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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 18, 2024 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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link and what happened in 19, a part of the 20th century, the excavation of the town hall as a point, as a gateway for observing the city, the cultural-astronomical project architecture of belarus, seen on our tv channel. the news is on air in the studio yulia pertsova, good evening, at the beginning, briefly about the main topics of the issue.
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bound by love for their homeland , representatives of the belarusian diaspora from different countries came to minsk for an annual cultural internship. today, the president of our country, on behalf of the entire belarusian people and himself personally , congratulated his russian colleague on his convincing victory in the elections. alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin spoke on the phone, the press service of the belarusian leader reported this. the result of the presidential race in russia.
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it doesn’t work out at the front, which means it doesn’t work out from the inside. and thirdly, you need to understand that, well, this is science for us. on the eve of the twenty-fifth year of our elections, we must carefully study the preparations for these elections. it must be said that the administration of the russian president brilliantly organized the process itself, which was planned for the correct pre-election period, first of all. well, naturally, the president received a lot.
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it is not expected, around the same, we still have the holding of an all-belarusian people 's meeting, the bets of some of our fugitives and the west are to try to bring disorganization and collapse as much as possible during the meeting and decision-making, we should not give them such a gift. the organizing committee of the all-belarus people's assembly has already begun work; it is headed by the prime minister. roman golovchenko noted that
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preparations are proceeding as planned, the upcoming meeting will be special, it will be different from all previous meetings, the draft agenda has already been prepared, i say again, it will happen. it is planned that at the meeting of the supreme national assembly, the issue of approving the concept of national security and approving the military doctrine of the republic of belarus will be considered, if the delegates of the congress approve this agenda, then these issues will be considered, today we discussed a number of other issues that relate to the constitutional powers of the supreme national assembly, the draft agenda , perhaps it will be supplemented with some questions from those powers that, according to the constitution and by the law has the entire belarusian people 's assembly, because the supreme council has quite broad powers to establish holidays, and make personnel decisions in relation to certain officials, so it is possible that there will be some changes or additions to the agenda. for many centuries, the date of the snc is already known, it
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will take place on april 24 and 25, while the nomination of delegates from civil society and local councils of deputies is underway. the elections will take place from april 1 to april 10. also included in the meetings. will include representatives of the executive and the judiciary, deputies of the house of representatives, the council of the republic, a total of 1200 people, such an objective principle allows the interests of everyone to be taken into account, and the delegates themselves to take part in the affairs of the state. the authorities of most european countries reacted to the russian presidential elections with extremely strange statements. the british foreign office, represented by the head of the middle east, cameron, reported that the voting took place in conditions of a shortage of elections. this statement looks absurd, given that the last prime ministers of great britain were simply appointed by party members, with similar statements were made by the foreign ministries of france and lithuania. the german authorities reacted at least coherently, but each one separately. the president of germany refused to congratulate vladimir
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putin on his victory. amit said the russian elections did not meet german standards. the german government does not recognize the election results, but... does not refuse contacts with official moscow and putin. the head of european diplomacy , barel, also initially insisted on non-recognition of the russian elections. then there was a statement from the eu that there had been violations that elections are invalid on the territory of donbass. dot. there is not a word in the document about not recognizing the results. in all of the above cases, the position seems to be formulated unambiguously. at the same time , no one is obviously ready to break the depot relationship. eventually. all statements made in the genre: i was joking, you laughed, which cannot be said in a joking conversation, this certainly speaks of the complete decline of european, and even more broadly, western diplomacy. from a tool for coordinating a position, it has finally turned into a propaganda tool. now
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let's take a look into baryl's garden, which criticizes others, but is pretty withered. last night a police station in a paris suburb was attacked. lokurnev, is predominantly populated. from asia and africa. hundreds of representatives of emigrant youth were thrown at law enforcement officers with molotov cocktails. to quell the unrest, authorities mobilized police from several areas of paris. six people were arrested. by all indications. the riot will continue. on social networks, police are accused of deliberately killing a teenager. a moped was hit by a police car when it drove into oncoming traffic strip. they even tried to accuse the deceased of violating traffic rules. this story outraged hundreds of residents of locourneuve to the core. us army special forces are permanently stationed on
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the border islands of taiwan, just 10 km from china. the americans will take up permanent posts in command centers and regularly conduct joint exercises. taiwan will teach how to use the black hornet drone. the united states plans to supply such drones to the island through the military sales channel. how through provocations, the most terrible wars in human history were ignited. why grandma died is the end of poland, and dortmund is an attack on the soviet union. phantom boats of vietnam and what the tankin incident was. also, why do warsaw and nato need provocations on the belarusian borders? all answers. in an understandable policy , watch today after the panorama.
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found guilty of genocide of the belarusian people. the supreme court issued a verdict against the khatyn executioner vladimir katryuk. during the announcement of the verdict , only the operative part was announced. row documents remain classified as secret. some of the proceedings took place behind closed doors. this is the first trial of this kind in the history of belarusian justice. its meaning is to preserve the memory of the feat.
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being the commander of the department, kotryuk took the lives of about 400 people, including 125 children, including minors, as well as pregnant women and the elderly, attempted the lives of more...
