression white crow is usually used, well, a person who is somehow
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different from others, is not like others , a loner, yes, but these are hardly older people, well , that is, older people, of course, may differ from others, but no, anastasia, do you have a chance to make money? old barn owl, let there be something already, that is, you left the entrance, did not say hello to your grandmother, she, in turn, somehow called you, you in your i don’t call them at all, they called her an old bastard and went about their business , we didn’t receive an answer at the site, so we’ll look for it in...
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and there’s another vacant place with a score of 33 points, stefania’s company will be arseny, but she’s our two finalists, stefania and arseniy, natalya, anastasia, we say thank you for the game, it was not enough, there is no reason to be upset, but for now i ask. i
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suggest starting with third place, natalya, congratulations, are you happy with this result? i understand that if reacted faster, the result could have been better. how did you play, did you like it? well, yes, i liked it, i went further than last time, i’m basically satisfied, like last time. tell me, please, share, fifth grade, fifth, you were also in fifth grade, and what place did you take then, you reached the second round after the second round you were eliminated, well, that’s great, now i have the best result for you, you improved it, so it seems to me that this is an excellent result for you, natalya nikolaevna, are you satisfied? you know i'm always happy natasha, of course, is a little offended that there wasn’t enough reaction, well , that’s what i was afraid of, but i’m sure that she has enough knowledge, a lot, so... i think that’s the main thing, and we visited, got good impression, who is more upset, i can’t
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understand, natasha or natalya nikolaevna, i think we are both a little bit, yes, i want to make a wish in your favorite english: don't worry, be happy, everything will be fine, good luck you and thank you very much for the game, thank you nastya, well, it seems to me that you are happy, you i smiled throughout the game , i played with ease, i didn’t perceive it. this is so much - just to be very upset about this, i understood that my minimum program is to at least stay in the third round and how it will go from there, i understand that this is not even the maximum of my capabilities, after all, that is , of course the reaction let me down, of course the speed in the answers, because i know exactly what questions i would answer, well, of course about the ratchet and of course about... the rose, these stained glass windows, because i didn’t answer these questions would be strange for me.
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well done, smart girl, i like your attitude , tatyana nikolaevna, i’m very pleased with nastya, she’s great, she really, as she said, this is not the limit of her capabilities, she can do more, this is experience, this is another stage in her life, and beyond everything will only be fine. i congratulate you, i’m glad to meet you, well, now it’s time to start the fourth round, because we need to find out who the winner will be. vasya, let's get started. the fourth round is ahead, let's get acquainted with its rules. in the fourth round participants are asked to answer 10 questions from different categories. the leader by the number of points is the first to choose the topic of the question and, if answered correctly , receives four points. if the answer is incorrect, the second participant enters the game. the correct option earns him two points. stefania, you have the most points, and therefore you should choose the first category, let's chemistry, what
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is the name of the covalent bond between atoms of elements with different electronegativity, polar, well done, polar, this is the absolutely correct answer, arseny, the choice is yours, let's do algebra. pay attention to the screen: what is this form of writing a quadratic function called? square trinomial? this is the wrong answer. stephanie? perhaps this is a dedicated full square? recorded in the form of a selected complete square. and this is the correct answer. yes, this is a notation in the form of a highlighted full square. stefania, your move? let's go mythology. as in ancient greek mythology
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the warlike people consisting exclusively of women were called, this is possible. amazons, that's for sure. amazon, correct answer. yes, amazon. arseny. let's have a story. according to the memoirs of contemporaries, emperor alexander ii, who was a passionate hunter in his youth, more than once said that it was this book that convinced him of the need to abolish serfdom. what are the first and last names of its authors? let it be ivan. turgeev, you can exhale, yes, and this is the correct answer, yes, ivan turgenev. stefania, let's do fine art. the portrait of ilya repin, a famous russian entrepreneur, philanthropist and collector works of russian fine art. he is immortalized against the backdrop
