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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 18, 2024 3:25am-4:51am MSK

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on the project ether 24x7. watch on our tv channel every friday evening.
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this is an intellectual show "i know". a game for those who want to pump up their brain and test their knowledge, or get answers to all questions. and we will definitely help you with this. but first, let's get to know the participants in the game. and their support group, teachers. arina ignatyuk, secondary school number 7 in the city of kobrino, chemistry teacher victoria petrovna migets. enis kaplan, gymnasium number one of the city of vitebsk, named after alferov, class teacher, english teacher olga alexandrovna gugueva. roman ivlev, gymnasium number two in vitebsk, geography teacher, sergei nikolaevich.
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polina karpenka, secondary school number 31 in the city of mogilev, history teacher natalya ivanovna shakhovskaya. elizaveta mazheika, secondary school number 28 in the city of mogilev , choreography teacher lyudmila nikolaevna golperina. i have one more person left to introduce, this is our scientific expert ekaterina duko. head of the department of methodological support for mathematical and natural science education of the academy.
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start the game. vasya, announce the first round. we in order not to lose it, i suggest we quickly proceed to the first round, let's get acquainted with its rules. in the first round , players are asked 12 multiple-choice questions , yes or no, of which only one is correct. the choice must be made in 7 seconds, each correct answer brings the participant one point. the eight players with the most points advance to the second round. first question of the first round: is it true that if you stand facing south, west , time, will be on your left. angelina, how do you think you responded? i answered this question, option, no, because if we face the south, then the west will be to our right, don’t get confused, angelina. she shouldn’t
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get confused, she’s studying in the geography room, on the ceiling towards the horizon. and on the left, what will happen? eh, east, is that what everyone else thinks? there is someone who from... answered to confuse, the correct answer is: no, if this question becomes, perhaps yes, it was not possible for you to face the south, the west will be on the right. second question: is it true that the hero of sholokhov’s story is the fate of a person, andrei sokolov was a driver at the front? time! polina, how are you? did you answer? i answered yes. i think this is the correct answer. did you remember, or did you just guess? to be honest, i remember this piece, so it’s an option, yes. okay, let's say ilya. oh, well, alas, i didn’t read this work, i had to guess, the answer was yes. how did it happen that you missed
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a work of russian literature for the eighth grade? well, then i don’t remember. so you don't remember. attention, correct answer. he served in the autorot, they formed us under the white one. church in ukraine, they gave me a zis 5 then? you can, of course, continue indefinitely, but the correct answer to our question is: yes, and bravo to those who answered that way. third question: oh, dear land, jumping land, dear to my friends, what is dearer to god than these bright beaches? it’s true that these are the radks of yakub kolas from the novaya zemlya paem. time! nis, what do you think, i can’t now remember from which work these lines are from, but i answered no, because it seems to me that this is not from the poem new land, not from new land, okay, your
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answer is clear to me, a novel, let’s let's talk to you, maybe you remember where these are from lines, i don’t remember exactly, but i can assume that this is from simon busyka, i ’m proud, i’m just proud, no question, fourth question: if the angle of incidence of a light beam decreases by 10°, then the angle between the incident reflected rays decreases by 20° . is this statement true? time? so, julia, let's talk to you,
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how did you answer this question? i answered option no, in my opinion this is the eighth grade program. and in physics, they forgot the boundary, but unfortunately, i don’t remember whether this is true or not, and i answered intuitively, no, the angle between the incident ray and a perpendicular drawn to the point of incidence is called the angle of incidence, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, if the angle of incidence decreases by 10°, the difference between the rays will decrease by half, that is, by 20°. the correct answer to our question is yes, the fifth question is: is it true? that every country is a state, but not every state is a country, time, a state
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is a country in any case, but not every country is a state, gebraltar can be called a country, but cannot be called a state, sofia, let's talk to you, how did you answer this question, what do you think, i answered option no, because a... and not every country will be a state, and since a state is an independent country, and if we say that a certain country , this is a state, so it turns out that every state is a country, but not vice versa, you know, my goal was to confuse you, but after your explanation i was completely confused. sofia, maybe you can give an example of, i don’t know, a state that is not a country. or country, that's right, which is not a state, or vice versa, a state that is not a country does not exist, and a country that is not a state, well, it is a dependent territory, a dependent territory, in other words, some kind of colony, yes, yes, well and an example, for example, india
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was a colony of great britain for a long time, here is the answer to your question, the correct answer is no, not every country is a state, the main feature of a state is sovereignty or independence. sixth question: pay attention to the screen: is it true that the value of the expression you see on the screen is a negative number? time. roman, let’s talk to you about what you think, well, look, three in zero - that will be one, so why? because every number to the zero power is equal to one, 4 to the first power is 4, well, therefore 1 - 4 is -3, -3 + 5 is 2, 2 = 0, which means it is a positive number. is there anyone who disagrees with roman? and this is the correct answer: any number to the zero power will be equal
