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tv   100  BELARUSTV  March 19, 2024 3:55am-4:51am MSK

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i can’t go out and keep you company, but i think there will be a young man who will be happy to spin you around, come out, don’t be shy, let’s applaud, once 2 3 2 3 1 2 3 times 2 3 2 3 2 3 times you you dance well, we are doing well, girls, a very good groom is growing up. how do you feel about people who tell the truth to your face? very positive, well, i
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believe that the earth rests on these people, you must tell the truth, and if it is an unpleasant truth, well, who said that the truth should always only be pleasant, but this it’s true, how often do you allow your fears to hold you back from action, and what fear is, i always explain my fear to myself, but the best way to overcome any fear is to see:
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your existence on this planet will simply end, you can’t do that, but if this is a fear of something new, but which does not threaten your life, gives you the opportunity to learn something new or develop in some direction, will not harm you, then of course you need to go forward and not be afraid of anything, because all fears are what lives in our head inside us, and these fears are afraid of ourselves, when we become strong, when we ourselves try to overcome them, these fears disappear, because they are... afraid of us, and what are your fears? well, probably the biggest fear is that, it’s not even fear, yes, it’s the desire for my family and friends to be healthy, there’s not a single fear that you wouldn’t overcome when these people are around and when they healthy, for me this is true, for me the most important thing is this, this is true, how you treat animals and eat do you have a pet , i have a very good attitude towards animals, well, probably
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because i grew up in a private house, we always had cats, dogs and cows, and horses, pigs, and sheep, and ducks, rabbits, everyone we had, however, from the moment i moved to the city, when i had a child, i always knew that there must be an animal next to the child, because it seems to me that it makes you warmer and kinder, so my child had a cat, she lived with us for 20 years, well, unfortunately, in the twentieth year she died already being such an old lady, we always had an aquarium in which fish swam, and it was always like this, when my daughter grew up, she had a dream of having a dog, when her daughter grew up, she earned herself a dog, because she wanted a certain dog of the ausie breed , and this breed was not cheap, but she really wanted it, we got a dog who brought us another one, well, she found it in the trash, to be honest,
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a small cat, we picked her up, and six months later we got another cat, she was found in the elevator , she was practically blind, and her daughter cured her, now, well, it so happened that we now live in different places, but my daughter, she has a dog and two cats, that’s how i would come now to look after a dog and two cats, how do you feel about the draft law on what is needed... the second one in the trash, well, this shouldn’t happen, if we get an animal, we take full responsibility for it, and we must realize this, and we must be responsible for it, this is not a teddy bear and not the plush kitten you bought, you are tired of it, you put. because he got tired of you or
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scratched something, so i think that since a person, and for people to do this consciously, have pets consciously, there should be laws that will legally hold you accountable for that , what are you doing as a living being, so that we can find the owner, understand who this owner is, who did this, well, conditionally , it’s not good, yes, well, plus it’s also when a person loves his pet, a dog or a cat, when he suddenly her.
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sides we always try to exaggerate them, right? you understand that no one will force a grandmother or grandfather, who has a dog living on the street, to urgently chip it or register it there, yes, but even if it is grandparents and the animal lives in your kennel, it must live in what conditions, in good conditions, of course, it should be vaccinated, this animal is correct, it should be fed, it should not die there. from hunger and cold, and sitting somewhere on a chain, it seems to me that it doesn’t matter here where the animal lives, it’s important that the one who gets it, takes responsibility, this is a living being, what would you like to achieve in your career in a year, five, or maybe in 10 years,
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well, you know, i have such ambitious plans to say that after some time i i want to be this or that , i’m not sure, the main thing i want in my career is to work in good creative teams, yes, but to work with those people who are passionate about their work, who like what they do, and how will things turn out, to be honest, i’m a statesman, if tomorrow they will tell me that i must, from the point of view of the fact that the state needs it , the people need it, the system needs it, to work in a certain place, i will do it without thinking, because i understand that what i have achieved and where i am already entails such, you know , responsibility, not only... myself, but also responsible for those people who follow me, and responsible for those people, for those places that trust me, if they trust me, then they believe in me, and if they believe in me, then i don’t come there for that in order to make it worse, but in order to make it better or establish some kind of system, so i will say this, wherever my homeland says, i will go there
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, what do you think is the biggest injustice in society, for me, probably the most important, so that... this feeling of need for justice, for people to act according to their conscience and not lie, because the most unfair thing, it seems to me, is when people, hiding behind their own momentary interests, lie or try to offend a person, or try humiliate a person, or they are trying to put him in some kind of conditions that would somehow humiliate, even his human dignity.
