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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 18, 2024 2:35am-3:06am MSK

2:35 am
the weather today is good, sunny, no wind , let's go, let's go, let's go, before that , whenever i'm going somewhere, i always need to water the horse on the road, a seagull calls to me, it's so calm, not like i had before horse, and this is a girl. then he was smart,
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i didn’t drive here without mushtuks, it was very dangerous, well, here we are driving through my home village called radostnogo. i have lived here all my life, here everything is familiar to me, everything is dear, i know all the people, once upon a time people walked through this swamp, walked, walked, there was no hill, somewhere there were small hills, but that was not enough, then we came to this hill, which was large, and then we saw that somewhere we could stop, build houses, a forest nearby.
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well, it turned out like joy from this word joy, well, that’s what they say, they called it joy, the families were very large, eight, 10, 12 people, there were even families of 14, well, most of them were engaged in cattle breeding, there was nothing else here at that time, there was a village here, of course, there were houses, now there are people... and it was in the swamp, in everyone had their own allotment, each island , each island was named where these people lived, there, for example, radibugs, marchuks, kupchuks, zenkovs, this was the kind of people, so, well, they were also engaged in cattle breeding there, that’s how they divided is this a swamp or what, well, no one really knows, but it’s also a parable, there is an island called batyev, there was one like that, pan batyev came. he gave away this swamp,
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he gave away this swamp, which these islands are closer to the channel, they should work for 2 days, which is further from the channel somewhere deeper here, one day for it, but he is also this the gentleman was engaged in cat breeding, they mowed for him there, heaped firewood, fed the cattle, a good owner kept 30 heads, and even he had 10-12, then they said to him that he didn’t want to work, he was lazy, so,
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it was very clean, it’s not that it’s overgrown now, it’s a new pre-stratal that came to us, cultivated this village, gas should be supplied this year, well, that’s how we live, we’ve built shops, there ’s a new one behind us, so that people don’t have to walk too far into the center , especially for the elderly, they made a store nearby, along the asphalt, so... i used to i drove 40 km to drogitin for 5-6 hours, now i arrive in 30 minutes, here in the area, a new school was built in 1971 , a kindergarten was built, a hospital, there is a pharmacy, there is a hospital with 35 beds, there is a doctor, in short all the staff , well, a cultural center, a library, well, everything. what is needed, here are playgrounds, a park
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for relaxation, well, a village, culture in shpyrka, where we are. the sand here is white for construction, and over time, last year they decided to cultivate it, and the culture, so we ended up with such a small public garden, well, when it’s warm we bring our grandchildren, we just hang out here, those who
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play volleyball. and we unloaded this grain, in short , it reached such an extent that it was almost falling apart, after the nineties people decided to raise money, people did not work for free, they rebuilt their church, when
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our church was not working, somewhere on the holidays , at easter, in a neighboring village about 15 km from here, people went there, now it’s easier for people, where? somewhere somewhere from a wedding, a wedding, a funeral, even those, in short, everything is in place, at the present time, now this is how it is in our time, now called raspberry paradise, this is the dragachinsky district, everyone has two or three hundred square meters, some say, young people may have half a hectare, now they have already started planting blueberries, blueberries are much more expensive, somehow more profitable, but livestock
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, here we are now on the territory of zvanets , the golubskoye tract, everything is familiar to me here, all of my youth was spent here, i hunted here, back in the tenth year i was 8 years old, my father saved the collective farm calves here, i helped, the calves were driven 120 kg each in the spring, and in the fall the collective farm took 300 to 350 kg, this forbs, they didn’t feed anything, they just ate grass, forbs, it’s very healthy, they got better in their eyes, they all sparkled in the fall, they take apiaries here, here
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on carts, then they take it away in late autumn, the honey is very useful here, because that there are various herbs here, sometimes st. john's wort, even if you mow a lot, sometimes the next year already... there is less of it, thyme, well, since it's on the grass, otherwise somewhere here there are a lot of varieties, maybe, as i heard, he says, there are up to 600 species, honey is such a dark color, it’s always like something from a grich , almost like that, but then no one had yet was not involved in this matter. we choose the best routes only for our viewers. we are located in a small town in the grodno region called
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bridges. welcome. having eaten too much for a long time, they could not eat either baked fish or fish soup, they just sat and muttered sentences. stolin. since then did the name of the city come from? stolin and set off on an exciting journey. at the end of the 15th century there was a large settlement on this site. and it appeared at the intersection of major trade routes. almansky is a real tourist highlight, the only ones preserved in a natural state in belarus and the largest in europe. these are the twenties, thirty-nine years. i can safely say that this is the best time for urban architecture. sidewalks and highways went up, trees were planted , and beautiful new buildings were built to show how extraordinarily wonderful our country is. moved from one place to another, the horses were unharnessed and transported, the believers themselves, the jews,
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from one place to another, now, as we see, the image is clearly visible, they began to appear colors, this is of course a miracle of god, watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. we were once taught that the word democracy is the most wonderful word in the world with regards to politics, but words like dictatorship or authoritarianism are supposedly very bad words, ancient greek philosophers then said that in democracies , power is held by a group of people in order to create good for themselves, and not for the entire population, this is what was originally meant by democracy: what kind of authoritarianism do we have? in my opinion, in our country it relies on the power of the executive power, when after the legal strengthening of...
