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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 17, 2024 5:55am-6:26am MSK

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he came from a family of soltykov, as far as i know, and it is quite possible that he could have been a vice-governor. the correct answer to our question is option c. and the author of what work is leonid daineka? i remember for sure that option b is between prince vyachka. this creation was studied at the end of the seventh grade. this hour is on when she fought with the thomton order. yes. option.
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i am belarusian, i am proud of this cossack land, between the forests and the bushes of the past centuries , i am belarusian, i am proud of this name, and to the good glory of belarus in the future i know for good reason, i am belarusian, and i am happy that matsimov gave me, that relatives...
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good morning, the truth program is on the air, i am inga belova, turning in prayers to the holy saints, we are looking for the help of intercession, blessed saint... more during her lifetime she was known as a miracle worker and healer. over time, the veneration of the saint only strengthened, because blessed ksenia even today provides first aid to all those who suffer. the convent, in honor of st. blessed xenia of petersburg, is located in the small village of baran, not far from the city. borisova,
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the young monastery immediately responded in the hearts of believers with its spiritual power, because within the walls of the main church there is a particularly revered icon. it is precisely to this icon that we simply make a pilgrimage, because the icon is miraculous, as can be seen already on it, so it can, so to speak, be decorated with these thanks.
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an hour tells the amazing story of how in the ashes the only thing that survived was a small image of xenia of petersburg. this is god's mercy for all of us. in this world, especially today difficult , to come and open your heart, to receive such consolation, joy, hope for the future, and this in general, of course, is worth a lot, and this is the great mercy of god, and that... our monastery bears the name of such a great saint, who is this blessed ksenia petersburgskaya, why do so many people turn to her for help? from the life of ksenia of st. petersburg it is known that she came from a noble
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family, in the world her name was ksenia grigorievna, at the age of 23 she married the court singer andrei. petrova, but their marriage lasted for a very short time, 3 years, and her husband died suddenly, they lived in marriage very happily, therefore, when her husband died, she was very sad about it, realizing the fragility of everything earthly, ksenia grigorievna distributes her property to the poor, bequeaths a house to the needy, puts on... her husband's military uniform begins to wander through the streets of st. petersburg, when she begins her wanderings, she walks, it seems to many that she is thinking, she has gone a little crazy,
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completely gone mad after the death of her husband, ksenia, people, some empathize with her, some they laugh at her, but after a while they begin to notice that those who help ksenia, those who, for example, gave her something, this person, begin to improve their lives, there is happiness in the house. for a long time it was unknown where ksenia stopped for the night. then they found out that every night, at any time of the year and any year, the saint left the city for the field, where, making prostrations to the ground, she prayed until dawn. one day, towards the end of his life, a church was being built at the smolensk cemetery, and the builders
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began to notice that someone was bringing food at night. they need bricks for scaffolding. they thought about it and decided to trace who? she does this, they followed and saw that ksenia of petersburg was carrying upstairs brick by brick, she was so weak, but she still carried it, she helped as a builder during the construction of the church. ksenia died 45 years after the death of her husband. all this time she was a constant wanderer of st. petersburg, working miracles and helping people. many people are the same. they cherished her passing and began to come to the grave, after which they noticed that ksenia still continued to help people. nowadays people we really felt the help of ksenia of st. petersburg when they came, left their notes
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and received help. they even sent some, without coming to st. petersburg, they sent letters, and ksenia of petersburg, after a while, here... did what the person asked in this letter, in response , a petal was always sent back from xenia of petersburg, well, they bring flowers, these flowers and petals are sent in letters to those who have asked for something. for a long time, the only place of pilgrimage to saint xenia of petersburg was a small chapel at... the smolensk cemetery in st. petersburg, but today there is such a special place of prayer in our country. the akathes of xenia of st. petersburg is served in our church. you can also come and leave a letter to ksenia
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of petersburg. we have a special carbon box for letters to ksenia of st. petersburg. only ksenia reads it, no one opens these letters. and people also bring their gratitude, because we always need to not only ask, but also not forget that when we receive something, we need to remember. that you need to thank a saint or yourself gentlemen, when we ask for something, as saint seraphim of sorov said, there are thousands of fools for our own sake, but there are only a few fools for the lord’s sake. fools for christ's sake are a special kind of ascetic, whose entire life is devoted to serving god and others. the feat of foolishness is, well, it’s difficult to understand. i say to myself, it’s hard to understand, because it’s so complicated, it, it seems simply impossible,
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well, like a young woman who became a widow, of course, this is by the grace of god, just to give everything away at once, distribute it, sell it there, not i know, to be left without a roof over your head, without a livelihood, without clothes, and to live for so many years, somewhere at night in a field to pray, and endure reproach, i don’t know how this is possible, this, this, of course, only by the grace of god, by his mercy, can such a feat be accomplished, therefore, of course, this is a great saint, because she helped during her lifetime, we know the word kafesta. now it helps, and people feel it, in