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constant love, for what we have , for what surrounds us, for all the people who surround us, yes, this feeling of love, it seems to me, evokes the feeling of justice that we talked about, so here this is the most important thing, this is the most important task, it seems to me, of each of you, to carry this throughout your whole life, to leave the same burning eyes, to leave the same a sincere smile, remain the same open person, you will attract the same people, because well, that’s how the laws of the universe work, it seems to me. this signal means that the time for questions to the heroine has expired. olga aleksandrovna, now you have to choose the best question for this program. oh, it’s a difficult task, but can i
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divide it into a male and a female question, but i want to give something of myself as a souvenir to the man who invited me to dance today. allow me, young man, let's get to know you, i'm mikhail, i study at school 133, in tenth grade, basically i study well, well done, and you don’t dance either. bad , thank you, well, it’s your gift, come out and take it, i want this thermal mug to remind you of our dance, of the world, okay, thank you, thank you, well, now let’s talk about women’s, you know, the questions were different, there were a lot of questions, they were all so very... very cool, thank you for all your questions, but the most unexpected question for me, the one to
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which i immediately wondered whether i was absolutely sincere at that moment, it was question about whether my heart is free, who asked this question, please introduce yourself, my name is varvara, i study at school forty in the fifth grade, an exclusive barbarian is a gift for you, but i am sure that this is a future member of the belarusian union of women and leader, yes, of the belarusian women's union organization, and let this vasilek always remind you of this, we are waiting for you in our ranks, thank you, let me hug you too, olga aleksandrovna, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question. you know, my question is it will probably be very simple, very complex, so tell me, guys, what does your homeland mean to you? the homeland is such a very large family, which, if necessary, will support and
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please with something, help financially and spiritually. for me, my homeland is something very important and even if i move somewhere, it will be very difficult for me, i will come back here again and again. absolutely every person should associate the homeland as a place where he can always return, where he is always welcome and a place where...... all his memories of the past are stored, and the most important thing is pleasant and warm memories. i love my homeland very much, i will be proud of it until the end of my days, but what else can i say? this is my future , first of all, what you say about your homeland and the way you treat it suggests that our homeland with you and i really has a big, cool, bright future, the future is in your faces, it is in your hands. it's time to say goodbye to our audience. belarus,
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chairman of the belarusian women's union, olga shpilevskaya, today visiting the program 100 questions for adults, here i will ask you linger. what was the most difficult question for you today? even now i think about it, this is a question about justice and injustice, about what is most unfair in this world. how do you think you handled our children's audience today? oh! i know this is a very difficult question, this question will probably be the most difficult for me, whether i coped with it or not, but i tried to be sincere. what surprised you about the children? and you know, they surprised me with their openness, with their such a sincere attitude towards what they ask, and the depth of your questions. today you managed to answer 51 questions. tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to move? with great pleasure. well, now i turn to our audience. do you think that our heroine was as frank with you today as possible? whoever thinks so, raise your hands. olga aleksandrovna answered everything
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honestly, sincerely, she never tried to skip her question, and this is very inspiring to become people like her. it was obvious that he was sincere desire to see what it's about. modern children think, what worries them, that they actually want to ask adults a question, i learned a lot about the community of women, about her life and the fact that adults don’t treat children the same way as like, i want to be on my own wavelength, and she found out something about us, asked what we thought, she even sang with us, learned to dance, like that. but i’m sure that our heroine spoke only the truth, because she herself said that being sincere is
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very important, that such people hold on earth. thank you, are there those people who still felt that olga alexandrovna didn’t say something today, behaved diplomatically and omitted some details, there are those, raise your hand, not a single person. olga alexandrovna, we have such a rule that the hero always has the last word, sum up the conversation that took place. well, i want to thank the guys, really, for their sincerity, for asking and for the answers they gave me, and what i heard from the guys today, it was simple amazing. so, the director of the national branch of the interstate television and radio company mir in the republic of belarus, the chairman of the belarusian women's union olga shpilevskaya was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults, see you in a week. watch in the next issue. deputy.
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can you now call one of your children and ask what kind of dad you are? 100 questions for an adult: you are simply the best dad in the world for me, and i really appreciate everything that you do for me, i love you very much too.
