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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 16, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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that we don’t want capitalism, but we want socialism, we can’t, they’ll eat it from one side to the other, because it’s not fashionable in the world now, red rag, red rag, but tell me the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is a panorama, a live broadcast, about the main events of saturday, march 16, i will tell you, sergey lugovsky, hello! current agenda
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: important events: the presidents of belarus and russia had a telephone conversation. the latvian regime once again showed the whole world what fascism is. murderers and executioners of the slavs walked through the streets of riga, hitler's accomplices, ss legionnaires. and accurate to the second. today it became known to what extent the belarusian space launch is planned on board. see also the panorama issue. the task from the president is to restore roads in the country by may 9. the deputy prime minister spoke about the realities of the project, question number one. but the fact that this remained on paper was already reported by the regulatory authorities. today, a film crew from a television news agency and a radio company is present at the historic event. donbass elects the president of the russian federation for the first time. about who you voted for.
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today there was a telephone conversation between the presidents of belarus and russia: alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin discussed current issues of bilateral relations and the situation in the region. and the mature nation has fulfilled promises of confidence in the future, about the coming to power of a new generation, about the belarusian ideology and civil society. on constitution day, our president spoke about the main thing. alexander lukashenko spoke. with a speech in which he touched upon the historical foundations of belarusian constitutional legislation, the modern stage, marked the achievement of sovereign belarus and emphasized its independent path of development. at a large-scale event in the palace of independence the day before, there were judges of the constitutional court, representatives of public associations of political parties, people's representatives, scientists, managers, each of them contributed to the formation of a sovereign belarus. to varying degrees. each
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of them participated in the drafting of the first and only constitution of our sovereign country. today we can state: we are following the path that we ourselves have chosen, from scratch we built a vertical management system, as our president will say, but not immediately, and not without emotions, and not even without attempts from foreign advisers, we maintained the practice of continuity and mentoring. alexander lukashenko turned to experienced people, asking them...
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our constitution provides an opportunity to live with dignity, develop, feel safe, and implement the most daring plans of an undertaking in our native land. this is how it should be in modern times. our friendly work on the latest constitutional changes, our recent active election campaign, our common sense perception of global political upheavals and military conflicts. together we will have to continue a more substantive conversation about the new
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challenges that time poses to us. one way or another, they all relate to issues of preserving our values, cultural and spiritual priorities. at the last one, you and i voted to change the basic law. the constitution of belarus has truly become the people's state-forming document. great conversations about the future of our country will continue very soon at the all-belarusian people's assembly. the first documents that established the fundamental principles and norms of law on the territory of our country are deeply rooted in the history of the belarusian land, and you and i are preserving traditions,
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including through national discussion of the main decisions. we will continue our conversation with the rector of the academy of management, vyacheslav danilovich. vyacheslav viktorovich, hello, i would like to understand how deep the roots of the belarusian legal system go, can we consider the statute of the grand duchy of lithuania of 1588 as the very document that established the foundations of the rule of law on the territory of belarus? well, of course, in a certain historical period this was indeed the case, but if we are talking about the roots of our legal system, then they are even deeper than the statutes of the grand duchy of lithuania. you can remember the russian truth, which...
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why can’t we, for example, conditionally, immediately write well and of high quality, well, it’s a misconception that in the usa the constitution does not change, and the constitutional amendments that are adopted there are not changes constitution, well, this simply does not stand up to any criticism, i will say that any legal document is not a frozen thing, life changes, at one stage it was
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the same, some external internal elements of the development of a particular society and a state arise, which must be taken into account in state building, and changes to the constitution are quite normal. a fairly common thing that is present in many countries around the world. another thing is that these changes can be formalized either by adopting certain laws, either by parliamentary vote or by referendum. from our point of view, of course, of course, the most democratic way is to hold constitutional referendums, when all citizens who have the right to vote have the opportunity to speak out on the proposed changes, support or not support them, and this mechanism, from our point of view, is very important , the fact that we have it. the modern republic of belarus is actively used, by the way, your opinion regarding those amendments that were made to this version of the constitution, because they were introduced , including by belarusians, large-scale public discussions were held, that is, in fact , citizens became co-authors of this constitution, how important
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it is to implement exactly this approach, it is certainly very important, it was done very correctly that the constitutional referendum and the adoption of these amendments to the constitution were preceded by a fairly active and long period. discussion on dialogue platforms of various initiatives regarding these constitutional changes, processing the information received with proposals from citizens on what would be advisable to make, this is actually a titanic work. was done in our society, and this allowed our citizens to feel like real participants in constitutional construction in their state, this is also an important element of democracy, such a practice, from my point of view, is only commendable, which means it must be supported, and it means it has been determined those things have crystallized that acceptable, but for the majority of our citizens, they were put to a referendum and ultimately supported, the events of 2020 that took place in our country, they very clearly showed how... fragile, peace and tranquility clearly showed what we are being called to , yes, that means
