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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 18, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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this is a panorama, a live broadcast, i, sergey lugovsky, will tell you about the main events of monday, march 18, hello, of special significance. and
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a new constitutional status, the date for the all-belarusian people's assembly has been announced. the elections in russia showed the whole world who is boss. the absolute majority voted for putin in record turnout. the west has been knocked out. nato does not hide the expansion of its bloody plans. the alliance intends to build its largest base in romania, and us special forces are already being deployed to the surrounding islands. to taiwan, see also our issue. we are preparing for the all-belarusian people's assembly. orc issues were discussed with the president, alexander lukashenko also told the details of the conversation with putin after the elections. 3 days before the debut of a citizen of the republic of belarus in space, we will show how launch vehicles were taken out today and, most importantly, the verticalization of the rocket. report from baikanur. a record result with
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a record turnout in russia sums up the results of the presidential election. how the most terrible wars in human history were sparked through provocations. why did grandma die? the end of poland, and dortmund - an attack on the soviet union. phantom boat of vietnam and death to order. how are warsaw and nato mocking at the belarusian borders? all the answers are in a clear policy. guilty of genocide - unprecedented cases in global procedural practice. supreme court. the belarus national football team of the president's cup or youth will extend the series, went to the first international friendly matches against the national teams of montenegro and malta. the belarusian national football team among girls under 17 reached the elite league e european championship, and also let’s sum up the results of the first round of the country’s football championship in the project. sports day. the all-belarusian people's
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assembly will meet in a new status on april 24-25. this is the news of the day following a meeting with the president, where all orc issues of the upcoming event were discussed. alexander lukashenko believes that the national assembly should be held, firstly, solemnly, and secondly, meaningfully. before the start of this meeting , the presidents of belarus had a telephone conversation in the morning. russia actively voted in our country, everything went smoothly and smoothly. alexander lukashenko conveyed words of gratitude from his colleague for organizing a political campaign on the territory of belarus, the result is stunning. this is exactly how the belarusian leader commented on the results of the electoral process. neighbors, and
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the high turnout is in many ways indicative, and once again confirms that the people of belarus and russia cannot impose the will of others and dictate how to live. natalya breus will continue: the stars have aligned that 2024 is richer than ever in electoral events and election campaigns will affect more than half of the planet's inhabitants, in different parts of the world voting of different scales, including in the usa and russia. and if the question of trump or biden remains open, then the russians said an unequivocal yes to the current head of state vladimir putin, our president congratulated his colleague over the phone. i just spoke with the president of russia, congratulated him on the results of the elections in the russian federation, and asked him to convey gratitude, first of all, of course, to those present here and to other people who helped here. organize elections
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we had six precincts for the president of russia, the elections were organized like nowhere else, no matter how they tried to shake us up from the west, very good results. 87.3% of the votes received were given to the current president, the results are very serious, but the turnout was also high, there has never
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been such a turnout in the russian federation, therefore, with a high turnout, such results are to some extent unexpected, this was my position , i expressed this to them, but... the signal to the west, who were counting on shaking up russia from within, did not work at the front, which means shaking things up from within , that didn’t work either, the tactics of the west are still the same , they try to use any trigger to stir up people, the political
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electrification of society at the time of elections only plays into the hands of those who are trying to teach us how to live, information attacks, provocations, pressure, everything comes into play, known by ourselves. the parliamentary race is behind us, a significant event is ahead, the all-belarusian people's assembly in a new status, and the presidential campaign is just around the corner. we must understand that this is science for us, we are on the eve of twenty the fifth year of our elections, we must carefully study the preparation of these elections, i must say that the administration of the president of russia brilliantly organized the process itself, the plans were correct.