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to one, even if we put 100 in it zero degree, even a thousand, the meaning of this expression is a positive number, the correct answer to our question is no, the seventh question: is maslenitsa really celebrated in the last week before lent? time: enis. what time of year do you think it is? let's start from afar. it is spring. so. well, i think so. masnis is celebrated in the last week before lent. in the last week before lent. so you answered yes. there is someone who answered no. is there someone who disagrees with enis. angelina. as far as i know, maslenitsa is celebrated on the first saturday of spring. i have never heard such an expression that it was celebrated during the last week of lent. before lent. before lent, i didn’t hear. well, the whole butter is celebrated. or are you being so modest for one day, and well,
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probably, modestly for one day, okay, the correct answer to our question is: yes, indeed so, indeed, in the last week before lent. eighth question: is it true that a specially dedicated, isolated environment for the safe execution of computer programs is called a carousel. time! polino, why are you sad? i’m not sad in any way, then let’s chat, how did you answer this question? i answered the option: no, why? honestly, i don’t know the correct answer, but it’s the carousel, i ’ve never heard of that. don't you just love carousels? well, let’s say, if this is not a carousel, then what could such an environment be called? where it is absolutely safe to try something, write some code in most programming languages, let's say, i think
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playground, playground, okay, let's say let it be a playground, let's stop at this for now, arina, unfortunately, i'm not strong in this topic, so i answered yes, let there be a carousel, god bless it, and if you sit for a long time, then your head it may make you dizzy, i ’m telling you this as a knowledgeable person, matvey, what do you think, how did you answer this question, i answered no, but i haven’t come across this term. it seems to me that this kind of platform will be called something else, really no one likes the carousel, there is someone who answered yes, i, arina, i chose the option yes, but in fact i haven’t heard such a word, we haven’t heard of carousel, well, i haven’t heard of it being used like that, yeah, so, an environment in which you can write some kind of code absolutely safely in some programming language, without fear of breaking something, harming it, and god forbid breaking it or hacking it.
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we came up with some kind of forbidden network called a sandbox, sandbox, carousel, and therefore the correct answer to this question, the ninth question: is it true that calcium o is an acid oxide? time, no, not right, hurray, please, we have chemistry. i won’t ask you ilya, well, i had to guess , i chose no again, i remembered, he said no, well done, he didn’t let his teacher down, well, this is pure fantasy, yes, that is, it’s not at all backed up by anything, but he guessed, guessed, ok, matvey, from my school chemistry course, i remember that calcium is an alkaline oxide, not an acidic one, since calcium cannot form. no acids, uh-huh, and you answered, no, okay, sofia, well, develop
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this all for us here, calcium is called o basic oxide, because if we combine calcium o with water, we get a base, calcioh twice, acidic oxides are those oxides that when combined with water we get acids. sonya, this is a participant in the chemistry olympiad, she took a diploma, took the second degree and entered the city this year. bravo, this is a brilliant answer, thank you very much, the correct answer to our question is no. tenth question: is it true that the organism depicted in the figure belongs to the “cnidarian” type. time: stinging this year
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for the first time we have such a classification, before this, this classification was intestinal-cavitary, they include.
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the shape of a number of representatives of cnidarians, the body of the jellyfish is gelatinous, similar in shape to an umbrella, sharply contracting the umbrella and throwing water out, the jellyfish receives a jet push and moves with the convex side forward, tentacles are located on the edges of the umbrella on the lower side, in the middle of the mouth. the correct answer to our question is: yes. eleventh question: she was lying in the straw, near the stove, on the floor. apples, is there a punctuation error in this sentence? time! lisa, what do you think? i answered no, but i actually don't know the right answer. that is , you think that the sentence is written correctly,
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there is no subtraction or addition here? perhaps, but you're not entirely sure? yes, confused? completely, liza, don’t disappear, yes, i want to say, don’t fly away, yulia, are you sure of your answer, not very much, but i answered no, and since i think everything is written here correctly, there is no mistake, perhaps someone thinks , that there was a mistake here, who would have written this sentence differently, novel, well, don’t be shy, let's argue, well, i would doubt it, because in this sentence there are no clarifying elements, that is, in the straw near the stove, i do not agree that these are clarifying elements. so, wait, so what do you suggest in the straw , then we remove the comma or what? i propose to remove the comma, remove it altogether, which means let me try to take all the commas, read it without commas. there was a pile of apples lying in the straw near the stove on the floor. ok, angelina, what do you think? - i answered this question,
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an option? yes, it’s possible to remove the comma next to the word stove, it seems to me so, yeah. fine, who thinks that it is not necessary to take away here? ilya? well, it seems to me that there should also be a comma after it on the floor. why do you think you just like it that way or because they are checking the location of a pile of apples on the floor near the stove. accordingly, just like in the previous ones, we can remove them, the meaning of the sentence will not change. yes. accordingly, they must be separated by commas. well, accordingly, since we have separated between the straws. there ’s a comma near and in the straw, a comma near the stove, then probably a comma is needed and then on the floor. so, there are isolated circumstances on the floor near the stove. if they stand out in meaning, intonation, in oral speech, i tried to do this in order to help you somehow, then they stand out punctually in written speech, after which there should be
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a comma on the floor. the correct answer to our question is: yes. the final question of the first round. is it true that the mercenary soldiers of the english colonial army in india, recruited from local residents, were called mamluks? time! polina, i honestly don’t know the correct answer to this question, but i have never used the word mamluk met. and so they answered? no, they answered no. well, if they were not called mamluks, what could they call them? we have already abandoned this word, let’s say we came up with this word, but i am not saying that, while the soldiers who were recruited from local residents were called, so, mercenary soldiers. in india they were called sepoys. mamluks are a military class in medieval egypt. well, as you understand, this happened a little earlier than the