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2:48 am
well, due to the fact that this is when the aquatic comrade was discovered here, and this bird, which disappeared completely, is already in in principle, europe does not have it, this , which remains 162 there are 40 hectares, it is like lungs, it is oxygen, it is much better than forest, pine oxygen, it is the most useful, well , as they say, ours...
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i even remember half the swamps of these figurations of these islands, as they go, good day, hello, it’s been a long time since i visited you, this is 8 years ago, everything has changed here, it’s completely different, swamps are being pumped, tractors weren’t here when i was still working, just an idea...
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listen here for the level minimum 10 cm, maximum 30 cm, so there is a post and regulators. from the side of the road, and here there are also two sensors, we made one here ourselves , so primitive in order to track the mark there is land, this is the groundwater level , here is an information stand, everything about you
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is excellent. yes all the information is there and available everything is clear, in principle, for any category of visitors and tourists, it’s interesting to see how it’s completely different here compared to previous years, absolutely nothing was mowed down , nothing is now, well, everything here was removed , all the bushes, yes, i remember this bush, i remember very well, everything here was overgrown, everything here was overgrown favorable places and the cleanest - these are the best places for the population of our little ball of matzo - all along such indicative
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instructions in three languages. let's come petrovich, now you see, here the water level, yes there is a sign, a sign, the water level has frozen, you can walk normally, everything is fine here, everything is fine here, and after a while you talk about them, here it means, look, it’s not a sensor here, it’s just the top cut, which is necessary, which yes.
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so that on the path it’s not entirely comfortable , you can also stretch out, but here, you can install a telescope to observe, it’s convenient on the trousers, oh, well, it’s beautiful, but in the summer it would be more beautiful, of course, the creature, but there are fewer mosquitoes, horseflies, of course , well, the more horse flies, the more food for the warbler, well, yes. now we’re approaching the tower that mikhail petrovich was talking about, look, this stand is also interesting information about the origin of swamps, swamps, everything is clear, the sediment, where the peat is,
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the low-lying juice is a swamp, everything is all great here. we’ve already walked the entire route, then let ’s walk to the end so that it doesn’t happen, yes, of course , we’ll see, it remains in the memory, the impression, yes, the impression, yes,
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60. since you’ve already had enough time to retire, you take raspberries, those god knows that you will have money, in the city or in the city, well, there you will come.
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bim, you can’t, good, bimchik, bim , well done, well done, i have a lot of dogs, i had them, but
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they were hunting dogs, and this one was given to my daughter by schoolchildren, so she brought it, he will be small, the same as he is small, as he grew up, this is the perfect dog. like, like, like, like, like, like, i’ll give grains, they need to be fed , like, let them eat, like , like, like, they don’t want to go
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, i’ll get a horse, well, i’m plowing the garden, but most of the transportation costs, transportation, hilling, potatoes, planting, well, i’ll bring you some firewood, well somewhere the neighbors will take it and use it, that’s how we live. two rows of blue ones, she’s already two years old, she’s using a hose, i didn’t remove it for the winter, i just drained the drip irrigation
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, we put it on the ground, put this main tape on each rod, well, then there’s garlic covered, well, then maybe there will be pepper there, that’s when the heat begins to plant we will carry firewood with a horse, hay with a horse, all transport work was carried out by horse, in the 1900s in the village of radusova there were about 370 horses, well, now along this street on my we are going, there were 11 horses here along this street, now there are only two left, there were 88 cows
3:00 am
. to the watershed with the dneprobugo, the water is discharged through the belazyorsk canal into the dneprobug, then we went to pripyat along the dneprobug, along the canal, on the other side dneprobuga is already the border of the reserve, zvanets, there is already a closed zone there, tourist trips can be somewhere like this, somewhere to show something to the children, somewhere what kind of living creatures, what plants.
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plants, here is the venus head, often other teeth, ovary, plants, here those that are valuable in our republic of belarus, i often fish in this place, often, i come here, well, most of them catch perch, sometimes it bites, sometimes it doesn’t bite, as when. there are fish here, pike, perch, carp, roach, fish, pike perch, fat ones, well, i can almost see them, it’s very rare, erzh, well, all, all, all lake fish are here, catfish, silver bream, that’s all, especially now in recent years, this canadian catfish, he... is such
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a predator, he’s his in general, this fish is like that, it eats all the caviar, whatever it is, it’s him too it grows like this, yes, i had to catch this canadian catfish 400 grams at a time, we string a small rattan like this 3 cm, especially for perch, pike, if it takes it, my leashes are very thin, it immediately cuts off when it bites, when it doesn’t bite, it’s like , when it’s a fish, it’s not... well, in the morning, of course , in the morning, especially in june, somewhere from 15 am to 10 to 11 the best bite can be, we look at what pressure, what wind, how which direction is the wind, usually the wind is east or west, it is already favorable for us this wind, which, when from here or
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something we already say that... because of the wind, that like the wind is from the wrong direction, it means there won’t be a bite today, so we’re waiting for a bite, they’ll put me in the city now , well, at least take me to the city, and to an apartment , i’ll die in a year, i can’t bear it, i need nature, i don’t know, maybe gymnastics , maybe on sunday i can lie all day on the sofa on...
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that’s okay, well i’m just resting, the sun hasn’t set yet, it’s just starting to rise, it’s beautiful, it’s, it ’s indescribable. tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you round day, do not switch, our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad . more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel, so which one?
3:05 am
belarus, business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival-like. generous, picturesque and monumental, sports and team.


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