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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 19, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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was liquidated by a decision of the supreme court in 2021. while the prosecutor was reading out the charges in the courtroom, european diplomats began to gather near the courthouse. has the former journalist, who faces up to 6 years in prison for extremism and inciting mass riots, already managed to obtain citizenship or at least ask for a residence permit from countries whose representatives now go to court as if they were working? as usual, they refused to talk to us and tell us what their purpose was for coming. and to the question: they don’t want whether diplomats are stupid, whether diplomats find their own stupid.
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why did you come to the building of the minsk court? maybe a comment? nobody? it has long been obvious that the organized visit by embassy representatives to criminal trials to which they have nothing to do is nothing more than blatant and undisguised interference in the internal affairs of an independent state, an attempt to put pressure on belarusian justice and demonstrate solidarity with extremists who want to destroy our country. and this is the latest news for this minute, see you in... hello everyone, do you know how you can spend something interesting and useful? dear friends, no problem, my
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name is vika poplevchenkova and i invite you to another exciting journey through our native and beautiful belarus, are you ready? then let's not waste time! and today we will go to smolyany, a real open-air museum. the agricultural town is small in scale, but here literally every corner preserves legends and breathes history. today i will see the church of the dominican order. i'll count all the ghosts in the ruins of the castle and reveal the secret ancient temple, and i’ll also learn to crochet, touch unique exhibits of belarusian life, and pass a piano exam.
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smolyana is located in the orsha district of the vitebsk region, of course, it is more comfortable and faster to get there from minsk by personal vehicle, but if you are planning a trip by public transport, then you cannot do without transfers here, the most convenient way is to get to orsha, and then use . by minibus, fortunately they run regularly, the travel time will take from 30 to 50 minutes, and the ticket will cost from 2.5 to 4 belarusian rubles. the first mention of smalyan was in 1484, then the town was owned by the belsky princes, then it changed its owners more than once, kurpsky, ostrozhsky, sangushka, and the name of the place itself arose from the word “resin, which was once mined in local
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tar mills. from almost anywhere in the town its main attraction is visible, the majestic stone church of the holy virgin mary. it was built in the 18th century at the monastery of the dominican order, the monastery itself appeared here in smolyany back in the 14th century. exact date the construction of the church is unknown, and versions have accumulated here. there are many things, but one thing is certain: the church strikes you at first sight. the once snow-white walls seem to stretch like towers into the sky, like ceremonial lace, softening all the monumentality of the forms and the sharpness of the outline. it is not the symmetry of the façade that reveals in the temple the features of the velensky borocco school, which had a huge influence on the architecture of the 17th and 18th centuries. after the uprising that broke out in... like an ordinary parish.
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we can only guess about the richness of the interior decoration of the temple. however, his classic the layout is immediately noticeable, and numerous legends have reached us, and the most famous one says that a long and wide underground tunnel began here, leading all the way to orsha. the remains of the monastery building, by the way, are also preserved nearby, but they have undergone a number of significant changes. and here, on the pediment of the building, the date of its reconstruction is even preserved. 1937 in the thirties of the 20th century, the buildings of the former dominican monastery were transferred into the ownership of a local collective farm and were used first as a workshop, and then then just like a warehouse. the church of the holy virgin
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mary makes an indelible impression; its power, sophistication and impeccable beauty are definitely worth seeing with your own eyes. well, i ’m off to further study the history frozen in stone. smolensk castle or white kovel was conceived as a palace residence and was built in the second decade of the 16th century by order of prince sangushka. the very name white kovel, by the way, according to one version, was invented by the owner himself. such a vyalik abaronchy complex of requirements was not five bastards, but eight report date.
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i couldn’t tell you what was connected with the legend, especially since the caral bonasforza lived with other bastards, much earlier. once upon a time, smolyansky castle was so majestic and luxurious that it surpassed mir castle in scale. its area was as much as 2 hectares, and of course, such a solid
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castle could not remain without its own ghost. the lady who lived in this castle plowed a simple lad, a vyaskovag and for sustretch eight. just as these underground hads were and published, but they didn’t fall, so let's say, this is the current life, the month of stasunki with the simple salayan lads, the maiden 's relationship with her beloved, and this adbyvaeetsya in the spring evenings, when the fog is in the mist , i'm screaming at the castle of bela komel, and then all the time na lukaya pakoyah getai vezhy, z'yaulyaetstsa yak rush through.