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time period we are talking about now. so, the correct answer to our question is: no. before summing up the results of the first round and understanding who the eight are who are moving on, who the four are who we will say goodbye to, i want to collect your impressions. alexandra, how did you like the first round? what was the most difficult question for you? the most difficult question was probably from... the physics course about reflection angles, because i’m not strong in physics, i’m a humanities major, so, but in general i like how do you assess your chances of getting into the second round? there are chances, but i can't be sure of anything, philosophical answer. enis, what question seemed so easy to you that you didn’t even feel comfortable answering it? i think there were no really easy questions here; the most difficult one for me was probably about history. i hope that i will get into the second round, so roman, what do you think, well, for me there were the easiest questions like,
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what type of atexites kali belongs to, yeah, it was elementary, i understood, well, how difficult questions about the momuluk type, this question seemed difficult to you, would you like second or have you already gotten everything you wanted from the game, of course i want it, well, then we won’t? walk around for a while, let's look at the screen and get acquainted with the results of the first round, oops, angelina, sofia, enis, yes, yulia, ilya, elizaveta definitely pass, arina and polina, unfortunately, no, there are players whose names are highlighted in orange, this indicates that these players scored the same number of points. right now our esteemed computer will calculate and remember which of you gave your correct ones. answers faster and from these four highlighted in orange, we will get the players for our second round, attention,
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arina and matvey were lucky, alexandra and roman, unfortunately, here it is, the eight players who move on, well, at the bottom of the list we see four players, with whom today, alas, we goodbye, thanks for the game all the best. i’m glad that i took part in this game, i liked everything, i didn’t set any goals , participation itself was just important to me, everything was interesting, i still hoped that i would have enough points, but the guys turned out to be stronger, unfortunately, i’m upset with my game, there were questions that were very simple, but i don’t know whether it was out of excitement or something else, i answered them incorrectly, i liked the game, of course it was interesting, i won’t rate my game , in some places i didn’t have time, in others i didn’t know, so
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of course i set the goal to reach the finals, it turned out like this, the right morning. should start with a proper breakfast, tell me what you and i are going to cook today? today you and i will prepare a rather unusual breakfast, it will be in an asian style, it will be sprinkle rolls with sea cocktail. tell me what we have for breakfast today champion? and today we will have pink salmon meatballs with salad, this will be an unusual breakfast, very tasty, we can’t wait to start, we will help you choose the ingredients to make the first meal delicious by choosing greens. we need spinach. know that you should only purchase fresh, elastic leaves of a bright green color. the color of beans
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depends solely on the variety. the pod itself should be intact, without any dent marks . let's not forget about invigorating exercises. we we stand, clasp our hands, lift them up, lean forward, knees straight, back. you can bend a little, we bend down, again we keep our knees straight , our feet are completely on the floor, we rise up, watch the champion’s breakfast program on our tv channel, together with the belarus 24 tv channel, we will lay out a route through the most cultural places of our country. in the twenties, on the other side, even before the grand gates of akrugova.
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impregnable and great, the menavita here in 1422 celebrated the holiday on a grand scale young karal yagaila and 17-year-old princess sophia galshanskaya. look in praektse cultural padarozhe.
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the second round is ahead, let's get acquainted with its rules. in the second round, players are asked 10 questions with three possible answers, of which only one is correct. the choice must be made in 10 seconds. each correct answer earns the participant two points. the four players with the most points advance to the third round.
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and what knocked you down sofia, oh, it’s sofia, matvey, how did you answer, and i answered the option a. was guided by the same logic, asked the question yakaya mov hindi, and yakaya mov, this is the very question that needed to be asked, the correct answer to our question, option a meaning, the second question, attention to the screen, what is the ammeter reading? option a - 0.8 a, option b - 1.4 a, option c 1.6 a time.
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i would like to say what? angelina, are you sad? i was in a hurry, i didn’t notice the number two, and i answered option a, although in fact option c. uh-huh. but you already answered a, but i already answered a. see, hurry up, in the second tour, such a pleasure, this is not the third, where everything decides. also arina’s speed, how did you answer? i answered option c, because i looked at the picture and thought that for 0.8 this is, well, 0.8 is too little, 1.4 does not reach two and 1.6 is the only option that, that is, you can say didn’t find the scale division price, you just looked at the peephole, well, first at the peephole, then tried to find the scale division price, and what price did you find? well, option 1.6, 1.6, but the division price, i didn’t have time to count. did not have time
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count, okay, yulia, someone managed, maybe you did, i tested c 1.6, since there are two, and it goes 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8 and 2, respectively , the division price is 0.2, yes, that’s what i wanted to hear, let’s find out the scale division price of this ammeter, it is 0.2 a, the correct answer to our question is 1.6 a, option c. the third question is which of the above? one of the video file formats: a flag, b - typhus, tsavi. time. lisa, you smiled so mysteriously, it feels like you remembered the correct answer already in the first second, everyone else was remembering something pleasant. of course, i’m not sure of my answer, but it seems to me that option c. option c.
