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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 19, 2024 8:15am-8:51am MSK

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a three-year-old boy driving aroused suspicion among inspectors, an examination showed the driver had 7 miles per mile, now, in addition to deprivation of his license for 3 years, the man will face a high fine from the traffic police and the car sharing service. and this is footage from grodno on the derzhinsky brikel dubko ring, a truck crushed a passenger car, apparently, the audi got into the trucker’s blind spot, changing lanes, the driver of the heavy truck did not notice the sedan, the accident caused a large traffic jam on the outskirts. the fire of an atv or a children's electric car caused a fire in brest. the emergency occurred on the outskirts of the city in the garage of a private house. rescuers quickly extinguished the fire, preventing the flames from spreading to the entire cottage. the fire damaged the interior of the garage, but there were no injuries. law enforcement officers are investigating the circumstances of the fire in the suburb of stolitse, where six electric vehicles burned in a parking lot in kolodischi near a service station. the incident happened last week around midnight. what caused
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the fire is still unknown; on the internet, eyewitnesses share photographs of burnt-out cars in the morning, and they write that it all started with porsche caught fire, the flames soon spread to tesla and other cars, no casualties were reported, and the amount of damage was not announced; most of the cars were completely burned out. this was a zona x project, don’t miss our evening broadcast on belarus 1.8.
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good, good morning, beloved country , today is march 19, this is tuesday, contacts with you on belarus 1 belarus24, maryana morenkova and tatyana matuseevich, yes tanya, i have a question for you, do you have impostor syndrome, as if you are something... then you’re not doing your own thing, that’s from inside out and not only, we need it right now allarovskaya, a psychologist, will help you find out.
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she is afraid of being discovered, as if he is a fake, as if he is doing something for which he does not have enough competence, as if he is not good enough at his job, but here it is as if this is the key word, that is, it is usually inherent people who have very high achievements, with education, but who constantly doubt themselves, and there can be a lot of fears here, but if there is a proverb that only a fool does not doubt himself, perhaps this speaks of...
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the second thing is of course support, family, environment, search for like-minded people who suffer just like you, for example this syndrome, if you can’t find such an environment, therapy, a psychologist can become such an assistant, why, because his very figure, his knowledge, skills can help in
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a safe environment to finalize what was not finalized in childhood, to teach how to cope with difficult feelings, with complex emotions, and even if you made a mistake. but even if you haven’t read anything, you don’t have any certificates, believe me, there will also be something on your list to get excited about, because you will have so many sales that you have made, so many reviews that you have received, so many people who, 100% there will be something, the second, that
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is, without judgment, only the facts, the second is to ask loved ones, if there are any, or, for example, your clients, do it for you. such a self-help folder, when you have such strong self-doubt, write down your five, as it seems to them, strong qualities, if you have clients, ask them to write some reviews. some kind of cognition about oneself, an attitude of what i am about
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i think to myself, am i somehow weak or should i be perfect there, these are questions . this is primarily thinking, that is , security, why am i afraid to show up, for example, why am i afraid to take on some kind of responsibility there, maybe it’s something... that was in childhood, which is annoying, and it’s not safe for me either. issues of control and responsibility, that, for example, if i do this, i will lose this control, yeah, well, the topic is actually very relevant, because impostor syndrome, according to statistics, affects from 70 to 84% of people on the planet, and if at least one point from what alla komarovskaya just listed, then you now know how to deal with it, i want to say on my own behalf, don’t strive to correspond to some modern social canons, don’t worry, don’t worry, don’t be... really be a happy person, allow yourself to make mistakes and accept gratitude, this is very important. alochka,
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thank you very much for coming, telling us, putting everything in its place. thank you, we are waiting for you next tuesday, but we will remind you that on the calendar it is 9 march, tuesday, all over the world celebrate international customer day and an interesting important fact on this topic: every year belarusian customers not only buy goods for themselves , but help needy children, orphans and four-legged friends. for which we really want to say a huge thank you to you, keep up the good work. yes, in continuation of this topic we have a video, let's take a look. almost 107 elderly and disabled people are served at home throughout the country. we will conduct surveillance at the ministry of labor and social protection to learn more about profession of social worker. come with me. there are about 12 thousand social workers in our country. and their main functionality is to provide assistance to elderly citizens and the disabled; they mainly
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provide social services, which are the state minimum social standard. now the law on social services has been revised in the country, houses and boarding schools will be renamed social boarding houses, and conditions for a comfortable life at home will be created for elderly and single citizens. i think this is a very important profession, because you often come across people who simply have no one to help. it’s hard to imagine life without a social worker. this morning we are going to visit alla adamovna, the ward of social worker larisa nikolaevna, let's get acquainted, good morning, we are coming to you, good morning, come in, glad to see you, if we talk about alla adamovna, that means... i serve her twice per week, my duties include visiting, having
