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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 17, 2024 1:30am-2:56am MSK

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as a satellite, and inactivated, it may have a little less immunogenicity, well, that is, the ability to cause one hundred percent immunity, 100% - this is such a utopia, this has never happened in nature, probably never will, but nevertheless - it already exists, and we saw that we can already get up to 3 million doses there, if necessary, so this plant that is being created, and there are about 10 million doses of capacity, there will be big plans... for it and not only for vaccination and oncological drugs against oncology e promising on the basis of monoconal antibodies, that is, there is great potential there and i think we will realize it, and for the cluster - this is kind of my little idea, which was supported by alexander grigorievich, well , god himself ordered the creation of novitebsk land, because there is a medical university there, there is the faculty of pharmacy, the academy of sciences, there is the faculty of pharmacy, there are already schools. some pharmacologists, biotechnologists
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have been created, we probably have the largest concentration of private ownership, pharmaceutical enterprises, this is rubicon, this is in addition to the bilit uniform of rubicon, vic health animals, belaroline, there is a vitebsk plant of veterinary drugs and so on, that is , we have a lot of these enterprises, and we would like to bring everyone’s efforts together so that they can carry out transfer technologies among themselves. somehow helped each other or we will create a center that will sort of synchronize all this to help each other and thereby increase efficiency and, economically speaking, increase the competitiveness of products, that is, even somewhere reaching the point of lobbying in our environment , in the belarusian and russian federations and others markets, am i understanding correctly that these are breeding animals and drug lines on...
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to prevent. you talked about the reserve of the vitebsk region, when i worked as a minister in moscow and visited the netherlands, they are also there in size, they are probably even smaller than the vitebsk region, and the export of agricultural products is 87 billion euros, and let’s put flowers aside, but the main thing is for what. they don’t receive it, these are
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biotechnological preparations, these are seed material, eggs, breeding animals and so on, that is, these things seem to be in a small are produced in volume, but they are the seeds of a plant, we are like dutch, it’s good for the dacha , it’s good, so they cost like a bag of potatoes, a bag of seeds, by and large, so here’s a reserve for you, if we develop biotechnology, we we’ve probably already crossed the line when we conquer markets with our agricultural products, earn 8 billion in exports, i’m speaking at length, not about the region , but it ’s impossible to increase it further, because the market capacity cannot, probably allow it, that is, we must to engage in exclusive things that will be in demand all over the world, in order to maintain such dynamics, i think this is probably one of the most promising and effective ways, well, you touched on the topic, yes, that will not allow us to do so.
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or they don’t want to allow such things, yes, even from the point of view of competition, well, remembering the twenties , after all, we were also rocked then , among other things, in order to, well, let’s say , remove competitors from the market in many areas, starting.
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did a good job of prevention, thereby preventing any difficult situations very dangerous not only for the economy , but also for the lives of citizens, because there are quite a large number of such points in the vitebsk region, where these very complex objects were possible, oil refineries, energy facilities, that is , there is room to develop.
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and that category, but i think that already understanding that we are walking, again, as the president says, along the edge of a knife, and we can slide a little to the side, and we, thank god, are not ukraine, we have resources no, and we don’t have black soil like there, we it will be very difficult to recover, we only have people, and as you said, potassium, yes, everything, in principle, people, land and forest, and what we can do with our hands, right? that is, therefore, to keep the country at this point, i think this is a skill, this cannot be learned, this must be given from above, thank god that we have this, for which we thank our president very much, i’m not only
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speaking on my own behalf , from all your family and close people, and as for parasites, well, that’s exactly what i think, there is a category that... and you see, we live here, but we don’t understand what it is, that is, it’s really our property, there’s nothing like it anywhere, everyone says, it’s clean, it’s neat,
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very beautiful, cozy, safe, safe in the first place , i would like for this to happen, for the child to be sent, and you would not worry and yes... that force majeure will happen, a passerby or a policeman will come up, help and give you a ride home, and this is what we are probably doing and we are different, but we don’t take it for granted, we probably don’t appreciate it, but it’s such a truth, which is almost nowhere to be found, this year the eleventh forum of regions will be held, and in three cities of the vitebsk region at once, this is know-how. these are cities and what is this innovation for? you know, an innovation , to show your region as widely as possible, this is the first, it will be held in three cities vitebsk, this will be the central platform, and of course polotsk-novopolotsk, it’s probably time
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to involve these cities in a more active social, political, cultural life, because polotsk - this is the oldest city, the most ancient city in the country, it is the cradle of statehood, and so on, but we say 65 years to novopolotsk, novtan, 60 years, so we also want to show these cities, and there are only a few kilometers between them, and polotsk, novopolotsk, and there will be the first day, there will be sections of workers from industry and ending with culture and ideology, all the delegations that arrived, they will not see everything, but from monasteries ending with some historical, cultural milestones, uh, they will see then return to vitebsk, where there will be main events, plenary sessions and so on,
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that is, in we chose this format as it will work out, but we'll see, but we'll try to beautifully surprise everyone once again, then the last, almost non -philosophical question, at the end of last year in vitebsk they announced a snow removal challenge to help utility workers, you were the first to record a video that went viral. and the entire region took up the initiative, well, workers, doctors, rescuers all armed themselves with shovels, i think at such moments everyone can contribute to the fight against the elements, and you know, it was really cool, so what saturday?