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yes. yes. what is a flag then, why did you exclude it? no idea, i don’t know what flag and typhus are, but i remember that in computer science class i heard avi, avi, and it was a video format, maybe, maybe. sofia, what do you think? well, i'm not good at computer science, so i chose ts avi. matvey, i also chose option c, av. i am definitely confident in this answer. the fact that the video file format is avi. unfortunately, i don’t know what typhus and a flag are. and i'll tell you. flag is an audio file format. tif graphic images. but avi is just a video format. the correct answer to our question is option c. avi. in the design and construction of which facility did the military engineer teodor narbud, a native of litchina, take an active part? a- nesvezh castle, b. mogilev town hall, c- bobruisk fortress. time. the war of 1812,
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if i'm not mistaken, the bobruisk fortress. well, let’s say she defended herself for quite a long time. enis, what do you think? i assumed that this was the bobruisk fortress, since a military engineer, but now i really doubt my answer. what if he was someone else before becoming a military engineer? maybe. is there anyone who answered, for example, mogilev town hall? matvey? unfortunately, i don’t know the answer to this question, and i was guided by intuition. well , then, let's listen to the correct answer, especially since it was voiced. c. fortress, maybe this has something to do with the fact that theodor narbut was really a military engineer, fifth question: by what name is the karakurt spider also known? a-black widow,
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b - red executioner, c: green villain. time! and it seems to me that it’s clear why the name karakurt has not found recognition, it’s a little complicated, there is a simpler name, and i’m sure that yulia will give us the correct answer. i answered option a. there are two black ones, and since i think the green villain is something from spider-man, it’s probably good, the green villain is shallow, but what’s wrong with the red executioner? i chose between a and b, i still chose. the correct answer is a black widow, let's look at her. by the way, if you pay attention to her costume, some parts of it were actually taken for the costume
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of spider-man, which we saw in the movies or read in comics. sixth question: which language is not official in switzerland? a is italian, b is english, c is german. time! lisa, how did you answer this question? i answered option a, because, as far as i know, english is spoken almost everywhere, and switzerland is germany. visa is common, yes, but is it an official language? it is very important? i think yes, i think he is.
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turned out to be superfluous good, let's do it, i'll tell you i’ll say that in switzerland four languages ​​are official, maybe someone can tell me them, as far as i remember, latin arina, latin, do you think, well, one of them, one of them, also, as far as i remember, german, no further i remember, well, then let me list, german, there is such a thing, italian there is such a thing, french is also the official language and the fourth language is retro-romance, here is the english language, contrary to everyone...
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sofia, i answered the option with a sonnet , i'm not sure, but in my opinion there is always 12 in a sonnet rows, i didn’t choose the octave option, because octave implies the number eight and i decided that no more, no less, there are exactly eight rows, i have no idea about the triolet at all, so purely intuitively i chose c. so good, who chose option a or option b? in general, whoever disagrees with sofia enis, you wanted, i chose option b, yes, but i realized that i was mistaken, because...
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the main one among the series of his reforms: a agrarian reform, b local government reform, c reform in the region education, not agricultural, this immediately suggests agrarian time. matvey, what option do you think you chose? i chose the agricultural option?
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what is the essence of agrarian reform? what could the peasants do? work? they always could, they had to work, and this reform did not change this fact. but they were allowed something, given something. ilya, maybe you know? well, perhaps they were given their own land. and, well, which, with which they did not give away a part. actually to its owner, but they took
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it for themselves, uh-huh, maybe i told you, maybe i’m confusing something, it was published in november 1906 a decree according to which peasants could freely leave the community, this is the first thing they could do, and at the same time they received their land plots into private ownership, the purpose of all this was, well, in simple terms, the creation of small communities of farmers, the creation of such small businesses , he takes the land, cultivated... this land and can dispose of it, receive some gifts from it and go sell it, accordingly, well, there is food in the state, it seems like all people are limited. the correct answer to our question is: agrarian reform. ninth question: what famous german alchemist henning brant. a, he was the first to receive pure silver, b. discovered phosphorus, ts-invented the gas burner. time.