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a conversation with her, asking how my ward’s health is, well, she says, you need to pay either apartment, or he makes a list , which means going to the store, what groceries to buy, vacuuming, washing the floor, if you need to wash the dishes there, let’s put it this way, if you need to take him out, well, for a walk, it means helping you get dressed, going downstairs, i’m a pensioner, for 20 years already. retired, worked as an english teacher at school no. 69, and then no. 132, i was lucky, he is a very good person, good-natured, cheerful, has a sense of humor, which means he will always do whatever you ask, there are no tasks that are too difficult for social workers, first of all this of course, household ones, but the most important thing they give to their... stoves is that spiritual warmth that people are deprived of for various reasons, let each of us have as
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much of this warmth as possible, in the morning watch at 360, i was with you, nastya rudskaya . hello everyone, today we will strengthen our leg muscles and also develop coordination, and for this we will need a hemisphere. the first exercise will be jumping onto a hemisphere. the task is to maintain balance, jump, make a 180° turn and jump onto the hemisphere again. after completing 20 jumps, we turn the hemisphere over on another surface we begin to do squats on it, the task of standing on it is not an easy one, so it is better to perform the movement from the first exercise, that is, you approach it,
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jump, great, that’s it, when you have caught your balance, yes... you put your legs like this , how comfortable you are, you keep your balance , put your hands in front of you and crouched under control , stood up to get off, you will have to do the same movement, with the third exercise you perform... forward, but again using a hemisphere, for this we return it to its original position , your task now will be to stand on it with your foot and push back, one two, at first glance, an easy exercise, but in reality you will also have to keep your balance so that you don’t fall, and step, once and push, good. we performed three exercises that
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are aimed at developing the muscles of the legs, and they also strengthen the ankle joint very well. if your child has flat feet, then these exercises should be performed without shoes. the number of repetitions is 15-20, the most important thing is the technique, that is, the correct execution exercises, not the number of them. so, to strengthen the leg muscles and develop coordination of the child’s movements, use a hemisphere. any exercise on it allows you to engage stabilizer muscles. remember that exercises can be performed on both sides of the hemisphere. not only the target muscle groups are used, but also the optimal number of repetitions from 10 to 20 in each of the three approaches. do not chase records; it is important that the child performs all movements efficiently. to prevent flat feet, we recommend doing these
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exercises without shoes. good morning, beloved country, we continue to wake up, i will remind you that today is march 19, today is tuesday, and today marks the day without a hat, let's find out if we can already throw our hats aside somewhere, because spring has come, and tatyana, please tell me what the weather will be like during the day? you don't need to take a hat if you have a hood, because spring is deceiving. so,
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let's go over the degrees, i'll tell you that in minsk in... and in all these regional centers it will be cloudy with clearings and dry. but in gomel during the rain it will be a degree cooler there, up to 7 degrees. the same number in grodno and mogilev +5 +7 in the city of grodno it is cloudy with clearings and dry, but in mogilev it is not just cloudy with clearings, rain is expected there in some places. an excellent forecast, you can take off your hat, but at least if you are over 18 years old, then let it go. your parents allow you to wear a hat to school or not to wear it to school for 18 years, well, everyone has their own path, that’s how, you know, march literally turned everyone’s head, and in the southeastern region of our country this is too noticeable, well, look, first the sosh overflowed its banks, and now a horse has taken up residence in the entrance of a residential building, but i ’m being careless, this was in the news feed, not hallucinations, not pranks, not internets, this is
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reality, i brought him home alone from the residents, and with very good intentions, it... was a gift for a two-year-old son, who had a birthday that day, yes, well, now to the point, did the man still manage to give that same surprise, that same gift, with difficulty, but the horse entered the entrance and i was even able to climb to the second floor, but the animal did not manage to get into the apartment, and i want to say thank god, and after such creativity, the husband, this man and the horse went out into the yard, and the most interesting or most offensive thing, we don’t know, did a two-year-old boy like this gift ? i was taking out the trash at this time, it seems to me that i will meet a horse in the entrance is at least , well, not that it’s strange, it’s dangerous, so be careful, please choose the right gifts, but if you are making
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such expensive gifts, then somewhere in specially designated areas, this is how, by the way, signs of meeting a horse at the entrance are born, yes, good, by spring, only the horse is born, you thought it was born that way, so, belarusians, we draw conclusions that we are masters in creating news feeds, and first of all. thanks to its unique products. but on the client’s day, our correspondent, tanna ganjur went to find out what products are especially valued by guests and residents of the belarusian capital, so let’s take a look and mark them. good morning, we are again on the streets of minsk, which means that a very interesting survey awaits you ahead. let's find out from belarusians what products they like the most, what should manufacturers pay attention to? what belarusian products do you like best? food products? food, which ones? for example, you like milk, milk, culinary products, everything that is edible, it’s immediately obvious that you are a man,
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dairy, i love cheese , i like knitwear, bars, since i’m not a fan of sugary sweets, just bars, chocolate cream, other varieties, it ’s everything in the world, marshmallows, marshmallows, cheese curds, milk. i really like belarusian dairy products, i like them very much, about belarusian products, what is your favorite, let’s take one point at a time, what i like most about belarusian brand products, my favorite products are belarusian waffles, and belarusian milk, i don’t know, belarusian cheese , i love belarusian sausages, i like cheese curds, belarusians like everything, we have everything delicious belarusian, here’s milk, yeah , meat products are not bad, i work at a dairy farm myself and my favorite...