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you see, it is, as you say, slang it shot, yes, yes, it turned out that it was like a call of snow, it was two, two seconds more than last year, and we, of course, drew conclusions, tried to clean it a little better, but this help was, i think , not superfluous when the yards were cleared, and not everywhere, though , unfortunately, not yet, but nevertheless a start has been made, the same challenge, such a word is not ours, but... was done when the children and i always make feeders and we hang it up
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for the birds for the winter and we also picked it up, then it turned out that they still tell me, they began to do, they started doing it there, i think if we saved at least one bird, thanks to this, it was no longer in vain, what will happen this year, i don’t think that this is a predicted or planned event, it will go according to everyone’s liking , it’s always impromptu, then it works out. but at a minimum, i think, it will be necessary to restore order after spring, additional landscaping, maybe some completely unpredictable things will appear, maybe something on an agricultural theme, so since this works out, i think it should be used, and this the theme needs to be exploited in a good sense, somewhere setting an example, and somewhere else simply stimulating the emergence of some good, good deeds, events, you know, i’m always for... not being shy about showing that we are really good people , right people, thank you, thank you.
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this is quality for our enterprise - this is a way to once again declare ourselves, to declare to the whole world that we produce world-class products. in the first days of my work, it so happened that i ended up at a facility under construction, i, as a young worker, was i’m impressed by the scale of this construction, everything is still there... all the volumes are before my eyes, of course, the food security of the country is an integral part of my
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work, there will be fertilizer production, there will be harvests, the people will be fed and happy. our main goal is the safe conduct of the technological process, the production of a quality product, and aesthetics. looking at our product, you understand how beautiful it is, that’s all. granules are the same size and this is achieved not by sifting, but through painstaking work, setting up equipment, not just one person, but our entire enterprise, and... the well-being of our people, if these conditions are met, then there will be well-being. i am proud of the quality of the product we produce. this year a quality mark was approved in belarus; it has five components. our product
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meets all criteria. this means that our product is worthy of the quality mark. in the future for our enterprise, i wish stable work, continuous development, to finally achieve this cherished goal of building a nitrogen complex, well, keep the following team, because this can be said to be a gas-forming enterprise for our city, so its development, its stable operation is very important, nitrogen will work, the city of grozny will live.
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there are many big beautiful houses being built in this city, there are even more good people in it, not all of them have apartments, some only dream about it, others, however, here it is, just today i received a warrant for a room, goodbye to the hostel, goodbye to the commandant, a new life begins, now all that remains is to find out where this street is, where this house is, where this young lady is,
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that i'm in love, please tell me one minute, maybe it's her. accept the order: nikolaev konstantin petrovich, born in the twenty-first year, please, can i get a certificate? fill out the form, hurry up, please. the city council does not give an answer to this question, and if , as an exception, you interfere with my work, citizen, do not detain me, excuse me, but at least tell me where house number 17 is on pervomaiskaya street, i don’t want to talk to you, shame on you a young man pestering a girl, in pervomaiskaya house 17,
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by the way, around the corner, i wonder where from? he found out my address, let's leave her in bewilderment, and let's go to this address and get acquainted with the residents, here is shpakovsky, husband and wife, a call that go open, this is to razmyslovich, razmyslovich is their neighbor, a young bachelor, very busy with mental issues labor. the third call means that they have arrived... the fifth call sets the whole apartment in awe, no one lives in the fifth room now, but the former tenant left such sweet memories for himself that you see, they are even afraid
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to open is our truth, what did it bring, good afternoon, yes! here behind your anthill , the vow will stick, let's go, owner, pakovskaya, lyudmila pavlovna , sergei nikolaevich, razmyslovich, excuse me, you
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are alone or a bachelor, thank god, otherwise there is nowhere to turn in the kitchen, it’s very nice, we know you, bachelors, we had one living here , he was also pretending to be a bachelor, please follow me, but... here’s an apartment for them, so to speak, with pleasure, let’s come here, kitchen, new refrigerator, so, let’s go, let’s move on, here, here, okay, what's happening here, comrade sushko, hello erofeevich, i’ll give you...