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the so-called foreign, and let’s say, directly western benefactors, who consider themselves to be the beacons of democracy, that means, and other and other things, strive to lead the rest of the world, the only question is where they are leading it, because they are actually leading v degradation. here is how you focused your attention on 2020, on the events that took place in our country, in your opinion, the new version of the constitution corresponds to the spirit of the times and those challenges and threats. of course, we understand that it is necessary to develop, life is changing, all this must be taken into account, but we must go gradually,
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improve what has been achieved, discarding some unnecessary, outdated things, but maintaining the healthy core of our society. less protocol, more life, watch our new one tomorrow on the main broadcast heading, time first, this is different. a look at all the topics of the week, important meetings, events in the presidential schedule, what is left behind the scenes of the news, a different look at all the topics of the week awaits you, exclusive comments, new footage , don’t miss this sunday, we open the doors to big politics, what are the secrets in the red personnel the president's folder? insiders from the corridors of power, when to expect a new head
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of administration, political kitchen, time has chosen us, and not only, please, maslenitsa, we will break through with god’s help, true mercy or who has a second chance, the president is very attentive to the fate of each person, a different look at the main topics of the week - this is the time of the first, and don’t even try... to interfere with us. another pressing issue that is under the close control of the head of state. road crews continue to clean up highways after the winter. 90 thousand square meters of potholes have already been eliminated on national roads, 70,000 on local ones. this is the number one question in the draft, said by deputy prime minister anatoly sevak. total for restoration will be directed. 2.1 billion rubles. on behalf of the head of state, increased attention will be paid to local roads.
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reconstruction and construction of bridges will continue. if we take in kilometers what we did last year, we line up all the bridges in one line, there were 4 km 800 m. this year it is 5 km 200 m, that is, even more. the main thing is that this year we actually started actively working on the largest bridge. this is a bridge near mozyr, which already requires reconstruction, and we started this reconstruction last year at the end of the year and this year we will continue actively. landscaping of courtyards, streets and roads is one of the brands in belarus. it is clear that order must always be maintained, because we do this primarily for ourselves. but by may 9, all roads must be restored. this is exactly what the president's order sounds like.
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twist, as people say, force them to fulfill their duties, repair roads, repair yards, but you have march, april, by may 9, all roads must be restored, this is the task of the government, tell it personally to the prime minister, let starts studying together with the deputy prime minister, there must be a result, pay attention to this and organize people. how is the president’s order to restore roads implemented, how much does 1 km cost the budget, which highways are a priority? project question number one is available on the youtube channel. tv news agency, come, watch, subscribe. road repairs are under the close attention of regulatory authorities; the prosecutor’s office, together with the state control committee, checked the progress of work
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on a section of the m10 highway. result disappointing. part of the road. only on paper, and this is causing damage on an especially large scale and a criminal case. all the details right now. this section of the m-10 road has been in need of repair for a long time. the customer, and this is the gomel-atodor enterprise, developed the project estimate documentation back in 2023. in october, the contractor was chosen , gomel road construction trust no. 2, and work began. however, the project provided for their implementation in the summer. the actual start of repairs took place on the eve of winter. constitute its suspension. due to december unfavorable weather conditions , construction and installation work was suspended, now in the twenty-fourth year they have been resumed, work continues under the contract for the commissioning of the facility until mid-april of the twenty-fourth year, this is the right lane, the left lane after confirmation of funding will be continued, that is,
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it will be selected accordingly contractor and work will continue. in winter, when renovation work is taking place. were suspended, one lane had to be blocked, as a result, the main load was on the second, which is natural had a negative impact on its condition , this was immediately noted by motorists, when it got dark early, the potholes were almost impossible to notice, taking into account the intensity of traffic and the speed limit, the number of accidents here increased when the road was closed last year, of course everyone expected that this was before the cold weather, before the winter all this will open, because the traffic here is quite intense, when... they closed , of course, one section, it was very badly damaged, there were traffic jams, and a number of accidents, well , the tires were punctured, a lot of cars, and i think that if at least this, i don’t know, happened in the summer, because it gets dark much later, it would be much more comfortable for drivers to move around in general. at the beginning
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of 2024 , employees of the prosecutor's office and the state control committee drew attention to the problem associated with this section of the road. joint inspection. the contracting organization indicated types of work that were not actually completed, resulting in unjustified funds received from the budget in the amount of more than 3 million belarusian rubles. based on the results of the inspection, the prosecutor's office a criminal case was initiated under part three of article 424 of the criminal code of the republic of belarus. abuse of official powers, resulting in damage on a particularly large scale, and as a result of these actions, harm was caused to state and public interests. the company was asked to return the illegally received funds to the budget with an appropriate penalty. it should also be noted that administrative
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liability is provided for this offense in the form of a fine of up to 50% of the amount of the identified overstatement. regarding officials. a criminal case has been opened against the customer and contractor organizations, while the road is being repaired, a preliminary investigation is being carried out. karina pashkova, telenews agency. the president of belarus is expected to visit mongolia. this was stated by the leader of mongolia at a meeting with the minister of foreign affairs of our country and sergei olenik in lonbater. the parties confirmed their mutual interest. further progressive development of cooperation in all areas on the basis of friendship and mutual benefit. sergei oleynik also held talks with the deputy prime minister of mongolia and the heads of a number of ministries. in addition, the belarusian delegation visited several production facilities. during the visit , it was noted that the emergency situations agency in mongolia has long had belarusian special equipment on combat duty. with its
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help, more than 1,300 lives have already been saved and property damage in excess of $20 million has been prevented. latvia has once again shown its true colors. in the last country in the world in which openly celebrates.