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let's take a break from last names and first names, let's talk about what the alchemists are talking about, who are they? lisa, well, i don’t know, i immediately have this concept associated with chemistry, well, thank you, it’s not with magic, it’s possible the discovery of some elements, metals, so, well, here’s a guide. with this logic, how did you answer? i answered yes, but i'm not sure of my choice. okay, okay, we'll check, angelina, i'm not strong in history, well, i think this is history, maybe i answered option c, because , purely intuitively, i didn’t know what to answer, how could this be related to history? i don’t know, well , he is famous for something, perhaps it was written down in a history book, well, pay attention, pure silver, phosphorus and a gas burner, well, more with chemistry, of course, but still not much about it. but brant also loved the story of ilya, the gas burner; at that time
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, alchemists no longer existed, respectively, when the gas burner existed, yes, when the gas burner was invented, alchemists no longer existed when the gas burner was invented, i don’t know, but honestly, then i understood, okay, but obviously later than the alchemists disappeared, accordingly i chose from a b, if i’m not mistaken, then it was b and so what? was the goal of the alchemists, to obtain the philosopher's stone , all this, why was the philosopher 's stone needed to turn any metal into gold, and if i'm not mistaken, then this henik brand, he discovered such phosphorus... oh, it looks like gold, well went to deceive people, interesting story, we could talk about this is eternal, if not for the limited time, the correct answer to our question, the option - he discovered phosphorus, what he did with it next, we can think, we can guess, but truly, we will never know. the final question
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of the second round: what two letters precede the poem by konstantin simonov, wait for me. a - kb, option b - mb. option c all the time julia, do you think, a very interesting question, it may seem terribly difficult at first, but if you look into it, it remains so, i answered option b, yeah, and b, i wasn’t guided by anything, it seemed to me more presentable, okay, let’s leave it at that for now, lisa, what do you think? i, too, unfortunately, do not have this information, and i simply chose by combination of letters, most of all i liked the combination ts, combination ts, all, yes, so, who
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else liked what combination of letters, and sofia, please tell me i liked kb the most, i thought it was the most beautiful, so i chose it. option a. so, attention, the correct answer. simonov dedicated the poem wait for me. valentina serova, star of soviet cinema years old, to his future wife. the correct answer to our question is option with everything. x would like to ask how you like the second round. arina, tell us about your impressions and do you see yourself on the third tour? well, it seemed to me that the second round was a little more difficult than the first. and about viduli. would be, i personally doubt that i will make it through the third round, but we’ll see, but you want to be in the third, you want to, sofia, i don’t know about where i was stupid and didn’t answer the way i should
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, chances are i will make it to the third round, but the second round was much more difficult than the first for me, attention to the screen, from the front of our entire planet, angelina, sofia, arina, passed , let's applaud, here it is, the four participants in the third round and the four players with whom we, unfortunately, have to say goodbye here now, thank you very much for the game , this applause sounds in your honor, goodbye, all the best, and i... can rate my game a nine, since i’m happy with my result, overall i liked it, i want to say that i’m completely satisfied with my game, i’m not a bit i don’t regret taking part in such a project, there were moments in which it was possible to answer better, but i think that this is also the result, i want to express special thanks to the chemistry teacher anya viktorovna for
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accompanying me along this path and supporting me in every possible way, i think i went after the second round because i was very i hurried, i just thought it was lisa. light in the dark, a trace on the water, rain or rainbow, night or day, in front of me, on
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a magical canvas, that which is not visible. music for the rest, i rise high, there is a cloud above the ocean, full of happiness, a wave of light, the sky is a river, i rise with it, i will become better and stronger if with me. there will be music, stars through the dust, ska! skiy and was, rises and abysses, storm and calm, oh, in the darkness,
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lights up the lights, all the shores, connect the music, i rise high above the ocean. clouds , a wave of happiness is full of light, the sky is regan , birds are in the notes, they call me into the world with the brightest colors, i dream of music and... comes to reality, this is music, music, it is with me,
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always, i lift , above the ocean of clouds, a wave of happiness is full of light, i rise with her, i... it’s better to be stronger if she is with me, music, music. the best way: don’t forget to spend time, take a short trip. it was
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the center of the principality, there are a lot of antiquities here and the city, you saw for yourself, has been preserved, they call it belarusian. belarus is located in brest, but for a long time. visit the most interesting sights, and we also have a unique exhibition called the cabinet of a soviet scientist, you can now feel the era of that time, here under a layer of plaster in 2003 year, when repair and restoration work began, the saved face of christ, not made by man, was discovered. what does it mean? it manifested itself, and you will also receive unforgettable emotions. the iron is still hot, you know the proverb, you see, it ’s cooling down, that’s why the proverb does n’t sound special, that’s it, now we’re heating it up again, yes,
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not only will i bring a wonderful memory from zhodino, but also such a wonderful doll. look in the program, the route is built on the belarus 24 tv channel . we are setting off on an expedition through the corners of our countries. pradchuvanne, bridle, tension. with such morsels, we open our magic fires loudly. we’re off to a new folklore-historical expedition. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. they seem to be old people, not like people created by god, but they forgot to give them dishes. and there’s no way you can eat and jump on your own. and old traditions. new life.