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read, can you guess who he is? skb201 , works with professor shuvalov , excellent, we will solve crossfords together, oh, crazy, he needs you with your crossfords, why don’t be offended, these are children, well van, help, sergei nikolaevich, don’t worry, i also really love literature , so, judge for yourself what the old ass was like, i wonder what the new one will be like? yes, but where are your other things? here, it’s convenient, reliable, and most importantly, easy to transport from place to place. sorry, if it's not a secret,
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which savings card exactly? on the corner of soviet and novomoskovskaya. what are you saying? you are my investor. in this election bank, you see, i work as the manager. yes, well, as they say, i hand you the key, live. correct your hair, i'll introduce you to our new tenant, well, let's go, let's go,
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let's go, let's go, this is my daughter svetlana, meet sergei nikolaevich, we know her, well , a bad boy, sorry, sergei nikolaevich, keep in mind, svetlana is not the kind of girl who is easy to get to know. i've been living here for three years now, only this year, on march 8, i was allowed to take her arm for the first time. well, congratulations on your success. listen, whose refrigerator, the communal one, won’t find a place for me, as much as you want, but they won’t swear, no.
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it hasn’t worked for a year now , they couldn’t fix it, but i tried, after him not a single technician would take it, they just wasted money, no use, now we’ll see, well, guys, wow, there’s a screwdriver, but why? come on, what about something? bring a screwdriver, bring it, sergei nikolaevich, sergei nikolaevich, what are you, well, well, well, no convince, well, well, help, man , well, help, guys, guys
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, i think they’re okay, they saw, that’s what it means a real man has appeared in the house, please, well, where do you put it, this is my place, yours is downstairs, well then i i'll borrow the top shelf , top, top , excuse me, forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, the top shelf has always been mine, hold it, so, so, so, please
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put it in, thank you, let me help, here you have it fixed, it happens, is it worth it be offended by this? after all, life is good without a refrigerator. strelkin, and strelkin, for a month the rent is not platinum, i am the salary, look, look at me. erofeyich, i have one question for you, teryokhin is new to us, who does he work for? haven't registered it yet. well, what kind of person do you think he is? i think it's a man.
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respectable, there have never been any bad people in our house , i have been a member of the house management for almost 10 years , two professors came out, two heroes of the soviet union, so do you think, a respectable person, yes, who among the respectable people did not start their life like this, on the floor under a single sheet , but with big outfits, rela.
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i had a dream today, i received a warrant for an apartment of three rooms, you only see it in a dream, i also saw that i ’m hiding orders from you in order to give you a surprise, you know, everything, on the first floor, get up, wash, with a bath, hello, what do you need, nothing , leave, i’m leaving , excuse me, i’m leaving, this is what immodest curiosity leads to, but unexpectedly, successfully returned for the owner of this notebook, oh , if only i could grab a fiver, to switch the clutch with double release you need the first thing, to accelerate the car, the second -
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oh, wait, come here, your father is on dressed for the holidays, grandma, i’ll go, well, go, go. mommy, well, at least once you can have something meat, some sausages, you might think that you are dying of hunger , vegetarian food is the healthiest, leo
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tolstoy was also a vegetarian, i don’t know, i didn’t have lunch with him, it’s not witty, we are women you have to think about your figure, but i don’t need to think about my figure, my dear, i’m not going to cook for you separately, i need to think. no, it doesn’t scare me; with your appearance, she’ll easily marry you, but who? i want you to be happy and not know no worries, and i’m already happy, by your grace i’m stuck in this miserable police department, answering every ridiculous question, but it’s easy work, for which i spent ten years. but you can’t sit there forever, it’s a shame, but you little fool , you don’t know life, i want you, i know, to have a respectable husband, every morning is the same, well, leave me alone, dad, we were late, your mother gave you the same married
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, my mother had five daughters, she had no time to think about us, and i have one, daddy, hurry up, i’m coming, dad, let’s go quickly, hello, after the vegetarian table, it’s not bad again have breakfast. a bachelor is always pleased to know that the life of family people is not much different from his lonely existence,
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this is what it means to be a bachelor, sergei nikolaevich, forgive me, i should invite you to breakfast, but we have a vegetarian table, absolutely not... look, the pies are probably meat pies , what are you talking about, they are no different from vegetarian pies, they have the same smell of meat, excuse me, i’ll go, but what about work? no, it’s worse shopping, i need to get a housekeeping, they gave me 2 days to get the device, oh, you know, in this kind of thing needs a woman's eye. “you can’t do without my help, well, if it doesn’t bother you, yes, not at all, but first i need to go to the savings bank, i’m running to get dressed,
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we get to know you from the architectural memories of belarus from different eras and styles. architecture, which has passed its hour since the dawn of time , yana sur'ezna floated on the starazhytna, so called the old-russian style, and all that is rightly known from the people of the 19th century, this is the main project of the palitichny project, the russian style, it is worked on and vykarstyanya so ix significant elements of that old architecture, which had already become different. let's look at their history and basic facts.
