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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 19, 2024 2:10am-3:11am MSK

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we are smoothly moving on to the issue of information security, yes, we talk about it constantly, a lot, we also talk a lot about national security now, but we should not forget that current wars are hybrid and include a variety of weapons, including and biological, including what you are well versed in, biological laboratories in ukraine, yes, many, many of us, yes, thought that these were phantoms, fairy tales, well, they say it’s not like that. it’s important that ukraine is somewhere there, there are some biological laboratories there, that’s what our concept is national security, the national system for ensuring biological safety, yes, that’s how dangerous this sugha is, it was real, now remains real, well, i can tell you about it for a long time, and you just so that it gets across, however, many consider it propaganda there is russia, this time. context, but biological
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weapons were one of the strongest, most important areas in offensive, especially things, and they were always given great importance, these are weapons of mass destruction, this is the first, nothing has disappeared from the agenda, it’s just... the information agenda is changing a little, but you remember about covid , now the virus has not gone away, and new strains are appearing, they are more aggressive, some are less aggressive, but no one is talking about it anymore ringing bells , no longer walking, people are not indignant on the street, because there is no vaccine, then they force people to get vaccinated, no one says that this is a fiction, no one says that, on the contrary, we should go into lockdown here and so on, that is, subsequent events, they somehow cured society and, as our
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leader said, it was still in my head covid is more with us, not , that is, we lived on this hysteria for a little while, although this topic was new, fresh, so it provoked such an information boom, but every cloud has a silver lining, it forced us to take a closer look at what was going on along our borders, and what we have naturally...
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this is a normal evolutionary process, and here a person also intervenes, who accelerates, a little, adds anger to the virus or microbe, so that it clings to a person more aggressively, and clings even more behind a person of a certain nation or genome , that is, well, scientists say that this is reality and these intensive studies are underway, this is the first plus a number of diseases that have long disappeared or... they have not been registered on our territory for several decades, they are beginning to appear, they are beginning approach our borders, you heard anthrax, pangolin, brutseles and so on, they either knock out the economy completely, killing dairy farming, pig farming, poultry farming, or cause disease in humans, what in general you can’t measure it with any money, the next pandemic, like... why
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start spreading all this in the press, that a disease is appearing, although we don’t yet know what kind of disease it is and what pathogen it is? well, many predict that there will be an outbreak or panzootic influenza, that is, the flu is probably a very mutagenic virus, there are two such viruses in nature, the hiv flu, which change and disguise themselves as another virus and so on, to breed, but nevertheless, people they constantly die, thank god that’s a feature of this ; we won’t be talking about conspiracy theories here virus, that it passes from a bird to a person and there, like a dead-end branch, it either kills the human host, or the person somehow begins to deal with it...
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they are no longer there, our immune system has relaxed a little in a figurative sense, all our services are already a little like this in a relaxed state, and god forbid, what comes, what will happen, and if it is not a virus with a mortality rate of not 3%, like covid, but 70%, this is the question that a couple of years ago, it was constantly rumored, we they said that...
