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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 18, 2024 11:35am-12:01pm MSK

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we choose the best routes only for our viewers. we are located in a small town in the grodno region called mosty. welcome. having eaten too much, they could not eat baked fish or fish soup for a long time. they just sat and talked. stolin. since then the name of the city has come. stolin and set off on an exciting journey. at the end of the 15th century on this site. there was a large
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settlement, and it appeared at the intersection of major trade routes, nemansky and bresko-vilnius. almansky is a real tourist highlight, the only ones preserved in a natural state in belarus and the largest in europe. these are the twenties, thirty-nine years. i can safely say that this is the best time for urban architecture. sidewalks and highways appeared, trees were planted and new beautiful buildings were built.
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the first time i stood here for 2 weeks, then maybe two more times, this was when i was just like a tourist, then my wife met, it’s just that everything ended as a tourist, everything after the wife ended as a tourist, this was the first night when i arrived here there was a situation , this little one, i saw, i was shocked, i had, well... apartments there in the center, i wanted to walk a little to see what was there, and i beat the traffic light there, i looked at the traffic light, a lot of people were standing, cars, and this traffic light was red for us, then when it was green, all the cars stopped, there was one - a grandmother there with a phone, and we were there a lot, i waited, i, because i am like a lebanese, like... an arab person, i
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have to look, maybe one car shouldn’t be parked, because this is our discipline, and this grandmother, she was on the phone, looked at the green everything, everything, she, she didn’t watch anything. and there is a very big transition there, then i understand that there is such a discipline, the first thing i understand is that people have this respect, in russian, excuse me, for everyone these are as clean as they are now, it is clear that the country is clean, quiet, girls and women can walk home at 5:00 at night, no one is... strict, when i thought that we arrived in belarus, i also read that here, well, what is a plus, what is a minus, maybe, and of course, i won't take this risk if it's worse here than in lebanon, the first people to think would be a school, a kindergarten,
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these, these are all paid for in lebanon, the road is also paid, i thought that here there is a school, a kindergarten, a hospital, a clinic, these are all, if there is a fee, it’s a penny, this is the first, and this 70% , man, his head hurts when he has a family, we have a country there, you have normal transport belarus, bus, trolleybus, metro, tram, everything is there, i won’t try to talk.
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how they worked, i taught them a little bit how these people do it, how to stir milk, when you need
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to turn off the gas, because we work in lebanon always with the gas down on the electricity stove, then i tried to cook at home, because... we wanted to eat sweets at home, i also helped my mother a little at home, then i tried to make these myself, of course it was difficult, it burned a little - a little bit of these sweets, i tried, well, it’s always when people learn first, there must be mistakes that they learn from this mistake, after that we opened our cafe, there was just coffee, and people sit and drink coffee, then these we... tried a little sweets, we treated them to sweets, well, our client, they pnash, well, the sofa there is not just clients, they, because they come to us every day or every 2 days, we treated them to coffee, sweets, they tried it,
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they said it was delicious, and we tried it, they sell it these sweets, this was my first hobby, and over time this hobby became interesting to me, this is not just a hobby, i wanted it. know more about this area, then i looked in lebanon, because i wanted to teach a little about sweets, how we prepare them, we have a university in lebanon and we found the time and what they may be giving courses, because i wanted to know more about how this factory works, if this is a big kitchen, and there we were at the university, there was the best chef in lebanon, a pastry chef, he taught me, and after that we tried . i knew how to work with these big equipment, how we work with this one, because a small stove at home is one thing, a large factory is different, i just tried to teach what is popular in our sofa, what products we have , like
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boklova, like knefi, these sweets, what are they , uh, well, we, we are all people, we know, all people they are buying, because at this time i don’t think i will open this business in belarus, at that time we did not have such an idea, and then i met my wife, she was with me in lebanon, we worked there, i worked there... she cried and said, he died, and i didn’t see him, and then one day she told me, she and after that i thought, she asked, and my mother is also there, and we’re going to lebanon, maybe one day the day she died too, and i didn’t see her, it was simple for me, i listened to this. and then i thought, why don’t we live there, so it was first idea, then i came here two or three
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times, looked at the product, products, what, what price, if possible, and after that i seriously thought about this plan, i said, wife, let’s try, it’s me who is her he said, let’s go to belarus, i wasn’t the person who wanted to open a business here, but what are we going to open? let's open it like this , it wasn't like that, this is my profession, i know what i cook, i know when i talk to a client, i can 100% say that there is an ingredient, how we prepared this, what we do , children can you eat these sweets or not, i can 100% say yes, you can, because i cook these with my hands, this is mine, my life, these sweets, so you need to be a specialist with...