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good, coming to oneself, seeing oneself, one forgot oneself first, saying to the earth, our light is my name, the prover union was glorified by the people. our beloved mother of slaves belarus, the friendship
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of the people, the strength of the people, our paths are victorious, our paths are painful, our paths are peaceful.
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this is a panorama, a live broadcast about the main events of monday, on march 18 i will tell you, sergei lugovsky, hello, of special significance - the new constitutional status, the date of the all-belarusian people's meeting has been named. meetings, elections in russia showed the whole world who is boss, the absolute majority voted for putin with a record turnout, the west was knocked out. nato does not hide
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the expansion of its bloody plans. the alliance intends to build its largest base in romania, and us special forces are already being deployed to the islands around taiwan. see also in our issue. we are preparing for the all-belarusian people's assembly. orc questions were discussed with the president. alexander lukashenko also spoke about the details of his conversation with putin after the elections. 3 days before the debut of a citizen of the republic of belarus in space. we'll show you how launch vehicles were removed today and the main thing is the verticalization of the rocket. report from baikanur. a record result with a record turnout in russia sums up the results. president, how the most terrible wars in the history of mankind were incited through provocations, why my grandmother died, this is the end of poland, and dortmund is an attack on the soviet union, phantom boats of vietnam
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and death to order, how warsaw and nato are mocking on the belarusian borders, all the answers are clear politics: guilty of genocide, an unprecedented case in global procedural practice, supreme court belarus has sentenced the last murderer of khatyn, vladimir. and now about sports, will the zhlobin metallurgist today become the second semi-finalist of the president's cup or will youth extend the series. the belarus national football team went to the first international friendly matches against the national teams of montenegro and malta. the belarusian national football team among girls under 17 reached the elite league e of the european championship. well, let’s also sum up the results of the first round of the country’s football championship in the sports day project. all the belarusian people's assembly will meet in a new status on april 24-25. this is the news of the day following a meeting with the president, where all the orc issues of the upcoming
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event were discussed. alexander lukashenko believes that the supreme national assembly should be held, firstly, solemnly, and secondly, meaningfully. before the start of this meeting, in the very morning there was a telephone conversation between the presidents of belarus and russia, alexander lukashenko on behalf of the entire belarusian people and himself personally. congratulated vladimir putin on his convincing victory in the elections. russians actively voted in our country, everything went smoothly and smoothly. alexander lukashenko conveyed words of gratitude from his colleague for organizing a political campaign on the territory of belarus. the result is stunning. this is exactly how the belarusian leader commented on the results of the electoral process among his neighbors. and the high turnout is in many ways indicative. and extra. confirms that the people of belarus and russia cannot be imposed on the will of others and dictated how to live. natalya breus will continue. so the stars aligned that 2020.
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the usa and russia included, and if the question is trump or biden remains open, then the russians said an unequivocal yes to the current head of state vladimir putin, our president congratulated his colleague on the phone, just spoke with the president of russia, congratulated him...
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by the police, so i convey to you his gratitude for the work and organization of the presidential elections in russia on the territory of belarus. in our country , 14,000 russians exercised their right to vote, and overall the turnout for these elections is said to be an unprecedented 77%. vtsik believes that this influenced by the decision to hold a three-day vote, for the first time russians were able to cast their vote online, but not only this, of course, of course, the results.
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preparation for these elections, it must be said that the administration of the russian president brilliantly organized the process itself, the correct pre-election period was planned, first of all, well, naturally, the president had to work a lot. you saw it, an incredible amount, he’s great, he traveled all over russia, visited different places and answered the burning questions of russian society, very good there was planning for the election process and the course of the election campaign itself, there is a lot to learn, everyone was mobilized and united according to the plan of the presidential administration, and the central election commission all
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acted patriotically and...
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what we will also live in the next month is preparation for the all-belarusian people's assembly. there is certainly experience in conducting it, but its new status is obligatory.