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to introduce yourself to the village tsarka, which is called alyakseyevskaya, the menavita then begins to take the castle from the bela kovel castle and to be to the tsarka and a drop of potassium. the ruler of the meat of tsitou is approaching, he is on the contrary becoming wise to the fact that he wanted and zabaran to drill out that vezha, yakaya daishla yes nashaga chasu. it’s a pity that by that time there was practically nothing to save. and that's it, guys, we can do it. the church of st. alexei or alekseevskaya
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church was built in 1864 in the russian style, it was then that great interest arose in europe in the interpretation and stylization of the russian architectural heritage. published by yana, of course, most of the plantlets are taken from the bela kovel castle, but also, as far as we have our own plantage plant.
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let me remind you that the presidential term of the ukrainian clown expires on march 31, but to leave
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he is in no hurry to take his seat, despite the failure to fulfill election promises, but this is different, not even an hour has passed after the closing of polling stations in belarus, and the state debt ran to declare the effectiveness of parliamentary and local elections, the absence of observers from the osce and forced elections in fear and repression . gosev doesn’t say that in the united states observers are not required, that ballot boxes are opaque for voting, and that there is also uncontrolled early voting by mail. the single voting day passed without incident, the turnout was more than 70%, and the atmosphere of fear and repression looked something like this: at the highest level. everything went at the highest level, at the level of the world standard, an example for the democratic world. united states. sent such a signal to keep the world in suspense, if someone now denies that
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there is no democracy in the republic of belarus, come, look, evaluate, and do not argue. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view of the policy of double standards in the project is something else. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. nowadays there is a huge information flow, which often carries frankly, let's say, such a destructive character in relation to ours. countries in relation to our values, our task, starting from high school, is to teach to think critically, to understand that often behind all these beautiful stories there is a completely different reality, such a large flow of foreign students, master’s students suggests that training in the belarusian the state university as a whole is of very high quality, believe me, the chinese would not send their children, in many families this is the only child in the family, to study in belarus. if they gave a bad education here, our socially oriented state is
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probably the maximum we can afford, we can even say that we don’t want capitalism, but we can’t want socialism, they’ll eat it from one side to the other, because this is not fashionable in the world now, red rag, red rag, yes, say the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel . passa transfiguration church is a unique monument, this time of wooden architecture, which came to us from the eighteenth
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century is of architectural, spiritual and historical value at the same time. the mere fact that the wooden church has survived to this day alive and unharmed already claims to be a miracle. the date of its creation is not truly known. definitely, the ancient temple has seen a lot in its time. lyudmila, tell us a little about the history of this temple. the transfiguration church was built at the end of the 18th century. but there is information that suggests... that already at the end of the 16th century, in 1598, this temple was first mentioned. note, dome, on which paintings from the 14th century have been preserved to this day. here are the 12 apostles depicted on a blue background. the temple, built
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in the borocco style, is striking, with an open dynamic of curvature. the lines are splendid, the triumph of perspective and volume, and are there any surviving icons here, from that time, or this one, which has miraculous properties? an ancient icon, look, of the holy righteous anna, once this icon was even stolen, at mytn, that is, it was returned to our church, but it turns out, is this the value saved? yes, yes, this is a rare icon, the holy righteous anna, and where it was carved, and you can see, you see, you see, where it was carved, it was carved just like that, there is in the temple a copy of the belyni miraculous icon of the mother of god, which streamed myrrh, but on this is not all about miracles yet;
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the church of the transfiguration is unique in that it is two-tiered, the upper part is trees. and the lower one is already stone. lyudmila, as i understand it, fragments of the original walls were left on purpose, right? yes, this is an ancient brick that has survived until present time. there is a special atmosphere of warmth here, but it was, of course, not always so calm and beautiful. during the great patriotic war, the lower part of the temple was used as a wine warehouse, but the doors of the church were not closed. all services were held in the upper church. during the war, there was a raid on the territory of smolyan, a shell hit the temple, yeah, it penetrated, but did not explode. there were people in this temple, even an eyewitness who came to us this year and told us that the little ones and their mother came running here from the village of selets in