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i missed the projects ahead. on the tv channel belarus 24. congratulations on reaching the third round, but before we continue, i suggest taking a short break to get to know each other better. sofia, let's start with you, if you don't mind, of course , you motivate yourself with your future profession, i mean you motivate yourself to study, but this is the future... sofia, well,
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people will come and open their mouths every day you will need to look in and do something there, i don’t know, for me it’s quite interesting, hard work, perseverance, determination help you achieve your goal, but you haven’t written what qualities are stopping you, maybe it’s time my impulsiveness can interfere with something , you are hot-tempered, quite, but didn’t even notice, or maybe maybe we just didn’t bring you to the required condition, yes, but there’s a third ahead. who knows what will happen there, when and how her temper manifests itself, even in class, wow , for example, you give an independent test work, suddenly sofia, who is always ready, sees a question that she , for example, doubts, or does not have enough time to complete him, here sofia’s character will clearly manifest itself in such a way that everyone will understand, she
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can sternly say, no, i don’t... now i need time there, then slam everything else on the table, that is, this is what you are doing i’ve been playing tennis for nine years now, you’ve been playing tennis since i was 6 years old, well, you want to become a doctor, sooner or later, it seems to me, you’ll have to choose either tennis or a dentist and human mouths every day, what will you choose? i will choose a dentist because i think that this is a more stable profession, because i already faced the fact that last year i had a lot of injuries and if they continue like this, then i’ll have to give up tennis, there are some rewards in tennis you? i have an athlete’s classification book, and quite a lot of second and first places in tournaments, and you are already in some kind of ranking, maybe even in belarus, somehow she was preparing for our game, she is reaping the benefits of what she invested in herself, uh-huh, she
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worked all these years, you just know, if... and there are those who sat there for a little while in the fifth grade, in the sixth like that, in the seventh they shot, then sonya has been walking exactly quietly since the first grade towards this goal , so now it seems to me at the moment when she maybe she can get it back, we wish her to show her knowledge, her intelligence further in the third round, but luck won’t hurt her either, of course, now let’s get to know enis, your least favorite subject is chemistry, chemistry is given to you... it’s difficult, why is it so, what do you think is wrong with chemistry, why is it so difficult? it’s difficult to remember reactions, formulas and so on, okay, but what about the rest of the natural sciences, well, it seems to me that the same physics could be put on a par with chemistry, like you and physics, for example, i can say that i’m good at physics, physics is based on formulas, and it’s enough to learn the formulas and you can understand most of the material, in chemistry
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it’s a little more complicated, olga alexandra. first of all, maybe you can tell us what the name enis means, it’s so beautiful, i first met it, the name is rare, beautiful, when i met enis, also the first thing i did was look up the meaning of the word, the name means life, water , a spring that gives life, probably, listening to enis, i understand that a thought always arises there, like life, he always has some deep sayings. there are a lot of unnecessary words, but the point is to do everything right. your favorite book is the little prince, you consider it a very deep, very instructive book that you can re-read at completely different ages and find something in it every time. enis, what do you find in the little prince now? i noticed that the little prince poignantly reveals the issue of loneliness. he
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traveled but never made it. find someone with whom he will not be alone. is inis, the little prince, close to you? can not say accurate, but possible. do you feel like a lonely person? no, i have a family, good friends, but at some moments, i think all of us feel lonely. we have such a serious passion for intellectual games, from the sixth grade and they don’t do it, that somewhere, when, they have a team of success.
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some schoolchildren dream of becoming programmers, your least favorite subject is computer science, how does this happen? well, it somehow happened that as soon as computer science began. i missed some part, perhaps if i had been there then, i would have immediately there was some kind of keen interest in this subject, and so, well, it turns out, but somehow i wouldn’t really want to connect my life with it, what subjects does she immediately strive for, naturally the scientific cycle, chemistry, biology, geography , suddenly this year mathematics came here, at first i relied on it as a chemist a little. to a math teacher? no, i can only go to the geography teacher, she studied geography for a very long time and that somewhere, once upon a time they were also so connected, because they had the same teacher, back when
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in the seventh grade, i had a choice at the olympiad, where to prepare, i gave it. you want to become a happy person, but a happy person, no matter how much we would like it, but... this is not a profession, unfortunately, yes, if you still specify what a happy person is for you, this is what this happy person is, a person , surrounded by good people with whom he is interested, who knows how to spend time with himself in such a way that he feels comfortable and interested in himself. let's just say that a person who made it to the super final of an intellectual show, i know, can count yourself happy, well, if he had such a goal, then yes, but he had such a goal, let’s say you really love harry potter. and re-read it only in the fifth grade, if everything is correct, and took a lot of things from it, is this your quote, what did you take from harry potter? well, i really liked the fact that you can reread the same book, for example,
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some part several times, each time you discover the characters in a new way, it taught me that situations are never clear-cut and nothing is black and white , and how she got here, she both wanted and was afraid, she called me... she was very worried and i was the first time, the first conversation about this, she was so nervous, it was so obvious, i said, what are you doing you’re worried, i’m so afraid that i won’t succeed somewhere, that i won’t have time to prepare, on the one hand it’s a challenge, a test of knowledge, it’s another level, some new experience, on the other hand there’s fear that something won’t work out, that she will let down those who counted on her, relied on her, who supported her, so now we will hope that...
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tired, but are there some subjects to study that you need to convince yourself a little more than with the others? i think mathematics , i don’t particularly like her, probably history, it ’s somehow not very good for me, i analyzed it, that’s what she did since childhood, yeah, it was handicrafts, it was dancing, it was music, it was a theater studio, i graduated from art school with a degree in piano, but i kind of like it at that age, but...
