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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 19, 2024 12:00am-12:21am MSK

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you throw yourself out, and then there will be no one to drink tea with, so i’ll always come to you for tea with pleasure, and let my friend call you, young people, why are you doing it so quickly? how fast is it, seven laps around the area?
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achumet, good morning, good colleagues, i allowed myself to rummage through... i designed this for the spring, nina vasilievna wrapped it up, she’s burying talents, vladimir sergeevich, i like it, yes, you’re not directly recognizable, but to be honest, i it’s somehow inconvenient, but it’s purely for greater effect, that’s exactly what tanya and i disagreed about, yes, clothes should not only be beautiful, but comfortable, that’s understandable, in general... the men’s
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collection, everything works out with it, yes, well , the women’s collection, to be honest, we’re just walking on the brink, she’s for it, i’m against it, sorry, i'm also in favor then, good morning, good, good morning, comrades, very nice, fresh, and what are we doing here? may i help? we are discussing a collection for a paris fashion show, or rather , everything has already been decided, here. well, if you are still interested in my opinion, then i am against it. this is not...
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this is some kind of woman in charge, it’s just funny, uh-huh, it seems to me that you just don’t understand this modernism, yes, that’s not what he wanted to say, nina vasilyevna, but i think that’s exactly what it is, okay, work, modernists, i’ll just collect my things. belarus is a country with a rich and interesting history; this is truly the oldest building and the most important shrine of our region, the temple in honor of saints boris and gleb, which was built in the 19th century. the columns also have a rich literary history; many poets, writers and publicists lived in this area, and even about its famous native, yakubi kolas, this is a column at all. unique
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place, then pay attention to this alley with attractions that can be found literally at every step. if you are like me, make your route to this amazing stones. the architects' idea was to lay out 100 stones, which corresponded to the age that felix derzhinsky lived. this is the oldest pharmacy in belarus. but now there is a museum, a pharmacy, a museum, everything is clear.
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this is the most wonderful word in the world regarding politics, words like dictatorship or authoritarianism are supposedly very bad words, ancient greek philosophers then said that in democracies, power is held by a group of individuals. in order to create good for themselves, and not for the entire population, this is what was originally meant by democracy: what kind of authoritarianism we have, in my opinion, it is based on the strength of the executive power, when we have, after legal strengthening parliament and the supreme national assembly will also strengthen their personnel and will rely more on them. considering our authoritarianism, well, someone calls it a dictatorship, there will be strict control over the implementation of compliance with those instructions. which are given, including by the president, they are not only the invention of the president himself, but we are working on many issues together and making decisions. this, in my understanding, is reasonable, sensible and righteous authoritarianism, this is
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very important for understanding the structure of power in belarus. igor turai’s author’s propaganda project, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. natasha, where are you going? joseph, i’m probably really embarrassed, and so is khanin. lately he's been looking at me like that, but stop it, your honeys dote on you, and i, by the way, you, you recovered very quickly, it’s simply amazing, probably , because they looked after you, and these are your parents, yes, they were better doctors
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than me, they died, well, you can say so, let’s get on with it . topic uh-huh, yes , by the way, now i, here, take it, please, i beg you, and do not return to him, and do not go where he can find you, i just really beg you, nonsense, all this, and i won't take your money. it’s better to tell us about your memories, i would love to, but i’m on duty, the hallway key is in case you come back.