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of the gallery he created. state his first and last name. well, the last name. tretyakov, but i don’t remember his name. alas, i cannot accept this answer as correct, because the wording contains a first and last name. arseny, do you have the opportunity to earn points? perhaps his name was ivan trisyakov. and this is also the wrong answer. the course moves to the teachers' room. julia, help us. we are too, we are confused and there is no answer. we know that this is trityakov and the tretyakov gallery, we have been there, but we don't remember the name. then i. i’ll enlighten the teachers’ room, the participants, the finalists of our today’s game, pavel tretyakov, now you know, arseny, let’s do the geography, with which river the neman was connected, the august canal, i don’t
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know, let it be hung, and that’s right, why does he doubt it, you’re already in. .. the second time you say: let it be, then you substitute the correct answer, this is vistula. stefania, let's have russian literature. remember the russian writer born in nizhny novgorod and tell me what name this city had from 1932 to 1990. bitter, smart girl, smart girl, just, i didn’t even expect it, well, this is the correct answer. gorky arseny, let's belarusian literature , under what pseudonym we know the poet ivan nislukhovsky, i will answer maxim tank, oops, this is the wrong answer, stefania, there is no version, perhaps not, kondrat krapiva, maybe
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no, this is not kondrat krapiva, we again we hope for the help of the teachers. we have versions, no, no, no versions, maybe this will somehow help our children gain self-confidence to answer the last questions, and adults too they are mistaken, janka lucina, stefania, let's do biology, the phylum chordates are divided into three subtypes: vertebrates, tunicates and tunicates, which of the three subtypes belongs to... the lancelet, culonates, tunicates, this is the correct answer. arseny, physics. for the first time, the value of the speed of light was calculated by the danish astronomer roemer, who observed the satellite of a certain planet. what kind of planet was this? i'll answer neptune. alas, this is not
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neptune. stefania, possibly venus. and not venus, the move goes to the teachers' room, well , let us offer our versions, what we have there are planets left, i accepted two versions of pluto-saturn, and the correct answer is jupiter, this was the last question in our game today, i ask you, pay attention to the screen, there are our final results, well done, stefania wins today with a score of 54-41 , this applause sounds in your honor, arseny, you are a finalist and have every chance of getting into our super game, well for today arseny to this applause, we say goodbye to you, thank you for playing! arseny, i
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know that the last thing in the world you wanted now was to become a teacher. i'm right, but i'm always you i’m glad to see you, because our teacher’s room works wonders, you are smiling, i’m very glad to see your smile, well, let’s remember the game, what went wrong? in the fourth round , maybe in the third, i think there was a problem in the third round, i didn’t press fast enough in the last questions, so i didn’t manage to get the right of first choice, accordingly, i think that’s why i didn’t manage to take first place, i think that everything turned out great for stefania, she deserved first place, a well-deserved victory, well, in general emotions, did you like playing, did you like the opponents? well, yes, the competition was quite serious, i was very strong at the beginning, i had such a good montage, well
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, by the end of the whole game i had the impression that i wouldn’t be upset if i lost, so it’s like this and it turned out that your jitters brought you to second place, and we didn’t notice it, though... it seemed that you were very collected throughout the game, that there wasn’t a bit of excitement, although of course there was definitely excitement, well, in principle, the game we we are happy and i think that we will still get to the super final, yes, and then we will win back, good luck to you, and i’m going to the main stage to congratulate stefania. the game is over, it's time to reward and congratulate the winner. this wonderful bouquet is for you. thanks a lot. well, the game is over, now we can share our impressions. stefania, how do you like
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the game? it was very interesting and exciting. i am very glad that i won, but the road that i took to this victory seemed to me very challenging, interesting and difficult. nothing myself, liliya mikhailovna, but the rematch was a success. it took place. your emotions. emotions. i don’t even know how to describe , the match, the rematch really took place, this is important, and why are emotions still overwhelming, well, because this is our path with her since the first grade, and it ended in success, yes, let us remind you that in the fifth grade stefania became second in the game, yes, second, congratulations, thank you, thank you very much, another game is over, we just learned the name of the first super finalist , a ninth grader, and even today. stephanie was enough to win, we advise against stop and pump them further, because in the super final a battle of superintelligences awaits her .


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