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belarus is the implementation of criminal liability. it is important for us to stop any manipulative arguments regarding collaboration. they can't be considered a fighter for the national idea. after the war, the criminal hid in canada and died there at the age of 93 . despite exhaustive attempts to bring the defendant to criminal responsibility in the eighties, it was not possible. the case of the khatyn executioner is the first, but not the last. this year at least five criminal cases against punishers will be brought to court. it is possible that
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living nazis hiding in other countries will also be tried. the verdict in the kotryuk case has not entered into legal force; the parties have time to appeal or protest it. russia demanded that germany recognize the blockade of leningrad and other crimes of the third reich as acts of genocide against the soviet people. official moscow sent a corresponding note. until now , germany has rejected the possibility of such recognition. berlin did not deny that the nazis committed numerous crimes on the territory of the ussr, but refused to consider it genocide. in this capacity , the germans recognize only the systematic extermination of jews. for the first time, russia demanded that germany restore the historical justice so directly and unambiguously. by presidential decree, a number
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of deputies and senators of belarus were awarded high state awards for fruitful state public activities, significant personal contributions and the development of legislation and parliamentarism. among those awarded , the chairman of the house of representatives, vladimir andreichenko, was awarded the order of the fatherland, first degree. alexander markevich works on the commission potentially. security order of honor, also a number of parliamentarians and senators awarded medals for labor merits and for impeccable service of the third degree. by decree also. awarded honorary titles, so the chairman of the parliamentary commission on education, culture and science igor marzalyuk was awarded the honorary title of honored education worker of the republic of belarus. his colleagues: lyudmila makarina kibak, now an honored doctor of the republic of belarus, and mikhail rusy - an honored worker of agriculture of the republic of belarus. the
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belarusian economy shows a good growth rate; gdp has increased over the past 2 months. 4%. growing dynamics are recorded in all sectors, the key drivers are industry and trade. good results in agriculture plus almost 7%. we started growing more of our own tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs. the transport industry is actively recovering, increasing both cargo and passenger turnover. as for foreign trade, the growth rate of exports of goods and services has not yet reached the desired figures, this is 101%. however, the positive is ensured.
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emphasis on the development of children's and youth sports. the project was developed for these purposes. move chairman of the minsk city executive committee vladimir kukharev inspected the reconstruction today. the facility is currently undergoing redevelopment of the space under the stands, strengthening the structure, and completely replacing communications. the capacity of the stands will be reduced, but two new training fields will appear, the main one with natural
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grass will be retained. the chinese-belarusian project has not gone unnoticed: a national football stadium is being built. next door, 600 specialists now work there. all objects that are adjacent to the national football stadium, will be thoroughly renovated, nearby is a park named after the fiftieth anniversary of the great october, where major renovation work is also underway , there will be a streetball court, a workout area, mini-football area, a small skate park and, probably, the largest children's park in the city game complex. every day , more than 60 people work at the construction site of the traktor stadium, together with builders and ship fighters; the sports facility has been given the status of a minsk city youth construction site. complete the reconstruction they are planning this year for city day.
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preservation and transmission of the national and cultural identity of the people. the diaspora of belarusians abroad has arrived... cultural internships for leaders of foreign belarusian groups are held annually, this year the format is highly specialized, the study of our culture will take place in stages: at the first week-long internship, belarusian traditional crafts will be the focus. participants came to us from different countries, including armenia, kazakhstan, latvia, estonia, uzbekistan and russia. it is understood that here the diaspora will improve its knowledge so that it is already on the ground. it is better to popularize precisely this knowledge about belarusian culture. i hope that as a result of the internship , contacts will be exchanged, partnership agreements will be concluded and we will have joint interregional projects, for example, in irkutsk we are creating a platform where belarusians from all over the world can come, and we will discuss the problems
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of preserving belarusian culture far from historical homeland. program of events the cultural internship was discussed today at the national press center of belarus, the intern will travel to the regions of belarus, visit a number of production facilities, the program also includes iconic historical places, the khatyn memorial complex, and there are plans to meet with the minister of culture of belarus anatoly markevich. that’s all for me, the results of the day will be summed up in the panorama at 9:00 pm by sergei lugovsky, then sports news, thank you for your attention, all the best. the belarus national football team took a morning flight to the destination of the first international friendly match against the montenegro national team. our team will have two matches against us in the coming days.
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the woodworkers lead 3:1, whether the guests will be able to resolve this issue today, we will find out from the live broadcast on the belarus 5 tv channel, the match is already on the air.
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let me remind you that the ukrainian clown’s presidential term expires on march 31, but he is in no hurry to leave his seat, despite the failure to fulfill his election promises, but this is different. less than an hour has passed since polling stations closed in belarus. and the state debt ran to declare the effectiveness parliamentary and local elections, the absence of osce observers and forced elections in fear and repression. the state debt does not
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say that observers are not required in the united states, that ballot boxes are opaque for voting, and that there is also uncontrolled early voting by mail. the single voting day passed without incident. the turnout was over 70%, and there seemed to be an atmosphere of fear and repression. everything went at the highest level, at the level of the world standard, an example for the democratic world, the united states sent such a signal to keep the world in tension, if someone now denies that there is no democracy in the republic of belarus, come, look, evaluate, and do not argue. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. a good morning should start with a proper breakfast. tell me, what are you and i going to cook today? today you and i will prepare
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a rather unusual breakfast, it will be in an asian style, it will be spring rolls with a sea cocktail. tell us what we have breakfast of a champion today? and today we will have pink salmon meatballs with salad, this will be an unusual breakfast, very tasty, we can’t wait to start. we will help you choose the products to make. the first meal is tasty and healthy. we choose greens. we need spinach. know that you should only purchase fresh, elastic leaves of a bright green color. the color of beans depends solely on the variety. the pod itself should be intact without any dent marks. let's not forget about invigorating exercises. we stand, we clasp our hands, lift up, bend over. forward, knees straight, you can bend your back a little, bend down, also keep your knees again, straight feet are fully standing.


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