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on our tv channel, we tell you how to choose high-quality products for healthy dishes, so that cooking will only excite you? the most positive emotions, you need to cook it from quality products. carefully examine the product itself; the liquid in the packaging is the first sign of loss of freshness. if small pieces of the fat layer are colored red, this means that the meat has been partially frozen. proper breakfast - the key to health and good mood. i hope you didn’t have breakfast today, because today i will surprise you with the breakfast of champions. oh, today we will.
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sergei nikolaevich is buying furniture, help him get the money, well, he can’t stand in line, sergei nikolaevich, sergei nikolaevich, my husband will do everything, let’s go to the second cash register, go, go, go, go, vanya, vanya, just a minute, how much do you have him? understand, this is a secret deposit, there can be no secrets from the wife, how many? the savings bank keeps the deposit secret, read, next, the next conversation we will have at home, but the next conversation is still far away, because the day is just beginning.
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grimy, i don’t like it, lyudmila pavlovna , write down the number, comrades, comrades
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, be careful, well, look, the edges are back , there’s a scratch, i saw him running in , i thought he was a big man, now he’ll sort them out, they’ll all be good, lyudmila pavlovna wouldn’t miss this, of course, but i remember the guy didn’t have time to get married, why? what’s wrong with you, little darling, what’s wrong with you, baby, what’s wrong? "the keeper of the secrets of deposits, maybe you you tell me how much he has in his book, well , understand, my dear, that you are pushing me to commit a crime, talking to my wife is already a crime, but what does her savings book have to do with it, maybe call the doctor, well, you yourself said that the savings book - the mirror
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of the human soul , i’m asking you for the last time how much he has, well, understand what it is, it’s like a military oath, yes, i ’ll stop respecting myself after this, respect my daughter, how much, and how much, well, understand, i can’t, well i can’t, i can’t say, you can’t say, well, write, five.
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"hello, from the water utility, in case of repairs , the water supply stops, yes, okay, thank you, vanya, now they will turn off the water, we urgently need to make a supply, go and tell the neighbors , under no circumstances, we will stock up first, don’t be ashamed, people, well, otherwise you won’t get through to the tap, ilya andrevich, ilya andrey!” help me, please, we are stocking up on water,
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i’m ready, i’m giving, yes. please, svetlana ivanovna, have you seen deceit and love? no, what is it? you know, i have two tickets to the theater, and could you? well, we're invited to a housewarming party, aren't we? a, excuse me, you are going to visit our new tenant. yes, but i don't really want to.