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these are the issues that are included in the agenda, all our proposals were basically accepted, so we will now continue preparations in accordance with the decisions that we outlined, developed and agreed upon today. there is also a draft agenda, expected. that delegates, for example, will consider a new concept of national security and the military doctrine of belarus, but here, as they say, it will be supplemented, taking into account the broad powers of the supreme national assembly. in any case, this will be a historical moment, and it should be remembered by the country and
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people. natalya breus, olga anishchenko, alexander oleshka and ivan martynovich, television news agency. well, now more about the elections in russia. the counting of votes is still ongoing, but it is already clear to everyone. a convincing victory for vladimir putin. he has more than 87%, with a completely record turnout, as mentioned above, over 77%. this is the highest figure in the history of modern russia. what innovations were there in the elections, how donetsk voted, who really wanted to shake the situation. our own correspondent in moscow, daria belousova petrovskaya, has all the details. the situation in moscow is calm, one might say.
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this is the result of the work of russian opponents authorities on the external track , as they say, because those who doubted, those who thought whether to go or not to go, they decided to get up and go, and as they say, the result was obvious, there were, of course, internal reasons, because vladimir putin proposed such, such an increase in the volume of social obligations on the part of the state that people, apparently, became interested in how he would do it, they voted. this year there were many innovations in the russian presidential elections, for the first time they were for...
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lugansk, zaporozhye and kherson regions, for example, in donetsk, people made their choice to the sound of air defense, the ukrainian side did not stop shelling the city, but this did not frighten them, on the contrary, it paid off. despite the fact that the polling stations closed at 15:00, this decision was made by a security raid of local residents, the turnout at the elections was more than 88%.
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despite the fact that the minister of justice of latvia stated that everyone who comes to the polling
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station will face criminal liability, we actually came from hamburg, that is , we left early in the morning and that is, we considered that we we simply cannot ignore this, this is truly our civic duty, they are important, as in any country, this is an instrument of democracy, people must show their voice, influence the decision. the election process was monitored by hundreds of international observers from more than 100 countries.
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countries of puppet europe reacted to the completed elections in russia with traditional inadequate statements. britain noted that voting in russia took place in conditions of lack of choice. this sounds even more ridiculous if you understand how they appoint their prime ministers. the french and lithuanian ministries of foreign affairs made similar statements; the german authorities reacted, albeit harmoniously, but each separately. the president of germany refused to congratulate. vladimir putin with a stunning landslide victory, and meade said that
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the russian elections did not meet certain german standards. at the same time , the german government reported that it does not recognize the election results, but does not refuse contacts with official moscow and personally with president putin. chief eurogardener barel he also mumbled something about the non-recognition of the elections, but later an eu statement appeared that there had been violations and what. no one from the west, of course, is ready to go, all this shaking of the air is just their propaganda, it turns out that with one hand the west worked to disrupt the elections, and with the other hand showed that people are not...
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that was in the twentieth year in august in belarus, then we also have a woman, a leader who picked up the fallen banner and declared that she now heads the entire opposition to the current regime, but apart from statements, the matter it didn’t progress any further, it certainly happened
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, there were attempts to destabilize the situation, calls from people en masse, either to boycott the elections, or vice versa, to go on the last day of these
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, that they are still capable of bringing out into the streets, well, at least there are 50-100 people, in practice so many people didn’t come out either, that is, in this regard, the russian non-systemic position has completely gone bankrupt, the only thing that made it onto the pages of western newspapers, simply because that’s the only thing that was noticed, was the green stuff, spoiled ballots, but that it's a pitiful picture.
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the subjects voted in the first rows, there was more than ninety percent turnout, that is , almost everyone from small to large, of those who have the right to vote, came to the polling stations or voted remotely, and the support of the
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current president vladimir vladimirovich putin in these subjects is the highest . well, the west reacted in its characteristic manner. the voting took place in conditions of lack of choice, how do you assess the reaction, was it prepared in advance? well it worked out for me the impression is that western leaders, even before the start of the elections, decided in advance that they would not recognize these elections, and i spoke about this long before the 2024 election campaign, and this is exactly what happened, that is, the leaders of western countries did not consider it. uh interviews - observers from their own countries who came to the russian federation in order to uh monitor the honesty, democracy, openness, transparency of the presidential elections in the russian federation, there were a lot of observers, uh, they were from very different countries, and a significant part of them,
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almost more were from unfriendly countries, however, this did not affect at all... in their assessment, they honestly described what they saw with their own eyes, as for the leaders of the west, this reaction theirs was predictable, and this is another sign of weakness on the part of western political elites, because a child can deny the obvious, but not a mature politician. 3 days. launch at baikanuri, a soyuz ms-25 rocket was installed, the launch is scheduled for march 21, 16 hours, 21 minutes and 19 seconds. in the main one. the crew included our belavia flight attendant marina vasilevskaya, the belavia tv and radio company will monitor the start.