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these issues have come to a concrete solution, and it is proposed today to discuss them at my level, we have decided on the format of the all-belarusian people's assembly, let's discuss the details, but i repeat once again that it should be solemn, and most
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importantly meaningful, so that it is like this , like elections in russia, a mosquito won’t erode your nose, so that we won’t be reproached later, everything is now concentrated politically. there are no violent events expected for us in russia , around us too, what remains for us is the holding of the all-belarusian people's assembly, the bets of individual fugitives to ... the west are to try to bring disorganization and collapse as much as possible, during the meeting and decision-making, we are such they should not be given a gift. in the organizing committee, under the leadership of the prime minister , preparatory work is already in full swing, the nomination of candidates for delegates has begun, everything is according to plan, as for the date of the event, here it’s already clear that the belarusian assembly will meet on april 24-25. on the first day , issues will mainly be considered, well, such
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organizational and electoral issues, because this is a special meeting, it will be necessary to implement a number of procedures that are directly provided for by law, it will be necessary to elect the working bodies of the all-belarusian people's assembly, it will be necessary to elect the counting commission, elect the chairman of the supreme national assembly , elect a deputy, chairman of the supreme council, elect the presidium of the supreme council, this is a permanent working body, adopt a temporary one.
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about the elections in russia, the counting of votes is still ongoing, but it is already clear to everyone that vladimir putin has a convincing victory, he has more than 87%, with a completely record turnout, as mentioned above, over 77%, this is the highest figure in the history of modern russia. what innovations were there in the elections, how donetsk voted and who really wanted to shake the situation, all the details are from our own correspondent in moscow, daria. the situation in moscow is calm, one might say, everyday, people are rushing about business,
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sitting in cafes, going shopping, one of the most important election campaigns for the country are behind us, despite the difficult political situation, attempts to disrupt the elections and condemnation by western european politicians, the russians made their choice, the majority voted for the current president of russia, vladimir putin. it must be said that sociologists predicted turnout just a week before the elections, well... they voted, this year there were many innovations in the russian presidential elections, for the first time they lasted 3 days, from march 15 to 17,
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for the first time at polling stations used electronic voting terminals; for the first time, many could cast their vote remotely. by the way, according to the central election commission, more than 4.5 million russians took advantage of this type of voting. voting took place for the first time in donetsk, lugansk, zaporozhye and kherson regions; for example, in donetsk, people made their choice to the sound of air defense operations. the ukrainian side did not stop shelling the city, but this did not frighten, on the contrary, it united us, despite the fact that the polling stations closed at 15:00, this decision was made safety of local residents, the turnout in the elections was more than 88%. in the donetsk people's republic, vladimir vladimirovich putin is a real, real defender of the fatherland; with his decisions, vladimir vladimirovich did not allow donbass to be destroyed and allowed us. to remain as we are, with our language, with our culture, and
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with our traditional values, exactly as we wanted it, exactly as we dreamed of it, donbass is being helped, protected, restored, built by russians from all over corners of our country. in general, in russia the elections would have taken place with serious violations, although in some places there were some provocations, as they tried at several polling stations.
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the course of the elections was monitored by hundreds of international observers from more than 100 countries of the world; over 40 people participated from belarus, these were parliamentarians, representatives of the central committee, and diplomats. due to the tense international situation , observers from the osce and the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe were not invited to the elections this time. the russian emitter argued this decision with political bias
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and the inadequate requirements of these structures. news, moscow. and the american authorities deliberately created difficulties during the elections, for example, on the territory of the embassy in washington. as the russian ambassador noted, numerous provocations were noted at the entrance to the mission. at the same time , the special services that ensure the security of the embassy did not interfere with this in any way. however, the people who were expecting the vote perfectly calmed down the provocateurs by performing katyusha themselves. the authorities of most countries of puppet europe reacted to the completed elections in russia with traditional inadequate statements. britain noted that voting in russia took place in conditions of lack of choice. this sounds even more ridiculous if you understand how they appoint their prime ministers there.