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smolyansky temple, they were hiding below. but well, everyone remained alive, thanks to the same miracle, there is nothing to add here, however, the church, which managed to save many lives, then itself needed saving. the temple, the lower altar of the exaltation of the cross, was in a deplorable state. all this was restored by the hands of parishioners and father alexander. these columns were all done by hand. parishioners, the ark, look, pay attention, the ark is also made, the fence is forged from elya, look at how lovingly the grape leaves are made, the lady's cauldron is made manually by father alexander, all this was assembled according to some details, painted,
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this is how the stone temple was restored, as they say, by the whole world. but i couldn’t resist and went to visit one of the local craftsmen, whose hands knitted all the openwork decorations in the church of the transfiguration. lyudmila, i’m just delighted with what you do, it’s incredibly beautiful, different materials, shine , this soft plushness, and here i see that not only shani, you also have vests, and what else do you do , here i am it’s so big, i put it in a bed of lace, and it’s a napkin. uh-huh, that is , she is downright professional, she took second place in the slavic bazaar, and as you continue, you learned from childhood, yes, this is our
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tradition, you can say, yes, sketches of future creations are born spontaneously, whether it will be a shawl or a new dress, depends on inspiration, well, what kind of master is without tools, wow, i certainly expected to see hooks there, but not in such quantity, to be honest, every hook is intended. each thread, and what do you need for this besides a hook, here is a hook and hands, cut a thread, and you can teach me some of your special techniques, well, you can try a little, i haven’t taught anyone, well , let’s get some yellow ones, please, now, if lyudmila hasn’t taught anyone how to knit yet , then i ’ve never tried knitting before, this is definitely the real test for the master, take a thread, like this... like this, hold the hook like a handle like a handle, and take the thread like this, bring the hook under the thread
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, turn it, nothing happens, nothing it doesn’t work, look at the mission for now impossible, and i’m in the lead role, but after only 2 hours, and that’s how you got the loop and then the second one. so in general, if you suffer for a long time, something will work out, here of course you need perseverance and patience, patience and more patience, friends, that’s it, the process has begun, well, yes. it’s turning out well already, well, in general, what i want to say is very good, next time i’ll come to you with my scarf, okay, come,
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i could knit for hours, it’s so interesting and exciting, but it’s time for me to move on. everything you wanted to know about meaning human existence, for everyone there is god's providence; this providence will already be fully revealed in the kingdom of heaven, and it will be even more open during the second coming of christ, when the lord will reward everyone according to their deeds. on the religious education of children. as a priest, i very often try to be at school, and we invite children to our events from school.
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lifestyle, all this and more in the weekly project broadcast 24x7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening. local residents carefully preserve their rich history and traditions, so
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an ethnographic museum has appeared at the smolyansk secondary school, it’s time to get acquainted and warm up. local school, the pride of smolyan and a place of attraction. of course, here, first of all, they teach and learn, but they also hold holidays and interesting events. hello, good afternoon, noble gentlemen, i welcome you to our ethnographic kuku spadchyna. here you will find the joys of the virtuous people, in which our products and syaredzins were mercenary for 20 centuries. i noticed the wreath, can i put it on? well, konstantin, a hat, please.
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it’s so easy to touch on history, and immediately victory, i’ll tell you riddles, and you’ll try to explain them, let’s try, let’s try, they’re draulyans, they’re not great , they’re handy for the hand, they help wash the whites for the azeri tsiroki, and i know, this is a pranik, so where is it found here, like this , that's right, so, we've made a successful start, let's move on,
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two rings.
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if they want to enroll, then they already have a general education school and a music school, it’s very convenient, i’ll say so, the school is over, they put the general education subjects in a briefcase, went down, and the parents how good, what are you learning now, we are currently working on a piece called a circus performance, but can i take a look, it’s for four hands, four, here’s
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an ensemble, right? by the way, i have a small one about my professional musical past, so let’s say, great, you have the opportunity, yes, great, listen, let’s shake the old days, say that it’s exciting, to say nothing , but very interesting, together, i’m afraid. while dmitry and i are playing enthusiastically, elena vladimirovna, as befits a teacher, guides the process. yes, bright and festive, so i wanted to give it a little, a little character, yes, this is a church performance, perhaps the jugglers should come out, so dmitry, straighten your shoulders. now,
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it’s better, any creative team just needs time to work together. cooperation with you, it was a pleasure to work, elena, well, thank you for the opportunity to be present in the process of work and take part in it, but that’s not all, now with him


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