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the very idea was to create a qualified links, scientists and technologists who can make any vaccine preparation if necessary, that is , the situation with covid helped here in quotes, so thank god we began to take these steps to create a school of virologists, microbiologists and collect what we had before learn from your... colleagues, friends, new technologies and new approaches, that is, i saw the basis and why we are doing this, this is precisely the creation of a scientific school, so that there would be a core of people who knew what to do with the virus, what to do with the microbe, if necessary, they could create this or that drug and quickly figure out
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the trouble that has come to us, i’ll also say a little aside, now it’s actively going on - scientific articles, studies, publications,
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there is a death, that is, these are what - such alarm bells, god grant that it be simple, just like that, well, we just attach a little more importance to it than necessary, but nevertheless it somehow all adds up to a single picture, so the task was, of course, first of all create the team of authors and, of course, some kind of basis for the production cycle, yeah, what we have at this stage, at this stage we were working on two levels. at the same time, we are building a plant with enormous capacity, which will receive experimental batches and begin registering this or that drug, or maybe close it with doses of vaccines, which is not
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only a need for our country, but also for export. now this plant is being built, the plant itself is already a building itself... as scientists say, a bookcase, but it’s already standing, why a bookcase, it pours like a monolith, then there heavy equipment is displayed, only then the walls are sewn up, more than half of the equipment is already gone. purchased , i won’t get ahead of myself, everything is not easy, because this is a completely new thing for us in the country, well, we can talk about creating a white technology cluster in belarus, yes, yes, i’ll go back a little, and here we are a workshop has already been set up on the floor for the production of such experimental batches, it turned out that even if we take the covid vaccine, it has already been received, it is already undergoing active registration, this a vaccine created according to the classical type, like the gomaleya institute in russia, that is, an inactivated viral vaccine. not vector like a satellite, but inactivated , it may have a little less immunogenicity
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, that is, the ability to cause one hundred percent immunity, 100% - this is such a utopia that has never happened in nature, probably never will, but nevertheless it already exists , and we saw that we can already get up to 3 million doses there, if necessary, so this plant that is being created, and there will be about 10 million doses of capacity, there will be more... plans for it and not only for vaccination and promising oncological drugs against oncology based on monoconal antibodies, that is, there is great potential there and i think we will realize it, and for the cluster, this is kind of my little idea, which was supported alexander grigorievich, well , god himself ordered the creation on vitebsk land, because there is a medical university, there is a faculty of pharmacy, a science academy, there is a faculty of pharmacy, there already... some schools of pharmacologists, biotechnologists have been created, we probably have the largest concentration
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private ownership, pharmaceutical enterprises , this is rubicon, in addition to belvipharma rubicon, vic animal health, belarolin, there is the vitebsk plant of veterinary drugs and so on and so forth, that is, we have a lot of these enterprises, and we would like to bring everyone’s efforts together so that they are among themselves carried out the transfer. based on antibodies, vaccines, you have all this in
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the vitebsk region, we have now started working on biotechnologies for the creation of biological products, so bio and pharma here, that is , this is chemistry of the highest order, this is biotechnology, these are genetic technologies, if we we’re talking about vector vaccines, but that’s when we started finalizing this segment nationally. safety, it turned out that biotechnology is much broader , these are really breeding animals, but we bought the entire breed abroad, there are not only sanctions, even a disease, if some kind of disease happens there and the country closes down, we don’t have a breeding egg, not a breeding chicken, there is seminal fluid, eggs, even breeding everything, all our industries are beginning to collapse by segment, so we actively began to do this they can do something at home, but can every country in the world do it? afford this kind of production, what we now want to master, yes, i think this is
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top in general, this is space exploration, this is a nuclear power plant, and this is biotechnology, that is, that is , this can be put on a par, this is possible put on one level, and it is not known what is easier, but these, i think, are the top things that will allow the country to stay at the very top, but this is a reason to rock us even more, so that this does not happen to us, to prevent, you spoke about the reserve of the vitebsk region, when i worked as a minister in moscow and visited the netherlands, they are also there in size, they are probably even smaller than the vitebsk region, and the export of agricultural products is 87 billion euros, and let ’s put flowers aside, but basically. what they get for is biotechnological preparations, seed material, eggs, breeding animals and so on
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, that is, these things, they seem to be produced in small quantities, but they are plant seeds, we are dutch, so it’s good to buy for the dacha ok, so here they are like a bag of potatoes into a bag of seeds, by and large, so here’s a reserve for you, if we develop biotechnology, we’ve probably already gone
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twice as far and quite calmly receives billions of dollars of profit, which he has never received in such a volume, but then all attention was focused more on the grodno region, well, maybe partially on the brest region, yes, but there was not such pressure on the vitebsk region as it seemed to me, well, at least how i analyzed the situation, i’m sorry. that i mix this solid with hot, but the topic of your dissertation, yes, in parasitology, in this context, i can’t help but remember it, but did you manage to, well, let’s say, level out these parasites, on the eve of 2025, even you say vitebsk was quieter, calmer, this is
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probably an indicator of skill and professionalism, law enforcement agencies, guys in uniform, they worked efficiently, they worked on prevention, thereby preventing any difficult situations that were very dangerous not only for the economy, but also for the lives of citizens, because there are quite a lot of such points too quantity in the vitebsk region, where these very complex oil refineries, energy facilities were possible, that is, there are places where i can deploy them.