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the french and lithuanian foreign ministries made similar statements, and the german authorities responded. although it is coherent, each one is separate. the president of germany refused to congratulate vladimir putin on his stunning landslide victory, and meade said that elections in russia did not meet certain german standards. at the same time , the german government reported that it does not recognize the election results, but does not refuse contacts with official moscow and personally with president putin. the chief european gardener, barrel , also mumbled something about non-recognition of the elections, however... later, an eu statement appeared that there had been violations and that the elections in donbass were invalid, while the document does not contain a word about non- recognition of the results. in all of the above cases, the position seems to be is formulated unambiguously, while naturally no one from the west is ready to break off diplomatic relations. all this shaking of the air
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is just their propaganda. it turns out that one hand is in favor. worked to disrupt the elections, and with the other hand showed that people are not afraid of attack and provocation, they are ready to create a high turnout for the authorities, about the course and results of the election campaign, the reaction of the west and attempts to play out a scenario that is well known to all belarusians, we are talking with a russian political scientist, professor at moscow state university, andrey manoilo. hello, andrey, arson of ballot boxes, damage to ballots, sacred sacrifices and, of course, tougher demands. sanctions and not recognizing the voting results, how do you personally assess the activities of the russian opposition during the elections and don’t you think that the west tried to play out the belarusian scenario of the twentieth all over again? we had, but about the same thing that happened in august 1920 in belarus,
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that is, we also had a woman, a leader who picked up the fallen banner, announced that... an unprecedented anti-government campaign was launched to change state power in to russia it looked well...
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they still exist in this field, that is, that they are still capable of bringing out into the streets, well, at least a queue themselves in order to make sure that there are 50-100 people there, in practice, not even that many people came out, that is, in this regard, the russian non-systemic position has completely bankrupted, this is the only thing that made it onto the pages of western newspapers, simply because this is the only thing that was noticed, this is the green stuff. and spoiled ballots, but this is a pitiful picture, because an attempt to fill election ornaments with green paint is not
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a demonstration of strength is a demonstration of powerlessness. well, the russian elections took place under conditions of intense military-political tension, in contrast to ukraine, where zelensky did everything to prevent them from taking place. did you lack the courage or did washington not allow it? only those who are confident in their own go to the polls.
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3 days before the space launch , the soyuz ms-25 rocket was installed on baikanuri, the launch
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is scheduled for march 21 at 16:21 minutes and 19 seconds. the main crew included our flight attendant belavia marina vasilevskaya. behind the start will be monitored by the bel tv and radio company. we will show all the most interesting things live. then turn on belarus alone and you will witness an important historical event. well, today friends, close crew members, tourists and my colleagues watched the installation work of the ship. anastasia benedzesyuk will tell you how we are approaching the flight. until december 1995 , baikanur was officially called leninsko; when it was closed, the military greeted me with caution even today; there are special -purpose facilities here, and therefore under protection. like the city leased by russia from kazakhstan, and long-term rent until 2050 costs $115 million per year. and
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they practically don’t accept bank cards , what else the city does, you can find out from the latest press, although a newspaper with the name baikanur is published, once a week on fridays and for the last two weeks all the news is only about the crews with belarusians, here the crews of the soyuz spacecraft arrived at the cosmodrome ms-25, the flags of russia, belarus, kazakhstan and the usa have already risen. on friday the twenty-second we are waiting for news about the start.
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for the exploration of outer space of the republic of belarus, i think that there will be not only astronauts, there will be satellites. minsk was still sleeping at the baikanur cosmodrome , and the debut of a citizen of the republic of belarus was already approaching. behind me , let's call it the hangar, which is actually an assembly and testing building. there are always a lot of journalists here at this moment, everyone wants to capture that very moment, exactly at 7:30 am local time at 5:30 minsk time the doors opened and very... the backup crew with anastasia also came to see this linkova, traditionally there was no main one, which is interesting, they assembled a space rocket in samara, here is the transport and manned soyuz spacecraft in korolev, they were delivered here in disassembled form, at the end of last year, at the beginning of this, they were already assembled here as a designer.
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the launch vehicle is about 40 m, weighing more than 33 tons. this is site number 31, gagarinov’s twin brother, only much more modern after modernization, digital equipment is used here, in particular a digital guidance signal, now is the very moment, installation of launch vehicles, its verticalization. about 2 hours have passed from the hangar to the launch pad, tomorrow, on the second launch day , general tests of the launch vehicle will be carried out, the cyclogram of the work of the launch vehicle during launching the payload into orbit will be simulated, approximately 24 hours before the launch the condition of the peroxide filling system will be checked.