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considered heroes who fought against the soviet occupation and annually glorify them , some individuals in riga continue their memory. europe is sick, something needs to be done about it. the hungarian prime minister harshly criticized the european union when delivering a speech on the occasion of the anniversary.
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how the most terrible wars in the history of mankind were incited through provocations, why grandmother died, this is the end of poland, and dortmund attack on the soviet union, phantom boats of vietnam and what the tonkin incident was, and also why there were provocations in warsaw and nato belarusian borders? all answers in a clear policy on monday after the panorama.
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in 5 days, a new historical
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event will occur for our sovereign country. today the exact time of the start of the space flight of the crew with the belarusian on board became known. marina vasilevskaya with roscosmos cosmonaut and also our oleg navitsky, nasa astronaut tracy dyson will leave for the iss on march 21 at 16:21 minutes 19 seconds minsk time. the main and backup crews, with another of our belarusians , anastasia linkova, had a press day today. journalists observed classes on manual control of the ship, and there were also vestibular training classes on general physical training. we have our own routine, we work according to a schedule, that is, we even get up. and the end of the schedule, every day we have hepoxic training, orthostol, vestibular apparatus, we train, breakfast, lunch, dinner, of course. even
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without this, in general, we work according to schedule, i really like this weather, this is the atmosphere of baikonur, it’s is rapidly bringing us to our day , march 21, our start, we are ready, today the crews visited the cosmonauts’ alley, now the belarusian cosmonauts have their own tree in baikanurye, but can you boast of excellent health, like our cosmonauts, like you? do you generally care about your health, that of your loved ones, or maybe you know exactly how to properly provide first aid? a new educational project “start your heart” has started in belarus. more than 20,000 tenth graders from all over the country take part in it. more than 340 educational institutions and about twenty healthcare institutions have become platforms for additional training. in an hour and a half , specialists, both in theory and in practice,
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explain to schoolchildren: the basic rules for providing first aid in emergency situations, training takes place on modern simulators and mannequins. and i decided to participate in this project because i believe that knowledge of how to properly provide first aid, an algorithm of actions in an emergency situation is really important, and something that can help save human life. they will receive basic practical skills in providing assistance to a patient who has...
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most often, no one succeeds, even third, fourth, fifth , sixth year students at a medical university, when they do it for the first time, so the more you do it, and the more experienced that teacher is, why, in fact, is this is done on the basis of medical colleges, medical universities, the faster you can do it. first aid is something that can save more than one life in fact, it is a very important skill. in the process of medical
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pre-conscription training, tenth graders study. the basics of first aid, but here we have developed a program together with the ministry of health, a one and a half hour program, where the key is to develop practical skills, it is very gratifying to note that there will be sites until may, from today there will be about 340 of them, where there will be the most modern equipment, mannequins and people who work in simulation centers and are highly qualified professionals in this area. training will take place according to saturdays through may 11. today the tragedy in slovakia became known. there, in the mountains , a belarusian woman died after being attacked by a bear. the accident happened the day before. our tourist and a friend went for a walk along one of the hiking trails in the low tatras,
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where they were attacked by a bear. the couple split up trying to escape from the animal; as a result , the thirty-one-year-old woman fell off a 150 m high cliff. the man miraculously managed to escape. polish farmers have a new goal. following the ukrainian border, already tomorrow farmers intend to block the border crossing between poland and germany for 3 days. they are expected to be joined by their german colleagues. this...
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do the authorities there even know that their strategic industry, their food security, is under attack? in our south the sowing season is already actively underway, every day it is being connected... more and more new regions of belarus, of course, the weather is still changeable, therefore , assessing the condition of the soil, the eastern and northern regions of the mogilev and vitebsk regions carefully enter the fields, but before massive works are not far away. machine operators, as they say, continue to seal off moisture; it is important to preserve what has accumulated over the winter, and also apply fertilizers for spring sowing and feed winter crops. apparently, we are talking about the state of overwintering of winter crops in particular.