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imagine what a coincidence, me too, oh, oh, thank you. still, shiller, romance, let's go, hello, yes, and luda, yeah, luda, hello, stock up on water, stock up on water. for a whole week, then wait, who? me, lyudmila pavlovna, third class driver, viktor sushkov, will come to wash, scoundrel, tormentor , boy, i’m not late, come in, come in, wow,
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yes, yes, thank you for the meat, thank you very much, sit down, ivan, sit down, thank you, you can, of course, please, me and pashenka , sit down, hello, sit down, thank you, us , please, here, here, here, here, oh, it looks like it’s time to get the whole apartment together, we’re already chickening out with each other in the kitchen, well, where is svetlana and she and ilya andreevich went to the theater? what are you playing again? no, really, lyudmila pavlovna, insolence and love, i just met them on the stairs. vanya, ivan
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gonevich, don’t worry, i’ll return them now. sorry, comrades, you are letting me down, we are going to the theater, unfortunately, we cannot accept your kind invitation. svetlana ivanovna, i will take your place. svetlana, please . please, one minute. uh, conductor, conductor, conductor, get dirty, listen to what's going on here, come on. svetlana ivanovna, please, laugh, jump. why did you do this? my whole apartment has gathered, they are waiting for you. inconvenient. it wasn't me who invited them. i invited you, first of all, for your sake. well, in vain. “i still won’t go, well then neither will i, what bad manners, and where can he be
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educated, an orphan without a father without a mother, that’s your well-mannered, makes everyone wait, or maybe she doesn’t want to sit with us, i could answer you, katerina?” “these were also silent, i wonder what will happen by the way, we also didn’t have dinner, but we’re silent, then, forgive me, please , svetlana, sorry to the guests. goodbye, hello, let me pass, what are you doing, let me pass, citizens, take your tickets, thank you,
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western bridge, for 30 kopecks. thank you, gruzhdanskaya, take a ticket, civilian, take a ticket, you see, it happened so, i have nothing to understand, take a ticket, if you don’t care it’s a shame, girl, why is it a shame, maybe there really is no money, well, yes, you see, we stood. baby, i’m ready to take a ticket, i ’ll go to the ends of the world with you, please don’t worry, she has a ticket, and hide this little thing baby, it’ll be useful for the hairdresser, hello, mihallivo, no, you understand, africa is not the same anymore africa, so mihallivach, no, and england is not the same england, also mihalchi, where is svetlana, this? we have to ask you, she went to the theater with you, i’m asking you where my daughter is, the bus arrived, and here’s vanya,
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sukh, apologize for being late, where were you , please come to the table, please, phew,
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it’s a nice evening here today, i’m glad that we’re all here together, otherwise we’re sitting like wolves in the corners, no, the neighbors are here, so it’s true, which is true, correct, mikhail evanovich, to be honest, today is a double holiday for me, we gave the house a month ahead of schedule, in everyone’s newspapers.
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at this hour, and i always miss you, in the twilight i see you in a white dress, you are next to me, you are next to me, dear, still as far away as a star. you're next to me, you're next to me, darling
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still far away, like a star, without your blue, clear eyes, i can’t live, i dream of you in my dreams, like a forget-me-not in a bright meadow, but that’s bad luck. i can’t find the words , but the song, but the song will tell you everything that i can’t say, the hour is gone, the night will go, how much you like our new neighbor, the star outside the window will go out, i know, the heart is never charming, you are not a bastard in for me and for... in the daytime
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everything will bloom around us, we are close, we are next to you, dear, let’s go along the happy path and everything around us will bloom on a spring day, we are close, we are next to you, dear, happy path
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, svetlana, this is what outside interference leads to, who knows how everything will turn out now, pashenka needs to be taken to the maternity hospital, no, i can’t, hello, ambulance, help, ambulance, i need to take him urgently to the maternity hospital, house, murashka, pilageya, my wife, karpovna, pervomaiskaya 17, apartment. yes, the third floor, entrance from the yard, entrance from the yard, from the yard, when something happens, oh,
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2:27 am
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yes, the family is at home, the nurse on duty is listening, goosebumps, ah, goosebumps, gave birth, gave birth, what? i gave birth, i gave birth, a girl, no, a boy, no, oh, yeah, and why are seven people in one room happy, i’ll go cook the kids’ underwear. what will i give, my dear, do you hear, seven people in one room, and the three of us live, and what is there, mikhail ionovich, varya, but we will help , we will help, no, we will help, we will help, a benefactor