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you have something to wrap up for, citizen nazarova, there’s a man coming to you, to me, nazarova, what’s more important to you, paris or men, excuse me, oh well, go, go, i’ll just take a minute, i’m sorry that i didn’t understand. correct answer imre shallay, what is this? well, you didn’t call me back yesterday, but i
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had free tickets to the circus, first class, i had to go without you, here you go, thank you, tolly, but i returned late yesterday, we have... a government telephone to the hostel, yuri nikolin performed, yes, a hilarious performance, and today a pencil, you i also bought tickets for today, well, almost, i just... do you know the lighting guy there? i see, uh, nazarova, come back to the team , the buttons won’t sew themselves on, the boss, uh-huh, he’s serious, maybe the suit is too tight, listen, tol, i have to go , we have a lot of work... we have a lot of work, so we we're sewing up in the literal sense of the word, i 'll go, okay, thank you very much, or maybe
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i'll call you here directly, just come here, no need to call, okay, otherwise , well, you know, i'd rather do it myself, okay, that's it, thank you very much, i'll wait for the call, well you can’t, but what about a girl? forgive me, please, you spoke like a cannon shot, even so, vanya, why didn’t you warn the police so that they would be detained at the entrance, leave us, should i repeat it twice, no, it can’t cope, the previous one was better, but... leave this ostentatious concern, why did you
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come, to ask for forgiveness, for lying, i really thought that i was expecting a child from you. or not from me, from you, vanya, from you, you, you saved me from monstrous, inhuman love that almost killed me, i sat on your neck and thought that you would continue me to save you from everything, forgive me. “i’m sorry, i was ungrateful, you say it all like that, you
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definitely weren’t going to drown yourself, no, van, i’m not going to drown myself, i just want to live a new life in which there will be...” only yours, everyone in the section is very much for you they are bored, especially kostya, every day he complains that i fired the best model of moscow of the entire union, the entire union.
12:14 am
pyotr petrovich, this is zenoid. why, dear comrade, aren’t you keeping an eye on the secret passage? yes, imagine, they broke everything again, they walk around again, they pulled out all the nails. yes. already come, fix it, yes, quickly, zinaida ivanovna, hello, zakharova , you were released a long time ago, but they didn’t let me out, i left myself, zenida ivanovna, can i call you, what if suddenly there’s a war? but we are busy, of course, here you go,
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now i don’t owe you anything, not yet, well, how do you live or what, pick up your things, so i can call, but this is a very personal conversation, and you don’t have others? hello, gleb, it’s me, i returned to ilya, and there is an exit to paris. osana is the correct posture. pronayama is control over
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breathing. hyana. contemplation of an object, and samatha is concentration, you, when you contemplate me, i don’t do samatha very well, nothing, nothing, i need to train, i need to warm up, otherwise you ’ve been sitting there too long in your daddy karl’s closet, you’re not the only one thinking, that i stayed too long, who else? in the section they think so, they ’ve gone crazy, everything rests on you there, i thought so too, but a new boss came, 20 years at lunch, and nina was declared an old piece of junk who only bothers everyone, at the first stage of purification you must suppress anger, but i don't
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i’m angry, it’s all clear, and that this asshole has developed some kind of vigorous activity, and don’t talk about it, he’s already appointed us all, he got the idea to sew a space collection to show in paris, he’s spoiling his karma. that's it, zina, the enemy won't get through. how brave are you, pyotr petrovich, when it’s no longer the same with your enemies, but with your own? i didn’t understand something,
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they used to walk by for a while, then disappeared. can't see you or hear you. i told too much about myself, it became uninteresting, or what? zin, what are you saying, the matter is completely different, what is it? well, why didn't i show up? i have a friend at the philharmonic, well, at my former job, he has one thing, i begged it, i repaired something here. he was twisted, what is this?
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zin, do you like it, petya, nazarova, should you call, call, we ’ll go with pyotr petrovich and listen further. the presidium of the cpsu central committee is listening. hello.
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communist i hope. that’s not the right word, i taught it all the way. come on then. yes, point 26, what is this about? a member and candidate member of the central committee must, in all his activities, justify the high trust placed in him by the party. and if a member has lost his honor and dignity, then he cannot remain a member of the central committee. well done, nazarova! maybe, in addition to paris, they will also accept you into the party? volodya, thank you. “i don’t know what will come of this, but just a month ago i couldn’t even imagine that i would end up in such a place, meet all of you, go to paris.” maybe i won’t go, but for now i can think about it, i think about it all the time, and i think about it too.


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