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both categories, but i think that already understanding that we are walking, again, as the president says, along the edge of a knife, and we can slide a little to the side, and here, thank god, it’s not ukraine, and there are no resources, and we don’t have black soil like there, it will be very difficult for us to recover, we only have people, and as you said, potassium, yes, everything, in principle, people, land and forest, and that’s it, what we can do with our hands, right? yes, that is, that’s why keeping the country at this point, i think it’s a skill, you can’t learn it, it has to be given from above, thank god that we have it, for which - many thanks to our president, i’m not only i’m speaking on behalf of myself, from all my family
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and friends - people, and as for parasites, well, i think there’s a category that... infantile people who don’t understand, who consider themselves a little smarter than others for some reason , then they really start worry and complain that life has not grown together or cry on camera when they are detained somewhere, when they are trying to burn some closet or carry out some kind of terrorist attack, but i don’t think that a normal person, looking around, now he believes that he is doing the right thing, rocking the boat, well, yes, i always tell everyone as an example, where... such a country, when a child is in the second or third grade, his parents let him go, he goes by bus alone to school, then in the evening comes back, you see, we’re living here, but we’re not we understand what it is, that is , it’s really our property, there’s nothing like it anywhere, everyone says it’s clean, our place is neat, very beautiful, cozy, safe, safe
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first of all, i’d like it to be so i sent the child and you didn’t worry. and god forbid that force majeure happens, a passer-by or a policeman comes up, helps and gives you a ride home, and this is probably what makes us different, but we don’t take it for granted, of course, we probably don’t we appreciate it, but this such a truth, which is almost nowhere to be found, this year the eleventh forum of regions will be held, and in three cities of the vitebsk region at once, this is know-how. what kind of cities are these and what is this innovation for? you know, innovation, to show your region as widely as possible, this is the first thing. will be held in three cities: vitebsk - this will be the central platform and , of course, polotsk-novopolosk, it’s probably time to involve these cities in more active social,
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political, cultural life, because polotsk is the oldest city, the most ancient city in the country, and this is the cradle of statehood , not only belarusian, but one of the centers of development of slavic culture, and novopolovsk, of course, we are being a little disingenuous somewhere, but we say that this is the youngest city in the country, of course there is... lagorsk and so on, but we say novopolotsk is 65 years old, naftan is 60 years old, so we also want to show these cities, and between them there are only a few kilometers polotsk, novopolotsk, and there will be the first day, there will be sections of workers from industry and ending with culture and ideology, all the delegations that arrived, they they won't watch everything, but from monasteries, ending with some historical, cultural milestones, and they will examine then return to vitebsk, where there will be main events, plenary sessions and so on, that is, in this format we have chosen how it will turn out, but we’ll see, but we
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will try to do it beautifully surprise everyone once again. then the last, almost non- philosophical question. at the end of last year , a snow removal challenge was announced in vitebsk to help utility workers. you were the first to record a video that went viral. and the initiative was taken up by the entire region, well, workers, doctors, the rescuers were all armed with shovels, i think at such moments everyone can contribute to the fight against the elements, and you know, it was really cool, so what? you can still expect subbotniks from subbotin, you know, this is where we started, this is again the merit of yours, yours, yours, your
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direction, that is, journalists, we have a press secretary - young and so promising, he says: we need take it off, i say, yes, i’d better clean it myself and there’s nothing there, let’s choose somewhere in the hospital where parents cannot mobilize, be it at school or somewhere else, they have to show it. you see, it was, as you say , slang shot, yes, yes, it turned out that it was like calling snow, it was two, two seconds more than last year, and we, of course, drew conclusions they tried to clean it a little better, but this help was, i think, not superfluous when the courtyards were cleared, and not everywhere, unfortunately, not yet, but nevertheless a start was made, the same challenge, such a word is not ours, but it was made when my children and i always make feeders and hang them on ground for the birds, and we also filmed it, then it turned out that they still tell me
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, they started doing it there, they started doing it there, i think if we saved at least one bird, thanks to this, it was not in vain, what will happen this year, i don’t think that this is a predictable or planned event, it’s already like, it will suit your liking, it’s always impromptu, then it works out. but at a minimum, i think, it will be necessary to restore order after spring, additional landscaping, maybe some things that are completely unpredictable will appear, maybe something on the agricultural topic, so since it works out, i think it should be used and this topic should be exploited in a good sense, somewhere setting an example, and somewhere else simply stimulating the emergence of some good ones, good deeds, events , you know, for not being shy to show that we are really good people, right people, thank you, thank you,