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1988, blessed xenia of st. petersburg was canonized by the russian orthodox church, in 2002, the world’s first monastery, named after the saint, appeared in belarus. the village of baran. it is not surprising that the svyatoksenievo women's monastery soon became a place of pilgrimage, a corner of spiritual strength and prayer support. by decree of bishop philoret, a sister was brought here from the st. elizabeth monastery. nun vasilisa, this is mother superior
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vasilisa, whom everyone knows, knew, loved, she began very active work here, ardent labors, and it seems to me that she simply left her heart here in every brick, in every centimeter of the earth. that's why that she worked with love and ardent faith to create this monastery, in general , we can rightfully say that mother created this monastery. the monastery grew, developed and turned out to be very necessary for people, and this is the most important thing, as one of my priest friends said, churches are built for people. and monasteries pray for the whole world, performing prayer, this is how we found, found and found
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the belarusian house of xenia of st. petersburg. today on the territory of the monastery there is a temple in honor of st. blessed xenia of petersburg, with a lower limit in honor of st. seraphim of sarov. a building for monastics was erected, and a church was built in honor of the holy great martyr george the victorious. a temple in honor is also being built.
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despite the distance from large cities and the complexity of the route , religious pilgrims regularly come to the ksenievsky monastery. it is worth noting that on the way to the monastery there is another shrine, the source of blessed xenia, where, according to legend , the venerable ifrasinya of polotsk herself collected water. people come to us, get water, constantly, immersed in springs, for baptism, in general there is a queue. they consider the water of the spring to be healing, because many receive healing, just like from our miraculous icon ksenyushkina. under the abbess igumina-vasilisya, a good and important tradition has developed in the holy kseniev monastery - spiritual conversations in which
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every pilgrim and every believer in need of support can take part. is preserved because communication is very important for a person, precisely in a monastery, where prayer is constantly going on, around the clock, where night services are held, where nuns live according to a special charter, this prayer, it especially acquires power. the flow of believers to the monastery continues today. the doors of the holy monastery are open to every
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sufferer, because pilgrimage is a special path on which someone strengthens their faith. someone is just beginning to look for answers in their soul, this is a very important spiritual component of the life of any christian, when a person literally builds his temple, his path to god brick by brick, someone comes for the first time to be curious, to touch stories, just to observe others, someone is traveling with great pain, with great losses, and with mental suffering, one of...
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for some the groom, for others peace in the family, for others she was convicted of sins, therefore they come to ask for ksenia, including to our belarusian house ksenyushka, with just such family requests, i even had one young man, a pilgrim from borisov, and he sat down with us in borisov, he was something like that... so a girl was traveling from minsk in the same group, probably to ask ksenia, condemned to arrange his personal happiness, but with god’s help, and on such a good orthodox basis, after some time a young man called me and thanked me, we said, we met on a trip, we’re starting a family, it’s always so
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joyful, these are the results find out, that’s why i always say, pilgrims, at least someday you will tell us what has changed in your life, this is very important for others, so that others hear, believe, let’s go. for many believers, blessed ksenia became not only a prayer intercessor, but also a quick-hearing saint. and for many decades now, believers have been tirelessly praying and turning to her for help. a person who comes to the monastery at least once will definitely pray, he will understand that here... kseniyushka’s belarusian house, she hears, i heard this, i learned from many people, in my own family there was also a miracle, including thanks to ours the ever-memorable mother abbess vasilisa, she has always supported us spiritually and is now
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praying there in heaven, for us, for the pilgrims, about those in whose lives she played some kind of spiritual role. today , nine nuns live in the monastery of st. ktenia of st. petersburg, through whose labors and prayers the monastery and the monastery are maintained, and most importantly , a full circle of liturgical services is performed daily, because as the holy fathers bequeathed, just as in the architecture of the monastery the temple is located in its center, so in the daily life of the monk, service god. and complete dedication of oneself takes center stage. the life of any monastery. consists first of all, of course, of the daily cycle of divine services, we also do this we are no different, obedience, the sisters
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are obedient, during the time free from divine services, well, each monastery has its own charter, its own routine, what time do the sisters get up, what time does the sisters get up, well, we are probably a little different from other monasteries, in this routine temporary, our prayer service falls mainly at night, when at 12:00 we get up everything goes silent and you are in the kiliya and the holy fathers say that at night prayer is most pleasing to god, it is faster it flies and you get up. you know that you still have to go to the service at 3:30, you no longer think about anything, you are not distracted by anything, because you know that you will now pray, fulfill your rule. in addition to
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divine services and prayer rules, each monastery has its own, special obediences, which are not only directly related to the organization of monastic life, but can also carry educational and charitable work. we don’t have many sisters, eight people, and there are only as many obediences as we can do, as far as our strength, our hands, are sufficient , the sisters change each other, they prepare a meal for the other sisters, we clean, wash the dishes, just like the mistress of the house, we put things in order, a special place in the work routine of the ksenevsky monastery is occupied by work in the courtyard. processing of natural products. recently, thanks to donors, the monastery has its own automatic cheese factory.