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hydrogen on march 21, the crew will take their places in the ship's cabin, then launch at 16:00 21 minutes and 19 seconds, we will witness a historical event, well, you will be twenty first? we will definitely watch the launch, i think we will meet there at the start and wish a successful flight to our cosmonaut, since we are meeting in gagarin park , it was the 90th anniversary of gagarin’s birth. let me present you with these medals. yuri alekseevich gagarin. we were the first to go. therefore, in memory of our meeting. anastasia benedesyuk and ivan mozgo, telenews agency, continue to work at baikanur. and also about our president’s simply cosmic schedule. after all the meetings and negotiations, the working day ended evening training, playing together. with the hockey club dynamo minsk. dynamo.
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wednesday officially closes the season, we have already managed to rest a little after a spectacular series with our teammates from moscow, but today we played two periods of 35 minutes each and this, by the way, is a standard training format. the russian team had a lot of goals, alexander lukashenko converted the shootout.
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send it to us, we’ll train you. nato is still trying to impose its game on us, and the anglo-saxons no longer hide their bloody plans in our region. in romania began construction of the largest military base. it will be designed for 10,000 military personnel. they plan to build the base on site within 5 years. an active military airfield, which right now, at these moments, is a nato hub for the transfer of military equipment for ukraine. the area of ​​the possible future facility will be 2800 hectares. all this only confirms that the west does not
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plan to end its war in ukraine either in a year, or in five, or in the foreseeable future at all. and all their talk about peaceful settlement is just another falsehood hypocrisy. well, what’s remarkable is that at the same time, the world’s main democratizers, terrorists, are transferring, transferring their special forces to the islands that surround taiwan. the us military will be stationed there permanently, and it is 10 km from mainland china. they plan to create command and control systems for the massive use of attack drones, which washington has already promised to put at the disposal of the taiwanese army. how the most terrible wars in the world were ignited through provocations history of mankind, why grandma died - this is the end of poland, and dortmund is an attack on the soviet union. phantom boats of vietnam and what is the tankin incident, and
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why are warsaw and nato provoking provocations on the belarusian borders? all the answers are in a clear policy today after the panorama.
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today, an unprecedented case occurred in the global procedural system, i’ll say right away, finally. the supreme court of belarus pronounced a verdict against the nazi executioner from the 118th ukrainian police battalion , vladimir katryuk. the punisher is known as the last killer of khatyn. the fascist committed mass murder of old people, women and children not only in khatyn. he is involved in the burning of dozens of belarusian villages and is guilty of genocide. our country has demonstrated to the world community the inevitability of punishment for
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crimes for which there is no statute of limitations, even if the accused persons are not alive. on historical justice, elena bormatova. criminal case. initiated against kotryuk back in 1987, on the same day they conducted the first interrogation with a witness. he became the chief of staff of the 118th ukrainian police officer battalion gregory. kotryuk, who lives in canada, is in custody, but canada did not extradite the criminal ; work was carried out and attempts were made against those who escaped. agree on their extradition to the territory of the soviet union for
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court hearings there and so on, but practice has shown that after the war the partners in the anti-hitler coalition made a 180° turn, in general, in this sense they no longer cooperated with the soviet union. vladimir katryuk, a native of the village of luzhany , chernivtsi region, voluntarily went serve the nazis. in august '42 it was formed. eighteenth schutsmanschaft battalion. a few days before the new year of 1943, they arrived in belarus. katryuk served in the first forward company, as a squad commander. above average height, regular build, black hair, always carried himself proudly, an active nationalist. this is the characteristic of a co-worker. the most notorious crime of the 118th ukrainian police battalion was the punitive action in the village of khatyn. precisely with the destruction of this settlement. actually punishers