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has been found, put your nose where you are not they ask, well, if you’re so kind, go to the city council, to basov, ask for a separate apartment for them, or is it taking away your tongue? i have, and i’m absolutely not afraid of this bureaucrat , so i’ll speak on the active side, and i won’t question you, but i know you, you’re so brave here, you’ll go to the stands and speak, and i’ll say, yes, it would be interesting to hear what you you say, ivan kondradovich has the floor, please, please, no , i probably won’t be the first to speak, i’m a coward, no, let’s listen to what others say, well , let’s assume that others have already spoken. is everyone waiting for your decisive word, mine? well, please, comrades, i was silent for a long time, no more
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i will not remain silent. you, comrade basov, have you forgotten what time you live in? well, okay, okay. and... from your behavior, comrade basov reeks of remnants of the past, stormy applause, and what in my opinion is not bad, who will write a letter to mom, i, take pencils, letters, mine, take, take yours, here's paper for you, now let's write a letter to mom, dear mom, we don't listen to dad, no, listen , okay, you don't have to write this, dear mom, come home soon, that's right, we miss you very much, we miss you, here you are
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i wrote, i missed you, i wrote, i wrote, and there you go. it’s good when you have friends in the city , you can hide from the rain, but strangers are not allowed to enter here, ah-ah-ah, poor strangers, don’t you feel sorry for them, it’s so rainy, they have to, look, this is andrey’s place, he’s probably , is waiting for you, is going to present flowers, no, you are mistaken, these flowers are for the piggy. she is being discharged from the maternity hospital today, and we are going to meet her like neighbors? take me with you, i’m also a neighbor. svetlana, ivanovna, such a doozhino,
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it’s strange, staff numbers are being reduced everywhere, while yours is increasing. do you want to receive a certificate? thank you, everything is clear to me. i'm andreevich, where are you going? he's kind of strange. and i am a vamp. he doesn’t respond to this city certificate, yes, everything is really clear to this one, but what about someone else? svetlana, can i ask you one more question, please don’t ask me any more questions, i’m tired of 8 hours straight of questions and answers. okay, i promise that no one will ask you any more questions. "lyudmila pavlovna, i can
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tell you good news, your daughter released from work in the city government, what are you doing, of your own free will, that your mother was scared, don’t worry, i was joking , it really seemed to me that you wanted to move to another job, i really want to, i can help you, really, honestly. “it’s enough for you to sit in this cage, boy and girl, what should i do, what should i call him, petya, no, vasya, no, maybe misha, but i just can’t understand.” i can’t find anything, i want
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something fresh, original, i understand you, but i named mine simply, my son vasily, and my daughter nadenka, what do you have twins, yes, twins, a happy father , well, 6 kg without 100 g, well, 100 g and somehow add, letters, letter, letter, everything was frozen, so i had twins, three children at home, and that and i’m not worried, comrade murashka, me, misha, pashenka, mishenka, where is my daughter, here she is.
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nadenka, daughter, misha, this is not nadenka, but vasenka, you are quite sure, here is nadenka, goodbye, thank you, goodbye, as ordered, michal leontich, palashenka, vilinka, thank you, congratulations to you , thank you, congratulations, palashika, i'm for you prepared a surprise, yes, remember, i told you that i had a dream, what kind? well, i remember that i received a warrant for an apartment, please hold it, now i’ll show you, i lost it, a warrant, a warrant, for an apartment of three rooms, rooms, with a bathroom, bathtub, first floor, floor, where are you going, i went to i have this warrant , but how did it get to you, by mail, yes,
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come on, no, you’ll lose it, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, and meanwhile an event was brewing that excited the whole apartment, and not entirely pleasant for sergei terekhin, sorry, for god's sake, i didn't notice i'm sorry, please forgive me. what is what boy? ships? yes, we have one living with us, but i think he’s a bachelor, i recognize him, he always tells everyone that, are you his wife? yes, imagine a wife, and the first one at that, and this is his daughter. hello, hello, baby, i beg you, please show us his room. please, thank you
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, let's go, tanyush, the second door to the right, mom, where we came, we came, he will be there soon, please, who is this, sergei nikolaevich's wife with offspring, from you and once. what will happen now? thank you, dear ones mine, to the room, let's go to the room
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, let me take a look, please, well , it looks like there's a crash, vaska, i'm confused again, it's not vasenka, but nadenka, what... okay, i'll think of something, how did you get here, i with mom, with mom, a good bachelor, yes, mom , don’t cry, my god, what a... scoundrel, scoundrel, just think, he changes his address for the third time, where could he have gone, where could he have gone, forgive me, i i don’t even know what your name is, zinoida ivanovna, ivanovna, no, i’ll find him, i’ll definitely find him, no matter where he hides from me, let’s go, tanyusha, so, mom, i
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i’m thirsty, you’re thirsty, thirsty, one minute, i’ll organize it now, for god’s sake, don’t worry, we’re already leaving, can i go with you, of course, let’s go, tanya, let’s go. and where is the tea, now it will be that this is a grater , take it from me, i just got it , thank you, thank you, please, let's go, tanyush, let's go, so two drops of water seem to have spoken to my father's heart, what can you do?