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it turned out to be very interesting that when this cheese factory was installed for us, a team came along with the cheese factory to teach us how this is a very complex process, when we cooked this cheese under the guidance of these guys, the group leader said: i want to see how your cows live, because he says, i ’ve only seen this kind of milk in italy, the boxes are just grazing next to each other on the bows and there’s nothing special about us we can feed it specially, well , this is the kind of milk we have, our tvork is very popular, people who know it are very fond of it, they come specially and buy tvork from us. thanks to its manufacturability, the cheese factory allows us to produce various types of cheeses, from hard to semi-hard yes soft ones, and also experiment in the manufacturing process and even create your own. recipes, since we are just learning, then of course we don’t have our own recipe yet, well , we are the first to make our batch, that’s what we called the monastery cheese, so far we
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will get our own recipe again, since it’s not very good, we are still learning all the different things, it's a delicate matter, such a raw material. chanting is a very important and integral part of any divine service, in every church, parish or monastery, it is its own, the ostro-ksenevsky monastery is studying unusual ancient byzantine chant, the tradition of such performance goes back several hundred years, trinity appears, classes are held twice a week for an hour and a half, and on other days, when there are no classes, they themselves gather for chants and also sing and study.
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a guide to the fact that the previous sound , which was accelerated, goes down or vice versa up, or there may be a pause, that is, this unusual thing, i don’t know what they call it, the notes are unusual, the sound series is unusual, the sisters are singing, it’s beautiful, it sounds very spiritual, like to me seems. a room where, through the joint work of nuns , objects, things, and handicrafts that are significant for monastic life are created , it is difficult to understand the monastic path, because such...
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life requires complete renunciation of worldly vanity and passions, this is the path of humility, repentance, tireless spiritual transformation, but despite to this, many are looking for answers and support within the walls of holy monasteries. often visiting women ask how to come to the monastery, and i tell them, come to us, stay, you can come to us with an overnight stay and for two days, a week, you can stay, to work hard, to plunge into this monastic life of ours, to feel it, to attend our night services, this is us...
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we invite everyone, when they ask how to come to the monastery, specifically as a nun of the monastery, here it’s not, here it’s very difficult to say, because the path to the monastery is difficult and easy , it seems to me like there are so many monks in the world, nun, it seems to me that there are so many paths, each has their own path, the only one, unrepeatable, as one abbot of athonite said when meeting with the polotsk people. he began his meeting with these words: do you think this you chose, no, you were chosen, help me dear, i pray for you, in my heart, i pray. under
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the blessing, mother of all things, i am your slovenian, i will hurry again. since ancient times , the power of monastic prayer has encouraged believers to turn to holy monasteries for help, intercession and consolation. belarusian house. saint blessed xenia of st. petersburg has become for many believers a place of healing, gaining strength to strengthen faith, a place where prayer constantly sounds for the pious and peaceful life of every person. i was with you truthfulness program, yanga belov, all the best to you.
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who and how helps make our lives better , what scientists are working on today, science certainly plays a role in this issue, what will happen if we combine it? the work of farmers and innovations are now actively being developed, starting with both land-based unmanned vehicles and airborne ones, agricultural drones and other equipment, complex things in simple terms. more recently, scientists have released the fourth volume of the flora of belarus publication, which includes 34 species of plants about which world science is up to i didn’t know the research of our scientists. what
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is this for? yes, so that... we can predict the further behavior of the species, as well as the most interesting facts: the french writer georges sant once said: plants are created to grow in one place, people are created to move and communicate with each other, so move on, communicate with each other, and of course, discover something new for yourself, watch the “science is nearby” project on our tv channel. an amazing adventure for foreigners in belarus. hello. hello. what about me name is olga. very nice. the cook was preparing for peru. it was he who supervised the work of the cooks. and only men were the cooks. yes, at that time, only men. it was quite hard work. an ecuadorian has lived here for 8 years and travels through our cities and villages. is there a standard one?
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