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develop and further somehow improve the products, what would you like, for example, add some -the product, change it, for example, offer something to the producers , because we will show it on air , you know, maybe they will take note, oh, you know, so far i’m happy, i don’t even have anything to offer, in in general, everything is enough, everything is very tasty, well, in terms of language, i would like to express my purely personal opinion that for tall people there are very few trousers with a wide cut, i sometimes think that if... state networks in private networks, today i have a large choice in networks in the networks
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, it would even be unnecessary to say. sing to your silvery laughter, you hide your eyes from me, already in broad daylight, you kiss someone else in front of everyone, vaina, payina,
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payna, payina, faina-na, payina, faina-na, payna, payina, faina, faina, payina, payna, payna, payna, payna-na, payna, payna-na.
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yes, there is only a drop of tears in this song, why? but pai turned his nose up at me, even if i ’m not good for you, i’ll forget mine.
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big spoiler for the premiere composition, yes, tell us how this song was created? i wrote it, i got the first line, in the corners of your lips, i kiss the sun, well, great, really, but in the corners of your lips, it’s also literary, i kiss the sun, this line i realized that this could turn into a song, but it’s a song, i didn’t want to write torment, suffering and so on, it turned out so ironic, yeah, a little bit,
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but nevertheless... your compositions are filled with meaning, what is the message of this song? this song, really every song i have has some kind of meaning, i can’t seem to do it any other way, and that’s why i specially take such rests and breaks somewhere, yes, this song is just such self-irony about oneself, about love , over the beloved, but obstinate, and we thought she was dedicated to someone, that very desired one, but what irony can there be in love anatoly, the most important thing in life is the most irony towards oneself.
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with you on march 19, well, we wish you a great day , listen to the composition my desired, bye to you.
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belarus. in the corners of your lips, i kiss the sun, in the corners of your eyes, i kiss the moon, i would drink you to the very bottom, but you are bottomless! i will drown in you, my dear, my tender, but stubborn, my sweet , my passionate, playful, impregnable, inaccessible, but desired, you are my joy, you are my long-awaited love. your springs of gulps embrace me too, i drown in the depths of your witchcraft eyes, from your smile, i go crazy and kiss you, like the first time,
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my dear, my tender, but strapping, my sweet, my passionate, playful, no, available inaccessible, but desired, you are my joy, you are my long-awaited love. you inspire me with your love, i am ready to follow you to the ends of the earth, i cannot
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live even a day without you, i will never find someone like you unwanted, my dear, my tender, but stubborn. my sweet, passionate, my, playful, impregnable, inaccessible, but desired, you are my joy, you are my long-awaited love, i am my sweet, my tender, but stubborn. my sweet, my passionate, playful, impregnable, inaccessible, but desired, you are my joy, you are my love
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long-awaited, you are my joy, you are my long-awaited love. praise be to jesus christ. i love you, dear tv presenters. sennya katalitski kascel adnaznae. god bless the multiplying kindness, yes, scorching, and this name is the soft name of god
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, i will spend it in god’s trust. the name itself reveals to us an important aspect of the personality of yuzaf. from nazareth, this chalavek of the faith of god and i go, skin i go chynak, just like the gospel, natkhyonny ўpeўennastsyu ў tym, that god fell, yes, this meaning, god forget about your plan to get rid of it. saints joseph are one of the most important and at the moment the most mysterious persons. the role of yuzaf as a father of christ is unique. yamu was granted to the yesus, the sons of god and the mother of mary.


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