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but i’ll probably still learn chinese, and you like how it turns out french, but will you learn chinese? well , i think that chinese is a more necessary language in the 21st century? indeed, she is better at languages, she took part in the russian language olympiad and was also a prize-winner at the regional olympiad, that is, this is hers. in order to achieve your goals , determination helps you, but haste really gets in the way, and i’m very hyperactive, so to speak, how do you fight this, what do you do? i’m trying to somehow calm myself down, it didn’t interfere in the first and second rounds, where, in principle, speed played a certain role, well, in the first, no, i think, but in the second, it got in the way a little, for two or three questions, i was in a hurry, yeah, although i knew the right
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answer, in the third round we need school knowledge, erudition, including speed, like you do you think what she is stronger in, what angelina will focus on in the third round, i hope that she will relate. speed and knowledge to think about making the right decision, before the third round, here you are, angelina’s class teacher, an adult, what do you think, is it necessary in the third round take risks, do you need to take risks? it’s necessary, you see, so think, guys , before you play, you have a couple of seconds, get yourself together, we wish you all good luck, vasya, let’s finally start, it’s time to return to the game, the third round is ahead, let’s get acquainted with its rules, in the third round , the presenter asks 10 questions, the participant with the fastest reaction gets the right to answer , the correct answer earns him three points, in case of an error, the right to answer goes to the other participants, the two players who score the most points,
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paris salon of 1834. name the picture. arina. well, i’ll assume that this is the death of pompeii, because well, i don’t remember the exact name, but i recognize a fragment from a painting that depicts an eruption on a pompe near the city or, in general , such a plot there, name the picture arina, the death of pompeii, the death of pompeii, i accept yours the answer is the wrong answer, enis, and i will assume that this painting is “the last day of pompeii.” last day. pompeii, that
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’s the name of this picture, and you and i can be convinced of this. attention to the screen. yes it she, the last day of pompeii. second question: find the value of the expression when x is equal to five. inis, 29. what did you think? tell me, he raised x2, that’s 25, huh? 3x is 15, 15 - 11 is 4, 25 + 4 = 29. 29 is absolutely the correct answer. third question: what is the name of this representative of the mollusk type? angelina, can i suggest that maybe some kind of oyster? not just any oyster, but a real one. correct answer. oyster. fourth question: who translated the tired fable of ivan krylov, varon or?
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chalk chalk, chalk, that is, we took this one a large chest they put a small piece of chalk in there, who knows, let's check, yes, we are people with a scope, this is chalk, sixth question, what is the sum of the angles of a convex heptagon? angelina, i’ll guess 360°, 360, that is, yes, yeah, no, that’s the wrong answer. sofia, perhaps 900°, but
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as you thought, you can be curious, the formula, in my opinion, is 180 multiplied by in brackets 7 -2, 7 is the number of angles, absolutely correct, both the formula and the answer are 900°, i’m shocked, i’m shocked i didn’t know, the seventh question, what is the name of the element of the electrical circuit, serving to close it and...
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well, in the video it’s called batik, batik? yes, but no, this is not batik, arina, painting, just painting, well, no, if everything were so simple, this question would not be in the third round, alas, sofia, enis, will you have versions, versions, no, therefore, this question goes to the teachers' room, julia, the floor is yours, we also find it difficult to answer, so we pass the floor back to the main platform, thank you, then i will enlighten you a little. this unique museum is dedicated to the traditional painting of small duvans, they are called little ones. this is very cute in my opinion, it was enough to make money. correct answer. malyavanki. ninth question. name the author of the cycle of musical works called hungarian rhapsodies. let's listen to the fragment.
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angelina, but it seemed to me that it was played on an organ, as far as i know, the works of the organ were written by bach, i think that this is bang, alas, this is not bach, arina, perhaps vivaldi, no, and not vivaldi, sofia, let it be mozart, mozart, you decided according to the classics, yes, according to the most famous ones to walk, no, alas, everything is a little deeper and more difficult, enis, bidhoven, you went through all the famous ones. if we had five players, perhaps the fifth one would voice the correct answer. the correct answer was not heard on the site, so this question, like the previous ones, goes to the teachers’ room. vasya, all the versions that were performed on the main stage were performed in the teachers’ room, i can’t get anything more out of it, so we’re waiting for an answer. well,
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firstly, the musical fragment and the instrument that sounded in the musical fragment is a piano, and secondly, the correct answer to our question reference sheet, here it is, the name and surname of the composer. the final question, tura, is which major landowner and entrepreneur of the first half of the 19th century was depicted in this portrait by the artist valentiy vankovich. arina, perhaps this is muravyov? no, this is not muravyov. the guys in the teachers' room are already nervous. if you fail, they will have to answer this question again. yes, that's exactly why we're nervous. take care of your teachers. there are versions. there is a version, angelina, enis, well, god loves a trinity, maybe third time lucky, teachers, alas, no luck, we also find it difficult to answer, so alas, we don’t know , there are not even options, the correct answer to this
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question is wojciech pusłowski, it’s time to sum up the results of the third round, only two players will continue playing in the intellectual show, i know with two players. and we will say goodbye here now with a result of 33 points, the fourth round goes to enis, enis, congratulations, you are so shocked, with a result of 29 points, the fourth round goes to a girl, yes it’s clear, right, arina, angelina or sofia? sofia, cool, what a smart girl, enis and sofia, my congratulations to you, you are in the fourth round, angelina and arina, thank you very much for your participation, it was just a little bit short, and nevertheless, you didn’t come in vain, this
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applause is confirmation of this, all the best, i was pleased to play with you girls.