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only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, we are located in the small town of grodno. called bridges. welcome. having eaten too much for a long time they could eat neither baked fish nor fish soup. they just sat and talked. sto-lin. since then the name of the city has come. stolin. and we set off on an exciting journey. at the end of the 15th century there was a large settlement on this site. and it appeared at the intersection of major trade routes, nemansky and bresko-vilnius. almanskie ones are completely real. a tourist highlight, the only ones preserved in their natural state in belarus and the largest in europe. these are the twenties, thirty- nine years. i can safely say that this is
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the best. time for urban architecture , sidewalks and highways appeared , trees were planted and new beautiful buildings were built to show how unusually wonderful our country is, when he moved from one place to another, the horses were unharnessed and transported by the believers themselves, the jews, from one places to another, now as we see, the image is clearly visible, colors have begun to appear, this is of course a miracle of god,
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the presidents of belarus and russia spoke on the phone today, alexander lukashenko on behalf of the entire belarusian people and himself personally congratulated his russian colleague vladimir putin on his convincing victory in the elections. the theme of vladimir putin’s convincing victory in the presidential elections in russia was continued in the palace of independence, where a meeting on preparations for the all-belarusian people’s assembly was held today. alexander lukashenko called the results of the election campaign stunning. with an ever-higher turnout , the belarusian leader conveyed gratitude on behalf of his colleague for organizing these elections on the territory of our country. all went smoothly and smoothly. alexander lukashenko noted: the main thing is to learn lessons from all current events. the lesson of the past election campaign is that someone else’s will cannot be imposed on our people. known forces failed to impose this will. the russians, first of all, are great, they
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united in this. president of russia brilliantly organized the process itself, they were planned correctly, the pre-election period, first of all , well, naturally, the president had to work a lot, you saw it, incredibly hard, he ’s great, he traveled all over russia, visited different points and answered the burning questions of russian society, the planning of the election process was very good and
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the course of the election campaign itself has a lot to learn, as for the all-belarusian people's assembly, preparations for it are in full swing, the head of state emphasized the special importance and status of the event, because it will be ... although it is the seventh in the national assembly, it is its first meeting in a new capacity, fixed in the updated constitution. everything should be solemn and, most importantly , meaningful. at baikanuri they installed on launch of the rocket of the soyuz ms-25 spacecraft, on which belaruskaya will fly to the iss. the launch is scheduled for march 21 and there is an exact time: 16:21 and 19 seconds. today, installation work began at 7:30 am, and many journalists were present. close friends of the crew members and just tourists. the length of the launch vehicle is about 40 m, weight is more than 33 tons. tomorrow, on the second launch day, general tests of the launch vehicle will be carried out.
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the cyclograms of the operation of the carrier when launching the payload into orbit are simulated. and after that the rocket-space complex will be ready for launch. astronaut into orbit. the crew of the twenty-first expedition will leave for the iss on thursday. it includes roscosmos cosmonaut oleg novitsky, belarusian space flight participant marina vasilevskaya, nasa astronaut tracy dyson. their understudies, ivan vagner, anastasia lenkova and donald petit. ensure a bullock harvest of at least 10 million tons. the task for belarusian farmers this year: the machine park is 93.5% ready for mass sowing, this is 5% higher than a year earlier, purchased for 2023 almost 10,000 units of equipment , the farm received new combines, forage harvesters and soil-cultivating equipment, this , according to deputy prime minister leonid zaits, allows
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all types of field work to be carried out more quickly, as for seeds, the vast majority of belarusian selection imports only some crops for the current company in belarus, 32... people will be employed, in addition to farm workers, 3,000 will be recruited from industrial enterprises or farms. the infrastructure of the minsk region is expanding with sports facilities. new complexes will appear this year in derzhinsk, krupki and borisov. a modern fork is now being built in the village of liskovka near minsk. architects and engineers are working to ensure that new sports complexes are completed on time. it is planned to develop the surrounding areas, open locations for team sports and workout zones. also on the possibility of holding major competitions in various disciplines on the basis of the centers. a new educational project “start your heart” has started in belarus. more than 20,000 tenth graders from all over the country take part in it.