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with the provision of fuel and fertilizers and how our exports are progressing at the start of the year, not only deputy prime minister leonid zayatsov will talk about this on the main broadcast tomorrow at 9 pm on belarus 1. the tel news agency continues
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to check the enterprise for quality, in the center attention arshan flax mill, the only one in belarus, the largest in the cis countries and europe for the production of linen fabrics. the entire industry is always under scrutiny.
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the threads of fate are woven together, that workshop didn’t even exist yet, before we had only one preparatory workshop, now we have two, every year we need high-quality long fiber, it’s very noisy here, you ’re already used to it, yes, of course, but from the noise earplugs save us, we’ll expand the assortment list, find out what’s in the consumer’s top list, in general, belarusian products, what do you need? do you like it and like it, but what about the quality? can you hear me? fine. we will answer for quality this sunday on the main broadcast.
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another one of the main topics of the week. the second day of voting in the presidential election has ended in russia. by the way, in belarus, russians will be able to cast their votes at six polling stations; they will have this opportunity tomorrow. according to the russian central election commission, the first results of the presidential election are expected on sunday after 9:00 pm. for the first time
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, residents of donbass are participating in the russian presidential elections, for each of them this is more than just vote. this is a choice of your future and the future of your children. that's why they go. all. at the moment, based on the results of voting from march 10 to 16, more than 86% of dpr residents have already made their choice. most of. i voted early, also for security reasons. who will sing for belarus at the slavic bazaar in vitebsk, the intrigue was resolved today in belynichi, where the finals of the national selection for the international competition of young pop singers and the international children's musical competition took place. the competition of fate was decided by the judges,
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among them is our cultural observer, lydia zablotskaya, she is still in belynichi and is ready to share behind-the-scenes details, and most importantly, the voices of the winners. lida, greetings. good evening, sergey, well, first of all , i’ll explain why this national selection was brought specifically to bily nitsche, this is the cultural capital of belarus 2024, well, in principle, the ministry of culture made it back in 2019 . the idea for the national selection to travel beyond the mkt, in 2019 it went to orsha , for 5 years now the national selection has been decorating our regional centers, truly the voices of young people today they decorated this center, the belynichi cultural center, it seems to me that it was really the children’s competition that simply tore the hall apart, it was truly unexpected based on the results, i was a member of the jury, i was lucky enough to be a member of the jury. in the children's and adult competition, let's start
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with it, because it ended 2 hours ago and also quite unexpectedly, eighteen-year-old alexandra nossel isranovich, now a student at the university of culture and arts, was triumphant, and literally came away by 12 points from second place and became the winner of the competition, and she really did absolutely beautifully, sludsk towels, literally, sludsk belts, spread out during...
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which, in principle, is the beauty of the national selection for the slavic bazaar, the jury does not go into a closed office and does not discuss everything for some time , we had remote controls, thanks to which we gave ratings online, so everyone could express their opinion, give...
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it was very unexpected and i had been working towards this for a very long time, so i am incredibly, incredibly happy and grateful to everyone for their support for this opportunity and i'm very happy. tavsky district, he is quite hardworking, because every week he goes to minsk for vocal classes. what's most interesting is that today the number nine turned out to be lucky. our two winners performed under these numbers, it brought them good luck. well, what kind of luck will smile on them in vitebsk, the slavic bazaar, we
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will find out in july. we will monitor their preparation. sergey, these are the results, you have the floor. thank you, lydia, for these. vivid musical and operational details. farewell to winter with folk songs and pancakes and a scarecrow. maslenitsa was celebrated in belovezhskaya pushcha, and the venue for the festivities was not the estate of father frost, but a unique open-air museum where the dwellings of ancient people were recreated. the organizers have prepared a very rich program, master classes , exhibitions, sales, performances of folk groups, various competitions and...
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eat whatever you want, fry bluens, well, probably, she chose the place itself to be held here, and this is an open-air archaeological museum heaven, we came with my son, his family, daughter, grandson, i really liked it, and the music is interesting, and the traditions themselves , it is interesting that in this place, where the fast is observed, we celebrate maslenitsa with pancakes, like everyone else, it has become a good tradition of the kobrin regional organization of the trade union of science education workers to hold this particular holiday. maslenitsa of belovezhskaya pushcha, we come here and get a lot of positive energy. thanks to the organizers. last year, belovezhskaya pushcha was visited by more than half a million tourists. well, now we are moving to the north of the country in the vitebsk region. it is this region that can proudly take the title
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mecca of children's belarusian biathlon. it was here that the first federation cup races started 7 years ago. the competition was conceived by a belarusian.
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an area with filled stands, interviews, award ceremonies, in general, children feel like real professionals, and this gives a great impetus to continue playing sports.


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