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sweets, others - this is what is popular , what difference does it make, ours means arab people know more, these are, for example, turkish sweets, we say: that all this is not honey, honey cannot be heated to more than 70 °, they add e glucose, yellow
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glucose, not natural honey , our products, they are, arabic products, there is less sugar syrup, they are less sweet than turkish ones and uh, there are more nuts inside than turkish ones, we don’t add powder there, because when the nuts are ground like powder, everything tastes. no, when we prepare these sweets , there is also another technician, how we prepare these sweets, it needs to be baked, for example, in turkish it takes 30 minutes, they will be ready, that’s it, add the syrup, and in arabic it takes 50 minutes, we cook it differently, twice, we cook these sweets, this is why they are different, they taste different, plus boklova cannot be vegan, because we cook these boklova with melted butter, the ingredient is always difficult, for example, monoa grain is... semolina, we have products that we add there - semolina, we have three types of this semolina in the sofa,
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very hammers, and a little more, and number three, they, they are big, and here there is just one, we have such sweets that you need half number one, half number two or half number three, and here i just have one choice, because you have to look. where if it’s not here, you need to take an example from another country, these are it’s difficult a little bit, because in our country we have everything, because these are very popular, there is a lot of competition there, big, there are many and many products and here it’s difficult a little bit, just whoever wants it will find it.
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once he comes to us, i’m standing here, and he doesn’t understand what it is, he wants to try this coffee, he just might be drinking this coffee incorrectly, then he will think, this is not tasty coffee. i can’t just stand there looking, saying nothing, i can’t, it’s in the blood, this is life, this is culture, this is history, people must understand correctly how this coffee is drunk, how eats these sweets, we will always say, drink coffee first, then eat sweets , that there will be this balance, because people
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, yes, if they try black coffee for the first time, especially our coffee, they may think that it ’s very... yes , this is why sweets should be after coffee, you drink coffee, when they try it, and you look at them, right, so, for me it’s, oh, thank you, mercy, bubu, meet me, my family, my wife, nadya, daughter angelina. we met on facebook, and ala wrote to me first, that’s it, then he came to belarus, we met, became friends , then i went to him to get acquainted with the country, and that’s how it all basically began, to be honest, no, i didn’t think that we would get married, because as i said, i was
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here first and second, then i met her, yes, then i know.
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reliably, so to speak, at first, i agreed , lived, i got myself a dog, brought it from belarus there, because my love is alabai, i wanted such a dog, and we began to live with our dog as if we were our own little family , then yes, a miracle happened, i was very scared that i would somehow become a mother, not in my own country, not next to my mother, but it happened, as if we were very... in the end we got angelina, well, it’s very good for me to live with a foreigner, because he teaches me english, arabic, and i teach my dad russian, i sometimes help my dad in the kitchen, i want to become a pastry chef,
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but i also want other jobs, well , first of all, i married... an oriental a man, in the east women stay at home, men work, regardless of their religion, alan is still, as it were, helps his mother, because my mother never worked, they don’t have any pensions there and so on, so i lived in lebanon, so my husband worked, and i sat and took care of the house, but now you can say i do the same thing, well, simply due to the fact that alan does not know many... some legal issues in our country, because our country is very different from lebanon, i mean in terms of business development, i am involved in concluding agreements , some kind of purchases, deliveries, i’m good, probably a performer in my country, i have i don’t have any possible vein of a businessman, and
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i would be scared, but for him, a person who seems to have come from another country, where everything is... very simple, easy, right here to build all this, of course, well, i’m proud , i’m proud, very proud, of his absence from home, well, every time i think that well, this is temporary, because sooner or later it will become easier, something will change, and we will spend more time together, because yes indeed he works very hard now, very hard, because for me it is now this time when we do this is the basis for our work, at this time a person must strongly... works just nadya, because she understands me, she already knows what we are doing, she just knows about it and she would believe in him. yes, just for me it's me who is a foreigner here and it's me who has to work, it 's me who has to think, this is my plan, what was, yes, this is my handiwork, what we do, she
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understands, this one, if no, understanding, nothing will happen. their hobbies and hobbies are geta and their favorite pratsa. we searched for a very long time.
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not just because we took it and were like, oh, cool, we’re doing it ourselves, let’s go and bring it as a gift, no, that is, i see that friends, relatives there, that they want these
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products, watch the belarus project on the tv channel belarus 24, an amazing adventure for foreigners in belarus, hello, hello, what’s your name, and my name is olga, it’s very nice, the cook was preparing for the feast, yeah. it was he who supervised the work of the cooks, the cooks were only men, yes, yes, at that time, only men, it was quite hard work, an ecuadorian has lived here for 8 years and travels through our cities and villages, there is some kind of standard, well, if it’s a professional kitchen, it should always be the same, but there should be a standard, of course , mine probably doesn’t, mine is too big, terrible, i was fine the first time, you felt like a prisoner, probably now you should feel like a warrior, come on, okay.
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12:00 pm
noon news on belarus 1, in the studio vladislav bunder, hello, at the beginning, briefly about the main thing. the launch vehicle is already at the launch pad.


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