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more than 340 educational institutions and about twenty healthcare institutions have become platforms for additional training. in an hour and a half , specialists, both in theory and in practice, explain to schoolchildren the basic rules for providing first aid in emergency situations and practice. takes place on modern simulators and mannequins. the curriculum itself was developed by the two ministries of education and health. great emphasis is placed on the practical part. orthodox believers began lent, the longest and strictest. it will last 7 weeks will end on may 5 with the celebration of the resurrection of christ. during lent, it is customary to give up entertainment and observe moderation in food. spiritual work on oneself is also important. the deep essence of fasting is for a person to elevate his character. i cleansed my soul, imbued with love and mercy for others. let me remind you that the ukrainian clown’s presidential term expires on march 31, but
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he is in no hurry to leave his seat, despite the failure to fulfill his election promises, but this is different. less than an hour has passed since polling stations closed in belarus. a guzde ran to declare the effectiveness of parliamentary and local elections, the absence of observers from the osce and forced elections in fear and repression. the state debt does not say that observers are not required in the united states, that ballot boxes are opaque for voting, and that there is also uncontrolled early voting by mail. the single voting day passed without incident. the turnout was over 70%, and there seemed to be an atmosphere of fear and repression. somehow, at the highest, everything went at the highest level, at the level of the world standard, an example for democratic world. the united states sent such a signal to keep the world in suspense, if someone now denies that
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there is no democracy in the republic of belarus , come, look, evaluate, and do not argue. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. the hosts of the travel show know exactly how to behave when visiting. well, friends, we are beautiful girls from venezuela, but we will conquer belarus. it's cool, it's impossible to sleep here, give me your hand,
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please watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, a proper morning should begin with a proper breakfast, tell us what you and i will cook today, today you and i will prepare a rather unusual breakfast, it will be in an asian style, it will be spring rolls with a sea cocktail. tell me what we have for breakfast today champion? and today we will have pink salmon meatballs with salad, this will be an unusual breakfast, very tasty, we can’t wait to get started, we will help you select the ingredients to make the first one eating food is tasty and healthy, we choose greens, we need spinach, you know that you should only buy fresh, elastic leaves of bright green color, the color of the beans depends solely on the variety. the pod itself should be intact without any dent marks
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. let's not forget about invigorating exercises. we stand, clasp our hands, lift up, bend forward, knees straight, you can bend your back a little, bend down, again keep your knees straight, feet fully on the floor, rise up. watch in the program: breakfast of champions to ours. tv channel, year-quality for our company is, first of all, motivation and incentive to release a new type of product, to increase our sales markets, to improve the quality of product safety, and we also really want to continue to please our consumers. i got to the factory 3 years
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ago by assignment, i graduated from the mogilev state university of food, graduated with honors, so i had the primary right to choose my first job, of course, i could not refuse this opportunity to get to such a leading enterprise in the country, with such a famous history that has already lasted about 100 years, i am now the master of this site, where we produce exclusive handmade products. over the 3 years that i have been working here, of course, we can see great development in africa in terms of the release of new products that meet the needs of consumers, satisfy not only our market, but also well, other countries, when we come up with something, we work for a long time on something either a project or a large application that we need to meet tight deadlines, at the end , when we see how much effort both i and my employees put into these products, of course, a feeling of pride, a feeling of joy,
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happiness covers me, it’s very pleasant even later to come, for example, to our company store to see what finished products look like, how they are sold, in the future from the company, of course, we are waiting for further development, we do not stand still, it is very pleasant to observe the different stages and different directions in the field of our activities, we are waiting for new discoveries , new areas, developing new new... well, to become part of something bigger and to be this part , as much as possible, to contribute to the development of production.
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we confidently step into a new day and do it to the music of our own, the music that sounds inside each of us. everywhere, in the sun, in timid movements, at our fingertips, music inspires, makes... think and opens thousands of roads before us. music can change the world because it can change us. music is inside each of us.