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a versatile girl, varied interests, i was sure of her answer, i wish you good luck, all the best to you, arina, you were one point short of the fourth round, i was upset, well, a little, because i understood, well, i understand that i could answer on question about pompeii, because i knew what kind of picture it was, but i forgot exactly the wording, it needs to be clear, yes, i forgot the name, this is of course very offensive, did you like the game, did you like the atmosphere? yes, i liked it, but what about the guys, the competition was high, what do you think? yes, i think it’s high, but the guys were great, what conclusions can you draw? well, you shouldn’t draw conclusions ahead of time, because... it happens to me that i’ll start, something will go well, i’ll start to relax and then not
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it’s very cool to try to the end, what happened, but you relaxed a little, but nevertheless, third place is a good result. victoria petrovna, are you satisfied? i’m so proud, very, very pleased, i saw that it was hard in the first round, so she’s right on this list, she barely fit in, then you got to... the fourth round, let’s get acquainted with his rules. in the fourth round, participants are asked to answer 10 questions from
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different categories. leader in points is the first to choose the topic of the question and, if answered correctly, receives four points. if the answer is incorrect, the second participant enters the game; the correct answer earns him two points. enis, you are the leader in points, so you should choose your first category. device. tape, lower and upper stops, links, lock, slider, keychain, the elements of which are listed, perhaps this is a zipper, a zipper, you assumed that this is a zipper, and i suggest looking at the screen to make sure of this, everything is correct, the correct answer , clasp, zipper, sofia, it's your choice, let's try biology. what type of crayfish and
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cockchafer are both? type arthropod? correct answer, yes type of arthropod easy question, redirect, art, what is the athlete sitting on in this picasso painting? maybe. on kanata , yes, alas, this is the wrong answer, sofia, you have a chance, i don’t know, you can assume anything, maybe very extravagant versions here, but the correct answer was never heard on the set, therefore, we turn to our staff room, yulia, well, we we think that this is a ball, so wait, the girl is standing on the ball and the athlete is sitting on the ball, but what is he sitting on, what is he sitting on, well, i suggest not arguing, but paying attention to the screen and see what everything is on - the athlete is sitting. and he sits on an ordinary cube, a cube.
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that's what i wanted to hear. sofia, choose a category. physics. what is the name of the phenomenon when, with too little resistance in an electrical circuit, the current strength in it takes on an unacceptably large value. closure. please check. i will accept this answer as correct, short circuit, electrical circuit, well, it’s clear that it’s not something else. enis, choose a category, let there be natural phenomena. what is the name of a natural phenomenon in which large masses of rocks are displaced downhill by a detachment? landslide? i can assume it's a landslide. and this is the correct answer, be brave. this is a landslide. sofia, metals.
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bauxite is the main raw material for which metal? aluminum. aluminum, of course. well done. any outcome passes to you. let there be sport. which is the football club the current winner of the uefa champions league? i’ll assume that this is manchester united, manchester united, you have the wrong answer: sofia, i understand that most likely you are far from football, yes, well, just to assume, let there be some real madrid, some real madrid, ok, so real madrid, manchester united, what will they say in the staff room, we are far from football, yes, well, not completely far, but i don’t know, no? year with
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a score of 1:0 in regular time, the italian inter, the manchester city team, that’s what i wanted to hear the answer. we continue with sofia. social science. what is the right to independently exercise state power or control granted to any part of the state called? autonomy? autonomy is absolutely the correct answer, yes enis, let there be world history. name the revolutionary who became the first provisional president of china on january 1 , 1912. i'm afraid i can't guess. this
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will be considered an incorrect answer. sofia, perhaps sunyatsen, impossible. exactly, sunya tsen, that’s right, sonya, i’m shocked now a little, sofia, even though you just answered, you have the right to choose categories. history of belarus. name the person who headed the minsk police created on march 4, 1917, i won’t say that. alas, the move has passed. i can assume that this is panomarenko, you are not him, dear teacher, you have a chance to win back, for yourself, my dears, for yourself, and we prefer to lose to our children, these are the golden words, you have no answer, no, no, mikhail frunze, well, the fourth round, like the whole game today,
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has generally come to an end, all attention is on screen. 47, congratulations on the score 47:41. sofia wins today's game, this applause sounds in your honor, sofia, bravo, brilliant game. enis, you were the leader after three rounds, don’t rush to leave, get your well-deserved portion of applause, you held out, cool, thanks for the game, all the best.
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i lacked some knowledge, you admit it, yes, for what, if a person is ready to improve, then he is not ashamed to admit that he lacks some knowledge, olga aleksandrovna, are you happy with the result of enis, of course there are a lot of emotions , they hoped, i believed, i had no doubt that it would go, how far, there was already a question, this is still a game, and it could really be anything, gathered somewhere, somewhere knows something, something... he doesn’t know, but... i ’m proud of my endurance, and my determination, and my willingness to admit my shortcomings somewhere, we also didn’t know everything, as soon as you saw it, so you and i will go together to work on the shortcomings, i congratulate you , i hope to see you in the super final, and i’m going to the main stage to congratulate sofia. it's arrived
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time to reward, congratulate the winner, this wonderful bouquet is for you, thank you, thank you very much, and now that the game is over, it seems to me that i can share my impressions, sofia, how about you, it was very interesting, i really liked the atmosphere here, and i was able test your knowledge very happy with this. irina alexandrovna, are you satisfied with sofia’s success? yes, i talked to sonya all day, all morning, that... we will win, we will go out, we will enjoy this success. well, now you win, it was a great game, thank you for her. thank you, thank you. serious intellectual battles are behind us. the name of the super finalist is known. new challenges await sofia ahead. and we wish the participants of the game who did not score enough points for the super final not to be upset, but to gain new
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knowledge. see you on the playground, i know. all the best, bye. what is the name of one of the classes of flatworms? anna, how do you feel about worms? i have a negative attitude towards worms. how did you respond to this? i weighed the option with bearded worms because it seemed more correct to me, well bearded worms are fashionable, now no matter where you look, every second person is bearded, but the truth is not worms.
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hail to our land, blessed name, glorified to the people.


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