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dealt with residents of dozens of villages in modern minsk, vitebsk and grodno regions. the first khatyn of the 118th schutmanshaft battalion on the territory of belarus happened in january 1943. on the day before christmas, ukrainian nazis staged a punitive action in the village of shmelevich, lagoisky district. having burst into the populated area, the executioners began to drive residents out of their homes. who was wearing what, many didn’t even have time to put on their shoes. there are several of them. were kept in the bitter cold for hours under threat of execution, during which time the houses of local residents and then the village were robbed set fire, and then proceeded to kill people, as a rule, they acted according to a well-established scheme, they drove the residents into a barn or barn to the outermost village , set fire to it, placed machine guns and shot those who tried to escape, after the chmelevichs, intimidation actions, as the executioners called them, were carried out in the district and boilers of the same lagoi region. policemen of the 118th battalion,
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including vladimir katryuk, who was the squad commander, participated in the burning of the villages of zarechye and kotels, where half of the village of zarechye was destroyed, and part residents were shot. kotryuk shot the residents of the village of kozyri, whom the nazis had taken to clear the forest. in the criminal case , the episode is listed as the murder of lumberjacks on march 22, a few hours before the destruction of khatyn. fall, they took the corpses to the ditch, there were hellish ukrainians, they brought their brother in the morning , there were already husbands and sisters, there were a lot of robberies in the yard, there were, these are just some episodes of kotryuk’s crime in the criminal case, there are more than 10 of them, the murder of civilians, women, about 400 elderly children, burning to...
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create conditions designed to destroy
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our belarusian people during that period. after the war, katryuk settled in canada, communicated with practically no one, raised bees, and was quite wealthy. until the end of his life, germany paid him the so-called hitler pension. it was paid to everyone who fought on the side of nazi germany. by the way, he used this money to install a monument to the participants of the bukovina smoking in chernivtsi, where he himself began his career. died in 2015 at the age of 93, supreme court verdict for belarus, it is a matter of honor in memory of the victims of the executioners to restore historical justice.
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entry of the third reich , a corresponding note was sent to the german foreign ministry: until now , germany had rejected the possibility of such recognition. berlin did not deny that the nazis committed numerous crimes on the territory of the ussr, but refused to consider it genocide. it's time for the whole truth.
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let me note that for the first time russia demanded from germany the restoration of historical justice so directly and unambiguously. yes, it's time to know everything the truth and clearly understand what is happening around, who is behind everything, and how long have monstrous, inhumane experiments been carried out on all slavs? the west, it is its destructive policies that increase the risk of using nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. secretary of the russian security council nikolai patrushev spoke about this on november 8 last year at a meeting of the secretaries of the security councils of the cis countries in moscow, and what is most terrible is that such inhumanity is commonplace for the west, and you and i know this firsthand. eight decades ago on march 19, 1944, red army troops near the village of azarichi freed people whom
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the fastas had deliberately driven into the swamp and turned them into bacteriological weapons, and this is the true essence of the entire policy for... and then, now. this is the new issue of the author's program platform. maxim osipov wishes you all sincere health, but i will talk about unhealthy things. and for those who want to take away our health, a little history. destroyed the inca empire by introducing osca pathogens into their territory. in the 14th century , plague agents were used during the russian-swedish war, and the us army used the famous smallpox blanket to exterminate the indians. nowadays, some us bleachers are trying to make this fact insignificant, but the facts are not blocked by pro-american oil. july 16
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, 1763, general jeffrey amhers, acting commander of the forces of north america. wrote to one of his subordinates: “you must do everything possible to infect the indians with the help of blankets, just as you use any other method, for the sake of eradicating this disgusting time, left western civilization has left its dead mark on belarusian soil. eight decades ago, the red army liberated prisoners of the azarić death camp, which the occupiers had turned into tefosis mines. this camp existed for less than 3 weeks, but during this short period more than one died there. 9,000 people survived, mainly those who labored behind barbed wire for only a few days. thousands of lives were saved thanks to penicillin, this was one of the first cases of using antibiotics in soviet medicine, so i would like to write off this tragedy as another crime of hitler's nazism and believe that this will not happen again.


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