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when you make an instrument, you can't think about money, a person who makes musical
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instruments, what he is, in my opinion, he should be a person who loves very much. music is impossible without this, it must be a person, well, as people say, golden hands, it must be, yes, a person ready to devote his life to something for whom it is important, let’s say, not some promising job with a high salary , and who sets or perhaps some kind of goal or idea comes to his mind, it spins, spins and he goes step by step. why not, sometimes myself, without understanding, just a tool can most likely be made, but a tool that will be special will most likely not be made; this is the line where craft production ends
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and art begins. i myself am a native penchan, i was born in this city, my mother is russian from the city of kazma, my father is a native penchan, palyushuk, as it was, a little background, when the war began, my mother was 9 years old. somewhere near vyaznaya they came under occupation, they were loaded into wagons and transported respectively towards the west, and somewhere in the belarusian forests on the stretch between osha and minsk at some substation, the partisans captured this
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train, freed everyone, well, not just freed them, took them away, took them with them, well, it so happened that together with the partisans, uh, my grandmother and my mother were caught to minsk , my grandmother worked in an orphanage, well, my mother , naturally, was with her, so they ended up in this destroyed minsk, their whole life, in fact, began anew in belarus, and my father, a native, a penchan, uh, poleshok, yes , and after m... he did not directly take part in hostilities, the territory was under occupation, when they liberated my father, he turned 17 in 1944, well, he was drafted into the army as a reserve, well, of course, in order to be sent, you need to somehow prepare, in other words, when they
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were brought there, the war, fortunately, was already ended, but since those who fought were sent home for the most part, those who... came continued to serve, and after the end of the service, my father returned, graduated from a medical school in pensk, then went to enroll in minsk, the medical institute, in fact, is there they and met my future mother, both doctors studied together, well, then they came to pinsk here, so... well, sometimes they ask me, do you feel like someone, russian, yes, belarusian, yes, well, when they told me in the passport, well, this is back when they gave us the soviet one.
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only after the war it was very difficult to live , they took their work very seriously, well, as my father said, it’s not just a job, it’s when you save a life, this is the most important indicator after yours, after applying your knowledge, whether a person is alive or not, he worked as a postgraduate surgeon in minsk.
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pirogov medal, he even has in his collection, i just don’t remember, there is even a golden alpel, well, for these services he was awarded the honorary title of citizen of the city of insk, and after his death, one of the new streets in the city of pinsk was named after him .
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born in pinsk in 1963, i had an older brother, he was 5 years older than me, we lived near the railway station, well, in such an ordinary house, without amenities, i mean, well, since my brother was older, my parents. how people, well, let's say, cultured, decided to teach him music, well, to give him some opportunity, they bought a piano, and my brother studied the piano there, for some time it began to work out very well, but my brother was 5 years older than me , when it was almost time for me, they taught me to go to school there, well, first there was the first grade there, the second was nothing, and then they asked me,
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i was going to a music school, there i had to pass an exam, sing some kind of song, i don’t understand yet, well, so they recorded the song, in short, they accepted me, i began to walk also to the music school, since fordupian was at home, the choice was... as if it was obvious there, there is playing there for a time, when not the first second, but already somewhere in the third fourth grade, began to go to the music school there, it turned out that there was another additional subject, well , as a matter of fact, it was either an ensemble of folk instruments, or a choir, or an orchestra of russian folk instruments, i got into the orchestra of russian folk instruments and... as they say, then ostap got carried away, i felt for the first time that you can make music and
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to do it, as it were, not just force yourself to do it there, but simply what you want to do there, you succeed and you have fun there from you, well, maybe not everything works out right away, so you were sitting in the orchestra next to you, your comrades, that is, in principle , there were several musicians for each part, that is...
