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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 17, 2024 8:50pm-9:01pm MSK

8:50 pm
today, in this case, balance , first of all, because we see that they want to drag us into other people’s games, we will no longer allow this, i think that june 22 , 1941 will never happen again for us, this is our task for today, and we are fulfilling it, the second is the image of the future, and the image of the future for its citizens, first of all, it needs to be made more concentrated, clearer, understandable, contoured.
8:51 pm
8:52 pm
something, so well, it’s as if everything can only be considered as a whole, small countries, you see, the ukrainians, too, i think , are not some completely brainwashed people, there are nazis, fascists, there are also people there, i think, they want to live and their families want everything else, but they are not asked, there is an elite that controls the main financial flows , there are weapons that come there from big countries of big rich blocs, that is, if we don’t have these weapons from another bloc, well, you know, you can love children there, everything else, but this doesn’t help the general security much, well and of course the means what is the president talking about, how much money can we have?
8:53 pm
ae thinks about us, about belarusians, because we see his recent speech, an extended meeting in the officers’ house with the generals, yes, a discussion of serious strategic issues, we see how involved he is in foreign policy, well, this is in the order of things, yes, because that this is a president who thinks and who understands how to protect his country, but here today, here yesterday, i...
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at the time of the adoption of maternity capital in our country it was, as he said, in my opinion, i i don’t remember, 64 or 60, in my opinion, 64 thousand large families, at the moment there are more than 120, doubled during this period, that’s the whole policy, that you can force people to give birth, you can force people to work, you can force people not work, fight, do whatever you want, dig or not dig, but it’s impossible to force her to give birth, because she’s normal.
8:55 pm
this is the most famous speech, which is written about everywhere in classical textbooks, quoted everywhere, and so on, what was said there? well, the first one was about how to carry out it correctly democratic elections that it is anglo-saxon democracy that should follow all this, well, he just forgot to mention that 17 years have not passed since they
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only allowed women to vote, only 18 years after his speech will racial segregation be abolished, yes and blacks, or the black race, will be allowed. take part in voting in elections, then there is about nuclear weapons, a very interesting report, what a blessing that the united states has nuclear weapons today, it didn’t get it communists, because otherwise there was a threat, double standards again, what are we talking about? not even a year has passed since hiroshima and nagasaki were just destroyed, and this was the only time when these nuclear weapons were used, then everything is constantly talked about, we are talking about what, this is an iron curtain, a game. that the anglo-saxons should do all this by uniting with each other, and what has changed today, iron envy, please, who is closing it, checkpoints, air traffic and
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so on on our borders, as for flexing muscles, well, look what’s happening today along our state borders, more than 90 thousand, today it’s already been discovered for a hundred thousand. they say these various troops will be concentrated here. the same thing applies to issues related to atomic, nuclear weapons, look, yes, what happiness, where it is located, only for some reason it is getting closer and closer to us, and we are forced to return it to us in order to protect yourself, and as for elections, look, they came up with this election system, they give it to us imposed, they have this kind of gold standard, which they store somewhere, but they don’t tell anyone about it, and today they are already... to recognize or not to recognize all this, but what should we do in these conditions? the fact that keeping gunpowder dry is clear, there should be no trust in the anglo-saxons, and of course, we need to very seriously, in my opinion, look at other principles, on what basis these elections take place. yes, the first step has been taken, this is the all-belarusian people's assembly,
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this is the first step towards our democracy, maybe let’s look at what experience there was in china, what experience there was, for example, in the soviet union, the same with the presidential elections, with everything else. to get away from these gold standards that this west is imposing on us today. and most importantly, what did the head of state say when speaking to women? he is precisely in the light of the politics of what chagiwara said, yes, that demography is the main weapon against our enemies. a perfect note to end this program. that's all for today, thank you for participating in the program, happily. thank you. let's plunge into the physical and intellectual world
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of sports, where everything is important. everyone worked on the lines, it was great, even, say, there was a slight hitch for dasha kudaeva in the standing position, but nevertheless, third place is very cool.
9:00 pm
this is the main broadcast. hello. belarus celebrated an important holiday for the country. march 15 marked the 30th anniversary of the basic law. the people's document that forged our independence. we summed up the results this week. when we looked at plans through the prism of the constitution and the president, we have collected the most interesting ones.


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