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the building manager is on the first floor, thank you, svetlana, it’s okay, but she and the teacher went to the park, he’s giving a lecture there today, but before we look.
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remember pushkin, shakespeare, goethe, byron, dante, schiller, but even the greats of this world could not foresee all those dizzying turns that love implies in itself, love is... a noble feeling, it makes a person better, more beautiful, love. yes, wait, beware of rash actions. remember that the most important thing in a person is the soul.
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svetlana, listen to me, i have nothing to talk to you about. svetlana. i have to explain! leave me! svetlana, comrade! wait! why do you introduce yourself to a girl? which one should we go to? don't disturb the order! come with us where? let's go to komsomol headquarters! what is this, comrade? a? comrades, your name and place of work. my wife works for me, and i work for you! here we are with dzyadi petya, i’m asking you, where do you work, what’s your last name? i ’m working with a girl, comrade, it’s a misunderstanding, you know, that’s what everyone says, he got drunk too because of a misunderstanding, sit down, comrades, sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down, listen. “i wanted, comrade, come with me, it’s me , yes, let’s go, show me your document,
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i’m sitting in the twilight, in a white dress, you’re next to me, you're close, svetlana, i have news for you, leave me alone, and you know that a woman with a child is not a wife at all, sergei." nikolayevich, this is true, my honest word, this is not true, it ’s not true, we saw what we saw , they saw, but didn’t understand, okay, stop making excuses , comrade, it’s your fault, guys, well, how did i capture the image, okay, listen, no, he’s not to blame, comrade, he’s not to blame, it’s all me.
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she, she’s with him, with whom? with this teryokhin. oh, thank god. now my heart is calm. excuse me, he has a wife and a child. yes, yourself you are a child, you better go to sleep.
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what time is it, what time is it, but it was first, oh, how do you find it, quite. it’s normal , and this is what my father says, well, you walked with me whole nights, and nothing bad happened, but with you, you were afraid to kiss me, but sergei nikolaevich is a completely different matter, maybe he can go look for them, well why are you silent, well, say something, mammals... not the letters beryuk, oh, biryuk,
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lyudochka, two letters are missing. goodbye!
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vanya, vanya, what, what happened, what happened, vanya, he kissed her, well done, guy, well, well, what will happen next, well, you hear, well, i hear. i hear, well, when, when will he propose to us? isn't he going to propose to you? yes , don’t be stupid, drink some water there, oh, aunt, aunt, the holy one will turn on, i can’t, unfortunately, in the life of poetry you often have to give in to prose, which...
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the thoughts of human existence, for everyone there is god’s providence, it’s completely this providence will already be revealed in the kingdom of heaven, and it will be even more open during the second coming of christ, when the lord will reward everyone according to his affairs, and the religious education of children, i , as a priest, very often try to be at school and invite children to our events
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from school, including excursions and various spiritual and moral events. adnosіstsya and the fact that they have in their temple, then such images are desired, without looking at that, kali chalavek with low fees and any thing from the point of polishing the traditional steps of the yana.
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weeks passed like this, on sundays they disappeared for whole days, but did not tell anyone about where they had been, what they had seen, yes, perhaps they saw nothing but each other. and on ordinary days they disappeared in the evenings and
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did not return home for a long, very long time. it’s strange that this didn’t worry the parents, but is that true? ivan, vanya, you must talk to him, man to man. well, let's say, in a restaurant.
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sometimes at night lovers came to the city garden, lovers came, lovers came, yuri pendi svezy svezy michka from minsk, skym those give, moon, moon, lovers don’t need it at all, it, it... but the surprise is not modest, why, why do lovers need moonlight
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accept, accept for the message and there is no room, well, how to hug and kiss your beloved typhoon, beloved typhoon, beloved saifon, how can she endure it, not blush when there is a garden all around. when in the dream all around it is as bright as day, yes seriously, i need to talk to you, i’m listening to you, ivan gonrovich, here the matter is, you know, delicate and delicate, allow me, come on, come on, come on, come on, chicken, you’re a good guy,
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just a minute decides your fate, seriously, you're a good guy!


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