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the student club turned out that they also had an orchestra of russian folk instruments, at one time one of the leaders of our orchestra was a girl, a student at the conservatory, she studied there alayki, she was the leader of our student orchestra, well, then we met, she became my wife,
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that’s actually how i came to the bololaika, well... more thoroughly, my wife, my students and i got married, after the third year there was a custom-made instrument , that is , there was a primo made by a master from the moscow region, well , at that time, an expensive, well, kind of a professional-level conceptual instrument, from time to time it needed, let’s say, maintenance and some minor repairs, wear and tear on the fenders, let’s say there are fretboard progs, well, such , that is, which... any instrument or object that is in work, necessary, we had to go to moscow, there on the crossbars in the moscow region to get to exactly this master who made this balalaika, i asked , listen, what is this, is it really that no one does this here, here, really, in minsk, no one does this, no one, no one with bololikes, no repairs,
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production at all, it’s nothing, others. there were instruments, a balalaika, no one, and now i was faced with this problem, which i was surprised to discover that no one deals with these russian folk instruments, there are a lot of them, everyone plays them for any repairs and maintenance, i had to go there, i was an engineer by training, well , a lover of homemade products, i did a lot with my own hands and i was well it was such a blast. in general, well, i can’t do it there , well, something like this, maybe i can do something small, we went a couple of times, looked there, then we ended up in the master’s workshop there, looked , i thought it was very mysterious, well, it’s like footage from the film astradivari, that is , i felt something like this atmosphere, that is, something so mysterious, some kind of fabulousness,
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some kind of reality, to be interested in this this... well, i began to look, well what kind of books, magazines i managed to find, i read everything there , revised it, i found something like this, uh , i found - in the magazine science and life, uh , an article by kufer, there was such a cluster, the word abalalaika, i read this article, i realized that i need to meet with this man, he himself was an aircraft designer, engaged in helicopter affairs. these black shark type helicopters , these are the ones he received, in fact , a bonus, probably there was a bonus for the team or something, i don’t know, but he had something to do with it, that is, he was a highly educated person, and somehow also he had such a hobby, and step by step he also came to this, but he approached it as a researcher, it’s just that his friends and acquaintances
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knew that he loved music. sometimes he repairs musical instruments as a hobby; someone once brought him an ancient musical instrument, one of the first masters, say so, one of the first legendary masters of allaika, he disassembled this instrument, like a professional designer sketched everything, made sketches, studied what thicknesses, and thus about 15-20 instruments of different masters passed through his hands, he made something like this for each one. description, he was also working with musicians at the same time, but he asked their feedback, what is good about this instrument, what is bad about it, in order to finish everything here, he had this feedback, so he created such a collective image, called it like, muscovite, very highly appreciated, and somehow thanks to all this, this article appeared in the journal science and life, the word obolaika, i decided
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to meet with him, i found out his phone number there, called him. went there to moscow , we sat there for a couple of days, he told me how, uh , as a souvenir, finally he gave me his drawings, with his autograph, wished me good luck in this matter, from then on i had a goal, so to speak, well, like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, where i have to go, i started collecting, visiting familiar masters, and even violin makers someone was looking for a rope, and as i made this first tool, i already had repair experience; the real first step was when i made my first tool. my first goal was simply to make it according to these drawings, well, of course there were a lot of difficulties along the way, i made my first balalaika, and specifically the balalaika, i will accept in 1992, as it is written on the tag
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inside it, since then somewhere through my hands have gone through about two hundred, maybe for someone over 30-odd years. and a little, but for me this is quite a big number, we will show you one day in the life of specialists, what happiness is, over the years you understand that first of all it is... yes, that you have been given a chance to do something very very useful in your life, then, what will remain after you for many years , and maybe even for 100 years, all the mechanisms
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are working properly, it means he did his job correctly, reliably and efficiently, professions in which the best human qualities are revealed, people who are proud to do more than just work , every employee, either this is an employee of my ... workshop, or this is an employee of some auxiliary workshop, or this is the person who sits at the control panel on the brush, this is, in principle , a small particle from which the link is put together, i would say, such a ball , which rotates around the clock 24x7, here we are creating a new biotechnological industry in our country, watch the project one day on our tv channel.
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when i made my first one. like and after the master appreciated it, he said that for the first time, excellent, i understood what i needed somehow improve my level, and i began to search, go to other masters , try different forms, each time i remade the form there, changed the shape of the body, changed the number of rivets, and this continued for about 9-10 years, until i i came back again to that first drawing that i took from this moscow guy. now i have a master, so to speak, it takes a month to make one prima balaka, well, about a month, as we tried.


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