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we will show all the most interesting things live, so turn on belarus-1 and you will witness an important historical event. well, today friends, close crew members, tourists and my colleagues watched the work on installing the ship. anastasia benedesyuk will tell you how we are approaching the flight. until december 1995, baikanur was officially called leninsko, the once closed military and today it meets alert, there are special purpose objects here, therefore under protection. the cosmodrome, like the city, was leased by russia from kazakhstan, and long-term rent until 2050 costs $115 million a year. in baikanur, russian rubles are used, and bank cards are practically not accepted. you can find out how else the city lives. from the fresh press, however, a newspaper comes out with the name baikanur, once a week on fridays, for the last two weeks, all the news is only about the crews with
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belarusians, the crews of the soyuz ms-25 ship arrived at the cosmodrome, and they’re already in the air flags of russia, belarus, kazakhstan and usa. on friday the twenty-second we are waiting for news about the start of the crew. all the hotels in the city were booked last year, but... our space floor always had to be grounded in a hostel during the launch, but does that really matter? the main thing is that now everyone knows that belarusians are flying into space, and this is not only from the newspaper pages. in general, there are many belarusians among space technology testers, and a native of our bykhov district is responsible for the entire social sphere of baikanur, nikolai odasev, deputy head of the city administration. i really enjoy visiting.
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there will be satellites, minsk was still sleeping at the baikonor cosmodrome, the debut of a citizen of the republic of belarus was already approaching, behind me, let’s call it
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the hangar, actually an installation and testing building. there are always a lot of journalists here at this moment, everyone wants to capture that very moment, exactly at 7:30 a.m. local time, at 5:30 a.m. minsk time the doors opened and a diesel locomotive very slowly drove out, carrying the same launch vehicle, soyuz 21. and the backup crew with anastasia also came to see this there was traditionally no link, the main one. what ’s interesting is that the space rocket was assembled in samara, the manned transport spacecraft soyuz in korolev was delivered here in disassembled form, at the end of last year, at the beginning of this year, they were already assembled here as a designer. the length of the launch vehicle is about 40 m, the weight is more than 33. this is
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site number 31 brother gemini gagarinovskaya , only much more modern after modernization , digital equipment is used here, in particular a digital guidance signal. and now is the moment of installation launch vehicle, its verticalization from the hangar to the launch pad was orderly. tomorrow , on the second launch day , general tests of the launch vehicle will be carried out, the operating pattern of the launch vehicle will be simulated when launching a payload into orbit, and a day or so before the launch , the condition of the hydrogen peroxide filling system will be checked. on march 21, the crew will take their places in the ship's cabin. then launch at 16:21 minutes and 19 seconds. let's witness a historical event. watch
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the start. about the simply cosmic schedule of our president, after all the meetings and negotiations, the working day ended with an evening training session with a joint game with the dynamo minsk hockey club. dynamo officially closes the season on wednesday, they have already had a little rest after a spectacular series with their teammates from moscow, but today they played two periods of 35 minutes each and this, by the way, is the standard training format for the presidential team. there were a lot of pucks.
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alexander lukashenko. blockage bullit.
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nato is still trying to impose its game on us, and the anglo-saxons no longer hide their bloody plans in our region. romania has begun construction of the largest military base. it will be designed for 10,000 military personnel. within 5 years, the base is planned to be built on the site of an already operating military airfield, which is located right now, at these minutes. nato hub for the transfer of military equipment for ukraine. the area of ​​the possible future facility will be 2,800 hectares. all this only confirms that the west does not plan to end its war in ukraine either in a year, or in five, or in the foreseeable future at all. and all their conversations about peaceful settlement, it’s just falsehood , another hypocrisy. well, what’s remarkable is that
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at the same time, the world’s main democratizers are terrorists. they are transferring their special forces to the islands that surround taiwan. the us military will be stationed there permanently, and it is 10 km from mainland china. they plan to create command and control systems for the massive use of attack drones, which washington has already promised to put at the disposal of the taiwanese army. how through provocations the most terrible wars in history. humanity, why grandma died - this is the end of poland, and dortmund is an attack on the soviet union, the phantom boats of vietnam and what the tankinsky incident is, as well as why there are provocations on the belarusian borders in warsaw and nato, all the answers are in clear politics, today after the panorama.


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